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GREAT WAR 1861 -'65.




(Lieut. -Colonel Seventieth Regiment N. C. T. )









Seventeenth Regiment, by Lieutenant. WUeon G. Lamb 1

Eighteenth Regiment, by Jid^utant WiUianL H. McLaurin 16

Eighteenth Regiment, by Piirale Thomas H. SuUon 65

Nineteenth Regiment, (Second Cav.) by Captain W. A. Oraham. . . 79 Nineteenth Rbqiment, (Second Oav. ) by Brigadier- General Wil- liam P. Roberts 99

Twentieth Regiment, by Brigadier-Oeneral Thomas F. Toon Ill

Twenty-First Regiment, by Major James F. Beall 129

Twenty-First Regiment, by Lieutenant L. E. Powers 147

Twenty-Second Regiment, by Adjutant Oraham Daves 161

Twenty-Thiud Regiment, by Captain V. E. Turner and Sergeant H.

a Wall 181

Twenty-Fourth Regiment, by Coi-poral W. N. Rose 269

Twenty-Fifth Regiment, by Lieutenant Oarland S. Ferguson 291

Twenty-Sixth Regiment, by Assistant Surgeon Oeorge 0. Underwood 303

Twenty-Seventh Regiment, by Captain James A. Graham 425

Twenty-Eighth Regiment, by Brigadier- General J. H. Lane 465

TwENTY-NiNTtt Regiment, by Brigadier-Oeneral Robert B. Vance.... 485

Thirtieth Regiment, by Colonel P. M. Parker 495

Thirty-First Regiment, by Adjutant E. K. Bryan and Sergeant E.

H. Meadows 507

Thirty-Second Regiment, by Private Henry A. London 521

Thirty-Third Regiment, by Major J. A. Weston 537

Thirty-Fourth Regiment, by Lieutenant T. D. Liattimore 581

Thirty-Fifth Regiment, by Captain William H. 8. Burgioyn 591

Thirty-Sixth Regiment, (Second Art. ) by Colonel William Lamb 639

Thirty-Seventh Regiment, by Lieutenant Oclavius A. Wiggins.... 658

Thirty-Eighth Regiment, by Lieutenant- Colonel Oeorge W. Flowers 675

Thirty-Ninth Regiment, by Lieutenant Theo. F. Davidson 699

Thirty-Ninth Regiment, by Lieutenant John M. Davidson 727

Fortieth Regiment (Third Art.), by Sergeant T. C. Davis 745

Forty-First Regiment (Third Cav.), by Sergeant Joshua B. Hill.. 767

Forty-Second Regiment, by Major T. J. Brown 789


1. William F. Martin, Colonel.

2. John C. Lamb, Lieut.-Colonel,

3. Wilson G. Lamb, ad Lieut., Co. F.

4. Gilbert Elliott, 1st Lieut, and Adjt. (Builder of the "Albemarle.")


By WILSON G. LAMB, Second Lieut. Company F.

With the exception of two companies garrisoning Fort Bar- tow on Roanoke Island, the Seventeenth Regiment was cap- tured at Fort Hatteras on the 27th of August, 1861, by the United States naval and land forces, commanded respectively by Commodore Stringliam and General B. F. Butler. The Seventeenth Regiment was officered as follows:

W. F. Maetiw, Colonel.

Geokge W. Johnson, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Heney a. Gilliam, Major.

Gilbert Elliott, Adjutant.

John S. Dancy, Quartermaster.

L. D. Staeke, Commissary.

Wyatt M. Beown, Surgeon.

Fort Clark, commanded by Captain John C. Lamb, a mile up the beach, and Fort Hatteras, near the inlet, under the im- mediate command of Colonel Martin, constituted the defenses of Hatteras Inlet. The garrison, numbering less than 1,000 men, was attacked by the overwhelming land and naval forces of the Federals, and after an heroic defense surrendered as prisoners of war. Shortly thereafter the enemy, under Gen- eral Burnside, moved upon Roanoke Island. The two com- panies constituting the balance of the Seventh Regiment gar- risoned Fort Bartow, and, under the splendid leadership of Captain Fearing and Lieutenant C. G. Elliott, the latter af- terwards the gallant and efficient Adjutant General to Gen- erals Martin and Kirkland, succeeded by the accurate fire of their guns in keeping back the Federal fleet, and only surren- dered after the landing of the Federal troops upon another part of the island, pushing back the Confederates under

2 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Colonel Shaw, and completely flanking the fort. I am in- debted to Captain C. G. Elliott for an incident of this bat- tle which is worthy of being preserved. He writes :

"During the bombardment of Fort Bartow a cannon shot cut down the flag-staff. Instantly Lieutenant Thomas H. Gilliam sprang upon the parapet, amid the storm of shot and shell, and firmly planted the beautiful silk color of the John Harvey Giiards which waved until the order to retire was re- ceived." An historical parallel to the brave act of Sergeant Jasper at Fort Moultrie.

Thus the whole regiment in these two engagements be- came prisoners of Avar. After being exchanged, the Seventh Volunteers (as it was first called) was re-organized at Camp Mangum and became the Seventeenth Regiment N. C. T.

The organization was as follows :

Colonel, W. F. Martin; Lieutenant-Colonel, John C. Lamb; Major, Thos. H. Sharp; Adjutant, Gilbert Elliott; Sergeant Major, Wilson G. Lamb ; A. Q. M., John S. Dancy ; Commissary, L. D. Starke; Surgeon, E. K. Speed.

Company A Captain William Biggs. Company B Captain James J. Leith. Company C Captain William B. Wise. Company D Captain J. M . C. Luke. Company E Captain John L. Swain. Company F- Captain George B. Daniel. Company G Captain Thos. J. ISTorman. Company H Captain Stewart L. Johnson. Company I Captain A. J. M. Whitehead. Company K Captain Howard Wiswall. Company L Captain Lucius J. Johnson.

The Adjutant of the regiment, Gilbert Elliott, was detailed and under his supervision the iron-clad ram "Albemarle," which contributed so largely to the capture of Plymouth, was constructed. Lieutenants M. A. Cotten and Wilson G. Lamb filled his place as Adjutant of the regiment. The Seven- teenth was assigned to service in Eastern North Carolina and

Seventeenth Regiment. 3

performed picket duty watching the enemy at New Bern, Washington and Plymouth. In December, 1862, a detach- ment from the regiment with a squadron of cavalry from Colonel Evans' regiment (Sixty-third North Carolina) and Moore's Battery, all under Lieutenant-Colonel Lamb, cap- tured Plymouth. Another detachment drove the enemy from Washington, N. C. Many minor raids and surprises of the enemy's outposts cleverly managed by Captain William Biggs, Lieutenants Hardison, Grimes, Cotten and others gave indication of what might be expected of the regiment when it should have the opportunity of displaying its fighting quali- ties.

In 1863 the regiment was brigaded with the Forty-second, Fiftieth, and Sixty-sixth Regiments, and placed under the command of Brigadier-General James G. Martin, and sta- tioned at Fort Branch, Kinston and Wilmington, and was thoroughly drilled and disciplined by that splendid organizer find disciplinarian.

On the 2d of February, 1864, the regiment under com- mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Lamb with the Forty-second, Colonel Brown, P arris' Battery of six guns and a squadron of cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Jeffords, the whole under com- mand of General J. G. Martin, attacked the enemy's forts at Newport. After the capture of their block houses and driv- ing in of their outposts, the command moved upon their ,forts and entrenchments. The Seventeenth N. C. on the right assailed their columns in splendid style and pouring over the works captured their guns and barracks. The brave Captain Leith of Company B, was killed. The enemy fled in dismay over the river and did not stop until safely under the guns of Fort Macon. Ten pieces of artillery, 78 prisoners and a large qiiantity of stores were the fruits of this victory. The railroad bridge was burned and the railroad occupied to prevent re-inforcements from Beaufort and Fort Macon being sent to New Bern. Owing to the failure of General Pickett's command to capture New Bern, General Martin's troops were withdrawn the next day. In reference to this battle I quote from the official report of the Federal General,

4 ;N"oeth Caeolina Troops, 1861-'65.

J. M. Palmer, commanding at ISTew Bern under date of Feb- ruary 7, 1864.

"Martin performed his part well."

The great campaign of 1864 was now about to open and the desperate struggle to capture the capital of the Confed- acy to begin. Grant crossed the Eapidan on the 4th of May, with his army of 140,000 men and moved overland upon Richmond. Butler, with 30,000 men and a large naval armament, ascended the James and occupied the Bermuda Hundreds Peninsula, threatening both Richmond and Petersburg. To meet this movement the Confederate forces operating in IvTorth Carolina with troops from South Caro- lina and Georgia were rapidly concentrated at Richmond and Petersburg and placed under General Beauregard's com- mand.

On the 11th of May, the Seventeenth (1,100 strong) fol- lowed by the Forty-second and Sixty-sixth N. C, marched through the streets of Petersburg with their bright bayonets reflecting the morning sunlight to join in the mighty struggle then impending. The battle of Drewry's Bluff on the 17th resulted in forcing Butler back upon his fortified base at Ber- muda hundreds. On the 20th the Confederates were or- dered to assault this line of entrenchments. Mai*tin's bri- gade was upon the extreme Confederate right, and the Seven- teenth, IST. C, was Martin's right regiment sO' it devolved upon this regiment to lead the assault. Them its thorough drilling and discipline proved of great value. Emerging from the woods into the open field with unbroken front and without a halt, at double quick step, its onset was not stopped- until the enemy's works were won and the Confederate ban- ner waved in triumph over Butler's stronghold. The charge was taken up along the line with equal gallantry and success and Butler's forces were driven to shelter under the pro- tection of their gunboats in the James and Appomattox. Thus the "bottling up of Butler," so graphically detailed by General Grant, was complete. The regiment suffered very heavily in this assault, losing about 175 ofiicers and men killed and wounded. The brave and youthful Lieiitenant-

Seventeentpi Regiment. 5

Colonel Lamb fell mortally wounded upon the enemy's works and died a few days thereafter.

Our fighting commissary, Captain L. D. Starke, . now of Norfolk, Va., is entitled to special notice, having sent his wagons to the rear and joined the boys in the front, and par- ticipated in the battle with distinguished bravery. A more gallant soldier never lived.

By the death of Colonel Lamb, Major Sharp became Lieu- tenant-Colonel, and Captain Lucius J. Johnson, Company L, became Major.

A division was created for General R. F. Hoke composed of the brigades of Martin, Colquitt, Hagood and Clingman and was ordered to report to General R. E. Lee.

The battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania had been fought, and Grant in his turning movement had ordered Sheridan's cavalry, supported by Warren's Corps, to seize the heights at New Cold Llarbor.

"Anderson came up on the first of June, with Kershaw's and Hoke's Divisions, and attacking Sheridan drove him back toward Old Cold Harbor, and secured the heights around JSTew Cold Harbor and Gaines' Mill, which he at once pro- ceeded to fortify." The importance and value of this suc- cess can only be realized when it is understood that had Grant's order been carried out the Federals would have occu- pied the ridge, and the Confederates, instead of defending, would have been compelled to assail them, inasmuch as it was the key to the Confederate Capital. The great and decisive battle of Cold Harbor, on 3 June, followed these prelim- inai'y engagements, and resulted in the bloodiest repulse of the Federals known in the history of the war. The Seven- teenth was upon the right of the line, and supported Grandy's (Va.) battery. In its front the enemy's dead were so thickly strewn that one could have walked on tlieir bodies its whole extent. In this battle Lieutenant M. A. Gotten and Private; Benjamin Andrews greatly distinguished themselves, bring- ing into our works the flag of a New York regiment, of Ty- ler's Brigade. The enemy assaulted our lines several times, and during the interval between the assaults, this flag was brought in and temporarily planted upon our works. This

6 ISToETH Oaeolina Teoops^ 1861-'65.

incident unquestionably misled the brave Hancock, who in his official report of the battle claimed that his troops had carried our line, "having seen through his field glasses the Stars and Stripes floating from the enemy's works."

After the battle of Cold Harbor General Grant transferred his army to the south bank of the Appomattox and attempted a coup d'etat at Petersburg.

General Lee, on the 14th, moved Hoke's Division near Drewry's Bluff, in order that it might be in position to act as reserve for his army or go to the support of General Beaure- gard at Petersburg. The Federals under General Smith had advanced to within a few miles of Petersburg and had swept away all our forces in their front and the city was in im- minent danger of capture. The brigades of Hagood and Colquitt had been sent forward by rail and Martin with Clingman was pressing forward by forced marches and ar- rived after midnight of the 15th and commenced to entrench.

The Confederates now numbered about 10,000 men behind their hastily entrenched line. The Federal General Smith had been reinforced by Bumside's Corps which came up at noon and raised the Federal forces to 66,000.

The morning of the 16th was spent in skirmishing and artillery fire. In the afternoon General Hancock, now in command of the Federals, assailed with all his forces and just at sunset broke through General Wise's lines, whose troops went streaming to the rear. These brave men had fought unceasingly for two days and were much exhausted and only yielded when completely overwhelmed. As many of the men of our division as could be spal-ed were hastily gathered from various points on the line and with the rem- nant of Wise's brigade being organized in a compact body were hurled upon the victorious Federals the right wing of the Seventeenth joining in the attack. The Federals were driven out and our line re-established. Warren's Corps had now come up, which increased the Federal army to four corps numbering 90,000 and no reinforcements had reached General Beauregard from General Lee.

The battle re-opened on the 17th, at noon. Three times were the Federals repulsed but as often resumed the offen-


1. L. J. Johnson, Major 2. Geo. B Daniel, Captain, Co F

3 William Biggs, Captain, Co. A.

Seventeenth Regiment. 7

sive. At dusk on the extreme right our lines "were again broken and partially restored by the timely arrival of Gracie's Brigade, the conflict raging until 11 o'clock.

During these engagements Beauregard's engineers had been at work selecting a line nearer the city shorter and stronger, being the line afterwards held during the siege. Af- ter midnight our troops were withdrawn to this new line. Our skirmishers being left in the old works with instructions to de- lay the advance of the enemy in order to gain as much time as possible for our troops to fortify the new line. The writer of this had the honor of commanding the skirmishers of his regiment and can testify to their brave and determined resist- ance, in connection with other commands, which resulted in keeping back the enemy until 3 o'clock p. m. of that day (18th).

Fortunately about this time Field's and Kershaw's Divis- ions of General Lee's army arrived, which swelled the Con- federate forces to 20,000 against 90,000 of the enemy's.

About 3 p. m. a general and final assault was given. It was urged with as great pertinacity and was resisted with equal determination as those preceding. Before dark it ended in a complete repulse of the Federals along the whole of our front. In these series of engagements the regiment lost many of its most valued officers and brave men. Lieu- tenants Perry, Hobbs, Pope and others were among the killed.

The writer would desire to appear not ungrateful to his comrade and friend. Lieutenant W. J. Hardison (now sheriff of Martin county) and at the risk of being personal, wishes to place on record the act of his brave friend, who, at the risk of his own life, sprang over our breastworks during the ene- my's last assault and bore his wounded friend in his arms to safety behind them.

I am indebted to General Hagood's recent address for much information as to data, etc., of these battles and note with pleasure his closing words : "I have told the story of Petersburg without comment. The narrative itself is an im-

8 NoETH Caeolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

mortelle and a reverently lay it upon the tomb of Beaure- gard, the soldier."

Foiled in his attempt to carry Petersburg by storm Gen- eral Grant now laid siege to the city. I cannot better de^ scribe the hardships endured by the brave soldiers than to make extracts from the recent address of Captain Elliott.

"At the beginning of the siege, June 20th, the report of Martin's Brigade occupying Colquitt's salient showed 2,200 men for duty. In September, when they were relieved, the total force was 700, nothing but living skeletons. Occupy- ing the sharp salient, the work was enfiladed on both flanks by direct fire and the mortar shells came incessantly down from above. Every man was detailed every night, either on guard duty or to labor with pick and spade repairing works knocked down during the day. There was no shelter that summer from sun or rain. JSTo food could be 'cooked there but the scanty provisions were brought in bags on the shoul- ders of men from the cook yard some miles distant. The rations consisted of one pound of pork and three pounds of meal consisted 'iwcbe

meal for three days no coffee, no sugar, no vegetables, no grog, no tobacco, nothing but the bread and meat. No won- der that the list of officers was reduced to three Captains and a few Lieutenants with but one staff officer, (spared through God's mercy) to this brigade of 700 skeletons. But every feeble body contained an unbroken spirit and after the Fall months came those who had not fallen into their graves or been disabled, returned to their colors and saw them wave in victory in their last fight at Bentonville."

In July their beloved Brigade Commander, General Mar- tin, was transferred to North Carolina and General Kirkland became his successor. General Martin was greatly beloved by his soldiers. They had the most tmbounded confidence in his military skill and admiration for his personal bravery illustrated on every battlefield where they had followed him. In October the brigade was sent to the Kichmond front and participated in the minor engagements of Henrico C. H., Charles City Road and others, maintaining its high reputa- tion for bravery.

Advices having reached General Lee of the preparation by

Seventeenth Regiment. 9

the Federals of a land and naval expedition for the capture of Fort Fisher, Hoke's division was sent to its relief. The Seventeenth and parts of the Forty-second and Sixty-sixth reginaents were the advance of the division and reached Wil- mington at 1 a. m. on 24 December, and, after being lunched at the depot by the patriotic ladies of that city, took up the line of march for Fort Fisher, the Seventeenth bivouacking there on the night of the same day. The enemy having edEEected a landing at Fort Gatling on the ocean side, the regiment was withdrawn from Fort Fisher on the morning of the 25th, and moving down the military road were ordered to attack Butler's troops. ISTorman's company in front, supported by the balance of the regiment, deployed as skirmishers, assailed the enemy. General Kirkland in his official report said :

"Lieutenant-Colonel Sharp, Seventeenth N". C, pressed close upon and drove their skirmish line back upon, their main body, which was covered by the guns of at least thirty men of war lying broadside to the beach. Captain Norman, Company G, deserves special notice."

A Lieutenant and ten men were captured. The regiment lost three men killed and twenty wounded in this engage- ment.

Before the arrival of the balance of our division, Butler had re-embarked his troops and thus ended the powder-ship fiasco and the military career of this modern Falstaff he being relieved by General Grant.

The ease with which this land and naval attack was re- pulsed, undoubtedly created in the mind of General Bragg an undue feeling of security. Not anticipating a renewal of the attack on Fort Fisher, unfortvinately the division was withdrawn to Wilmington.

On the afternoon of 14 January, whilst the regiments of the division were on dress parade in Wilmington, the enemy had reappeared before Fort Fisher and were land- ing their forces, and before the division could be transported to Sugar Loaf, the bulk of the Federal forces had landed and, pushing that night across the peninsula, constructed a line of field works from the ocean to the Cape Fear, thus cutting

10 ISToETH Oaeoliwa Teoops, 1861-'65.

off all land eominuiiication between Hoke's Division and Fort Fisher. This line of works was held by a negro division, commanded by General Paine and a white brigade tinder General Joseph C. Abbott, who afterwards misrepresented North Carolina in the United States Senate.

At 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 15th, the skirmishers of Kirkland's Brigade, which was on the left of our line, under command of Lieutenant Lamb, were ordered to drive back the enemy's pickets to enable Generals Bragg and Hoke, to make a reconnoissance of the enemy's position. The effort was only partially successful, owing to several of the enemy's ships which were lying close to the shore, having opened a terrible enfilading fire upon our skirmishers so soon as they appeared on the open sand beach; but further to the right where the small undergrowth was some protection, the ene- my's skirmish line was driven in and their rifle-pits occu- pied, giving opportunity for an examination of the enemy's position. The writer recalls the calm and heroic bearing of the modest and gallant Hoke who withdrew from the recon- noissance with two bullet holes through his coat. For rea- sons satisfactory, I presume, to General Bragg, no assault was made, notwithstanding at this moment the enemy had withdrawn Abbott's Brigade and a portion of Wright's negro Brigade to join in the assaunlt upon Fort Fisher, which was then in progress.

The troops at the time in our front were all negroes and did not number more than 2,500, defending a line of a mile in extent. That evening Fort Fisher after a most gallant de- fense, surrendered, and the last port of the Confederacy was closed forever.

Several small engagements approaching closely to the dig- nity of battles followed the fall of Fisher, in all of which the enemy were repulsed. The rapid advance of Sherman from the South made the evacuation of Wilmington a mere quesr tion of time and on 22 February, Kirkland's Bri- gade, forming the rear guard of our army, marched sadly and leisurely through the streets of our "City by the Sea," and Wilmington passed under Federal control. Continuing our retreat up the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, the

Seventeenth Eegiment. 11

army, after crossing the North Kiver, halted for the night. The enemy's cavalry pursued up to this point and attempted by sudden dash to prevent the burning of the bridge over the railroad. They were promptly encountered by our rear guard, under the brave Captain 0. G. Elliott, and were re- pulsed, sustaining heavy loss. The next day the march was resumed and without further fighting the army reached Groldsboro a few days thereafter.

And now the closing scenes of the bloody drama of the Civil War was to be enacted upon the soil of N"orth Carolina. Goldsboro became the objective point of three armies. Sher- man with T0,000 men was advancing northward. Schofield with his army corps of 21,000 raised the Federal forces to 30,000 at Wilmington ; and Cox's Division arriving at New Bern increased Palmer's command to 15,000. These differ- ent armies aggregating 115,000 men, if allowed to concen- trate, would make short work of the Confederate forces whose total, including the remnant of Hood's army, did not reach 40,000 men. The hope of successful resistance was indeed forlorn and the only chance of any success was to fight these armies separately.

The column under General Cox advancing from New Bern, was encountered near Wise's Fork on the 8th of March, by Hoke's Division, reinforced by the Sixty-seventh and Sixty- eighth North Carolina, and the Junior and Senior reserves. Leaving, at midnight, tlieir entrenchments along the line of a creek, Kirkland's, Hagood's and Colquitt's Brigades under the guide of Colonel Nethercut of the Sixty-sixth North Car- olina, (who was familiar with the country) found themselves at day dawn on the flank and rear of the enemy, and forming line of battle in echelon of brigades, Kirkland's leading, burst upon the surprised enemy and drove them in rapid flight to the rear, capturing 1,000 prisoners and 4 pieces of artillery. The enemy had been driven nearly a mile when Palmer's Division appeared upon our right flank. The Seventeenth was on our extreme right and its advance having thus become arrested immediately changed front to meet the enemy, and not knowing their force, boldly charged the division and drove back that part of it in our front, wounding their com-

12 ISToETH Caeolina Troops, 1861-'65.

mander, General Palmer. Finding itself overlapped right and left, it deployed as skirmishers with both wings reversed, and held its position until reinforcements were brought up under the personal command of General Hoke, and thus had the honor of preventing the flanking of our army. Later a congratulatory order from General Kirkland was read to the regiment on dress parade at Goldsboro complimenting it upon its splendid achievement.

The enemy proceeded to fortify their position, and on the 10th General Bragg sought to employ the same strategy in again attacking the enemy. It was contemplated by recon- noissance in force to develop the enemy's extreme left and renew our turning movement of two days before. Kirk- land's Brigade was assigned this duty, supported by the other brigades of the division. Our skirmishers were thrown out, supported by the brigade, and engaging the enemy's pickets, drove them rapidly before us. The enemy's works were de- veloped and, not knowing that it was intended that we should not assault, we rushed upon the works under the heaviest fire which we had ever received. Notwithstanding the brigade had lost one-half of its number, it reached the abatis and slashing and held its position until ordered to withdraw. In this assault the heroic Captain Elliott added another gem to the crown of his military fame. The gallant Lieutenant Grimes, distinguished in many battles, had been desperately wounded and became a prisoner. This is the only battle in which the regiment was ever repulsed, and even here it felt that if it had received support its colors would have been planted upon the enemy's works. Sherman having reached Averasboro it became necessary to concentrate all available troops in his front and Hoke's Division was withdrawn and sent by rail to Smithfield Depot and marched thence via Smithfield to Bentonville. The army of General Sherman was moving from Averasboro to Goldsboro, upon two roads running parallel and about ten miles apart. Otir division swelled our army to about 15,000 men, against Sherman's 70,- 000. On tlie morning of the 19th Jefferson C. Davis' and Slo- cum's Corps, numbering about 35,000 men were attacked by

Seventeenth Regiment. 13

our troops and driven back a considerable distance, three guns and nine hundred prisoners falling into our hands.

The other corps of Sherman's army came up and v^^ere thrown on our left flank, which had become much advanced in the battle of the previous day. In consequence of this movement it became necessary to change the position of our army. The brigade of Kirkland, deployed as skirmishers, held the enemy in check while the entire army changed front, and thereafter occupied a position in the centre and joined in the repulse of the many and furious charges of the Feder- als. In this battle Captain William Biggs, Company A, was greatly distinguished for his intrepid bravery. The brigade received the special commendation of General Jos. E. John- son for its valued services in this engagement.

Thus closes the volume of the bloody record of the Seven- teenth North Carolina troops and their brave companions of associated commands.

The army was withdrawn, retiring through Raleigh and Chapel Hill and was surrendered to General Sherman at Centre Church, Randolph county, at the final capitulation.

Supplementing this record it would not be amiss to state that the flag of the Seventeenth North Carolina Troops saved at the surrender by Private Abel Thomas, of Com- pany A, was unfurled at the unveiling of the Confederate monument at Raleigh on 20 May, 1895, and beneath its tattered and bulletrriddled folds the veteran survivors marched to do honor to their dead heroic comrades.

Wilson G. Lamb^ Second Lieutenant Company Y.


26 April, 1901.


1. John D. Barry, Colonel. 4. Win. H. McLaurin, let Lient. and Adjt

8. E. H. Cowan, Colonel. 5. Evander N. Robeson, 1st Lieut Co K

3. Marcus W. Buie, Captain, Co. B. 6. Alex. E. Smith, Sergeant Co P



In the stirring times of 1860-61 North Carolina was de- votedly attached to the American Union.

Her election in August, 1868, for State officers showed the bias of her people, and when Governor Ellis in February, 1861, issued a call for a convention and election of delegates thereto, they not only voted down the convention, but elected a majority of delegates who were pronounced unionists, many of them the most trusted leaders of the State. Had they assembled in Convention their deliberations would have been on broad lines and fearless.

Our action encouraged Virginia and Tennessee, whose con- ventions deliberated long and well.

"Let us reason together" was the method of North Carolina, and she sent peace commissioners to Washington not to cringe and fawn but to use every honorable means to avoid bloody war. All that could be done was unavailing, and all the ave- nues of adjustment were closed by President Lincoln on the 15 April, 1861, by calling for 75,000 troops to coerce the seceding States.

This effectually settled all differences of opinion with us as to what should be done. The most ardent union men of the State joined the most fiery secessionist, in saying to our sis- ter States, "Thy people shall be my people, thy God my God," and right nobly did they redeem the pledge.

On receipt of the call for troops, Virginia promptly passed her ordinance of secession, and Tennessee followed in a few days.

The call for a convention, and election of delegates, was sustained with practical unanimity, . and on 20 May,

16 North Carolina Troops. 1861-65.

1861, North Carolina seceded. Volunteer companies had been formed all over the State, and, generally, waited for State authority for mobilization. Some companies and reg- iments, however, went to the front as soon as formed.

The Legislature which met 1 May provided for ten regi- ments of State troops for the war, the officers appointed by the governor and ten regiments of Volunteers for one year, the officers elected by companies, and field officers elected by com- pany officers.

Of the companies that assembled around Wilmington, on the Cape Fear defences, four from the coimty of New Hano- ver (three of them from Wilmington), two from Bladen, one" from Robeson, and one from Richmond were formed into the Eighth Regiment of volunteers, viz :

Company A Captain C. Cornehlson, Wilmington. Company B Captain Robert Tait, Bladen. Company C Captain Forney George, Colimibus. CoiEPANY D Captain William S. Norment, Robeson. Company E Captain John R. Hawes, jSTew Hanover, (now Pender).

Company F Captain Charles Malloy, Richmond. Company G Captain Henry Savage, Wilmington. Company H Captain I). H. Gore, Columbus. CoiiPANY I Captain O. P. Meares, Wilmington. Company K Captain George Tait, Bladen.

Of these companies A, G, and I were organized companies many years before the war.

Company A, "The German Volimteers," Avas the only com- pany in the State of distinctively foreign citizenship. Com- pany G, "The Wilmington Light Infantry," and Company T, "The Wilmington Rifle Guards," being up on tactics, fur- nished many officers for companies and regiments throughout the State, and the personnel of their officers and men were frequently changed. At one time Company I was composed of one hundred men ranging from 16 to 22 years of age, and only one married man among them.

Company F, "The Scotch Boys," when mustered into ser-

Eighteenth Regiment. 17

(^ice had 94 ofRcers and men. Sixty of them were 6 feet to 6 feet 4 inches high, 24 over 5 feet 10 inches, 7 over 5 feet 8 inches, and 3 under 5 feet 8 inches, making an average height for the whole company of 6 feet 1% inches, believed to be un- precedented for so large a company, in the Confederate or Federal armies, if it does not challenge the armies of the world, for a company not especially selected.

Nine of the above companies were moved from their sev- eral rendezvous to Camp Wyatt, named in honor of H. L. Wy- att, the first soldier killed in regular battle in the Southern army, on the lands of James Burriss, near the head of the sound (about one mile from the present site of Carolina Beach, a popular resort), and about 1 July elected field of- ficers.

Major James D. Radcliff, who had been a principal of a military school in Wilmington for several years, and was then connected with the engineer department of the Cape Fear defences, was elected colonel. Captain 0. F. Meares, Company I, was elected lieutenant-colonel, and Captain George Tait, of Company K, who was stationed at a bat- tery near Federal Point lighthouse, was elected Major.

Charles D. Myers, of Company G, was appointed Adju- tant; Anthony D. Cazaux, Company I, was appointed Cap- tain, and A. Q. M. ; Duncan McNeill, Company F, Captain and A. C. S. ; Dr. James A. Miller, Company G, Surgeon ; Dr. Charles Lesesne, Company K, Assistant Surgeon ; Dr. Simpson Russ, Company K, Assistant Surgeon; Rev. Colin Shaw, Company K, Chaplain.

Colonel Radcliffe was an excellent drill master and disci- plinarian, and soon had the regiment in good shape.

About the middle of September, Companies F and I' were sent to Fort Fisher, and Company K from its vicinity, was sent across New Inlet channel to a battery on Zeke's Island. A few weeks later the other seven companies joined F and I and engaged in laying the foundation of Fort Fisher, that later proved to be one of the strongholds of the Confederacy.

Confusion arising from numbering both classes of troops from 1 to 10, it was decided by the State authorities to change the numbers of tlie volunteer regiments, enumerating them 2

18 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

from 11 to 20. Thus the Eighth volunteers became the Eighteenth ISTorth Carolina troops, and was afterwards th\is known.

On 7 November, orders were received to go to the aid of Port Royal, S. C, and in a few hours all of our equipage was on the banks of the Cape Eear, at Sugar Loaf Landing, awaiting transportation, where, by a miscarriage of orders, steamer after steamer passed us by, and we re- mained thirty-six hours. During this time Company K, that was to remain on Zeke's Island, kept its water-craft busy crossing the inlet, and offered all sorts of inducements to any company to exchange places, but no proposition would be en- tertained by either company or any individual to remain. We had acquired the soldier habit of complaining that we were not supplied with camp necessities, but in the light of after experiences our baggage and kitchen equipment was simply immense.

It is safe to say that our nine companies had more cooking utensils than A. P. Hill's corps, to which we afterward be- longed, had at any time in 1863-64-65.

At Wilmington we were again delayed a day, also at Charleston, S. C. Here we heard of the downfall of Beau- fort. Our disappointment was great. Enthusiastic expecta- tion changed to abject despair. Would the war really close before we got a chance at battle ? Alas ! no. '

We disembarked at Pocataligo, midway between Charles- ton and Savannah, and spent the winter at Camp Stephens, on Huguenin's farm, drilling and guarding the lagoons of the coast below the Coosahatchie, assisted by Trenholm's bat- tery and Colonel John C. Calhoun's regiment of cavalry, a part of the time under the command of Brigadier-General Robert E. Lee, whose headquarters were two or three miles distant.

The amateur talent of the regiment relieved the monotony of camp life with entertainments drama, charade, bur- lesque. Especially enjoyable was a "Review of the Army," in which oiir Irish wit, Ned Stanton, "riding on an ass' colt," easily took rank as the burlesque reviewer of the war.

Altogether, we spent a pleasant winter, playing soldier in

Eighteenth Regiment. 19

that genial clime, though greatly disappointed several timos by the cavalry making false alarms of the Yankees landing, and pillaging the coast plantations.

Coloned Radcliffe put a stop to these alarms by sending Lieutenant-Colonel Meares down the coast with three com- panies and a week's rations.

The first night Corporal W. H. McLaurin Avas in charge of the outpost at a landing near Donkey Island, which outpost was reached by a dam across the marsh, and a hundred yards or more from high land. About 10 o'clock the "yanks" be- gan assembling at the island. The cavalryman, who was on duty to act as courier, explained their tactics, and the posi- tion of the different landings. Splash ! Splash ! ! Splash ! ! ! Their oars are distinctly heard coming our way.

Let me go for the reserve, plead the cavalryman. Wait till we see something was replied. There was a lull in the oaring, which was accounted for by him as landing a part be- low us, when a part would go to a landing above, and cap- ture all of us. This appeared to be true the oaring began again, nearly all the boats taking a different channel from the one we wore on.

The cavalryman started for his horse, on the mainland, ro go for the companies, and was so persistent that we had to threaten to shoot him to get him back. The men were ar- ranged so as to receive them, warmly, at the landing. We all lay flat on our corntops, taken from a nearby corn field, and arranged behind an embankment to keep us out of the mud, only one head above the bank as an outlook. The oar- ing again ceased. "Thes lan-lan-landing ! le-le-let me go mis- ter !" The reply was in equally jerky tones. "Sta-sta-stay-right there." A death-like silence reigned around, except that the loose ends of the cornstalks, from some cause, rustled like a cane-brake in a storm. Scared, but determined, we lay awaiting the landing of the raiders. A minute seemed an hour the tension is at last relieved. Splash ! Splash : ! Splash ! ! ! A school of porpoises rose in front of our land- ing, and went ^merrily on their way.

We welcomed our midnight relief, laughed heartily at the cavalryman and had no more alarms.

20 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'U5.

In March, 1862, Major George Tait resigned and Captain Forney George, Company C, was promoted Major; Lieutenant C. C. Gore became Captain of Compa- ny C.

On 14 March orders came for the regiment to go to ISTew Bern, IST. C, and in a few hours everything was on the cars, and speeding for that ill-fated Athens of JSTorth Carolina. At Wilmington we heard of its fall. Here wo were joined by Captain T. J. Purdie, with Company K, froin Zeke's Island. The regiment proceeded to Kinston, where the New Bern garrison was encamped, under command of General L. O'B. Branch. These troops with the reinforc<i' ments sent them were formed into two brigades the last days of March, the First brigade commanded by General Robert Ransom and the Second by General Branch. The latter was composed of the Seventh, Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth, Thirty- third and Thirty-seventh North Carolina regiments, from that time to the close of the war.

On 24 April, 1862, the regiment was reorganized, with almost an entire change of officers. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert H. Cowan, of the Third North Carolina, was elected Colonel. Captain Thomas J. Purdie, Company K, was elected Lieiitenant-Colonel and Major Forney George was re- elected.

Lieutenant Samuel B. Waters, of the Third North Caro- lina, was appointed Adjutant, Captain A. D. Cazaux remained as Quartermaster, ex-Captain Robert Tait was appointed A. C. S., Dr. James A. Miller remained Surgeon, with former assistants. Chaplain Colin Shaw became Chaplain to the Sixty-first North Carolina regiment.

Private Thomas W. Brown, Company I, was elected Cap- tain of Company A, Lieutenant Wilie J. Sikes, Company B, elected Captain ; Lieutenant W. K. Gore was elected Captain of Company C ; First Sergeant M. C. Lee was elected Cap- tain of Company D ; Second Lieutenant Fred Thompson was elected Captain of Company E; Second Lieutenant Daniel M. McLaurin was elected Captain of Company F; Captain Henry Savage was re-elected Captain of Company G; Lieu- tenant M. A. Byrne was elected Captain of Company H ; Pri-

Eighteenth Regiment. 21

vate John D. Barry was elected Captain, of Company I ; Lieu- tenant R. M. DeVane was elected Captain of Company K.

A few of the Lieutenants were retained in the same or ad- vanced to a higher grade, but generally new men were selected for officers.

On 2 May the brigade broke camp and embarked for Virginia in sections. The Eighteenth Regiment left on the 7th and arrived at Richmond next day, bivouaced a couple of days at Howard's G-rove, then on the outskirts of the incorporation, now a populous section of the city, and ar- rived at G-ordonsville on the 10th. In a few days we marched towards the valley to join Stonewall Jackson. Every foot moved with a light and steady step and the expression of sat- isfaction was on the countenance of all.

When about to cross the Blue Ridge at Massanutten Gap orders were received to return to Gordonsville. The next week the same route was gone over. A few days after our second return our baggage was loaded on the train and wo started towards Richmond. At Hanover Court House we again went into camp. Here Branch was reinforced with Colonel Hardeman, Forty-fifth Georgia, part of Latham's artillery and some of Robertson's regiment of cavalry.

The sick, and the extra aaggage, were sent to Richmond, and on the 26th Branch marched towards the Chickahominy, Johnston's left camping that night between Peake's turnout and Slash Church.

On the 27th Branch fought the battle of Hanover Court House with about 4,000 men, engaging General Porter's reg- ulars and Sedgwick's command of about 12,000. Colonel James H. Lane, with the Twenty-eighth Regiment, was sent back to hold the crossing at Taliaferro's Mill, where two companies of the Thirty-seventh were on duty.

Porter came in between the brigade and the Twenty- eighth Regiment on a road leading towards Mechanicsville. The Eighteentli and Thirty-seventh Regiments were sent to Lane's relief and found Porter's pickets at Peake's, which they drove back upon the line of regulars at the aforemen- tioned road.

Colonel Cowan was placed with the Eighteenth on the

22 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

right of the Hanover road and Colonel Lee with the Thirty- seventh was sent through a wood to his right to attack Por- ter's flank. About this time a train arrived with the Twelfth North Carolina, Colonel Wade, which, with the Thirty-third, was placed on the left of the road, and drove back to the road the flankers put out by Porter. As Porter had no line be- yond the road these regiments had no further engagement.

The Eighteenth Regiment made a splendid attack on Por- ter's front line and drove it back to the Mechanicsville road, where the ditch bank and wicker fence afforded fine defen(\^. From this cover Porter's volleys did great damage, and th'^ Eighteenth was compelled to move by the right flank to a wood some 200 yards to the right, to get some protection. From this wood the unequal fight was carried on. The Thirty-seventh was further to our right and engaged with lis till ordered to withdraw.

We lost very heavily in this action, some companies losing 50 per cent, in killed and wounded. Our first experience in war was a bloody baptism. "The Bloody Eighteenth" was a well earned title.

General Branch, in his report, says of it : "Colonel Cowan with the Eighteenth made the charge most gallantly, but the enemy's force was much larger than had been supposed, and strongly posted, and the gallant Eighteenth was compelled to seek shelter. It continued to pour heavy volleys from the edge of the woods and must have done great execution. The steadiness with which this desperate charge was made re- flects the highest credit on officers and men. The Thirt;y- seventh found the xindergrowth so dense as to retard its pro- gress, but when it reached its position it po^lred a heavy and destructive fire upon the enemy. This combined volley from the Eighteenth and Thirty-seventh compelled the enemy to leave his battery for a time, and take shelter behind a ditcli bank."

After stating the positions of his forces and the purposes of his engagement, continuing, he says: "Finding I could no longer remain without being surrounded, and hearing of no remforceanents, and feeling assured from the firing that Lane had made good his retreat to Hanover Coxirt House, I deter-

Eighteenth Regiment. 23

mined to draw off. This, always difficult in the presence of a superior enemy, was rendered comparatively easy by the precaution I had taken not to engage my whole force. Camp- bell was ordered to place the Seventh across the road so as to receive the enemy if they should attempt to follow. Orders were then sent to Lee and Cowan to withdraw in order. They were hotly engaged when the order was received, but promptly withdrew. Colonel Cowan, in an especial manner, attracted my attention by the perfect order in which he brought out his regiment, notwithstanding the severe and long continued fire he had received from both infantry and artillery. The regi- ment marched to the rear without haste or confusion and went up the Ashland road."

The command reached Ashland during the night, and the next day marched to the left of Johnson's line, inside the Chickahominy, near Chamberlain's. The Eighteenth guard- ed the crossing several days. Here an occurrence took place that had its influence on this and other North Carolina bri- gades during the war, perhaps accounting for their scant newspaper notoriety, in contrast with certain other com- mands.

When Richmond papers came into camp two of them had communications relative to the engagement of the Twenty- seventh, gingerly criticising General Branch for withdrawing without fighting all his force for all they were worth, vigor- ously protesting that that was what the troops were there for, etc. This was breezy.

Greneral Branch sent his aide. Major Blount, to the edi- tors, and got each article, then sent for Captain , of

the Thirty-seventh, and Lieutenant , of the Thirty- third, to come to headquarters.

He received them in that open, easy manner of which he was master, and entertained them with such courtesy as put them entirely at ease. Handing each his communication he asked "Is that your signature for the purpose therein ex- pressed," with the deliberation of a clerk in chancery probat- ing, a paper.

They recognized that a condition, not a theory, confronted

24 North Carolina Troops, 18t)l-'65.

them, sweated the great sweat of confusion and acknowl- edged their deeds.

He then handed Captain the following and asked

him to read it aloud :


June 3rd, 1862. Brigadier General L. O'B. Branch, Commanding, Etc. :

The report of your recent engagement with the enemy ft Slash Church has been forwarded by Major General Hill. I take great pleasure in expressing my approval of the manner in which you have discharged the duties of the position in which you were placed, and of the gallant manner in which your troops opposed a very superior force of the enemy. I beg you will signify to the troops of your command, which were engaged on that occasion, my hearty approval of their conduct, and hope that on future occasions they will evince a like heroism and patriotic devotion.

I am very respectfully your obedient servant.

RoBEET E. Lee.

Through Major General A. P. Hill.

They frankly deferred to the opinion of General Lee, as to the merits of Branch's actions in the engagements of the 27th, and the pardon they asked he freely gave them.

They returned to their commands with a changed opinion as to what they knew about war, fully resolved, thereafter, to attend to the duties that lay next to their door. ,

General Lee's letter of approval was read that evening to each regiment of Branch's brigade on dress parade, and there were two men who looked very intently at something on the ground in front of them during its reading.

The story spread through camp and we had no more war correspondents.

Wait till you hear from General Lee was the rule with the North Carolina troops, leaving to others to make reputa- tion by printers ink.

Colonel Lane with the Twenty-eighth, had hard fighting to

Eighteenth Regiment. 25

keep from capture, and being cut off, made quite a detour to get into the line of the Chickahominy, taking two or three days. After the battle of Seven Pines, on the 31st, in which General Joseph E. Johnston .was severely wounded. General R. E. Lee was placed in command of the Army of Northern Virginia. Brigadier-General Ambrose Powell Hill, for gal- lantry in that battle, and others of the Peninsular campaign, was made Major-General, and six brigades assigned to his division, that of Branch among them.

From Chamberlain's we were moved to Brook Church on the pike near Richmond, and did duty at Crenshaw, Meadow Bridge and telegraph road crossings.

On 25 June the brigade moved to Crenshaws, and next morning crossed the Chickahominy above the Meadow Bridge road. Near Atlee's station, a part of the Seventh and Thirty-third Regiments, in driving in the enemy, had a few men wounded. They captured a flag and a lot of prisoners. This was the first blood spilled, and trophy of the gory seven day's fight. Branch turning their right caused the Yankees alarm, and A. P. Hill crossed the division at the lower roads with comparative ease.

McClellan made a stand at Mechanicsville, and a brisk en- gagement was carried on, till night put a stop to it. The Eighteenth was on the left of the line, under cannonading, from which we lost three men.

During the night the enemy withdrew their main forces, and their rear guard only was encountered next morning. Pursuit was made, and the enemy found at Gaines' Mill, or Cold Harbor, where General McClellan had concentrated his troops in a naturally very strong position.

Branch's brigade was among the first in the battle and did good service. The Eighteenth fought on the right of a road, crossing a swamp, and found the enemy strongly en- trenched on the high bluff on the opposite side, with abatis iti front We charged with vigor, but did not succeed in carry- ing the position. Falling back into the marsh we would re- form and return to the charge, with like result.

Colonel Cowan in his report of the battle, says : "Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock we were put in the fight at Cold Harbor.

26 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

By your order my line of battle was formed on tlie right the road and in this order I advanced through the dense woods, in which the enemy were posted. A small ravine, deep and boggy, compelled ug to flank still further to the right. By this means I became separated from the remain- der of the brigade, Avhich had been formed on the left, and for a long time was wholly without assistance in my attempts upon the enemy's position. Again and again was that posi- tion assailed, and again and again were we repulsed by vastly superior numbers. Regiment after regiment sent into the same attack, shared the same fate, and it was not until late in the afternoon when the continuous arrival of fresh troops had given xis something like an equality of forces, that any decided impression was made upon the enemy. His posi- tion was carried in that last charge which swept his whol'} army from the field in a perfect rout. In this fight though I was perfectly satisfied with the conduct of my regiment, the position of the enemy was such that we were exposed to heavy fire from the flank as well as from the front, and though the regiment was frequently broken, and compelled to fall back, yet I did not once lose command of it. The men re-formed with alacrity, and my commands were obeyed with the promptness, if not the precision of drill."

In the last charge that we made the writer, with others, passed through the abatis, and got protection from the ene- my's fire, under the bank their breastworks were on. Though the regiment did not capture their strong position, as it re- tired we had the satisfaction of seeing the Yanks abandon their works a drawn fight, as it were.

We ascended the hill to the field in rear of their breast- works, and were there when Whiting's division of Jackson's forces, came on the field in column, the Texas brigade in front.

We looked up our kinsman, Lieutenant James T. McLau- rin. Company B, Fourth Texas, and marched along with him some quarter of a mile or more, before retiirning to our command. The enemy appeared to have abandoned their works, for at least a half a mile along this swamp, as the re- sult of the determined attacks that had been made upon

Eighteenth Regiment. 27

them, and had fallen back behind a deep ravine running into it, where Whiting found them. Tliere was little firing any- where at that time.

Soon after I left the Texas brigade, the battle was opened by AVhiting, and the -rattle of musketry was incessant till well in the night, such as was rarely heard on any battle field. The Confederates displayed their fighting qualities on all this field but to Whiting's division belongs the credit of the rout of ''the little giants" mighty men of valor, not that his troops did it alone, but he gave them the grand bounce the Texas brigade being the first to break their lines and with the assistance of gallant comrades McOlellan's army was kept moving. Night put distance between him and that horrible rebel yell, and he abandoned much valuable army supplies. The field, next day, gave abundant evidence of desperate fighting on both sides. Saturday was spent in burying the many dead upon the field, and gathering the trophies of battle.

Monday evening, the 30th, the enemy was overtaken at Frazier's farxn and about 4 p. m., our brigade was engaged on the right of the road, charging the enemy's line that was strongly posted and well defended. Sweeping across an open field, the Eighteenth Kegiment charged a battery in the yard of a farm house, strongly supported by infantry. They gave us a warm reception with grape, canister, and minie, and were greatly aided by those on their left, who gave us a galling flank fire so trying at all times ^before becoming engaged with those on our right, who did not advance as quickly as we did. With a yell and a rush, everything was carried before us, and at a fearful cost in killed and wounded. At the woods beyond the house the regiment was re-formed and advanced again, with the brigade, through a strip of woods, and another field, routing the enemy. On Tuesday, 1 July, we were not actively engaged at Malvern Hill simply held the position assigned us, when we came on the field in the afternoon. We were under fire of the land batteries and the gunboats, a shell from the latter wounding a few men. The rest of the week we spent on Mc- Olellan's flank clearing it of straggling parties and on Sunday

28 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

bivouaced near Charles City C. H., in a thicket of old field pines. Here a strange accident occurred. A musket fell from a stack of guns and was discharged, wounding Lieuten- ant George W. Huggins, Company I, in the foot. He was asleep. It was a rude awakening, and from it he goes limp- ing through life. There was no one near the guns, and on being examined it was at half-cock, and very hot. Had the hammer been on the cap it would have been readily accounted for, by its hitting the ground. It was evidently a rare case of sunheat-shooting. Had any one been reasonable near it would have been too strong a case of circumstantial evidence for him to have escaped punishment.

From Charles City C. H., we returned to near Richmond and remained in camp till the first week of August, when A. P. Hill's division reinforced Stonewall Jackson, who, in com- mand of two divisions, had gone to the vicinity of Orange C. H., to watch Pope's advance, threatening our railroad con- nections at G-ordonsville. Hill reached Orange on the 7th, and on the 8th only a few miles march was made, the weather being oppressively hot, and there being some misunderstand- ing of the order of march.

On the evening of the 9th, was fought the battle of Cedar Mountain. Branch's Brigade came on the field after the bat- tle began, and was hastily formed on the left of the Culpep- per road, to support Jackson's first line, and ordered to ad- vance. It had gone but a little distance when it met the "Stonewall Brigade," that splendid body of troops that at First Manassas gave renown and "a name" to the idol of the army, fleeing in iitter rout and confusion before an exultant foe. Nothing daunted by the imfavorable condition of af- fairs Branch's "Tar Heels" met the enemy unflinchingly, and drove them back in great disorder.

Of this charge General Branch in his report, says: "My brigade opened upon them, and quickly drove the enemy back from the woods into a large field.

"Following up to the edge of the field, I came in view of large bodies of the enemy, and having a very fine position, I opened upon them, with great effect. The enemy's cavalry attempted to charge us in two columns, but the fire soon broke

Eighteenth Regiment. 29

them, and sent them fleeing across the field in every direction. The infantry then retreated also. Advancing into the field, I halted near the middle of it, in doubt which direction to take. Just at that moment. General Jackson came riding up from my rear, alone. I reported my brigade as being solid, and asked for orders. My men recognized him, and raised a terrific shout, as he rode along the line with his hat off. He evidently knew how to appreciate a brigade that had gone through a hot battle, and was then following a retreating enemy, without having broken its line of battle, and remained with me directing my movements until the pursuit ceased. * * * * We gained a splendid victory, and the credit is due to my brigade. I was among my men all during the fight and they were brave and cool."

Branch's success enabled General Taliaferro, on the right of the road, to reform his left, that was giving away, and hold his ground.

Generals Pender and Archer were forming on Branch's left and advanced before they were properly aligned ; success at- tended an advance on the whole line and the field was ours. Jackson started for Culpepper that night, but, after going two or three miles, went into camp, his scouts reporting that Pope hiid rec'.'ived heavy reinforceiments.

The dead were buried and in a few days Jackson took position south of the Rapidan, the Eighteenth camping near Orange C. IT.

On the 20th the Rapidan was again crossed, and we had a skirmish near Brandy Station.

The fords of the Rappahannock were strongly guarded by Pope's command, Jackson forced a crossing at one of them and attracted their attention in that direction whilst by such defiles as afforded cover, he ascended the right bank to War- renton Springs and on the 22nd crossed over a small com- mand. In that engagement the Eighteenth supported a bat- tery on the south side and sustained but slight injury. The troops were v. ithdra'wn from the north side and on the morn- ing of the 2Cth, before day, Jackson "lit-out" with his foot- cavalry to go aroimd Pope. When we reached Hazel river we waded up that stream to keep the dust of the road from

30 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

betraying oar route, and crossing the Blue Eidge we got a few hours rest that night around Orleans. JSText day JSTew Salem was passed and the Blue Ridge recrossed at Thorough- fare Gap. That night about 1 o'clock Jackson camped in Pope's rear around Bristoe Station.

On the morning of 27 August, Branch's brigade had a briish with cavalry and artillery near Manassas Junc- tion, running it back across Bull Run, captuidng . sozne 200 prisoners.

The Eighteenth regiment was not in the pursuit, being detached after tlie fight to guard Manassas depot, and hun- dreds of cars loaded with supplies for Pope's army a rich trophy indeed.

Supplies were taken out, not only for Jackson's troops, but also for Lee's army that was following, and had, two days af- terward to fight its way through Thoroughfare Gap. All the supplies were taken that could be disposed of and the torch applied, about midnight, to that which could not be util- ized. At 1 o'clock a. m. the Eighteenth followed Jackson across Bull Run and in the early morn reached the fortifi- cations at Centreville erected in 1861. After resting a few hours the march was resumed, and we recrossed Bull Run at the Stone bridge taking position in line similar to that occu- pied by the Federals in 1861, at the First Manassas battle. We were under heavy artillery firing for some time, and had some casualties. The Eighteenth was again detached from the brigade and sent to the right to the support of a part of EWell's command.

Ewell's troops repulsed the attack on them before our arri- val and we returned without being actively engaged. On the morning of the 29th we made quite a march, returning during the day near where we started from, too fatigued for the hard service that fell to our lot. We were placed on the left near Sudley Ford, behind the unfinished Alexandria and Manassas Gap Railroad and being in the second line, as supports, had ample action in different places without any protection. Branch's brigade was fought that day in sec- tions, and like foot-cavalry, was at all parts of the line. The Eighteenth was sent across the railroad to cheek a flank move-

Eighteenth Regiment. 31

ment, then to the assistance of Gregg's brigade, that occupied the key to Jackson's position, where desperate fighting had to be done to hold it against the hosts that were hurled upon it, in a vain effort to rum Jackson's left. Again the Eighteenth was sent to A. P. Hill's right, to the support of Archer's and a Louisiana Brigade, which occupied a railroad cut. The Eighteenth fought iu-an open oak woods imniediately in their rear, and when an attack was repulsed, we could not charge and follow them. Jackson held his ground.

It was evidently Pope's intention to overwhelm Stonewall and crush him before Lee could come to his assistance. . Long- street met vigorous resistance at Thoroughfare Gap, but forced his way through, and by pressing in the direction of Jackson's guns, arrived on his right near Groveton in time to give needful help. Every part of the line was held, and Pope's efforts frustrated. On the 30th we were to the left of the heavy fighting, not actively engaged, simply holding the place assigned us. The attacks of the enemy were re- pulsed, and in the afternoon an advance along the line drove them back on Bull Run. The Confederates were victors on almost the identical ground from which the Federals were driven pell-mell in 1861.

During the night Pope's army crossed Bull Run, more de- liberately than it was crossed in 1861, but equally defeated.

A heavy rain falling that night, pursuit was not made. The 31st was used in burying the dead and gathering the spoils of war, principally by Longstreet, as Jackson crossed the historic Bull Run at Sudley Ford and camped that night near Little River Turnpike. On 1 September marched along the pike towards Fairfax Court House. At Ox Hill the enemy was met that afternoon, advancing from the direction of Centreville. Branch was formed parallel to the pike, and advancing through a field, drove the enemy from a wood into a large field beyond. In the edge of this opening. Branch halted and held his position (which was apart from the brigade that advanced with him, but on a diverging line) though heavily assailed in front and flank. Our ammunition being exhausted and the ordnance wagons not accessible, we were ordered to hold our position at the

32 North Gakolina Tkoops, 1861-65.

point of the bayonet. The battle was on, during a blinding wind and rain-storm, and the enemy was satisfied with the assaults made upon us. Towards night we were withdrawn, and rested on the pike. On the 5th the army crossed the Potomac above Leesburg, Va., and camped a week on the Monacacy, near Frederick City, Md. Here the Eighteenth received a large number of raw recriiits from North Caro- lina, without arms or accoutrements.

On 13 September, Jackson was off on another flank movement, and crossing the Potomac at Williamsport, came down upon Martinsburg, which, after some resistance was evacuated, leaving a good quantity of supplies in our hands.

General White retreated to' Harpers Ferry, which Jackson attacked the evening of the 14th. Night put an end to it, and was taken advantage of to get into position. It was after midnight when Branch got in the rear on Boiivar Heights, and some brigades had equally as great difiiculty in getting into position. When the fog lifted on the 15th and Jackson's artillery opened from the heights, theretofore con- sidered inaccessible, it was not long before the white flag was raised and 12,000 surrendered, with a splendid equipment of guns, ammunition and supplies. Our raw recruits were sup- plied with guns. Up-to-date Springfield rifles, replaced our smooth-bores, and A. P. Hill's division was left to guard the post, parole prisoners, etc. Stonewall Jackson rejoined the army with the rest of his conraiand, and the heavy firing that could be distinctly heard proclaimed his need. On the 17th, Hill's light division was marched rapidly to Sharpsburg, crossing the Potomac at Shepherdstown, and arrived on the field just in time to save Lee's lines, that were giving away at all points on the right and centre. An half hour later would have been fatal.

Branch's brigade fought about midway between Sharps- burg and the Antietam, in a com field running northerly from the creek to the town.

The Eighteenth was left in reserve, at first, behind a ridge near some straw stacks, in a stubble field. The corn was visi- ble from these straw stacks, to the Antietam, as we approach- ed. About the time that Branch ordered the Eighteenth into

Eighteenth Regiment. 33

action he was killed near these stacks. The Eighteenth crossed the ridge to the left of the stacks and as we descended into the valley beyond, we saw the thin gray line retreucing from a wooded ridge, some 300 yards over the corn, into a valley that extended towards the town, with Burnside's victo- rious blue coats in vigorous pursuit. The lines met in this corn-covered valley, and the conflict was terrific, decisive. Burnside was hurled back and a rout prevented. There was no more fighting that evening. The Eighteenth fought apart from the rest of the brigade, and re-formed on the edge of the corn field behind a part stone, and part rail fence with skirmishers in the valley. About night the brigade was gotten together by Colonel James H. Lane, of the Twenty- eighth North Carolina, and formed on an extension of this fence, with the Eighteenth on its left, nearer the town, where we lay all next day roasting in a scorching September sun, or drenched by downpours of rain, with now and then a minie ball salute from the wooded ridge beyond the corn. Our hard march from Harper's Ferry, wading the Potomac in fours, our clothing saturated with water from the hips down, the effort to close up to the head of the column, making it an up-hill foot-race from the river to the battle-field, caused none but those of unquestioned endurance to be there to go into action.

Burnside's corps was on the field all day resting. That was its first action, and flushed with victory, it should have swept us off the earth, the mere handful that we were to thciu in numbers. How Hill's divisioii stood before them -"xas won- derful, but it liad gone there to fight and was too tirotl to run. There was no pursuit. Nature has its limits, and we had reached ours, with fearful sacrifice.

Lee with his army, matchless by equal numbers, lay on the field during the 18th, and was not attacked by the vastly out- numbering foe. During the night Lee withdrew his forces and crossed the Potomac into Virginia. Branch's brigade, commanded by Colonel Lane, covered the retreat. Repulsing the enemy, then falling back till pressed again, the rear was effectively covered. We crossed the ford below Boteler's 3

34 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

mill in good order, under fire of a pursuing enemy, and went into camp two or three miles away.

During the night the enemy crossed a corps, and on the morning of the 20th, A. P. Hill's division was sent back to attend to it. The heights on the Maryland side command the Virginia side, and were bristling with artillery. A few rounds showed that our artillery was not in it, and it got out of range, so that it was purely an infantry fight on our part. Hill charged with three brigades, supported by the other three, and drove the enemy to the river, capturing many prisoners. From the start the artillery had our range, accu- rately, and their shells plowed through the Eighteenth several times during the advance.. Reaching the river the Eigh- teenth occupied a bluff overlooking Boteler's mill dam, and from it, shot blue coats crossing the dam, till a detail sent down captured all under the bluff.

The artillery practice became so accurate that they'd hit a litter carrying oft' our wounded or our canteen men, going across a ridge in our rear for water. We had to lie close all day, and withdraw after night. The enemy that got across the river had also to lie close in the canal all day. It was full.

We camped aroiind Bunker Hill, and in October worked a few days on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, beyond Mar- tinsburg, and left a couple of sections about Hedgersville and North Mountain depot in splendid disorder. Colonel Lane was promoted brigadier, and assigned to the com- mand of Branch's brigade, and remained with it during the war. Colonel Robert H. Cowan, of the Eighteenth Regi- ment, resigned, and Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas J. Purdie became Colonel, Major Forney George, Lieutenant-Colonel and Cajrtain John D. Barry, Company I, Major of the regi- ment.

About the middle of November the Eighteenth had an en- gagement with the enemy at Snicker's Gap, and the last days of the month, Jackson followed Tjongstreet towards Fred- ericksburg to meet Burnside's movements. There was an abundance of rain, sleet and snow during the march, and

Eighteenth Regiment. 35

many of the men were barefooted, as well as thinly clad, but they had the stuff of heroes in them.

On 10 December we camped below Fredericksburg, near the Massaponax, and on the 12th went into line above that stream, A. P. Hill's right being at Hamilton's crossing and his left near Deep Run; Fields, Archer, Lane and Pender in the front and Gregg and Thomas in the second line as supports. From Hamilton's the railroad is the cord of the curving ridge that extends , from that place to Fred- ericlcsburg and runs between the foothills and the Port Royal road.

Archer occupied a part of the railroad track, and to his left was a stretch of wooded marshland, 500 or 600 yards between his left and Lane's right. This gap Lane and Archer tried to get filled, and subsequent results showed the unwise neglect of their superiors in not heeding their entreaties.

The railroad track to the left of the marshland, wliich Lane occupied, ran through a low place with a ridge to the right, some seventy-five or a hundred yards, high enough to shut out a view of the plain in front, from all of the brigade, save part of the Thirty-seventh on the right, and the Seventh on the left. Several pieces of artillery were on this ridge in front of the Seventh and of Pender on its left.

When the fog lifted on the 13th, the artillery duel from the enemy, with these guns and those on the ridge in our rear, put lis under a heavy fire. When the enemy advanced, tliey were repulsed at the crest of the ridge in our front. The gap between Lane and Archer was discovered and in their next advance, a heavy force against that part of the line, forced back Archer's left and Lane's right, and penetrated to Gregg's line. Lane's right regiments held their ground tenaciously, each retiring only as compelled to do so. Colonel Purdie threw back the right wing of the Eighteenth to the woods some seventy-five or one hundred yards in our rear, and made a determined stand. Here the enemy was checked, Thomas coming to our assistance.

Gregg was said to have been killed before he knew that the troops advancing on him were enemies. His gallant brigade rcovered from a temporary confusion and joined with Law-

36 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ton and Hoke were sent to Archer's relief, and Thomas and Lane on its left. The whole line advanced, and drove back the enemy with great loss. Reaching the railroad the left of the Eighteenth and the Seventh, that had held their position, joined in the advance. The division was reformed on the railroad line and gotten in readiness for a night attack. At nightfall we took position at the crest of the rising ground in front and were ready at the appointed time, but Jack- son's desire for a night attack was overruled, and the order was countermanded in the nick of time. We occupied thi front line till about midday of the 14th, when we were sent back to the top of the ridge for a night's rest.

On the 15th we were again in line, ready for any emer- gency. On that night, Burnside withdrew his forces to the north side of the Eappahannock. Jackson's corps moved down the Port Eoyal road to Corbin's Neck, and went into winter quarters.

On 30 April camp was broken, and we marched to Fred- ericksburg, and next day we engaged with the enemy across the Orange plank road, near Chancellorsville.

On the morning of 2 May, 1863, I was sent to recall our skirmishers, and follow to the left. Jackson marched by the left flank, going by the Iron Furnace, around Hook- er's army, and crossed the Orange plank road some three miles west of Chancellorsville. Facing east the line was ready to advance and no time was lost. Striking the Elev- enth corps in flank and rear, it was routed and driven back, and by sundown Jackson's troops were near Chancellorsville. Part of A. P. Hill's division marched in column do-wn the plank road and at sundown Lane was ordered to form his bri- gade across the road, and charge Chancellor's Hill, on which Hooker was massing his artillery, and forming his line, with troops that had not been engaged.

Our artillery opened on them, and was replied to by the guns in position. A severe cannonading prevented Lane from forming line till our artillery was stopped and the firing ceased.

The Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth was formed on the left of the road and the Seventh and Thirty-seventh on the right,

Eighteenth Regiment. 37

the Thirty-third was thrown forward as skirmishers, covering the brigade. The Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth were moved forward near the skirmishers (which we did not know at that time were in our front) , and before the Seventh and Thirty- seventh were brought opposite us, a Yankee officer came into the right regiment and asked wjiat troops it was. Waving a handkerchief, he claimed flag of truce rights, but was not allowed to go back. Lane was informed at once of the troops moving on his right flank and went to investigate before ad- vancing, though Jackson and Hill had again ordered the advance. We had orders at first to be careful as our cavalry would cross at Ely's or U. S. Fords, and might come in from its circuit in our front. Later we had orders to shoot any- thing from the front.

Whilst General Lane was investigating the situation on his right, which took some time, and resulted in retaining the ofiicer who was parleying, and the capture of his regi- ment— One Hundred and Twentieth Pennsylvania Colonel Purdie, hearing something in our front, called me with him, and we went forward carefully on the edge of the road some 50 or 60 yards, and found Captain George W. Sanderlin, of the Thirty-third, who gave us our first information that that regiment was deployed as skirmishers. We told him of our orders, and the complication that had arisen on the right. He crossed the road with us where Lieutenant-Colonel Cowan was and whilst talking with him Captain Joe Sanders came up looking for Colonel Avery to tell him of the troops moving on the right of his skirmish line. In a few minutes a few shots were fired, apparently two or three hundred yards in our front, to the right of the road, then extending towards the right of the brigade. At this juncture Colonel Purdie and myself started for our line, making our steps fast and long. Firing began along the brigade. Before we reached the Eighteenth it fired a terrific volley. How we escaped was wonderful. Horses with riders, and horses without, came into the line with us.

We are friends, cease firing ! rang out, but too late. Stone-

38 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

wall Jackson and some of the staff wounded, and some two or three couriers killed, was the result of that volley.

Lane's ambulance corps was in our immediate rear, and was called into use. A blanket was placed over General Jackson to keep his wounding from being known, as he was carried to the rear.

I pulled the cape of his overcoat over the head of one of Hill's couriers, that fell about where I had last seen Colonel Purdie. They were about the same size and resembled each other very much. In the darkness I was mistaken. Purdie was safe and sound at the left of the regiment. About a half hour after the wounding of Jackson, another firing took place along the line, and A. P. Hill, who had gone to the front on foot to look for something that was left, where Jackson was wounded, was shot in the calf of his leg. Hill was much displeased, and was reproving us for firing at a noise, etc. A company B back-woodsman laconically remarked : "Every- body knows the Yankee army can't run the 'Light Division,' and one little general needn't try it." This sally restored him to normal condition and he limped down the road, stay- ing on the field till General J. E. B. Stewart, the chivalrous cavalryman, came from near Ely's ford when he turned the command over to him. Hill may have had a contiision from a bursting shell as mentioned by various writers of the inci- dent, but he certainly got a minie ball in his leg after Jack- son was wovinded.

How Jackson and Hill, their staff and couriers got in front was never satisfactorily explained. Neither of them was in the habit, day or night, of riding or otherwise going in front of the skirmishers, or line, when they ordered an advance, and the enemy known to be at a short distance on that night they certainly woiild not knowingly have put themselves be- tween the lines at such a time. Such a body of horsemen could not have ridden through any part of Lane's brigade that night without its being known. We were never more on the alert, and wide awake than that night, and I don't re- member to have ever heard of a member of the brigade say- ing that he knew they had gone in our front.

My recollection is that when Hill and Jackson came for-

Eighteenth Regiment. 39

ward to know why Lane did not advance and again directed him to do so, they went to the rear, to a large field, on the left of the road, where Rodes, Colston, Trimble and others were reforming their commands. It was more than probable that the delay occurring by the complication on Lane's right, caused them to ride forward on the mountain road, leading towards Chancellorsville, passing beyond Lane's left, and they were thus in our front, when the firing began. What- ever may be the true statement of how they got in that posi- tion, there was nothing more certain than that they came from our front when the firing began.

It was generally conceded that the Eighteenth Regiment fired the fatal shots. None regretted the occurrence more than we did, and the army did not blame us for the manner or measure of our discharge of our duty, though others did.

The Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth were transferred to the right of the brigade about 11 o'clock and repulsed an at- tack made upon that flank, capturing many prisoners in addi- tion to the regiment captured there earlier in the night. The skirmish lines were not far apart, and the least noise brought on a volley.

With empty stomachs we slept on our arms, as best we could, between the firings.

Our ears caught the rumbling of artillery wheels and the clatter of many axes, making us painfully aware that Clian- eellorsville Hill was fortified for the morrow's work. Stu- art gave orders that the attack be made at 4 o'clock next morn- ing. At early dawn Hill's division, commanded by Heth, was put in motion. The right of Lane being deflected was wheeled to the left to get in line. The first and second breast- works were carried before sunrise. Hill's right brigades found the enemy entrenched where Lane had fought them the night before, and had to fight into position to advance. Be- ing thtis detained Lane was exposed on his right, and lost heavily at the second breastworks.

Colonel Purdie was killed,*and Lieutenant-Colonel George wounded. Major Barry had a captain left to command the right and a lieutenant to command the left wing of the regi- ment, a fearful loss, and he was the only one of thirteen regi-

40 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

mental officers present with the brigade, not killed or wounded. Color Bearer Richardson, of the Eighteenth, was wounded in the night fighting, and Prophet and Ed- wards were killed, successively, at the second breastworks next morning.

The writer was wounded, through the upper third of left thigh, just as these works were carried, and got nearly ofE the field by using two muskets as crutches, before the enemy rallied and retook the works. Out of ammunition and no reinforcements arriving, the brigade was unable to hold its position, and retreated to the first line of works, where it remained till supplied with ammunition. The enemy rein- forced, and stubbornly held this strong position, repulsing several attacks made upon it. It was near 10 o'clock before Chancellor's Hill was carried, when Lee's and Stuart's line were joined and Hooker's army forced beyond the Planl?; road into the tangle of that wilderness country, from which he re- crossed the Eapidan. Lane's loss in this fight was 909, about one-third of the loss of Hill's division.

In his book clearing up the odium that attached to the Eleventh corps for its disaster in this battle, Lieutenant-Colo- nel A. C. Hamlin, brother of Vice-President Hannibal Llam- lin, historian of that much abused command, says of Lane's brigade: "This brigade faced the Federal front in line of battle, and although twice exposed to the fire of forty-three cannon, it never faltered, nor called for help, until its flank and rear were threatened by Sickles about midnight. The history of this command under its dauntless leader, through- out the war, and ending at Appomattox, will always be ad- mired, and respected by those who believe in American man- hood. And the student who seeks to discover a higher degree of courage and hardihood among the military organizations of either army will look over the true records of the war for a long time, if not in vain. Investigation shows that the bri- gade was composed of young men, of the best stock the Old North State contained, and sent to represent it, in that bul- wark of secession, the Army of Northern Virginia. The rec- ords show that it was in all of the principal battles of the Army of Northern Virginia, and that its blows were severe

Eighteenth Regiment. 41

and its losses were frightful. In the battles around Rich- mond in 1862, the brigade lost 800 men, killed and wounded, at Chancellorsville it lost nearly 800 men killed and wounded, and of its thirteen field officers, all but one were struck down. At Gettysburg it formed the left of Longstreet's charge and although it had lost nearly 40 per cent, in its three days fighting, it marched off the field in excel- lent order when Pickett was routed and took position in support of the rebel (Confederate) batteries, which some of the brigades of that charge did not do. This organ- ization was among the last soldiers of Lee's army to re- cross the Potomac after both Antietam and Gettysburg. North Carolina furnished more men than any other State of the Confederacy, and lost more in action than any of its sister States, and the records show, or seem to show, that her mountaineers struck many of the hardest blows the army of the Potomac received from the Army of JSTorthern Virginia."

These generous words from a foe, are true, and show that those who met us on the field of battle, could recognize "foe- men worthy of their steel."

His figures of killed and wounded are supposed to be taken from the Surgeon General's Hospital report, and the differ- ence between that and the brigade and the regimental reports is accounted for by the fact that a great many slightly wounded men never passed through the hospitals, where a record was kept.

Jackson's corps returned to its camp and after his death, it and Longstreet's were reorganized and three corps formed, under Longstreet, Ewell and A. P. Hill. When A. P. Hill was made Lieutenant-General, Brigadier-Generals W. D. Pender and Harry Heth were made Major-Generals. Colonel Alfred M. Scales succeeded Pender as Brigadier-General. To Major-General Pender's "Light Division" was assigned the Worth Carolina brigades of Lane and Scales, McGowan's (S. C.) and Thomas' (Georgia) brigades.

Being a member of the ISTorth Carolina Legislature, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Forney George resigned, and Major John D. Barry became Colonel. Captain John W. McGill, Company

42 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

B, was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain Thos. J. Wooten, Company K, major.

Lee put his army in motion and on 25 June crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown. On 1 July the brigade marched from Cashtown to Gettysburg and formed on the left of the pike. After advancing a mile or more, it was transferred to the right to support Heth, and again advanced. The lines diverging, Lane became uncov- ered, and met the enemy in his own front, forcing his lines back towards Cemetery Heights. On the 2nd the Eighteenth was sent to support a battery, near the Theological college, and was again with the brigade in its advance in the even- ing-

On the 3rd Heth's division, under Brigadier-General Pet-

tigrew and Lane's and Scales' brigades, temporarily under Major-General Trimble, were sent to Longstreet, who placed Pettigrew in front, supported by Trimble, whilst Pickett with two brigades in front on line with Pettigrew, was supported by his third brigade, and Wilcox's brigade attached to him to protect his flank.

It was a high compliment to Lleth's division and Pender's two brigades, who had done hard service on the 1st and 2nd, to be selected to make the attack on the 3rd, and be pitted with Pickett's division that was fresh upon the field, and had not had a good whiff of powder since the battle of Cold Harbor in June, 1862. It did duty arovind Petersburg, and in JvTorth Carolina, and had missed the hardships of the Maryland campaign, and the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. Thoroughly recruited and full, it was in fine condition for this fight. Pettigrew's brigade was simi- larly fortunate, as to the last year's campaign, but at the reorganization of the corps, was taken f roan its picnic grounds and put into the division of Heth, with which it had fought on the 1st and 2nd. (One regiment of Pettigrew's brigade, and one brigade of Pickett's division was left in Virginia. )

The first arrangement and order of battle was for Hill's troops to support Longstreet's Corps, in its attack, but by the final arrangement two of Longstreet's divisions were not put in and Pickett had but two brigades on the front line.

Eighteenth Regiment. 43

The whole of Heth's division under Pettigrew was on the front line, and only two brigades of Pender's under Trimble, to support it. When the advance was made Pickett and Pet- tigrew's lines diverged, Pettigrew's supports uncovered, and Pickett's supports also. Pickett's front brigades and supports became so far apart when the fighting line was reached that General Stannard seeing the opportunity, threw his command forward from the Federal lines, and cutting a part off, made large captures. Having about half the distance to go Pickett reached musketry range before Pettigrew and was repulsed, whilst Pettigrew was advancing. When Pettigrew reached the works he, like Pickett, was without support, on account of difference of direction of his line and support some diverging, some crowding, and, when his support (Trimble, with Lane's and Scale's brigades) passed beyond and reached the works it was like Pickett and Pettigrew, un- able to live in that maelstrom of death.

Each command broke the enemy at some point in its front, and Trimble's and Pettigrew's dead and wounded were found in the orchard beyond the stone fence, and at the stone fence, the height of a man's chin, eighty yards further in their front than the stone fence about 21/2 feet high, in front of Pickett's line.

When leaving. Lane's brigade rallied its remnant in the hollow by the Emmettsburg road, and marched off in order, the last troops to leave the field.

This charge of the Confederates stands out in history in its uniqueness for boldness and gallantry and the chaplet of honor should encircle the brow of all the troops engaged in it. Those who were there and surrendered deserve credit ; those who were there and fought with their commands, can not be sufiiciently rewarded, and those who so gallantly poured out their life blood, a libation on their country's altar, should be immortalized in song and story as the highest type of American manhood.

There is no disposition on the part of those engaged to de- tract from the merit of Pickett's men,or dim the lustre of the charge. As a whole the charge was brilliant in isolated in- stances it was not what it ought to have been. Brocken-

44 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

brough's, Va., brigade did not come up to its usual standard, and the shafts of detraction were hurled at all its comrades under Pettigrew, on that account.

General Gr. E. Pickett made the mistake of not going with his division. His presence would have been helpful, and might have saved his large number of prisoners. His briga- diers did as well as they could, but a division needs its com- mander to get its best result.

The casualties of each command is the test of services, and Pettigrew's command welcomes the token, as the statistics of Gettysburg show, viz. :

Pickett and his support lost: Killed, 266 ; wounded, 1,546 ; total killed and wounded, 1,812; prisoners, 1,756; grand total, 3,568.

Pettigrew and his supports lost: Killed, 554; wounded, 2,470; total killed and wounded, 3,024; prisoners, 627; grand total, 3,651. More than twice as many killed, nearly twice as many wounded and a little more than one-third as many prisoners.

Pickett's heaviest loss was in Armistead's brigade of Vir- ginia: Killed, 84; wounded, 491; total killed and wounded, 575 ; prisoners, 643 ; grand total, 1,218. Five regiments more than half prisoners.

Pettigrew's heaviest loss was in his own brigade of ISTorth Carolina: Killed, 190; wounded, 915; total killed and wounded, 1,105 ; prisoners, 00 ; four regiments and no pris- oners. Killed and wounded, nearly 2 to 1.

One regiment of this brigade, the Twenty-sixth North Car- olina, lost: Killed, 86 ; wounded, 502 ; killed and wounded, 588 ; prisoners, 00 ; grand total, 588 ; or 13 more killed and wounded than Armistead's brigade.

Nearly half of Pickett's loss was prisoners, whilst Petti- grew lost but one-sixth in prisoners, viz : Archer, 517 ; Scales, 110; total, 627.

These figures, obtained from volume 26, part 2, pages 339, 343, 4, 5, Official Eecords Union and Confederate Armies, show that Pickett's charge did not fail because he was not supported by Pettigrew, and that Pettigrew really did the fighting of the day.

Eighteenth Regiment. 45

North Carolinians were satisfied with doing their duty and "We envy not others their merited glory."

Lee withdrew from the field on the night of the 4th and re- mained at Hagerstown a week. On the 13th crossed the Po- tomac at Falling Waters where Lane acted as rear guard. The Eighteenth and part of the Twenty-eighth were deployed as skirmishers and those of the Twenty-eighth were the last to cross. A week was spent in camp near Culpepper Court House, when the army returned to the line of the E,apidan, the Eighteenth camping near Orange Court House.

After the death of Major-General Pender from wounds at Gettysburg, Brigadier-General Cadmus M. Wilcox was pro- moted, and assigned to his command. On 22 September the Eighteenth marched with the command and was at a skirmish at Jack's Shop, near Madison Court House, and, after that, camped at Liberty Mills, the left of the army. On the 9 th the army advanced, Hill marching by Madison Court House and Warrenton to Bristoe Station where Heth had a fight with the enemy. Cooke's and Kirkland's North Carolina brigades were sent against a strong position on the railroad, and gallantly went into a slaughter pen. Before reinforcements could go to their assistance they were deci- mated. Wilcox was under shelling from the enemy's artil- lery with slight casualties. We again had a job on the rail- road, and destroyed it to the Rappahannock, and camped a week on its south side.

After leaving Brandy Station on the 8th the Yankee cav- alry pursued in force. We laid an ambush for them near Culpepper, using one of the North Carolina companies of the Eleventh Virginia cavalry as decoys. It played its part well, fighting better than cavalry was expected to, and nearly succeeded in drawing a regiment of blue-coat cavalry into a field, where, covered by some woods, the Eighteenth was placed to get in their rear. The trap was discovered in time to escape with a lot of empty saddles, and a loss to the Eigh- teenth of one killed and a half dozen wounded.

The Eighteenth returned to Liberty Mills, and built com- fortable winter quarters. On 28 November marched to Mine Run, where Meade had crossed. We lay in line of bat-

46 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

tie, and built breastworks, but were not engaged, more than on the skirmish line. The weather was fearfully cold, and the pickets were relieved every two hours, as they could not stay longer without fire. The skirmish lines were not far apart, and exposure was dangerous. In a thicket of old field pines, between the lines, a flock of wild turkeys lit down. A fine, large gobbler lost his life there by this rashness, and lay in full view of both picket lines. Disregarding the danger, each side determined to capture that turkey, and several men were gobblerized during the day. After sun down George W. Corbett in charge of the Eighteenth skirmishers, played tac- tics to bring him in. Picking a man to help him, they ap- proached in different directions, and succeeded in bagging the game, as well as in getting a new overcoat and blanket off of an equally venturesome, but less successful blue-coater that lay near by. The pot boiled that night. A. P. Hill's division was massed Tuesday night, 1 December, to attack next morn- ing, but during the night Meade recrossed the river. We gladly returned to our winter quarters at Liberty Mills and spent the winter there.

Who that saw it, will ever forget the snow-ball battle that started in fun, and spread from regiment to brigade, then division and corps, till the line from Liberty Mill to Orange Court House was engaged in the exhiliarating sport ?

Some disgruntled spirit, at last, threw a rock in his snow- ball and brought blood. This dastardly act was promptly re- sented, and went to such an extent that the men rushed for their arms, and it took the best efforts of the officers and level-headed men for a while to prevent the rebel yell, and snow-ball from being followed by real powder and ball.

During the winter Grovernor Vance made a tour of the army in his candidacy for re-election as governor of North Caro- lina. He received an ovation wherever he went and captured the army in toto.

General Grant's successes in the western army made him commander of the armies of the United States in the field. During the winter he came east, and personally assumed com- mand of the army of the Potomac. Most favorably situated, and with carte-blanche he supplied his command with every-

Eighteenth Regiment. 47

tiling he wanted. It was a spectacle worth beholding, and calculated to swell the bosom of any man with pride, to look upon the one hundred and forty thousand men, with which he crossed the Rapidan, 4 May, 1864, as splendidly equipped a body of men as ever trod the face of the earth. Well might he have said :

"Behold them, in their glory, You will soon read our story, On to Richmond ! ! !"

General Lee had sixty thousand men scantily supplied with everything, save grit, with which to meet this mighty host.

The disparity of numbers, and condition was appalling, but the ragged Confederates did not faint or falter.

On the evening of the 5th Heth and Pender's divisions of Hill's corps, some 5,000 men, engaged Birney's, Mott's, Gib- bon's and Barlow's divisions, Hancock's corps, with Getty's division of the Sixth corps, say 40,000 men, and did good service.

The Eighteenth was sent to the front and on the right of the Orange plank road, near a mile from it, found the Thirty-eighth North Carolina hotly engaged with Hancock's troops. Colonel Barry and Lieutenant-Colonel Ashford fought their regiments, as emergency required, in various positions, till nightfall, when I was sent back to report their condition and get instructions. Shifting position so often during the evening I had lost my bearings, and in the dark- ness got into Hancock's corps and had to tack variously to get out. About 11 o'clock I got into Wilcox's troops, on a straight run down the planl?; road. Before I stopped my run, I recognized General Wilcox's white horse, and going to him fotmd Wilcox. Out of wind, and gasping between words, I told him that I was just out of Hancock's corps, and that there was not a man between him and Hancock's skir- mishers. He evidently did not believe a word of it, and was not over polite in letting me know it. I found where my command was and went to it. General Lane, Colonels Barry, Avery and others believed my statement, and went to Wilcox

48 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

to get a picket line established in front. He assured them that there was a division in his front, and told them not to disturb the men, let them rest till morning. The regiments bivouacked without regard to alignment, as they assembled from the different parts of the field, on which they had fought.

In the morning Colonel Avery had gotten part of the Thirty-third in line, when Hancock's corps and Sedwick's division struck us, and fought them like tigers. The tempor- ary check made where they were, gave little time for the bri- gade that was forming to get together, and Wilcox was caught all out of joint all along his line. Though we had little or no alignment, the regiments and squads fell back fighting as best they could. About a quarter of a mile from where Han- cock flushed us, we were fired into by the division that Wil- cox thought was in his front the night before and it retreated without waiting to let us pass by it.

There were fifty or seventy-five in the squad that I fell back with, a part from the plank road (the most of the bri- gade were near it). About a half mile back we were cov- ered by the right of the Texas brigade, as it advanced, the first of Longstreet's troops that got into action. Our squad composed of men from all of Lanes regiments, joined the Fourth Texas under Captain Jas. T. McLaurin, Company B, and went with it in the charge that drove Hancock back to the position of the morning near the Brock road.

It was near midday when we rejoined our command in the left of the Plank road, where it had assembled after the morn- ing's experience. Though caught at a disadvantage the men fought well, as the casualties show, and delayed their assail- ant's advance.

Ewell did splendid fighting that afternoon on the left of the army and drove the Federal right some distance. About 9 o'clock that night the rebel yell was set up on the right and extended to the left of the army.

The volume and duration of sound exceeded anything that we had then heard or have heard since. Prisoners taken afterwards reported great demoralization from it in Warren's and Sed-wick's corps. General Horace Porter in his "Cam-


paign With Grant," gives a graphic account of the attack on these commands after dark, and of the battle says : "All cir- cumstances seemed to combine to make the scene one of un- utterable horror. At times the wind howled through the tree tops, mingling its moan with the groans of the dying, and heavy branches were cut off by the fire of the artillery and fell crashing upon the heads of the men, adding a new terror to battle.

"Forest fires raged, ammunition trains exploded, the dead were roasted in the conflagration, the wounded, roused by its hot breath, dragged themselves along with their torn and mangled limbs, in the mad energy of despair, to escape the ravages of the flame, and every bush seemed hung with shreds of blood-stained clothing. It was as though Christian men had turned to fiends, and hell itself had usurped the place of earth."

We Avere direct opposites at that time in action and prin- ciples. I'm not inclined to combat his sentiment. Sheol was not far off that day.

On the 8th left the Wilderness and had a little skirmish- ing near the Po. On the 10th arrived at Spottsylvania Court House and on that and the following day built breast- works on different parts of the line, being moved several times. Our lines being nearly at right angles to Ewell's corps, we built traverses to protect ourselves from shots in that direction.

Late in the evening of the 11th, Lane's brigade, which was the left of A. P. Hill's corps, was thrown forward to the front and left to connect with Ewell's line. Our left regi- ments, Twenty-eighth and Eighteenth, were beyond a branch and thrown forward, at an obt\ise angle to the rest of the brigade, to connect with Stewart's brigade of General Edward Johnson's division, that was thrown back in a curve from that division to connect with the Twenty-eighth, forming a salient, knoAvn as the Horseshoe angle.

During the night our artillery was withdrawn from John- son's line, and Hancock's and Burnside's corps were massed at the salient, with orders to attack it at 4 o'clock. The artil- 4

50 North Caromna Troops, 1861-65.

lery was returning to Johnson's line, but had not gotten in position when Hancock attacked at daylight. Edward John- son's left and Eobert D. Johnson's brigade that were sup- porting it, were swept away. That let Hancock into Stewart's rear, and the rear of the Twenty-eighth and Eigh- teenth who were engaged with those to the right of the angle.

The artillery and Stewart's brigade were captured. When the Twenty-eighth and Eighteenth found that Hancock was in their immediate rear, it was too late to escape and about one-third of the Twenty-eighth and near half of the Eigh- teenth were made prisoners. Of those who escaped, the writer, adjutant of the Eighteenth North Carolina, ral- lied a handful at the left of the breastworks of the previous day and recklessly dashing into Hancock's host that poured into the woods, through Johnson's opening, produced a panic, that adding to its own demoralization, drove his serried num- bers back beyond the branch, stampeding even the guards in charge of the prisoners. Some of the Eighteenth's prisoners taking advantage of the stampede, escaped and rejoined the regiment. J. C. Kinlaw, of Company K, in a subsequent charge, recovered his knapsack and accoutrements, of which he had been stripped preparatory to being carried to the rear. This stampede gave time for the Thirty-seventh, Seventh and Thirty-third to be formed on the crest south of the branch, and the remnant of the Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth re- formed on their left where Lane repulsed Hancock's next ad- vance, and saved the right of the army. Scales' North Caro- lina brigade coming to his assistance, another attack was repulsed.

After this Gordon, in command of Early's division, joined our left, and by hard fighting the line was advanced and held near the apex of the angle. On the left of the angle Daniel's North Carolina brigade stopped the break of Ewell's line and Eamseur's North Carolina brigade taken from Daniel's left, retook the line to Daniel's right. Colonel R. T. Bennett's Fourteenth North Carolina Regiment was taken from Ram- seur's left and gallantly extended Ramseur's right. Harris' Mississippi brigade unfalteringly extended Bennett's right,

Eighteenth Regiment. 51

McGowan's South Carolina brigade was sent from Hill's front near the court house to extend Harris' line, and partly lapped upon it. McGowan was wounded before getting to the breastworks.

Harris' and McGowan's brigades fought Hancock and his reinforcements over the breastwork all day, snatching the muskets from each other across the works. There was an oak woods to their rear, and an oak tree twenty inches in diameter was so riddled with minie - balls, several feet from the ground, that its top-weight wrung it down. I saw the tree next day and the many dead, on each side of the breastworks were silent witnesses of the fighting qualities of both armies. (The two sections, above and below of this or a similar tree, were cut off and after the war were on exhi- bition at the War Department in Washington where I saw them in 1866. Ed.)

During the day a white flag appeared on the breastworlis, firing ceased, and each side began jumping over claiming the others as prisoners. The matter was settled by the blue-coats and Johnnies getting back on their own side and the fight be- gan again. A new line was built across the angle from Daniel's to Lane's, and word passed down the line to Harris' and McGowan's men to fall back to it. After night the firing slackened and about midnight ceased; both sides had quietly gone away and the fought-over works were abandoned by both sides.

Lane's brigade was taken off the line to the right of the angle, carried into some woods to the left of the court house and got a few hours rest in the middle of the day. In the afternoon it was taken by Major-General Mahone with his old brigade. Colonel Weisiger, to feel a force which was assembling to the right of the salient, behind the branch above mentioned. Though Weisiger had not been engaged that day and Lane had been fighting all the morning. Lane's small brigade was put in front to attack and Weisiger to support. When Lane advanced, Mahone rode back to the court house. Lane's attack was successful, though Weisiger did not support him and when sent for did not come. Lane turned the captured battery upon the enemy,

52 North Cabolina Troops, 1861-65.

but had to abandon it or be captured. He, however, carried back four or five hundred prisoners and several flags.

The Eighteenth captured the flag of the artillery.

When we got back to the lines, near the court house, Ma- hone rode out and claimed the flags, which were refused him. He afterwards had a correspondence through army headquar- ters concerning them, which was "held up" on account of "unparliamentary language" that got into it. General Lee and the Secretary of War acknowledged receipt of the flags from Lane's brigade, a feAV days after the battle.

The Kichmond papers teemed with accounts of Mahone's magnificent achievements in the afternoon and accredited to other Virginia commands the honor of stopping the break in the lines of the morning.

Pertinent to this, though personal, the following extract from the narrative of a Michigan colonel is inserted here. After stating how his company was captured and recaptured at Chancellorsville, 3 May, 1863, and for supposed gal- lantry, he was promoted major, which he protested, continu- ing, says:

"As nothing else would do, I was, in a manner, forced to accept this promotion and in a few days was commissioned lieutenant-colonel 'for gallantry and meritorious cond^ict in the presence of the enemy.' In the following winter I was appointed to the colonelcy of a 'crack' regiment. I would not be speaking the truth if I should say that these promo- tions did not touch my vanity and make me zealous, not only to maintain but to acquire more of the 'bubble reputation at the cannon's mouth.'

"It was with an assumed feeling of arrogance and con- tempt of danger that I led my regiment to the attack on Lee's salient 12 May, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House. By the crack of dawn on that morning, before the Johnnies were fully awake, we were right in among them in a hand to hand encounter, capturing a great number of pris- oners and quickly had possession of all, or nearly all of both wings of this famous salient, the breastworks of which faced to the front and rear. We had Lee's army now practically cut in two, an advantage which, if it had been followed up

Eighteenth Regiment. 53

promptly, would, as I have thought, have had the effect of terminating the war at a much earlier date. While we were engaged in arranging to hold our newly acquired position in the captured Confederate works, and in reforming the troops for a further advance, an attack was made on our flank and rear, which by its suddenness and vigor struck panic to the troops between the position held by my regiment and the at- tacking party, which sent them pouring pell mell back upon my men in a wild, confused mass. Every soldier knows something of the demoralizing effect of an enfilade fire, such as the Confederates had on our line, and the further fact, that a stampede of panic-stricken troops is as uncontrollable as that of the herds on the western plains. I was drawing out my line at an angle from their former position in order to check the Confederate advance, when I was shot down, re- ceiving this wound in the hip, from the effects of which in the opinion of nerve specialists, I will never ixdlj recover. My own men, brave and tried soldiers, though they were, caught up the contagion and joined in the headlong flight, for be- fore a proper alignment could be made, the Confederates were among them, sweeping by and beyond me as I lay wounded upon the ground, and shooting to kill, as was evidenced by the large number of fallen Federals on the spot. I felt mor- tified and chagrined when I saw this small body of Confed- erates, for they did not number more than about fifty or sixty men, by brave and skillful management, put to rout many times their number of our men. Biit I was particularly im- pressed by their youthful leader as he passed by where I lay, his countenance glowing with the enthusiasm of a school boy going out upon the play ground for a game of ball, shouting 'forward men !' rushing on with his little band like an avalanche to what seemed certain destruction. He reminded me of the pictures I had seen in my old school his- tory in my boyhood days. I admire bravery even in a foe, and this I would call true gallantry such as was seldom wit- nessed in either army in the many battles of the Civil War. I am aware that -some Virginia troops claim by an attack in front of our position to have regained their lost ground, but I know the fact that their attack was not made until after I

54 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

had fallen, and to this young officer and his brave followers belongs the honor of turning the tide of battle, and of possibly saving Lee's army from direful defeat that morning. He was my ideal of a soldier, and as I thought of him I could but re- flect upon the honors so unworthily worn by myself, and wish they could have been the reward of such heroism as this. One of his men had fallen wovinded within a few feet of where I lay, and after the heavy fighting ceased, the Confederates having re-established their position, I was, though in pain, so much interested that I asked him who his leader was. Well do I remember his reply, as it came in a loud, emphatic tone, as if proud to speak it: 'Captain Billy McLaurin, of the Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment, one of the bravest men iu Lee's army !' I was fully prepared to believe what he said.

"It is a strange thing to me that those who write history are so full and profuse in their records of achievements of gen- erals, to the exclusion of such praiseworthy deeds on the part of subalterns and privates who bore the brunt of battle."

The testimony of a foe on the ground is worth considering, in giving proper credit to the troops entitled to it. There were not more than three or four dozen of us, in this sortie, but it gave time for Lane to get in shape and hold the position till others could come to his assistance. When Gordon came with Early's division, there were Virginians in it, but they were entitled to no more credit than the Georgians, and oth- ers, that were necessary to help, and did help, auanfuUy, to hold the lines.

After the attack in the afternoon Lane was put on a line that McGowan was taken from near a brick kiln. We were shifted to different parts of the liije till the 21st when we had a skirmish near a church two or three miles to the right of the court house. That night we marched to the right, and on the morning of the 23rd bivouacked in an oak wood on a little stream that flowed into the South Anna river. Our canteenmen were not long in finding water and something besides ; one of them came running back, and asked for my 'army colt.' I pointed to my belt, hanging on a nearby oak. Others were noticed hurriedly leaving camp. Pop ! pop 1

Eighteenth Regiment. 55

pop ! bang ! bang ! bang ! was soon heard down the slope. ISTot long after an elderly gentleman rode hurriedly into camp and was directed to headquarters. General Lane sent at once to have each regiment searched and if any mutton was found to send mutton and man to him under guard. Strict search was made, but it could no where be found and the adjutants were so reporting. When the adjutant of the Thirty-seventh was about to make a similar report for his regiment, Jim L stepped up the slope right near head- quarters with a leg of mutton in his hand, in open handed guilt, and he was scooped in.

Jim was the first to return with a trophy of the fusillade down the branch, and was the only man caught. The rest who went that way were innocent lambs and saw nothing. Jim was put to walking a circle with a billet of wood, and the leg of mutton on his shoulder. This soon became a bur- den and the citizen asked that he be released and allowed to have the mutton. General Lane didn't relent at once, and the kind-hearted citizen at last insisted that Jim be not only pardoned, but that the men be allowed to go down into his clover field and get the flock.

The incident of the morning, gave opportunity for one of the ludicrous humors of war that afternoon.

The enemy drove back the guards from Jericho ford and Lane was sent two or three miles back to assist in stopping them, and found a corps had crossed and had a hard fight, losing 100 men killed and wounded.

In the midst of a sharp attack the Thirty-seventh broke, and started for the rear, leaving the Eighteenth liable to be cut off and the Thirty-third to be flanked. x\s soon as they began leaving the other regiments of the brigade began bleat- ing like sheep. At a short distance the Thirty-seventh rallied and returned and fought very well afterwards. It was ludi- crous in the extreme fighting for all we were worth and bleating like sheep. We were relieved about 10 o'clock and returned to the station. Next morning we threw up earthworks that were not needed. The enemy had with- drawn.

When my negro boy, Jack, came to me from the rear my

56 North Carolina Troops, 186 1-65.

haversack had an unusual fullness about it. Whilst I was ascertaining the cause, General Lane came along viewing the progress of the works. I asked him to share some venison ( ?) with me. He was too polite to refuse so rare a dish, and said it was good.

Grant, like his predecessors, deferred to the objections that General Lee rather forcibly expressed to his going direct to Eichmond, and with the left flank movement, sought to ac- complished that end. On the 31st we had an all-day artil- lery and skirmish engagement at Storr's farm, on the Toto- potamy, and on 1 June supported the artillery on the Tur- key Ridge road in the preliminary arrangements for the onslaught of the 2nd. The Eighteenth fortified on the ridge near the McGhee house, and was to the right of the main point of attack in the second Cold Harbor fight, say one- third of a mile.

Grant massed his troops and hurled column after column upon Lee, and was repulsed with such terrible slaughter that his ofiicers and men as is well known refused to charge that position again.

Though not hotly engaged, the Eighteenth lost some valua- ble men by skirmishes and sharpshooters. General Lane was wounded, and Colonel Barry, of the Eighteenth com- manded the brigade. On the 13th the Eighteenth had a skirmish near Riddle's shop. Night put a stop to it. On the 20th we crossed James river, and on the 22nd about three miles beyond Petersburg had a sharp fight with the enemy who was trying to reach the Weldon railroad. On the 2'3rd Barry was sent to relieve Mahone's brigade, and it was not out of range when the enemy advanced. Though the artillery and musketry firing was very heavy for a while, it did not return to give us the help we so sorely needed.

On 2 July the brigade was ordered to the north side of the James river and made a hard, hot march to Deep Bottom, where we had skii-mishing almost daily till the 28th. At Gravely Hill there was a hot engagement. A few days afterward Colonel Barry was wounded by a sharp- shooter whilst on a reeonnoitering tour, and Colonel W. W. Barber, of the Twenty-seventh, commanded the brigade until

Eighteenth Regiment. 57

the battle of Euzzell's Mill, 16 August. General Wright's Georgia brigade was deployed to hold a line, whilst Ander- son was taking another position. The enemy advancing in heavy force captured Wright's thin line, and reinforced their attacking party with negro troops to hold it.

General Lee was on the field and ordered Lane's_ brigade, under Barber, to the retaking of the work, which was done handsomely.

It was our first encounter with negro troops, and there were blue-black birds lying on that battle field. Colonel Bar- ber was wounded, and Colonel Spear, of the Twenty-eighth, succeeded to the command. We recrossed the James and were placed on the right of the line near Battery 45, and were used to reinforce the cavalry, and retake positions that the "critter" companies would retire from. Brigadier-Gen- eral Connor succeeded Colonel Spear in the command of the brigade by order of General Lee, a few days before the battle of Reams station, on 25 August, 1864. General Han- cock, who we had, on previous occasions, found to be a good soldier, and determined fighter, held a strong position on the railroad against the attacks made upon him, and was much encouraged by the previous success that day, that he would hold the railroad.

Cooke's, MacRae's and Lane's North Carolina Brigades were selected to make the final attack. It was expecting much of them to make the assault where greater numbers had been repulsed, but that expectation was realized to the fullest extent.

Elated by their victories, neither Hancock nor his men thought of leaving those breastworks till the "Tar Heels" were crossing them, and Hancock left his coat tail in the hands of James W. Atkinson, the gallant color bearer of the Thirty-third North Carolina Regiment, and some 2,000 of his command as prisoners.

We thus more than evened up his captures from the Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth, and Johnson's division at Spottsylvania Court House 12 May, 1864.

The Eighteenth was in the thick woods on the left, and

68 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

had a hard time in getting through the abatis on that part of the line.

On the 29th, four days after, General Lee wrote Governor "Vance : "T have been frequently called upon to mention the services of JSTorth Carolina soldiers in this army, but their, gallantry and conduct were never more deserving the admira- tion than in the engagement at Reams Station on the 25th instant. The brigades of Generals Cooke, MacEae and Lane, the last under the temporary command of General Connor, advanced through a thick abatis of felled trees, ixnder a heavy fire of musketry and artillery, and carried the enemy's works with a steady courage that elicited the warm commen- dation of their corps and division commanders, and the ad- miration of the army."

A few days afterward, in an address at Charlotte, IST. C, President Davis said, among other complimentary things, of North Carolina : "Her sons were foremost in the first battle of the war, Great Bethel, and they were foremost in the last fight, near Petersburg, Reams Station."

We returned to Battery 45 at Petersburg and were again foot cavalry reinforcements, to the critter cavalry, in resist- ing the extension lines of the enemy to our right.

On Y September a brisk fight was had with the infantry and artillery at the Davis House.

On the 30th we again passed through Petersburg to go over the James, bixt before reaching it were recalled and found the enemy at the Jones house, not far from our camp.

They were quickly put to flight, leaving many prisoners in our hands. We camped upon the field that night. On 1 October we found the enemy at the Pegram House, as if they had come to stay in that neighborhood. A repetition of the experience of the 30th caused them to retire for a time.

The repeated efforts of Grant to extend his left, brought troops to our right. We returned to Battery 45, and were comparatively free from similar expeditions during the next few months. On 8 December we went to Jarratt's Sta- tion where the Yankees were in force in possession of the Wel- don road. They evacuated with little fighting. Again, we went to Stony Creek further down the road. On each of these

Eighteenth Regiment. 59

days the weather was very cold, and ours was not a pleasure trip. We were glad to return to our winter quarters near Forty-five and Fort Gregg.

After the battle of Spottsylvania, Major Thos. J. Wooten, of the Eighteenth, was in command of the sharpshooters of Lane's brigade and made an enviable reputation during the campaign. Around Petersburg he was a teiTor to the ene- my's picket lines, and had a reputation in both armies.

Wooten's "seine-haulings" were proverbial, and he was liberally used by division, corps and army headquarters for ascertaining the enemy's lines or movements. His method was to reconnoiter, during the day, the lines to be gone through that night and at such hour as would suit his pur- pose would approach "in twos" with his select men, sufficient- ly near to make a dash at them. At a signal the column would go through the line with as little noise as possible, halt, face out, and each rank swing around right and left, taking the skirmish line in the rear, capturing the men with the min- imum of danger to his command. His success was phenom- enal, and he received the commendation of Generals Lee and Hill in congratulatory orders.

At an armistice to bury the dead, the Federals were curi- ous to see "Major Hooten," as they called him. Viewed in his Confederate garb, which was not very elaborate, his ap- pearance was not "as striking as an army with banners" and when pointed out to a lot of officers and men, a significant smile passed 'round the group, which found expression in the exclamation of an impressible Teuton, "Mine, Got ! ! ! Is dot ze man what makes us skeert, like Stonewall Shackson? Heh!!!"

There was a generous rivalry among the regiments of the brigade, in keeping their quota of this corps to the highest efficiency and it was deemed an honor to secure a detail to fill a vacancy in it. Several of its members refused to accept promotion to lieutenant, and return to their companies to command them.

The story of Petersburg will never be written ; volumes would be required to contain it, and even those who went through the trying ordeal, can not recall a satisfactory outline

60 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

of the weird and graphic occurrences of that stormy period.

The Eighteenth was not often in the sapping and mining portion of the lines and was not so particularly at- tracted by its experience as to wish to take up its abode in the Blandford portion of the army. During the month of September when it was necessary to draw the troops from about the Crater to resist an attack near the Ap- pomattox, we were hurriedly brought from Battery 45 to support "Long Tom" about 200 yards to the right. There was no time to go in the covered way, and the brigade was marched in, on an open high ridge. It now appears won- derful that we were not swept off the earth.

We were not in the trenches long, when "Long Tom" opened on the Supply train that arrived on Grant's military railroad, and it was but a short time before the sand-bag em- brazures and the embankments around "Long Tom" needed reconstruction.

It was not difficult for us to learn the devices constructed for protection, from the accurate fire of the enemy at close range, and when the mortars rained do^^m their shot from the sky we found the holes and could do the gopher act with the facility of trained residents.

The scene at night was beautiful in the extreme, but there was an element of unattractiveness about it, that caused us to yield readily to the desire of any others to see the sights from that view point, and we invariably retired at first op- portunity, to position where the lines were further apart.

When Gordon attacked Fort Steadman 25 March, we were massed near by, but did not become actively engaged. Gordon carried the fort, but could not hold it, without very great sacrifice of men. His loss was greater than his cap- tures, and Lee had no men to spare.

On the night of 27 May, Major Wooten, with the sharp- shooter corps of Wilcox's division, broke the Yankee lines, and captured and held the strong position of Mcllwaine's hill all the next day. Wooten and Dunlap (McGowan) pulled the seine, and Scales' and Thomas' corps helped to hold the ground. The audacity of the proceeding was their security, as the Yankees had lots of men close by, who appeared to fear

Eighteenth Regiment. 61

that a trap was laid for them. The concentration of troops on Hatcher's Run and Five Forks necessitated the stretch- ing of the Confederate lines and the men of Lane's Brigade were some twenty feet apart in the trenches, beyond the Jones house, when the final attack was made before day on the morning of 2 April. Our thin line could make but feeble resistance to the Sixth corps hurled against us. We detained them, however, till the lines were broken beyond us, and fell back towards Fort Gregg, making a stand on the Dinwiddle plank road.

It was after sunrise that General A. P. Hill was seen coming from the direction of his headquarters on the Cox road, near the Appomattox. The crowd that I was witti made every effort to stop him. Seeing no indication of halt- ing, I ran out towards the direction he was going, and though some 50 yards distant, shouted to him that our line was broken and that the enemy's skirmishers were on the plank road be- yond the creek. Answering back, that he was aware there was danger, but must get to his right, he disappeared around a hill, down a valley leading to a crossing on the creek. A volley as of a dozen guns was heard in that direction, his horse ran back in a few minutes without him and we knew that our gallant commander was off duty forever. His sta^i and attendants, who were following him, caught his horse. His body was recovered and carried to the rear.

The statement that one of his staff, or couriers, caught him as he fell, is without foundation, a loving fabrication of the devotional kind. They would have been with him, if they could, but having the fleetest horse, he was far in advance, and I was doubtless the last Confederate spoken to by him. In the discharge of his duty, as he saw it, he rode into the jaws of death, and the army lost one of its most valuable officers.

Lane and Thomas' brigades formed near the Plank road and repulsed the enemy in several advances. Wilcox ordered the troops on the Petersburg side of the break back to a line of small forts outside of the main works at Battery 45.

When we got to Fort Gregg we f oimd some artillerists in it and Lane's North Carolina brigade furnished the greater

62 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

part of the garrison. Thomas' Georgia and Harris' Missis- sippi brigades the balance. Generals Wilcox and Lane were in it, when I left by permission of the latter to go to our win- ter quarters near by to get our records.

The Sixth corps had been reinforced by the Twenty-fourth, Gibbon's corps, and the advance was made on Gregg before I could ret^irn.

I was glad to be on the outside. The fighting was des- perate. Eepulsed, the enemy reinforced and returned with several lines, enveloping the fort, they filled the moat and climbed the parapet, fighting their way inside. Getting in- side, the fighting was hand to hand, till those not killed were overpowered.

Lieutenant William 0. Eobinson, Company B, Eighteenth Kegiment, and Color Sergeant James W. Atkinson, Thirty- third North Carolina, escaped after the fighting with clubbed muskets ceased, and always speak of it as a scene of inde- scribable horror.

After the surrender of Gregg the other forts were evacu- ated, and the main line at Battery 45, and the dam on the creek occupied. This was held till night, and Petersburg was behind us in the morning.

The march to Appomattox Court House was a succession of privations and hardships scarcely credible by those who have not had actual army experiences.

The supply trains that were to have been stopped at Burke- ville and Amelia Court House, passed on, and were captured. That country could not subsist the army, and men and ani- mals suffered for food. We were formed in line of battle several times and had some casualties at High Bridge and near Jetersville.

On the morning of 9 April, whilst the Eighteenth was forming line of battle, on a ridge to the left of the road before getting to the branch near Appoimattox Court House, Grant's officer, bearing dispatches to Lee, passed through its lines and found Lee a few hundred yards in our rear on the road we had just left.

Firing was then going on beyond the court house by Gen- eral Grimes' North Carolinians.

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We were marched to a near by woods and sadly, sorrow- fully stacked arms. All was over.

The limits of this paper prevent the mention of the many meritorious officers and men composing this regiment, of whom I could not speak in too high terms. The valor of its men, and its services is attested by its casualties on the field of battle, from New Bern to Gettysburg, and then to Appo- mattox Court House, where its last act was getting ready for battle.

Colonel John D. Barry was its only member that reached the grade of general. He was appointed temporary brigadier 3 August, 1864, but he was later assigned to department duty with his regular grade of Colonel (as General Lane had re- turned to the brigade) on account of his wounds and impaired health, leaving us the latter part of February or March.

Lieutenant-Colonel John W. McGill resigned about the same time. Major Thos. J. Wooten was thus entitled to be- come Colonel and was so recommended, also Captain John J. Poisson to be Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain B. P. Rinaldi Major. Petersburg was evacuated before they received their rank to which they were justly entitled. Major Wooten was kept in command of the brigade sharpshooters, and Captain Poisson paroled the regiment, as its commanding officer.

I append a roster of those who were present, and surren- dered at Appomattox :

Field and Staff Major Thomas J. Wooten, Adjutant Wm. H. McLaurin, Surgeon Thomas B. Lane, Assistant Sur- geon Simpson Russ. ISTon-Commissioned Staff, Ordnance Sergeant, Chas. Flanner.

Company A Captain B. F. Rinaldi, Sergeants M. N. Tatum, Wm. Howard, and Privates Henry Howard, F. How- ard, John Johnson, B. D. Lindsey, G. W. McDonald.

Company B Lieutenant R. M. Lesesne, Sergeant D. Storm, Corporal S. Singleterry, Privates W. C. Bray, E. Austin, John Meares.

Company C Lieutenant Owen Smith, Musician G. W. Sherrill, and Privates D. R. Best, Dan Green, D. Klutts.

Company D Orderly Sergeant A. E. Floyd, Corporal J.

64 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

P. Inman, and Privates A. N. Prophet, K. Lovett, A. J. Thompson, Zack Clewis.

Company E Second Lieutenant W. N. Fetter, Musician H. M. Woodcock, and Privates S. B. Costin, H. Moore, C. "BarnhiU, J. B. Wall, L. B. Wall, T. E. Colvin.

Company P Sergeant A. E. Smith, Corporal J. A. Pat- terson, and Privates W. W. BuUard, W. C. Daves, J. A. Cal- der, A. A. Huckabee, M. G. McKoy, James Nolan, N. McN. Patterson, A. D. Webb.

Company G Captain John J. Poisson, Second Lieuten- ant J. M. Whitted, Sergeant Jas. R. Dancey, Corporal J. W. Gordon, Musician J. J. Leslie, and Privates J. F. Adams, P. Dickson, E. H. Hall, C. J. Sasser, P. T. Smith.

Company H Second Lieutenant Alex. Lewis, Sergeant

C. M. Baldwin, Corporal H. C. Long, and Privates John E. Baldwin, J. J. Chancy, John Creech, J. E. Jackson, A. Minton, W. Nance, E. H. Price, John Safrit, J. W. Yelton, Hospital Steward Wiley A. Cornish.

Company I Sergeants S. W. Wells, J. H. Brown, Cor- poral J. J. F. Heath, and Privates John Case, Daniel Brin- dle, L. H. Horn, D. S. Latta, S. Bell, H. Hayne, H. A. Hall,

D. Y. Eussell and E. B. Banks.

Company K First Lieutenant E. N. Eobeson, Sergeants S. N. Eichardson, W. H. King, A. McNeill, Corporals J. A. Cromartie, D. M. Sutton, and Privates W. N. Anderson, Jesse F. Bloodworth, S. T. Buie, J. C. Kinlaw, W. Melvin, D. Murphy, N. Sikes and John Dunham. We prize our parole as a badge of honor.

Wm. H. McLauein, Adjutant Eighteenth N. C. T. Laueinburg, N. C. ,

9 April, 1901.


Lawrence Stewart, 1st Lieut., Co. F. 2. J. D. Cnrrie, 2d Lieut., Co, K, 3. John Walter Stewart, 3d Lieut., Co. F,


By THOMAS H. SUTTON, Phivatb, Company I.

This regiment was a part of the brigade of General Branch, of Raleigh, a brave and gallant officer, who, after many times leading his brigade to victory in bloody and hard fought bat- tles, fell at Sharpsburg with his face to the foe, sword in hand. After this, and to the final end, the brigade to which the Eighteenth ]^. C. belonged, was known as "Lane's" Colonel James H. Lane, of the Twenty-eighth N. C, suc- ceeding to the command upon the death of General Branch.

This brigade was composed of the Seventh, Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth, Thirty-third and Thirty-seventh all N"orth Carolina regiments whose history, was a part of that of the Army of Northern Virginia, to which it belonged.

The Eighteenth 'N. C. was one of the best regiments in the Confederate service.

It was composed of ten companies, each one with a full quota of men some companies, at the beginning, having over one hundred, viz :

CoMPANT A, The German Volunteers, of Wilmington, K C.

Company B, The Bladen Light Infantry, of Bladen County.

Company C, The Columbus Guards, from Columbus County.

Company D, The Robeson Light Infantry, from Robeson County.

Company E, The Moore's Creek Riflemen, from ISTew Hanover County.

Company F, The Scotch Boys, from Richmond County.


66 North Cakolina Troops, 1861-65.

Company G, The Wilmingtoii Light Infantry, from Wil- mington, N. C.

Company H, The Columbus Vigilants, from Columbus County.

Company I, The Wilmington Eifle Guards, from Wil- mington, N. C.

Company K, The Bladen Guards, from Bladen County, N. C.

Thus, it will be seen, that Bladen County furnished two, Columbus two, Eichmond one, Eobeson one, and New Han- over County four, three of which were from Wilmington.

The brigade was organized at Kinston, IST. C, after wnicJi, in the Spring of 1862, they were ordered to join the com- mand of General (Stonewall) Jackson who was then "oper- ating" upon Banks, Shields, Milroy, et at., in his historic and ever memorable campaign in the "Valley of Virginia. We were sent by rail to Gordonsville, Va., and froim thence took up our line of march towards General Jackson's command, and while thus marching and some distance beyond a place' called Tripperville (if my memory serves me right) a moun- tain village in Western Virginia, we turned back upon the line of our march, and for ten days covered an average distance of thirty miles each day, until at Hanover Couj't House (called by the Federals "Slash Church") we encoun- tered the heavy division of Fitz-John Porter, said to num- ber twenty thousand men.

Here we "fleshed our maiden sword," for it was our first battle, and a fierce and bloody one it was. Colonel Lane's Twenty-eighth Eegiment was by some means detached from us, and from 1 o'clock until nearly dark, with only four regi- ments, we held this tremendous force at bay, and then re- treated to Ashland in the direction of Eichmond, where General Joe Johnston was facing McClellan's splendid army. The Eighteenth Eegiment lost in this engagement, in killed, wounded, missing and prisoners, fully two hundred men.

From Ashland we marched to a place called "Chamber- lain's Hill," almost in full view of the battle of Seven Pines, which was the great preliminary skirmish to the seven days'

Eighteenth Regiment. 67

fight, which was destined, under the leadership of Lee and Jackson, (General Joe Johnston having been wounded at the Seven Pines fight) to rid our Capital City of the presence of the enemy, then within sound of the chimes of its church bells.

No one of us knew why we had been detached from the command of General Jackson in the valley, so thoroughly did he keep his own counsel, who, while we were marching to- wards Hanover Court House was, with his main command, silently and swiftly moving towards a common place of meet- ing, mapped out by his busy and active brain.

Shortly after the Seven Pines fight, we joined the main body of General Jackson's command (who, up to that time we supposed, were in the Valley where we had left them) at the bridge crossing the Chickahominy river, near Mechanics- ville, when, soon after, the memorable "seven days" battle around Richmond was begun and fought to a successful finish. It was here that the splendid genius of Stonewall Jaclcson was displayed in all its grandeur. Crossing the Chickahominy river at or near Mechanicsville with his corps, he opened the fight by attacking Siegel's corps of the Federal arniy in the rear, and drove them back in the early day- light, throwing them into the greatest consternation and panic. Upon the opening of Jackson's men in the rear, the main army under General Lee advanced in front, and from thence on, for seven days, day after day, the Eigh- teenth N. C. Regiment as a part of Jackson's corps, A. IST. V., drove the enemy, defeating General McClellan with his splen- didly equipped army until they were compelled to take shel- ter under the guns of their James river fleet.

It was reported that at the close of this series of splendid victories. General Jackson said: "This is our opportunity, let us on to Washington, and there dictate terms of peace and close the war."

But if he did say these words, the fates decreed otherwise. We did not go to Washington but we did rid Richmond, our capital, from the presence of the enemy, threatening its de- struction. There were many incidents, many escapes, many adventures that happened here, in and around the seven days'

68 North Caeolina Troops, 1861-65.

fight, that might be related, if time and space did not forbid.

Our brigade camped at a place near Eichmond, after the seven days' fight, called "Howard's Grove," and after rest- ing a few days commenced our march towards Gordonsville, and on 9 August, 1862, fell in with the enemy at Cedar Eun, where we were immediately put under fire, and had a hot time in more ways than one. It was here that we filled the "gap" made vacant by the falling back of the cele- brated "Stonewall Brigade" and held it to the end, driving the enemy and making ourselves masters of the field.

After this fight and victory General Jackson rode out in front of our brigade and "dropped" his hat in silent acknowl- edgment of our deed, in holding an important point, which the old "Stonewall Brigade" had failed to do and by special order from corps headquarters a handsome compliment was paid to the "gallant soldiers of Branch's brigade." The night following while resting upon our arms, a staff officer rode up to General Branch and asked hita "how he felt," to which General Branch replied that "he was delighted vdth the re- sults of the day and was proud of the manner in which his brigade had acted." Our loss was comparatively light con- sidering the deadly work in which we were engaged, but we left some noble and true men on that field, which served to remind us that in the next battle we fought it might be our lot to fill a soldier's grave. From Cedar Run we marched to Warrenton Springs, where it was rumored General Lee would cross the river. The enemy were in full force on the other side, for they "shelled the woods" where we were all day, and we felt that "something was up" or would be soon.

Late in the afternoon of the next day, we were on the march, with Jackson's corps, to which we were now perma- nently attached, for what point we knew not, for it was "Jack- son's way" to keep his movements a profound secret, but after a long forced march and before we were aware of it, we were in possession of immense stores of great value, captured from the enemy at Manassas Junction, our rear fighting the ad- vance guard of the enemy, so close to the army supply train of the foe as to make it uncomfortable as well as "unhealthy" to those of us who, by religious training, if. any there were.

Eighteenth Regiment. 69

might be indisposed to shed human blood. The Eighteenth North Carolina under Colonel Thos. J. Purdie, of Bladen County, a gallant soul, was detailed to guard the train. We were told that the train was to be fired, and a tacit consent was given us to replenish our empty haversacks. The con- tents of several cars were distributed and the residue burned. Some of our men secured a very fine saddle for Colonel Pur- die, of the Eighteenth, which was intended for the Dutch General Siegel, sent him by his friends and admirers, but a nobler man than he for whom it was intended, bestrode it, and the saddle is now, or was a few years since, in the posses- sion of the Purdie family of Bladen, treasured as a precious relic and memento of Colonel Thomas J. Purdie, as noble a man and gallant a soldier as ever faced a foe, and who in a short while, following the events here narrated, fell while gallantly leading his regiment to victory.

We left Manassas Junction about dark and rested a few hours the next day at Centreville, where some works had been thrown up at the conunencement of the war, and that evening, which I think was 2Y August, we commenced the "big" Manassas battle, which lasted until the night following the 29th. Here were more of the enemy killed than at any other fight or on any one field certainly in our front, during the entire war. The enemy began to fall back the last day of the fight ; it was a most disastrous and complete rout. Here we had to contend with McClellan's army, that we had fought around Eichmond and the Valley forces, all combined. The pursuit was kept up all day Sun- day and the day following, when they were overtaken at Ox Hill, when we had a -fight of four or five hours, in an almost continuous rain ; but we again repulsed the enemy and drove them before us, thus again acknowledging the prowess of Branch's brigade, which for a great part was composed of the "fiower of the Cape Fear section." That night the enemy vacated our front, and in a few days we resumed our march, crossing the Potomac at the "Point of Eocks," and we were told that we were in "Maryland, my Maryland." The Con- federate soldier will always remember the beauty of the fair, noble women and the brave chivalric men of Maryland. The

70 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

great heart of her people was with us, and we knew it, but they were in fetters, bound hand and foot. We camped near Frederick City, for a few days. This is the place made fa- mous by the touching poem of John Greenleaf Whittier, called Barbara Freitchie, who, as the poet has it, was an old grey-haired woman, who in her attic window waved the Union flag at the Confederates, and was shot at by them, until stopped by General Jackson. There is not a word of truth in this tale no Confederate soldier can be found, or named, living or dead, who ever knowingly fired at a woman ; and I have it from a gentleman who lived in Frederick City at the time Jackson's men passed through, who says our march did not carry us within three or four blocks of the house where Barbara lived that no such thing was heard of as related by Mr. Whittier and no such thing happened. This gentleman, my informant, is a native of Maryland, and lived in Fred- erick City during the war and since, and has held high office under the State Government of Maryland. I met him in Washington a few years since and he confirmed my belief respecting the "facts" as given by the poet, that it was a myth, a pure invention of the imaginative mind of the poet. The only real fact in the poem, is that there was a woman named Barbara Freitchie, living in Frederick City at the time Jackson passed through. But I must proceed.

We again marched through Frederick City, re-crossed the Potomac at Williamsport, and were back in Virginia, and "hovering with stealthy steps" (as was Jackson's way) around Harpers Ferry. Here we operated several days, climbing precipitous mountains trying to get into position. We had literally to pull ourselves up by bushes, roots, or any- thing projecting from the mountain sides, some of us actually having to brace ourselves against trees, so as to hold our guns in position and ready to fire at the word given. Early the next morning the artillery opened on the enemy, receiving a very weak reply, and in a short time the white emblem of sur- render went up and "the boys in blue" walked out and stacked their arms.

Here again we captured valuable stores of immense value, and thousands of stand of arms, and eleven thousand pris-

Eighteenth Regiment. 71

oners, according to the figures published. Here again "Old Stonewall" left his "book mark" with the enemy, as a gen- tle reminder that he and his corps were around, and requested a generous ( ?) remembrance by the Federal Government at Washington.

After being supplied with Enfield rifles of which we stood in great need we crossed the Potomac again, and for the second time were in Maryland, and we were soon in the Sharpsburg fight (called by the Federals, Antietam). This was what might be called a "draw fight," and it was here that our brigade commander, the noble and chivalrous Branch yielded up his life as a holocaust to his country's need ! "ISTo country ever had a truer son, no cause a nobler champion, no principle a bolder defender" than the noble and gallant soldier, General Lawrence O'Brien Branch !

After quitting the field at Sharpsburg, we crossed the Po- tomac again at Shepherdstown, took again to the Old Domin- ion. The winter was coming on. The chill blasts from the North were beginning to tell heavily upon the exhausted frames and shattered energies of our men, all of whom were unused to such rough lives, and we did hope for a rest in win- ter quarters, where, for a while at least, we might sleep and dream of home and comforts, without the thought of war with its dreadful realities.

But vain hope ! Taking up our march on the Shepherds- town road, we soon knew that we were approaching the enemy by the skirmishing in our front. We formed line of battle and drove the enemy into the river, despite the heavy guns that had been planted on the Maryland side to protect them. We lay that day on the river bank iinder a heavy fire from the enemy's guns of grape, canister and shell.

Our regilment camped near Berryville and were called out several times to meet the enemy at Snicker's Gap, but never engaged them there. We then marched up the Valley pike, crossing the Blue Ridge at New Market Gap, and camped near Fredericksburg. The enemy crossed the Rappahan- nock and. we were ordered to meet them. 0^^r brigade (now Lane's) were not in front of the city, but almost the ex- treme right of Lee's army. We formed line of battle at the

72 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

railroad on 13 December, 1862, soon after which our skirmish line came in and the enemy developed in great numbers and swept us from our position at the railroad. We soon rallied and swept on to the railroad again, the Eigh- teenth and Seventh Eegisments of our brigade not stopping at the railroad, but going on to the hill beyond, on the top of which we were in full view of the enemy, killing a great many and losing some of our best men, as an offset for our daring charge. From that time on, the fight was not heavy in our front, but was in front of the city. The night the enemy re-crossed the river, a general charge had been ordered all along the line, but was countermanded by General Lee. Then the campaign of 1862 ended with the victory at Fred- ericksburg. We went into winter quarters on the Rappahan- nock near Moss ISTeck church, at Camp Gregg, named for that general who was killed at Fredericksburg. Here Gen- eral Lane was presented with a fine saddle and bridle by the field officers in token of their appreciation of his merits. Under an act of the Confederate Congress a medal was to be given to the man who was voted by his comrades as the bravest and best soldier. The company to which Jesse F. Bloodworth (Company K, Eighteenth IST. 0.) belonged, without a dissenting voice, decided for him, and although the medal never came, yet not one of Napoleon's old guard, could have more richly deserved, nor more worthily won it.

The campaign of 1863 soon opened and we had to aban- don our comfortable quarters at Camp Gregg. A slight brush at the "Wilderness" was the opening prelude to that ever memorable campaign. With Jackson we took part in the flank movement around to Chancellorsville. The enemy were completely surprised (for this was Jackson's way) in an old field where a part of their forces were camped. They left their coffee on the fire and "stood not upon the order of their going." We marched some distance and filed left into a woodland and formed line of battle about dark Avith our right resting on the plank road. The Eigh- teenth was the left regiment, and the Fiftieth , Virginia was upon our left. It was now Avell dark; our skirmishers had gone forward. In a few moments Generals Jackson and

Eighteenth Regiment. 73

A. P. Hill came riding down the plank road from the front, with a good many staff officers and couriers whose appearance in the gloom (we did not then know who they were) was well calculated to create the impression that the enemy's cavalry were advancing. This party wheeled into the woods exactly in front of the Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment. Our men having seen the skirmishers go forward, besides knowing that we had no friends in that direction, reasonably concluded that it was the enemy coming down upon us. At this mo- ment some over-excited man in the line shouted "Cavalry," whereupon the Eighteenth Regiment opened fire. The Fif- tieth Virginia Regiment also opened fire, and General Jack- son— the immortal "Stonewall" received his mortal wound at the hands of those who loved him more than life, any one of whom would have risked and if need be, sacrificed his own life to save that of his beloved general.

He was to the Army of JSTorthern Virginia what ISTey was to Napoleon, its very strong right arm, and yet by the in- exorable decree of fate it was reserved for the Eigh- teenth Regiment of North Carolina, in the discharge of a supposed duty, to deprive the Southern Army of its chief pillar of support, its most brilliant, matchless and greatest soldier. In addition to the firing from our ranks the enemy's artillery also opened upon us, from which it is sup- posed' General Jackson received other wounds while being borne from the field.

We moved to the right of the plank road, when during the night we repulsed a heavy charge of the enemy. The next day (Sunday) the fight was renewed by our brigade charging the enemy's works, defended by about forty pieces of artillery heavily supported. Three times we charged, and finally cap- tured the works. Our regiment lost heavily. General A. P. Hill having been wounded the night previous, our corps was commanded by General J. E. B. Stuart. Here the gallant Colonel Thos." J. Purdie, of Bladen County, Colonel of the Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment, fell while gallantly leading his men. After this battle we returned to Camp Gregg, where a change of field officers was had. Major Jno. D. Barry, of Wilmington, was made Colonel, vice Purdie,

74 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

killed ; Captain Jno. W. McGrill, vice Lieutenant-Colonel F. George, elected to the Legislature from Columbus County, and Captain Thos. J. Wooten to be Major, vice Barry, pro- moted. We bade farewell to Camp Gregg, and crossing the Potomac again at Shepherdstown, camped that night.

Taking up our line of march again, we were in Petmsylva- nia, going towards Gettysburg, when the "dogs of war" were again unloosed with redoubled fury.

The first day's fight at Gettysburg, we drove the enemy some distance and halted on a ridge, and lay on our arms that night, and held this ridge until the third day's fight. That day we were in position supporting our artillery, and under the heaviest fire of the enemy's field artillery that our brigade ever experienced during the entire war.

Suddenly the enemy's artillery ceased and we were ordered forward to charge the heights occupied by the enemy's artil- lery and infantry. We faced the storm of death-dealing grape, shell and canister shot, and an incessant shower of musketry, a long distance in an open field, all the way, and reaching the heights only to find that we were flanked by the enemy and unsupported by our own troops, we were com.- pelled to fall back, leaving many of our best and bravest men dead and dying on this bloody and sanguinary field. After remaining in line f(?r a day we commenced our retreat to Hagerstown, where General Lee offered the enemy battle on equal terms, which they declined. We left Hagerstown in a hard rain, marching over a miserable road for Falling Waters, and about sunrise the next morning, after an all night's march, reached the old Potomac river again. Cross- ing the Potomac we were on Virginia soil again, and with a slight brush at Mine Run ended the campaign of 1863.

General Grant had taken command of the Federal forces in the Spring of 1864, and crossed the river to meet us at the Wilderness. Here this battle commenced early in the after- noon, severe fighting going on contimiously until dark. We drove the enemy back every charge they made. During the night following, however, by some fatal oversight, or unpar- donable negligence of some of our generals, our forces were hiiddled together in the utmost confusion, "cross and pile,"

Eighteenth Regiment. 75

with no line formed, so that at daylight, the enemy making a desperate charge, we came very near being utterly routed, and would have been but for the timely appearance of some fresh troops. Our brigade rallied and drove the enemy back, the battle ended with victory for the Southern cause.

Then commenced our roundabout march to Petersburg. On 12 May, 1864, we met the enemy at Spottsylvania, and on that morning we were in the memorable "Horse- shoe" enveloped by a dense fog, taking advantage of which the enemy broke our line, and captured many prisoners. But General Lane, by his admirable management of our brigade, again drove the enemy back and regained our lines. At this juncture our brigade was reinforced by Thomas' Georgia bri- gade, and we drove the enemy back across the works and into the woods beyond. Our brigade was then moved to the right, and behind hastily improvised works, which afforded little or no protection, we were exposed to a galling and heavy enfilading fire from six of the enemy's guns on his left. Thus we remained several hours, while General Ewell was being hard pressed. Later we were ordered to take the enemy's guns, supported by Mahone's Virginia brigade.

We did capture the guns, besides took four hundred and fifty prisoners and three stand of colors. This the Eigh- teenth North Carolina Regiment, with the brigade to which it belonged, did, and the credit of the same was awarded to Lane's North Carolina Brigade, although Mahone tried to claim it. With the charge of our brigade the battle of Spott- sylvania Court House ended in another victory for General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.

On theimarch towards Petersburg we had several "brushes" with the enemy at Totopotomy Creek, Cold Harbor, Turkey Ridge and other places, not now remembered.

At Turkey Ridge, General Lane being wounded, the com- mand of the brigade devolved upon Colonel Jno. D. Barry, of the Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment.

Crossing the James river at Drewry's Bluff, we were among the first troops to reach Petersburg.

It would be impossible to give anything like an accurate ac- count of our every day's work fighting, marching and build-

76 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

ing works around Petersburg. Suffice it to say that the Eighteenth North Carolina Kegiment was always at the front, and always did its whole duty. We were ordered to cross the James river at Drewry's Bluff again, and on the march thither for the first time, at "Deep Bottom," we en- countered the colored troops, who first drove a brigade on our right out of the works, which we in turn retook, and held them until ordered elsewhere.

Marching to Petersburg via Drewry's Bluff, we were sta- tioned below and to the right of Battery No. 45, and remained until our brigade was sent to assist in an attack on Reams Station. There we supported the brigades of Generals Cooke, MacEae and others, and being well supported, we charged the enemy's lines, took nine of his guns, two thousand prison- ers, besides wagons, ambulances, etc. It was a desperate fight, but the result added to the fame of the North Carolina soldier, of which their descendants may, for all time to come, be proud.

Events in rapid succession crowded upon each other. The end was rapidly approaching. We went back to Battery No. 45.

At Jones' Earm on 30 September, 1864, we had a severe fight, and lost from our regiment some of its bravest and best. Our regiment was now reduced to a mere "skele- ton" or handful of its former strength. Starting out with eleven hundred men, we were now reduced to one hundred or less. The death of every comrade was now indeed a serious loss. Our entire brigade was hardly now in numbers, as much as half our original regimental muster roll.

We remained in the trenches at Petersburg until we took our last march in the Spring following towards Appomattox. As we passed through Petersburg the sidewalks of the city were filled with weeping women and children, lamenting the fate which they knew daylight would bring upon them. In our army they had centred their hopes, and with our de- parture they well knew their last earthly refuge and hope were gone, and for many days and nights thereafter the wail- ings and lamentations of these helpless women and children rang in the Southern soldier's ear as he "plodded his weary

Eighteenth Regiment. 77

■way" to the place where the Southern flag was to be furled forever. The march from Petersburg began 2 April, and ended at Appomattox 9 April, 1865.

Twenty-eight thousand bleeding, half -starved and foot-sore soldiers stood there on that eventful 9 April, 1865, with folded arms, as General Lee rode down our lines and "bade us adieu forever."

The Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment, after one year's coast service in North Carolina, went to Virginia. Early in 1862 was part of Branch's Brigade, afterwards to the close of the war, Lane's.

After seeing some service in the Valley, from the battle of Hanover Court House, (called by some "Slash Church"), to the surrender at Appomattox, it was a portion of General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.

This regiment fought not less than thirty-five (35) bat- tles, besides double that number of skirmishes; was in both the Maryland and Pennsylvania campaigns, forded the Poto- mac five times, and crossed it once on a pontoon, and was "in at the death," when the Southern Star of victory went down in a sea of bloodj in the gloom of defeat at Appomattox.

Such is the history, in brief, of the Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment. A great many of the scenes described I have drawn from data obtained from comrades years ago. A great many have faded from my ^memory. Yet while I was not a participant in all or indeed in many of the battles and stirring scenes of those troublous times, yet I am sure this hastily written sketch, imperfect as it is, faithfully re- cords the history of the Eighteenth North Carolina Regi- ment in the substance of its work and in all its essential par- ticulars.

It is only intended, as I understand it, to furnish data for the future North Carolina historian, when he comes to do his State justice, by a faithful and impartial record of its soldiers' sufferings, privations, toil and victories, in that bloody drama.

If these lines will thus aid the future writer of the deeds and heroism of the North Carolina soldier, I feel that the task assigned me is accomplished, and that I have contributed

78 North Carolina Teoops, 1861-65.

my part towards its future History, even though hastily and imperfectly done.

Certain it is, that North Carolina has no cause to feel ashamed of the part her soldiers took, and while we detract from none but want all to have the credit to which they are justly entitled, yet let justice be done to the State that had more soldiers in active service at the front, than there were voters in the entire State.

Thomas H. Sutton. Private Company I.

Faybtteville, N. C,

April 9, 1901.


1. Sol. WilliamB, Colonel. 3. Randolph H. Reese, Captain, Co. H.

2. Geo. Pettigrew Bi'yan, Captain, Co. G. 4. James N. Turner, Captain, Co. D.

5. W. A. Graham, Jr., Captain, Co. K.


(second cavaley. )

By W. a. graham, Captain Company K.

This regiment, with the first eight regiments of infantry, the Ninth ISTorth Carolina Regiment (First Cavalry), the Tenth Eegiment (First Artillery), and the Thirty-third Eeg- iment of infantry, comprised what was originally kno'wn as "State Troops." They enlisted "for the war," and the officers, both regimental and company, were appointed by the Gov- ernor. The volunteers enlisted for twelve months (except the Bethel Eegiment six months) ; their company officers were elected by the "rank and file" of the company ; the field officers by the commissioned officers of the companies of the respective battalions and regiments. In 1862 the right to elect company officers was given by law to the State Troops. The horses for the privates were furnished by the State to the First and Second Cavalry Eegiments. The regiment, except Company A, assembled at Kittrell's Springs in August and September, 1861.


S. B. Speuill, Colonel.

William G. Eobinson, Lieutenant Colonel.

John W. Woodfin, Major.

GuiLFOED Nicholson, Adjutant.

Capt. John S. Hines^ Quartermaster.

Capt. John W. Mooee, Commissary.

Smith, Surgeon.

E. H. Shields, Assistant Surgeon. E. P.TucKE, Sergeant Major.

80 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Rogers; Second Lieutenants, George V. Snider and W. P. Moore.

Company B Iredell County Captain, C. M. Andrews ; First Lieutenant, S. Jay Andrews; Second Lieutenants, Eichard W. Allison and James N. Turner.

Company C Gates and Hertford Counties Captain John G. Boothe ; First Lieutenant, James M. Wynn ; Second Lieutenants, Mills L. Eure and William P. Eoberts.

Company D Cumberland County Captain, James W. Strange ; First Lieutenant, T. S. Lutterloh ; Second Lieuten- ants, Joseph S. Baker and James F. Williams.

Company E Nash, Wilson and Pranhlin Counties Captain, Columbus A. Thomas ; First Lieutenant, J. J. B. Vick; Second Lieutenants, Nick M. Harris and Robert W. Atkinson.

Company F Guilford County- Captain Barzillai F. Cole; First Lieutenant, R. W. King; Second Lieutenants, P. A. Tatum and Nelson.

Company G Beaufort County Captain, Louis E. Sat- terthwaite; First Lieutenant, William Satterthwaite ; Sec- ond Lieutenants, Samuel S. Whitehurst and George P. Bryan.

Company H Bertie and Northamipton Counties Cap- tain, John Randolph; First Lieutenant, H. B. Hardy; Sec- ond Lieutenants, W. H. Newsom and George Bishop.

Company I Moore County Captain, Jesse L. Bryan; First Lieutenant, J. L. Arnold; Second Lieutenants, D. 0. Bryan and J. S. Eitter.

Company K Orange County- Captain, Josiah Turner, Jr. ; First Lieutenant, William A. Graham, Jr, ; Second Lieutenants, John P. Lockhart and James V. Moore.

In October the regiment broke camp. Companies D, E, F, I and K, with Colonel, Major and Staff, to Hertford, thence to Edenton; the second squadron (Companies B and G), Lieutenant-Colonel commanding, to Washington, N". C. ; the third squadron (Companies C and H), under Captain Boothe, to Neuse River, below ISTew Bern. Company A was at Asheville.

While at Edenton there was mention of arming the five

Nineteenth Regiment. 81

companies there with muskets and sending them to Roanoke Island as infantry, to remain until relieved by infantry. The Colonel favored this, biit the company officers objected, as it was putting the men into a different service from that into which they had entered, and for an indefinite time. After several weeks' "jawing" the idea was abandoned. Major Woodfin commanded the Battalion most of the time while at Edenton, Colonel Spruill being in attendance upon the State (Secession) Convention ; of which he was a member. In De- cember the regiment, except the second squadron, was assem- bled at ISTew Bern. Company A had come from Asheville, the fifth squadron (Companies E and K) received horses here, and the whole regiment was now mounted but was not armed. Governor Clark complained to the Confederate Government on 12th March, 1862, that the regiment had not been armed, although it had been in service six months. Win- ter quarters were built across the Trent river. These, on the evacuation, were occupied by "runaway negroes" and were the beginning of the present James City.

The regiment took part in the battle of New Bern, 14 March, 1862, Companies A. E and K dismounted, and under command of Colonel Z. B. Vance, Twenty-sixth N. C. T. Af- ter the battle of New Bern the camp was at "Wise's Fork, five miles below Kinston, and for the first time the regiment met as a whole. It picketed the roads to New Bern, the first via Tuscarora, the second via Dover Swamp and the Third via Trenton and near PoUocksville.

This was the severest service the regiment saw in its his- tory. A company of from thirty to sixty men would go from twenty to twenty-five miles to the front, establish its picket in from a half to a fourth of a mile of those of the enemy, who had a "reserve" of several thousand a mile or two in their rear, and General Burnside's whole command at New Bern, not ten miles from our outpost. For us there was no reinforcement, except a few "couriers," in twenty miles. Each company in turn had a picket tour of about ten days on one of the roads, and frequently the horses were not unsad- dled for half that time. It frequently rained nearly every 6

82 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

day of the ten. Consequently, three-fourths of the horses returned from picket with sore backs. The regiment was armed with almost every kind of arms (except the newest pat- terns) known to the warrior or sportsman, and was never fully equipped with arms of modern warfare until it equipped itself with those furnished by the United States and taken from its troops in Virginia.

The writer has taken Company K on picket with thirty-five men, armed about as follows: Two Sharp's carbines, six Hall's, five Colts' (six-shooters), four Mississippi rifles and twelve double-barrelled shotguns, and perhaps a half dozen pairs of old one-barrel "horse pistols." There was not ex- ceeding twenty cartridge boxes in the company; the others carried their ammunition (twenty rounds) in the pockets of their clothes and in their "haversacks." Was not this a "for- midable array" to place itself within ten miles of the head- quarters of thirty thousand men equipped with arms of mod- ern pattern ? While the regiment remained here there were nearly every week, engagements with the enemy, (1) Captain Strange, Company D, near "Ten Mile" house; (2) Captain Andrews, Company B, at- Tuscarora ; (3) Captain Boothe, Company C, at Mills, in Carteret county ; (4) Lieuten- ant W. P. Roberts, Company C, with twenty-five men near Pollocksville ; (5) 14 April, Lieutenant-Colonel Robinson, with portions of Companies D, E, F, I and K, at Gillet's, in Onslow County. The attack was made on horseback against infantry in house and in a lot surrounded by a "stake and rider" rail fence with a deep ditch on the outside. Lieuten- ant-Colonel Robinson was wounded and captured. He never returned to the regiment. Captain Turner, Company K, was severely wounded and disabled for further ser- vice in the field; (6) 13 May, at the White Church, near Fescue's, in Jones County, on the Dover Swamp road, fourteen miles from ISTew Bern, Lieutenant Rogers, with twenty-five men of Company A, and Lieuten- ant Graham, with fifteen men of Company K, a total of forty men, were attacked by the Third New York Cavalry, a six- gun battery and two regiments of infantry. They repelled the attack and killed, wounded and captured nearly as many

Nineteenth Regiment. 83

as they had engaged in the fight. The road having swampy ground on both sides, there was no opportunity for them to deploy against us. Our loss 1 killed, 6 wounded, 2 prisoners. The troops engaged were complimented in general orders by Lieutenant-General Holmes from district headquarters ; also by General Robert Ransom, commanding post. Colonel Spruill resigned in April. Matthew L. Davis, who was com- missioned to succeed him, died in Goldsboro en route to the regiment. Colonel Sol. Williams was transferred from the Twelfth Infantry to the Second Cavalry 5 June, 1862. His Adjutant, Lieutenant John C. Pegram came with him. Adjutant Nicholson became Lieutenant of Company A.


On 4 July, 1862, as First Lieutenant Company K, I was in command of the picket on the Dover Swamp road from Kinston to New Bern with headquarters at the Merritt House and our outpost at the Ten-Mile House. About 11 o'clock a. m.. Colonel W. F. Martin, Seventeenth North Carolina Troops, and Captain Theodore J. Hughes, formerly Commis- sary of the regiment and afterwards Purser of the "Ad- Vance" during most of her life as a blockade-runner, arrived, carrying communications imder "flag of truce" to General Burnside, commanding the United States forces at New Bern. I requested Colonel Martin to procure for me per- mission to accompany them, and with this expectation took command of the escort. I prepared my toilet by taking off my coat and pants and whipping them around a sapling to get the dust out and with a corn cob and spittle, endeavored to "shine" my boots. After dinner (about 12:30 p. m.) we started ; a Corporal and two men with a white handkerchief on a pole as the "flag of truce" going about three hundred yards in front, the escort about fifteen men- and the mes- sengers following. The advance was halted at Deep Gully, nine and a half miles from New Bern, by the Federal out- post. This was the week of the "Seven Days' Fights" around Richmond. We received our mail for the week by Colonel Martin, containing papers giving accounts of the battles;

84 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

which, it will be remembered, were all in our favor. Colonel Martin had brought several copies with him and we gathered what we could before starting, to carry the good news with us. "We distributed them among the officers and spoke of any par- ticularly favorable item in the papers. After a halt of half an hour we mounted an ambulance and Colonel Mix, who was to accompany us, informed us that his orders were for us to travel blind-folded and requested us to tie our handker- chiefs over our eyes. Colonel Martin remarked that he pre- ferred for Colonel Mix to tie his as it might come off at some time when not desired and have the appearance of his acting in bad faith. Captain Hughes and I also adopted the same view, and Colonel Mix tied all our handkerchiefs.

A drive of an hour landed us at General Burnside's head- quarters. It was now about half past 4 o'clock. General Burnside, after reading papers brought by Colonel Martin, asked if we had any newspapers. We told him we had given them out at Colonel Mix's headquarters. Colonel Mix afterwards came in and General Burnside said to him he understood he had some late papers. Colonel Mix said "Yes," and hfe would send them in. General Bum- side made some remark about not caring particularly about it ; which was but a poor attempt to conceal his desire to have them speedily.

General Burnside apologized to lis for our blindfold ride. He said: "General Foster was temporarily in command and it was by his orders ; that he never required it. If any one thought he was ready to attack him after being in his lines he was welcome to come on and try it."

The true condition of matters was that General Burnside had been ordered, with Generals Parke and Reno, to rein- force ilcClellan in "Virginia. Several regiments, arriving from Morehead City during the afternoon, were marched by in order to make the impression on us that the troops at ISTew Bern were being reinforced. I was surprised to see a good many white straw hats worn by the men. General Burnside remarked to General Foster, as a regiment passed, that he would "make those fellows throw away those straw hats," which Foster said he would do. The generals were not as

Nineteenth Regiment. 85

courteous to us as the officers of lesser grade had been. They seemed to be in bad humor. They had heard from Richmond and other news may have accounted for it.

Sahites on the Fourth of July were being fired frequently. General Burnside remarked to me : "I suppose you people do not bum any powder on the Fourth of July?" I replied: "No, we save it to burn on those who are attempting to de- prive us of the privileges of the Fourth of July."

He remarked to Colonel Martin, that he "had just returned from a trip North, and that you could hardly miss the men absent in the army. This is not the case with you." Colonel Martin replied : "No, and that it seemed to prove what he had often heard said, that 'Northern people were staying at home and sending the foreigners to do the fighting." General Burn- side replied : "Not at all, but it shows the difference in the populations of the two sections and the impossibility of the South's success. Success would be the worst thing that could happen for the South. When I am in a bad humor I wish the South would succeed." Colonel Martin replied that he "wished he was in a bad humor all the time." About this time Generals Foster, Parke and Reno came in. They were all in bad temper, and we spent an hour or so "spatting." Some one of us, whenever opportimity offered, would relate something about the late battles in Virginia. General Burn- side expressed himself as in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war, even to the arming of the negroes if necessary to success. We were surprised to hear this as General Burnside was represented as opposed to negro soldiers. During our confab. General Burnside turned to me and said rather sharply: "To what command do you belong?" I replied: "The Second North Carolina Cavalry." "Yes," says he, "you are the fellows who are shooting my pickets. I detest such warfare ; if a man wishes to fight let him come out like a man and show himself and not creep up like he was hunting a tur- key." I replied: "Your men began this mode and now you are complaining of it." He replied: "It is not so, and to prove it I lose five or six men where you lose one." I answer- ed : "That only prQves that our men are the best shots, and when they pull the trigger generally bring down the game,

86 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

while yours miss." He replied: "You do, hey!" witli a touch of the "dry grins." I said : "If you do not like this style of warfare order your men to stop and ours will."

We discussed secession, States' rights, Federalism, war, ability of the South to maintain the contest, campaigns al- ready fought, leaders, etc., etc., but in not a very gentle man- ner. Governor Edward Stanly came in for a short while and was very courteous. About dusk we were driven in an ambulance to the house of the Spotswood family, but now used by the United States Army, and placed in a room on the second floor to spend the night.

Supper was furnished us in our room. An hour or so af- terwards Governor Stanly called and spent several hours. He had recently arrived from California, having been ap- pointed "Military Governor" of the State by President Lin- coln.

Colonel Martin remarked that he was surprised to hear General Bumside express himself in favor of arming the ne- groes. Governor Stanly replied that he "must be mistaken ; that he had frequently talked with General Burnside on the subject, and he was as much opposed to it as you or I, and, as for myself, whenever it is done I will resign and go whence I came."

About the time the "colored troops" were "mustered in" Governor Stanly resigned and left the State. I do not know, however, that there was any connection between the two events.

After Governor Stanly left we discovered some one was in the little room connecting the one we were in with another, and the door was pushed a little ajar, as if to hear anything we might say. We considered this as a "breach of hospital- ity" and expressed ourselves in vigorous language on the sub- ject and on Yankees in general, and the experiences of the day. If what was gathered from our conversation was re- ported it is not published in the Records of the Rebellion.

On the morning of the 5th, about sunrise, we went across the street to breakfast.

Breakfast over, we got into the ambulance; were again

Nineteenth Regiment. 87

blindfolded, and when we saw the light we were at our pickets at the Ten-Mile House.

In August the second squadron (Companies C and K), Captain Booth commanding, moved to Hamilton, Martin County, to picket the Roanoke river.

In October the other ten companies, under command of Major C. M. Andrews, who had been promoted upon resigna- tion of Major Woodfin, moved via Franklin, Va., to join the Army of ISTorthern Virginia and camped at Warrenton, Octo- ber 12th. Shortly after reaching there a scout of 225 mounted men and two pieces of artillery was ordered by Lieu- tenant-Colonel Payne, Fourth Virginia Cavalry, command- ing post. This party, commanded by Major Andrews, moved on the 16th via Bristoe Station, Manassas, and to the south of Centerville to Gainesville. Here the Major learned that a train had passed a short time previous. Pushing on, he overtook and captured the train at Hay Market, consisting of seven wagons and teams, also thirty-nine prisoners, killed three and wounded five Yankees. The regiment remained at Warrenton until 1 December, when it moved with the army to the vicinity of Fredericksburg. In the battle of Fredericksburg, 13 December, the regiment acted with other mounted forces in protecting General Lee's right, but was not engaged, except as skirmishers. The regi- ment was represented in the detail to make the raid under General Stuart into Maryland, on 24 December. It was assigned 2 December, 1862, to the brigade of General W. H. F. Lee, with the Ninth, Tenth, Thirteenth and Fifteenth Virginia Regiments of cavalry. It spent the winter in Es- sex County, picketing the Rappahannock river from Hazel River to Centre Cross. In March it moved to Culpepper County, camping between Culpepper Court House and Brandy Station. 1 May engaged Stoneman in his raid at Stone's Mills. The regiment was commanded by Major An- drews from 14 December to 8 May, Colonel Williams being detached as president of a court-martial. Major Andrews then getting a "sick furlough," Lieutenant-Colonel Payne was temporarily assigned to command it.

The second squadron (Companies C and K) remained at

88 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Hamilton until October. It participated in the attack on Washington, 1 September. Captain Boothe was severely woimded and not again in active service. While moving to join the regiment in Virginia the squadron was ordered into camp near the "Halfway House" on the pike between Peters- burg and Richmond. It, with Company C, Forty-first North Carolina (3d Cav.), formed a battalion, commanded by Cap- tain Graham, and built winter quarters on the pike near Proctor's creek. The battalion picketed the James Eiver as far as Bermuda Hundreds. To it was also assigned the duty of picketing the Appomattox for sixty miles above Pe- tersburg, to arrest deserters from the Army of Northern Vir- ginia. In March, 1863, the squadron, commanded by Cap- tain Graham, picketed General Longstreet's left flank in his expedition towards Suffolk to secure the hogs and cattle from the Albemarle section of North Car- olina. While at Drewry's Bluff the squadron was at- tached to the commands of Generals Daniel and Elzey, also to Colonel Jack Brown, of the Fifty-ninth Georgia. Under General Longstreet it picketed the James and Nansemond rivers. There were engagements with the enemy at Provi- dence Church and Chuckatuck. Captain Moore's Company, Sixty-third N. C. (5th Cav.), and Stribling's Virginia Bat- tery, mounted, formed a battalion, which Captain Graham commanded. It was under Generals Jenkins of South Caro- lina, Hood and Pickett during this service.

May 20 the squadron rejoined the regiment in Culpepper County, Virginia. There had been many changes of officers in the regiment. The following is a roster at that time :

EOSTEE 1 JUNE, 1863.

Sol Williams, Colonel.

Lieutenant-Colonel (Vacant.)

Clinton M. Andrews, Major.

John C. Pegeam, Adjutant.

A. Smith Joedan, Assistant Quartermaster.

W. H. Upsiiue, Surgeon.

Ianson, Assistant Surgeon.

Nineteenth Regiment. 89

Ebwaed Joedan^ Sergeant Major.

OoMANY A Captain, J. V. B. Rogers ; First Lieutenant, W. B. Tidwell; Second Lieutenants, Abram 0. Evans and Jacob E. Williams.

Company B Captain, S. J. Andrews ; Eirst Lieutenant, E. W. Allison; Second Lieutenants, J. IST. Turner and Wil- liam A. Luckey.

Company C Captain, James M. Wynn; First Lieuten- ant, W. P. Roberts; Second Lieutenants, Abram F. Harrell and L. R. Cowper.

Company D Captain, James W. Strange; First Lieu- tenant, Joseph S. Baker; Second Lieutenants, J. A. P. Con- oly and John B. Person.

Company E Captain, R. W. Atkinson ; First Lieutenant, K. H. Winstead ; Second Lieutenants, E. P. Tucke and Eph. Bobbins.

Company F Captain, P. A. Tatum; First Lieutenant, John G. Blassingame; Second Lieutenants, IST. C. Tucker and Holden.

Company G Captain, ii. L. Eure; First Lieutenant, G. P. Bryan ; Second Lieutenants, W. M. Owens and J. W. Sim- mons.

Company H Captain, R. H. Reese ; First Lieutenant, S.

]Sr. Buxton; Second Lieutenants, F. M. Spivey and


Company I Captain, D. 0. Bryan; First Lieutenant, Thomas H. Harrington; Second Lieutenants, John C. Baker and James A. Cole.

Company K Captain, W. A. Graham, Jr. ; First Lieu- tenant, John P. Lockhart; Second Lieutenants, A. F. Fau- cette and James R. Harris.

the battle of BEANDY station^ OE FLEETWOOD.

The regiment participated in the review of the Cavalry Corps by General R. E. Lee, Monday, 8 June, 1863, on the plain along the railroad between Brandy Station and Cul- pepper Court House. Our regiment returned to its camp

90 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

of the night before, about one mile north of Hon. John Minor Botts', near Gilberson's, with orders to go on picket the next morning at Fox's Spring, about twenty miles distant on the Rappahannock River. On the mornings of the 9th at about 6 :30 o'clock "boots and saddles" sounded. "Saddle up" was the Confederate name for this signal, perhaps due to the fact that the boots were generally wanting. I went to headquar- ters and Colonel Williams directed me to leave the cooks and sore-back horses in camp. Thirty minutes afterwards, "To horse ^lead out" was sounded, and just at its close Colonel Williams' orderly came to me with orders to mount every man I had. He had received notice of the Federals crossing the river in the meantime, but the orderly said nothing of it. The regiment was quickly formed, my command being the second squadron, Companies C and K, threw me in the rear, as we moved off in "column of fours." A quarter of a mile distant we entered a road leading towards Beverly Ford, and forming platoons imtmediately took the "gallop" which we maintained for most of the distance, which miist have been considerably over a mile, to the battlefield. Up to this time not one-third of the regiment knew that the Federals had crossed, or were attempting to cross, at Thompson's or Wel- ford's. As we cleared a piece of woods the column headed to the left and came in view of the enemy's artillery placed between the Dr. Green residence and the river on the Cun- ningham farm. Just as our rear squadron turned into the field a shell cut off the top of a tree Over our heads, and this was the first intimation we had of the presence of the enemy. We could see a portion of the Tenth Virginia engaged in the direction of the battery. The Nineteenth (Second Cavalry) North Carolina passed Dr. Green's house, crossed Euffin's Run and took position behind a knoll on which two guns of Breathed's battery, "horse artillery," under Lieutenant John- son were placed. This soon became engaged with the enemy. Colonel Williams formed all the men in the regiment who were armed with "long range guns" on foot and went to the front where he was soon hotly engaged with the enemy who had dismounted and taken position behind a stone wall three hundred yards in advance of his battery. After exchanging


1. W. B. Tidwell, Captain, Co. A. 4. Levi Y. Lockhart, Sergeant, Co. K.

2. John P. Loukhart, Captain, Co. K. 5. W. A. Curtis, Sergeant. Co. A. 8. Stephen O. Terry, Sergeant, Co. K. 6. John L. Hall, Private, Co. K.

Nineteenth Regiment. 91

shots for a short time, he ordered a charge and captured the wall taking eighteen prisoners, besides the killed and wounded. In the charge Captain S. Jay Andrews, Company B, Iredell County, lost a foot, and Lieutenant J. G. Blassin- game, of Columbia, S. C, temporarily in command of Com- pany F, was mortally wounded. Our regiment held this po- sition with little change, although engaged part of the time with Aimes' Brigade of infantry, until 2 p. m. During the engagement General W. H. F. Lee, with several of his staff, were standing in a few feet of a large hickory tree a few steps to the right of one of Lieutenant Johnson's guns, when a shell struck the tree and threw pieces of it over them. A fair representation of "Company Q," (Quartermaster and his cubs) had assembled on the high ground about half a mile in owv rear to see the fighting. A well directed shot in their direction caused them to seek less conspicuous places for ob- servation. About 2 p. m. General Lee withdrew his brigade to the right to form connection with Jones and Hampton. The Nineteenth North Carolina (Second Cavalry) being on the right was placed on the plain which extends to the rail^ road and in full view of Fleetwood, General Stuart's head- quarters. The Tenth Virginia was next to us and at foot of the hills, the Ninth and Thirteenth Virginia were next to the enemy. The brigade held the enemy in check until moved to near the Orange and Alexandria Eailroad at Fleetwood, on account of the advance tlie enemy, which had crossed at the Eappahannock bridge and Kelley's Ford, had made. Generals Pleasanton and Buford had united their forces, which had crossed the Eappahannock at the dif- ferent fords, and now Avith combined forces, attacked the brigade on the left and were driving the troops in that por- tion of the field in some disorder, capturing some of the dis- mounted men and threatening the horse artillery.

About 3 or 3 :30 o'clock the shouts on the left told us that a brisk engagement was proceeding! Shortly afterwards Col- onel Williams came at full speed towards the regiment, pass- ing the Tenth Virginia. I suppose he gave the command, as they immediately formed by squadron and started at a gal- lop. As soon as he was near enough to our regiment he gave

92 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

command, "Form column by squadron," and placing second squadron in front, gave the command "Gallop ; march." As we rose the hill we saw the enemy driving the Ninth and Thirteenth Virginia in considerable confusion before them, in our direction. The Tenth Virginia, when it reached a position that it could fire on the enemy without firing into the Ninth and Thirteenth, halted and opened fire. Colonel Wil- liams gave the command to his regiment "Right oblique," and as soon as we had cleared the Tenth Virginia, turning in his saddle shouted: "Forward; draw sabre; charge." The regiment raised the yell as it went by our stationary and re- tiring companions and the scene was immediately changed. The Federals were the fleers and the Confederates the pur- suers. Our regiment drove the enemy about half a mile back upon their reserves of cavalry and infantry, who were posted on a hill, while our advance had reached an angle where two stone walls came together on an opposite hill, about two hun- dred yards distant. This, with a volley from the reserve, checked the advance. The leading four were Colonel Wil- liams, Sergeant Jordan, Company C ; private Asbell, Com- pany K, and the writer.


Asbell was felled from his horse with a wound through the head almost immediately. Colonel Williams gathered his horse to leap the wall, shouting : "Second North Carolina, follow me." The writer called to him: "Colonel, we had better get a line, they are too strong to take this way." He replied : "That will be best ; where is the flag ?" and as we turned, it was not flfty yards to our rear. He rode to meet it ; halted it and was shouting to the men to fall in, when he was shot throug'h the head, and died immediately, his body being carried from the fleld by his adjutant, John C, Pegram.

About this time the enemy enflladed us with a piece of ar- tillery, placed half a mile or more to our right, towards the river, and down the gorge, at whose head we had formed. This caused the regiment to give back a hundred yards or so, keep- ing its formation. The Federals charged us, we fired into

Nineteenth Regiment. 93

them, and they retired and made no further demonstration. In the charge, we relieved a great many of our dismounted knen, who had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and also a gun of the horse artillery, which went rapidly to the rear, as we relieved it of its danger of capture. Any information General Pleasanton got of General Lee's movements, must have been given him by General Gregg, for Buford never pierced W. H. F. Lee's line without being immediately re- pulsed, and the brunt of this work, both on foot and mounted, was done by the ISTineteenth North Carolina (Second Cav- alry), and so acknowledged at the time. Lieutenant P. A. Tatum, Company F. (Greensboro, N. G.) who had a disa- greement with Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Payne, Fourth Vir- ginia Cavalry, who was temporarily in command of the regi- ment a short time before, and had been placed under arrest, went into the charge without arms or spurs, and was wounded while most gallantly leading his men. The regiment lost 35.

Colonel Williams had been married but two weeks before to Miss Maggie, daughter of Captain Pegram, of the Confed- erate Navy, and had returned to camp on Saturday. He was beloved by his men ; as brave and true a man as was in that army, yet with a gentle, affectionate disposition, almost equal to a woman's. Indulgent to his men in camp almost to a fault, yet, when duty called and occasion required, he proved himself a leader worthy of their admiration. I have given this account of the battle of 9 June, 1863, somewhat in full that Colonel Williams and his regiment might receive some of the credit to which they are entitled.

Captain Strange, of Company D, Fayetteville, JST. C, who was in command after Colonel Williams' death, I know pre- pared a report of the part taken by the regiment and submit- ted it to the officers before forwarding it to headquarters. In "The Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies" the Nineteenth N^orth Carolina (Second Cavalry) is hardly mentioned in the official reports of this battle. General Stu- art says in his report of Colonel Williams : "He was as brave as he was efficient." The reports for the Nineteenth North Carolina Cavalry are nearly all wanting, and a loss of only five is reported, when the loss in my own command was three

94 North Carolina Troops, ]861-'65.

times that. The brigade ordnance officer, Captain B. B. Turner (Official Kecord, Vol. 11, part II, page 720) says of captured arms that "Eeports are all in except the Second JSTorth Carolina Cavalry, which is on picket ; none of the other regiments captured any." Consequently whatever prisoners, whether wounded or not, that fell into the hands of W. H. F. Lee's Brigade must have come to our regiment and been its work.

Major H. B. McClellan has published a book entitled "The Campaigns of Stuart's Cavalry." In this he is very unfair to the JSTineteenth North Carolina at Brandy Station. He dis- misses it with a statement that Colonel Williams requested permission to go into the charge went in on the right of the Ninth Virginia, was shot through the head and instantly killed. In making up his narra- tive, he says - he got Colonel Beale, of the Ninth Vir- ginia, to give him an account of the fight, who informs him when he reformed his regiment, and rode forward to recon- noiter, to his surprise he found the enemy moving buck to the river. Not one word about the Nineteenth North Carolina, or how he got an opportunity to reform his regiment. Major McClellan does not seem to have considered it necessary to consult any member of the North Carolina regiment as to the action.

On that day W. H. F. Lee's Brigade received no assist- ance, although Robertson's Cavalry and a portion of Iverson's Infantry Brigade came upon the field; they fired no gun, and saw no enemy. After sunset we rode to a clover field near by, dismounted, and held our horses "to graze" until half past nine o'clock, when we marched to Fox's Spring, and as the sun rose next morning the writer dismounted, having placed pickets on the river. The regiment thought this very unjust, as it had borne the burden of the fight during the day, but Colonel Chambliss, of the Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry, was in com- mand of the brigade, and continued through the campaign, and I do not suppose there is a member of the Nineteenth ( Second Cavalry) North Carolina that has a single pleasant recollection of his treatment of it during his command. He

Nineteenth Regiment. 95

was promoted to Brigadier, and fell at the head of his brigade m 1864. His bravery was never questioned, and was dis- played on many occasions. It is to be regretted he did not add to this, impartiality of treatment to the regiments under his com'mand in the Gettysburg campaign. As the regiment formed "platoons" on reaching the Beverly Ford road, on the morning of the 9th, my negro servant, Edmund, formed the officers' servants and colored cooks in line immediately in the rear of the regiment and flourishing an old sabre over his head, took command of them. As we galloped down the road he was shouting to them : "I want no running. Every man must do his duty, and stand up to the rack," etc., etc. When the shell cut off the tree, as we came in view of the en- emy, he and his sable warriors disappeared in every direction except the front, and we did not see them for three days.

That night, 9 June, the regiment, although it had done most of -the fighting for the brigade during the day, was marched to Fox's Springs to do picket duty, and just as the sun rose on the morning of the 10th the pickets took position. The Company was not together again until we returned to camp on the 14th. At "roll call" I spoke to the men of my pride in their action in the battle, mentioning those who had especially come under my observation but that all had done well and that when rallied in the face of the enemy none had been missing but the dead and wounded. As the command "break ranks" was given the band at Head Quarters struck up the "Old North State." Such cheering, jumping, etc., I have seldom witnessed. The mind of each went back over the hills and valleys to the home in the old State he loved and for which he would willingly die.

Lieutenant-Colonel Paine was assigned to command the regiment. On 16 June we broke camp for the "Get- tysburg campaign," first engaged in the movement in Lou- don and Fauquier counties to cover General Ewell's advance against Winchester. As there was little horse feed in this county, the men held their horses by the bridle rein while the animals grazed on the clover and orchard grass. This was done until we crossed the Potomac, on 28 June. We moved via Warrenton and Salem to Middleburg, when

96 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

we struck the enemy on the 18th. Then there was fighting every clay, and sometimes nearly all day, for a week or more, in the vicinity of Middleburg, Upperville, Goose Creek, Union and Paris. The most severe fighting was near Upper- ville, on 21 June. The enemy, besides cavalry, had Bar- ry's division of infantry. These were placed behind the stone walls with which this country was fenced. Except a portion of the Tenth Virginia Kegiment, under Major W. B. Clement, none of the brigade, nor of Jones' brigade, drawn up in sight in our rear a mile or so, gave the Nineteenth North Carolina any assistance. It was driven from the field with a loss of over half of the men it took into action, either killed or wounded. Captain W. P. Roberts, Company C, rallied a portion of the regiment and enabled Breathed's Battery, which had served most gallantly during the fight, to "limber up" and get out ; otherwise it would have been captured.

Lieutenant Cole, Company I, was killed; Lieutenant Bryan, Company G, was wounded and captured. Lieutenant Holden, Company F, had his arm broken, but, calling one of his men to make him a sling of his handkerchief and place his arm in it, continued in the fight. Corporal Stephen 0. Terry, Company K, was the last man to leave the field, and emptied the five barrels of his Colt's rifie almost alone into the face of the advancing enemy. I do not believe there was an engage- ment during the war in which a body of troops was more for- saken by comrades than the "Second Horse" was on that occasion. General Ewell, having captured Winchester, General Stuart "scouted" towards the Potomac to see that no enemy was left in the rear when he crossed the river. He found General Hancock, with Meade's wagon train, on the plains of Manassas, but was not able to deprive him of any of it, save one cannon and an ambulance. On 27 June the regiment moved via Fairfax Court House and Dranesville to near Leesburg. After placing pickets, about sunset, almost in sight of Hancock's rear guard, it retreated several miles, and then, going through a pine thicket by an- other road, found itself about 10 o'clock p. m. on the bank of the Potomac, near Seneca Falls. It forded the river, here three-fourths of a mile wide, with water half way up the sad-

Nineteenth Regiment. 97

die skirts. The fording was done in single file. On Sunday (28th) we moved out near the turnpike from Washington to Frederick City. About 2 p. m. we captured 172 of a train of 175 wagons, with six mules to each wagon, chasing them through Rockville to within seven miles of Washington City. The capture of this train, perhaps, caused the failure of vic- tory at Gettysburg, or perhaps the battle at that point. To preserve it hampered and delayed General Stuart's move- ments and left General Lee without the cavalry to locate Gen- eral Meade's forces. We moved by way of Westminster, Md., where we found abundance of rations for man and beast. Af- ter filling body and haversack, the depot was burned. On the morning of the 30th we passed through Papertown, Va., where a large quantity of paper was loaded into some of the wagons, and reached Hanover about 10 o'clock. Here General Stuart struck Meade's army. He attempted to cut his way through. Our brigade was in front. The leading regiment, after a short advance, retired in confusion. The Nineteenth JSTorth Carolina was then sent forward, and open- ed its way into the lines of the eaemj, cutting off a large force; but not being supported, they immediately closed in their rear. General Stuart sent no reinforcements to them, perhaps concluding the task too much for him, and left the regiment to its own defense. Hardly thirty men escaped being killed or captured. Most of these came out on foot through gardens or enclosures which offered protection. Here again the Nineteenth North Carolina were the actors, its comrades the audience.

iVfter passing Papertown details were made from each regi- ment to impress horses from the citizens. Captain Graham had charge of the detail from the Nineteenth North Carolina. Gathering what horses he could from the plows, wagons and stables in his route, and narrowly escaping capture, he re- joined the command after the fight at Hanover. Hanover is seventeen miles from Gettysburg. General Stuart was forced to make the circuit with his wagons via Carlisle where he burned the United States barracks to Getttysburg. We 7

'98 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

reached General Lee's lines about sunset on Thursday, 2 July. The service on this raid .was very severe. There being only three brigades, it required fighting two out of three days the first in advance, the next in rear, and to march with the wagons on the third. One hour for rest at 9 a. m. and one at 9 p. m. was all the intermission allowed.

On the morning of 3 July, gathering up the fragments left from Hanover and what was available from the wagon train. Captain Graham, as officer commanding, had a force of forty men. That afternoon, while supporting a section of Breathed's Battery, he was wounded. His command took part in the charge which occurred soon after and assisted in cutting off and capturing a squad of the enemy. The com- mand of the regiment devolved upon Lieutenant Jos. Baker, Company D.

I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness to Captain S. N. Buxton, Company H, Jackson, N. C, for the account of the fight at Hanover, Pa., and to Sergeant W. A. Curtis, Com- pany A, for the account of the ten companies while the sec- ond squadron was detached.

W. A. Geaham., Captain Company K. Machpelah, N. C, 9 April, 1901.


1. W. P. Eoberts, Colonel. 3. E. W. Allison, Captain, Co B.

2. S. N. Buxton, Captain, Co. H. 4. P. A. Tatum, Captain, Co. P.

5. JuniuB A. Bridges, 23 Lieut., Co. H.


(second cavalky. )


As stated by Major Graham .in his foregoing history of the regiment up to Gettysburg, it lost heavily at Hanover, Penn., and upon its return' to Virginia it vfas a mere shadov? of its former self and an effort was made to reorganize it, but there was not much left to reorganize.

However, Lieutenant-Colonel J. B. Gordon, of the Ninth Eegiment (First Cavalry) was made Colonel, but in a short time thereafter he was transferred to hisformer regiment as Colonel. when-its gallant Colonel, L. S. Baker, was made Brig- adier-General.

In August, 1863, 1 was commissioned Captain of Company C, vice Captain J. M. Wynns, who had resigned and returned to North Cajrolina to raise a battalion of cavalry. After the transfer of Colonel Gordon, Major C. M. Andrews, late Cap- tain Company B, became Colonel and commanded the regi- ment till June, 1864.

During the remainder of the campaign of 1863, at Jack Shops and Brandy Station, in the Bristoe campaign, at War- renton. Mine Run and other places, and until its close, the gallant little regiment was always in readiness and took its place in front whenever called upon to do so.

During the winter of 1863-'64, it did its full share of picket duty on the Rapidan river, and with other detachments of the brigade levelled many breastworks thrown up by Gen- eral Meade when he crossed that river in November. Also, during the winter the regiment was greatly augmented in strength and discipline, so that when the campaign of 1864 opened, it was in fair condition, although numerically much smaller than any other regiment of the brigade, because of

100 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

its great losses at Hanover, before mentioned, both in prison- ers and killed.

Let me state just here that the regiment never entirely re- covered from the blow it received at Hanover. Some of its officers and men were exchanged only a few days before the advance of General Grant in March, 1865 ; hence its losses were smaller than those of the other regiments of the brigade as reported at the time ; but I am sure that the loss of the Nineteenth was as great, if not greater, than that of any other regiment, if numbers are to be considered.

But to return. In the night attack made by a part of the brigade under the command of Colonel W. H. Cheek, of the Ninth North Carolina (First Cavalry) in March, the Ninie- teenth was part of the attacking column, and did its duty. I remember that it was here that Dr. Thomas E. Williams, of Clarke County, Virginia, and Surgeon of the Nineteenth Regiment, mistook Colonel Dalghren, a Union soldier, for the writer and had qiiite a conference with him before he found out his mistake.

I was commissioned Major of the regiment in March, 1864, and in May began the Wilderness campaign of General Grant.

General Sheridan's "On to Richmond" soon followed with 12,000 horse and horse artillery in abundance, and certainly everything looked badly for Richmond, as I thought. But our incomparable leader. General Jeb Stuart, at once fol- lowed him, and though he lost his great life in the pursuit, yet it was his genius and quickness of movement that saved Rich- mond on this occasion.

Among the pursuing columns was that of General J. B. Gordon, commanding the North Carolina Brigade, and I beg to state here that the South furnished no grander or more glorious soldier to the cause of Southern Liberty. Gordon was a great favorite of Stuart's ; and when at last Stuart was sorely pressed and his squadrons broken, just before his death, his last words were: "Would to God, Gordon were here." And Gordon, too, received his death wound the day after his beloved chief fell.

In the pursuit of Sheridan, the Nineteenth bore a conspicu- ous part, and was more than once complimented on the field

Nineteenth Regiment. 101

by General Gordon. Its losses, too, were heavy, and among the killed was the gallant Adjutant of the regiment, Lieutenant Worth, of Randolph County, who lost his life at the head of the regiment while charging a battery well posted and heavily protected. The battery was not captured for reasons that need not be explained here, but all the same the regiment cov- ered itself with imperishable glory, as General Gordon after- wards stated to me.

The regiment was engaged at Todd's Tavern, White Hall, Hanover Court House and at Hawes' Shop, and at the last place it did splendid service. Upon the latter occasion it was in front and made several charges ; I was there disabled by a wound in the head, but did not leave the field. The loss of the regiment was inconsiderable, but it was here that Lieutenant Joseph Baker, of Company D, was either killed or captured, and his fate was never afterwards ascertained.

In the engagement near Hanover Court House in May, there occurred one of those unfortunate stampedes which are always inexplicable ; but at the time the brigade was a mere handful, most of it having gone with General Fitz. Lee to at- tack a negro stronghold on the James river. By accident I was in comlmand of the regiment when the stampede occurred and in the midst of it, when the best officers and men seemed to be demoralized, the Color Sergeant of the regiment, Pri- vate Ramsey, of Company B, brought his flag to me, as I had ordered him to do when he could not rally his men around it, and, offering it to me, said: "Major, will you stand by the flag?" Everything was then in a perfect rout, myself with the rest, and I replied : "Ramsey, d n the flag ; I don't want it ;" but he insisted upon giving me the flag, and said he was only obeying orders from me, often repeated.

His brave words inspired a few, and th« rally was sounded and what a moment before seeimed ignominious flight and the capture of our entire force, turned out to be victory for us in the end. Around the flag a few of us turned and met our pursuers, and most of them were captured before they reached the Pamunkey river. God bless the brave boy ! I have not heard from him since the close of the war, but he was a gallant

102 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

soldier upon every field, and carried the flag bravely until it and all others went down under "overwhelming numbers and resources" at Appomattox.

The regiment did its full duty at the Davis farm in June, and it lost some men, too, but at Black's and White's, on the Southside Eailroad a few days after, it eclipsed its record. At this place I had command of the regiment, because of the sickness of Colonel C. M. Andrews, who insisted that I should lead it into action. However, later in the day, Andrews at- tempted to rejoin the head of his regiment, but in the at- teimpt, was wounded in the thigh and died from the effects of amputation.

This was one of the most satisfactory engagements that I witnessed during the war, and the old Second sustained its reputation quite manfully. It was ordered to the front early in the action, in advance of any other regiment of the division, and although pressed hard until darkness closed the scene, it held its own against great odds, and even after dark many prisoners were captured by it. Upon this occasion it was the great right bower of the gallant Ninth North Car- olina (First Cavalry) commanded and led by that thrice gallant and dashing soldier, Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. H. Cowles, and its vigorous attack upon the enemy's flank made sure the saving of our guns which were in great danger of capture. There was stubborn flghting and much individual gallantry shown by some of my men during the day, and I remember that Sergeant Nicholas Har- rell, of Company C, a perfectly reliable man, informed me at the close of the engagement, that during the day he had placed hors de combat no less than six of the enemy. The bri- gade commander did not witness the action of this regiment, nor did I receive an order from him during the day, but he got possessed with an idea somehow, or other, that the N inth alone was entitled to all praise, and published an order to that effect so soon as the brigade returned to camp. I declined to have the order read to my men on dress parade, and there was friction between the brigade commander and myself, but I carried my point in the end. I did not object to his congrat-

Nineteenth Regiment. 103

ulating the ISTinth upon its splendid behavior, but I did ob- ject to his partiality.

After the death of Colonel C. M. Andrews, I was commis- sioned Colonel of the regiment about the 1st of August, I think, and soon after followed the battle of Reams Station, brought on by a movement of the Federals to capture and hold the Weldon and Petersburg Railroad, on 25 August. The bearing of the' Nineteenth there. furnished an inspiration to the whole cavalry command, but the division commander in his report only refers to the division generally. The fact is, the great brunt of the battle, so far as the cavalry participa- ted, was borne by the Nineteenth N^orth Carolina and the Tenth Virginia, and these two regiments, unsupported, car- ried the last of the entrenchments held by the enemy. It was just at dark, I remember, and I never witnessed a more splen- did charge. Our losses were small, but our captures were great, and the old Second Cavalry did splendid work. The command captured twice as many prisoners as it had men engaged, and the next morning's Richmond papers gave full credit to its splendid and heroic service.

That superb soldier and our chief. General Wade Hampton, congratulated me vipon the field and subsequently in his official report upon the battle, referred especially to the conspicuous gallantry of my regiment.

At McDowell's farm, on 25 September, the Nineteenth took the lead, and captured one officer, a Major, I think, and some prisoners. My loss in men was light, but it was here that the brave Captain J. N. Turner, of Company B, was killed, and his death was a great personal bereavement to me. He and I had served as Second Lieutenants together, and our relations were very cordial and warm, but there was unpleasantness between him and his captain, and he asked to be transferred to the Engineer Corps, which was done. After I became Colonel of the regiment, he asked me to have him sent back to it, and I remember how happy he was when he returned. He would come to my quarters every night and talk over the war memories of the past. He was commis- sioned Captain of his old Company B, but, poor fellow, his happiness was short-lived. A few days thereafter he was

104 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

shot through the head near me, in this McDowell farm fight, his sword in one hand and his hat in the other, cheering on his men. Poor, dear Turner, there was no better man or more splendid soldier.

In all the marching and countermarching from the South to the JSTorth side of James river, the Nineteenth was always in place and participated in every engagement at Jones' farm, Gravelly Eun, Hargroves, Boisseau's farm and other places.

In one of these engagements, near the White Oak Swamp, on the north side of the James river, and where the gallant General J. R. Chambliss, of Virginia, lost his life, the regi- ment had a close call. The division of General W. H. F. Lee was hurried to the front in columns of fours, the Nine- teenth being the last of the division. Suddenly I saw the regi- ments to my front bear to the right, and immediately thereaf- ter came an order from General Lee, borne by Major John Lee, of his staff, for the Nineteenth to hurry to the front. The command "trot," "gallop," was given, and in a short while I reported to the Major-General. My orders were to relieve the regiment to my front, the Ninth Virginia, I think it was, and he further said to me: "Roberts, you know what to do, but the line must be held."

The entire division was soon withdrawn by some miscar- riage of orders, as I afterwards learned, and it was not very long before the enemy advanced in great numbers upon my lit- tie command, but it stood up against this onslaught as only brave men can. At one time the regiment was practically surrounded, and its annihilation seemed complete, but in the very nick of time up dashed the Ninth North Carolina, led by the gallant Colonel W. H. Cheek, who finally responded to my wishes and put his regiment where I suggested it should be put, and by his action I was enabled to extricate my men. But our loss was enormous ; more than thirty ofiicers and men killed in a few minutes. Captain L. R. Cowper, of Company C, and Captain George P. Bryan, of Company G, were among the killed. They were both brave ofiicers and splendid soldiers, and their loss was a sad blow to the regiment. Cap- tain Cowper and I had left home together ^had been non-

Nineteenth Regiment. 105

commissioned officers together, and he was my personal friend ; always jolly and in splendid humor, and ever b^ging me to take care of myself if I wished to live ; but always in- sisting that no Yankee bullet had ever been molded to carry off "Old Cowp," as he called himself, to the "undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns." They were both brave and gallant men, and died like soldiers with their faces to the foe.

At Wilson's farm, on the Boydton plank road, on 27 Octo- ber, 1864, the Nineteenth Regiment was again conspicuous for gallantry, and bore its full share of the fight, as it had done at Reams, McDowell's Farm, White Oak Swamp, and other places.

In-the great cattle raid in September, 1864, the Nineteenth (Second Cavalry) was a part of the command of Gen- eral Hampton commanding the expedition, and after the herd of cattle, 2,700, had been captured and driven from the corral, I received orders from him in per- son to bring up the rear. The regiment remained in the vicinity of where the cattle were captured for nearly an hour after the entire command had been withdrawn, and I at once, busied myself in making the necessary disposition of the regiment to protect our rear. Very soon the Federal cav- alry began to press me and there were a number of mounted charges given and received during the day, b\it I was hardly pressed and was glad when night came to end the pursuit. The day's work was a hard one ; none more so that I remem- ber, but I managed to keep my command so well in hand that I lost only one or two men, I think, before reaching Belcher's mills.

The JSTineteenth was at Bellfield on 8 December when the Federals under General Warren attempted once more to secure the Weldon and Petersburg Railroad, and when the rear of Warren's Corps was struck, a squadron of the Nine- teenth commanded by Captain A. F. Harrell, made a splendid charge and captured some prisoners.

Soon thereafter the regiment went into winter quarters near Bellfield, where it was fairly comfortable during the winter, being called out occasionally. During this interval

106 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

of partial rest I addressed myself to discipline, and there was drill and dismounted dress parade every day; but tlie men were wearing out, or rather the regiment was, from its great work during the previous campaigns, and not much head- way was made in filling up our greatly depleted ranks. Yet the men were cheerful and apparently happy, and most of them enjoyed the winter in their comfortable quarters near Bellfield.

On 21 February, 1865, I received my commission as a Brigadier-General, and was assigned to the command of Dearing's Brigade, he having been transferred to the brigade of General Eosser.

The bearing of both officers and men for the most part while I commanded the JSTineteenth was all I could wish, and there was much individual gallantry displayed by both, but time has blunted my memory and I regret that I cannot recall the names of all whom I would be glad to mention in this sketch, written from memory, after the passage of more than thirty years.

Let me say that in the beginning the regiment did not have the same thorough military training that the First Cavalry (Ninth ISTorth Carolina) had, as well as other regiments commanded by old army officers. Its first commander, though a splendid and courteous gentleman, and a brave man, was made Colonel for political reasons, and this made a great difference. It went to meet the enemy, too, poorly armed and equipped. But I am glad to bear tes- timony to the fact that in the campaigns from 1863 to 1865, it was equipped almost entirely by captures from the enemy, including bridles and saddles, carbines, pistols, swords, canteens, blankets, and every article necessary to a thorough equipment of a trooper.

I believe that the regiment was equal to the best in either the brigade, division or corps, and it never failed to respond with cheerfulness to any command of mine. There was an enthusiastic response to every order of attack but few lag- gards— and the bearing of the regiment on every occasion elicited praise from those high in authority. I remem- ber once that that courteous gentleman and splendid soldier,

Nineteenth Regiment. 107

General W. H. F. Lee, the division commander, said to me : "Roberts, I think my division equal, if not superior, to any division in the army, but let me tell you that I think I am growing a little partial to your regiment, because I feel more secure and my sleep is less disturbed vrhen the gallant 'Two Horse' is in my front."

These were his exact words, and it was the most splendid compliment ever paid the regiment. I felt especially compli- mented when I remembered that there were in the division the gallant Ninth North Carolina, the brave Ninth Virginia, and other regiments of equal merit, all North Carolinians and Virginians.

After my promotion to Brigadier-General that gallant sol- dier, Captain James L. Gaines, Assistant Adjutant General of the brigade, was commissioned Colonel, and he rode at its head during all the trying times around Five Forks until he fell dangerously wounded, losing an arm at Chamberlain's Run, on 31 March. Under his leadership the regi- ment added if possible another star to its already perfect wreath. After Gaines was wounded the regiment was com- manded by Captain J. P. Lockhart, a gallant officer, formerly of my old squadron, Company K. Lockhart, I am told,' led it through all the engagements following Chamberlain's Run, and under his command the regiment lost none of its prestige for gallantry and devotion to duty.

I distinctly remember that after the battle of Chamber- lain's Run, I passed the regiment on the road, and its great loss both in splendid officers and gallant men made such an impression upon me that I wept like a child. Its losses had been so many that I scarcely recognized it. Under Lockhart, it kept up its organization until the capture and dispersal of General Barringer's Brigade, 3 April. Then what was left of it, with some scattering remnants of the other regiments of the brigade, reported to me by orders from General Lee, and became a part of my brigade until the surrender at Appomat- tox.

108 NoKTH Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.


My brigade was made up of tlie Fifty-ninth JSTortli Caro- lina (Fourth Cavalry), the Sixteenth North Carolina battal- ion of Cavalry, the Eighth Regiment of Georgia Cavalry, a part of the last named regiment being on detached service.

The Staff Officers assigned to me were as follows :

Captaijst Theodoeb S. Gabnett, of Virginia, Assistant Adjutant-General.

Captaii^ Wm. C. CouGHEH"0"nE, of I^orth Carolina, Inspec- tor-General.

Lieutenant Jas. E. Webb, of Alabama, Ordnance Officer.

Lieutenant W. P. Hoi.combe, of Virginia, Aide-de- Camp.

When I assumed command of the brigade it was greatly wanting in organization and discipline, but its material was equal to any brigade in both officers and men, and it behaved with exceptional gallantry from the time our lines were broken at Petersburg until we finally surrendered at Appomattox; especially at Wamozine Creek, on 3 April, a part of it stood as firmly as the immortal 300 at Thermopylse, their bearing and splendid courage stemming the tide of a great stampede and saving a part of our cavalry from an ignominious flight. In fact, the little brigade did more than its share from the White Oak road to Appomattox, and on the morning of the surrender it was ordered to the front on the right of our lines. It faithfully and bravely responded to the last call, and with the remnant of the Nineteenth ISTorth Carolina, took the last guns captured by the Army of Northern Virginia, and I am sure they fired the last shots as well.

Immediately after the capture of the guns four Napole- ons— the brigade was withdrawn from the field by order of General Fitzhugh Lee, commanding the cavalry, disbanded and directed by him to return to their homes if they could, and I remember that he said that the army had surrendered.

I remember further that I saw a white flag borne down the

Nineteenth Regiment. 109

lines, and I am sure that after that there was no more firing from either cannon or small arms.

I desire to add that I had an efficient and faithful staff. Lieutenant Holcomb was disabled on the White Oak road near Petersburg about the time our lines were broken. The gallant Lieutenant Webb, ever watchful and faithful, re- mained with his ordnance train to the last, and Captain Coughenour, whose courage was ever conspicuous, was dan- gerously wounded near me not far from Jetersville, Va., and while delivering to me a message. My Assistant Adjutant- General, Captain Theodore S. GarnetL was ever by my side, brave to a fault, faithful and loyal, and he was with me to the last ; and although a mere boy, his wise counsel and steady nerve rendered me valuable service always.


31 March, 1897.


1. T. P. Toon, Colonel. 3. John S. Brooks, Lieut.-Colonel.

3. Nelson Slough, Lieut.-Colonel. 4. P. A. Smith, Captain, Co. A.

B. C. B. Denson, Captain. Co. E.


By brigadier-general THOMAS F. TOON.

I cannot write a history of the Twentieth North Carolina Regiment initiated at Seven Pines, sacrificed at Gettys- burg, surrendered at Appomattox epochs too widely sun- dered to be bridged over by consecutive history. I can not record all the great sacrifices made, suffering and privation borne with unflinching heroism, heroic achievements, bloody victories, and grand triumphs instances of individual dar- ing and unswerving fidelity to duty after a lapse of thirty- six years, when so many noble hearts of the Twentieth Regi- ment have passed to that shore where wars cease, and no his- tory can invade the ever blissful present. So many too anx- ious to forget the fitful shadows of that dreata, "too bright to last," have sealed their lips and refused to speak How can even a sketch be made ?

I will not attetoipt to make a display of imaginary history, embellished by thirty-odd years of afterthought, or supply the deficiencies of facts or memory by substituting circum- stances which are more pleasing than actual.

Such facts as I can collect I desire to arrange in some order consistent with happenings. I cannot do justice to a single brave soldier of the regiment, and can only recollect the smallest part of that which ought to be written of the noble Twentieth JSTorth Carolina.

The Twentieth North Carolina Regiment comprised com- panies from the counties of Brunswick, Columbus, Cabarrus, Duplin and Sampson, stationed at Smithville and Fort Cas- well, as follows :

Captain Jno. S. BeookS;, Brunswick Guards. Captain J. B. Stanley^ Columbus Guards ISTo. 1.

112 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Captaijst William H. Toon^ Coluiabus Guards ISTo. 2. Captain B. Smith^ Columbus Guards No. 3. Captain Nelson Slough^ (a veteran of the Mexican war) Cabarrus Guards.

Captain J. B. Atwell^ Cabarrus Black Boys. Captain C. B. Denson, Duplin Greys. Captain Uz. Cox, Sampson N"o. 1. Captain C. L. Chesnut^ Sampson N"o. 2. Captain Alex. Faison^ Sampson N^o. 3.

18 June, 1861, the organization of the regiment took place by the election of: Colonel, Alfred Iverson, of Georgia, Post Commandant; Lieutenant Colonel, Frank Faison, of Samp- son County, N. C. ; Major, W. H. Toon, of Columbus Coun- ty, N. C. ; Adjutant, R. P. James, of Duplin County, IST. C. ; Captain Quartermaster, K. S. Harris, of Cabarrus County, promoted from Company B ; Captain Commissary, Charles McDonald, of Company B ; Surgeon, Dr. J. A. Bizzel, of Sampson County; Assistant Surgeons, W. B. Meares, of Wilmington, and J. D. Pureell, of Sampson County; Chaplains, Kev. J. A. Sprunt, of Sampson County, and Rev. L. A. Bickle, of Cabarrus County; Sergeant Major, D. J. Broadhurst, of Duplin County.

The following were the promotions and changes and the Field and Staff officers of the regiment : Colonel Alfred Iver- son, wounded at Cold Harbor, promoted to Brigadier-General in 1863 ; Colonel Thomas F. Toon, wounded at Cold Harbor, Chancellorsville, Spottsylvania and Petersburg, promoted to Colonel from Captain of Company K, in 1863, and to Briga- dier-General in 1864 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Franklin J. Faison, killed at Cold Harbor 27 May, 1862 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. H. Toon, resigned December, 1862 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Nel- son Slough, resigned 26 February, 1863; Major N^elson Slough, promoted from Captain of Company A ; Major Jno. S. Brooks, promoted from Captain of Company G, 26 Febru- ary, 1863, killed at Spottsylvania 12 May, 1864 ; Major D. J. DeYane, promoted from Captain of Company I; Adjutant J. F. Ireland promoted to Captain Company D; Adjutant Ed. S. Moore transferred from Forty-first North Carolina

Twentieth Regiment. 113

(Third Cavalry) ; Sergeant Major, Thos. W. Broadliurst, Company E ; Quartermaster Sergeant, Jas. H. Benton, Com- pany H ; Orderly to Colonel, Jerry M. Kistler, Company C, and Benjamin M. Duncan, Company K.

The Regimental Band was composed as follows : Charles Heebner (leader), D. R. Coleman, Henry Giddens, Jesse W. Lane, Lewis D. Giddens, John B. Lane, Amos A. Campbell, Thomas Stevenson, Marcus Bradley and James C. Benson from the counties of Cabarrus, Sampson and Wayne. These faithful men cheered our hearts and beguiled many a weary hour, and were kind to many a wounded comrade. It was upon the application of D. R. Coleman for a furlough that General D. II. Hill endorsed ''shooters before tooters." During the fall of 1862 the band played "Dixie" one evening at dress parade. The Yankee band on the other side of the river re- peated it. The band of the Twentieth played "Yankee Doo- dle;" then both bands joined in "Home, Sweet Home." There was many a moist eye when the music ceased.

The Roster of North Carolina Troops gives with some de- gree of accuracy the changes in commissioned and non-com- missioned officers of each company, and considerable infor- mation relative to the killed and wounded, which I do not deem necessary to insert here. It is a credit to Worth Caro- lina, showing the laudable desire to perpetuate the names and deeds of her brave sons, but it is, however, very inaccurate.

The regiment remained on duty at Smithville (now South- port), Fort Caswell and Wilmington, detailed by companies or as a whole, until June, 1862. The duties were neither dangerous or burdensome, in fact the men of the regiment became restless under their inaction and urged to be sent where they could take part in the glorious triumphs which made famous the Army of Virginia, for they, too, longed to snatch from the shock of battle, the clash of resounding arms, the sulphurous canopy and din of courageous conflict, glimpses of the bright laurels the future historian would weave around the ensanguined brow of those who for their country "dare to do or die." Whether or not an expression of this feeling had any effect in hurrying their departure from the peaceful shores of ITorth Carolina I do not know. At any 8

114 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

rate we left ISTorth Carolina and arrived at Kichmond a few days before the battle of Seven Pines, one thousand and twelve strong, rank and file. Placed in Garland's Brigade, camping on the Williamsburg road, on 31 May, on the left of Williamsburg road, we were initiated into the realities of a soldier's life.

Inspired by Rodes on our right and Anderson supporting and protecting our left, the regiment entered into the fight with spirit and unfiinching courage. The first man wounded was Alonzo Williamson, Company K, the ball passing through him and striking T. F. Toon, then Captain of Company K, slightly wounding him. W. E. Williamson was also wounded. During this fight D. H. Hill's Division did the greater part of the fighting, he losing more than one-third of his effective strength.

The scene around Mechanicsville 26 June, was not such as is calculated to cheer raw troops, by any means dead or dying artillery horses, booming cannon, shot, shell burst- ing, and some large white eyes, and occasionally some re- quests : "Captain, if I am killed, you will find money in my left-hand breeches pocket to send my body home," shovdng an interesting realization of surrounding circumstances, but no fear.

Gaines' Mill, 27 June, 1862, Corporal Kiah P. Harris, Company A ; Alfred Litaker, Company B ; Corporal W. B. Collins, Company D ; Corporal Caleb M. Spivey, Company D, were killed. Sergeant J. Peterson, Company E; C. C. Little, Company G, were wounded.

Cold Harbor, 28 June Fought Sykes' regulars. Gar- land occupied the left of our line, entered in good order and style, charged and captured a battery twice turned it upon the enemy with telling effect.

I recall the names of Lieutenant-Colonel Prank J. Faison, Captain Llenry C. Smith, Lieiitenant Arthur N. Jones, Cal- vin Meares, Elisha BuUard, Elias Bullard and others. Com- pany C ; Mc Shaw, Donnie Stephens, George S. Eeaves and T. T. Melntire, killed. Captain John S. Brooks, Colonel Iverson, Captain T. F. Toon and W. D. Cherry, wounded.

In the Century, Vol. II, "Battles and Leaders of the Civil

Twentieth Regiment. 115

War," General S. Garland accords to the Twentieth North Carolina the honor of deciding the fate of the day hy this charge mid capture. After the various conflicts mentioned the regiment returned with the division to camp on the York Biver Railroad below Richmond. Left there by General Lee to watch the remaining force of McOlellan we joined the army on the march against Pope as soon as those troops left Westover. In July or August we left camp for the Army of Northern Virginia and were engaged watching Porter and holding his force in check while the battle of Manassas was being fought.

On 14 September, 1862, was fought the battle of South Mountain, or Boonsboro, which General Hill called a battle of delusions. When ready to make disposition of his small force to disp\ite the passage of the Union army at that Thermopylae, he found Garland at the Mountain House. He was directed to the summit of the mountain at Fox's Gap, his force less than one thousand men. About 9 o'clock he en- countered Cox's Division, about three times as many. In this battle the Twentieth was unflinchingly suffering from the deadly fire of a Union battery. Captain Atwell, of Company B, with his skinmishers, killed the commanding ofiicer of the battery, but were unable by reason of the char- acter of the ground and the force opposed to them to secure the guns. In this fight Captain Atwell, of Company B, was killed. He was an intelligent, high-toned gentleman, an able officer and brave soldier. General Garland's death renders the place solemnly historic to our brigade. Captain L. T. Hicks, of Company E, says the enemy came within fifteen feet before the regiment retreated down the mountain, which being so steep the enemy fired over our heads. A part of this company, and several from other companies of the Twentieth, were separated from the command, during which time their rations were green corn from the cob. Captain Hicks, by permission, attached this mixed crowd, of which he had as- sumed command, to General Hays' troops, and they faithfully did their duty as brave soldiers. A pet dog belonging to Hays' men was crazed with the noise and confusion of bat- tle. A cannon ball cut the top out of a large oak, which in

116 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

falling, imprisoned a skulker behind the tree. His cries for help were answered by the dog. I never saw a poor man's pants torn so badly since. He suffered more than he would have had he gone into the fight. At the battle of Sharpsburg 17 Septetoiber, we were at the Bloody Lane which tells its own story. Assisting our commanding general to do all he set out to do, worn out with marching, fighting, starving and suffering, we re-crossed the Potomac and went into camp at Bunker Hill. Leaving Bunker Hill 30 October, arrived at Upperville 3 November, and Front Royal 5 November; waded the Shenandoah at night 6 November, heavy snow on the ground ; then operating between the forks of the Shenandoah, guarding the passes in direction of the enemy, and threatening General McClellan's flank and rear

Tliose friends who so kindly cared for the sick Confederate soldiers ought to be remembered wherever they were, but we especially ought to thank Mr. G. W. Timberlake, near Win- chester, for special service to members of my regiment. While sick at his house and threatened with capture by an advanc- ing enemy, he risked his own safety to pilot us through a mountain road to our army. To her, that noble wife and mother of that Christian household, to her sweet child and daughter "Evelyn," a sick soldier's heart will ever turn with warmest affection and gratitude. Florence Nightingale may have more praise, but was never truer or more devoted than were these fit representatives of the women of the Valley. Leaving the Valley by route indicated above, crossed Blue Eidge Mountain, probably at Brown's Gap, and marched to Fredericksburg, thence to Port Royal at Corbin's farm. We spent the Winter, or part of it, resting, eating government rations and luxuries at sut- ler's prices when we could afford it, with an occasional box from loved ones at home, when that box could thread the in- tricacies of transportation then in vogue, and escape the rav- ages of hungry employes. On 12 December we began to- cook two days' rations and have them in our haversacks to move at a moment's warning. Hurrying from camp near Port Royal we arrived during the night of 13 Decern- cember in front of Fredericksburg. At Hamilton's Cross-

Twentieth Regiment. 117

ing our division was held in reserve. The first man woimded here was W. H. Enzor, of Company 0., by a shell. My regi- ment filled part of the space which was occasioned by Archer's repulse. The regiment was commanded by Major Nelson Slough. After months of careful preparation and upon a field of his own selection, General Burnside was forced to acknowl- edge Lee master of the situation. Lee in turn generously gave the credit to his brave soldiers and the honor to God. Back into Winter quarters again to rest as best we could. Cor- bin's farm camp was the scene of some changes in our regi- ment.

Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Toon resigned February, 1863. Major !N^. Slough, Senior Captain Jno. S. Brooks and Captain T. F. Toon, Company K, were ordered before a Board of Ex- amination, composed of Colonel Christie, Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. Johnston, of the Twenty-third, and Colonel T. M. Gar- rett, of the Fifth. Major Slough and Captain Brooks waived their rights to promotion and requested the board to recom- mend Captain T. F. Toon for Colonel of the regiment. After the examination was over, the appointment was accordingly made. When this recommendation and appointment was en- dorsed by the officers of the regiment, the office was accepted, for it was held that the regiment had a right to elect their own officers, notwithstanding the effort of the Brigadier-General to have one of his own selection appointed. The advice and firm support of General A. M. Scales and Colonel Bynum as legal advisers are hereby acknowledged in behalf of the of- ficers of the regiment. Camp duty, drill, picketing the Rap- pahannock and an occasional general inspection, varied with snow fights between companies and sometimes regiments, oc- cupied the remaining Winter and early Spring days. On Wednesday morning, 29 April, we moved from the camp near Grace Church to Hamilton's Crossing.

We remained here until Friday morning, when we began to move in the direction of Chaneellorsville ; had a skirmish that day; on Saturday morning relieved General Ramseur's Brigade, and in doing this came near marching in column into the Yankee line, caused by thick woods. A volley of small arms and canister from a gun caused us to change our

118 North Carolina Troops, 186I-'65.

course to the left. We remained in line until 10 o'clock ; then followed the Catharpin road and overtook the division about 4 p. m. We immediately formed line for that charge which made Rodes' Division the recipient of unqualified praise from General Jackson, and our regiment favorably mentioned by our Brigadier-General. We here occupied the extreme left of our line on the left of and at right angles to the plank road, with the Twenty-third North Carolina deployed and marching by right flank protecting our left. J. J. Pounds, Company G, asks that this incident be mentioned. He writes : ''I started when you took yo^ir cap in your hand, waving it and calling on the men to follow you, led the charge. My gun got out of order and I ran to you. and reported it. You said: 'This is a bad place to be without a gun. Get another and go ahead.' Just then George Turner, of Company A, found a gun. He gave it to me and I overtook you, still in the lead." I remember the circumstances and the brave, in- spiring conduct of Jesse Pounds. After the battle rested at the Little Church at the forks of the road in rear. We were relieved by General A. P. Hill's troops. May 3, about sunrise, we moved forward with the second line, and soon became en- gaged, owing to our front becoming uncovered. This was fu- rious fighting, a perfect storm of shells and a mist of minie balls. Here I saw the two Wilsons, of Company F, killed ; the brother saving the watch from his brother just killed, falls on his body dead ; tmns in birth, twins in death. I received one wound early in the morning and before 10 o'clock two others, and left the field and regiment in command of Lieutenant-Colonel Slough. I was there long enough to witness the cool and daring bravery of Lieutenants Oliver Williams, Company C, McQueen Coleman, Com- pany K ; Lieutenant E. W. Collins, Company D ; Major J. S. Brooks, Sergeant Hawes, Corporal M. M. Harrelson, McD. Ward, Dan Coleman, George Goodman, Lieutenant Arch Laughon, Coimpany F, and many others. Yea, all on that battle field deserved honorable memory and mention for they stood only where men can be found. In addition to the above named Corporal C. A. Patterson, Company A; Cor- poral Richard Faulk, Company C ; D. E. Ellis, Company B ;

Twentieth Regiment. 119

Josiah Hudson, Company H; Newberne Tew, Company I, and Thomas A. Morris, Company K, were placed upon the roll of honor.

The next movement led us to the field of Gettysburg, July Ist, 2nd and 3rd, 1863. The reports of the battle give twenty-nine killed and ninety-three wounded in the Twen- tieth Eegiment. General Iverson reports 500 men of his brigade killed, lying in as good order as if on dress parade^ Why these men were kept in that position when they could only die without being able to inflict injury on the enemy, I have been at a loss to understand. Lieutenant Oliver Wil- liams says: "I was wounded early in the fight. I believe every man who stood up was either killed or wounded." itfearly 200 of the regiment were captured, with the colors. Captain A. H. Galloway, Forty-fifth North Carolina, recap- tured the flag and a number of our men. General Ewell com- plimented the troops, who stood till the greater part had fallen in line of battle.

After Gettysburg the regiment was engaged in an affair at ITagerstown, while guarding a wagon train. General Rodes, in his report for 1863, says: "Those soldiers from Georgia, Alabama and North Carolina, who for weeks kept their ranks with swollen, bloody and bare feet, are the heroes of the campaign." "Camping near Madison Court House in July and near Orange Court Hoiise in August, September and October, on the Rappahannock river, near Morton's Ford. At the latter place, 11 October, a detachment from Johnston's brigade, consisting of the Twentieth North Caro- lina and five companies of the Twelfth North Carolina, un- der Colonel Coleman, the whole under command of Colonel T. F. Toon, Twentieth North Carolina, had a very brilliant affair with part of Buford's Cavalry. Brigadier General Lomax arrived and took command. We repulsed the enemy and drove him back across the river. The brigadier was pleased to report our part in the affair as worthy of honor- able mention. The following names were forwarded as worthy to be placed on the roll of honor: Chas. W. Yousts, Benjamin F. Blackwelder, Company A ; Paul Faggart, Jno. R. Bradford, J. A. Bradford, M. C. Cline, Company B ; Lieu-

120 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

tenant Oliver Williams, Company C ; Jno. Killet, Company E ; W. J. Gotten, Company F ; William Simmons and A. S. Carney, Company G; Ransom G. Hawley, Company H; Chas. H. Hall and Sergeant B. A. Brown, Company I. 26 ISTovember in the trenches at Morton's Ford; 27 ISTovember moved out of camp, marched to Lociist Grove, skirmished all day. By order from General Johnston I ihrew out two com- panies to protect our left, there being a gap be- tween our left and General Edward Johnson's right. In the Mine Bun affair both sides wasted a great deal of powder, but did very little execution. The remainder of the Winter was spent at Taylorsville, near Hanover Junction, guarding the railroad bridges over the ISTorth and South Anna rivers ; we had quite a pleasant time at this camp, good country, hospitable people, charming young ladies, all conspired to this end. 5 May we started to the Wilderness, arriving on the 6th. Supported General Gordon in an attack on General Grant's right; sharply en- gaged for a short while. Lieutenant B. Watson was killed ; General Seymour of the Sixth Army Corps, United States of America, was captured. On the 7th marched through dust and heat from burning woods ; reached Spottsylvania Court House a short time before sunset. About this time our bri- gade (General R. D. Johnston's) was placed in General Early's Division. On the 8th and 9th unimportant moves for position. On the 10th, about 5 o'clock, Johnston's jSTorth Carolina Brigade with the other brigades of the division, charged to recapture the works taken from General Doles by massed lines of the enemy. How we suc- ceeded and the credit due my regiment on that oc- casion is best shown by General Lee's letter to the Secretary of War, a copy of which was sent to my regiment afterwards, and which is as follows :

Headquaetbes, Aemy Noethekin' Vieginia^

May 16, 1864. Sie: Yesterday evening the enemy penetrated a part of our line and planted his colors upon the temporary breast-










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Twentieth Regiment. 121

works erected by our troops. He was immediately repulsed, and among the brave men who met him the Twentieth North Carolina, under Colonel T. ¥. Toon, of the brigade, com- manded by General R. D. Johnston, captured his flag. It was brought to me by Major Jno. S. Brooks, of that regi- ment, who received his promotion for gallantry in the battle of Chaneellorsville, with the request that it be given to Gov- ernor Vance. I take great pleasure in complying with the wish of the gallant captors, and respectfully ask that it be granted, and that these colors be presented to the State of North Carolina as another evidence of the valor and devotion that have made her name eminent in the armies of the Con- federacy.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

R. E. Lee, General.

Hon. Secretary of War, Richmond, Va.

It is just, in this connection, to bear witness to the daring bravery of Brigadier-General Johnston, Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, and Major Rob. Alston, of the Twelfth North Caroli- ,na, in that same charge. On the 11th raining, muddy, disa- greeable, under ordinary circumstances, but especially so to a soldier with very scanty means of comfort. On the 12th, aroused before light, precipitated into the battle before we could see; met the successful enemy in the first moments of his temporary triumphs, the first volley we fired the sheet of flame made doubly visible by the darkness and fog, met that of the enemy and lighted up the space between. I can now see George Stepps in the mortal combat, with the color-bearer of one of the advancing regiments, and Major Jno. S. Brooks leap wildly into the air, grasp his side, and fall while urg- ing the Twentieth North Carolina to the hottest conflict we ever engaged in. We lost no groimd, however, but, with oth- ers of our attacking column, regained our breastworks and remained fighting until 9 o'clock at night, when we were with- drawn. Late that evening. General Johnston was wounded. I also received a shot in the leg, after it passed through Lieu- tenant George Bullock's coat sleeve without wounding him. This, however, disabled me only for a few days. Adjutant

122 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

E. S. Moore was also wounded. On the 19th we advanced against the right of the enemy and had a severe skirmish; fell back to our line that night. Our brigade brought up the rear. My regiment was rear guard. The reconnois- sance in force delayed General Grant for two days and was of great benefit to General Lee. On the 20th we moved to Hanover Junction, thence with the army to Second Cold Har- bor, where we were under artillery fire and some skirmish- ing. I was assigned command of Johnston's Brigade 4 June. I think about 15 June General Early was detached and sent to meet Hunter at Lynchburg. We arrived there on the evening of the 18th, skirmished with the enemy. I never could see why we did not attack the enemy at once. 'Next day we pursued the enemy to Liberty, Va. Here Bryan White was wounded. In spite of heat and dust almost insupportable the troops marched on an ex- pedition against Washington down the Valley, Hunter having left it open by his retreat in the wrong direction. Passing White Sulphur Springs and jSTatural Bridge without much time to try the health-giving nature of the one or en- joy the beauty and sublimity of the other. 4 July enjoyed the public dinner at Harper's Ferry spread by General Weber for his command and friends. Fought and defeated General Lew Wallace at Monocacy Bridge. This was a hard-fought battle on the field in which we were engaged. Guilford Ed- wards, one among the best soldiers in the regiment, lost his leg here. This, I think, was 9 July. On the 10th, passed through Rockville, saw the Dome of the Capitol, and pushed the skirmish line, capturing soldiers in long, dress, broad- cloth coats.

One Yankee prisoner said they were counter jumpers, clerks in the War Ofiice, hospital rats and stragglers. I know one thing, I could have easily taken everything in my front if I had been allowed to continue my advance. Major DeVane, a gallant spirit, urged me to disregard the order to fall back and rush forward, whatever the consequences might be. I hated to withdraw, but always tried to obey orders. On the night of the 12th, retreated across the Potomac river, bring- ing the accumulated proceeds of the campaign in horses, beef

Twentieth Regiment. 123

cattle, cannon, etc. For scttne time we destroyed railroads and marched a countermarch. 20 July we had an affair with Averill and Orook, in which we were literally run over. This was near Winchester. I think both retreated from the battle field. Parts of August and September eating apple butter and doing picket duty, with just enough skir- mishing to break the monotony of soldier's life. 19 Septem- ber fought the battle of Winchester, and in the battle, al- though Early was defeated, Eamseur's division was not. We held our own until ordered to retreat. Early in the morning the cavalry attacked our pickets. I moved the Twentieth North Carolina to their support. Charge after charge were repulsed. When closely pressed with cavalry on both flanks, I formed a square and retreating in this manner, prevent- ed capture, until General Wade Hampton came to my rescue by charging in column those on my left and driving them back, he enabled me to get my regiment back to the line of battle.

The "thin gray line" which Bradley Johnston saw on 19 September, 1864, was the Twentieth North Carolina Eegi- ment, a part of Johnston's North Carolina Brigade.

J. E. Kelly, of Company K, was the hero of the hour. When the regiment was formed in a square almost sur- rounded, hard pressed, a shell killed the horse of' Colonel Toon. He directed Kelly to take charge of his belongings on the horse. Kelly at that moment was struck in the shoul- der joint, which caused the loss of his right arm, yet he, when General Fitzhugh Lee, by a charge on our left, relieved us, carried everything, saddle, bridle, blanket, and his own gun and accoutrements, to the hospital, all safe.

J. E. Kelly enlisted from Columbus County, lived in that county for years after the war. Raised a large family. Some years since moved to Wilmington. Little did the old veterans of that patriotic city think that in the breast of that one- armed hack driver beat a heart as brave as the bravest; as true as tried steel to his beloved Southland. Such was Jas. E. Kelly, a Yankee boy; a Southern volunteer; a drummer boy hero of many a hard-fought battle.

October came with its triumphs and defeat in one day. At

124 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Cedar Run, Johnston's North Carolina Brigade was the only body of organized troops that left the field in order and which kept firing in retreat until we reached a bridge over the creek blocked up by wagons, ambulances, horses and men. In all of the uncertain movements of this army we took part and there were none who more faithfully discharged their duty. The disparity in number between the armies contending, both in infantry and cavalry, was the main cause of the de- feat of the Army of the Valley. General Early was not a great commander nor a great general, but brave, headlong and risky. Leaving the valley we were assigned to picket duty on the Roanoke river. We encamped on the premises of Mr. House, and between the hospitalities of his house and that of Mr. Wyatt (I think that is the name) we spent an enjoyable Winter. We returned to Hatcher's Run, skirmished and ate shad for a short time. On 25 March was fought the battle of Hare's Hill, or Fort Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. My regiment led the charge on the works. It was a complete surprise, many were killed coming out of their tents by our men, using their guns as clubs. Why were we not supported ? It was reported to us that as soon as we broke the line Pick- ett's Division would support us.

About 9 o'clock we fell back to our lines after capturing a good many prisoners. Adjutant Moore was wounded. Here I fought my last battle, being desperately wounded, standing on our breastworks rallying our troops to resist an expected attack by the enemy. Dr. Schofield, of Petersburg, was kind to me. He took me into his own house and my wounds were tenderly dressed by soft hands now clasped in praise on the other shore. I could not invoke good for myself were I not to pray for better for those good people. My regiment re- mained to the last and when the news of the surrender was promulgated and our skirmishers ordered to halt, Major De- Vane said : "I liated to stop just then, for I was driving the Yankee skirmishers like sheep." On 9 April, at Appomat- tox, hostilities ceased and the Twentieth Regiment laid down their arms by order of their chieftain- R. E. Lee. We fought not for slavery. Our rights were denied us. Slavery was only one of the many aggravating circumstances which

Twentieth Regiment. 125

precipitated hostilities. Those who make history ought to interpret their own acts and be considered the best authority as to what is history.

The sharpshooters from the regiment deserve especial men- tion, and acting as a separate command justice requires it. Under Plato Durham, Benj. Robinson, R. A. Smith, Oliver Williams and McQueen Coleman, this corps did splendid ser- vice, and was the most important arm of the service. Some one belonging to this corps ought to write its history, and here I will couple the name of Fred. D. Bryan with this request, hoping he will do justice to this gallant corps. Mr. Bryan, having passed through all of these scenes of conflict, can re- call its history.

Imperfect as this sketch must be, I will close it, acknowl- edging favors and help from the following soldiers, partici- pants in the services of the Twentieth North Carolina : Rev. Captain D. K. Bennett, Company G, who has passed over the river since writing me on the subject ; Lieutenant Oliver Wil- liams, Fair Bluff, IST. C, a veteran of the sharpshooters corps ; Fred D. Bryan, Marion, S. C, the beardless boy, the daunt- less hero of the same corps ; Edwin S. Moore, Selma, N. C, Adjutant of the regiment; Captain Louis Hicks, Faisons, N. C, a quiet, faithful soldier and a good friend ; Rev. J. Soles (Thirty-sixth North Carolina), Mount Tabor, JST. C. ; Jesse J. Pounds, Company G, Hamlet, IST. C. His company ought to remember him with gratitude. Out of nearly fifty letters written to some members of each company composing the regiment these are all to which replies have been re- ceived.

The following brief me;ntion may not be amiss:

Thomas Fentress Toon was born in Columbus County N. C, 10 June, 1840. Son of Anthony F. Toon, Esq., of Irish and Welsh extraction, and Mary McMillan Toon, daughter of Ronald McMillan, of Scotland. 20 May, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Columbus Guards 'No. 2, a company raised by his half brother. Captain William H. Toon, who was after- wards Major and Lieutenant-Colonel of the Twentieth JSTorth Carolina. After enlistment he returned to Wake Forest Col- lege and graduated June, 1861. June 17, 1861, elected First

126 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Lieutenant of his company. July 22, 1861, elected Captain of his company, vice Captain W. H. Toon elected Major. 26 February, 1863, elected Colonel of the Twentieth Kegiment. 31 May, 1864, appointed Brigadier-General, and 4 June assigned to command of Johnston's JSTorth Carolina Brigade. He followed the fortunes of Lee, Jackson, Gordon, Early and Ewell in all important engagements, unless deterred by some of the five wounds received in battle. Lived in Robe- son County, ]Sr. C, from 1891 until elected State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, 1900.

Lieutenant-Colonel Nelson Slough was a veteran of the Mexican War, First Lieutenant January, 1847, honorably discharged Y August, 1848. He was severely wounded in the leg, the etfects of which were evident in his halting step. When North Carolina called for troops he promptly raised a Company in Cabarrus County and offered his services for her defence. When the Tenth Volunteers was organized, which regiment was afterwards changed to Twentieth North Carolina Troops, Captain N. Slough was given the post of honor as Company A. He followed the fortunes, of the regi- ment ably and faithfully discharging his duty ; beloved by his men and respected by his fellow officers for his generous, genial, and gentlemanly deportment and for his unflinching bravery in battle.

He was promoted to Major of the regiment, afterwards to Lieutenant-Colonel, and resigned on account of wounds and failing health 2 Novejnber, 1863. He was afterwards sheriff of his county for many years ; popular, beloved, and respected.

To those who knew Colonel Slough, I would say "now that is to say simply for instance" I know no braver soldier or more faithful officer than this hero of two wars. He died at the residence of his daughter in Anderson, S. C. in 1900.

John S. Brooks, Captain Company G, born in Greenville, Pitt Coimt, N. C, 20 October, 1840, killed 12 May, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House, Va. At the opening of the war he raised a company and was elected Captain. 26 February, 1863, he was promoted to Major and Lieu- tenant-Colonel Slough resigning 2 November, 1863, he was

Twentieth Regiment. 127

promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, which position he held at the time of his death

He was signally honored by General Lee on 10 May, 1864, as will appear by correspondence published. Loved by all who knew him ; honored in death, his dirge was sadly, sweetly chanted by his comrade in arms, Brunswick County's Bard, Rev. D. K. Bennett.

JSTames deserving to be written on the same page : Lieuten- ant J. H. Dosier and Lieutenant Oliver Mercer, both of Com- pany G ; Lieutenant Oliver Williams, Company C, now living at Fair Bluff, Columbus County, N. C.

Thos. r. Toow. Kaleigh, N. C,

9 April, 1901.


1. Robert F. Hoke, Colonel. 3. John K. Connally, Captain, Co. B.

2. E. W. Wharton, Captain, Co. E. 4. R. E. Wilson, Captain, Co. P.

5. L. E. Powers, 2d Lieut., Co. A.


By major JAMES F. BEALL.

In writing this brief sketch nothing more than a short out- line is intended. A volume would be too small to contain all that could be said of this illustrious regiment. Many of the facts connected with it and the part it played in the gigan- tic struggle for Southern Independence cannot now be writ- ten. But it may not be amiss for living witnesses to give their testimony; otherwise much that is valuable to history, may be lost.


Early in June, 1861, the Twenty-first ISTorth Carolina Reg- iment was organized and mustered into the Confederate ser- vice at Danville, Va. W. W. Kirkland was elected Colonel. This efficient and accomplished officer, with vigorous efforts, brought the regiment to a state of perfection in discipline and drill, which was afterwards properly appreciated by those of us who became intimately acquainted with the stem reali- ties of war. Just prior to the departure of the regiment from Danville, it was drawn up into line, with its silken -colors, (given by the ladies) waving over them, presenting as fine a body of men as one ever beheld all young and enthusiastic. Alas ! how many of those noble forms now lie mouldering in the dust on almost every battlefield from Gettysburg, Pa., to New Bern, IST. C. ? . And how many we meet with missing limbs and honored scars upon them, telling of death and danger dared ! The Twenty-first Regiment was engaged in the bloodiest battles of the war some of the greatest in his- tory. It had for its Major-Generals those noble heroes Ewell, Early, Pegram and Ramseur. For its Brigadiers: Trimble,


130 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Hoke, Godwin and Lewis. Its Field and Staff, Company Of- ficers— rank and file were inferior to none.


The regiment left Danville 15 July mid cheering and waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies, arriving at Richmond the same evening; 17 July it was ordered to report to Gen- eral Beauregard, at Manassas. While en route to Manassas, we had a considerable wreck caused by the treachery of the engineer, who deserted his engine leaving the train standing on the track in the night, where another train soon came crash- ing into it, disabling about twenty of the regiment. Without further incident, the regiment arrived at Manassas early on the morning of the 18th. Immediately the regiment moved in double quick time to our position at Mitchell's Eord on Bull Run this being the centre of the Confederate line of battle. Here the regiment was vigorously shelled by the enemy's batteries, but was not actively engaged. We con- tinued to hold the same position on 21 July ^when the first battle of Mansassas was fought and a victory won for the Confederates, which electrified the whole country. After the rout, we pursued the enemy several miles, thinking we were going right into Washington, but were halted and or- dered to retrace our steps.


After this battle, we went into camp on Bull Run, where the regiment suffered greatly from sickness. In September the regiment was sent to Broad Run Station to recuperate. In October it went into winter quarters at Manassas, and there Trimble's Brigade was formed of the following regiments, viz: Twenty-first Georgia, Twenty-first ISTorth Carolina, Fifteenth Alabama, Sixteenth Mississippi. Shortly after- wards, the latter regiment was transferred the Twelfth Georgia Regiment taking its place. The Twenty-first Regi- ment after doing arduous picket duty all winter, in March broke up winter quarters and took up line of march to Gor- donsville, Va. From there it was ordered to the Valley of


Virginia by way of Swift Eun Gap, to report to General Jackson, when the immortal "Valley Campaign" was begun, which made General Jackson and his command famous. His great deeds have been expressed by orator, sung by the poet, immortalized in statuary, and emblazoned on canvas.


On 24 March, 1862, the regiment was engaged at the great battle of Winchester where General Banks was badly defeated with great loss of men, arms and commissary stores. Just previous to the battle, the regiment marched all night, lying down just before dawn in the cold dew, to rest, but not to sleep. The sun rose fair and bright on the field, soon to become crimson with the blood of the bravest hearts. Shortly after sun up we were ordered to storm the enemy's position, simultaneously with the command on our left. With a wild cheer the regiment moved swiftly towards the enemy's line behind stone walls, and was met by a most terrific fire of in- fantry and grape shot. The regiment moved right on to the stone wall, from which the enemy were pouring forth a per- fect storm of canister and minie balls from right and left cross-firing upon us. But the glorious old regiment with a valor that stands unrivaled, swept everything before it. The day was won with the most exalted courage and desperate charge. It was a gallant charge and a gallant defense. The enemy was completely routed, with great slaughter and driven beyond the Potomac.


The writer was severely wounded and left on the field, and the sight which there presented itself can never be forgot- ten. Around stood several pieces of artillery deserted by the enemy. Many Federals and Confederates lay dead, wounded and dying around me. Colonel Kirkland, while waving his sword and cheering on his men was shot through the thigh, but did not leave the field. Lieutenant-Colonel Pepper lay mortally wounded, but still cheering his men on to victory. My heart still bleeds when I think of our revered Captain J.

132 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

0. Hedgecock, who was mortally wounded, pierced by half dozen balls or more. A braver or truer man than this young lawyer was never sent to the field of battle. He and the gal- lant Pepper sleep in the cemetery at Winchester, with many of their brave comrades. Peace to their ashes. Company A had one officer killed and one wounded ten men killed and eight wounded. The loss of the other companies of the regi- iment was proportionately great. I am unable to give the ex- act number.


Never were men more mangled or pierced with so many balls. The Confederate and Federal medical staffs were es- pecially interested in Captain John W. Beard, Company F, who was pierced with eight minie balls several passing through the bowels ^yet recovery was complete and he served through the entire war ; he now lives, a prosperous merchant, in the State of Kansas. This conflict, its duration consid- ered, and the number engaged, equals or surpasses the blood- iest battles of the war. And yet, an eminent biographer in describing the movements of General Jackson's Corps, makes but one allusion to the North Carolina troops in these few words : "Here the Twenty-first North Carolina Kegiment lost heavily." When at the same time the Memorial Asso- ciation of Winchester, Va., said that their cemetery contained graves of more soldiers from North Carolina than from any other State, a fact which might be said of almost every bury- ing ground in Virginia. Therefore, I hope I will be par- doned for going into detail in describing this battle.


After the battle of Winchester the regiment was marched and countermarched up and down the valley many weeks engaging almost daily in combats of no minor importance, against great odds. Fought in the battles of Newtown, Har- risonburg, and Cross Keys. At the latter place it pleased Gen- eral Trimble to compliment Colonel Fulton and the regiment for its gallant conduct. After this the regiment crossed over the Shenandoah river, engaged in the battle of Port Republic,

Twenty-First Regiment. 133

and assisted in sending General Shields down the Luray Val- ley, completely routed and demoralized. I have given but a poor picture of the series of brilliant victories of this valley catapaign, in which the Twenty-first iN'orth Carolina Regi- ment left on record, deeds rarely equaled, her banners covered with victories, shedding lustre and glory on North Carolina and the Southern arms. General Jackson's Corps having defeated, in repeated engagements, no less than four Federal armies, sweeping down from Port Republic, fell like an ava- lanche on General McClellan's right. Then ensued that suc- cession of brilliant engagements which resulted in sending the enemy under the protection of his gun-boats on the James river. In all these engagements the Twenty-first bore a con- spicuous part, losing heavily; 9 August, 1862, engaged in the sanguinary battle of Cedar Run. In this battle the Fed- erals were badly whipped and driven beyond the Rappahan- nock. In this fight, the regiment captured two pieces of ar- tillery and several flags of the enemy.


After the fight General Trimble ^made a little speech com- plimenting the brigade, in which he said : "Comrades, I feel that I am on my way to my home in Maryland." On 18 Au- gust, 1862, at Hazel river, the regiment engaged in a short, but sanguinary battle. A charge through a thick underbrush and marshy swamp, and with great courage, drove the enemy from his temporary breastworks. This action on the part of the regiment drew forth great praise from General Trimble. Though this fight was short, our loss was by no means insig- nificant. We then bivouacked on the battle field, which we knew how to appreciate, having been almost continually marching and fighting for several days.

IN pope's eeab.

The next day we received orders to prepare three days' ra- tions, and be ready to march at a moment's warning. 20 Au- gust, 1862, engaged the enemy on the Rappahannock, crossed the river and again encountered him. 22 August, recrossed

134 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

the river, took up a line of march, passing through Thor- oughfare Gap near Manassas and appeared in Pope's rear, destroying several trains of cars and immense stores at Man- assas. The regiment was engaged in the series of fights called the Second Manassas and Jackson's Corps withstood for two days Pope's entire army, repulsing every attack with heavy slaughter. During this fight the Twenty-first Kegiment re-, pulsed a half dozen or more of the most tremendous charges that were ever volleyed and thundered at the head of mortal man. Here we fought face to face with men filled with whiskey, determined to crush G-eneral Jackson. 30 August engaged the enemy all day until afternoon, then General Longstreet came up when Pope's army was driven beyond Bull Run. After these engagements the regiment was hors de combat.


The next day, 31st, we went into bivouac and rested all day Sunday, saddened by the absence of many, many, of our brave and beloved comrades, who had fallen in the series of conflicts through which we had just passed. Among those who fell was our beloved Colonel, Saunders P. Ful- ton, a man who was absolutely without fear, and who evi- dently believed he was not to be killed in battle. 1 September we took up line of march to Ox Hill, where we again grap- pled in a death struggle with our old enemy. When we first met them, the Federals seemed greatly surprised and con- fused, and the carnage in their ranks was terrible. Here Major-General Kearney, of the Federal army, was killed and fell into our hands. During this battle a terrific thunder storm prevailed, the rain coming down in torrents, making it quite difiicult to keep our powder dry. The Federals were again overwhelmingly defeated, and hurled into their fortifi- cations around Washington. Our loss in this engagement was comparatively small.


After this battle Jackson's Corps took up the line of march to Martinsburg, Va., and from this place swept down on

Twenty-First Regiment. 135

Harper's Ferry capturing it with its entire garrison, General D. H. Miles commanding the garrison. Our loss was al- most nothing. After this we made a forced march to Sharps- burg, Md., where we arrived 17 September and engaged in that brilliant and bloody battle. Although sorely pressed, the line of the Twenty-first Kegiment was broken only once during that fight. After falling back a short distance and reforming, we again charged, repulsing every attack of the enemy. Our loss here was considerable. 13 December we engaged in the great battle of Fredericksburg and assisted in driving and pursuing the enemy into the plains below, who had penetrated an interval in our lines near Hamilton's Crossing. I believe this was the only charge made by the Confederates in this fight. The loss of the enemy in this charge was very great, while ours was comparatively small. Here it was said that General Lee complimented Colonel Hoke who commanded the brigade. At any rate he was made Brigadier-General soon after this fight.


In May, 1863, engaged in the great battle of Chancellors- ville, assisting in the attack on General Sedgwick's fiank, forcing him into the bend of the Rappahannock river, where his whole command would have been captured; but night coming on he made his escape across the river. In this fight we lost many valuable ofiicers and men. At this time the brigade was composed of the following regiments: Sixth, Twenty-first, Fifty-fourth, Fifty-seventh North Carolina Troops. After this battle our corps, commanded by Gen- eral Ewell, who succeeded the lamented Jackson, again took up line of march to the Valley of Virginia, where the Twenty- first assisted in the capture of Winchester and Martinsburg with many thousand prisoners and a great many pieces of artillery, many thousand small arms, wagon trains and many stores. The loss of the regiment and entire command was very small.


We then passed over the Potomac and went to Little York,

136 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Pa. 1 July the two armies again encountered eacli other, at Gettysburg. On this day the regiment assisted in gaining a very decided victory over the enemy, driving him back in great confusion, through Gettysburg. On the second day we made an assault on the enemy's fortified line and failed.

In the general history which will go down to posterity, of course nothing more than a brief and cursory reference can or will be made, to the service of any small command. Yet it is due this gallant brigade (then Hoke's) as also to those who lived not to see the clouds and darkness of other days, to refer briefly to the glorious services of as brave a set of men as the sun ever shone upon. I will in my feeble way, attempt to show how those indomitable patriots demeaned themselves amid the wild carnage of that stricken field. The impressions of the writer, of that memorable day are not a picture of mere fancy, but one of actual experience. Methinks I still hear, through the long vista of years, the rolling echo of those awful accents of battle. After a lapse of thirty-seven years, I recall not without emotion, the incidents of the bat- tle which occxirred on that second day at Gettysburg, and while life lasts, will cherish my remembrance of the mag- nificent courage displayed by our command.


After lying all day under a July sun, suffering with in- tense heat, and continually annoyed by the enemy's sharp- shooters from the heights, from sheer desperation, we hailed with delight the order to again meet the veteran foe, regard- less of his advantage in numbers and position. Really, the enemy's artillery, reopening at the going down of the sun, fell like music upon our ears. At the time the assault was made, the enemy had massed heavily in our front, and placed bat- teries in the rear of his own lines, which were used with fear- ful effect against us, firing over the heads of his own men. The ground we had to pass over was ascending, but the troops advanced in double quick time, and with a cheer Avent over the rifle pits in advance of the enemy's main line of works, killing and capturing a few of them the greater part taking

Twenty-First Regiment. 137

refuge behind the main line of breastworks. Here the iight- ing was desperate, but like an unbroken wave, our maddened column rushed on, facing a continual stream of fire. After charging almost to the enemy's line, ^ve Avere compelled to fall back, but only a short distance. The column reformed and charged again, but failed to dislodge the enemy. The bri- gade held its ground with unyielding determination ever keeping afloat our flag to battle and breeze.


Four out of five of the color-bearers who dared hold up that flag, went down to a heroic death. As often as the flag went down it was taken up and flaunted in the face of the enemy, holding an impregnable position. The hour was one of horror. Amid the incessant roar of cannon, the din of musketry, and the glare of bursting shells making the dark- ness intermittent adding awf ulness to the scene the hoarse shouts of friend and foe, the piteous cries of wounded and dying, one could well imagine, (if it were proper to say it), that "war is hell." Further effort being useless, we were ordered to fall back a short distance imder cover. To re- main was certain capture, to retreat was almost certain death. Few, except the wounded and dead, were left behind. Here, these brave North Carolinians "stood, few and faint, but fearless still." The enemy did not follow or show any disposition to leave their defences.


Our loss in officers and men was great. All the field offi- cers of the Twenty-first were killed and wounded except Col- onel W. W. Kirkland, who was after this fight, promoted to Brigadier-General. Here the lamented Colonel Isaac E. Avery, commanding the brigade, laid down his noble life on the altar of his country's freedom. Lieutenant-Colonel Ran- kin was badly wounded and left in the hands of the enemy, where he remained a prisoner throughout the war. It is re- corded in Vol. 125, Official Records Umon and Confederate Armies, that Private Oliver P. Rood was awarded

138 North Caeolina Troops, 1861-65.

a medal for conspicuous bravery in capturing a flag of the Twenty first North Carolina Kegiment in a charge on our lines at Gettysburg 3 July. As I have just stated above, a most frightful and determined conflict raged on the night of the 2nd. The ground was strewn with dead and wounded. Man after man went down, among them Major Alexander Miller, who picked up the flag after the first color-bearer fell. He soon shared the fate of the former. It was soon taken up by J. W. Bennett, Com- pany F, who was, also, in quick succession, shot down. The colors were then taken by the writer and very soon after this, we fell back to the works, which we had just passed over a few paces and continued such a terrific fire upon the enemy, that their rifle fire was completely silenced, the enemy crouch- ing behind their works. About this time Corporal Eli Wiley, Company M, asked permission to take the fiag, saying he did not see it when it fell. It was given to him and after the writer had gone a few paces along the line, orders were given to retire at once, which was accomplished under a severe fusil- lade. We had retreated about twenty-five yards when I saw the flag for the last time. Corporal Wiley was killed, and left, together with the flag, in the lines of the enemy. In the darkness and confusion the flag was not missed until we had rallied under cover about the distance of two hundred yards. The enemy did not follow, or show any disposition to do so, as stated above. Soon all firing ceased and the battle was ended. This was 2 July, and as Private Kood claims to have captured the fiag in a charge on our lines, 3 July, it is evident that he did not capture the fiag in battle at all, as our regiment was not engaged after 2 July. Therefore, it is conclusive that he picked up the fiag on the battle field on the following day, the 3rd, and it is altogether probable that he took the flag from the body of the dead hero who had been cold and stark in death for many hours. The r-egiment, bri- gade or corps, were not at any time charged by the enemy. On the other hand, the charging was all done by the Confed- erates and we reached Cemetery Heights, taking possession of their works, and if the attack had been pressed on our right, the enemy could have been prevented from concentrating upon

Twenty-First Regiment. 139

the brigades of Hoke and Hayes, compelling them to retire, after having victory in their grasp. Eor details, see Greneral Early's report. We do not wish to detract from an antago- nist any distinction, but the records should be kept straight. 4 July we left Gettysburg, our division bringing up the rear of Lee's army. Halted at Hagerstown several days, then retired across the Potomac.

THE battle of PLYMOtTTH.

The regiment was engaged in the memorable battle of Ply- mouth, ]Sr. 0., 20 April, 1864, where it successfully assaulted the enemy's fortified position, the entire garrison surren- dering to Greneral Hoke. The enemy's position here was a very strong one, protected by forts and gun boats. About dark we were ordered to make an assault upon one of the outer forts up to which oiir brigade charged, time after time, with persistent courage and stern detenmination. In the third attempt the parapet was gained. Here the fighting was desperate and at close quarters and deadly ^waxing hotter from beginning to finish. The commander of the fort, though mortally wounded, refused to surrender, cursing his lieutenant, (who had assumed command), for hoisting the white flag and surrendering.


It was indeed a gallant defense. The Twenty-first Georgia and Twenty-first North Carolina Regiments, as at the first of the war, again fought side by side in this fierce conflict mingling their voices together in the same deafening yell of triumph. Many of them were stricken down on this bloody field and many of them sleep in a common grave. In this fight ofiicers and men in both regiments, vied with each other in deeds of unsurpassed courage. Where all acted as heroes, it would seem invidious to make any special mention of names, but I must call attention to the distinguished and dar- ing courage of Captain James 0. Blackburn, Company G, and Private Francis Clinard, Company A. Both fell far in ad- vance of our line in making the assault. The command then

140 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

laid down under arms, in line of battle, among the dead and wounded, hearing all night the distressing cries of ^ the wounded. Knowing what was before us, we slept but little, expecting to make an attack on the main fort near the town early the following day. But the Confederate ram, the "Al- bemarle," coming down the Eoanoke river, sank or ran off the Federal gun boats. Then, after a brief and futile resistance to our coanbined land and naval forces, the entire garrison sur- rendered unconditionally to General Hoke, who paid the bri- gade a handsome tribute by saying: "My men, my confi- dent expectations in you have been fully realized in this fight."


We then made a forced march to New Bern, N. C, and after a fierce combat, drove the enemy into his fortifications. Then we were hurriedly forwarded to Drewry's Bluff, where the regiment again met the veteran foe in another death strug- gle. The Federals were badly defeated and sent back to the protection of their gun boats on James river. In this bat- tle the regiment held its position under very trying circum- stances, being flanked both right and left.


3 July, 1864, engaged in the great battle of Cold Harbor, where Grant was repeatedly repulsed with a slaughter never equaled. It is said on this occasion he lost 10,000 men. His men sullenly refused to renew the charge. At this time the writer was in command of the division sharpshooters who were a considerable distance in front of our works, the enemy making a sharp attack on the skirmish line on our right. They began to fall back when General Ramseur rode tip to me and said: "Don't fall back, hold your position at all haz- ards." He immediately wheeled his horse and left. Just then a shell burst directly in front of my horse over a rifle pit, killing five men, among them Lieutenant B. Y. Mebane, of the Sixth North Carolina Regiment. No braver or truer man ever went doAvn in battle. General Kamseur then re-


1. W. W. Kirkland, Colonel. 4. Alexander Miller, Lieut. -Colonel.

2. Saunders Fulton, Colonel. B. W. J, Pfohl, Ma,ior.

3. B. Y. Graves, Ijieut.-Oolonel. 6. James F. Beall, Major.

7. W. G. Foy, Ist. Lieut, and Adjutant.

Twenty-First Regiment. 141

appeared, ordering me to fall back at once. Turning to start off his horse tripped and fell, throwing his brave rider who rolled over and over in the dust. Horse and man seemed to rise together, and went away amidst a storm of shot and bursting shell. 18 July, after a forced and very tedious march, we met Hunter at Lynchburg, who had made his murderous and marauding expedition up the valley, where many a fair mansion fell before the incendi- ary fire-brand. After a severe skirmish, he fled in the direc- tion of Kanawha, W. Va. The regiment lost a few men in this fight.

A stream reddened with blood.

Then began that memorable march down the valley to Washington City. 9 July we engaged the enemy in the battle of Monocacy, Md., near a railroad bridge. The en- emy being badly defeated, fied to his fortifications around Washington. General Gordon, in his report of this battle, said : "I desire in this connection, to state a fact of which I was an eye witness, and which, for its rare occurrence, and the evidence it affords of the sanguinary character of this struggle, I consider worthy of official mention. One portion of the enemy's second line extended along a branch, from which he was driven, leaving many dead and wounded in the water and upon its banks. So profuse was the flow of blood fr^m the killed and wounded, that it reddened the stream for more than one hundred yards below."


12 July we engaged the enemy in a severe skirmish in front of Fort Stephens, retreating the same night. 19 Sep- tember engaged the enemy again at Winchester, after they had driven back in great confusion the divisions of Gordon and Ramseur. At no time during the war was the courage, en- durance and discipline of the regiment put to a greater test than in this battle. Amid great confusion, it fought with a desperation rarely equaled, and by its steadiness, contributed largely in preventing a disastrous rout. At no time was its

142 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

line broken. 20 September engaged tbe enemy at Fisher's Hill, where our entire command was driven back in great confusion; our division, in this retreat, again bringing up the rear. This regiment, in retreating column, fought the enemy several days, the enemy pressing us with great vigor all the time. In this retreat, the men suffered great fatigue, being poorly fed and clad, and miserably shod. They had no change of clothes for weeks.


19 October, 1864, early in the morning, under cover of darkness and fog, we succeeded in surprising the enemy, and in turning his left flank, capturing many pieces of artillery and many prisoners. The enemy fell back in great confu- sion, with heavy loss, but being heavily re-enforced, rallied, and in turn assumed the offensive, and with overwhelming numbers made a most furious assault on the two divisions on our left, crushing them in detail. Our division looked help- lessly on the terrible struggle having all that we could at- tend to in our own front.


During this battle, occurred one of the most trying ordeals of the writer's life. We were moving on the enemy, when the writer met his brother. Captain T. B. Beall, of the Four- teenth North Carolina Regiment, coming out desperately wounded through the lung, the blood spurting from his breast. There wasn't time to give him a word of sympathy, much less attention, leaving him as I then thought for the last time in this world. He had the good fortune soon after, to meet with an ambulance, which took him and the gallant Lieutenant W. G. Foy, of the Twenty-first North Carolina Regiment, who was also desperately wounded, to the field hospital. They received immediate attention, and both finally recovered, but were left more or less disabled for life. In this battle fell the lamented Eamseur.

Twenty-First Regiment. 143


Here I wish to relate the heroic deed of Private Johnson, (ambulance driver). General Ramseur was seen to fall, and Johnson was ordered by Major Pfohl to go after him, which he did under a terrific fire. He succeeded in getting him, but was overtaken and captured on the retreat. General Pe- gram seeing that the day was lost to the Confederates, ordered the division to fall back, saying : "Men, you must do this in order firing as you retreat, for your own and the army's safety deonand it." Never was greater heroism displayed by both men and officers than in this terrible retreat. Then the enemy, maddened by recent defeat, and fiushed with sudden victory, with their whole line made a furious assault upon our discomfited line, which was driven back in great confu- sion. In our futile efforts to stem the tide of battle that threatened to overwhelm us, we lost many brave officers and men. Among the killed was the heroic Pfohl, commander of the regiment. No man ever exhibited in such a time greater coolness, skill and bravery, which excited the admiration of his men. In this fight near Strasburg, Va., ended our last attempt to invade the North by way of the Shenandoah. Af- ter this battle, the writer assumed command of the regiment, which he had the honor to hold until 24 March, 1865, when he was severely wounded at Petersburg in an assault on the enemy's lines.


The command was then sent to Petersburg, went into winter quarters on Hatcher's Run, where it remained all win- ter, doing very fatiguing picket duty. 16 February, 1865, the regiment engaged the enemy in a very fierce combat on Hatcher's Run. It was here Captain Byrd Snow fell mortally wounded. He was in command of the regiment during this fight, as brave and true a soldier as ever drew sword in his country's honor. 24 March, 1865, this regiment, the ad- vance of the assaulting column, successfully charged the en- emy's works between Fort Steadman and Battery No. 10. Then turning right and left, captured several pieces of ar-

144 North Carolina Troops, 186 J -'65.

tillery and many prisoners. When we were ordered to re- treat, the enemy's artillery fire was kept up so continuously, it was almost impossible to get Back to our works. However, we brought back about all of our regiment except the wounded. General Grant in his report, claimed the Confed- erate loss was 4,000, but the number of Confederates engaged was not much more than half that.


A few days after this the Army of ISTorthern Virginia re- treated from Petersburg, falling back about a hundred miles or more, repeatedly giving battle, but finally from sheer ex- haustion, surrendered at Appomattox. We did not lose a great many killed on this march, but it saddens me to think that any had to die, after going through the whole war, and when so near the end of it. In this last sad scene of the war, the Twenty-first JSTorth Carolina Eegianent furled for- ever the flag to which she had added such lustre; to be em- balmed in the affectionate remembrance of those who re- mained true to the end.


W. W. KiEKLAND, Colonel commanding, June, 1861, pro- moted to Brigadier-General.

Egbert F. Hoke^ Colonel, promoted to Major-General.

Gaston Lewis, Colonel, promoted to Brigadier-General.

S. F. Fulton, Colonel, killed.

James M. Leach^ Lieutenant-Colonel, resigned.

W. L. ScoTT^ Lieutenant-Colonel, resigned.

E.. K. Pepper^ Lieutenant-Colonel, killed.

B. Y. GeaveSj Lieutenant-Colonel, resigned.

W. S. Eankin^ Lieutenant-Colonel, prisoner.

Alexander Miller^ Lieutenant-Colonel, killed.

J. M. EicHAEDsoN^ Major, resigned.

W. J. ProHL, Major, killed.

Jambs F. Beall, Major.

William Foy^ Adjutant.

Twenty-First Regiment. 145

List of Captains of Twenty-fikst North Carolina Regiment J. H. Miller, Captain Company A; R. E. Wil- son, Captain Company B ; Byrd Snow, Captain Com- pany C ; R. A. Barrow, Captain Company D ; John W. Beard, Captain Company F; Thos. B. Gentry, Cap- tain Company G; James H. Jones, Captain Company H; Matthew C. Moore, Captain Company I ; John L. Pratt, Cap- tain Company K ; John E. Gilmer, Captain Company M.

Note. The loss of this regiment in killed, wounded and dead was at least 75 per cent, from the beginning to the end of the war. Forty or more combats and skirmishes of no minor importance are not included in this sketch and many incidents both instructive and amusing, might be given which would extend this paper to a much greater length, but the long list of names of wounded and killed speak more elo- quently than tongue of the service of this regiment. I have avoided speaking of incidents connected with other com- mands, but have endeavored to confine myself to the deeds of the Twenty-first Regiment only. I have written what I saw or knew of my own personal knowledge and from infor- mation received from reliable and official sources.

Special Mention. Matthew Chamberlain, private, Twenty-first North Carolina Regiment, Stokes county, never had a furlough, never ^missed a battle in which his regiment was engaged, never received a wound. He died in 1896. Strange to say there is no report of Company L in Moore's Roster.

The conduct of Lieutenant Logan T. Whitlock, who was in command of the sharpshooters at the battle of Plymouth, cannot be too highly commended, and should not be omitted. It was ascertained that to make an assault upon the main fort the command would have to charge across a perfectly level and open field, which could not be done without great loss. At this critical time, where "to hes- itate was to be lost," Whitlock volunteered to reconnoitre within the enemies lines. He foiind that he could go into the


146 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

town and get behind and close up to the enemy's fortifica- tions by crawling along the bank of the river. The brigade followed Whitlock and his sharpshooters. After coming into position, near the fort, the attack was made and with the help of the Confederate Earn "Albemarle," the enemy imme- diately surrendered.

I wish to recall another incident worthy of observation of all ages. Lieutenant P. A. Oaks lost his arm at Cold Har- bor. Some months after, he caane to the regiment at Fisher's Hill. When he arrived, the regiment was on the line and under fire, and against the appeals of officers and men, he persisted in going into the fight. After fighting all the even- ing he was finally shot through the left breast. In a month or so Oaks was back with his regiment again, saying it was too lonesome to stay at home. The night before we engaged the enemy in the battles around Richmond, Private H. C. Walser, who was less than 18 years old, had his foot and ankle badly scalded. He was left in camp, excused by the surgeon, but soon after the firing commenced, Walser made his ap- pearance bare-footed and went through the whole battle, in bamboo briers and mud and water up to his knees.

In conclusion, I cannot do better than to quote an extract from an address made by Colonel Chas. S. Venable, of Gen- eral Lee's staff: "Comrades! we need not weave any fable, borrowed from Scandinavian lore into the woof of our his- tory, to inspire our youth with admiration of glorious deeds in freedom's battles done ! In the true history of this Army of Northern Virginia which laid down its arms not con- quered, but wearied with victory, you have a record of deeds of valor, of unselfish consecration to duty, and faith- fulness in death which will teach our sons, and son's sons how to die for liberty. Let us see to it that it shall be transmitted to them." James F. Be all.


9 April, 1901.


1. Samuel 0. James, Captain, Co. D. 4. John W. Miller, Captain, Co. D.

2. J. H. Miller, Captain, Co. A. 5. L. T. "Whitlock, Ist Lieut., Co. C.

3. J. E. Gilmer, Captain, Co. M. 6. J. D. McTver, Sergeant, Co. A.

7. J. O. Blackburn, Captain, Co. G.


By lieutenant L. E. POWERS, Company A.


Shields occupied a coinmanding position. He had a six- gun battery on a plateau of the mountain that could sweep the whole field to the river, and there was no way to approach him without coming within its galling range. It was abso- lutely necessary that that battery should be silenced, and the only way to do so was to walk up to it and take it. With this battery in our hands, Jackson made short work of Shields. His army was soon routed and nearly all captured, which left us with that side of the river clear of foes and in peaceful possession of the bridge. Jackson had left nearly all of Ew- ell's Division, and perhaps part of the old division, confront- ing Fremont, who, as soon as he discovered we were fighting Shields, made an attack on Ewell and was repulsed at every point. It was in this engagement with Fremont that I saw a whole regiment annihilated at a single fire. It was the Sev- enth ISTew York, composed of freshly imported Germans who could scarcely speak the English language intelligibly. They were so foolish as to attempt to march through an open clover field to a body of timber within our lines, with no sharp shoot- ers in front to locate our position. Two regiments of my brigade, the Twenty-first Georgia and Sixteenth Mississippi, were posted behind a fence that ran along the edge of this woods. There was a large hollow in the clover field just in front of our position, behind the fence. -The Germans came marching across the clover field in beautiful line, carrying their guns at "support arms." The Colonel walking back- wards in front of them, seeing that they preserved a perfect alignment just as though they were simply drilling. The Georgians and Mississippians were lying fiat on the ground,

148 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

with their guns in the bottom crack of the fence. When the Germans got in the hollow above-mentioned, they could not be seen ; but when they crossed it and came into view again, they were within fifty yards of the fence. Colonel Mercer, of the Twenty-first Georgia, who was commanding this de- tachment, sent an order down the line that if any man fired before he gave orders to fire, he would have him shot. As the Germans came up out of the hollow, their flag and that of the Georgians exactly confronted each other This gave the Mis- sissippians an enfilading, or raking fire. The men had their sights drawn and their fingers on the triggers, and in a quiver of excitement they saw the Germans coming up out of the hollow and waited for the order to fire. Colonel Mercer made them hold their fire until they could be seen from their feet up. Our men had a full, clear view, a lying down rest and an unobstructed range of not more than forty yards. When the order "Fire !" rang out from Mercer, a volley from a thousand guns sounded in the air, and a thousand bullets flew to their deadly work. The poor Germans fell all across each other in piles.


We pushed on up the Valley until we struck the Virginia Central Railroad, where we found a lot of trains of cars awaiting us. So actively had this march been conducted, that not a person along our route knew that Jackson was moving until they saw the army marching by. We were packed in and on the cars almost like sardines in a box, and went whirling through the great Blue Eidge tunnel on to Rich- mond, or as near Richmond as it was advisable to go, and tumbled out of the cars, straightened out our limbs and took up the march for McClellan's rear.


The battle of Cold Harbor, in which we were engaged the next day, 27 June, was a desperate and bloody one. I was still serving on the ambulance corps and had heavy work car- rying the wounded back to the field hospital, where the field

Twenty-First Regiment. 149

Burgeons would dress their wounds or amputate their limhs, as might be necessary. One of the finest and most efficient surgeons of the whole army was Dr. Tanner, a citizen of Fair- fax County, Virginia, who was assigned to our regiment and served with it nearly all the war. He had improvised a rough table, or couch, with a blanket spread over it, upon which we would lay the wounded men, and his quick trained eye soon discovered whether amputation was necessary or not. With his sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, he stood at that table and amputated feet and legs, and hands and arms, throwing them on a blanket spread on the ground, until there were as many as four men could carry off and bury. It was necessary to carry off this blanket full several times during the day. Under the influence of chloroform some of the poor fellows stormed and swore; some would sing, while others would lie still and quiet, as the scalpel and saw did their work. * * * This was the opening of a series of desperate and bloody battles, known in history as the "Seven Days' Battle," between McClellan and Lee, near the city of Richmond, in which the former, with a well fortified position and well equipped army, vastly outnumbering that of Lee, was driven from his fortifications and beaten back to the sheltering pro- tection of a strong array of marshaled Fleets and forced to abandon the siege of a city he had commenced and conducted with so much eclat, lii this series of battles there was so much fighting, so much charging and so many thrilling incidents and displays of personal and individual courage, that I pass over them, not having a sufficiently clear recollection at this time to relate them in detail.


We did not remain long in this camp. In fact, no part of the Army of Northern Virginia had much rest at any time during the active and bloody year of 1862. The armies of Fremont, Banks and Shields, whom we had so roughly han- dled in the Valley a short time previous, had been united and formed an invading column under the braggart, Pope, who declared that the only part of a rebel he had ever seen was his back, issuing his orders from headquarters in the sad-

150 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

die, which would seem to boast, "I am going to do something. I am."


Learning of the advance of this column, we broke camp at Gordonsville and marched to meet it, determined that Pope should see our faces when we met. We en- countered our friend and commissary, Banks, at Cedar Mountain, where we were so persistent in present- ing our faces to view that this part of Pope's army soon presented us a brief view of their backs and disappeared. In this battle I obtained the finest view of an en- gagement I ever had. Cedar Mountain is an isolated knob with a broad, open country all around it. From this elevated position we could plainly see the two lines approach, and when they opened fire and engaged in deadly strife, how my heart ached for the result as I looked upon this living pano- rama of war, with the greatest possible anxiety for the suc- cess of our men. As long as they stood and fired at each other the result was in great dotibt ; but when our men raised the "Rebel Yell," and swept down among them in an old- fashioned Confederate charge, that settled it. The Federals were swept from the field and driven off in confusion, and Banks was made to honor another requisition from Jackson on his commissary department.

It having been definitely ascertained that the army of Mc- Clellan was being withdrawn from the Peninsula and sent to Pope, General Lee began to transfer his army to the fields of Northern Virginia again. Jackson began one of his favorite movements to turn Pope's flank and get into his rear. To do this, we had to make a detour of sixty or seventy miles, sweep- ing around close to the foot of the Blue Ridge so as to turn his right flanlc. The march was a forced and vigorous one, so as to execute the movement before Pope could be apprised of our purpose. While marching up a river and about a mile from it, a regiment of the enemy crossed over, threw out a line of sharpshooters and began to reconnoiter our columns. They supposed, no doubt, that it was Mosby with his little battalion of bush-whackers, hanging on their

Twenty-First Regiment. 151

flanks and annoying them, as was his custom, and they would run him off before he could do them any mischief. They struck our column at our brigade. We quickly faced into line and charged them, running them back to the river, into which they plunged precipitately as they came to it. We rushed down to the bank and found the river full of Federals, struggling to reach the other bank, where many were climbing up out of the river. We paid no attention to those in the water, it being such a fair and tempting shot at those climb- ing the other bank. We were rolling them back in the river at a fearful rate when we were ordered to join the column and resume the march. We resumed our march and pressed forward with all the speed we could make. So rap- idly did we move from place to place, always turning up at a place entirely unexpected by the enemy, that we were known as "Jackson's Foot Cavalry." In fact, we could on long marches outmarch the cavalry during the latter part of the war.' They cotild ride off from us for the first few days, but their horses being thin, would soon become jaded and we would overtake them and march on by them in a week's time. We made a complete success of turning Pope's flank and marched around into his rear. We struck the raih'oad at a place called Brandy Station, distant only three or four miles from Manassas Junction, at about 11 o'clock at night. We had been there but a few minutes when we heard the whistle of a train in the direction of Pope's army, and discovered it was coming toward us. We tried to tear up a rail from the track but did not succeed before the train came thundering by. We fired a volley into it as it sped towards Manassas Junction. Soon we heard another whistle coming from the same direction. This time we succeeded in getting some rails up and turned them so as to cause the engine to jump the track down a steep embankment. We then moved iip the road a short distance, and as it came by we fired a volley into it. The engineer pulled the throttle wide open and gave his engine all the steam. When it struck the turned rails, it jumped clear out from the rails and buried itself in the earth at the foot of the embankment. The cars tumbled into piles, leaving not more than half the train standing on the track.

152 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Soon we heard another whistle, and moving up the road, greeted the train with a volley as it passed. The engineer did as the other, giving it all the speed he could, out about half way through the cars standing on the track, scattering them in all directions and doubling up his own train into a jumbled mass. Soon we heard the whistle of another train, and treating it as we had the others, drove it headlong into the mass of wreckage that already encumbered the track. This was the last one to come down, and we had three long trains piled up in a mass of wreckage on the track. They were all long trains of empty box ears, filled up with rough, board seats, and were transporting McClellan's troops to Pope. The first engine we ditched was called "The Presi- dent," and had a very fair picture of President Lincoln painted on the steam dome, with one of our bullet holes through his head.

If we had struck the trains going the other way, they woTild have been full of troops, and we would have made a big haul of prisoners. The first train that succeeded in passing us re- ported at the junction, where there was a company of artillery that Mosby's gang had fired on it as it passed Brandy Sta- tion and they might look out for an attack before day. But for this warning, we would have caught the artillerymen in their beds.

My regiment was sent forward to capture the junction, which we reached about 1 o'clock in the morning. The artil- lerymen, warned by the train that escaped us, had their guns loaded with grape shot and canister and were in position wait- ing for us. Grape shot are iron balls about the size of mar- bles, and a 12-pound gun is loaded with about a half gallon of them. Canister is a tin can about the size of a three-po\ind tomato can, sealed up full of musket balls loaded into the cannon that way. When fired, the can is torn to pieces and the bullets scatter out. Marching up to cannon loaded with grape and canister is rough medicine, but soldiers some limes have to take it. We approached the station as silently and stealthily as we could and succeeded in covering behind some box cars standing on the track. We were wanting them to fire, knowing they would get a shot any way, but we were

Twenty-First Regiment. 153

dreading the fire at the same time. They held their fire until we got within a hundred yards, but we could not see them well enough to shoot them, and they were waiting to see us plainly. Finally we made such a noise among the cars they thought we were charging, and fired all four of their guns. Fortunately for us, their aim in the darkness was bad. Their grape shot and bullets went whistling over our heads, and no one was hurt. This was the opportuuity we were wishing for. Their guns were now empty and we were careful not to give them time to load again. With a quick dash we were soon among them and made them all prisoners before they could reload their guns. Having secured our prisoners and arranged for their safe keeping, we laid down and slept soundly until next morning.


The large warehouse full of rations that we had burned about six months before, had been rebuilt and was full of army supplies, this point being used as Pope's base. It will be observed that Jackson, with his corps only, was square in the rear of Pope's army, which consisted of the united forces of Banks, Fremont and Shields, with heavy reinforcements from McClellan's army. All this force was between us and the main body of our army. In addition to this, on the other side of us and not far off, was the main body of McClellan's great army, pressing up from Acquia creek to join Pope. We were exactly between these two great armies and completely cut off from our friends, and it looked as though they only had to move together and crush us with their mighty weight. The men as well as the generals knew that our position was an extremely critical one, but not one of us had any fears of being crushed or captured. That Jackson was with us and could lead us out, was felt and expressed. If our friends could not reach us before this great anaconda closed around us, we knew that Jackson would concentrate his strength on some weak point and cut his way through and walk off where he pleased. We all felt we were able to do that in a great emergency. We filled our haversacks and loaded our wagons

154 North Carolina Troops, , 1861-'65.

as well as several others, that we captured at the junction, with Federal rations, again drawing on our good commissary, Banks, for supplies. We then applied the torch to the re- mainder, again burning down Manassas warehouse full of provisions. Pope now realizing the situation, began to press down upon us with the view of crushing us before Lee could send us any assistance. We simply moved out a few miles from the junction and took position on a part of the ground on which the famous battle of Bull Eun was fought a little more than a year previous. The lines, however, were nearly at a right angle to those of the previous battle, as we were being approched from a different direction. Pope had taken the precaution to place a force at each of the mountain passes to prevent reinforcements from reaching us, and began to press us with his whole army, making the attack on 29 Au- gust. This was the famous "Second Battle of Manassas," and was one of the most stubbornly fought battles of the war. Jackson had only his own corps during this first day's fight to withstand the surging mass of Federals that was hurled against him. But this he did in true Stonewall style, beating them back and holding our position throughout the day. In the meantime Longstreet was hastening with all possible speed to our assistance, and when he came to the mountain gap through which it was necessary for him to pass in order to reach us, he did not permit the force guarding it to be any obstacle in his way. He simply ran over them with his old veterans. He reached us late in the afternoon of the 30th, and was beating back Pope's left wing before that General knew he had crossed the mountains. On the morning of the 30th Pope hurled his forces against us with the evident in- tention of crushing us before other help could reach us, and it is doubtful if he yet knew that Longstreet was there wait- ing for him. He (Pope) had still been further reinforced from McOlellan's army and, no doubt, felt able to run over us. During this day some of the hardest fighting that had occurred thus far was had. On one occasion the hostile forces met at a railroad fill and fought desperately by throw- ing stones across the fill at each other, neither side daring to cross it to the other.

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We struck the enemy in a gully, or branch, that ran along a hollow. We came to a fence on the ridge about one hundred yards distant that seemed to run parallel with the enemy's position. We halted at this fence and quickly tore it down and piled the rails in front. It offered us good protection, where we lay down on the ground. We opened fire on the en- emy, but it soon became so dark that we could not see the en- enemy's position, but we would fire at the fiashes of their guns, as I suppose they would fire at our flashes. We re- ceived orders at one time to charge the enemy, and started to do so, but did not go many steps before we were ordered to halt and lie down again. Our regiment was commanded by the gallant Colonel Fulton, of Stokes County. It was during this little advance that he fell at my side, falling against me, shot through and killed outright. We slept on our arms, expecting to renew the battle at daylight, but when morning came the Federals were gone. We followed up the retreat- ing enemy until he was safely back in the fortifications around Washington. General Pope had for once, at least, seen the rebels faces and had been forced, very reluctantly, no doubt, to show them his back. So great was his mortification after all of his intemperate boasting that as soon as he had his army safely behind the great fortifications of Washing- ton he resigned his commission and we never heard anything more of Pope. All the great and well equipped armies that had entered Virginia so cheerily in the early Spring, and marched on to Richmond, the Confederate Capital, confident of its capture, found themselves hurled back and cooped up in the fortifications around their own Capital and engaged in its defence.


One the morning of the 15 th, having everything ready, we opened a merciless fire upon the doomed garrison. From high up, almost over their heads and from every side, came the shower of shells pouring in upon them, from which their fortifications afforded no protection. In our immediate front, the ground was comparatively level, or rather it was not

156 NoKTH Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

so mountainous, and on the crest of a ridge the enemy had a strong line of entrenchments heavily manned. General Jack- son and staff were sitting on their horses near my regiment's position, watching the effect of the bombardment. A battery of artillery on our right, I think it was Little Lattimore's, that was playing on the enemy's line, limbered and galloped to the front, took a new position on a hill in two or three hundred yards of the enemy and fired as rapidly as I ever saw artillery handled in my life. It was, in fact, an ar- tillery charge. Presently we saw Jackson turn to his cour- iers and speak a few words to them and immediately they went galloping off to the different divisions. Our hearts trembled. We knew the orders those couriers were carrying. It was the order for a general and simultaneous charge all along the line. The bristling line of bayonets behind strong fortifications, was a dangerous thing to approach and we knew that many of us would fall before we could hope to scale its ramparts and beat back its defenders. But while we were bracing our nerves in solemn dread for the deadly encounter, a thing occurred that sent a thrill of joy to every heart. On the enemy's works, in plain view, was unfurled and fluttered out in the breeze, the white flag of peace. The enemy had surrendered. Cheer after cheer rent the air. We had now accomplished the object of our recent campaign and supposed we would go into camp and have a rest, but to our surprise, three days' rations were issued with orders to cook them and be ready to march by 2 o'clock. Jackson did not even take time to receive the surrender, but left that honor to A. P. Hill, and when the sun went down on that victorious day we were many miles away retracing our steps over the same route we had come. We had been on a forced march for some days and in line of battle all the night previous, fre- quently shifting from one position to another, so that but lit- tle sleep or rest could be obtained and now we had to march all night, hastening to join Lee, who was in danger of being attacked by the united armies of McClellan.

Two or three miles from the ford, near a small town called Sharpsburg, we found the army in line of battle with the sharpshooters of the two armies popping away at each other.

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I soon found my regiment in line, taking what rest and sleep they could, while awaiting the attack of the enemy. During the remainder of the day there was very little fighting, both armies manoeuvering for position. That night we slept on our arms in line of battle. We were so exhausted, not having camped for three or four days and nights previous, that as soon as we could get still we were asleep, depending on the sharpshooters in front to apprise us of the approach of the enemy. Next morning we repulsed an assault by the enemy in heavy force. After waiting for some time and seeing no disposition on the part of the enemy to make a fur- ther advance upon us, who rather seemed to enjoy standing there and shooting at us while we lay still and took it with- out molesting them, we concluded to take part in the play. We had a decided advantage of position, in that we were lying flat behind a fence and could not be seen, while they stood upright in the open ground and could be seen from their feet up, giving us their full length at which we could take deliberate and careful aim. The distance between us was about 300 yards, which is close and easy range for the good Enfield rifles with which we were now armed. When the "Ready" came, every man lying flat on his stomach, with the muzzle of his gun through the crack of the fence, took careful aim and when the order "Fire" rang out on the air, a sheet of flame shot out from the fence up and down its entire length, and a line of bullets on the wings of lightning sped over the bosom of the fleld on their hurried mission of death. When the smoke lifted, which it quickly did, it could be plainly seen that the line, so dark and full when our fingers pressed the triggers, was now full of long, open gaps, and staggering under the shock of the fire.

Then came the order "Forward, charge !" Over the fence we sprang and raising the yell, as the enemy called it, went at them with all speed.

In this charge the Color-Sergeant, whose name was Ryer- son, I think, did a heroic thing. I am sorry I cannot be pos- itive about his name, as he was a member of another com- pany. He ran ahead of the advancing line to within 100 yards of the enemy's line of battle (which had been rein-

158 North Carolina Troops, 1801-65.

forced by a fresh line) and jumping upon a stump, waved tlie flag defiantly at the enemy, making himself a most conspicu- ous target for their marksmen. Of course, he could not have lived many seconds on that stump, but his brilliant dash had an inspiring influence on our entire line, which, raising the "Rebel Yell," rushed with such impetuosity upon the enemy that they were quickly driven from the field and the gallant Sergeant, amid the cheers of his comrades, de- scended from the stump unharmed. History loves to dwell upon the gallant act of Sergeant Jasper, in climbing the flag- staff under the enemy's bombardment, and restoring to its place the flag that had been shot down at Fort Moultrie, but Sergeant Jasper's act was one of prudence and safety, com- pared with the rashness and peril of that of Sergeant Kyer- son.


On 13 December the enemy opened the battle, moving a heavy force against our lines near Hamilton's Crossing, where Jackson's Corps was posted, with himself in personal com- mand. They made a bold rush upon us, but we met them with such a storm of shell and canister and bullets that they were soon driven back. There was a place where our lines did not connect and a column of the enemy penetrated this gap and gained the crest of the hills; but we had a reserve line which raised the "Rebel Tell," and charged upon them and sent them flying down the hills again. In their retreat a large number of the enemy took shelter in a railroad cut that ran along the foot of the hills and our pursuing line charged right on over them, leaving them in the rear, while it pursued the others out in the open plain beyond. In returning to the lines all those men in the railroad cut were made prisoners, which they recognized themselves as being when we passed over them. The battle of Fredericksburg was now over, but we did not know it and we took advantage of the night to re- arrange our lines and strengthen our position for the next day's anticipated conflict. But when the morning of the next day came and we were bracing ourselves for another grapple with the enemy, we discovered in looking out over

Twenty-First Regiment. 159

the plain that they were not there. The enemy had learned by sad experience the impossibility of forcing us from our ad- mirable position, and while we were busily engaged during the night in strengthening our position, he was silently re- moving to the other side of the river out of the range of our guns on those frowning hills.

L. E. Powers, Lieutenant Company A.


9 April, 1901.

Note. Soon after Pope issued his braggart proclamation, above re- ferred to, including his famous declaration his "Headquarters were in the saddle," news came rapidly of his successive and overwhelming de- feats. Whereat the New York Herald, pithily and wittily said, "What else could you expect from a general who did not know his headquar- ters from his hindquarters." Copies of the paper got into the Southern lines and created much amusement. Bd.


1. Johnston J. Pettigrew, Colonel. 3. Graham Daves, 1st Lieut, and Adjt.

8. Thos. D. Jones. Captain, Co. A. 4. W. W. Dickson, 2d Lieut., Co. A.

5. Walter Clark, 2d Lieut, and Drill Master.


By adjutant GRAHAM DAVES.

The Twenty-second Eegiment of North Carolina Troops was organized in camp near Kaleigh in July, 18C1, by the election of the following Field Officers :

J. JoiiKSTOiy Pettigebw, Colonel, of Tyrrell County, then a resident of Charleston, S. C. Colonel PettigreAv had seen service with the forces in South Carolina, and conunanded a regiment at the siege and capture of Fort Sumter by the Confederates in April, 1861.

John O. Long^ Lieutenant-Colonel, of Eandolph County, a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Thomas S. Galloway, Jr., Major, of Eockingham Coun- ty, a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute at Lexing- ton, Va.

The commissions of the Field Officers all bore date of 11 July, 1861.

The regiment was composed, originally, of twelve compa- nies, but two of them, C and D, were very soon transferred to other commands, and the lettering. A, B, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, and M, for the ten companies, was retained. This fact is mentioned because the lettering of the companies of this regi- ment as reported in the Eegister published by the Adjutant- General of the State in IN^ovember, 1861, and in the roster of the troops published by the State in 1882, is incorrectly given.

The several companies at the time of their first enlistment, and before their organization into a regiment, adopted local names, which, as part of their history, it may be of interest to preserve :

Company A, of Caldwell County, Captain W. F. Jones,


162 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

was called the "Caldwell Eough and Eeady Boys" ; Company B, of McDowell County, Captain Jas. M. N'eal, tlie '^McDow- ell Eifles" ; Company E', of Guilford County, Captain Colum- bus C. Cole, the "Guilford Men" ; Company F, of Alleghany County, Captain Jesse F. Eeeves, the "Alleghany True Blues" ; Company G, of Caswell Coimty, Captain Edward M. Scott, the "Caswell Eifles" ; Company H, of Stokes County, Captain Hamilton Scales, the "Stokes Boys" ; Company I, of Eandolph County, Captain Shubal G. Worth, the "Davis Guards" ; Company K, of McDowell County, Captain Alney Burgin, the "McDowell Boys"; Company L, of Eandolph County, Captain Eobert H. Gray, the "Uwharrie Eifles"; Company M, of Eandolph County, Captain John M. Odell, the "Eandolph Hornets."

Companies C and D, which, as before mentioned, were transferred to other regiments, were named : Company C, of Surry County, , Captain Eeaves, the "Surry Eegulators" ; Company D, of Ashe County, Captain Cox, the "Jefferson Davis Mountain Eifles."

The organization of the regiment was completed by the ap- pointment of Lieutenant Graham Daves, of Craven County, as Adjutant, 24 July, 1861 ; Dr. James K. Hall, of Guilford County, Surgeon, 24 July, 1861; Dr. Benj. A. Cheek, of Warren County, Assistant Surgeon, 24 July, 1861; James J. Litchford, of Wake County, Assistant Quartermaster, 19 July, 1861 ; Eev. A. B. Cox, of Alleghany County, 6 July, 1861, Chaplain; and Hamilton G. Graham (Company I), of Craven County, as Sergeant Major.

First called the Twelfth Volunteers, the regiment was shortly after mtobered and designated the Twenty-second Troops. The change was made in the Adjutant General's office at Ealeigh to avoid confusion. With the exception of the "Bethel Eegiment," or First Volunteers, which served for six months only, the troops first enlisted were mustered into service for one year and were called volunteers. The Legislature, however, also authorized the enlistment of ten regiments "for three years or the war" eight of infantry,

Twenty-Second Regiment. 163

one of cavalry (Ninth), and one of artillery (Tenth), to be called "State Troops," and numbered one to ten. This would have caused the numbering of ten regi- ments each of "State Troops" and of "Volunteers" res- pectively to have beeii the same, and the numbers of the vol- unteer regiments were therefore moved forward ten. This will explain a change in the numbering of the regiments, to include the .Fourteenth Volunteers, afterwards the Twenty- fourth Troops, which might not to be understood. A dupli- cation of this sort in the numbering of certain regiments of Georgia and South Carolina troops did actually exist and caused much confusion.

The first Captain of A Company was W. F. Jones, of Cald- well County, who was succeeded by Thos. D. Jones, of the same. The entire number of rank and file in this company serving at one time or another during its whole term of ser- vice was 187 men. Company B had for its first Captain James M. ISTeal, of McDowell County, and numbered rank and file from first to last 171 men. Captain Columbus C. Cole, of Greensboro, commanded E Company, which num- bered 184 rank and file, while in service. Jesse F. Reeves, of Alleghany County, was first Captain of F Company, which numbered 160 men during its term. J. A. Burns was Cap- tain of G Company at the organization of the regiment, but was shortly after succeeded by John W. Graves. The com- pany numbered in all 145 men. Hamilton Scales, of Stokes County, was Captain of H Company, which numbered in all 200 men. I Company's first Captain was Shubal G. Worth, of Randolph County. The company numbered 188 men all told. Alney Burgin, of McDowell County, was first Captain of K Company ; Robert H. Gray, of L Company, and John M. Odell, of M Company, which numbered respectively, during their several terms of service, 151, 178 and 146 men. These figures are mentioned here for convenience, and represent, of course, enlistments and assignments for the whole period of the war. At the completion of its organization the regiment numbered nearly 1,000 enlisted men. Shortly after its or- ganization it was ordered to Virginia, and made its first halt

164 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

in Eiehmond. Eemaining in camp there for a short time, it was next ordered to the Potomac to form part of the com- mand of General Theophilus H. Holmes, and was first sta- tioned at Brook's Station near Acquia Creek. Soon, how- ever, it marched to Evansport, a point on the Potomac river, the present Quantico Station, between the Chappewamsic and Quantico creeks, where batteries of heavy guns were to be established to blockade the Potomac below Washington, Going into camp at this place late in September, the regi- ment was stationed there during the Autumn and winter of 18 61-' 62, on duty in the erection and support of the batteries which were in great part constructed by details of its men. There were three of these batteries at first, mounted with 9-inch Dalghren guns, smooth bore 32 and 42 pounders, and one heavy rifled Blakely gun, and they were thought to be formidable in those days. ISTo. 2 Battery was in part manned by Company I, of the regiment, detailed for that purpose, where it continued to serve as long as the post was occupied. After the batteries opened, traffic by water to Washington ceased almost entirely, but the river there being about two miles wide, some craft succeeded in running the gauntlet from time to time, among others the steam sloop of war Pensacola, which passed at night.

While on duty at Evansport, about the middle of October, 1861, the following roster of the line officers of the regiment, with dates of their commissions, was returned:

Compajsty a Thomas D. Jones, Captain, 8 August, 1861 ; J. B. Clark, First Lieutenant, 8 August, 1861; Eelix G. Dula, Second Lieutenant, 8 August, 1861 ; Wm. W. Dick- son, Second Lieutenant, 8 August, 1861.

CoMPAisTY B James H. Neal, Captain, 8 May, 1861 ; A. G. Halyburton, First Lieutenant, 8 May, 1861 ; J. M. Hig- gins. Second Lieutenant, 8 May, 1861 ; Samuel H. Adams, Second Lieutenant, 8 May, 1861.

Company E Columbus C. Cole, Captain, 23 May, 1861 ; H. E. Charles, First Lieutenant, 23 May, 1861 ; W. H. Fau- cett, Second Lieutenant, 23 May, 1861 ; John N". Nelson, Second Lieutenant, 27 July, 1861.

Twenty-Second Regiment. 165

Company F Preston B. Eeeves, Captain, 10 September, 1861 ; John Gambol, First Lieutenant, 11 September, 1861 ; Horton L. Reeves, Second Lieutenant, 27 May, 1861 ; George Mc. Reeves, Second Lieutenant, 2Y August, 1861.

Company G^ John W. Graves, Captain, 11 October, 1861; J. J. Stokes, First Lieutenant, 28 May, 1861; P. Smith, Second Lieutenant, 28 May, 1861 ; John JST. Black- vi^ell. Second Lieutenant, 24 August, 1861.

Company H Hamilton Scales, Captain, 1 June, 1861 ; Fphraim Bouldin, First Lieutenant, 1 June, 1861 ; S. Mar- tin, Second Lieutenant, 1 June, 1861

Company I Shubal G. Worth, Captain, 5 June, 1861; E- H. Winningham, First Lieutenant, 12 August, 1861 ; Alex. C. McAllister, Second Lieutenant, 12 August, 1861 ; Hamilton C. Graham, Second Lieutenant, 15 August, 1861.

Company K Alney Burgin, Captain, 5 June, 1861 ; Chas. 'H. Burgin, First Lieutenant, 5 June, 1861 ; A. W. Crawford, Second Lieutenant, 5 June, 1861 ; Isaac E. Morris, Second Lieutenant, 5 June, 1861.

Company L Robert H. Gray, Captain, 18 June, 1861 ; Claiborne Gray, First Lieutenant, 18 June, 1861 ; J. A. C. Brown, Second Lieutenant, 18 June, 1861 ; W. G. Spencer, Second Lieutenant, 18 June, 1861.

Company M John M. Odell, Captain, 10 June, 1861; Laban Odell, First Lieutenant, 10 June, 1861 ; J. M. Pounds, Second Lieutenant, 10 June, 1861 ; Henry C. AUred, Second Lieutenant, 10 June, 1861.

At different times during its entire term of service the following were line officers of the Twenty-second Regiment ; the list is not quite complete :

Company A Captains: W. F. Jones, Thomas D. Jones, James M. Isbell, Wm. B. Clark. Lieutenants: Joseph B. Clark, James W. Sudderth, Felix G. Dula, Wm. W. Dick- eon, Marcus Deal, J. W. Justice.

Company B Captains: James M. Neal, J. T. Conley, George H. Gardin. Lieutenants : Samuel H. Adams, James M. Higgins, Robert A. Tate, S. P. Tate.

Company E Captains : Columbus C. Cole, Chas. E. Har-

166 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

per, Joseph A. Hooper, Martin M. Wolfe, Eobert W. Cole, Lieutenants : Andrew J, Busick, W. H. Faucett, Jas. H. Ban- ner, John ISr. Nelson, 0. 0. Wheeler.

Company F Captains: Jesse F. Eeeves, Preston B. Eeaves, W. L. Mitchell, S. G. Caudle. Lieutenants: John GamboU, N. A. Eeynolds, David Edwards, Horton S. Eeeves, Calvin Eeeves, George G. Eeeves, Calvin C. Carrier.

Company G Captains: Edward M. Scott, J. A. Burns, John W. Graves, Stanlin Brinchfield. Lieutenants: O. W. Eitzgerald, James T. Stokes, Peter Smith, J. N. BlackweU, B. S. Mitchell, Martin H. Cobb.

Company H Captains : Haimilton Scales, Ephraim Boul- din, Wm. H. Lovins. Lieutenants : S. Martin, C. C. Smith, John K. Martin, Sam B. Ziglar, Shadrach Martin, Joshua D. Ziglar.

Company I Captains : Shubal G. Worth, Geo. V. Lamb. Lieutenants : Eobert Hanner, Eli H. Winningham, J«hn H. Palmer, B. W. Burkhead, Wm. McAuley, Hamilton C. Gra- ham, Alex. C. McAllister, J. S. Bobbins, E. A. Glenn, E. W. Winbourue.

Company K Captains : Alney Burgin, Chas. H. Burgin, Wm. B. Gooding, E. J. Dobson. Lieutenants : Isaac E. Mor- ris, A. W. Crawford, J. L. Greenlee, J. B. Burgin, John M. Burgin, J. E. Bailey.

Company L Captains : Eobert H. Gray, J. A. C. Brown, Lee Eussell, Yancey M. C. Johnson. Lieutenants : Claiborn Gray, Wm. G. Spencer, E. C. Llarney, Oliver M. Pike, Cal- vin H. Welborn.

Company M Captains: John M. Odell, Laban Odell, Warren B. Kivett, Columbus F. Slier. Lieutenants : J. M. Bobbins, James M. Pounds, Henry C. AUred, Lewis F. Mc- Mastexs, John M. Lawrence, A. W. Lawrence.

Besides the Lieutenants named above, the Captains of the several companies had in nearly every instance served as Lieu- tenants previous to their promotion. Hon. Walter Clark, now senior Justice of the Supreme Court of the State, who will compile and edit the histories of our North Carolina Eeg- iments, was at its organization a drill master in the Twenty-

Twenty-Second Regiment. 167

second. He was then not yet 15 years of age, fresh from Colonel Tew's Military Academy at Hillsboro.

Until March, 1862, the regiment remained in support of the batteries at Evansport, in brigade at different times with the First Arkansas, the Second Tennessee, a Virginia regi- ment, and perhaps other regiments, under command at differ- ent times, in the order named, of Generals John G. Walker, Isaac R. Trimble and Samuel G. French. While there the health of the men was good, except for measles, which seemed to be epidemic in all the regiments. The batteries were frequently engaged with the enemy's gunboats, and with batteries on the Maryland side of the Po- tomac, but the casualties were very few. Company I had several men wounded by the bursting of a 42- pounder gun in Battery No. 2. While on duty at Evansport, Colonel Pettigrew was promoted Brigadier-General, but feel- ing that his services were of more value in furthering the re- enlistment and re-organization of the regiment, then near at hand, he declined the appointment a rare instance of patri- otism and devotion to the public good. When the army fell back from Manassas and the Potomac in March, 1862, to the line of the Rappahannock, General French commanded the brigade, which took post at Fredericksburg. Soon after Gen- eral French was transferred to a command in ISTorth Caro- lina, and the regiment was marched to the Peninsula below Richmond and shared in the Williamsburg and Yorktown campaign. Returning to the vicinity of Richmond, and Colonel Pettigrew having been again appointed brigadier, in command of the brigade, which appointment he this time ac- cepted, Lieutenant-Colonel Chas. E. Lightfoot, previously of the Sixth Regiment, was promoted Colonel. Under his com- mand the regiment went into the fight at Seven Pines in May- June, 1862, in which it was heavily engaged, and its losses were severe. General Pettigrew was here wounded and made prisoner. Colonel Lightfoot was also captured. Captain Thomas D. Jones and Lieutenant S. H. Adams were killed, besides many others, and the aggregate loss of the regiment was 147 in all.

168 North Carolina Troops, 186J-'65.

Soon after Seven Pines the regiment was re-organized, when the following were elected Field Officers : James Con- nor, of South Carolina, Colonel; Captain Kobert H. Gray, of Company L, Lieutenant-Colonel; and Captain Columbus C. Cole, of Company E, Major. They took rank from 14 June, 1862. There were many changes also in the line officers. Previously Adj utant Graham Daves had been promoted Cap- tain and assigned to duty as Assistant Adjutant-General on the general staff, and Lieutenant P. E. Charles became Adju- tant. A new brigade, too, was formed, consisting of the Six- teenth, Twenty-second, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth North Carolina Regiments, and placed under the command of Brigadier-General Wm. D. Pender, in the division of General A. P. Hill.

An officer in describing the bearing of the Twenty-second at Seven Pines says: "In all my readings of veterans, and of coolness under fire, I have never conceived of anything surpassing the coolness of our men in this fight."

In the "Seven Days' Fight" around Richmond the regi- ment was next engaged: First, at Mechanics ville, 26 June, in which Colonel Connor was badly wounded; at Ellison's Mill; at Gaines' Mill, 27 Jime, where it won the highest encomiums. General A. P. Hill says of it in his report of the battle : "The Sixteenth North Carolina, Colonel McEl- roy, and the Twenty-second, Lieutenant-Colonel Gray, at one time carried the crest of the hill, and were in the enemy's camp, but were driven back by overwhelming numbers." And General Pender : "My men fought nobly and main- tained their ground with great stubbornness." Next at Fra- zier's Farm, 30 June. In this fight the regiment was very conspicuous and suffered severely. Among the killed were Captain Harper and Lieutenant P. E. Charles, of Company E. The latter was bearing the regimental colors at the time, and near him, in a space little more than ten feet square, nine men of the color guard lay dead. Captain Ephraim Boul- din, of Company H, was also killed.

On 9 August, the battle of Cedar Mountain was fought. In this engagement the Twenty-second Regiment was charged by a regiment of cavalry which it easily repulsed and pun-

Twenty-Second Regiment. 169

ished sharply. Lieutenant Kobert W. Cole, of Company E, succeeded Lieutenant Charles, as Adjutant. The regiment was with Jackson in his battles with Pope of 28 and 29 Au- gust, and bore an active part at Second Manassas on 30 Au- gust. In these actions it was efficiently commanded by Major C C. Cole, owing to the extreme sickness of Lieutenant-Colo- nel Gray. Two days later it was again engaged with the enemy at Chantilly, or Ox Hill, fought in a terrible thunder storm, in which the artillery of heaven and of earth seemed to strive in rivalry. The hard service and heavy losses of this cam- paign may be understood by the fact that at this time there were, out of the twelve field officers of the four regiments of the brigade, but three left on duty with their commands, and some of the companies were commanded by corporals.

Pope, the braggart, had made good use of his "Headquar- ters in the saddle" to get out of Virginia, and had learned all about "Lines of Retreat."

The Twenty-second Regiment took part in the reduction and capture of Harper's Ferry 15 August, where it re- mained until the 17th, the day the battle of Sharpsburg was fought. On that day the regiment, with the rest of A. P. Hill's division, arrived on the battlefield after a forced march of seventeen miles, in time to aid, in the afternoon, in the decided repulse of Bumside's attack at the "Stone Bridge," thereby preventing the turning of General Lee's right and saving the day to the Confederates. On the night of the 18th, the army re-crossed the Potomac and on the 19th was followed by a division of Federals, which was promptly attacked by part of A. P. Hill's command, routed and driven back across the Potomac at Shepherdstown with great slaugh- ter. The Twenty-second took an active part in this success- ful fight. After the enemy had been driven into the river, a heavy fire was opened on the Confederates by the Federal bat- teries and sharp shooters from its north bank. Under this fire a detachment of the Twenty-second under Major Cole lay, with very slight protection, for nearly twelve hours, and could be withdrawn only after nightfa,ll.

Shortly after Shepherdstown, Lieutenant-Colonel Gray re- joined the regiment, and Lieutenant J. R. Cole, previously

170 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

of the Fifty-fourth Eegiment, was assigned to the Twenty- second as Adjutant. On 22 JSTovember, A. P. Hill's Divis- ion, which had been on duty near Martinsburg and at Snick- er's Gap in the Blue Ridge, (where there was constant skir- mishing), marched for Fredericksburg, where it arrived 2 December, a distance of 180 miles. In this winter march many of the men were barefooted but made merry over it. At the battle of Fredericksburg, 13 December, Jackson's Corps formed the right of Lee's army and Pen- der's Brigade was on the left of A. P. Hill's Division in the first line. The regiment acquitted itself in this famous ac- tion in a way well worthy its old reputation. The night of the 12th a detail from the regiment, by a bold dash, succeeded in burning a number of haystacks and houses very near to, and affording cover, to the Federal lines. Major C. C. Cole was in charge of the detail, and next day commanded the skirmish line in front of Pender's Brigade. He was ably, seconded by Captain Laban Odell, of Company M, and Lieu- tenant Clark, of Company A. The brigade maintained its position throughout the action, repulsing every attack upon it, but not without heavy loss. Major Cole was much com- plimented for his handsome action in dispersing the strong force of the enemy's skirmishers on the brigade front. Gen- eral Pender was wounded, and his Aid-de-Camp, Lieutenant Sheppard, was killed in the engagement. Some time before Fredericksburg the Thirteenth North Carolina Eegiment, Colonel Alfred M. Scales, had been added to Pender's Bri- gade.

The winter of 1862-63 was passed in picket and other duty on the Eappahannock below Fredericksburg. Colonel James Connor rejoined the regiment while it was stationed there, but was still unfitted by his severe wound for active duty. The services of Lieutenant-Colonel Gray were lost to the reg- iment at this time. Always a man of delicate health, he died 16 March, 1863. Major C. C. Cole was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain Odell became Major their commissions dating 16 March, 1862 positions that these ex- cellent officers were to hold but a short time.

At Chancellorsville in May, 1863, the regiment was in


1. J. B. Clarke, 1st Lieiif.. Co. A. 3. S. F. Harper. Private, Co. A

2. Sion H. Oxford, Ensign, 4. William T Abernathy,Private,Co. A.

5. Aurelius J. Dula, Private, Co. A.

Twenty-Second Regiment. 171

Jackson's flank attack on Hooker, and tkrougliout the whole of the action was heavily engaged. Its losses were very severe. Colonel Cole and Major Odell were both killed, two hundred and nineteen men and twenty-six out of thirty-three ofiicers were killed or wounded, and though the regiment was distinguished by its accustomed efficiency and gallantry, noth- ing could compensate for this terrible destruction. Chan- cellorsville was the eighteenth battle of the Twenty-second Eegiment, and the most fatal. It went through the Mary- land campaign of 1863, and Gettysburg, with credit. G-eneral Wm. D. Pender had been made a Major General and was now in command of the division, and Colonel Alfred M. Scales, of the Thirteenth Regiment, was promoted Brigadier in command of the brigade. It participated in the first day's brilliant success at Gettysburg, was engaged also on the sec- ond day, and on the third the brigade was part of General I. R. Trimble's division. General Pender having been mor- tally wounded, in sxipport of Heth's division, then under Pet- tigrew, in the famous charge on Cemetery Ridge. In this charge, Archer's and Scales' brigades occupied and held for a ti'me the Federal works, and when they retreated to the Confederate lines, Scales' Brigade had not one Field Officer left for duty, and but very few Line Officers. Its total loss was 102 killed and 322 wounded.

After the return of the regiment to Virginia it was re-or- ganized, when Thomas S. Galloway, Jr., at one time its Major, was elected Colonel, to date from 21 September, 1863 ; Wm. L. Mitchell was Lieutenant-Colonel; J. H. Welborn, Adjvitant; J. D. Wilder, Quartermaster; P. G. Robinson, Surgeon. Benj. A. Cheek was still Assistant Surgeon. The Line Officers, with dates of commission, were as follows :

Company A— Captain, Wm. B. Clark, 12 October, 1862 ; First Lieutenant, Joseph B. Clark, 28 October, 1862 ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Wm. A. Tuttle, 25 April, 1863.

Company B Captain ; First Lieutenant, Robert

A. Tate, 1 August, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant, George H. Gar- din, 11 May, 1863; Second Lieutenant, Samuel P. Tate, 1 August, 1863.

172 NoETH Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

OoMPANT E Captain, Eobert W. Cole, 15 September, 1863; First Lieutenant, Andrew J. Busick, 15 September, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant, Oliver 0. Wheeler, 25 April, 1863.

Company F Captain ; First Lieutenant, David

Edwards, 20 October, 1862 ; Second Lieutenant, Shadrach G. Caudle, 25 April, 1863.

Company G Captain, George A. Graves, 1 May, 1862; First Lieutenant, Peter Smith, 10 May, 1862 ; Second Lieu- tenant, Eobert L. Mitchell, 1 May, 1862 ; Second Lieuten- ant, Martin H. Cobb, 25 April, 1863.

Company H Captain, Thomas T. Slade, 23 October, 1863 ; First Lieutenant, John K. Martin, 25 May, 1863 ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Mason T. Mitchell, 25 April, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant, C. L. Graves, 25 May, 1863.

Company I Captain, Gaston V. Lamb, 18 July, 1862 ; First Lieutenant, Burwell W. Burkhead, 1 July, 1863 ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Richard W. Winburne, 1 August, 1863 ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Robert A. Glenn, 1 August, 1863.

Company K Captain, W. B. Gooding, 13 November, 1862; First Lieutenant, , ■; Second Lieuten- ant, E. J. Dobson, 5 November, 1862.

Company L Captain, Lee Russell, , ; First

Lieutenants, Yancey M. C. Johnson, 1 August, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant, Oliver M. Pike, 15 July, 1863 ; Second Lieuten- ant, Calvin H. Winbome, 1 August, 1863.

Company M Captain, Columbus F. Siler, 2 May, 1863 ; First Lieutenant, James M. Robbins, 2 May, 1863 ; Second Lieutenant, John M. Lawrence, 25 April, 1863.

Under this organization the regiment shared in the events of the "campaign of strategy" in October and ISTovember, 1863, on the Eapidan, and endured the cold and other priva- tions in the affair at Mine Run, 2 December. Going into winter quarters after that, there were no occurrences of much note until the opening of the great campaign in the Spring of 1864. Major-General Cadmus M. Wilcox had been assigned to the command of the division, General Pender having died of the wound received at Gettys- burg, and this division with that of Heth, at the Wilderness

Twenty-Second Regiment. 173

5 May, withstood and repulsed with heavy loss every attack of Grant's forces on that memorable day. So severe had been the struggle that at night when General Heth asked permission to readjust his lines, much disordered by the per- sistent fighting, General A. P. Hill simply replied : "Let the tired men sleep," a decision which, with the delay of Lon- street's corps the next morning in getting into position, had nearly caused disaster. The Twenty-second bore well its part here, and so on, always maintaining its high reputation, at Spottsylvania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, and through the weary winter of hardship and want of 1864-'65, borne with fortitude, in the trenches at Petersburg ; on the trying retreat at Appomattox in April, 1865, where the sad end came.


After Grant's disastrous attack upon Lee at Cold Harbor in June, 18 64, he withdrew from Lee's front and began the move- ment which transferred his operations to the vicinity of Pe- tersburg. To conceal this movement Warren's Corps was sent up the roads towards Eichmond to make demonstrations, and to meet Warren, Wilcox's Division, in which were Scales' Bri- gade and the Twenty-second Regiment, was sent. After a hard march Gary's Brigade of cavalry was found falling back before a heavy force and Lane's and Scales' Brigades of infantry were at once ordered forward. These drove back Wilsdn's cavalry division for one and a half miles, and secured and held a cross-roads near a place called Smith's Shop, in the vicinity of the Frazier's Farm battlefield. In this fight and advance (of more than an hour) the centre of the Twenty-second Regiment passed at one time over an open knoll, which had been cleared for artillery two years before, where they received the full fire of Wilson's men and lost heavily, but still pressed on, driving the enemy before them, and held the position as mentioned above.


In his account of this action in August, 1864, Swinton errs in saying that three charges were made by the Confed-

174 North Carolina Troops, 18U1-'65.

erates, iivo of which were repulsed. The first charge, as he terms it, was merely an advance of a battalion of sharpshoot- ers, under Captain John Young, which drove in the Federal pickets and skirmishers. Captain Young reported that there was only a line of picket pits in our front. Under this im- pression the Sixteenth, Twenty-second and Thirty-fourth North Carolina regiments, and Benning's Georgia Brigade, were ordered to charge. On reaching the edge of the woods, Benning's men, seeing a strong line of works, well manned, in their front, were halted. The Twenty-second Kegiment charged up to the works, but, having lost their support on their right, were withdrawn. They were not repulsed. Pri- vate Ellison, of Company L, snatched an United States flag from the earth works in this charge, and brought it away with him. Shortly after this Lane's, MacRae's and another brigade of ITeth's Division, with the Twenty-second Regi- ment covering their left flank, charged the position and car- ried the works in splendid style. Hampton's cavalry shared in the attack and rendered most efficient service.

An incident worthy of record occurred in the winter of 1864:-'65, while the Twenty-second N^orth Carolina was on duty on the lines south of Petersburg, Va., in support of Bat- tery 45. General A. P. Hill, commanding the corps, was desirous of getting certain information with regard to the force and position of the enemy on his front. This he thought might be obtained by the capture of some prisoners, and he directed General A. M. Scales, commanding brigade, to make a foray on the skirmiish line or picket posts of the enemy op- posite his lines. General Scales detailed Captain C. Prank Siler, of Company M, of the Twenty-second JSTorth Carolina, to undertake the expedition with a part of the sharpshooters of the brigade.

Captain Young, who commanded the sharpshooters, was temporarily absent. Siler was ordered to report to General James H. Lane and get a reinforcement from the sharpshoot- ers of that brigade, but before making the move, Siler wished to reconnoitre the position. To effect this thoroughly, he adopted a ruse. Crossing to the Yankee lines he offered, with the usual signals, to exchange newspapers, as was often

Twenty-Second Regiment. 175

done. While haggling about the exchange he examined the position and its surroundings carefully and selected a path by which it might be approached advantageously, iietuming to his command, he rode over to General Lane's quarters to get the reinforcements as ordered, General Scales having loaned him a horse for the purpose. !N"ow, for the better de- fence of Battery 45, the men of the Twenty-second had dammed up a small stream in its vicinity which had the effect of collecting much water in the battery's front and rendering the approach to it very difficult. Along the top of this dam was the shortest route between the two brigades, and over it Siler attempted to ride. It was very dark, however, and, as he af- terwards discovered, his horse was "moon-eyed," and in con- sequence, horse and man tumbled off the dam into the water and mud seventeen feet below. Nothing daunted, and in spite of cold and bruises, he fished himself and horse out, and after much tribulation he succeeded, "accoutred as he was," in finding Major Wooten, who commanded Lane's sharpshooters, and got the detail wanted. Uniting them with his own men they all proceeded quietly to the Yankee rifle pits by the path Siler had previously selected. Arrived at tlie pits, they found all there asleep except a sentinel in front of the works, upon whom they closed before he could discharge his piece. The sentry ran into the works and tried to use his bayonet, but Siler turned it aside and secured him before he cotild give the alarm. The command then swept up and down the rifle pits, and after capturing sixty men, made good their retreat with their prisoners, to the Confed- erate lines, not, however, without receiving a heavy fire from the Yankees, who had recovered from their surprise, which, owing to the darkness, fortunately, did no damage. From some of the prisoners captured all information wanted was obtained, and Captain Siler and his men were highly compli- mented for their gallant action.

southeeland's STATIOH".

An incident, well worth recording, happened near this sta- tion, after our troops had evacuated the works on Hatcher's

17() North Cakolina Troops, 1861-'G5.

Run. Colonel Galloway, of the Twenty-second Eegiment, who was temporarily in command of Scales' Brigade, sent Companies I, L, and M, of that regiment all of Randolph County under command of Captain C. F. Siler, of Com- pany M, to hold a woods a little in advance on his right. An ammunition wagon had broken down near by and Captain Siler had several boxes of cartridges carried to his line and distributed. From this position he repelled with his small command, two attacks of a full regiment, and held it until he was ordered to retire. Captain Siler was an excellent man and officer, equally at home in a fight or a revival, and ef- ficient in both.

Colonel Thos. S. Galloway is still living. His residence is now in Somerville, Tenn.

Dr. Benj. A. Clark, of Warren County, who was with the Twenty-second Kegiment as Assistant Surgeon, or as Surgeon, during the entire war, reported in the Spring of 1865 that, up to that time, the death roll of the regiment amounted to 580.

It is worthy of note that the brunt of the fight on the right, in the first day's struggle at tlie Wilderness in May, 1864, was borne by Heth's and Wilcox's divisions of A. P. Hill's Corps. They maintained their positions and repelled all at- tacks all day, of a superior force, successfully. The Twenty- second Eegiment was in Wilcox's Division, and was heavily engaged.

The Twenty-second Eegiment served throughout the war in the Army of ISTorthern "Virginia, and participated actively in every action of consequence in which that army was engaged, except the first battle of Manassas.

At Seven Pines, Company A, of the regiment, took into action one hundred men, of whom eighteen were killed, or mortally wounded, besides the Captain, Thos. F. Jones. At Shepherdstown four were killed out of thirty engaged. At Chancellorsville eight out of thirty-five; at Gettysburg four out of thirty.

In all, out of about 180 who served with the company during the whole period of the war, 44 were killed outright, 10 were discharged as disabled by wounds, 13 were dis-

Twenty-Second Regiment. 177

charged under the provisions of the Conscript Act, and 23 died of sickness.

Private A. J. Dula, of Company A, was standing very near General "Stonewall" Jackson when the latter received his death wound at Chancellorsville.

In Vol. 125, "Official Records Union and Confederate Armies," p. 816, claim is made hy Corporal Thomas CuUen, of Company I, Eighty-second New York Volunteers, that he captured the flag of the Twenty-second North Carolina Regi- ment in the fight at Bristoe Station, Va., 14 October, 1863, "while advancing under fire." The claim is a very absurd one, and looks like a bid by the corporal for a little notoriety at the expense of the truth. The Twenty-second North Carolina Regiment was not in the engagement at Bristoe at all, nor -did any part of Scales' Brigade participate in that action. In further proof, if it were needed, the statement of the Colonel then in command of the Twenty-second Regiment, with re- gard to the claim, is appended, and it will be seen that his denial of the claim is most positive. His remarks are in re- ply to an inquiry from the writer who wished to have the Col- onel's ofiicial corroboration of his own knowledge of the facts in the case :

"In reply I have to say, and I do so emphatically, that the statement is untrue. I was, at the time of that action. Colo- nel in command of the Twenty-second Regiment North Caro- lina Troops, and know positively that my regiment was not en- gaged at Bristoe at all. We did not arrive on the field until the fighting was over. I can further state that the Twenty- second North Carolina Regiment never lost a fiag while I commanded it, from 23 September, 1863, to Appomattox. "Very truly your friend,

"Thomas S. Galloway; "Late Colonel Twenty-second Regiment, N. C. Troops, In- fantry."


15 November, 1900.

It may not be amiss to add that Corporal CuUen is reported 12

178 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

as stating that he "captured the flag of the Twenty-second or Twenty-eighth ISTorth Carolina Regiment at Bristoe Station, 14 October, 1863, while advancing under fire." His state- ment as to the Twenty-eighth North Carolina is as untrue as that as to the Twenty-second. The Twenty-eighth Eegiment was of General James H. Lane's Brigade, of Wilcox's Divis- ion, and was not in the engagement at Bristoe. The brigades most actively engaged in that disastrous fight were Cooke's and MacRae's, of Heth's Division, A. P. Hill's Corps.

It is significant that the report of these flag captures, of which there purport to be many, (Vol. 125, p. 814-817, "Official Records Union and Confederate Armies/') adds, after recounting Corporal CuUen's doughty exploit, that he is "now a prisoner of war."

Quere. As there were no exchanges of prisoners at the time, is it not probable that it was CuUen, and not the flag, that was captured at Bristoe ? Something seems to have con- fused his memory.

At the surrender at Appomattox 9 April, 1865, the brigade was under command of Colonel Joseph H. Hyman, of the Thirteenth Regiment, (of Edgecombe county), and numbered, all told, 720 men, of whom 92 were ofiicers, of the different grades, and 628 were enlisted men. Of the Twenty-second Regiment there were paroled 97 men and the following officers : Colonel, Thomas S. Gal- loway, Jr. ; Lieutenant-Colonel, W. L. Mitchell ; Captains, George H. Gardin, Company B ; Robert W. Cole, Company E ; Gaston V. Lamb, Company I ; E. J. Dobson, Company K ; Yancey M. C. Johnson, Company I; Columbus E. Siler, Company M. Lieutenants: Wm. A. Tuttle, Company A; Samuel P. Tate, Company B ; Andrew J. Busick, Company E; W. C. Orrell, Company E; Calvin H. Wilborne, Com- pany L. In Company E but eight privates "present for duty," were left, and in Company H but five. Besides those mentioned several members of the regiment, who were on de- tached service, were paroled elsewhere.

And so the regiment was disbanded and its few surviving members sought their distant homes, with heavy hearts, in-

Twenty-Second Regiment. 179

deed, at the failure of the cause they had upheld so long and so bravely, undeterred by privation and unappalled by dan- gers, but still sustained by the parting words of their illus- trious chief, and the consciousness of right, and of duty well done. 1^0 nobler band of men ever offered their all at the be- hest of the sovereign State to which they owed allegiance, and to the little squad of them, now "in the sere, the yellow leaf," who have not yet "crossed over the river and rest under the shade of the trees," an old comrade sends warmest greeting and best wishes. Would that his feeble efforts in attemp-c- ing to preserve some portion, at least, of their record were more worthy of their matchless deeds. Few of them, if any, there were who, when all was over, might not have said in the words of St. Paul : "I have fought a good fight. * * I have kept the faith."

And to those of the regiment that larger regiment by far ^who sleep their last sleep where at duty's call they laid down their lives, on the plains and hillsides of Virginia and Maryland, from the xippomattox to the Antietam, is gladly rendered the fullest meed of grateful praise. Their fidelity and devoted sacrifice shall be celebrated in song and story, and shall be borne in loving memory while time shall last.

* * * "Lament them not!

ISTo love can make immortal

That span which we call life ;

And never heroes passed to heaven's portal

From fields of grander strife."

In offering this imperfect history of the Twenty-second Regiment of JSTorth Carolina Troops in the late war between the States, the writer will say, in explanation of its many omissions and shortcomings, that during more than the last two years of its service, he had been transferred to other duty and was not a member of the regiment. He gratefully ac- knowledges his indebtedness to Lieutenant J. R. Cole, some time its Adjutant, for much valuable information. He

180 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

hopes the brave story of the part the regiment bore in the mO' mentoTis campaigns of 18 64-' 6 5 will yet he told in full detail,

Graham Daves, New Been, N. C, 9 April, 1901.


1. E. D. Johnston, Colonel. 4. C. C. Blacknall, Colonel,

a. J. F. Hoke, Colonel. 5. J. W. Leak, Lieut.-Colonel.

3. D. H. Christie, Colonel. 6. E. J. Christian, Major.

7. Rev. Theophilus W. Moore, Chaplain.


CAPTAIN V. E. TURNER, A. Q. M. H. C. WALL, Seegeant Company A.

Up to the re-arrangement of the regimental numbers follow- ing the Confederate Conscription Act, which went into effect lY May, 1862, this regiment had been known as the Thir- teenth Regiment of ITorth Carolina Volunteers. The reason of the change is very clearly given by Major Gordon in the history of the organization. As repetition is, as far as possible, to be avoided in these sketches we will not give it here.

No North Carolinians were more forward in the cause of Southern defence than the men who formed the Twenty- liiird. They were among the first to respond when the State called upon her sons to repel invasion. The organization of most, if not all the companies, ante-date the Ordinance of Secession, passed 20 May, 1861.

This was only ten days after the act authorizing their en- listment was passed. Of course in this case, as in many oth- ers, the action of the State had been foreseen and an- ticipated, and the raising of companies had begun before.

The act authorizing the enlistment of the ten regiments of "State Troops" had been passed on 8 May, two days earlier.

The power of appointing all commissioned officers in the "State Troops" was lodged in the Governor. But the "Vol- unteers" to which the Twenty-third, then the Thirteenth, belonged, were empowered to elect their own officers, to be commissioned by the Governor. The men of each company were to elect their respective Line or Company Officers. The Line Officers were, by balloting among themselves, to elect Field or Regimental officers. The enlistment for the "Volunteers" was for twelve months; that of the "State Troops" as long as the war lasted. It is hardly necessary to

182 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

add that both of the above classes of troops were in fact vol' unteers, the enlistment of both being entirely voluntary.

The personnel of the Twenty-third was doubtless as repre- sentative of the diverse racial strains of the State as any com- mand raised within her borders. The three companies raised in Granville County, were virtually pure English, descend- ants of the early Virginia settlers who later settled in this State. In the company from Eichmond and Anson Counties there was a strong infusion of Highland Scotch, descendants of the stout-hearted, strong armed CuUoden lads who were "out wi' Charlie in the '45." In those from Catawba, Lin- coln and Gaston, the German stock, that trending down from Pennsylvania had largely settled that part of the State, abounded. While the names in these and other companies from that region show the presence of many Scotch-Irish who had been co-settlers with the Germans.

The regiment was composed of the following compa- nies. We give the original name which each com- pany bore, and the county in which it was raised. Seeking to do justice to all, we give as complete as we are able to make it, a roster of the Line and Field officers, showing the promotions and casualties to the end of the Avar. We regret that lack of space excludes that of equally worthy non-commissioned officers and privates. But North Caro- lina has not been unmindful of them. All and the casualties of each, though not as accurately as could be wished, down to th.e - humblest, appear in the general roster of which a large num- ber of copies were published by the State in 1882.

Company A Anson Ellis Rifles, Anson County Captain Wm. F. Harlee, of Anson County; commissioned May 22, 1861, resigned December 15, 1861. Captain James M. Wall, of Anson County, commissioned December 15, 1861. Captain Frank Bennett, of Anson County, commissioned May 10, 1862 ; promoted from First Sergeant ; wounded May 29, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville ; wounded May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House; wounded at Hatcher's Hun. W. D. Redfearne, First Lieutenant, of Anson Coun- ty; commissioned May 22, 1861. James C. Marshall, First

Twenty-Third Regiment. 183

Lieutenant, of Anson County; commissioned May 10, 1862; transferred as Adjutant to Fourteenth Regiment in 1862. John M. Little, Second Lieutenant, of Anson County; com- missioned May 22, 1861. James Crowder, Second Lieuten- ant, of Anson County; commissioned May 22, 1861; wound- ed and captured at Sharpsburg ; wounded at Lynchburg June, 1864. Samuel F. Wright, Second Lieutenant, of Anson County; commissioned May 10, 1862; captured at Gettys- burg.

CoMPAiTY B Hog Hill Guards, Lincoln County Geo. W. Seagle, Captain, Lincoln County ; commissioned May 23,

1861. Wesley Hadspeth, Captain, Lincoln County; com- missioned May 10, 1862; promoted from ranks; wounded at Sharpsburg; killed at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863. G. W. Hunter, Captain, Lincoln County; promoted from ranks. Josiah Holbrook, Captain, Lincoln County; promoted from ranks. T. J. Seagle, First Lieutenant, Lincoln County ; commissioned May 23, 1861. M. H. Shuford, First Lieu- tenant, Lincoln Coimty; commissioned May 23, 1861. Lee Johnson, Second Lieutenant, Lincoln County; commissioned May 23, 1861. S. A. Shuford, Second Lieutenant, Lincoln County; commissioned May 10, 1862. Wm. R. Sloan, Sec- ond Lieutenant, Mecklenburg County; commissioned May 10, 1862. M. H. Shuford, Second Lieutenant, Lincoln County; commissioned May 10, 1862. W. A. Thompson, Second Lieittenant, Lincoln County; commissioned May 10,

1862. M. M. Hines, Second Lieutenant, Lincoln County; commissioned November 20, 1861 ; prisoner September 19, 1864.

Company C Montgomery Volunteers No. 1 C. J. Coch- rane, Captain, of Montgomery County; commissioned May 27, 1861. E. J. Christian, Captain, of Montgomery Coun- ty, commissioned May 10, 1862; promoted Major May 10, 1862, and killed May 31, 1862 at Seven Pines. A. F. Sear- borough, Captain, of Montgomery County; commissioned May 10, 1862 ; killed May 30, 1862. E. H. Lyon, Captain, of Granville County; commissioned May 31, 1862; trans- ferred from Company E; prisoner September 19, 1864. E. J. Christian, First Lieutenant, of Montgomery County;

184 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

commissioned May 27, 1861 ; promoted and killed. John E. Nicholson, First Lieutenant, of Montgomery County; com- missioned May 10, 1862. E. J. Garris, Second Lieutenant, of Montgomery County; commissioned May 10, 1862; killed W. Montgomery, Second Lieutenant, of Montgomery County ; commissioned May 27, 1861. Jeremiah Coggins, Second Lieutenant, of Montgomery County; commissioned May 10, 1862 ; prisoner at Gettysburg July 1, 1863 ; one of the 600 officers placed under Confederate fire at Charleston, S. C. ; died at Fort Delaware. A. F. Saunders, Second Lieutenant, of Montgomery County; commissioned May 10, 1862; killed at Spottsylvania May 9, 1864. J. P. Leach, Second Lieuten- ant, of Montgomery County; commissioned April 14, 1863.

Company I) Pee Dee Guards Lewis H. Webb, Captain, of Eichmond County; commissioned May 30, 1861; resign- ed. A- T. Cole, Captain, of Eichmond County ; commissioned May 10, 1862 ; wounded at Sharpsburg; wounded and captur- ed at Chancellorsville ; captured at Spottsylvania C. H. May 12, 1864 ; one of the 600 officers placed under Confeder- ate guns at Charleston, S. C. James S. Knight, First Lieu- tenant, of Eichmond County; commissioned May 30, 1861; killed at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863. Eisden T. Nichols, First Lieutenant, of Eichmond County; commissioned May 10, 1862 ; died in 1862. J. H. Chappell, First Lieutenant, of Eichmond County. John W. Cole, Second Lieutenant, of Eichmond County; commissioned May 30, 1861. B. H. Covington, Second Lieutenant, of Eichmond County; com- missioned May 30, 1861. W. C. Wall, Second Lieutenant, of Eichmond County; commissioned October 17, 1861; pro- moted Captain Company F; wounded at Monacacy July 1864. James H. Chappell, Second Lieutenant, of Eich- mond County; commissioned October 10, 1862; severely wounded at Chancellorsville; captured. E. A. McDonald, Second Lieutenant, of Eichmond County ; commissioned Oc- tober 10, 1862 ; severely wounded at Chancellorsville.

Company E Granville Plough Boys, Granville County J. H. Horner, Captain, of G-ranville County; commissioned June 5, 1861. B. F. Bullock, Captain, of Granville County; commissioned . E. E. Lyon, First Lieutenant, of

Twenty-Third Regiment. 185

Granville County; commissioned June 5, 1861. T. W. Moore, First Lieutenant, of Granville County ; commissioned August 15, 1861. J. H. Mitchell, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned June 5, 1861. A. D. Peace, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County ; commission- ed June 5, 1861 ; wounded twice. E.. V. Minor, Second Lieutenant, of Granville Coimty; commissioned September 25, 1862. E. H. Lyon, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned JSTovember 12, 1861; transferred as Captain of Company C. B. F. Bullock, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned December 6, 1861. J. T. Bullock, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; com- missioned May 10, 1862; captured May 12, 1864; one of the 600 officers placed under Confederate guns at Charleston,

5. C. A. S. Webb, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County ; commissioned May 10, 1862 ; resigned.

Company F Catawba Guards, Catawba County M. L. McCorkle, Captain, of Catawba County; commissioned June

6, 1861. W. C. Wall, Captain, of Bichmond County; com- missioned May 10, 1864. Jacob H. Miller, First Lieuten- ant, of Catawba County; commissioned June 6, 1861. T. W. Wilson, First Lieutenant, of Catawba County; killed at

Spottsylvania May 10, 1864. M.. L. Helton, Second Lieu- tenant, of Catawba County; commissioned June 6, 1861. R. A. Cobb, Second Lieutenant, of Catawba County; com- missioned Jime 6, 1861. G. P. Clay, Secpnd Lieutenant, of Catawba County; commissioned May 10, 1862. T. W. Wil- son, Second Lieutenant, of Catawba County; commissioned May 10, 1862. W. C. Wall, Second Lieutenant, of Rich- mond County; commissioned May 10, 1862.

Company G^ Granville Rifles C. C. Blacknall, Captain, of Granville County; commissioned Jtine 11, 1861 ; wounded at Seven Pines ; promoted Major May 31, 1862 ; captured at Chancellorsville ; wounded and captured at Gettysburg; promoted Colonel August, 1863 ; mortally wounded September 19, 1864. I. J. Young, Captain, of Granville County; commissioned May 31, 1862; wounded May 31, 1862, at Seven Pines; resigned August 1862; wounded at Malvern Hill. T. J. Crocker, Captain, of Granville County ;

186 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

commissioned August 15, 1862 ; wounded, disabled and re- signed. James A. Breedlove, Captain, of Granville County ; commissioned in 1864; wounded; promoted from First Lieu- tenant. Isaac J. Young, First Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned June 11, 1861; promoted, wounded, and resigned. T. J. Crocker, First Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned May 31, 1862; promoted, wounded, and resigned; J. A. Breedlove, First Lieutenant, of Gran- ville County; commissioned June 11, 1861; promoted and wounded. Washington F. Overton, First Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned in 1864; wounded and burned in woods at Chancellorsville. G. W. Kittrell, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned June 11, 1861. Vines E. Turner, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned June 11, 1861; promoted Adjutant May 10, 1862 ; wounded at Cold Harbor Jime 27, 1862 ; pro- moted Assistant Quartermaster in 1863. T. J. Crocker, Sec- ond Lieutenant, of Granville County ; commissioned May 10, 1862 ; promoted. William F. Gill, Second Lieutenant, of Franklin County; commissioned May 10, 1862; promoted from Sergeant-Major ; killed at Malvern Hill. W. F. Over- ton, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned August 15, 1862 ; promoted and killed. J. A. Breedlove, Second Lieutenant, of Granville Cotinty; commissioned Au- gust 15, 1862 ; promoted and wounded. C. W. Champion, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned No- vember 1, 1862; killed at Gettysburg.

Company H Gaston Guards E. M. Faires, Captain, of Gaston County; commissioned June 12, 1861; resigned De- cember 1, 1861. W. P. Hill, Captain, of Gaston County; commissioned December 1, 1861 ; promoted from Sergeant. H. G. Turner, Captain, of Granville County; commissioned August 18, 1862 ; promoted from ranks of Savannah Guards ; desperately wounded and captured July 1, 1862, at Gettys- burg. R. M. Ratchf ord. First Lieutenant, of Gaston County ; commissioned June 12, 1861; resigned December, 1861. Jos. J. Wilson, First Lieutenant, of Gaston County ; commissioned December, 1861 ; promoted from Sergeant. Joseph B. F. Riddle, First Lieutenant, of Gaston County; commissioned

Twenty-Third Regiment. 187

May 10, 1862; wounded September 30, 1864; promoted from Sergeant. J. E. Hill, Second Lieutenant, of Gaston County ; commissioned May 10, 1861 ; promoted from ranks. T. N. Craig, Second Lieutenant, of Gaston County ; commis- sioned June 12, 1861. J. M. Kendrick, Second Lieutenant, of Gaston County; commissioned June 12, 1861; captured July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg. W. S. Floyd, Second Lieuten- ant, of Gaston County ; commissioned .

Company I Granville Stars Rufus Amis, Captain, of Granville County; commissioned June 17, 1861. G. T. Bas- kerville. Captain, of Granville County; commissioned 1863; killed at Gettysburg. G. B. Bullock, Captain, of Granville County ; promoted from Second Lieutenant. E". A. Gregory, First Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned June 17, 1861 ; wounded and disabled at Chancellor sville. G. B. Bullock, First Lieutenant, of Granville County. J. D. Knott, First Lieutenant, of Granville County ; commissioned May 8, 1862; killed at Seven Pines. A. M.. Luria, Second Lieutenant, of Georgia; commissioned June 17, 1861; killed at Seven Pines. T. K. Carrington, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; commissioned June 17, 1861. G. B. Bullock, Second Lieutenant, of Granville County; promoted from ranks of Twelfth Regiment. J. D. Knott, Second Lieij- tenant, of Granville County; commissioned November 16, 1861 ; promoted and killed. G. T. Sanford, Second Lieuten- ant, of Granville County; commissioned May' 20, 1862. W. B. Sims, Second Lieiitenant, of Granville County; commis- sioned May 20, 1862 ; promoted from ranks.

Company K Beattie's Ford Riflemen, Lincoln County Robert D. Johnston, Captain, of Lincoln County; commis- sioned June 22, 1861 ; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel May 10,

1862, and Brigadier-General in 1863. William H. John- ston, Captain, of Lincoln County; commissioned May 10, 1862; promoted from First Lieutenant; captured July 1,

1863, at Gettysburg. W. H. Johnston, First Lieutenant, of Lincoln County; commissioned June 22, 1861; promoted and captured. Daniel Reinhardt, First Lieutenant, of Lin- coln County; commissioned September, 1862. John F. Goodson, Second Jjieutenant, of Lincoln County; commis-

188 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

sioned June 22, 1861. G. W* Hunter, Second Lieutenant, of Lincoln County; commissioned June 22, 1861. Daniel Eeinhardt, Second Lieutenant, of Lincoln County; commis- sioned May 10, 1862. J. A. Caldwell, Second Lieutenant, of Lincoln County; commissioned September 6, 1862. Wil- liam M. Munday, Second Lieutenant, of Lincoln County; commissioned September, 1862; promoted from ranks; wounded at Malvern Hill. H. W. FuUenwider, Second Lieutenant, of Lincoln County ; commissioned in May, 1863 ; promoted from ranks; killed.

Nine of these companies were assembled in camp near Wel- don, N. C, and between that place and Garysburg, two miles distant, in June, 1861. Here the boys underwent a little more drilling than they liked. But they were patriots, one and all, and as some drilling might possibly be necessary even to whip Yankees, they submitted cheerfully. The other com- pany, the Anson Ellis Klifles, remained in camp at Raleigh till ordered to join the regiment as it left for Virginia. Garys- burg was the point of rendezvous. Here, in obedience to orders, the Line Officers of the ten companies met 10 July and elected Field Officers for the regiment as follows. The date, 10 July, 1861, shows the officers then elected. Other dates show the result of subsequent elections and promotions :


John F. Hoke^ Colonel, of Lincoln County ; commissioned July 10, 1861.

Daniel H. Cheistie^ Colonel, of Granville County; com- missioned May 10, 1862 ; wounded at Seven Pines; wounded at Cold Habor; mortally wounded July 1, 1863, at Gettys- burg; died in Winchester August, 1863.

Chakles C. Blacknall, Colonel, of Granville County; commissioned August 15, 1863; wounded at Seven Pines; captured at Ch ancellorsville ; wounded and captured at Get- tysburg ; mortally wounded and captured-at Winchester Sep- tember 19, 1864; died November 6, 1864.

Wm. S. Davis, Colonel, of Warren County ; commissioned October 1864 ; transferred from Twelfth Regiment ; wounded.

Twenty-Third Regiment. 189

John W. Leak, Lieutenant-Colonel, of Richmond County ; commissioned July 10, 1861.

RoBT. D. JoHNSTONj Lieutcnant-Colonel, of Lincoln County; commissioned May 10, 1862; wounded at Seven Pines; wounded at Gettysburg; promoted Brigadier-General July, 1863 ; wounded at Spottsylvania.

Daniel H. Cheistie, Major, of Granville County; com- missioned July 10, 1861 ; promoted.

E. J. Christian, Major, of Montgomery County; com- missioned May 10, 1862; killed May 31, 1862, at Seven Pines.

Charles C. Blacknall, Major, of Granville County; commissioned May 10, 1862 ; promoted from Captain of Company G.

Isaac Jones Young, Adjutant, of Granville County ; com- tnissioned July 10, 1861 ; wounded July 1, 1862 ; promoted Captain of Company G and resigned in 1862.

Vines E. Turner, Adjutant, of Granville County; com- missioned May 10, 1862 ; wounded at Cold Harbor June 27, 1862 ; promoted to Captain and Assistant Quartermaster June, 1863.

Junius French, Adjutant, of Yadkin County; commis- sioned June, 1863; killed July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg.

Charles P. Powell, Adjutant, of Richmond County ; com- missioned July, 1863 ; killed May 9, 1864 at Spottsylvania Court House.

Lawrence Everett, Adjutant, of Richmond County; commissioned May 12, 1864.

Edwin G. Cheatham, Assistant Quartermaster, of Gran- ville County; commissioned July 10, 1861, resigned Febru- ary, 1862.

W. I. Everett, Assistant Quartermaster, of Richmond County ; commissioned in 1862 ; resigned.

Vines E. Turner, Assistant Quartermaster, of Granville County ; commissioned June, 1863.

James F. Johnston, Assistant Commissary, of Lincobi County.

Theophilus Moore, Chaplain, of Person County; later Rev. Mr. Berry.

190 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

EoBEET I. Hicks, Surgeon, of Granville County; T. 0. Caldwell, of Mecklenburg County, Assistant Surgeon; later Dr. Jordan, of Caswell County, killed at South Mountain.

William E. Gill, Sergeant-Major, of Granville County; killed July 1, 1862 at Malvern Hill.

Ci-iAELES P. Powell, of Richmond County; appointed May 10, 1862; promoted to Adjutant May 9, 1864.

On 20 May, the day on which North Carolina seceded from the Union, the Confederate Capital had been removed from Montgomery to Richmond. It was now plain that the Old Dominion would be the theatre of the war. Thither the regiment was soon ordered, to return as an or- ganized body no more, with one brief exception, till the great drama of blood and ruin had to the last scene been acted.

On Wednesday, 17 July, Colonel Hoke, with seven companies of the regiment, left the "Camp of Instruction" at Garysburg, N. C, in freight cars for Richmond, Va. Com- panies C, D and H, were for the time being necessarily left be- hind on account of the prevalence of measles among the men. Of this malady and in the person of John H. Harmer, Com- pany D, the regiment lost its second man, the first man being Wm. LoAvman, of Company A, who died while in camp at Raleigh.

Four nights were spent in camp at "Rocketts" in the suburbs of Richmond. It was either here, or just before leaving Garysburg, that arms and ammunition were first issued to us. The arms consisted of smooth bore percussion muskets, with bayonets ; the ammunition of paper cartridges, containing ball and powder. A little later in the war we were armed with rifles captured from the enemy.


Early on 21 July, a bright, hot Sunday, our seven companies entrained hurriedly in "box" cars for Manassas Junction. Enthusiasm was at flood tide in that period of boundless hope. Cheers greeted us on every side as we steamed forward and at the stations we were fed and feted. All knew that a battle was impending and later, by means of the telegraph line along the railroad, that it was being fought.

Twenty-Third RKGijrENT. 191

We were eager to go forward ; more eager, perhaps, than we were to reach later fields when experience had unmasked the true, grim visage of war. But many delays occurred. The running of the train was so erratic that the engineer was suspected of treason, though apparently without evident cause. The soldiers who crowded the tops of the cars in their eagerness to assist, put on brakes too hard. This caused one of the car trucks to take fire from friction, or come very near it. As some of the cars carried, or were believed to carry powder, the men stopped the train by means of the brakes and cut the endangered car loose till it cooled.

But these delays were inconsiderable, compared with the long stop near the Rappahannock bridge, above Gordonsville. We had started full early and could have reached Manassas by noon, or soon after. The presence of TOO men, fresh on tlae field, might have had great weight at more than one junc- ture of that dubious battle. But we were sidetracked to meet many trains of wounded, which began to pass us at Louisa Court House. During Sunday night we pulled into Man- assas Junction. Monday was a rainy, chilly, dismal day. The men had stopped their cheering and horse play when the cars of bloody-bandaged wounded passed them the day before at Louisa Court House. The night spent on the hard car flooi's seemed a real hardship. The twenty-four hours fast we had left Richmond too suddenly to prepare rations seemed then to border on the heroic. The Manassas water reddened by contact with the mud, then knee deep around the station, drank like blood. The rows of untended wounded who had lain all night on the field in the rain, some of them horribly mutilated, grew longer and longer as the ambulances came and wont. The pile of amputated limbs, naked and whitened by tlie chilling rains, grew higher and higher out- side an amputating tent hard-by the roadside. It was prob- ably the most miserable and trying day that the regiment spent diiring tlae war. The time when the Confederate sol- dier was to become the marching, fighting, fasting machine that he did, insensible almost to hunger, cold and mental de- pression, was yet some distance ahead.

We went into camp at Camp Wigf all, one and a quarter

192 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

miles from the Junction. The three companies left at Garysburg under Major Christie, broke camp there on 5 August, and after a few days delay in Kichmond wait- ing for transportation, rejoined us here. For several weeks encamped at this place, the regiment suffered exceedingly from the diseases which then, and even now, seem unescapa- ble by the u.nseason6d soldier. By the surgeon's statement, the sick call at one time numbered 240, 57 of the cases being typhoid fever. The mortality was large.

After spending several weeks here our first march was made to Camp Ellis, five miles distant, where we remained six weeks. Near here, at Sangster's Cross Eoads, our first picket duty was performed. A little later at Mason's Hill the whole regiment went on its first picket. 17 September we pitched camp and began a long stay at Union Mills. ISTear here, on Bull Run, we built log huts and went into winter quarters in December, where we remained with only such changes in position as the exigencies of the situation in out- post and picket duty required. This gave us an opportunity to enjoy the boundless hospitality of the people of this part of Virginia, upon whom the iron hand of the war was soon to fall with such crushing weight.

Meantime the regiment had been brigaded with the Fifth North Carolina "State Troops," Colonel Duncan K. McRae ; the Twentieth Georgia, Colonel Smith; the Twenty-fourth Virginia, Colonel Jubal A. Early; and the Thirty-eighth Virginia, Colonel Jubal Earles. Colonel Early being the ranking officer, he was placed in command, and subsequently commissioned Brigadier-General. General Earl Van Dorn commanded the division. General Beauregard the corps. Gen- eral Joseph E. Johnston the army. The army was then known as the Army of the Potomac ^later upon the abandonment of that line of defense, as the Army of Northern Virginia. In the fall and winter of 1861, many changes took place in the Line Officers of the regiment.

The winter was a severe and trying one. After January 1, 1862, snow, hail, sleet or rain fell almost every day. Fre- quently all fell the same day. War doffed her holiday mask worn during the tramping from camp to camp, and from

Twenty-Third Regiment. 193

picket to picket post in the splendid weather of the past Au- tumn. Such duties now imposed hardships of a serious and often dangerous nature. JSTot yet hardened to endure all things, as in time they were, the men suffered intensely from exposure. Great was the mortality from pneumonia, typhoid fever and other diseases.


The early spring of 1862 found the Confederate army along Bull Run and north of that stream, less than 50,000 strong. The Federal hosts under McClellan, confronted it over 100,000 strong. Before the opening of Spring rendered military operations feasible on a large scale, General John- ston decided to withdraw from his exposed position to a stronger line south of the Rappahannock. There he would also be in better position to meet and check any advance of the enemy whether direct or circuitous, as subsequently proved.

The beginning of the retrograde movement found the regi- ment on picket duty at Burke's Station, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and in close proximity to the enemy who were encamped in the neighborhood of Alexandria and Springfield. The old camp on Bull Run was abandoned 8 March. We moved out at daylight, throwing away tents and camp equipage; sum total of the first day's march one and a half miles, progress being checked by eon- fusion of orders. Early was now acting as Major-General, in command of the Fourth division.

ISTot until sunset of the 9th, did the grand column move again, reaching Manassas Junction that night. The last we saw of the famous stone bridge across Bull Run, it was in flames. Strictly speaking, stone bridge was a misnomer, all but the abutments being of wood. An immense amount of property was destroyed as the iiecessity of change of base to the Peninsula was now anticipated. A very carnival, re- strained to some extent by the military discipline, reigned that night at the junction. The soldiers got rich with plun- der. Depots of supplies and the express office were fired. 13

194 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Barrels of whiskey were opened at the head and their con- tents poured in streams on the ground. A rough soldier was observed with six canteens of whiskey around his neck, as if "he wept such waste to see," actually wading in a puddle of the joyful, while in a ditty, tuneless, but gay, he whistled his regrets over "departed spirits."

The next position was south of the Kappahannock. Large numbers of refugees accompanied the . army in the retreat. Details of our regiment, as from others, were made to guard and as far as possible, aid them in their wild flight. As the command waded the Rappahannock it witnessed a distressing accident to one. of the unfortunates a widowed lady, half frantic lest she be left behind and taken by the Yankees, missed the ford in driving across the river and was swept down to death by the rapid waters.

For several weeks the army remained in position south of the Rappahannock awaiting a further development of the Federal plans. Then came a long, slow, impeded march along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. How like a sealed book to the private soldier are the plans of his leaders. How futile our conjectures as to the purpose of our move and the objects to be gained by it. Many yearning hearts in which the wish was father to the thought saw in this south- ern trend only a return to ISTorth Carolina.

7 April, we took the cars at Orange Court House and that night, a dark and rainy one, found us in Richmond. Af- ter a hastily eaten midnight supper, prepared for us in the market house by the exlaaustless hospitality of the good people of Richmond, we were marched to the Yorktown depot. This was the first intimation of our destination. Going by rail sixty miles to West Point, Ave here took schooners for York- town, thirty miles below.


8 April, one month after the beginning of the' with- drawal from iianassas the regiment, with other commands, reached Yorktown. Here we got our first experience of the trying duties of life in the trenches, including much toil with pick and shovel. On the lYth, after nine days behind the

Twenty-Third Regiment. 195

breastworks, tlie boys had their first experience with earinon balls and bomb-shells. The opposing batteries were about three-fourths of a mile apart. The pickets were in rifle pits several hundred yards in advance, and on that day more than one shell exploded in uncomfortable proximity to them. When the first shot was fired direct at the position occupied by the Twenty-third (then the Thirteenth), the writer (H. 0. Wall) was on duty in the rifle pits as Sergeant in com- mand. Well is remembered the "sensation" produced by the first shell that fanned the cheeks' of ye innocent braves who occupied those rifle pits, and particularly the moving effect wrought upon a certain tongue-tied individual, whose deport- ment now, as contrasted with previous pretensions, presented a striking consistency with the spirit of the ancient ballad :

"ISTought to him possesses greater charms

Upon a Sunday or a holiday. Than a snug chat of war and war's alarms.

While people fight in Turkey, far away."

For, with a precipitate bound, the tongue-tied warrior made tracks for the bi'eastworks exclaiming, in answer to re- monstrances and threats of court-martial: "Dam 'fi come here to be hulled out this way when I can't see who's a shootin' at me" using the terms hulled instead of shelled as synony- mous, though he hardly thought of it at the time. At a period a little later in the service, such conduct would have been most severely punished. But it is not remembered that "Dam 'fi" got more than a sharp reprimand and orders for an in- stant return to his post. If he ever afterwards flinched, we were not informed of it. He was killed at Gettysburg.

As the sharpshooting grew hotter the pickets could be posted and relieved only at night. The opposing pickets fired at everything in sight. For a space the boys on such duty embraced mother earth more intimately than they had before deemed possible. But they gradually learned that shooting and hitting were by no means synonymous terms. At length before the evacuation some of them, at least, pre- ferr«^d a prone position out on the open to the pits half filled

196 North Carolina Tkoops, 1861 -'65.

with water by the almost incessant rains. The trenckea themselves filled with water and could not be drained. Yet the artillery and rifle fire of the enemy held the men close down in them. ISTo fire could be kindled day or night with- out its becoming the focus of heavy shell fire and it was there- fore strictly forbidden. The only food was flour and salt meat and these in diminishing quantities. Food was cooked by details in the rear and brought forward to us. Men sick- ened by thousands. Soldiers actually died in the naud and water of the trenches before they could be taken to the hos- pital. And as many of the cases of illness were measles, this exposure meant death. Thus unavoidably died a dog's death many a gallant fellow, who, if spared, would have upheld with his life the Confederate standard, through thick and thin, and to the bitter end. It is not death amid the rapture of the fray that makes war most horrible, but the passing within the dark door of such men under such circum- stances. Yet the term of service at Yorktown was not all irksome, nor was it unmarked by occasional diversions from the tread-mill routine of duty. About the quaint old town were many points of interest that awakened patriotic contem- plation. The marble slab half a^ mile from town, 'marking the spot where eighty years before Cornwallis had surren- dered to Washington, was a favorite place of visitation.

Standing there on consecrated ground many a fond prayer was breathed that this self-same spot which witnessed the achievement of American Independence might also see the ac- complishment of Southern Independence.

The comparatively insignificant Confederate force at YorktoviTi had now held McClellan's vast army at bay for weeks, while troops were being concentrated higher up for the defense of the Southern Capital. The Confederate posi- tion exposed as it was to turning movements by the Federal fleet on both flanks was clearly untenable. The sole object of Southern strategy, after General Johnston made personal in- spection of the surroundings, was simply to check the invasion till the above concentration was completed.

This having been accomplished and holding the enemy in check longer, being possible only by a pitched battle, which it"

Twenty-Third Regiment. 197

was not desired to fight, the Southern forces were quietly withdrawn 4 May. A deed which, in the heroic days to come, would have passed unnoticed, impressed the unseasoned soldiers, and is yet remembered by many. On the day of the evacuation, part of the Twenty-third were in the rifle pits, which were that day subjected to a fire of unusual keenness. When the officers in the trenches knew that the retreat would begin that night, there was some apprehension that the men in the rifle pits should be captured unless given exact orders what to do. For this purpose Captain C. 0. Blacknall, Com- pany G, left the shelter of the trenches under a ceaseless fire at 400 yards, made the circle of the pits, gave the men their orders and returned unharmed. The detail for picket duty from our regiment was the last to leave the works, being re- lieved by the cavalry at midnight. We marched all night. At dawn when six miles out we heard the furious cannonad- ing of McClellan's assault on our empty intrenchments.


The retreat, which was much impeded by the slow move- ment of the wagon trains over the miry roads, was tardy and tedious in the extreme. The ancient town of Williamsburg, in Colonial days the Capital of the Old Dominion, stands only twelve miles from Yorktown. The afternoon of 5 May, a rainy day in the midst of the proverbial cold, wet spell in May, found us only a mile or so above Williamsburg, wait- ing to see if our aid would be necessary in the expected bat- tle.

From this point Early's Brigade now composed of the Fifth and Twenty-third (then Thirteenth) North Carolina, the Twenty-fourth Virginia and the Second Florida Bat- talion— were ordered back to aid Longstreet in resisting the inconveniently eager pursuit of the enemy, for part of the trains were stalled in the deep mud where they stopped the night before, and must be protected or abandoned. The bat- tle was fought on almost the same ground on which the Amer- icans and British contended in 1781. We passed at double quick through the muddy streets of the historic town, pained

198 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

at the shrieks of women and children who were terrified at the bloody drama then going on in their full view. A short pause to deposit in the campus of classic William and Mary College all knapsacks, extra plunder, etc., none of which we ever saw again and we are out upon our first battle field.

The design was a charge by Early's Brigade against a strong position manned by Hancock's Brigade on the enemy's right. When drawn up in line for the forward movement, General Early rode the length of the brigade using, in that fine- toned voice of his, something like the words: "Boys, you must do your duty." The line advanced a hundred yards or more through a wheat field wet with the cold rain which had fallen that day, but which had now ceased. Then our regiment was confronted by a forest of trees and thick under- growth. The line at once became irregular and more or less jumbled by the reason of the natural obstacle to its progress. These woods also shut out the view and caused the line of the regiment's advance to be slightly deflected to the left, by which it lost touch with the Fifth, on our right. At this moment General D. H. Hill appeared, mounted, in our front, and said sharply to the men, now endeavoring to regain their alignment, and each one commanding his fellow, "hush your infernal noise."

In one instant imore the right wing of the brigade, having greatly the advantage of the ground in marching, came first in view of the enemy's battery, and charging forward in the open, outstripped the movement of the Twenty-third, impeded by the woods, received a withering fire and was hurled back by a fury of shot and shell irresistible by mortal force. The Fifth North Carolina made a gallant, but fruitless charge, losing many gallant lives, and our regiment was not on hand to support it at the critical moment. That moment was of the briefest possible span like a sea wave against the sea wall, the charge bounded back almost instantly.

Colonel D. K. McEae, of the Fifth North Carolina, alleged that the Twenty-third (then the Thirteenth) was inexcusably derelict in duty and that Colonel Hoke halted the regiment without orders. Colonel Hoke, on the contrary, maintained that General Early gave the order to halt, which assertion

Twenty-Third Regiment. 199

was never denied by General Early. Whether the order to "halt" was given us before or after the batteries opened on the assaulting line, would be hard to tell, for this halt of the regiment appeared to be about the same moment that a por- tion of the assaulting forces were rushing pell-mell back from the attack. It was all the work of a few minutes and the brigade, chagrined by defeat, and mourning the loss of many gallant spirits, fell back in good order. The enemy seemed content to hold his own, without much further effort to ad- vance his line as night came on. Only four or five men in our regiment were wounded, and all but one of them by ran- dom bullets. Captain C. C. Blacknall, Company G, in eagerly leading his company forward through the woods, got some distance in advance, where he came suddenly upon two Federals lying down in the brush. Receiving untouched the fire of one at three paces, he sprang forward with his sword and made them prisoners. The ball that missed the Cap- tain struck James A. Gill, of Company G. This was the first wound of the war received by a member of the Twenty- third. Mr. Gill recovered from his wound and still, at the end of thirty-eight years, survives.

Genera] Joseph E. Johnston, in conversation with me (H. C. Wall) several years after the war, placed the responsibility of the charge upon General D. H. Irlill. lie said that he did not order it to be made and permitted it only after repeated requests from General Hill. Much was said at the time, and afterwards, of the part our regiment took in the battle of Williamsburg. Blunders there may have been, blunders una- voidable by a command manoevering under such circum- stances and amid the exigencies of real warfare for the first time; but the writer of these lines (V. E. Turner) was pres- ent as one of its Line Officers, and had every opportunity to be fully conversant with the spirit that animated the regi- ment. He was conversant with it, and he knows that ofiicers and men were as willing, and even as eager to do their duty as any command in the Southern army. The well known ten- dency of a man or body of men, endeavoring to go straight forward, but unguided by any distinct objective ahead, as we were in these woods, to bear unconsciously to the left, had pos-

200 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

sibly had its effect on the deflection in our advance and our separation from the regiment on our right.

Wet as rain can make us, with knapsacks and every shred of extra clothing gone, we marched back to the brow of the hill, where we first formed in line of battle. Here amid mud and rain we were held in line of battle till 3 a. m. As there was momentary expectation of attack, not a spark of fire was allowed. Then twelve miles were tramped, or rather stumbled, through darkness, mud and slush, before halt was made for rest or sleep. The tenacious mire was often knee deep. Shoes were pulled from our feet by it and lost. Pantaloons became so caked and weighted with mud that many, in sheer despe- ration and utter inability in their exhaustion, to carry an extra ounce, cut off and threw away all below the knees. All that night we had no food, nor the next day, though lunging desperately forward over virtually impassable roads. The following day, the 7th, found us still marching and fasting, or rather, famishing. Blessed indeed were the squad or two that found and shot a razor-back hog. But we were the rear guard and even razor backs had become scarce and wary after being hunted by the 30,000 hungry mouths that had preceded us. One of our Captains who was lucky enough to get an ear of corn a day, always spoke of it as the parched corn march.

Many of the troops "caved" in from sheer exhaustion and starvation. The case of Sergeant Malcolm ISTicholson, Com- pany D., which occurred a little later in the retreat, will illustrate our sufferings as well as the grim resolve of the men to keep up with the colors up to the point of absolute physical collapse. This stripling refused to succumb or fall out till at a halt one night he toppled over. His comrades tucked him away in an old wagon body lying near. When the order to "fall in" came, and they went to arouse him, they found that death had given him his discharge and that the weary marching of the boy sergeant was over forever.

On the evening of 9 May, the Chickahominy was reached, the wagons overtaken and the worst hardship of the march, whose sufferings remained ever vivid to the men vt}io clung to the fortunes of the Confederacy to the bitter end, was over.


1. J. H. Horner, Captain, Co. E. 4. V. E. Turner.Captain, Quart. Master.

8. Frank Bennett, Captain, Co. A. 5. Abner D Peace, Captain. Co E

8. H. G. Turner, Captain, Co. H. 6. Geo T. Baskerville, Captain, Co. I

7. Jas. A. Breedlove. Captain, Co. G.

Twenty-Third Regiment. 201

the eeoeganization.

While camped on the banks of the Chickahominy at Bar- rett's Ferry, the regiment was re-organized. This was hast- ened in order to take advantage of a provision in the Confed- erate Conscript Act, passed 16 April, 1862. This provision allowed .troops whose term of enlistment had not expired, to re-organize with all the privileges, as to election of ofRcer^^, which they had before the act was passed, provided the re- organization was effected within forty days from the passing of the act. With that period lapsed the Confederate soldier's right to choose his own officers, all commissioned officers being thereafter appointed by the President of the Confederacy.

Thus a re-organization of most of the Volunteer North Carolina regiments in that army, a perilous thing in face of a vastly superior enemy, took place about this time, an event unparalleled in the annals of history. A large proportion of officers failing of re-election, their places were filled with men raised from the ranks, or from subordinate positions. Nearly, or quite all the commands, had in their ranlvs plenty of men competent to serve as commissioned officers. But many thus elevated were not qualified by sufficient experience for command, and the presence of so many inexperienced of- ficers told against the South a month later in the prolonged death grapple with the enemy in the Chickahominy swamps, known as the Seven Days' Fighting. That under such circum- stances victory should have crowned Southern effort, attest the dauntless valor of Southern troops.

Our boys, prompted more perhaps by the desire for change, a strong factor in all lives and strongest of all in the monot- onous life of a soldier, elected as a rule, new Line Officers.

The following change was made in Field Officers : Daniel H. Christie was elected Colonel in place of John F. Hoke; Robert D. Johnston, lormerly Captain of Company K, Lieu- tenant-Colonel ; Ed. J. Christian, former First Lieutenant of Company C, Major ; Vines E. Turner, former Second Lieu- tenant in Company G, Adjutant. That night the officers who had failed of re-election bade us farewell, took leave for Richmond and later sought, most of them, other positions in

202 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

which to serve their struggling country. Our regiment for- 'merly the Thirteenth North Carolina Volunteers, was there- after known as the Twenty-third North Carolina Troops.

In pursuance of our plan to briefly outline the careers of the Field Officers of the regiment, we give the following sketch of John F. Hoke, the retiring Colonel.


Colonel Hoke was born in Lincoln County, IsT. C, 8 May, 1820. He was a graduate of the University of ISTorth Caro- lina, and a lawyer by profession. He served with credit as First Lieutenant in Captain W. J. Clarke's company in the Mexican war, taking part in the campaign which resulted in the capture of the City of Mexico. Subsequently he served several terms in the Legislature. At the outbreak of the War for Southern Independence, he was appointed Adjutant- General of North Carolina, serving till the ten regiments of "State Troops" and thirteen regiments of "Volunteers" were organized and equipped. In July, 1861, he was elected Colonel of the Thirteenth (later Twenty-third) North Carolina Vol- unteers, and commanded the regiment until its reorganiza- tion, 10 May, 1862. Failing of re-election, he returned to North Carolina and in 1864 became Colonel of the Seventy- fourth Regiment, Second Senior Reserves). The close of the war found him guarding prisoners at Salisbury. He died in November, 1888. Colonel Hoke was an upright, honora- ble and cultivated gentleman. Great kindness and consider- ation characterized his bearing towards the subordinate of- ficers of his regiment.


John W. Leak was born in Richmond County, N. C, 16 March, 1816. His grandfather, Walter Leak, Sr., served throughout the Revolutionary War as a private in the Amer- ican army, and died in the town of Rockingham, in 1844, at an advanced age.

He graduated at Randolph-Macon College about 1837.

In July, 1861, he was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of our regiment. This office he filled till the re-organization of the regiment in May, 1862, when, as was the case with many of

Twenty-Third Regiment. 203

the officers, he failed of re-election. Being then well ad- vanced into middle age, he retired to private life and became prominent in the cotton mill interests at Rockingham. He died in May, 18Y4.


The retreat from the peninsula and up the south banks of the Chickahominj, brought us within sight of Richmond on Sunday, 18 May. We pitched camp in a dense undergrowth of woods, one and a half miles from the city, on the eastern side. Soon the invading Federal hosts drew nearer. Day by day portents of a desperate strife to come, accumu- late. Picket firing grows heavier and more persistent, and the shriek and roar of bursting shells seemed to have become part of the natural order of things.

The strategy of the battle of Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks, as it is sometimes called, was exceedingly simple.

McClellan had thrown Keyes'" Corps, composed of Casey's and Couch's divisions, and TIeintzelman's composed of Hook- er's and Kearney's divisions, to the southern bank of the Chickahominy, and Casey had advanced to Seven Pines and fortified. Couch's line was about a mile and a quarter in the rear of Casey's. Hooker and Kearney were in rear of Couch. On Friday night, 30 May, a violent thunder and rain storm had greatly swollen the streams, and Johnston seized upon this opportunity to deal with his vastly superior foe in detail. He hoped to crush these isolated divisions before more troops could be thrown across the swollen Chickahominy to reinforce them. D. H. Hill's division, supported by Long- street's, was to attack in front; Huger's division was to at- tack the enemy's left flank, and Smith's his right.

The Twenty-third took an important and most gallant part, both in the battle of Seven Pines and in the reconnoissance on the Williamsburg road the day before, which disclosed the situation of the enemy and led to the Confederate attack. In this sortie doAvn the Williamsburg road 30 May, several men were wounded and Captain Ambrose Scarborough, of Company C, in command of the four companies reconnoiter- ing, was killed. In the person of this gallant officer the reg-

204 North Cakolina Troops, 1861-'65.

iment lost its first man from a hostile bullet. Captain Frank Bennett commanded the advance line of sharpshooters, who really developed the enemy's strength, was severely wounded, being disabled for months.

In the attack at Seven Pines, made in the afternoon of Saturday, 31 May, 1862, the Twenty-third belonged to Gar- land's Brigade. This with three other brigades, Kodes', G. B. Anderson's and Raines', formed Ilill's division, which as- saulted the strongly fortified Federal front. Few attacks in war were ever made under circumstances more unfavorable to the assaulting force. A swamp, in some places waist deep in water and thick with undergrowth and tangled vine, had to be crossed, and a skillfully made abatis confronted and strug- gled through before the heavily manned hostile works beyond could be reached. Through them all swept the regiment in line, with its comrade commands, under a fire of musketry and artillery as hot as mortal men ever breasted with success. Many a gallant fellow was stricken down dead or wounded. Some rendered helpless by wound-s, not necessarily fatal, sank and were drowned in the deep waters of the swamp.

Finer* tribute to fighting men was never paid than, that by a Northern writer who saw the battle from the point of view which we assailed there being no hotter section of that fire-swept line than which fate assigned to the Twenty-third. This writer says: "Our shot tore their ranks wide open, and shattered them in a manner frightful to behold, but they closed up and came on as steadily as English Veterans. When they got within four hundred yards we closed our case shot and opened on them with canister. Such destruction I never witnessed. At each discharge great gaps were made in their ranks. * * But they at once closed and came steadily on, never halting, never wavering, right through the woods (swamp), over the fence, through the field, right up to our guns, and sweeping everything before them, captured our ar- tillery and cut our whole division to pieces."

Huger's turning movement far to our right had been stopped by impassable streams. Smith's attack far to our left, where General Johnston commanded in person, had been beaten off, and the Oommander-in-Ohief severely wounded.

Twenty-Third Regiment. 205

But in our front the victory was complete. After two hours, ending in the brilliant charge described above, Casey's works were carried and his routed line driven back on Couch's. Then the division reinforced by only one, R. H. Anderson's, smashed Couch, though reinforced by Kearney, and drove all back on their third line two miles in rear of the first line. Twelve pieces of artillery and 6,000 stands of small arms, were taken. Darkness put an end to the battle.

Biit a heavy blood equivalent was paid for the victory. Owing to much sickness the regiment, according to the state- ment of Captain A. T. Cole, was able to go into this action only about 225 strong. Moore's Roster, which in countless instances, and pr6bably in this, is incomplete, shows that twenty-four privates and non-commissioned officers were killed, and ninety-five wounded, sixteen of them mortally. As will be seen, this was an exceeding large proportion of the number engaged.

There were also many casualties among the commissioned officers. None of the Field Officers escaped injury. Colo- nel Christie was wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. John- ston was wounded in the arm, face and neck, had his horse killed xmder him and was shot down within fifty feet of the hostile works. Captain C. C. Blacknall, Company G, who, unable to walk, owing to a sprained ankle, had gone into action mounted, was grazed by seven balls, and received a painful bruise near the spine from a fragment of shell. He also received painful injuries from his horse, which was killed and fell on him. Captain William Johnston, Company K, and Lieutenant E. A. McDonald, Company D, were also wounded. Lieutenants J. D. Knott and A. M. Luria, of Company I, were killed. Luria was a gallant young fellow. It was at Seawell's Point that he did a heroic act, which, had he been a British soldier, would have brought him the Victo- ria Cross and caused the world to ring with his name. While there early in 1861, either as a visitor or as a member of Col- quitt's command, before he joined the Twenty-third, a shell from the Federal gunboats dropped among the Confederates. With rare presence of mind and devotion, he seized the shell and threw it over the works before it could explode. At our

206 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

reorganization he refused promotion, saying that he wished nothing unless won on the battle field. Major E. J. Chris- tian was mortally wounded, dying a few days later.


Major Edmund J. Christian was born in Montgomery County, ISr. C, in 1834. His uncle, Samuel H. Christian, was elected to the Confederate Congress, but died before taking his seat. While a boy, his father died, leaving his mother and her other children largely dependent on him, which duty he successfully performed. Major Christian was a farmer by vocation. He was a man of magnificent physique and had no bad habits. On the outbreak of war he enlisted as a private,, but was elected Lieutenant, in the Montgomery Vounteers ISTo. 1, which became Company C on the organiza- tion of the regiment. Upon the reorganization, 10 May, 1862, he was elected Major, to fall in battle just three weeks later. At Seven Pines he had received two wounds, either of which would have justified his retirement from the field. But he pluckily went forward at the head of his men till stricken down with the third and mortal wound. He was conveyed to a private house in Richmond, tenderly nursed for the two or three days he had to live, and was laid to rest in the Confed- erate Capital which he had died to defend. Lieutenant W. P. Gill, of Company G, was also wounded.

Captain C. C. Blacknall, Company G, was promoted to Major on the death of Major Christian.

The courage and dash of the men and officers in this bloody onslaiight, has never been surpassed. When in the impetuosity of the onset through the vine-tangled swamp, the three right companies became temporarily separated from the regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Johnston led them gal- lantly forward with the Fourth Regiment. Splendidly did the whole command show its alacrity to meet and close with the foe, no matter what the obstacles, so that they knew where he was and there was no confusion of orders as in the woods at Williamsburg. The conduct of private Wm. C. Cole, brother of Captain A. T. Cole, at Seven Pines,

Twenty-Third Regiment. 207

is a good illustration of the high resolve of the men to do their full duty. This youth, a mere stripling and in poor health from the hardships of the campaign, found in the thick of the fight, that the channel of the tube was obstructed, and that his musket would not fire, sat down imder a hot fire, re- moved the tube with his wrench, screwed home a new one, caught up with the line at a few bounds and continued to load and fire as long as a Yankee was in. sight.

After Seven Pines, the regiment went into camp near Richmond and passed several weeks in drilling. Here on Tuesday, 17 June, it was re-brigaded, being now placed in brigade with the Fifth, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Twenti- eth, all ISTorth Carolina regiments. Samuel Garland, Jr., of Lynchburg, Va., remained in command as Brigadier. Soon after the wounding of General Joseph E. Johnston at Seven Pines, General R. E. Lee became Commander-in-Chief of the army.


As the month of June, 1862, wore away, McClellan's plans developed. The Confederate Capital was to be taken by reg- ular approaches. The 26 June found his splendidly organized and equipped army of at least 105,000 ef- fectives, strongly intrenched on a line straddling the Chick- ahominy and extending from White Oak Swamp, twelve miles soiitheast of Richmond, to Mechanicsville, six miles northeast. The line, especially that part north of the Chick- ahominy, ran along positions of great natural strength, rugged bluffs protected largely by streams or swamps on the side next to the Confederates.

The soutliern strategy of this protracted death grapple, so well described by its name, the Seven Days Fighting, was masterly as brilliant as history records. The valor and staying powers evinced by the Southern soldiers in that pro- longed combat is scarcely matched in the annals of time. But for an apparently inherent defect in the Southern mind its inability to master, or its universal contempt for, the practi- cal details of things, the invading hosts would in all likeli-

208 North GAROLI^:A Troops, 18t)l-'65.

hood have met its doom in the Chickahominy swamps. Had Southern practicalness been at all commensurate with South- ern generalship and Southern courage, it is hard to see how McClellan's army could have escaped ruin, if not total de- struction. This unpracticalness manifested itself here in the failure to prepare accurate topographical maps of a region which the trend of events had, for months, pointed out as the most probable scene of conflict.

The position of the Federal army was, on the whole, nat- urally very strong and made as much stronger as engineering skill could make it. But owing to the isolating effect of the many streams and swamps, difficult of passage, it gave the opportunity of the war to the qualities in which the Southern army excelled prowess and military genius. In this in- stance these qualities were largely negatived by the fact that the Confederate leaders fought and maneuvered over a region of whose exact topography they knew scarcely more than of the craters in the moon. The result of this ignorance of nat- ural obstacles, and of the roads that turn them, was that thousands of gallant men, the very flower of the Southern army, were needlessly and heedlessly sacrificed, and that a half victory cost double the price for what a whole victory could have been obtained.

Lee's plans were that Jackson, then in the Shenandoah Valley, by a rapid and secret march, should strike the right flank of this twenty-mile line, while he smote its right front. Then beginning at the end, 55,000 of his 80,000 men, were to be thrown impetuously against the Federal line, flanking it as far as practicable, and rolling it back upon itself, compass its destruction if possible.

After Seven Pines the Twenty-third was assigned a posi- tion near the left wing of the army. Our tents were pitched on the banks of a small stream about 600 yards in the rear of the works. As an advance of the enemy was hourly expected, the orders were that upon the sound of a bugle at brigade headqxiarters, the regiment must be formed in 'five minutes with three days' rations, canteens filled and forty rounds of ammunition per man, ready to march rapidly to it§ place in line. This rendered it necessary for the men to sleep with

Twenty-Third Regiment. 209

their cartridge belts on and haversacks and canteens by their sides. Mounted officers had to keep their horses saddled. No one was allowed to be absent from the command for a moment. Many such alarms were given by day and by night. Two weeks of this rigid discipline made the order to advance a genuine relief.

The fighting began in earnest on Thursday, 26 June, a fine cloudless day. On the afternoon of that day A. P. Hill moved to the east and without waiting for Jackson's appear- ance on the Federal flank, as had been agreed, assaulted in front the impregnable lines on Beaver Dam Creek, a small stream running north and south, and emptying into the Chickahominy. The result was that he M'as beaten off with the loss of over 3,000 men, a loss nearly ten times as great as he inflicted on the enemy. This is often called the battle of Mechaniesville from a very small village at the cross roads a mile west of the stream. [This premature assault and conse- quent disastrous and useless loss of life General A. P. Hill afterward repeated at Gettysburg and at Bristoe Sta- tion.— Ed. J

The Twenty-third, which belonged to D. H. Hill's divis- ion, was not actively engaged on the 26th. About 11 a. m. of that day, we left our position in line and marched to the left, striking the Mechaniesville road as we filed down the hill towards a little stream. To the left of our line of march could be seen a group of high Confederate oflicers, including President Davis, Generals Lee, Longstreet, D. H. Hill, Gar- land and others. Their earnest consultation and the distant firing made us feel that a momentous period in the struggle was now at hand. We were marched up and took position op- posite the hills beyond the stream, and were for a while under a spirited cannonade. Adjutant Turner's horse was killed, falling on him, but not inflicting injury enough to keep him out of the battle of the next day. Several other casualties were also sustained by the regiment

We slept that night on our arms. Early the next morning while Captain I. J. Young was getting his company in line for the work before us, one of his men complained that he 14

210 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

was not well, and wanted to report on the sick list. Captain Young was heard to say: "Yes, damn it; I know you are sick. But it's only the battle field colic. I'll not excuse you." The diagnosis proved correct, the "colic" soon passed and the patient, we believe, did his duty faithfully that day.

Upon the approach of Jackson from the north on their right flank, the enemy withdrew from their strong line on Beaver Dam Creek, to one scarcely less strong on Powhite Creek, another small stream running parallel with Beaver Dam and about fou.r or five miles to the east of it. A. P. Hill, Longstreet and D. H. Hill followed closely.

A little to the east of Powhite Creek was fought the battle called Gaines' Mill, and less commonly the battle of Cold Harbor. But for the fact that it would be confounded with the battle fought there on May, 1864, the latter term is more accurate, for the enemy were brushed back from the line at Powhite Creek on which stands Gaines' Mill with compara- tively little fighting. Their stand to the death was made behind a great semi-circle of swamps a mile or more to the east of Powhite Creek, and much nearer JSTew Cold Plarbor than Gaines' Mill. On the morning of the 27^1, D. H. Hill's division was thrown forward, well to the left along the road running by Bethesda Church, so as to reach Porter's right rear. When, after much delay and perplexity, at 2 :30 p. m., we came into collision with the enemy near old Cold Harbor and three miles northwest of jSTew Cold Harbor, our brigade, Garland's, was on the extreme left of the enemy.

It was nearly sun doAvn when the two brigades of Anderson and Garland got permission from D. II. Hill, their division commander, to adva,nce to the charge. The assault was deliv- ered under conditions not unlike those at Seven Pines nearly a month earlier. A swamp densely covered with undergrowth had to be passed under fire before the Federals could be reached. These consisted of United States regulars under Sykes, a hard and persistent fighter.

But nothing could withstand the impetuosity of our on- ward sweep. Alignment was soon lost in the contraction of the lines necessary in attacking a shorter front than our ovsoi. But the Twenty-third, along with the other regiments, pressed

Twenty-Third Regiment. 211

forward, tearing their way through brush and briar and vine.

After clearing these bewildering obstructions we emerged into a thin piece of woods with no undergrowth. This brought us in full view of a battery on our left, which opened upon us, as we went forward at the double quick down a little slope. The men became excited and began to fire; but Colonel Christie sent his Adjutant, the writer of this, to stop the fir- ing till they got closer. So down we swept and then up the hill to the enemy's position. Just at this juncture came the critical moment of the day, and possibly of the campaign. Their line began to waver. Officers and men seemed by one accord to grasp the situation. We pressed forward in the charge as a part of an Alabama regiment rushed back upon our line. Its Colonel shouted that he was going back to reform. Captain Young, then in command of the regiment. Colonel Christie having just fallen severely wounded, exclaimed: "Don't go back to reform. We are all needed to carry this line." So the regiment turned and charged with us.

Up the hill we pressed. The enemy now broke and fied in great disorder through a dense swamp in their rear, leaving large numbers of knapsacks behind them. We took sixty or seventy prisoners. It was now dark. We were hungry, worn out and entirely separated from the other regiments of the brigade which had gone in and broken the line to the right and left of us.

We bivouaced in a body of pines, too worn out to stand guard over prisoners, who seemed as tired and worn out as ourselves. The Adjutant counted them and cautioned them not to move during the night. Then lying down around them, we slept soundly. They seemed well contented and showed no disposition to escape while with us.

There has been much dispute as to what troops first broke the enemy's line at Cold Harbor, and thus began the long chain of McClellan's reverses. But l^orthern writers state that the right wing gave way first. This is where D. H. Hill's assault was delivered. General Hill himself says that Garland's charge made the first break in the hostile line. General Lee officially paid high compliment to the division for its part in this battle.

212 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Our regiment was not actually engaged at Savage Station, Eraser's Farm, or any of the subsequent battles, till Malvern Hill, fought on Wednesday, 1 July. McClellan beaten and harried on every hand, saw that escape would be difficult, probably impossible, unless Lee's pursuit could be checked. For this purpose on Tuesday night, 30 June, and early the next morning, he hurried to Malvern Hill his shattered com- mands. If the hand of Omnipotence, molding plastic nature at will, had contrived a fastness in which a beaten and dis- pirited army might take refuge and grow strong in a sense of security, it need do no more than fashion another Malvern Hill. Here with the James river to his back, and his fleet of gunboats on his left flank, he felt that he might meet even Lee's dauntless, though shattered divisions. Here, frowning tier^ above frowning tier, in implacements made by nature's own hand, his 300 pieces of splendid artillery were concen- trated. Hither his still formidable army, now as at the be- ginning, far outnumbering the Confederates, was drawn back and skilfully massed in time to strengthen, with partial en- trenchments, the points that were least strong. A clearing of 500 to 900 yards between the Federal position and the woods and Swamp in their front, gave a full view of their as- sailants.

Against this inland Gibraltar, the Southern troops were hurled. A simultaneous attack along the whole line would have been desperate. Attacks at intervals, at the different points by different commands without concert of action, were hopeless. Yet such, by an unfortunate concatenation of errors, was the mode of attack. Late on that sultry summer afternoon our division (D. H. Hill's) struggled through an almost impassable swamp and opened the battle with the first direct assault. Our brigade (Garland's) was in the first line, and advanced through the broadest part of the belt of cleared ground, which had been broken by the plow on the side next to the enemy. Though only Whiting's small divis- ion was to the left of us, our attack was directed against the Federal centre. Here we fought Couch's men which we had routed at Seven Pines and when here, as there, hard pressed,. Kearney came to their aid.

Twenty-Thikd Regiment. 213

But the task now assigned us was beyond the power of mortal men. From the first step in the open, the fire of that huge volcanic amphitheatre and of the gun boats on the river was focused on us, much as the ribs of a fan meet at the han- dle. Yet onward we swept; the line, when shattered and hurled back in places, reforming and pushing with grim de- tertoiination, doggedly forward, breaking in part the first line of the enemy. No field ever more fully tested the fibre of Anglo-Saxon manhood, and on no field has it ever acquitted itself better. ISTot till they had striven, unaided for more than an hour against McClellan's whole army and 2,000 had fallen, did they yield to the inevitable and were swept back- ward by the moving wall of lead and iron.

As at Seven Pines, we will let foeman pay tribute to their matchless ardor. A French officer, the Oomte de Paris, who was on McClellan's staff, saw it all and said the following :

"Hill advanced alone against the Federal position. * * He had therefore before him Morell's right. Couch's division, reinforced by Caldwell's Brigade * * and fronting the left of Kearney. As soon as they (Hill's troops) passed be- yond the edge of the forest, they were received by a fire from all the batteries at once, some posted on the hills, others ranged midway close to the Federal infantry. The latter joined its musketry fire to the cannonade when Hill's first line had come within range, and threw it back in disorder on its reserves.

While it was reforming, new battalions marched up to the assault in their turn. The remembrance of Cold Harbor doubles the energies of Hill's soldiers. They try to pierce the line, sometimes at one point, sometimes at another, charg- ing Kearney's left first and Couch's right * * and af- terAvards throwing themselves upon the left of Couch's divis- ion. But here also after nearly reaching the Federal posi- tion, they are repulsed. The conflict is carried on with great fierceness on both sides, and for a moment it seems that the Confederates are at last to penetrate the very centre of their adversaries and of the formidable artillery which was now dealing destruction in their ranks. But Sumner, who com- mands on the right, detaches Sickles' and Meagher's brigades

214 NoKTH Carolina Tkoops, 1861-'65.

to Couch's assistance. During this time, Whiting on the left and Huger on the right, suffer Hill's soldiers to become exhausted without supporting them. * * At 7 o'clock, Hill reorganized the debris of his troops in the woods * * his tenacity and the courage of his soldiers had only had the effect of causing him to sustain heavy loss."

Not till far in the night did the terrific volcano of Malvern Hill become extinct. Fearful had been its execution not only on the fighting line, but numbers of the supports far back in the woods to the rear had been struck down. It was one of the few battles in history in which the casualties from artil- lery fire were as large, probably larger, than those from small arms.

Battered and shattered, but undismayed, the Twenty-third slept that night upon its arms ready for the eventualities of the morrow. But the stir and rumble within the hostile line had been significant. Jackson's drowsy response, when awakened from the slumbers which from sheer exhaustion had mastered him, and asked what must be done should Mc- Clellan attack tomorrow. "He won't be there," had been indeed prophetic words. The morrow broke over Malvern Hill tenanted only by Federal dead and wounded, all of which the enemy had left in their flight. It broke over the "Little Na- poleon"— ^very little he then appeared at Washington, if not to himself safe under shelter of his gunboats at Harrison's Landing, clamoring for 50,000 fresh troops. McC51ellan had lost 15,849 men in killed, wounded and captured, besides 52 pieces of artillery, 27,000 stands of small arms and millions of dollars worth of stores. But the Confederates being every- where the assailants, sustained a still heavier loss, their casu- alties reaching the enormous aggregate of 19,749.

It is impossible to give with accuracy our regiment's loss during the Seven Days fighting. Moore's Roster, often inac- curate and incomplete, is here unusually so. According to statement of Captain A. T. Cole, Company D, who esti- mates the casualties of the regiment in proportion to those known to have been sustained by his own company, the Twenty-third began the Seven Days fighting with about 175 men. It sustained the heaviest loss at Malvern Hill. Here

Twenty-Third Regiment. 215

about 30 were killed and 75 wounded. These figures, while only approximate, are believed to be near the mark. These losses left the command a mere skeleton, till strengthened by recruits and the return of wounded men who had recovered. Colonel D. H. Christie and Adjutant V. E. Turner were wounded at Cold Harbor. Captain I. J. Young, who com- manded the Twenty-third at Malvern Hill was, in that bat- tle, wounded in the face, and Private C. C. Courtney, Com- pany A, killed in taking him from the field. Here also Cap- tain A. T. Cole, Company D, and Lieutenant Munday, Com- pany K, were wounded, and Lieutenant Wm. F. Gill, of Granville County, killed. The list, though incomplete, covers so far as can now be ascertained, the casualties of the commissioned officers.


Wm. p. Gill was born in Franklin County, JST. C, October 1842. While yet a lad fresh from college, he enlisted as a private in the Granville Eifles, afterwards Company G, was appointed Sergeant Major and at the reorganization, elected Second Lieutenant in the company. His diities as Sergeant Major had brought him in frequent contact with the officers of his regiment, and most of the men. His death caused genuine sorrow and regret to every member of the command. He was handsome in person, and his bearing that of a gentle- man. His bravery, manliness, his frank, open face alight with the quenchless enthusiasm of a youth, won and held the love and respect of all. For though gentle and polite, he was firm in the discharge of his duties. His abilities were so gen- erally recognized that his promotion must have been rapid had he been spared to his country and the army. He said the morning of Malvern Hill, that he would not survive the battle. So strong was this premonition that when Captain I. J. Young was borne to the rear, wounded, he asked the Captain to take charge of a watch which had just been en- trusted to him (Lieutenant Gill) by a dying Federal, for transmission to his mother. And I will add that after the war Captain Young found the mother and delivered the watch. Lieutenant Gill, now in command of the regiment,

216 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

was instantly killed, being almost cut asunder by a shell, after the attack was over. He was then only nineteen. With his fall perished one of the noblest spirits of the command.

It was at Malvern Hill that private Charles P. Powell, of Company D, emulated the fearless deed of Luria at Seawell's Point. While lying in line under heavy artillery fire, wait- ing for the order to charge, a shell dropped among us. The men could not leave their places in the line of battle, so they flattened to earth while their unwelcome visitor sputtered away. An instant later the heroic Powell sprung forward, lifted the shell and deliberately sousing the head in one of the small water pools of the swamp, put out the fuse. The fuse must by some error have been cut a trifle long, or after so much delay it must have exploded in his hands before it reached the water. This gallant fellow was wounded a little later in this battle and also at Gettysburg, promoted Adju- tant and was killed in the "Bloody Angle" 12 May, 1864 an immortal record, surely. The wounding of Captain Young left Second Lieutenant Gill in command of the regiment till he was killed. After his fall the Twenty-third seems to have had no commissioned officer left on the field.

After the battle we spent several weeks of grateful and well needed rest near Richmond. When Jackson, followed later by the bulk of the army, marched against Pope at Man- assas, our division was, with McLaws' left behind to observe the enemy and guard Richmond. In fact, D. H. Hill's divis- ion oftener than any other, was detached on independent ser- vice of that kind.

When McClellan's army was withdrawn to reinforce Pope and safeguard the Federal Capital, we were thrown forward by forced marches northward. We rejoined the Confederate army at Chantilly 2 September, three days after the battle of Second Manassas was over. The eaTth was yet encumbered with unburied dead. The most gruesome of our whole war experience were the many swollen corpses crushed and mangled by the cannon wheels, which in the urgency of that fierce and prolonged combat had passed over them. Ar- tillery must manoeuvre somewhere ; the dead lay thick nearly

Twenty-Third Regiment. 217

everywhere, and men had been too engrossed wielding the sickle of death to gather in the harvest.


At Chantilly we were within a few miles of the scene of our picket duty the previous Fall, Winter and Spring. But our pause there was of the briefest. Our brigade formed Lee's vanguard in the invasion of Maryland. Moving rap- idly northward Friday, 5 September, we waded the Poto- mac near Leesburg, at Poland's Ford, lower down, we be- lieve, than the Southern army crossed it before or after in its many passages. With what bounding hearts did we climb the opposite banks of the Potomac, looking eagerly for the support of "Maryland, My Maryland." Cherishing hopes which, alas, like so many other Confederate Hopes, withered on the stem.

Strong indeed must have been the Southern proclivities of Maryland men to see aught of attraction in a service like ours. We were a hungry, jaded, weather-beaten, battle-worn set. In the forced marches to the northward wagon trains had been outstripped, green corn and apples forming for days al- most our only food. The fields of "roasting ears," most of them now too hard to be really edible, were bought from the farmers and the men turned in to help themselves. One of General Hill's first acts after crossing the Potomac into Maryland, was to buy a large field of com and turn in his division. All supplies obtained during this campaign were paid for in Federal currency.

A cartoon in Harper's Weekly represented a Maryland Quaker woman placing a wash stand at her door and implor- ing the rebels that if they must possess her house, please to use that first; while the rebels mistaking this to them strange apparatus for some infernal machine contrived for their de- struction, skedaddled forthwith. But the lion, though un- kempt and half starved, was a lion still, as the foe discov- ered when he threw his 90,000 against our ranks thinned by battle, disease and the giving out of foot-sore men, to less than 30,000.

218 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

From the 6tli to the 10th of September, we remained in camp near Frederick, Maryland. Here rest, full rations and delightful weather recuperated us fast. It was while in camp at this place that the famous "Lost Order" was dropped by some one at the headquarters of our division commander, General D. H. Hill. General HiU subsequently established the fact that he never saw this duplicate order. The sol- dier who lost it was never guilty of a more culpable act, nor one fraught with more moment. This order, which was picked up on the 13th by a Federal soldier, wrapped around some Confederate cigars, and at once transmitted to McClel- Ian, revealed not only the dangerous secret that Lee's army was divided, but told in minute detail the present position and future movements of infantry, artillery, cavalry and trains. In the hands of an able and active foe one alive to the tremendous advantage thus given him and quick and res- olute in availing himself of it this paper must in all proba- bility, have been the death warrant of the Southern Confed- eracy. For by a strange fatality it revealed the faults of Sotithern strategy at its faultiest moment, and told where and when to meet and overcome the Confederate commands when their strength was at the lowest ebb.

Fortunately McClellan had few of the qualities of a Jack- son, a Forest or even a Hood. He acted upon the informa- tion thus obtained, but not with the promptitude and energy that Fate demands when at long intervals she places such op- portunity in mortal hands. McClellan's report of the find to Lincoln was not only characteristic, but a fine tribute to the valor of his weakened, scattered and now betrayed antago- nists. "I have all the plans of the rebels," he wires, "and will catch them in their own trap, if my men are equal to the emergency." Lee's strokes had been so hard and his strat- egy, based upon the prowess of his army, so bold, that Mc- Clellan informed Halleck that he had "120,000 men to fight."

McClellan thus apprized of the situation, moved forward on the morning of 13 September, to take advantage of it.

One column vmder Franklin was thrown forward south- westerly towards Crampton Gap of South Mountain. Its objective was to crush Jackson's force, then hammering the

Twenty-Third Regiment. 219

Federal garrison at Harper's Ferry. The bulk of the Fed- eral army was moved westerly against us through Turner's and Fox's Gap, its object being Hagerstown, which the "Lost Order" had disclosed as Lee's point of rendezvous.

We had withdrawn from Frederick 10 September, moving slowly through Turner's Gap of South Mountain to- wards Boonsboro, on the direct road to Hagerstown. Our division was the rear guard of the army and was encumbered - with all the wagon and artillery trains.


By the afternoon 13 September, we had marched to the west of Boonsboro, and gone into camp near Funks- town. From here we were hurried back east to South Moun- tain; meeting General Stuart coming down as we marched up. That night we spent on the western slope of the ridge ; a chilly bivouac without blankets or any manner of covering from the keen mountain air.

Early in the morning of Sunday, 14 September, General D. H. Hill came in person and posted Colquitt's brigade in Turner's Gap and our brigade (Garland's) in Fox's Gap, a mile to the south of Turner's. These two Gaps, which are virtually one, are traversed by many roads. If McClellan's advance was to be checked till Jackson could take Harper's Ferry and join Lee, all these roads must be held by this hand- ful of men against McClellan to the last extremity. This necessitated the scattering of the regiments of the brigade and resulted almost in the destruction of some of them, but the pass was held and the precious time necessary for Lee to concentrate, gained.

Garland's brigade of five regiments numbered less than 1,000 men. Our regiment had been severely cut to pieces at Seven Pines and Malvern Hill, and not yet having been re- cruited by conscripts to the same extent as some of the others, was much smaller in proportion than the brigade. Our posi- tion was in the centre of the brigade and along the crest of the ridge behind an old stone fence, so common in that region.

220 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

The fence had been more or less dismantled by time and was in places very low.

To our right was the Fifth and then the Twelfth ; to our left the Thirteenth and then the Twentieth. An interval of fully 250 yards separated the Thirteenth from the Twenty- third, and one probably as great severed it from the Twen- tieth.

Against Garland's 1,000 Cox led 3,000 of Eeno's Corps. The action begun at 9 a. m. From oiir elevated position we had a full view of the movement in our front. Below us in plain view, went forward through the woods the skirmish line of the brigade. Near them and slowly drawing nearer and nearer, came a dark-blue line. Yet they apparently did not see each other. Not till the lines seemed within a few yards of each other was the calm, radiant Sabbath morning broken by the crack of rifles. The battle was on.

Our skirmish line was soon forced backward by weight of numbers. General Garland seeing this, ordered Colonel Mc- Kae to take his regiment, the Fifth, and the Twelfth regiment and support the skirmish line. This he attempted to do, but the main line of the enemy coming up at this juncture, forced our skirmish line back in disorder and developed so much strength that McRae not being able to prevent the ad- vance, fell back to his position on our right.

The Federals now pressed forward, striking first the Thir- teenth and Twentieth on our left. Here General Garland fell. But as General Hill says, the main attack was against the Twenty-third behind the stone wall (tumbled down stone fence). A little later, but while still fiercely contending on the left, assault after assault was made against our front. These we beat off, inflicting heavy loss on the assailants. At length Colonel Christie seeing that a still stronger force which was advancing against him could, while engaging his front, envelop his left, sent his Adjutant, V. E. Turner (the writer of this) to apprize General Garland of the situation. Finding that Garland had fallen, the Adjutant, making his way to- wards the rear of the Thirteenth and Twentieth, delivered the message to Colonel McEae, then in command of the bri- gade. Colonel McEae having no horse or Staff (General

j'-M ^>^^.;iXW/(^^5^%c)]r?^^e@^^^9^*^^5A3


1. Geo. Burns Bullock, Captain, Co. I. 5. William H. Harris, Private, Co. I.

2. N. A. Gregory, 1st Lieut.. Co. I. 6. John T, Santord, Private, Co. I.

S. Richard V. Minor, 1st Lieut., Co. E. 7. Nicholas T. Green, Private, Co. E. 4. W. P. Gill, 2d Lieut., Co. Q. 8. John H. Breedlove, Private, Co. G.

9. James E. Hart, Sergeant, Co. I.

Twenty-Third Regiment. 221

Garland's Staff having gone off with his body) had no means of immediate communication with General HiU, and was unable to fill the gap and to avert the disaster apprehended by Colonel Christie.

The returning Adjutant after almost running into the hos- tile lines, reached the position of the Twenty-third just as it was abandoned. Colonel Christie, with his short, weak line, hopelessly enveloped and enfiladed, and seeing capture sure if he remained longer, had ordered the regiment to withdraw. This withdrawal, as it had to be precipitate in the extreme, was effected in great disorder down the steep and bewilder- ing mountain side. Company E and a few other men on the left, the side on which the flank attack came, either did not hear the order to withdraw, or being already enveloped, were mostly captured. It was here and by this gallant Company that bayonets and clubbed muskets were so freely used in the vain struggle to repel outnumbering foes. The regiment had been too roughly handled to be taken into action again that day.

The whole brigade was likewise driven back, though the Thirteenth on the left, managed by a change of front, to maintain itself till reinforced by Anderson's brigade. The exact loss of the Twenty-third cannot now be ascertained, but it was heavy in killed and wounded and of the 200 prisoners captured from the brigade it lost its share. It also inflicted heavy loss upon the enetmy before the stone fence, its post of vantage, was enfiladed and rendered useless. General Jesse L. Reno, commanding the corps assailing us, and who had been prominent in the capture of Roanoke Island, Kinston, and other places in ISTorth Carolina, was killed at long range by Charles W. Bennett, of Granville County, Orderly Ser- geant of Company E. Sergeant Bennett was severely wounded at Sharpsburg. Among our wounded was also Cap- tain G. T. Baskerville, of Company I. General Garland was killed early in the action. In making his way to the firing line, he passed through an open space to the rear of the gap, between the Twenty-third and the Thirteenth. He had been told that the Federal sharpshooters commanded this space, but could not believe that they had yet advanced far enough

222 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

to reach the crest and dominate the place. Venturing through the opening, he at once became their target and was shot down.

The arrival of reinforcements late in the day enabled Hill, by desperate fighting, to hold Tox's and Turner's Gap till dark, as Crampton Gap, to the south, had been held. Under cover of night all three gaps were evacuated and the Conf ed- ate forces concentrated on Sharpsburg, whither Jackson hast- ened on the fall of Harper's Ferry.


When the enemy at last succeeded in getting in on our left flank and cutting us off from the other regiments of the bri- gade. Dr. Jourdan was so near the firing line that he was not recognized as a "non-combatant," and was deliberately shot down. He was a native of Eoxboro, Caswell County, N. C. ; was most highly esteemed as a gentleman and an efiicient of- ficer, always kindly and considerate of the sick and wounded.

On the march, when the ambulance was filled with the sick, he often gave up his horse to disabled men and marched on foot himself. The whole regiment were greatly devoted to him.


Jackson captured Harper's Ferry 15 September, and by forced marches joined Lee, with most of his forces, at Sharpsburg on the 16th. McClellan advanced and threw part of his command over the Antietam Creek that night. The battle, joined at daylight of the 17th. And in that bloody Wednesday was crowded more desperate fighting and more carnage than theJSTew World had ever seen in one day. Ketreating along' the Boonsboro road, we reached the field early on the morning of the 15th, with the enemy close behind us as we crossed the bridge over Antietam Creek. We at once took position along the ridge and in an open field.

The Twenty-third regiment was here able to muster but few men, many being barefoot and absolutely unable to keep up in the forced marches over rough and stony roads. The brigade

Twenty-Third Regiment. 223

■which since Garland's fall, had been under the command of Colonel McRae, of the Fifth, went into action with Colquitt's brigade in the Confederate center, and were advancing in perfect steadiness under a heavy artillery fire from the oppo- site hills, till the unaccountable "run back" occurred. This happened as follows: The Federals advanced against us in dense lines through a corn field, which concealed the uniforms, though their flags and mounted ofiicers could be seen plainly above the corn tassels. As the blue line became more distinct, approaching the edge of the corn field, which brought it in our range, we commenced to fire and effectively held it in check. But some of Early's men, who had come from the corn field, begged iis not to fire, saying that their men were in our front. Some one in a regitaent tO' the right of us also shouted: "Cease firing. You are shooting your own men." Hands were also seen waving the line back. This confused the men. The artillery fire grew constantly hotter. Several of the regiments, nearly exterminated at Williamsburg, Seven Pines and Malvern Hill, had been recruited with raw men, largely ignorant of discipline and of the machine-like duties of a sol- dier.

At this the regiments on our right began to fall back, strag- gling through the woods in our rear. But we could plainly see that we were not firing on our friends, and in our front the enemy was firmly held in check, till we found that they were moving on our flank unopposed. This compelled us to re- tire, which was done in good order, considering the circum- stances. The greater part of our regiment stopped in a sunken road (the famous Bloody Lane) and joining the main line there, fought the remainder of the day. General Hill says distinctly that the Twenty-third was kept intact and moved to the sunken road.

The brigade was gotten together that night and early the next morning. The 18th was spent in line of battle ready for the attack which did not come. Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. Johnston was now in command of the Twenty-third, Colonel Christie having been placed in command of Gen- eral Anderson's brigade.

224 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

There is a great gap in the Southern part of the War Rec- ords covering the first Maryland campaign. The Confeder- ate reports were either lost or destroyed in that fortnight of strenuous marching and fighting. The casualties of the reg- iment at Sharpsburg, as at South Mountain, will never be ac- curately known. Captain Wall's estimate of about 45 wounded and 20 killed is believed to be right. Captain A. T. Cole, Company D, and Captain Wesley Hedspeth, Company E, are the only two ofiicers given in Moore's Roster as having been wounded, though there were almost certain twice or three times that many. Few soldiers in any war have ever been killed under the same circumstances as W. C. Watkins, of Company A. This man had been discharged as not physi- cally able to serve. But wishing to take part in one more bat- tle, he remained and fought at Sharpsburg, and fell and was found dead with the discharge in his pocket.


McClellan's desperate and repeated attempts to pierce and shatter the 'Confederate lines, had been substantially foiled. But Sharpsburg proved to us but a pyrrhic victory at best. Lee with less than 30,000, could not afford victories bought at the expense of 10,000 men, even if it inflicted a loss of 15,000 on the enemy. Holding his lines undisturbed through the 18th, he withdrew that night across the Potomac, near Shep- herdstown. Just as the last of our own army crossed the enemy appeared and a brush occurred, but they did not press us closely till the next day, when we turned and drove them back with fearful loss.

After returning to Virginia, our command lay encamped till late in October along the Opequon, not far from its battle ground of 19 September, 1864. The region was one of great thrift and plenty. The long rest was exceedingly grateful to our weary and foot-sore men. During this campaign an in- trepid deed was performed near Bunker Hill by Frank Bow- ers, of Company A. He was then driving an ammunition wagon drawn by six mules. The jolting over the rough road exploded one of the shells in his wagon and others rapidly followed. Few men would have hesitated at instant flight.

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ISTo man could have been expected to do otherwise. But Bow- ers was one of that heroic mold which never abandons a trust or a duty. With marvellous presence of mind and courage, he sprang to the ground, unhitched the team, and escaped with them all unhurt from the verge of the volcano of bursting shells. Yet history vouchsafes this gallant fellow but the stint of two words, one of them abbreviated to a single letter, "k, Gettysburg." (Killed at Gettysburg.)

Here the army was recruited and reorganized. The Twen- ty-third received its share of recruits. What was more im- portant, it was strengthened by the return of many of its mem- bers who had recovered from wounds and diseases. Colonel Alfred Iverson, of the Twentieth JSTorth Carolina, was, after Sharpsburg, commissioned Brigadier-General and assumed command of the brigade. The Thirteenth Regiment was about this time transferred to Scales' Brigade, leaving bri- gaded with us the Fifth, Twelfth and Twentieth

In November came the march southeast to Fredericksburg. The following incident a trifling flotsam of memory oc- curring in this month, will illustrate the humorous side of a soldier's life. One of the Staff officers of the regiment, for slightly overstaying a leave to visit some ladies was, as was the usage, placed under arrest by Colonel Christie. ISTow an officer under arrest must march in the rear of the regiment, and cannot address his superior officer except in writing. This incompetency to address the Colonel would have been without complications except for the fact tliat the weather was cold and the above officer and the Colonel were bed-fellows and slept on a very narrow bunk. J^ow not even a Confederate soldier was willing that all the freezing that fell to his lot should be endured by one half of his body. So an occasional turning of the frozen side in was a sine qua non. But a lux- ury of this kind could be safely obtained only by co-opera- tion— there must be a simultaneous action of both occupants of the bunk or dire consequence might follow. For co-opera- tion communication is essential. Written communication in the dark was impossible. Finally after long consultation with two other officers in the same tent the Colonel remain- ]5

226 North Caeolina Troops, 1861-65.

ing a silent, but doubtless highly amused auditor it was de- cided that an officer under arrest might in extremity, address his superior by proxy. Thi-s was forthwith done, a change of base effected and Confederate comfort assured.


The Twenty-third took no active part in repelling the Federal army now under Burnside at Fredericksburg.

We were held in reserve near Hamilton's Crossing behind Early on the right. Here, though exposed to the artillery fire from Stafford Heights, only one man was killed and a few hit. But Sunday morning, 14 December, our division was carried around and placed in the front line on the extreme right. During the day we affiliated for a while with the Federal officers in our front, truce being granted by Lee to Burnside to bury his dead.

That evening preparations were made for a night attack. A white band on the arm was to be the distinguishing badge of our troops in the night assault. These were provided and, we believe, in a few instances, actually put on. JSTo attack was ordered, the crushing blow that we had so easily dealt the enemy not being yet realized by our commanders.

On Monday night, 15 December, a picket line from our regiment was thrown well to the front. Captain H. G. Tur- ner, of Company H, in command of the pickets, seems to have been the first man in the afmy to discover signs of the Federal retreat across the Rappahannock. The night was boisterous, a strong northwesterly wind had, as is so often the case, followed the snow fall of some days ago. This wind muifled any sounds in the enemy's lines, which were to the east of us. But Captain Turner observed a scarcely precepti- ble, though incessant fiickering of the lights on the distant hills across the river. This he could account for only on the theory that long columns of troops were there moving under cover of night. This movement he at once construed to be a retreat. What he had seen and the inferences he drew there- from, were at once reported to his superiors. Nothing came of his report. Soon after Fredericksburg, General Eodes

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was placed in command of our division, General Hill being assigned to another position.

The battle over, we went into winter quarters near Freder- icksburg, out towards Guinea Station. Here, in January or February, 1863, we took part in a great snow battle. The long roll was beaten and the brigade ignorant of what it was to do, fell into line, officers at their posts as if for real battle. Or- ders were given and we marched rapidly out towards Dole's Georgia brigade, which we were to attack. The Georgians had thrown up breastworks of snow, prepared a supply of snow balls and were ready for us. It was a grateful relief from the tedium of camp life and the men entered with zest into the sport. After preparing as much ammunition as we could conveniently carry, our line m.oved forward to the as- sault. The battle, though brief, was sharp, many of us were knocked down and several quite seriously hurt, but the snow fort was stormed, our opponents routed and chased back through their camp. Many prisoners Were taken. The horse play was ended by rolling in the snow a supercilious general officer participating in the fun. The irate General sought a court-martial, but was told that an officer waived his rank when he took part in frolics of that kind.

The enemy was still in full force across the river opposite us. This kept Lee's army constantly on the qui vive. Our regiment did a great deal of shivering picket duty on the Rappahannock below Fredericksburg. The winter was one of great rigor. The men, though pretty well hardened, suf- fered severely from want of proper clothing and food and from exposure. Some time in January or February the command was marched to Mine Run, and though they did only a little desultory fighting, they suffered much hardship from cold, being held in line in the snow for several days and nights. The enemy being in sight, no fires could be allowed and our suffering was intense.


If the consensus of the intelligent opinion of the world was taken as to what battle gave most lustre to Southern generalship, it would almost surely designate Chancellors-

228 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ville. Lee holding strong positions along the Rappahannock and higher up upon its tributary, the Eapidan, had deemed it expedient to detach Longstreet to spend part of the winter near Suilolk, Va., gathering supplies from that region and from Eastern North Carolina. Thus less than 55,000 men were left to confront Hooker, who had superceded Burnside as commander of the Federal army.

Hooker took advanage of this separation of the Confeder- ate forces by strategic stroke that may, in its inception, be called brilliant. Making a feint against Lee's front at Fred- ericksburg and his right below that place, he suddenly 29 and 30 April, 1863, threw 120,000 men across the Rapidan on the Confederate left flank. Had Hooker possessed the har- dihood and moral courage of Grant and have advanced from the Wilderness into the open country where his vastly supe- rior force could have told, things must have gone hard with Lee. But as has been well said, while Hooker hesitated, Lee acted. Jackson, with 22,000 men, by a rapid march whose very boldness bewildered the enemy, swept from Hooker's left flank across his front and fell upon the unsuspecting right flank like a bolt from the skies.

The Twenty-third took a highly important part in this bril- liant movement. It led the van in Jackson's immortal march. Friday evening and Saturday morning, 2 May, its skirmish line was in contact with the enemy not far from the Chancellor House. At daybreak, it was so hastily with- drawn that two of its companies, then on the skirmish line, were left behind and did not rejoin the regiment till late in the evening.

Our regiment on being withdrawn from contact with the Federals, went swiftly forward through the Wilderness, striking now and then a dim path or road. Strict silence was enforced, the men being allowed to speak only in whis- pers. Occasionally a courier would spxir his tired horse past us as we twisted through the brush. For hours at the time we neither saw or heard anything. Great was the curiosity to know where we were going and what "Old Jack" was about. But we agreed tliat he did know and that the novel march meant much. Our brigade led tlie division, our regi-

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ment the brigade. While swinging onward a turn in the dim road brought us suddenly face to face with a piece of Federal artillery, which firing point blank, double-shotted with canister, struck down the head of the column, discon- certing for a moment many of the bravest. Major C. C. Blacknall, with rare presence of mind, instantly rallied a company and springing forward with the bayonets, captured the piece before it could be reloaded.

During the afternoon we reached the position assigned to us. The Twenty-third was the very last regiment on the left wing of the army. Tired, breathless, but bouyant, we lay down in the woods near the unwary foe and waited till or- dered to attack. As the afternoon passed we were swung around still farther to the left and to the rear of the right flank of the Federal Eleventh Corps. The attack was begun back to our right. As the sun was round and red and low, the regiment moved directly towards it on the foe. At the first sight of the Federals, we were ordered to yell our loudest and to move forward up the hill at the double quick. We struck their very rear, charging in over their beef slaughter- ing and cooking detail. The enemy began jumping up before us and holding up their hands to surrender. But little re- sistance was met with, the surprised enemy surrendering or breaking before us in the wildest rout and disorder. Chas- ing them like hares, our boys surged forward. Prisoners, pieces of artillery, a regimental flag and countless stands of small arms were taken by the Twenty-third. Albutress Gabriel, a private in Company K, captured a brigade com- mander. The frenzied flight of the foe is well illustrated by a cannon which was seen hanging up a tree. In the panic it' had been driven over a small tree which bent under its weight, but finally broke it loose from the caisson in front. Then the upspring of the tree raised the entangled gun from the ground. There it hung as eloquent an attest of mad flight as perchance war has ever seen. We soon emerged into a large field occupied by a large part of Hooker's army. Their line of battle was snugly intrenched, but the works faced the wrong way. We came up obliquely behind their works. Their line, in hurriedly trying to face about and

230 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

meet us, was soon tangled and scattered pell-mell all over tlie big field. Over this field rushed helter-skelter cannon, wagons, loose horses, dogs, men, everything. A spectacled Adjutant was here shot dead with a congratulatory order in his hand, telling that Lee was surrounded and would be cap- tured the next day. It was well into the night before our onset spent itself and we must have been then not very far from the point from which we set out in the early morning. Then were heard all through the woods the Yankee officers calling out and offering to surrender. We heard distinctly without knowing its fateful meaning, the sudden outburst of musketry which struck down the right arm "of Lee and of the Confederacy Stonewall Jackson.

Our loss that night was small, as it had been with us rather a chase than a fight. Our turn to fight came the next morn- ing.

On Saturday night both Lee and Hooker made different dispositions for the stem Sabbath work to come. Major Eowe, of the Twelfth, having been wounded the evening be- fore, Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. Johnston, of the Twenty- third, commanded the Twelfth in this battle. Iverson's brigade went into action on the left of the Confederate line and to the left of the plank road. Having been in the first line the day before, it was now placed in the second line as a support. Our brigade reached the first line as it was falling back from its assault on the third line of Federal intrench- ments. General Eodes says of this attack: "The enemy was compelled to fall back and pressing on Colonel Hall's two regiments (Fifth and Twenty-sixth Alabama) together with the Twenty-third Worth Carolina, Colonel Christie, carried the heights in magnificent style, planting their flags inside the works."

The rest of Eodes', Iverson's and Pender's troops were re- pulsed. This exposed the three above regiments, and an overwhelming flanking attack by the Federal Generals, French and later Humphreys, being made, they were forced to retire with heavy loss in killed, wounded and prisoners. But the troops which had been repulsed soon rallied and on being

Twenty-Third Eegiment. 231

reinforced, drove back the attacking forces and the general Confederate advance followed.

Major N. A. Gregory (then Lieutenant Company I) gives a graphic account of several incidents in the battle. He says substantially as follows: "They (Pender's men) had cap- tured two lines of works from the enemy and were standing behind the second line when we came up. They told us that they were out of ammunition and could go no further. Gen- eral Pender went forward with iis. After crossing a little branch and fighting for some time in a hot place, Pender told us to charge. We rushed ahead. My company was on the right. I bore to the right of the road and got into a little fort, which stood in the open field near the road. Here I seized a rifle from a man who went into the fort with me and blamed away at the colors of the Federal artillery company that was then moving off the field. Just then this man called my attention to the shots coming in on our left. As we two were alone, we got out of there. I suppose that we went closer to the Chancellor Plouse than any other command that day. These shots were from French's flanking force about to strike the Confederate left."

The loss of the Twenty-third at Chancellorsville, which is said to have been 50 per cent, larger than any other regiment in the brigade, was ofiicially reported by General Kodes at 173 killed, wounded and missing. Moore's Eoster gives the casualties as follows: Wounded 48, killed 17, mortally wounded 6. Captain Wesley Hedspeth, Company B, was killed. Lieutenant James S. Knight, Company B, was mor- tally wounded, dying that night. Lieutenant Washington F. Overton, Company G, was wounded and burned with many of our dead, and probably some other wounded, in the fire that raged that morning in the woods to the left of the plank road und east of the -little aldertangled branch. Captain A. T. Cole was wounded and captured while being carried to the rear. Major C. C. Blacknall and Lieutenant George B. Bul- lock were, with the men they led forward, surroimded and captured in a redoubt of the work which they had just car- ried. These two ofiicers after being fellow prisoners in the

232 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Old Capitol Prison at Washington with Miss Belle Boyd, the famous Confederate spy, were exchanged in two weeks and took part in the Gettysburg campaign.


In no period of the war was the Southern heart more buoy- ant or did hope gleam brighter or larger than when it was known that Lee's victorious army had invaded the ISTorth. All things now seemed possible. But at no period of the struggle was hope really more fallacious and deceptive. Southern Independence had already been lost. Chancellors- ville was its grave. With Gettysburg won and Vicksburg lost, Southern Independence could not have been attained. But Chancellorsville won decisively and overwhelmingly won Lee could easily have detached a force to relieve Vicks- burg. ■ Chancellorsville must have been a decisive and over- whelming victory but for the fatal blunder of one man a man brave and otherwise competent. At 5 :30 p. m. Satur- aay evening, 2 May, 1863, Jackson held the fate of Hooker's army in the hollow of his hand. His subordinates had but to move forward when and where he had distinctly ordered, and within an hour a blow would have been struck the enemy, which, followed up with a tithe of Jackson's energy, could have ended only in Hooker's undoing. This unfortunate of- ficer was General Colquitt, commanding a Georgia brigade, to whom had been assigned an exceedingly important posi- tion on Jackson's right. The duty assigned this wing was to strike the routed Eleventh Corps on the flank and rear and not only destroy or capture it, but what was even more im- portant, assail the other commands then open to attack. But this duty was never performed. Colquitt saw some horsemen in Federal uniform on his right front. The apprehension of an attack on this flank an impossible thing sud- denly overcame him. He halted his regiments and changed front and also forced Ramsevir's brigade to do likewise. Having the right of way over the "Stonewall" brigade and four regiments of Stuart's cavalry his halt halted them. This change of front and the purposeless marching it entailed, kept inactive seventeen regiments of excellent troops for an

Twenty-Third Regiment. 233

hour an hour as big with fate as battle field ever saw. For in that hour the torrent of Federal rout passed by to a place of safety, flooker, or his subordinates, made new dis- positions and brought up their powerful artillery. When at length the seventeen regiments came up and the Confederates moved forward the golden opportunity had passed ; rout and disorder had with the foe given place to order and determi- nation. Jackson, realizing the exigency of the new turn in the battle, went forward to inform himself and fell.

But to return to the Gettysburg campaign. Leaving the vicinity of Fredericksburg 4 June, 1863, we marched, via Culpepper Court House and Front Royal, to Berryville, Va. Here the army captured the camp equipage of 1,500 men who fled without a battle. Thence to Winchester, where 3,000 of Milroy's men were taken and marched past ouv com- mand. At Martinsburg we cut the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road and pressing forward, waded the Potomac at Williams- port on Monday, 15 June. Passing through Chambers- burg we reached Carlisle, the northern limit of our invasion, about 2Y June. The Twenty-third acted as provost guard at several places on this march. At Carlisle we rested for several days in the Federal barracks. Here many of our jaded, weary boys, drank too much United States Government whiskey and a battle with a Georgia regiment, for the time likewise drowning their weariness, was narrowly averted. Many of the Carlisle people knew General Iverson, he having been quartered in the barracks there when a Lieutenant in the Federal army.

As Lee threw our corps (Ewell's) north to Carlisle, threat- ening Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania, he concen- trated his other two corps, A. P. Hill's and Longstreet's, at Chambersburg on his line of communications. Stuart having taken his cavalry on his famous, but fatal, raid around the Federal army, Lee was long in complete ignorance of the ene- mies whereabouts.

Orders had already been given for the march on Harris- burg, when on the night of the 29th Lee, then at Chambers- burg, learned from a scout that the enemy were on his right

234 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

flank, the head of their column being then near Frederick, our resting place of the fall before.

Our corps was at once put in rapid motion southward. The intelligence received had changed Lee's whole plan. His plan now was to concentrate at Oashtown with the mountains at his back and beyond them the rich Cumberland Valley, for a granary. Here Meade, who had now superceded Hook- er, would have had to attack us with everything in our favor. A. P. Hill, contrary to orders, precipitated battle at Gettys- burg with the enemy on the defensive and everything in their favor. However, it is but fair to General Hill to add, that owing to the absence of cavalry, he had no means of knowing that the forces unexpectedly interposed between him and Get- tysburg, whither part of his command was marching to pro- cure a supply of shoes, were other than militia or at most a small detachment of Meade's army.

Leaving Carlisle on Tuesday, the last day of June, we marched swiftly southward. Cherries were ripe along the rock-walled lanes. Bringing camp hatchets out, fruit ladened limbs were severed and we regaled ourselves as we swung onward. The spirit and morale of the army were then superb. Many German-descended members of our regiment belong- ing to the companies raised in Lincoln, Catawba, Gaston and Montgomery Counties, were in this region amid, or not far from, their kin. From here their ancestors had emigrated to North Carolina about one h\mdred years before. But I doubt if many of them thought of it at that time. Little did the families at the separation imagine that the descendants of the emigrants should in a generation or two return as in- vaders to the old home. To this day (1900) there are Ger- man families around Gettysburg which recognize their dis- tant kinship to and occasionally visit their people who came to this State about 1750.

But to return to the subject in hand. Sounds of strenuous battle reached us early on the morning of Wednesday, 1 July, as we pressed forward towards Gettysburg, the obscure Dutch town so soon to be made famous. Our brigade (Tver- son's) led Ewell's corps and was the first to become engaged as he hurried forward to succor A. P. Hill, tlien hard

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pressed. At Willoughby Run our Field Officers dis- mounted. Approaching from the north by the Heidelburg road till within about a mile of the field of battle, we were filed off by the right flank to the Mummersburg road. As we emerged from the woods and moved down the slope to the latter road twenty pieces of artillery opened on us with grape, from the left, inflicting some loss.

The Mummersburg road here runs east and west. Very close to the road on the south side stands the Forney house. This house stands in the northwest corner of the Forney field, which extends about half a mile from the house along the Mummersburg road, and is about a quarter of a mile broad. Across this road near the Forney house the brigade was form- ed facing east. Along the path or eastern side of the field and on a ridge ran a stone fence, which formed part of the enemy's line. Behind this fence, alone, lay hidden from view, more men than our assaulting column contained. A body of woods extended from the southeastern corner of the field for about two hundred yards along its southern side.

The brigade, about 1,450 strong, advanced under artillery fire through the open grass field in gallant style, as evenly as if on parade. But our brigade commander (Iverson) after or- dering us foTAvard, did not follow us in that advance, and our alignment soon became false. There seems to have been utter ignorance of the force crouching behind the stone wall. For our brigade to have assailed such a stronghold thus held, would have been a desperate undertaking. To advance southeast against the enemy, visible in the woods at that cor- ner of the field, exposing our left flank to an enfilading fire from the stronghold was fatal. Yet this is just what we did. And unwarned, unled as a brigade, went forward Iverson's deserted band to its doom. Deep and long must the desolate homes and orphan children of North Carolina rue the rash- ness of that hour.

When we were in point blank range the dense line of the enemy rose from its protected lair and poured into us a with- ering fire from the front and both flanks. For Battle's bri- gade, ordered to protect our left flank, had been thrown into confusion by the twenty pieces of artillery and repulsed by

236 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

tlie right wing of the Federal line just as we came up. This effected, the enemy moving under cover of the ridge and woods, disposed his forces to enfilade our right from the woods just as our left was enfiladed from the stone fence.

Pressing forward with heavy loss under deadly fire our regiment, which was the second frojn the right, reached a hollow or low place, running irregularly north, east and south- west through the field. We were then about eighty yards from the stone fence to the left and somewhat further from the woods to the right, from both of which, as well as from the more distant corner of the field in our front, poured down upon us a pitiless rifle fire.

Unable to advance, unwilling to retreat, the brigade lay down in this hollow or depression in the field and fought as best it could. Terrible was the loss sustained, our regiment losing the heaviest of all in killed, as from its position in line the cross enfilading fire seems to have been the hottest just where it lay. Major C. C. Blacknall was shot through the mouth and neck before the advance was checked. Lieuten- ant-Colonel R. D. Johnson was desperately, and Colonel D. H. Christie mortally wounded, as the line lay in the bloody hollow. There, too, fell every commissioned officer save one ; the recorded death-roll footing up 54 killed and 82 wounded. The real loss was far greater, almost surely 50 per cent, greater. Captain Gr. T. Baskerville, Company I; Lieutenant C. W. Champion, Company Gr, and Adjutant Junius B. French, were killed. Captain A. D. Peace, Company E, and Lieutenant Wm. M. Mundy were wounded. Captain H. <jr. Turner, Company H, was wounded and captured. Cap- tain Wm. H. Johnston, Company K, was captured.

The carnage was great along our whole line which, except the Twelfth Regiment on the right, was at the mercy of the enemy. The Twelfth, under Colonel Davis, protected some- what by the lay of the field and being further from the stone wall, refused both wings and fighting to right, left and front, gallantly beat off its assailants till help came.

Kamseiir was now hastening to otir relief. The wary foe aware of this, swarmed over the wall and rushed down upon our weakened line. Leaving the wounded they drove off

Twenty-Third Regiment. 237

with bayonets and clubbed muskets 49 prisoners and carried our flag with thefm. The One Hundred and First New York regiment has marked with a stone the point reached in this charge. It stands about where the Twenty-third lay. This rush was all over in a moment, for Ramseur was coming up. This gallant officer, had he continued to advance as he started, straight against the stone fence, must have met with disaster just as we did. It is said that Lieutenant Crowder, of Com- pany A, and Lieutenant Dugger, of another regiment, ran back and advised him to file oj0f to the left and strike the Federal right. At any rate he effected this movement with brilliant and decisive success. The enemy saw it and ap- prehending its meaning, strove to change front to meet him. They were too late. Ramseur caught them in the act, and his rifles silent till then, enfiladed their line along the stone fence with terrible and crushing effect. This fire also killed Rial Stewart, and perhaps others of our regiment, who had just been captured and were being taken to the Federal rear.

Ramseur's onset began the enemy's reverses which ended in their being driven back through the town of Gettysburg with the loss of 5,000 prisoners, besides many killed and wounded. What was left of our regiment and brigade went forward in the attack and pursuit. Fire was opened on us from the houses as we rushed into the place, but we shouted that we would burn the town unless it stopped. The firing ceased.

General Rodes said that Iverson's men fought and died like heroes. When the brigade went from its position in the hollow its dead and wounded lay in distinctly marked line of battle from one end to the other. The imperfect returns show 512 killed and wounded. The most careful estimate makes it over 750. A member of the Twenty-third lying stone dead, his musket clinched in his hand and five bullets through his head attests the close and deadly fire under which they lay. Thirty-five years after the battle the writer found in the clay of the pits from which Iverson's dead had been re- moved to Richmond, flattened bullets which had evidently fallen from the disinterred skeletons. The field was even then a veritable mine of war relics bullets, grape shot and pieces

238 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

of shrapnel. Lieutenant George B. Bullock, Company I, said that it was the only battle and he was in all in which his command was engaged from Williamsburg to Appomattox where the blood ran like a branch. And that too, on the hot, parched'ground.

The handful left of our regiment were not taken into ac- tion on the second or third day at Gettysburg. While being conveyed, wounded, on the retreat through South Mountain Sunday night. Colonel Christie, Lieutenant-Colonel Johnston and Major Blacknall were captured by Kilpatrick's cavalry near Monterey Springs. Christie and Johnston were rescued by the Confederate cavalry and carried to Williamsport. Blacknall escaped on Kilpatrick's own horse, but being too badly wounded for rapid flight, was recaptured.

Colonel Christie died at Winchester, Va., and in his native county, soon after the army reached that place. His wife, whom he so longed to see, and who had hastened to him, ar- rived a few hours after he was buried.


Daniel Harvey Christie was born in Frederick County, Virginia, 28 March, 1833, and was educated at a military school. He became a citizen of Henderson, N. C, in 1857. The breaking out of the war found him in charge of the Hen- derson Military Institute which he had established. His gallant conduct and wounds at Seven Pines and Cold Harbor have al- ready been mentioned.

Although the latter wound was very severe, within sixty days he returned to his command and devoted himself dili- gently to the work of recruiting and disciplining his regi- ment. At South Mountain his management of his regiment was such as to elicit from General Garland words of the highest praise for himself and his regiment, a few minutes before Garland fell. After Sharpsburg he commanded An- derson's brigade till Colonel Bryan Grimes reported for duty. At Gettysburg, his last battle, Christie's conduct was espe- cially gallant. Here he held his men in position under a most terrific fire for an hour till the whole regiment was

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killed, wounded or captured, except a Lieutenant and sixteen men. He was in the act of leading a charge against the stone fence when he fell, with his men and officers thick around him. Colonel Christie was buried at Winchester, another Colonel of the Twenty-third being laid by his side a year later.


George Thomas Baskerville was born in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, 16 October, 1827. He graduated with high honors at the University of North Carolina at the age of 17, being the valedictorian of his class delivering his address in Latin. About 1849, he became a citizen of Granville County.

Captain Baskerville was without military ambition. But, impelled by a strong sense of duty, he joined the army and was elected Captain of Company I, Twenty-third North Car- olina, in 1862. Refusing promotion he remained with his company, serving with courage and ability. Falling, wounded to death, at Gettysburg, he died the next day. His devoted wife crushed at the tidings of his death, took to her bed and never rose again. Captain Baskerville was of the highest type of Southern gentlemen. He was a devout Christian, a good neighbor and a devoted husband. His domestic life was a most beautiful one. Plighting their troth when chil- dren, marrying very early in life, their devotion to each other was complete. And when the sturdy oak was stricken down, the clinging vine fell with it.

The virtual destruction of Iverson's brigade at Gettysburg was largely, if not wholly, owing to the fact that it had no bri- gade commander on the field to govern its movements, as a whole, in accordance with the exigencies of the battle and to halt it before it entered, unsuspecting, the deathtrap laid for it. Iverson's part in the heroic struggle of his brigade seems to have begun and ended with the order to move forward and "Give them hell." The brigade refusing to serve under him longer, he was transferred to the cavalry and Lieutenant-Col- onel R. D. Johnston was commissioned brigadier and assumed command on 8 September, 1863. General lyerson's conduct

240 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

at Chancellorsville had also been severely criticised. Where he was when Pender led forward his (Iverson's) brigade, has never been explained. The Confederate newspapers of that period spoke of strained relations between Lee and Davis be- cause Davis refused to let Lee court-martial the "delinquent brigadiers" for their action, or rather non-action, at Gettys- burg. However, the fact of any coldness between them was denied.


On the retreat we crossed the Potomac at Falling Waters near Williamsport, 10 July. After operating in the valley for a short while, our corps moved towards Madison Court House. Here we rested till Lee's move 9 October to strike Meade's flank, who was then at Culpepper Court House. On that march the Twenty-third, Fifth and part of the Twelfth, all under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, of the Twelfth, crossed the Eapidan at Raccoon Ford. This detachment was highly commended for a gallant charge on a battery and its support. The regiment sustained loss both at Vidiersville and near Brandy Station during the same move- ment.

We went into winter quarters near Orange Co^irt House. But, in February, or March, our brigade was detached to guard bridges over the JSTorth and South Anna rivers, near Hanover Court House. Here we were recruited, equipped, and put in good trim.

In barracks at Taylorsville, near Hanover, with no enemy near, the command had the only really good time during the war. The only thing like work was the attempt to overtake the raiding force imder Dahlgren. Neat uniforms and even pleated-bosom shirts, long unknown, were here to be seen, and some of the boys bent on luxury in the extreme thorough- going sybarites— actually boarded out. Eating regularly three times a day, keeping dry and sleeping warm of nights seem.ed a preposterous thing to a Confederate soldier. We even went into politics. 11 March, 1864, the brigade held a convention at Taylorsville, endorsing Vance as against Hol- den and his treasonable influences. But there never was a

Twenty-Third Regiment. 241

dream so bright, or paradise so sweet that some one did not come to spoil it. Grant spoiled ours.

Beginning at midnight of 3 May, 1864, Grant, now Com- mander-in-Chief of the Federal armies, suddenly threw nearly 120,000 men under Meade, across the Eapidan. Grant's plan was to flank Lee out of his entrenched position on Mine Run and fight him somewhere between the river and Eiichmond if he would > stand. That Lee did stand is at- tested by the fall during this movement of more Federals than Lee had men. Our brigade left Taylorsville at 11 a. m., 4 May and by the (Quickest forced march on record covered sixty-six miles in twenty-three hours. Ar'my mules fell dead in their traces under the severe strain, but without stopping for bivouac, or hardly for rest, we held out and reached the plank road near the Wilderness Tavern, on the 5th.

Dead tired as we were, we were ordered forward about sun- set, with J. B. Gordon's brigade. The movement was under Gordon's command and was directed against the Federal right. Driving the enemy back a mile or more with slight loss to ourselves, we halted on the turnpike and slept as even tired soldiers hardly ever slept before. During the night of 7 May, Grant began his flanking movement around Lee's right. Lee swung Anderson's division aroimd and headed him off at Spottsylvania Court House. It was while on the march to Spottsylvania that Johnston's brigade was, much to their regret, transferred from Rodes' division to Early's, Early being assigned temporarily to the command of Hill's corps, Gordon commanded the division.

On the 9th, at Spottsylvania, our brigade, with 300 or 400 men, made a reconnoissance on the Confederate right and drove back a division of Burnside's corps, but seeing himself nearly enveloped by the enemy in overwhelming force, Johnston withdrew his brigade in time to escape cap- ture. The Twenty-third lost .20 to 30 men in this move. Sergeant Thomas Powell was wounded, captured and died a few days later in Washington. Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, of the Twelfth, was now in conimand of the Twenty-third. 16

242 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

About this time the brigade now but a handful, fought and ran off a heavy cavalry force endeavoring to hold the high and open ground around the old court house . at Spottsylvania. The cavalry vs^as a splendid body and fought desperately, but no incident of the war was more relished by the boys than trouncing and chasing that prim set of blue-coated horsemen.

We took no part in the battle of 10 May till nearly sun- set. The enemy had broken over the works by Dole's bri- gade and were advancing direct against General Lee's head- quarters. While other troops assaulted his flanks, our bri- gade took the most important part in repelling this assault of the enemy. The men refused to go forward till General Lee, then on the field, went to the rear. The following account of the battle is from notes of Captain A. T. Cole, ,made not long after the war : "About sunset the enemy broke through our line at an angle in the works and were advancing rapidly towards General Lee's headquarters then in sight, and directly before them. Our brigade was doubled-quicked by the right flank in column from behind a pine thicket where it had been resting and concealed. Emerging suddenly in their front, then going by the left flank in line of battle, we met and drove the enemy back across the breastworks and regained sev- eral pieces of artillery which were still in position. Some of the Confederate gunners who, concealed in the cannon pits, had escaped capture, now sprung out and used the guns very effectively on the retreating Federals. Just as the brigade faced by the left flank and advanced towards the enemy, T saw facing the head of the column General Lee on horseback, hat in hand, cheering on the men, within not more than 100 yards of the enemy. The flghting lasted till probably 9 o'clock that night. Killed and wounded in our regiment numbered 20 to 25."

In making the charge Major Brooks, of the Twentieth JSTorth Carolina, and Captain Jos. F. Johnston, Aid-de-Camp to General E,. D. Johnston, were competitors in a race for a Federal flag which had been planted on the captured Confed- erate works now held by three lines of battle. Brooks reached out his hand just in front of Johnston and seized the flag, carried it back to the rear and presented it to General Lee

Twenty-Thtrd Regiment. 243

with the request that it be sent back to North Carolina as one of the trophies of the brigade. It was sent to this State with a letter from General Lee very complimentary to North Caro- lina troops.

After repulsing the attack of the 10th, the brigade was again withdrawn, occupying its place on reserve till the 12th. Daybreak 12 May, a foggy, dismal dawn as May ever saw, found us at the Harris House half a mile to the rear of the apex of Lee's salient, thence forward to be known as the "Bloody Angle." The Confederate line of fortification swept around Spottsylvania Court House in an irregular semi-circle seven miles long. A mile due north of the Court House a spur in the hills made it necessary, in order to prevent the en- emy from occupying a commanding position, to construct a great angle or salient in the works. This salient, not unlike a huge horse shoe in shape, was about three-fourths of a mile long and half a mile broad at its base. This position, with artilleiy, was strong ; but without, it was weak. Lee believ- ing that Grant had resumed his movement by the left flank, had ordered the withdrawal of all artillery on this part of the line not easy of access. On the night of the 11th General Ed. Johnson, who with his division of 2,000 men, held the toe of the horse shoe, apprehending an attack from the movements in his front, asked that the artillery be returned. The guns were just going back into position when at daylight Grant threw a solid imass of 20,000 men against Johnston's 2,000, taking the guns before they could open fire. The victorious enemy then pressed onwards to seize the whole salient and pierce Lee's centre. Our weak brigade in bivouac at the Harris House, half a mile to the rear, were the only troops immediately available to stem the onset. General Gordon at the sudden outbreak of battle, threw us forward. Going for- ward at the double quick in the woods below the McCool House and far down in the salient, we ran upon the Federals coming forward in three dense lines of battle. Our numbers were so few and the enemy so strong, the intervening distance so short, that twice Federal Line Officers came within ten steps of us and demanded the surrender of the brigade. Our reply in both instances was a volley that struck down the ven-

244 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

turesome officer and for a moment staggered the oncoming host.

But what availed a few hundred against 20,000. The bri- gade after one of the bloodiest combats of the war and with heavy loss, was forced backward fighting desperately as it went. Other troops soon came up, striking the invaders on both flanks. The brigade reformed and renewed the battle. General K. D. Johnston seized the flag of the Twenty-third and ordered a charge. The brigade rushed forward carrying the position in their front, Johnston falling wounded as he planted the flag on their works. The struggle continued with the utmost fury till night. On the 14th Lee withdrew to a line of works constructed across the base of the salient. Our regiment, though small, contained many a gallant spirit and many heroic deeds were done on that dark and dismal mom. E. S. (Scip.) Hart, the flag bearer of the Twenty-third, was especially brave ; again and again rushing forward with the colors, which were never for a moment lowered except when Scip was felled by a clubbed musket in the hands of a stal- wart Yankee. Among the captured on that terrible day was Captain A. D. Cole, Company A. It was Captain Cole's fate, along with Lieutenants Coggin and Bullock, to form three of the six hundred officers which the Federals placed un- der the Confederate fire at Charleston for several weeks in 1864, and to endure the horrible tortures inflicted on them by starvation at Port Royal a little later. The minute stint of spoiled meal a gill a day and pickle on which they sub- sisted for forty days ended by killing Lieutenant Coggin and bringing Captain Cole to death's door and keeping him there for agonizing months and even years. This too, crown- ing three years of gallant service in the field. To few, if any, of all the sons of the South was it given to endure more and suffer more in her defense than did this gallant officer.


After the Bloody Angle fight our brigade was engaged in the battle of the 19th. Colonel C. C. Blacknall, commis- sioned Colonel 15 August, 1863, had been exchanged in May, and after commanding a brigade at Petersburg for several weeks, joined his regiment about 1 June and assumed com-

Twenty-Third Regiment. 245

mand. Leaving camp near Cold Harbor at 3 a. m. 18 June 1864, we went with the corps now commanded by Early, on the Valley campaign. Marching to the railroad at Char- lottesville we took cars for Lynchburg, on which Hunter was rapidly advancing. We arrived just in the nick of time to save the town. Passing at double quick through the streets, within twenty minutes after leaving the cars we were skir- mishing with Hunter's advance guard.

Lieutenant Crowder, the same officer whose suggestion to General Ramseur at Gettysburg proved of so much value, and a brave and efficient officer, was severely wounded that night whole posting the picket lines.

Skirmishing at Liberty and driving Hunter across to Salem and westward into the mountains. Early wheeled suddenly up the valley.

There was a little loitering to see what Hunter would do, during which the army making a detour crossed the Natural bridge and rested there a few hours, which detour to see the bridge was put to a vote of the men and earned by a small majority. Leg-weariness is a great stifler to curiosity. However, pretty soon the race up the valley begun. Staun- ton was reached 27 June. Pressing rapidly forward we reached Harper's Ferry on 4 July. Our advance had been so rapid and unexpected that we here surprised and broke up a Fourth of July celebration, our advance guard eating with appetites whetted by hard marching, the feast not intended for us. As the enemy held the heights beyond the river and commanded the approaches to Harper's Ferry with artillery, only the skirmish line went into the toA'S'n, except a few ven- turesome officers who galloped do^\m that night, fired on in every moonlit stretch by the Federal guns. Crossing the Potomac a few miles above, our forces for a few days made feints here and there to confuse the enemy as to our designs.

But, finally, we dashed off for Washington. On 9 July we met Lew Wallace at Monocacy Junction, near Frederick, Maryland, who gave battle to bar our way to the Federal Capital. Resisting our advance through the town, Wallace made a determined stand at Monocacy river.

Wliile Gordon's Division crossed the river and strviek

246 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

the enemy's right flank, Johnston's brigade was ordered to capture a block house on the other side of the Baltimore and Ohio Eailroad. A considerable force of the enemy were in a railroad cut and perfectly protected. The Twenty-third under Colonel Blacknall, made a dash for the block house, but were met by a hot enfilading fire from the line of battle in the railroad cut. A heavy battery across the river also swept them with a raking fire. Captain W. C. Wall, Company F, was severely wounded. Colonel Blacknall was stunned for the moment by an impact of a bullet on the head, which fortu- nately did not penetrate, and the regiment was driven back.

Upon the failure of the Twenty-third to carry the block- house. General Johnston ordered Colonel Davis, of the Twelfth, to carry it. Colonel Davis says: "General John- ston was not in a good humor and I was suffering (sick) so that I could hardly walk. However, I went forward to the ravine (not knowing of the cause of the falling back of the Twenty-third) and here halted and had picked men as videttes to reconnoitre and see all they could. Finding about the line of battle on the railroad, I sent General Johnston a mes- sage that if I advanced I would expose by men to an en- filade fire and that if he would dislodge the line of battle in the railroad cut, I could take the house without loss of men. I never heard from General Johnston. In the -meantime the fight was going on on the other side (of the river) between Wallace, of Ben Hur fame, and Gordon. Three lines of bat- tle engaged Gordon's one, and now General Wallace begins to retreat. His men on our side then had to pass over quickly or be taken. I moved forward, and as we struck the bridge on one side the enemy were clearing it on the other." This rapid retreat of the enemy was also expedited by a company that passed under a culvert and opening a flank fire on the cut, drove the enemy out.

Wallace was defeated, with the loss of 700 prisoners our casualties being about the same and thrown back upon Bal- timore. The way thus opened we advanced a forced Sun- day march on Washington. Hot, jaded and footsore, we arrived in sight of that city and only three miles distant at 3 p. m. on Monday, 11 July. The day was one of overpower-

Twenty-Third Regiment. 247

ing heat. The troops were too completely exhausted with hard marching to have been ejBfective in imme- diate attack. A reconnoissance was made Tuesday, but the works were too strongly manned for our 10,000 men to carry. In the reconnoissance Melville Holmes, a lad belonging to Company G, of our regiment, is said to have fallen nearer to the works of the Federal Capital than any other Confederate soldier of the war. This is also said to have been the only instance in the history of the country in which a President of the United States appeared on a field of battle. Mr. Lincoln came out to the works on Tuesday to view the situation and a surgeon was shot very close to his side by Confederate sharpshooters.

Our brigade bivouacked in the grove of the famous Blair mansion. Here an 11 -inch shell from fort Massachusetts burst in the midst of the officers' mess at noon on the 12th, fortunately with no worse result than knocking the food out of some of their hands. The unauthorized burning of Gen- eral Blair's house, if done by Confederates at all, was the work of stragglers. Though there is a . strong probability that it was ignited by shells from the fort that made our din- ner party its target.

Early's division had now effected all that could be ex- pected in drawing troops from Grant's hosts around Rich- mond. Federal troops were now hastening to close the passes of South Mountain and the fords of the Potomac in his rear. Therefore after maintaining a threatening attitude against Washington all day of the 12th, and driving in a strong reconnoitering force from the works, he retreated at dark without molestation. Passing swiftly through Rock- ville and Poolsville, we crossed the Potomac at White Ford, near Leesburg, on the morning of the 14th, bringing off all prisoners and captures in safety.

Resting on the 14th and 15th near Leesburg, on the 16th we resumed the march through Snicker's Gap to the valley, the enemy following. Occasionally we had a skirmish with their cavalry.

248 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

the valley campaign.

By this time the Federals were in strong force at Harper's Ferry. Moving by Hillsboro in Loudon County, they struck our wagon trains on the 16th, inflicting some damage. We were engaged in the brush that drove them off. On the morning of the iTth, we crossed the Shenandoah at Castle- man's Ferry and took position at Berryville, our division with that of Kodes, guarding the Harper's Ferry road. There was skirmishing with the enemy on the Shenandoah. On the night of the 19th our division, Eamseur now in com- mand, was moved back towards Winchester to protect the town from the now aggressive Federals. On the 20th Ram- seur moved upon Stephenson depot, near Winchester, to at- tack Averill. The division while moving by the flank, was suddenly assailed by a large force of Averill's cavalry ad- vancing in line of battle. Thus surprised, the division was thrown into disorder. But Colonel Jackson made a gallant charge with his cavalry and E,amseur rallying his men, Averill was driven off.

The Richmond Sentinel printed about this time a commu- nication very disparaging to the North Carolina troops, and especially to Johnston's brigade, exalting Pegram's Virginia brigade at their expense. In a word it was claimed that John- ston's men ran without firing a gun and that Pegram's re- doubtables alone saved them from annihilation. Colonel C. C. Blacknall in a letter a few days after the battle, after re- ferring to the false and deprecatory account of the affair as published in The Sentinel, says: "The truth of the mat- ter and which will be attested by every gentleman who was present, was as follows : General Ramseur marched the divis- ion down the Winchester road and from the reports of the officer commanding our cavalry in front, was led to believe that the enemy in small force were at a point more distant than we found them to be after reaching the body of woods where our cavalry were in line of battle. General Ramseur formed Hoke's Brigade on the left and Johnston's on the right of the road. Pegram being in the rear when we sud- denly found the enemy in a field, immediately in our f]-ont,

Twenty-Third Regiment. 249

■we advanced and engaged him without hesitation, our men advancing under a heavy and destructive fire in splendid style. The enemy's line in the meantime overlapping Hoke's left and pouring into his flank a heavy enfilade fire which caused his left regiment to give way, the panic being commu- nicated to the other regiments of the brigade, each one in turn falling back hastily and in some confusion. While this was going on, Johnston's Brigade was steadily advancing, having broken the enemy's line in our front and caused him to fall back before our advancing column. The left of our brigade, the Twelfth and Twenty-third Regiments, had advanced to within sixty yards of the enemy's line of battle, and every toan was standing up manfully when our left was suddenly uncovered by the falling back of Hoke's brigade, the enemy pouring in a large force immediately on our flank. Our lit- tle brigade being alone and unsupported were, from the na- tiire of the case, compelled to retreat or be captured, as we could not resist the immense odds which were hurled against us.

"Pegram's Brigade being in the rear of Hoke's, joined in the race and made its escape from the place of danger as fast as heels could carry them without even attempting to make a stand. After falling back to the railroad, some distance, it was thought necessary to make a stand to cover the retreat when the Twelfth and Twenty-third ;N"orth Carolina Regi- ments, commanded respectively by Lieutenant-Colonel Davis and 'myself were the only troops that could be rallied; all the rest of the division retreating in much disorder to the fortifications. When we marched back to the line where the troops had been halted, we found Pegram's Brigade had gotten there some time before us, although the world has been informed through the papers that they covered our re- treat. General Ramseur stated to General Early tliat 'John- ston's Brigade whipped everything in its front and was last to leave the field,' which is known to be true by every man who was engaged in this unfortunate affair. The enemy had many killed and wounded in our immediate front, which in- dicated very conclusively that we were not stampeded without

250 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

firing a gun as these veracious correspondents would make the readers believe."

In Early's victory over Crook at Kernstown, 24 July, our division was sent to the left to get around Crook's right flank at Bartonsville. Crook here occupied exactly the same position that Shields did when Jackson fought him 23 March, 1862. The result of the battle was that Crook was defeated and driven back in great rout.

Then followed much arduous marching and counter-march- ing to meet and check the strong and active force which was placed under Sheridan's command early in August. The open valley country with its excellent roads gave great facil- ity for the advantageous use of cavalry, in which Sheridan was overwhelmingly strong. Our boys also did much hard work in reaping, threshing and grinding grain for food. This labor could often be done only under the protection of our guns. The Kichmond Examiner grew facetious over the merry harvesting time Early's men were having in the valley. Colonel Blacknall, writing under date of 28 August, 1864, says : "You have seen, perhaps, some facetious descriptions of our doings and not doing in the Richmond Examiner. The descriptions are drawn in the Examiner's inimitable style and quite laughable withal to one at a distance. Still the 'frugal swains' and the 'gentle shepherds' have not had quite so gay and festive a time as one might imagine ; we have, it is true, been engaged in reaping and thrashing and gathering supplies from the teeming abundance in the country; but the piping and fiddling and feasting and frolicldng, exist in the editor's fertile imagination. The lowing and bleating herd are the beef cattle which affords some very tough steak and the mean- dering, bubbling streams and gentle flowing' rivulets are often very muddy pools from which man and mules all drink indis- criminately, neither thinking themselves better than the other. If, however, any gentleman is disposed to believe that this is a gay thing, all I can say to him is, that we have a good opening for any such to come and try it."


The battle of Winchester found our little army in the val-

Twenty-Thikd Regiment. 251

ley divided. General Early has been much criticised for al- lowing his force to be attacked in detail for "fighting by divisions," as General Lee termed it. But the broad open valley country vrith its many roads along which the strong and active Federal cavalry could operate on his communications, prevented that concentration which would have made the Confederate force a unit. For Early, with 8,000 muskets, 2,500 cavalry and 1,000 artillery had, as best he could, to hold the valley against Sheridan's 35,000 infantry, nearly 10,000 cavalry and an artillery force nearly or quite as large in proportion to his army as Early's was. Round numbers are given, as the exact numbers are not known, but they are very close. Sheridan's numbers as given by Judge Mont- gomery, are considerably below those usually accepted.

Sunday night, 18 September, 1864, found Ramseur's divis- ion out on the Berryville Pike east of Winchester. John- ston's Brigade was in advance with the Twenty-third Regi- ment, thrown out on picket near the edge of the woods that skirt the Opequon. Their position was a little north of the pike, but very near to it and a mile or more from the stream. As the enemy was known to be in force just over the creek, the men were told that they now occupied the exact position in which a Georgia Regiment had been captured and were ordered to be on the alert.

The mounted videttes at the ford of the Opequon must have been captured or eluded, for at earliest da^vn Sheridan's troopers swarmed up out of the ravine around the advance pickets of the Twenty-third, so quickly that the pickets barely had time to fire before the horsemen were in their midst. A. few minutes later an overwhelming force of cavalry, closely followed by infantry, charged our weak regiment. Disput- ing every inch of ground, making stand after stand, we were driven back upon the brigade and that back upon the division. In one of these stops Colonel Blacknall received his mortal wound and was borne back into Winchester.

General Bradley T. Johnston gives the following vivid picture of that gallant twilight combat: "By daylight, the 19th of September, a scared cavalryman of my own command nearly rode over me as I lay sleeping on the grass and reported

252 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

that the Yankees were advancing with a heavy force of in- fantry, artillery and cavalry, up the Berryville road. John- ston and I were responsible for keeping Sheridan out of Winchester and protecting the Confederate line of retreat and communication up the valley. In two minutes the command was mounted and moving at a trot across the open fields to the Berryville road and to Johnston's assistance. There was not a fence, nor a tree, nor a bush to obscure view. We could see the crest of a hill, covered with a cloud of cavalry and in front of them 500 yards in front ^was a thin grey line moving off in retreat, solidly and in perfect coolness and self- possession. * * A regiment of cavalry would deploy into line and their bugle would sound the "charge" and they'd swoop down on the "thin grey line of North Carolina." The instant the Yankee bugles sounded, North Carolina (John- ston's Brigade) would halt, face by the rear rank, wait until the horses got within 100 yards and then fire as deliberately and coolly as if firing volleys on brigade drill. The cavalry would breali and scamper back and North Carolina would "about face" and continue her march in retreat as solemnly and with as much dignity as if marching in review. But we got there just in time that is to engage cavalry with cavalry, and held Sheridan in check until Johnston had got back to the rest of the infantry and formed in line at right angles to the Pike east of Winchester."

Johnston reached his supports, though with loss, and from then till 10 o'clock Eamseur's weak division of 1,700 men, unaided except by Lomax's and Jackson's cavalry, held the foe at bay. Bend this line perforce must, under the onset of Sheridan's immense force, but breaJc it did not. At 10 Kodes' division came up and a little later Gordon's. And all through that splendid autumnal day the battle held. His- tory calls it the battle of Winchester. Locally it is known as the battle of Hackwood from the Hackwood farm on which it was fought.

Before noon the Federals were, by a bold assault, driven back in disorder. But it had been at fearftil cost. Bodes and many other gallant ofiicers had fallen, and the Confeder- ate forces were too worn out by marching and fighting and too

Twenty-Third Regiment. 253

weakened by losses to take full advantage of Sheridan's dis- comfiture. And a little later a fresh corps were hurled against our necessarily long and attenuated line. Thus, as morning wore to evening, continued the strife. By strenuous and desperate fighting Sheridan's hosts were held at bay in front.

But troops thus beset could not be expected to bear un- moved an attack in the rear. When late in the day two divis- ions of Federal cavalry drove in the weak force guarding the Martinsburg road and pressed forward to the outskirts of Winchester in the rear of our left, Early's line wavered, broke, and the army were driven back. General Early dis- tinctly says that our division, Ramseur's, fell back on the right in good order, taking position to keep in line with the other troops. Indeed those movements must have been ef- fected with great steadiness for the division was taken for the left wing of the eneany advancing to envelope the Confed- erate right on which lay the line of retreat and the report came near causing a panic at another part of the line.

Night approached and the Confederate line crumbled un- der repeated assaults in front and flank. General Early in his memoirs, says : "ISTothing was now left for us but to re- tire through Winchester, and Kamseur's division, which maintained its organization, was moved from the east of the town to the south side of it, and put in position, forming the basis for a new line, while the other troops moved back through the town. * * When the new line was formed the enemy's advance was checked until nightfall and we re- tired to Newton without serious molestation.

The exact doings of the Twenty-third on that hard foughten field have not been recorded. All that is known is that it stood firmly, fighting manfully among Ramseur's 1,700 heroes.

Lomax had held the enemy's cavalry on the Front Royal road in check and a feeble attempt at pursuit was repulsed by Ramseur near Kernstown. The army retreated that night to Newton. At daylight we moved to Fisher's Hill without mo- lestation.

Colonel Blacknall being too painfully wounded for hasty

254 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

removal, was left in Winchester, where his wounds terminated fatally.


Charles Christopher Blacknall was born in Granville County, N. C, December 4, 1830.

His grandfather, Thomas Blacknall, of Virginia, was, at 16, a soldier under Washington. His grandfather's grand- father, the "Eeverend John Blacknall, Gent'n," though later of Virginia, was one of the first Episcopal clergymen to of- ficiate in JSTorth Carolina. Thence through English country gentlemen of record, his lineage runs back to the Blacknalls of Wing, Buckinghamshire, whose armorial bearings were two centuries old when Columbus sailed to discover the new- world.

Charles Blacknall was educated for the law, but never prac- ticed. When the war came he promptly raised and was elected Captain of the Granville Eifles, which became Company G, of the Thirteenth, later the Twenty-third North Carolina Regiment. 15 June, 1862, he was commissioned Major and 15 August, 1863, Colonel of the regiment.

His gallantry at Yorktown, Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and his severe wounds at Seven Pines and Gettysburg and his capture, escape, and re- capture after the latter battle, have already been told in the body of the sketch. Severe illness contracted while on duty in the Chickahominy swamps prostrated him and kept him out of the Sharpsburg campaign. Only disabling wounds or prison bars kept him from participating in all battles in which his command engaged up to his death.

Few, if any, JSTorth Carolinians had a more romantic or eventful military career than the subject of this sketch. Soon after his recapture on the retreat from p-ettysburg and while imprisoned atFort McHenry, near Baltimore, lotswere drawn to select a Confederate ofiicer to be hung in retaliation for a Federal officer about to be executed in Richmond as a spy. Colonel Blacknall drew the black bean. Though finally spared, it was only after a long suspense.

Then followed a rigorous imprisonment at Johnston's

Twenty-Third Regiment. 255

Island, Lake Erie, during the severe winter of 1863-'64. Driven to desperation by cold and hunger the eighteen hmi- dred Confederate officers there imprisoned, planned an escape to Canada. Colonel Blacknall, well known to be ever for- ward in the charge, was elected one of the officers to lead the forlorn hope in the assault with brick-bats against the guards on the wall that encircled the prison. But there was in their midst a Federal spy, disguised as a Confederate officer. Their plans were betrayed and the guards so heavily rein- forced, that men even as desperate as they were, could see no hope of success.

His name standing alphabetically near the head of the list, he was paroled in March, 1864, before the cartel was stopped. Exchanged early in May, he started for his com- mand the day that the Federals cut the Weldon road at Stony Creek.

Apprised of this on reaching Weldon, he returned to Kit- trell, his home, and without arousing his family, took horse at midnight and hastened to Petersburg. Arriving there, he was placed in command of a brigade, but ordered back to his regiment before it went with Early's force to the Valley.

In all the arduous marching and counter marching, and in the battles and countless skirmishes of this strenuous cam- paign. Colonel Blacknall took an active part till mortally wounded early on September 19, 1864. On the evening of the 18th, his regiment was placed on outpost duty on the Ber- ryville pike, two or three miles east of Winchester. The writer of this (V. E. Turner) spent that night with him under a simple fly tent. At dawn on the 19th, sharp firing on his advanced picket line told that the expected attack had begun. At this Colonel Blacknall rode hastily to the front to direct his regiment in the encounter. He remained mounts ed and held his small force pluckily against the heavy ad- vancing columns of the enemy. In the midst of this and while being borne back by overwhelming superiority of num- bers, but contesting every inch. Colonel Blacknall received a severe and acutely painful wound in the ankle, and was car- ried back to Winchester. The surgeons disagreed as to the necessity of amputating the foot to save his life, and his wish

266 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

to save it was yielded to. It being deemed risky to carry him in the retreat, he was left in Winchester when the army fell back at the close of the day. So much interest was felt in his behalf that the hospital steward was ordered to remain and take care of him.

That was the last seen of the gallant Colonel by his friends of the regiment. The foot was amputated by Federal sur- geons, but too late to save his life. Tenderly nursed by the devoted women of Winchester, he lingered for six weeks and sij^ days, dying JSTovember 6, 1864. By a singular coinci- dence death came to him in the house of a Washington (Mrs, Byrd Washington) and on the site of Washington's old fort (Fort Loudon) built in the French Indian War.

Colonel Blacknall was buried by the side of Colonel Christie, his predecessor in command of the regiment par nohile fratrum.

Colonel Blacknall was a man of varied gifts. He loved let- ters and his reading had been considerable and of the best. He was a strong and graceful writer and a ready and eloquent speaker. To few of the children of men has been given as much personal magnetism. During his three and a half years' service as a soldier no one in the regiment was more be- loved ; no one behaved more gallantly ; no one endured the deprivation and hardships of army life more cheerfully.

Courage was the common staple of Confederate soldier- hood. But Charles Blacknall had a command of faculty and an ability to think and act in an emergency possessed by few. One who knew him well spoke of him as one of the few thor- oughly chivalrotis men that he ever knew; another as the ideal Confederate officer. A chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy at Kittrell, Vance County (formerly a part of G-ranville County) Colonel Blacknall's home, has been named for him.

General Pegram was now placed in command of our divis- ion, Ramseur being placed in command of Rodes' division after the death of that officer. Captain Frank Bennett, Com- pany A, by seniority of rank, assumed command of the Twenty-third on the fall of Colonel Blacknall.

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22 September Sheridan, who had followed us and occu- pied our front in force, threw Crook's corps on the left flank of our line which, even when stretched to the utmost, was too short to occupy the position held. Driving back Lomax's weak line of dismounted cavalry. Crook advanced against Eamseur's left flank. Desperate efforts were made to throw Ramseur's brigades and then our division (Pegram's) into line to the left. But this movement in the face of a vastly superior enemy, could not be effected without disorder. Crook taking advantage of this, advanced, and after a brief contact forced the whole army back in confusion, capturing eleven of Early's guns.

The Confederate foot soldier was not noted for his admira- tion or his respect for his compatriot who bestrode a horse. Early's foot soldiers' love for a cavalryman was even below the Confederate average. Sheridan's horse was so much stronger in numbers and equipments than ours, and the na- ture of the country gave this superiority such opportunity, that our cavalry, gallant fellows as they were, had no showing and cut a poor figure. But the man who trudged and toted a musket, made none of these allowances for his mounted broth- ers, who dashed hither and thither with no object apparent to prejudiced eyes, except that of keeping as much space as possible between themselves and the foe.

For some cause known only to their whimsical philosophy, Imboden's cavalry was an especial object of their disesteem. By way of derision they called it "Jimboden's" cavalry. The confidence in General Early had met with that impairment which is almost sure to be the lot of the unsuccessful leader, no matter from what cause. This spirit in the troops mani- fested itself at Fisher's Hill in the most droUy humorous in- cident of the writer's whole war exprience. Close beside the road along which the troops poured in confusion, a ragged, de- jected, unkempt "Confed" crouched over a little fire, regard- ing naught, absorbed alone in warming numbed fingers and toes, for the day was chilly. As he crouched and shivered he 17

258 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

droned a song in whose tone disgust, despair and disdain all strove for the mastery. The song, which must have been rich, was lost except the following stanzas caught as a group of officers rode by :

"Old Jimboden's gone up the spout. And Old Jube Early's about played out."

"Gone lip the spout" was war lingo for passed into noth- ingness, even as water in a kettle does when it evaporates and goes up the spout. The singer seems to have believed that Imboden's instead of Lorn ax's cavalry was the force that proved unable to cope with the enemy on our left flank that morning.

Halting at Mount Jackson on the 23d to enable the -sick, wounded, and hospital stores to be carried off, the retreat was resumed to Rude's Hill. Hither the close pursuit and flank- ing movements of the enemy forced Early to retire in line of battle, a most difficult operation when done under fire and exposed to repeated assaults which had to be beaten off. Nine miles of the retreat was thus covered, the troops passing through the ordeal of repeated attacks with great coolness. While thus fighting and falling back with the steadiness of Cffisar's cohorts, by a strange coincidence we came to a place called "The Tenth Legion." Here at sunset we made a stand and checked the pursuit for the night.

Retreating up the valley, constantly skirmishing with the hostile cavalry, we took position at Port Republic, nearly one hundred miles south of Winchester, 27 September. On the 28th, Early moved twenty miles further south to drive off two divisions of Torbet's cavalry who had got in our rear and were now destroying the railroad bridge at Waynesboro and the tunnel through the Blue Ridge at Rockfish Gap. Driving a force of cavalry before us, our division (Pegram's) arrived just at night and advancing upon the enemy, drove him off in great haste. On October 1st we marched back down the valley to Mt. Sidney, the main force of the enemy being then at Harrisonburg.

Early having been reinforced by Rosser's cavalry brigade and Kershaw's infantry division from Lee's army, pre-

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pared to attack the enemy at Harrisonburg. But in the night of the 5th Sheridan retreated down the valley. Early fol- lowed and took position at New Market with his infantry. Rosser's and Lomax's cavalry pressing forward near Fish- er's Hill, were encountered by a superior force and driven back in confusion, losing eleven pieces of artillery. In fact some wag suggested that the guns that Lee was sending Early about this time be labeled "General Phil. Sheridan, in care of General Jube Early."


The object of the valley campaign was to keep the largest possible Federal force detached from Grant to protect the ap- proaches to Washington, the acumen of Lee telling him that the nervous Washington officials would see that the protect- ing force was a liberal one. Early learning that Sheridan was about to send troops back to Grant, moved farther down the valley on October 12th. On the 13th we reached Fisher's Hill, part of the forces advancing as far as LIupp's Hill.

Finding Sheridan's position across Cedar Creek too strong for a front attack. Early after having it closely scrutinized from the signal station at Massanutten Mountain, determined to surprise and turn the Federal left flank. We moved out at 9 o'clock on the night of the 18th in great secrecy. Canteens were closely strapped to sides to prevent rattling and only whispering allowed. Crossing the turnpike we went around the mountain's base by a trail that wotmd around over the swift dashing stream. The moon was full and our long line of bayonets glittered in its beams. Just at daybreak we waded the stream. The shot of a Federal picket rang out. We rushed forward with loud yells right into the sleeping camp. A little later in the morning our division had a hand- to-hand engagement with and drove back a larger part of the Sixth corps and aided by Battle's Alabamians, captured six pieces of artillery, which were most bravely defended, the ar- tillerymen dying at their guns rather than surrender. Our division was then moved to the north of Middleton and took position across the pike. Here it remained during the day skirmishing with the cavalry force in its front.

260 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Meanwhile the tide of battle, so strong in our favor in the morning, finally turned. The Confederate commands had been greatly weakened by men who left the ranks to loot the captured camps, so tempting to ill-fed, ill-equipped soldiers. The routed Federals were halted and reformed. Sheridan, absent in the morning, came up, made new disposition and assailed Early in flank. Then came disaster quick on the heels of disaster.

Our command was in position where we could see the line as it broke, first at the point held by Gordon and then at that held by Ramseur. These divisions retired from the field in great disorder. Johnston's brigade was the only organized body that retreated from the face of the enemy with its line unbroken, halting and firing repeatedly as they were pressed upon. In fact they were then the only organized force in Early's whole army. After falling back near Cedar Creek, General Pegram sent an order to General Johnston "to cross the bridge" and follow the road towards Strasburg. General Johnston sent a message saying that it would be impossible to cross the bridge, as the breastworks built by the enemy com- manded the bridge completely, and the enemy would occupy them before he (Johnston) could cross; but that he could cross below and preserve his brigade intact. A second staff officer from General Pegram ordered Johnston to bring his brigade across the bridge just under the command of these works which in the meantime, had been occupied by the en- emy. While the brigade was attempting to obey the order and cross the bridge, a hot fire was poured into it from these works. Being totally unprotected and at the mercy of the enemy and their formation broken by the rush of fugitives, the brigade fell into confusion and retreated under cover of the saving darkness.

General Early says that could 500 men have been rallied after the creek was passed the pursuit which was feeble, could have been checked sufficiently to have saved not only his own artillery and trains, but also to have brought off the captured guns, all of which got safely over Cedar Creek, but were cap- tured afterwards. Now in Johnston's brigade he would have had a large part of the necessary 500. In view of this Gen-

Twenty-Third Regiment. 261

eral Pegram's peremptory order to Johnston to cross at the bridge was exceedingly unfortunate. For Early lost, not only all the captured guns, but likewise every piece of his own artillery. A bridge broke on a very narrow part of the road between Fisher's Hill and Strasburg, the artillery and trains could not cross and being undefended, were taken by a small force of Federal cavalry.

Halting at Fisher's Hill till 3 o'clock the next morning the retreat was continued without halt to New Market, nearly thirty miles distant. On this retreat and while near Mt. Jackson, General Johnston was ordered to face about and hold the enemy in check. He formed line of battle, threw out skirmishers, and had one of the hottest fights in which the brigade was engaged on the skirmish line during the war. The enemy was defeated and driven back.

At New Market we rested undisturbed during the remain- der of October Recruits and stragglers came in. Dejected spirits revived. The Confederate soldier was himself again, dogged;^ indomitable. The order to advance once more down the valley was received with joy. Starting 10 November on the 11th we approached Cedar Creek, our last un- fortunate battle ground. Sheridan's main force fell back to Winchester. Driving the cavalry before us we reached New- ton, within a few miles of Winchester. Making as great a show of force so as to hold as many of the enemy here and away from Lee as possible, we remained here the 11th and 12th, constant skirmishing going on between the opposing cavalry forces. Being too weak to attack Sheridan and he refusing to leave his intrenchments to attack us, we retreated on the night of the 12th, returning to New Market.

Our brigade formed part of the forces returned to Lee's army about the last of November. Camping near Waynes- boro, on the following night, we took cars for Richmond. We arrived in the Confederate Capital amid a hard snow storm. The haste in which we were detrained, double quicked through the streets and entrained for Petersburg told us that Grant was still hammering at the defences and that we were sorely needed. This time he was making another effort to get possession of the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad. We

262 North Carolina Troops, 186l-'65.

were hurried to a point a few miles south of Petersburg to frustrate his attack.


Then followed much arduous picketing on Hatcher's Rim, the winter being a severe one. The Twenty-third took a prominent part in the battle of Hatcher's Eun, fought in Feb- ruary. It was in the hottest of the fight near the Crow house. At one time when the opposing lines of battle were less than one hundred yards apart, the flag of the Twenty- third was advanced three times, each time falling as its gal- lant bearer was shot down. Captain A. D. Peace, in com- mand of the regiment, now took up the flag and rushed for- ward, followed by the men. But just then came the tidings that Pegram had fallen and that we were flanked, and the lines broke and were falling back in confusion till Grordon dashed to the front, restored the fight and the enemy were driven back.

Our regiment lost heavily in the fight, in proportion to numbers. Captain Frank Bennett, in command of the skir- mishers that day, lost an arm. Every year of the war had in store a wovtnd for this gallant officer. The day before Seven Pines, in 1862 ; Chancellorsville, in 1863 ; Spottsylvania, in 1864; Hatcher's Run, in 1865, are the dates of his wound- ings.

General Pegram, our division commander, was killed at Hatcher's Jiun and General James Walker assumed command of the division. Soon after the battle otir brigade was sent back to Worth Carolina, going into camp at Garysburg, our first point of rendezvous in the hopeful days of 1861. Pour years of war had dealt hard with the old Twenty-third. Hard- ship, disease and Yankee lead had left but a battered rem- nant of the buoyant band of yore.

Remaining here a few days, we were then put on round duty. There were so many men, mostly conscripts, deserting from Lee's army and passing southward through North Carolina, that the Confederate authorities sought to check it by drawing a cordon of troops across their route. Johnston's brigade was the one selected for this duty. Some

Twenty-Third Regiment. 263

of the companies were sent back to their neighborhoods to catch deserters. Company A went back to Richmond County. The battalion of sharpshooters went to cope with the recalci- trant .mountaineers and possibly other companies elsewhere. But the most of the brigade formed the cordon on Roanoke river, from Gaston to Clarksville, guarding every road and ferry. Our regiment was assigned to the lower end of the line near Gaston with headquarters at Warren Plains. Here we remained for about a month catching probably as many deserters as we had men which was not many.

March 23rd Gordon telegraphed Johnston to bring his bri- gade to Petersburg at once. The return was so sudden that the troops far up the river near Clarksville, did not reach the railroad in time and with the detached companies, in other parts of the State, joined us at Petersburg some days later.

It was known to the troops on that night that the next day we were going back to Lee's stem battle grotmd around Pe- tersburg. Some of the men, loosing that night the captured deserters, fled with them under cover of darkness. But not many and those few were conscripts, men forced into the ranks.

Bivouacing at Stony Creek the first night and marching around the gap in the railroad made by the enemy we pressed on to the front. The night of the 24th we slept on the hard pavements of Petersburg, the last sleep but one of many a gal- lant fellow that neither hardships, nor wounds, nor even de- spair, could part from the Southern standard nothing but death.

While it was yet dark on Friday morning, 25 March, the men were roused, thrown into column and marched silently and rapidly to the east.

We had been chosen part of the forlorn hope of the des- perately straitened Confederacy honor high, but danger- ous. Lee's last hope was by a sudden and desperate assault on Grant's left at Fort Steadman to roll back the hostile line and loosen the strangling folds drawn around the Confederate Capital and its sister city on the Appomattox.

The opaque east grew vaguely translucent. The Federal works on Hare's Hill rose in sharp outline against the bright-

264 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

ening back ground. Then Grordon's assaulting force, con- sisting of our division (Walker's) and Grimes' division, sprung over the Confederate works and rushed forward. Hacking, tearing our way through the hostile abatis, we pressed onward under fire too hurried to be other than wild. In a few minutes Fort Stedman and a large section of the left of Grant's works was in our hands and our part of the line, at least, had penetrated several hundred yards further. But the troops expected to support us failed to appear. For an hour or more we held on. Broad daylight came. Gun after gun, battery after battery, from the right, the left, the rear of the Federal line was brought to bear, till it is said that 200 guns were concentrated on us. No command to retreat reached us, but we could see the oth,er troops being driven back. To reimain where we were or to attempt to retreat meant, it seemed, annihilation. About two thousand of the assaulting force surrendered. Our brigade was among the troops that came back. Every foot of the retreat was swept by a tre- mendous tempest of shot, shell, grape, canister every missile that the engines of war cast from their iron lips. The artil- lery ploughed and tore up the ground so ceaselessly that in all but color the flying earth looked like a wind driven snow storm.

The Twenty-third had not many men to lose, but of these few a large proportion fell ; how many there are no records to tell. General R. D. Johnston, comnianding the brigade, sus- tained a severe sprain of the ankle as he climbed the Federal works, while unf elt for a few minutes in the excitement of the battle, it soon rendered him unable to walk for the rest of the war. Colonel Lea, of the Fifth Eegiment, commanded the brigade for the remaining weeks of the war.

Soon after the bloody and unavailing assault on Fort Stead- man, our brigade was moved out and placed on picket be- tween Swift Creek and Appomattox river. Here for a little while we had rest. Early on Sunday morning, 2 April, the brigade leaving its position on picket, was hurried on the double quick through the streets of Petersburg. The enemy had broken over and captured part of the works held by Grimes' division and we were the only available troops to re-

Twenty-Third Regiment. 265

take it. This break in the line was about a mile south of that part of the line we passed over to carry Fort Steadman.

Captain B. M. Collins, of the Twelfth Eegiment, then Ad- jutant-General of the brigade, gives me the following graphic account of this, the last day's fighting around the doomed city : "We moved out through the covered way, nearly knee deep in mud. We could see our captured works swarming with blue-coats. The fire was so hot that to expose an inch of the person above the protection meant death or wounding. Colonel Lea sent me back to report to General Walker, our division commander, that to assault such a force with his weak brigade of about 250 men was a desperate undertaking.

General Walker repeated the order to assault, adding that Captain Hobson (father of Lieutenant Hobson, the hero of Santiago) commanding a force of sharpshooters, would make a diversion in our favor. The diversion amounted to noth- ing. We crept up within one hundred yards of the enemy, sprang from the ditch and charged. A small part of the works were taken in this rush. This position we set to work to widen, shooting to right and left along the 'line. There were traverses along the works at frequent intervals made of timber and earth. The ends of the traverses next to the works were roughly fitted, leaving many holes and openings. Through these holes some of the men fired away at light-blue legs while the bulk of the command fired over the traverses at dark-blue heads.

The Federals fought us, but not with the spirit which their immense superiority in numbers would have justified. An attack half as vigorous as ours must have swept over us and captured Petersburg in an hour. For a while no attack at all came from our front. A part of our command was thrown forward recapturing Fort Mahone in advance of the line of works. This opened the hornets nest on us. An overwhelming force of red pantalooned Yankees, sweeping contemptuously across our weak front, recaptured the fort, our troops escaping, bringing the garrison as prisoners. But the charging force paid dear for their temerity. Our deadly enfilading fire piled the ground with red breeches as their flank came by us.

266 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

"About midnight came the order to withdraw^ telling us that all was up. Passing through Petersburg we were re- joined by the skirmish line left behind that morning in the sudden movement to recapture the works. We then crossed the canal and retreated up the south bank of the Appomattox river, shells falling around us as we went.

"Our depleted corps formed the rear and wagon guards on the retreat, fighting constantly. The enemy brought up fresh troops when one command was worn out. We were under- ceaseless strain. I was afraid to sleep lest I be left behind, taking only short, restless naps when completely exhausted."

The handful left of the 23rd fought at Amelia Court House and at Sailor's Creek. Here the whole corps was broke, but got in fair shape by the next day.

General E. D. Johnston suffering too acutely from his swollen ankle to mount a horse, accompanied the retreat in an ambulance. On one occasion finding that the Federal cavalry was about to capture the whole line of wagons and ambu- lances, he collected a few stragglers, stopped an ammunition M^agon, made every man get down and take a gun and Avith this motley force prevented the capture of the train.

Further on in the great retreat the hostile cavalry broke into the line and captured General Johnston's ambulance and the rest, incltiding a portion of the wagon trains. Gen- eral Johnston cut the insignia of rank from his coat, mounted a mule, the rider having fled, rode back, organized a force of stragglers and recaptured the whole line.

At midnight of 8 April, we had a bloody skirmish. Be- fore sun up of the fateful 9 th the brigade passed smftly through the little town of Appomattox. Forming a line to the left of the Lynchbxirg road we made our last charge against dismounted cavalry in a body of woods. The hostile force was swept back in precipitation.

Then for the last time rang out from ouv thin line, the "Rebel Yell," which had so long heralded the.resistless charge of the men in gray.

But then comes an order to halt and to right-about face. We are marched back towards the village, near which the remnant of the Army of ISTorthem Virginia seems to be con-

Twenty-Third Regiment. 267

centrating. Strange apparitions greet our eyes. Officers in Federal uniform ride unchallenged among our troops. We rub our eyes as if they did not serve us true. But the officers in blue still come and go.

Slowly, heavily, crushingly the agonizing fact bears down upon our hearts. The thing that could not happen had hap- pened. The end of all things was- at hand. Lee had surren- dered.

It is said that the last man to fall was a member of the First Battalion of North Carolina Sharpshooters, attached to our brigade, and that Captain B. M. Collins, of the Twelfth North Carolina, fired the last musket fired by Lee's army.

The greatest of Greek painters in depicting the mental agony of a hero shows him with his face covered, leaving to the imagination the supreme expression of sorrow. We shall so deal with the emotions that filled our breast. Words are futile things when we would describe feelings like those that weighted the Confederate breast. Better leave to the sympathetic imagination which has followed these men from the beginning which has seen with what valor, what forti- tude, what matchless self-devotion they .upheld the cause of Southern Independence, to measure the otherwise fathomless abyss of their sorrow and despair at seeing it stricken down forever.

Dr. E. I. Hicks, now of Warrenton, Va., the faithful and efficient surgeon of the Twenty-third throughout the war, says of the regiment: "It did as much hard service, fought as many battles, was as constant in the performance of duty as any other regiment in the army. And at Appomattox it sur- rendered about as many men as any other regiment in the army." According to the parole list, Johnston's Brigade then numbered 463 men, rank and file.

The authors are well aware that the foregoing sketch is but a meagre and unworthy history of the command whose deeds and sufferings they would fain chronicle. More than the third of a century has passed since the Twenty-third stacked arms for the last time at Appomattox. On many comrades, depositories of priceless reminiscences, death has set all too soon the seal of silence. Even with the living time is fast

268 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

blurring the scenes that were long so clear and sharply cut that it seemed they must abide with us forever. But the writers have garnered what little could be saved before it was too late, grieving that the harvest should be so poor.

Many a gallant deed has passed into oblivion with him who performed it and the few who witnessed it. Of some individ- uals a good deal is recorded, of many, nothing. This must not be taken to mean that the men whose gallant deeds are given are the only worthy or even the most worthy. Largely owing to chance, the m.emory of some brave acts and of the men who performed them survives; while others, perhaps even more gallant, have been lost. Such authentic ones as could be collected the writers have given, deploring none the less that time should have been so partial in -his treatment of these comirades in arms, preserving the deeds of some, casting to oblivion the deeds of others.

Vestes- E. Turner^ Raleigh, N. C.

H. Clay Wall,

Rockingham, N. C.

Note. In rewriting Sergeant Wall's sketch of the regi- ment, it gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Mr. O. W. Blacknall (son of the late Colonel Chas. C. Blacknall), who has visited the important battle- fields of the Army of ISTorthern Virginia and has given much study to Lee's campaigns.

He also has had access to the private letters and papers of his gallant father which have enabled him to rescue from oblivion many interesting and important facts relating to the history of the regiment.

V. E. Turner.

Raleigh, N. C. ,

9 April, 1901.


1. John L. Harris, Lieut. -Colonel. 3. Junius P. Moore, Chaplain

a. Thaddeus D. Love, Major. 4. William G. Balrd, Captain. Co. H

5. Barna Lane, Captain, Co. E.


By corporal W. N. ROSE, Company E.

This regiment was the Fourteenth Eegiment of Volunteers, and served as such the first year of the war.

It was organized at Weldon, IST. C., about the first of July, 1861, with the following Field and Staff officers :

William J. Clarke^ Colonel, of Craven County.

Thos. B. Venable, Lieutenant-Colonel, of Granville County.

Jonathan Evans, Major, of Cumberland County.

John Feeeel, Assistant Quartermaster, of Halifax County.

John A. Williams, Assistant Commissary, of Granville County.

De. Bedfoed Beown, Surgeon, of Person County.

Dr. W. E. Wilson, Assistant Surgeon, of Granville County.

William W. Baied, Sergeant-Major, of Person County.

Company A Captain, John G. Dillehay, Person County.

Chaeles D. Claek, Quartermaster Sergeant, of Wake County.

Laweence E. Duffy, Orderly Sergeant, of Onslow County.

The following companies constituted the regiment :

Company B Captain, George T. Duffy, Onslow County.

Company C Captain, George W. Crockett, Johnston County.

Company D Captain, David C. Clark, Halifax County.

Company E Captain, Barney Lane, Johnston County.

Company F Captain, Charles H. Blocker, Cumberland County.

Company G Captain, Thaddeus D. Love, Eobeson County.

270 North Carolina Troops; 1861-65.

CoMPAM-Y ^ Captain, John L. Harris, Person County. Company I^Captain, Ira T. Woodall, Johnston County. Company K Captain, David W. Spivey, Franklin County.

The regiment, after its organization, remained at Weldon for a few days, practicing in regimental drill. From Wel- don, the regiment was ordered to Richmond, Va., where it went into camp in the western suburbs of the city for one day and night. From here it was ordered to join General John B. Floyd, then operating in the region of the Gauley river, West Virginia.

Boarding the cars, we set out on a two days' trip, it being often the case that the three engines attached, could hardly as- cend the gi-ades on this mountain road, then completed only to Jackson River depot.

The regiment remained at Jackson River about one week, it raining most of the time.

From here we took up the line of march to join General Floyd, then in the Kanawha Valley. This was a long and tedious march, of nearly or quite one hundred miles, over the mountain roads. The weather being very warm the boys began to see some of the realities of war and the life of a sol- dier. On this march we encamped for a short while at the celebrated White Sulphur Springs, Meadow Bluff and Blue Sulphur Springs. We joined General Floyd in the latter part of October, on his return from the Kanawha, where he and General Wise had a fight with General Rosecrans, then in command of the Federal forces in West Virginia.

General Floyd, retreating into the mountains, being pur- sued by the Federals, took a position on Big Sewell Mountain with the enemy in front. Here he built a very substantial breastwork of chestnut logs, and in this position the two armies remained during the fall and early part of the winter of 1861.

Heretofore the boys had not been used to hard marching, and the severities of camp life. The measles having broken out among them, many died from disease. We remained, however, in the mountains of West Virginia until the winter

Twenty-Fourth Regiment. 271

was well advanced. It was in this campaign that the Twen- ty-fourth Regiment served under the immortal soldier, Robert E. Lee, then a Brigadier-General. From here the regiment was ordered to Richmond and on to Petersburg, where we went into winter quarters at the Model Farm.

Here the boys had fun and a good time generally.

In the early spring of 1862, the regiment was ordered to Eastern ISTorth Carolina. We remained at and near Mur- freesboro, IST. C, for quite a while watching the enemy. It was near this place in May, 1862, that the regiment was re- organized and became the Twenty-fourth Regiment, State Troops. As stated in the outset, the regiment up to this time was twelve months Volunteers and the Fourteenth Regiment. In the reorganization there was some dissatisfaction among the volunteers at having to move up to higher numbers. The Fourteenth Volunteers, however, became the Twenty-fourth State Troops and reorganized as follows :

William J. Claeke, Colonel, of Craven County.

J OHN L. Haeeis, Lieutenant-Colonel, of Person County.

Thaddeus D. Love, Major, of Robeson County.

Oliver D. Cooke^ Adjutant, of Craven County.

John Feerel^ Assistant Quartermaster, of Halifax County.

John A. Williams, Assistant Commissary, of Granville County.

Dr. Wm. R. Wilson, Surgeon, of Granville County.

De. Charles Dufft, Assistant Surgeon, of Onslow County.

EvANDEE McNair, Chaplain, of Robeson County.

Other Staff Officers about the same as first year of the war.

Company A Captain, James Holeman, Person County. Company B Captain, Geo. T. Duffy, Onslow County. Company C Captain, John D. Gulley, Johnston County. Company D Captain, David C. Clark, Halifax County. Company E Captain, Barney Lane, Johnston County. Company F Captain, Jas. S. Evans, Cumberland County.

272 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Company G Captain, A. A. Mclver, Robeson County. Company H Captain, Jas. C. Bailey, Person County. Company I Captain, Ira T. Woodall, Johnston County, Company K Captain, David W. Spivey, Franklin County.

Having thus organized, we were now "in for the war." The regiment left North Carolina for Virginia just before and in time for the seven days' fight below Richmond. We had passed the first year of the war in marching and watch- ing the enemy, and many of the boys were fearful that the war would close without giving them a chance at the Yankees, but the time had now come when such fears were no longer to be entertained, for it was on 25 June, 1862, that the Twenty- fourth Regiment was led into its first engagement at White Oak Swamp, below Richmond.

In this fight Compa,ny E, of the Twenty-fourth, was thrown forward as skirmishers, and while deploying William Scott, of this company, was killed. This was the first man killed in the Twenty-fourth Regiment by a Yankee bullet. In this fight we began to see war as a reality. We held the line that had been occupied by the Tenth Louisiana Regiment in the morning part of the day, they having been badly cut to pieces. At sunset the Twenty-fourth was ordered to take a Yankee battery that had been shelling us during that after- noon, not more than 150 yards in front, but while we were forming in the hedgerow, the Yankees began falling back.

Soon after dark, the Twenty-fourth Regiment was relieved by Colonel Zeb Vance's Regiment, the Twenty-sixth JSTorih Carolina, and sent back immediately in the rear to rest for the night. However, we were not out of danger, for during the night Vance's men got up a fuss with the enemy, and Yankee bullets came thick and fast among us.

Next morning, 26 June, the Twenty-fourth Regiment was ordered to re-occupy the same position of the even- ing before. On reaching this post. Colonel Vance came up to Colonel Clarke and asked him if he was ready. Clarke an- swered him yes. Whereupon Vance said : "Very well then, Colonel. I will open the ball, and the baby shall be born."

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In a few minutes he turned and walked ofE in the direc- tion of his command, whistling as jovial as a boy going to mill.

Reaching his command he gave the order to charge, but the Yankees did as the evening before they limbered up and got further. This was the first time the writer ever saw Colonel Vance, and this little incident made an impression that Vance would do to tie to, no matter where you placed him, and we never had cause to change that opinion. Later in the day, the Twenty-fourth Regiment was ordered to the right of the Confederate lines, and later to the extreme right. About dark an order passed down the line to fall back in good order. This order proved to be a false order, but was not so understood by Captain Lane, who was on the extreme right of the regiment, tmtil he was lost in a thick marsh or swamp, where we had to remain during the night in water almost knee deep. We could hear the enemy as they were moving near us on our right. We could hear the clanking of their armor, and did not know what moment they might discover our iso- lated condition. Company E being cut off from the regiment.

To the writer, this was perhaps the most miserable night of the war. Captain Lane, however, at dawn of day, found his way back to the regiment, and Company E resumed her place in line. The regiment was then ordered to drive the enemy from an oak thicket in front, which was done in ad- mirable style.

We quietly remained on this line the remainder of the day.

The 28th was passed quietly by us on this line. The 29th was quiet also.

The 30th, moved to the left and did some skirmishing.

1 July, McClellan's retreat from Richmond was dis- covered. Lee's pursuit commenced. The Twenty-fourth Regiment had previously been assigned to General Robert Ransom's Brigade, and Ransom's brigade was among the ad- vance troops, the Twenty-fourth Regiment at the head of the column. Reaching the fork of the road near Frazier's farm, we found General Lee and Staff on horseback. General Lee remarked to Colonel Clarke that we were an hour too late, that


274 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

McClellan liad just passed. We followed on, however, reach- ing Malvern Hill about 3 p. m. Wright's Georgia Brigade on Ransom's right led the attack. The Twen- ty-fourth Eegiment was posted on the hill behind an old fence. While in this position, Eansom rode in front of the line, and gave the order to wait until we could "see the whites of their eyes, and d n it, give it to them." We were soon, however, moved to the support of Wright, who by this time was getting things hot. Soon after the whole of Lee's army became engaged, and from then until 9 o'clock at night, the contest was unabated. It was here that Captain Bill Gul- ley, of Company C, from Johnston County, was found dead in advance of any other Southern soldier that fell on this blood-red field. We slept at night on the battle field, expect- ing a renewal of the strife the next morning. Morning came and with it the rain in torrents, which prevented a renewal of the strife.

McClellan retreated to Harrison's Landing, on the James. Lee followed. McClellan evacuated Harrison's Landing and swung his army around to the north of Richmond. Lee moved to the Rapidan. The Twenty-fourth Regiment camped for a few days near the old Seven Pines battle field, and then crossed the James, camped near Drewry's Bluff. From here we marched through Petersburg, and went into camp near City Point. It was here that we heard the farewell address of our beloved Vance, who had been elected to the governor- ship of ISTorth Carolina. From here the regiment moved to the north of Petersburg and camped on Dunlap's farm. About the first of September we reached Richmond, boarded the train to Gordonsville, the railroad having been torn up be- yond there to Manassas. From Gordonsville we took up the line of march to Frederick City, Maryland, fording the Po- tomac north of Leesburg. The first night in Maryland, a detachment was sent out to attack the Yankee picket at Mon- ocacy bridge, under Captain Duffy, of Company B. Cross- ing the canal, an attack was made, in which Captain Duffy was severely wounded and he and his men taken prisoners. The following day we recrossed the Potomac at Point of Rocks, south of Harper's Ferry. The next day we marched

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thirty-eight miles to reinforce troops near the Ferry, whose garrison was captured the next day.

From here we forded the Shenandoah and 16 Septem- ber we crossed the Potomac near Shepherdstown. At night Lee's army was drawn up in line of battle in front of Sharpsburg. On the following morning Ransom's Brigade was placed on the extreme right. The battle opened from center to left of Lee's line, soon Ransom's Brigade was trans- ferred in double quick to the left. Here we were ordered to lay off our knapsacks, which we never saw again. The Twen- ty-fourth Regiment was ordered to dislodge some Yankees from behind a stone fence, and of course we did so in good style. General J. E. B. Stuart, with General Ransom, watching this charge from a distance. General Stuart re- marked to General Ransom that every soldier in that com- mand was worthy to be made a commander. Ransom replied, "God bless the gallant boys, I will never curse them any more."

It was in commemoration of this gallant charge that Mrs. Mary Bayard Clarke, wife of our Colonel, wrote that beau- tiful poem, which runs something like this :

"Well may the noble Old North State,

Be of her soldiers proud, But of her glorious Twenty-Fourth

I'll sing with praises loud. Eight gallantly they've borne the flag,

Their State unto them gave; Though torn by many a shot and shell,

Long may it o'er them wave.

"God with us on this blood-red field,

Is set in purest white; For by His arm and their good swords

They trust to win the fight. On Sewell's Mount they tentless lay.

For days in sleet and snow, Faced sickness, hunger, cold and toil,

As bravely as the foe.

276 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

''They foiled the wily Roseerans,

Neath Floyd and General Lee, And bore their part in Richmond fights

With Ransom and Hnger. That bloody charge, which cost so dear,

At Malvern Hill they led, And in the foremost rank they left.

Their brave and honored dead.

Upon Potomac's famous banks.

Again their banners flew. In Sharpsburg's fight they won a place

And stoutly held it too. The gallant Louisiana Tenth

Which fought with them on Malvern Hill, Here again beside them stood.

And cheered them with good will.

"And when their General saw them charge,

His eyes with tears ran o'er, 'God bless the gallant boys,' he cried,

'I'll ne'er curse them more.' "

On the following day we remained in line, but that night we were again on the march, with orders to follow our file leader and ask no questions ; daylight the next morning once more finding us across the Potomac, near Shepherdstown.

We then went on to Martinsburg, and on to near Win- chester, Va., where we went into camp for about ten days. From here we were ordered to Culpepper and Madison Court House, whence in the latter part of November we marched to Fredericksburg where we occupied a very important posi- tion. On the famous Marye's Heights, 13 December, the Twenty-fourth Regiment suffered severely, losing many men and several valuable officers. It was here that Lieuten- ant London Browne, of Company E, was mortally wounded and died a few days later.

It was after the battle of Fredericksburg that Ransom's Brigade left the army of Northern Virginia (3 January, 1863) and was sent back to North Carolina.

General Robert Ransom, in June, 1863, was promoted to Major-General, and sent west, and Colonel Matt. W.

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Ransom, of the Thirty-fifth Regiment, promoted to Brigadier in his place, thenceforth he was our Brigadier.

Just here, the, writer woiild say for General Matt. Ran- som, what we helieve every soldier would say that ever be- longed to the old brigade, that IS^orth Carolina never produced a more noble son or a better soldier. He was ever kind to his men, and as indulgent as army discipline would permit him to be, always urging them to duty and at the same time warn- ing them against unnecessary danger. The night before the storming of Plymouth, IST. C, by Ransom's Brigade in rear of the town, the writer was acting as a courier for General Ransom from the skirmish line and as such bore a dispatch from Captain Lane to General Ransdm with regard to the bridge at the creek below the town.. He asked us onany questions, spoke words of kindness and caution, and said that he would not have one life lost unnecessarily for the glory of beating the Yankees in the morning. Such a commander will ever be held dear in the hearts of the old brigade, and his memory can never perish while there is one left living to tell the story.

About the first of March, 1863, the regiment reached Wel- don, ]Sr. C. ; went on to Goldsboro and Wilmington, back to ISTorth East river, and on to Kenansville. Ransom's Bri- gade was sent down here to guard the Wilmington and Wel- don Railroad. The Twenty-fourth Regiment reached Golds- boro from Kenansville 21 March. From Goldsboro we were ordered to Kinston, where we did picket duty below the town at Wise's Fork and Gum Swamp. At the latter place we had some skirmishing with the enemy, and drove them as far in the direction of New Bern as "Deep Gully." 20 April the Twenty-fourth Regiment was ordered to Wel- don. Nothing transpired worthy of note while at this place. 31 May ordered to Virginia; 10 June down on Blackwa- ter, Va. While in this region, and near the home of our be- loved General, we had a fight with Spears' cavalry at Boone's Mill near Jackson, IST. C. The Yankees caught some of the boys in the pond swimming, but of course, they were out in time and "whipped" the Yanks just the same. The next morning after this little fight, General Ransom took the

278 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Twenty-fourth Kegiment to his home near by and gave us breakfast, and some of the boys said here was the most fried bacon they ever saw at one time. The Twenty-fourth Kegi- ment had also a skirmish down on the Blackwater with some Yankees that came up the river on a gunboat.

Ordered from here to Drewry's Bluff, reaching that place 16 June. From this place, a few days later, we were sent down below Eichmond, at Bottom's Bridge. 4 July had a fight near the bridge, in which we lost several men, and drove back the enemy with severe loss, after which we returned to Eichmond about 8 July, and went into camp for a few days below the city. On the march from Bottom's Bridge one of the boys became sick, and. the writer was de- tailed and left behind, to take care of and help him on to camp. Night soon came one of those dark, dismal nights, that is so intensely dark that we can almost feel it with the hand, and we had to pass over the old battle field of the seven days' fights below Eichmond of the year before. As we trudged along we talked of the loneliness of the hour and of the sacredness of the ground over which we were passing, not knowing what moment we might stumble over the bleaching bones of an old comrade that had fallen on this blood-red field the year before. We moved on, however, reaching camp late at night, tired and worn out. The Twenty-fourth remained here a few days, after which it was ordered to Petersburg.

From Petersburg, on 20 July, the Eegiment was or- dered to Weldon, N. C. Beaching that place we went into camp on the east side of the town. It was expected, when the Eegiment left Eichmond, that we would go on to Eocky Mount, ]Sr. C, as the Yankees had the day before invested that town and burned part or all of the pviblic buildings ; but on reaching North Carolina it was found that the enemy had fallen back nearer the coast. The regiment remained near Weldon for quite a while awaiting orders. On the 28th of October we left Weldon for Tarboro, N. C, reaching there on the 30th. On the first of November we set out for Ham- ilton, N. C, arriving there on the 6th. Here the regiment re- mained for some time, doing picket duty at Eawl's Mill and below there. Scouting parties were often sent out from the

Twenty-Fourth Regiment. 279

regiment to go down in the enemy's lines in the vicinity of Washington, E". 0., to watch their movements. The writer had some experience along this line, but time and space forbid any account of the same here. 22 E"ovember, ordered to Williamston, IST. 0. Here the regiment did picket duty on the river below the town for some time.

In the latter part of December Major Love took a detach- ment of three companies from the regiment, to-wit : Compa- nies E, I, and F, and went down near to Plymouth to ambus- cade a regiment of Yankee cavalry that was in the habit of going in the country to forage. After a hard march all night over hedges and byways, we reached a place of concealment to await their coming ; but soon after the rain began pouring down in torrents, and so thoroughly wet our guns and aimmu- nition that the Major gave up the idea as a bad job, and we set out to retrace our footsteps, marching on until late in the afternoon. We reached a mill, where we found Colonel Clarke with the remaining companies of the Twenty-fourth. Here we camped for the night, completely tired and worn out. On the following day the regiment set out in the direc- tion of Weldon, reaching there a day or two later, where we remained for a few days.

13 January, 1864, the Twenty-fourth Regiment reached Tarboro, JST. C, and remained here for a short while, doing picket duty below the town. In the latter part of January the Twenty-fourth was ordered to Goldsboro, and from this place to Kinston, ISTew Bern and back to Goldsboro and on to Weldon. It was a continuous move, with no fighting, except at ISTew Bern, where we had what we called a litte "round" with the Yanks. From Weldon, 19 February, the Twenty- fourth Regiment was ordered to Petersburg, Va., and went into camp on Dunn's Hill, near the city. 17 Febru- ary returned to Weldon, IST. C. 24 February the regiment was called on to re-enlist for the duration of the war. It was understood by the boys, however, that they were in for the war, and the consequence was, but few re-enlisted.

On 25 February Major Love took Company E, with three other companies of the regiment, and went down in' Eastern Carolina on a series of hard marches. The de-

280 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

tachment reached G-atesville about the first of March. Erom Gatesville on to South Mills, which place had previously been burned by the enemy. At this place the Yankee cavalry was stationed, and on our approach a running fight ensued up the Dismal Swamp Canal. We followed up the canal for several miles, driving the enemy before us, until we reached the only house we had seen since we had left the burnt town. Here we halted, and at night Major Love placed the detachment in ambush, and awaited results. Soon after, the enemy was heard moving in our direction down the canal ; and had it not been for the impatience of the detachment highest up the canal, who fired too soon, we must have had a nice time of it. This, of course, spoiled the whole trick, and the Yankees whirled about and made a hasty retreat up the canal ^not however, without leaving several dead and wounded.

It was now snowing, 'and the night was intensely cold, and we without fire or blankets. Major Love called to order and returned down the canal, breaking the dikes behind him reaching South Mills in the early morning, where we re- mained that day. The following night we set out on a march of about thirty miles and went into camp ; remaining here for a day or two, or until the regiment joined us. From this place, the Twenty-fourth set out for Suffolk, Va., which place was in possession of a regiment of negro cavalry. Moving on during the day, we camped within seven miles of the place. At 3 o'clock in the morning we resumed the m.arch, General Ran- som with the brigade having joined vis the night before. Moving on in the darkness, we came in contact with what we supposed the enemy drawn iip in line of battle at the fork of the road. Ransom ordered Colonel Clarke to form the Twen- ty-fourth in line and advance as near as possible without forc- ing a fight to observe, if possible, if it was the enemy or Col- onel Tom Kennedy's cavalry that was supposed to have been captured a day or two before. It proved to be Kennedy, which was found out when it was light enough so that we could see their gray uniforms. Each party sprung their guns many times that morning, and had one gun been discharged, there wotild have been a dreadful slaughter among friends. After the parties were known to each other, Kennedy took the


1. James A. Holeman, Captain. Co. A. 3.

2. John A. Williams, Captain, Commis- 4.

sary. 5.

C. S. Powell. 2d Lieut.. Co. E.

J A. Long. Orderly Sergeant, Co. H.

Edwin G. Moore, Private, Co. A.

Twenty-Fourth Regiment. 281

left hand road and Ransom the right. We ran in with the Yankee pickets about three miles from town and drove them in. In the afternoon the Twenty-fourth Regiment was sent around to the west of the town at a church. Soon after we saw in the distance a squad of Yankee cavalry. At this mo- ment Captain Durham, of Ransom's StafE, took charge of the Texas Zouaves, about fifteen in niimber, and mounted on very poor horses, dashed forward to meet them. A running fight ensued, the Twenty-fourth being ordered to follow in double-quick. Durham pursued at close quarters until reach- ing the lower part of town, when the enemy received rein- forcements and a hand to hand conflict was had. The Twen- ty-fourth Riegiment had now reached the scene in disorder, having double-quicked about two miles. The ladies were on the streets with their inspiring words and telling us that it was but a regiment of negroes, to go forward. At this mo- ment General Ransom came up and commenced forming the men in ranks. In the meantime the negroes were forming for a charge, splendidly mounted on fine chargers, and at the command dashed forward as if they would ride over us ; but every man of the Twenty-fourth that had arrived needed no words of command to make him do his duty, except to hold his fire until the proper time. On they came to within forty paces, when the order was given to fire, which was done with telling effect. It was enotigh. The negroes wheeled their horses and fled in the direction from which they came; and the writer has often thought this the most splendid exhibi- tion of horsemanship we have ever witnessed. The negroes did not return. Those that fell into our hands were in some houses in town and refused to surrender, and continued to flre out of the windows until the}' were burned up in the houses. Late in the evening General Ransom permitted the Twenty- fourth Regiment to plunder the camps of the enemy, which were rich in many good rations, which were very much needed by our boys. We remained in Siiffolk two days, and our part- ing with the citizens and ladies were as sad as our meeting upon entering the town was joyous. On 12 March, 1864, we again reached Weldon, worn ovit and tired, and went into camp, soon after which orders came to clean guns and get

282 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

ready for regimental inspection. We remained at this camp for several days.

We left Weldon in the early part of April and reached Plymouth, IST. C, about the 15th, and began the siege of that place. There were about 3,500 Yankees here, under the command of General Wessell, strongly fortified by a series of breastworks and forts, well mounted, with nearly two hundred heavy siege guns, which would seem to make the place well nigh invulnerable to an equal number of troops as the assaulting party.

General Hoke established his lines on the upper town or river, and Ransom's Brigade on the south or front part of the town, all under the command of Hoke. On the 18th, Ran- som was ordered to assault the works in front of the town which, by the way, was that part of the work that embraced the three principal forts and could not be carried by an as- sault made directly in front.

Preparatory to making this assault the Twenty-fourth Reg- iment was drawn up in line of battle in a skirt of woods, some three-quarters of a mile from the enemy's works, and a de- tail made, to intercept and drive back the enemy's sharpshoot- ers, posted some two hundred yards in front of us in the open field. Our line advanced about half the distance, when the firing commenced, and we can truthfully say, that this was the finest work of the kind we ever saw, our lines steadily advancing, while the enemy's retreated into the forts.

The Twenty-fourth Regiment followed the line of skirmish- ers to within a short distance of the forts, where we were halted and ordered to lie down in a deep ravine. At this mo- ment (dark) all the artillery on both sides, that could be brought to bear was in full play, and from then until a late hour at night it was a sublime, as it was also an awful scene, to watch the transition of the bursting shells, dealing death and destruction on every hand. The light caused by the vivid flash of the cannon and the explosion of shells, made it sufficient at times to have picked up a pin from the earth. In this assault our casualties were comparatively light, con- sidering how terriffic was this artillery duel.

We withdrew late at night, and the next day Ransom's Bri-

Twenty-Fourth Regiment. 283

gade was sent around in rear of the town on the river to make the assault from below. Company E, of the Twenty-fourth, was thrown forward as skirmishers and to find out, if possi- ble, if the bridge at the creek had been burned. As we have before stated in this sketch, the writer was acting as courier from the skirmish line to General Ransom's headquarters. It was now night, and I had delivered a message froim Captain Lane, in charge of the skirtmishers, to General Ransom, with regard to the force of the enemy at the creek, when Lieuten- ant Applewhite, of Texas, and acting as aid to General Ran- som, was standing by and asked permission to take "this man" (myself), and go to the creek and ascertain if the bridge had been burned. Ransom at first objected, but finally yielded, and Applewhite and myself set out, but did not go far before we met General Bearing, of our eavarly, and one other man.

On learning that we were going to the creek, Bearing and his man joined us and we four soon stood on the bank of the creek. The bridge had been burned and a small boat was on the opposite side. Bearing asked who would swim the creek and get the boat, and no sooner said than the man we did not know was across the creek and had the boat. The enemy, as we soon learned, was about forty paces from us behind breast- works. The man that swam the creek, we have learned since the war was Cavenaugh, from Onslow county. It was a brave deed, and we mention it simply to show the material that composed the Southern army, then around Plymouth, and no doubt there were hundreds of equally brave spirits in that unequal contest, some of whom fell that night and the next morning in the storming of this strong citadel.

Captain Lane, with Company E, of the Twenty-fourth, now arrived at the creek, and soon after a pontoon was fixed and Lane and his ooimpany went across to the Yankee side. When he gave the order to forward, the enemy poured into them a heavy fire from behind breastworks, wounding several of Lane's men. Lane, however, maintained his ground until reinforcements arrived, which was about ten minutes later, when the Yankees fled.

We followed on to a hedgerow about one thousand yards from the main forts, when Company E held the skirmish

284 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

line during the night. At dawn of the day, the 20th, Cap- tain Durham of Eansom's Staff, ordered Captain Lane to forward his line of Skirmishers. This order was greeted by a shower of minie balls from the enemy. At the time all of his artillery that could be brought to bear upon us was in full play, which made the earth quake beneath our feet. Amid this storm of shot and shell, Lane led his line in ad- vance of the line of battle to the first fort. On arriving at the fort, Daniel King, Orderly Sergeant of Company E, mounted the parapet and demanded its surrender, which order was obeyed. The second fort was then stormed and carried ; the third also, and our victory was complete. The Twenty-fourth Regiment and Eansom's Brigade had stormed and taken an army greater in nunibers than they themselves, and the enemy well fortified within these strong forts, but this was not done without some loss to us, for in Company E, Lane's, alone, we numbered twenty-one killed and wounded.

Hoke's Brigade occupied the line above town on the river and consequently did but little of the fighting on this day. This was a complete victory for our side and it was greatly due to Ransom and his brigade.

The recapture of Plymouth, IST. C, under the existing cir- cumstances, was one of the most splendid victories achieved by Southern arms in this great contest, and about the only hard fought battle on North Carolina soil. At night, the troops were marched out of town and the dead buried with military honors. On the following day the Twenty-fourth Regiment was sent to garrison the town where we remained for a day or two, when we were relieved by the Fiftieth Regi- ment, North Carolina troops, and Ransom's Brigade sent to lay siege to Washington, N. C.

Soon after our arrival at this town the Yankees took to their gunboats and left for parts unknown, and we set oxit for New Bern, N. C, reaching a point near the city on the south side of the Trent, 6 May. Here we had some fighting, cap- turing about fifty prisoners, with a loss of but two men on our side killed.

8 May, we reached Kinston, N. C, on our way to Virginia. About 10 May, we reached Petersburg, Va.,

Twenty-Fourth Regiment. 285

and were sent down on the James river to intercept Butler, then advancing on Richmond from the south side of the James ; Ransom's Brigade was now assigned to Bushrod Johnson's division, under command of General Beauregard. Ransom's Brigade was now sent to Drewry's Bluff, and on the 14th, was sent down the railroad to occupy a line of breastworks on the extreme right of our lines. The Twenty- fourth Regiment rested its right at the end of the works, on a marsh said to be impassable by troops.

The enemy was closing in upon us in front and file. Soon after reaching this position the enemy broke through this swamp and attacked our line in rear, breaking our line tem- porarily and severely wounding General Ransom. At this moment, the gallant Captain Durham was killed at the head of the Twenty-fourth Regiment, which was now being pressed from all sides and the only alternative was to cut through the enemy's lines from the rear, which was done in admirable style. The Twenty-fourth was ordered to cover the retreat up the railroad, the enemy shelling with all their artillery which made this position anything but comfortable. At night, the Twenty-fourth was ordered to rest on their arms and Company E was sent forward on a skirmish. During the night we could hear the cries of a wounded reb in front of our lines, the words of whom we could not understand at the time, or that it had a special signification or meaning until hostilities ceased for the time and the wounded man was brought safely into our lines. It was said, by men that knew, that this man was a Free Mason, and was thus safely rescued. Firing was kept up during the night, and in the early morning of the 15th assumed the proportions of a regu- lar battle. Fighting was kept up during the day, and in the afternoon the whole line became engaged. Ransom's Brigade occupying much the same position of the night before. The Twenty-fourth Regiment suffered terribly during the day. Cotapany E lost nine m«n wounded and one killed by the ex- ploding of a shell. It was here that Colonel Clarke, com- manding the brigade, was severely wounded, and never again returned to the regiment. ISTight closed this day's fighting, and as the morning of 16 May,' 1864, was ushered

286 North Carolina Troops, 186]-'65.

in, we were again on the move, the Twenty-fourth Kegi- ment occupying the left of the line from that of the previous day. About 9 o'clock Ransom's Brigade, in command of Colonel Eutledge, of the Twenty-fifth Eegiment, was ordered to retake a portion of our works that had been captured the day before. Lieutenant-Colonel Harris led the Twenty- fourth to the charge. The route over which we had to pass was about 500 yards.

The timber had been cut and felled in the direction from which we had to make the advance. At the word forward, we made our way as best we could, losing our men at every step. Reaching the works occupied by the enemy, the conflict be- came fearful, the breastwork only dividing the two lines. At this moment the Twenty-fourth Regiment had one hundred or more of her already thin ranks stricken down, and for the first time in her history had to fall back in disorder. On reaching the point from which we first started^ Colonel Har- ris reformed the regiment for a second charge. Captain Lane, Company E, on getting his men together, found that he had but two men left. The writer was one of the two. Ad- dressing General Beauregard, who was present, in tears, told him that he had lost all of his men but two, pointing to my- self and Creech. Beauregard said to Lane: "Captain, you have done enough ; take those two men and act as rear guard and recruit your company." But when Harris ordered the second charge. Lane ordered us to fall in and we did so. But on reaching the works the Yankees had fled, leaving their dead and wounded behind.

This was a heart-rending scene. The dead and wounded were lying in every conceivable condition, and cries for help went up all around. It is enough that we should say, that none could look on and not weep, unless he possessed a heart as unsusceptible as stone, or that he were a soldier. Butler retreated to Bermuda Hundred. Beauregard followed. About the flrst of June, we had a heavy skirmish fight at Ber- muda Hundred, and the fighting was kept up from day to day for several days. On one occasion Company E was sent to reinforce Colmpany H on the skirmish line. Soon the whole regiment was sent and drove the enemy back. Reach-

Twenty-Fourth Regiment. 287

ing a road, Colonel Harris gave the order to lie down, and just here happened a little incident that we will mention for the fun of the thing. When the order came to lie down, the writer crossed over the road and took a position behind a forked oak, and began firing at the Yankee colors about one hundred yards off. Soon we were joined by Tom Toler, who also began to fire soon after. Looking around we saw that the regiment was going. Calling to Tom to let's go, he said, "No, we are going up."

We shook hands and parted and on reaching the regiment, I told the boys Tom was gone up ; that he was a prisoner, but in a few moments up came Tom, out of breath, puffing and blowing, and said the next time he offered himself to the Yanks, they would be sure to have him. The boys gave a loud yell at Tom's expense.

18 June below Richmond, near Bottom's Bridge, doing picket duty on a creek. This was as bad picket duty as we ever did, the two lines being divided by the streaim and not more than forty yards apart. All that was necessary for the exchange of shots was to show yourself or shake a bush.

21 June, left Chaffin's Bluff and went to Petersburg, fight- ing every day. On reaching the city, we were hastened for- ward to reinforce some militia that had withstood the Yan- kee forces around Petersburg up to this time, and had been driven to our last line of works. Soon after our arrival, the enemy charged our regiment in heavy column. We let them come sufficiently near, when we mowed them down so fear- fully that hundreds threw down their guns and surrendered.

At night the firing was kept up on both sides. Just before day the enemy broke Johnson's (Tennessee) Brigade and came in our rear before we knew it. The result was that all of the Twenty-fourth that were asleep were captured, being over one hundred. It was now day and the remainder of the Twenty-fourth fell back to a new position, and were ordered to build new works and support Miller's battery. We worked during the day with our hands and bayonets, and by night we had a strong work. At night Colonel Faison, in command of the brigade, ordered us to move to the left, and soon after to take back a portion of the works that Wise's Virginia Brigade

288 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

had been run out of. The Twenty-fourth Regiment was led by Major Love. This was a desperate struggle, it being nec- essary to club the enemy out with the butts of our guns. It was soon over, however, and our loss was light, considering the situation. We remained here in this captured works until just before day, the enemy's dead and wounded in piles among us, when we were moved to the right. This brought day of the morning of the 23rd, and we were again ordered to built breastworks which was again done during the day with bayonets as our only tools. The eneray massed their columns all day in a deep ravine in our front.

About sunset they advanced several columns deep. Our lines were doubled also. On they came to within seventy- five yards before we gave them the first fire; still they came until the third round, Avhen they weakened and fell back down the hill, still firing but to no effect, as the balls passed well over us. About 9 o'clock at night, we were relieved by General Longstreet's corps, and sent out near the reservoir for rest, the first we had had for several days. On leaving the works, we came in range of the enemy's bullets and suf- fered considerable loss. The siege of Petersburg now began by General Grant, and the line of breastworks built this day by the Southern army was the line maintained and held by them during the remaining nine raontlis of the war. During this nine months, there was scarcely a moment, and certainly not an hour, but the sound of arms could be heard on some portion of the lines. Time rolled on. Ransom's Brigade oc- cupying that portion of Lee's line from the right bank of Ap- pomattox river to and beyond the iron railroad bridge, east of the city. Skirmishing was now an every day occurrence.

In many places the two lines were not one hundred yards apart.

On 30 July, Grant sprung the mine, afterwards known as the "Crater, or Blow-xip at Petersburg." The right of the Twenty-fourth Regiment rested within a few paces of the "Crater" at the time of this explosion, and was among the first troops to engage in repelling "Bumside's IsTegro Sol- diers" from this bloody chasm. We remained here among these dead negroes until they were buried, or partially so, for

Twenty-Fourth Regiment. ,289

several days, the stench being unbearable under other circum- stances. This portion of the lines was ever after known as Mortar Hill. Subsequently, the Twenty-fourth Regiment was moved to the left, and occupied the line from the iron bridge to the river as before stated. Here it was our daily oc- cupation to watch the enemy through port holes made through sand bags and to dodge mortar shells. At night we did picket duty in the rifle pits between the two lines, in some places not more than forty yards from the Yankee pickets. Often we would meet and exchange tobacco and coffee, and have a social chat with each other.

In Qctober, the Regiment was recruited by conscripts from Camp Holmes, which swelled our ranks somewhat, and many of these men made good soldiers. Time moved on with its many changes, in men and other things. The Yankees often making desperate efforts to break our lines, but were as often repulsed, and sometimes with heavy loss. About 15 March, 1865, Ransom's Brigade was relieved and sent about seven miles west of the city. Here we remained for a few days in some houses or huts that had been built by the army. About 24 March, at night, we were ordered to fall in ranks, not knowing what was going to happen next. We took up the line of march in the direction of Petersbuig, which place we reached after midnight. We were ordered to the place we had left but a few days before, at the iron bridge. It now became apparent that something had to be done. About one hour to day, the Twenty-fourth Regiment was ordered to mount the works and move as quietly as possible on the enemy's works.

Moving on in the darkness we soon came in contact with the enemy's cJieveaux de freise fastened together Avith wire. Through this we so&n made an opening, and entered the works without firing a gun, the Yankees not expecting an assault. As we brought them out in their night clothes we. would send them to the rear. A moment later firing commenced to our right, but the enemy was so completely taken by surprise that their effort was but a feeble one, and we had their line for a mile or more. For some unknown cause the advantage we 19

290 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

had then gained was thrown away, and we were permitted to quietly remain where we were until Grant moved a portion of his army from Hatcher's Run, some nine miles away.

It was now 9 o'clock in the morning ; and when the Yan- kees came, they presented a sublibae scene in their long lines of blue. We prepared to receive them as they came; but soon yelling commenced to the right of Ransom's Brigade, and later they came in both front and rear and poured into us a heavy, enfilading fire, which was very destructive to our men. It was here that Lieutenant-Colonel Harris was severely wounded, and Major Love took command of the Twenty- fourth Regiment. We were now powerless to help ourselves, as the Yankees were closing in upon us from every quarter, and the order was given to fall back by companies, begin- ning on the left of the regiment ; but before the right compa- nies received the order the enemy had cut off all chances of retreat. The writer was present with Major Love at the head of the regiment when the Yankees came, and saw him wrest frdm the hands of a Yankee color-bearer his colors, but of course he was not allowed to keep them, for we were now prisoners, or ^.t least one-half of the men belonging to the two right companies were. We have never known the number killed and wounded in the Twenty-fourth in this engagement, but it was very heavy in both men and officers, as there was but a handful of men left under the command of Captain

to surrender at Five Forks, a week later. We

believe, however, that the Twenty-fourth Regiment was repre- sented at Appomattox in the final surrender by our beloved commander, but by no organized command. Those of us taJsen prisoners were sent to Point Lookout, Md., and to John- son's Island, N. Y., where we remained until June, 1865.

Thus closed the services to the "Lost Cause" of one of the best regiments that the Old North State furnished during the late war.

W. K Rose, Je.


9 April, 1901.

TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. 1. T. L. Clingman, Colonel. 4. James A. Blalock, Captain, Co. F.

8. Henry M. Butledge, Colonel. 5. James M. Cathey, Captain, Co. F.

3. T. D. Bryson, Captain, Co. B. 6. W. Pinck Welch, 1st Lieut., Co. C.

7. J. C. L. Gudger, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant.


By garland S. FERGUSON, Second Lieutenant Company F.

In May, 1861, the companies which were to form the Twen- ty-fifth Regiment began to organize in Western North Caro- lina and to assemble in Camp Patton at Asheville. As each successive company took its position in camp the guard line was extended and the civilian began to do duty and learn the step and manoeuvers of the soldier. By 15 August, ten com- panies, the requisite number, were in camp and the regiment was organized, the field ofiicers being elected by the votes of the commissioned officers of the companies.

Hon. Thomas L. Clingmajst, Colonel, who for years had represented the mountain district in the Congress of the United States, and who had resigned his seat in the United States Senate afterwards Brigadier-General.

St. Claib Deaeing, Lieutenant-Colonel, who had resigned his position in the United States Army later Brigadier-Gen- eral.

Hektey M. EutlegEj Major, a boyish-looking young man of 22, with military education and bearing.

W. ]Sr. Feeeman, was appointed Adjutant.

W. H. Beysow^ Quartermaster.

John W. Walkee, Commissary.

De. S. S. Satchwell^ Surgeon.

De. G. W. Fletchee, Assistant Surgeon.

J. C. L. Gudgee^ Sergeant-Major.

Clinton A. JoneSj Quartermaster Sergeant.

Julius M. Toung^ Commissary Sergeant.

Petee M. EicHj Drum Major.

The companies composing the regiment were :

Com f ANY A From Henderson County, conmianded by

292 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Captain Baylis M. Edney, who was killed in 1863, and after- wards by Captain Matthew H. Love, who was promoted to Major and Lieutenant-Colonel; Captain John Plumby, who was killed at Five Forks.

Company B From Jackson County, commanded by Cap- tain Thaddeus D. Bryson, and afterwards by Captain David Rogers.

Company C ^From Haywood County, commanded by Captain Sam C. Bryson, who was promoted Major, Lieuten- ant-Colonel, wounded at Eraser's Farm in front of Peters- burg on the night of lY June, 1864, resigned, and afterwards by Captain W. IST. Freeman.

Company D From Cherokee County, commanded by Captain John W. Francis, who was promoted Major, wounded at Malvern Hill, resigned, and afterwards comtaianded by Captain Lee B. Tatham.

Company E From Transylvania County, commanded by Captain Francis W. Johnston, afterwards by Captain Wm. W. Graves, who was killed in front of Petersburg, then by Captain Charles L. Osborne.

Company F From Haywood County, commanded by Captain Thomas I. Lenoir, afterwards by Captain James M. Cathey, who was killed at the "Crater" in front of' Peters- burg on the 30th of June, 1864, then by Captain James A, Blaylock.

Company G^ From Athens, Georgia, Clay and Macon counties, North Carolina, commanded by Captain Wm. S. Grady, who was promoted Major and mortally wounded at the "Crater" 30 June, 1864, and afterwards by Captain John S. Hayes, then Captain John H. Phinisee.

Company H From Buncombe and Henderson counties, commanded by Captain Frederick Blake, and afterwards by Captain Solomon Cunningham, who was killed at Fredericks- burg 13 December, 1862, then by Captain Thomas J. Young.

Company I From Buncombe County, commanded by Captain George W. Howell, afterwards by Captain W.. Y. Morgan, who was promoted Major, and then by Captain A. B. Thrash.

Company K From Buncombe cotinty, commanded by

Twenty-Fifth Regiment. 293

Captain Charles M. Roberts, who was promoted Major of a battalion and killed by bush whackers while on detail duty in Madison County in 1864, and then commanded by Captain Jesse M. Burleyson.

With the exception of a part of Company G, the regiment was composed of mountain men west of the Ridge, the Colo- nel was a politician and statesman ; the Lieutenant-Colonel a professional soldier; the Major a civilian with a military ed- ucation. There were but few slave owners in the regiment, 90 per cent, of the men were farmers and farmer's sons, fully 80 per cent, home owners, or the sons of farmers who owned their farms. With the exception of the Lieutenant-Colonel the survivors expected to return to the peaceful pursuits of life after the war should terminate.

The majority of the men composing the regiment had been Union men until after President Lincoln's Proclamation, they then regarded their interests with the South and ac- knowledged their allegiance to the State. They had gone to war to defend their homes from invasion by an armed foe.

The men had been accustomed to independence of thought and freedom of action and had elected for their company of- ficers their neighbors and companions and had no idea of giving up more of their personal liberty than should be nec- essary to make them effective soldiers obedient on duty, in- dependent off this spirit, they in a marked degree, retained to the close of the war, and it was this which made them the pride of their General in battle and sometimes gave him an- noyance in camp. Under the mild discipline of the Colonel and skillful training and accurate drill of the LieutenanlhCol- onel and Major, the regiment was soon thoroughhly drilled and disciplined, on duty. On 18 September the reg- iment marched from Asheville to Icard Station below Mor- ganton, the nearest railroad point; the majority of the regi- ment had never seen a steam engine or a railroad. It stopped a day or two in Raleigh and drew uniforms and reached Wil- mington 29 September and went into camp at Mitch- ell's Sound. Here the regiment had arms, muskets, distributed to it. In ISTovember it was sent to the coast de- fence of South Carolina and camped near Grahamville most

294 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

of the winter, doing picket duty, drilling and building fortifi- cations. 14 March, 1862, the regiment left Grahamville for ISTew Bern, N. 0., but before reaching that point the city had been taken and the regiment met the retreating Confederate troops at Kinston, where it went into camp and remained until after the reo-rganization, being attached to the bri- gade commanded by General Robert Ransom, which consisted of the Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Thirty- fifth and Forty-ninth North Carolina Regiments. At the re- organization Clingman was re-electel Colonel, Lieuten- ant-Colonel Dearing being a professional soldier ob- jected to again taking a second place in the regi- ment and retired from the command. Major Rutledge was elected Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain S. C. Bry- son of Company C, elected Major. Colonel Clingman was soon promoted Brigadier-General, Rutledge to Colonel ; Bry- son to Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain Francis of Company D, to Major.

On 24 June, 1862, the regiment reached Richmond, Va., as a part of General Robert Ransom's brigade; by sunrise of the 25th it was on the march towards the front and to join the division of General Huger, which was then en- gaged at Seven Pines on the Williamsburg road. There was heavy firing of artillery and musketry in front. It had at last come in hearing of the true music of war. About one-half mile from the line the regiment was ordered to double quick. It was thrown in line on the immediate left of the Williams- burg road, and when within range of the enemy the regi- ment halted, the front rank at the command fired and fell to the ground, the rear rank fired over theln, then with bayo- nets fixed we raised the rebel yell and charged ; the enemy gave way and the ground which had been lost in the morning was retaken. The enemy opened a heavy fire of musketry and three times tried, without effect, to retake their lines. At 6 o'clock p. m. a heavy fire of grape was opened on the regi- ment without demoralizing or moving it. It was relieved at dark. Major-General Huger in his report of this battle says: "The Twenty-fifth Regiment (Colonel H. M. Rut- ledge) was pushed to the left of the Williamsburg road,

Twenty-Fifth Regiment. 295

where the enemy had advanced, and drove them back in gal- lant style." The loss of the regiment was two killed and forty wounded. Private B. B. Edmondson was promoted to Ad- jutant of the regiment for gallantry on the field. General Rob- ert Ransom commended, in his report of the engagement, the officers and men of the regiment.

The regiment was on several occasions, during the suc- ceeding days, under fire. On 2 July at Malvern Hill late in the evening it made a charge, but for want of sup- port and on account of a galling fire, it was ordered back, and with other regiments of the brigade, was reformed under cover by General Robert Ransom, and again advanced to within one hundred yards of the enemy's guns and line, when the men raised a yell and charged in the face of a perfect sheet of fire from musketry and artillery, without wavering, to within twenty yards of the enemy's guns, some going even nearer. At this point General Ransom discovered that he was not supported and that the enemy were heavily massed, very greatly outnumbering his men. Unwilling to sacrifice his men in a hopeless charge and dark coming on he withdrew from the attack. In his report of the battle he speaks in the highest terms of praise of the conduct of the officers and men, commending especially the courage and coolness of Colonel Rutledge and Major Francis. The Colonel was stunned by a bursting shell and the Major wounded. The regiment's loss was ninety-three in killed and wounded. After the battle of Malvern Hill General Ransom had full confidence in the fighting qualities of the Twenty-fifth Regiment, and the men of the regiment .had full confidence in him as a careful, cour- ageous and skillful leader in battle. It was only in camp and on the march that any difl^erence existed between the men and their General; this existence amounted to positive dis- like, in some instances hate. The men of the Twenty-fifth Regiment would not have exchanged General Robert Ran- som as a leader in battle for any General in the Army of Northern Virginia. His mastery of military tactics, cool- ness on the field, and judgment of ground enabled him to place his men in action with great rapidity and comparative safety, xmtil they were ready to do execution. If he had un-

296 NoETH Carolina Troops, 186] -'65.

derstood volunteer soldiers and realized that four-fifths of the men in ranks were as careful of their personal honor, and as anxious for the success of the cause as he, he would have been one of the gi-eatest generals in Lee's army, was the opin- ion of some, and is still the opinion of the writer. After Mal- vern Hill the regiment went into camp for a time at Drewry's Bluff. It was here, in consequence of the exposure just gone through, that army sickness first made its telling effect on the regiment, the loss by death from sickness being eighty-one. About this time the Twenty-sixth Regiment was taken out of our brigade and later the Fifty-sixth Eegiment was assigned us in its place.

The regiment, with the brigade, was attached to Walker's Division in the Maryland campaign, and at Harper's Ferry was placed to gviard Loudon Heights to prevent the escape of the enemy. When it was first made known to the men by General Lee's order that the army was to cross the Poto- mac there was a considerable murmur of disappointment in ranks. The men said thej^ had volunteered to resist invasion and not to invade, some did not believe it right to invade Northern territory, others thought that the same cause that brought the Southern army to the front would increase the jSTorthern army, still others thought the war should be car- ried into the North; thus the men thought, talked and disa- greed. This was the first dissension among the men of the regiment, but all were united in their confidence and love for Lee.

At Sharpsburg the regiment was put into action near the extreme left of Lee's line. Our troops were retreating in front of a determined charge of the enemy, the men passed through the retreating troops, raised the yell, and charged with a determination that drove the enemy from the field to cover of his heavy works.

Camping equij^ments had been left behind at Richmond, and frequently on the march the men had to resort to ram- rods for baking purposes and forked sticks for the roast; blankets and change of clothing had been left at Sharpsburg, and when the men recrossed the Potomac they were without blankets and bare of clothing, this was late in September and


J. S. J. SheltoD, 1st Lieut., Co. C. 3. J. T. Cathey, 2d Lieut., Co. F.

2. W. H Hartgrove. 1st Lieut., Co. F. 4. Garland S. Ferguson, 8<1 Lieut., Co.F

5. John W. Norwood, 1st Sergeant, Co. C.

Twenty-Fifth Regiment. 297

the regiment did not receive new blankets till some time in October. The beds were room}' but cool.

After remaining in the Shenandoah Valley for some time the regiment marched to Madison Court House, where it bivouaced and there drew a stipply of clothing and blankets, then marched to Fredericksburg. The winter at Fredericks- burg was cold, but sh^ters were made of pine brush, log fires built in front, and with an additional supply of blankets and clothing, which most men received from home, the men were fairly comfortable.

On 11 and 12 December, 1862, the regiment was in position back of Marye's House. About 11 o'clock on the morning of the 13th, General Robert Ransom informed the regiment that General Cobb's men who were holding ovir line in front of Marye's House, were short of ammunition and must be reinforced, and that the xmdertaking was a dan- gerous one; the men fully understanding the importance and danger of the duty, moved forward with a firm and steady step, like patriots, to battle. On reaching the crest of the hill (the regiment having been divided so as to pass the house on either side) it met a fearful fire from the enemy two hun- dred yards off. In casting an eye along the line men could be seen falling like sheaves before the sickle. In less than two minutes the regiment's loss in killed and wounded was one hundred and twenty. It reached Cobb's line just as his men were emptying their last cartridge, and held the line, repell- ing six successive assaults, until relieved at nightfall.

During the spring of 1863 the regiment was stationed at Kenansville, Wilmington, and other places in North Carolina. The fall and winter of 1863 the regiment was sta- tioned at Garysburg, from which place it made several ex- cursions to check the advances of the enemy on the coast of ISTorth Carolina, but did not see much hard service until the spring of 1864. In October, 1863, a detachment of the regi- ment under Lieutenant-Colonel Bryson, had an engagement at Hot Springs, in Madison County, North Carolina. The enemy outnumbered them twenty to one, and the loss of the detachment in killed and wounded was heavy, including Lieu- tenant Hyatt, of Company F, who was killed on the field.

298 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

In April, 1864, the regiment participated in the assault and capture of Plymouth, IST. C.

During the Virginia and Maryland campaigns, Colonel Eutledge had so endeared himself to the non-commissioned of- ficers and privates of his regiment, by his courage and kind- ness, that they presented him a fine saddle horse, not allowing the commissioned ofiicers to bear any part of the expense or take any part in the presentation ceremonies.

General Robert Hansom was promoted Major-General June

1863, and Colonel Matthew W. Eansom, of the Thirty-fifth, was promoted to Brigadier-General and assigned to the com- mand of the brigade. General Matthew Ransom was a law- yer, very handsome in appearance, of undoubted courage and knew the temper of volunteer soldiers. The men of the regi- ment loved him and trusted him.

The regiment was engaged at Drewry's Bluff 12 May,

1864, in which engagement Company F lost Lieutenant Ebed J. Ferguson, killed, and six non-commissioned officers and privates wounded; and participated in the engagements at Ware Bottom Church and Bermuda Hundred.

On 16 June, 1864, the regiment crossed to the South of the Appomattox for the defence of Petersburg and entered at once into the fight in front of Avery's House, and checked the advance of the enemy who was driving back the Petersburg militia, the only protection to the city at that time. On the night of the 17th the regiment participated in the engagement at Avery's Farm, and drove the enemy from their breastworks at the point where the Twenty-fifth made its attack.

From 16 June, 1864, until.April, 1865, the regiment was constantly under fire, with the exception of about ten days in March, occupying the trenches in front of Petersburg. The position of the regiment on 30 June, 1864, was on the right of Ransom's brigade and to the left of Elliott's South Carolina brigade. The explosion of Grant's Mine (the "Crater") was in the line occupied by the left regiment of the South Carolina brigade. Immediately after the explosion the Twenty-fifth regiment, then number- ing about two hundred and fifty men moved from the trenches and formed a new line in the rear of the trenches occupied by

Twenty-Fifth Regiment. 299

the South Carolinians, which had been taken at the time of the explosion and which were then occupied by the enemy. The regiment, with a remnant of the Sixth South Carolina, was the only force between the enemy and the city, at that point. The enemy massed his troops in our trenches in front of us until he had sixteen regimental flags in our works. He made several attempts to move forward and force our line, but was successfully repulsed and held in check for several hours, until reinforcements arrived. The regiment led Mahone's men in the charge which retook the works. In retaking the works the fight was hand to hand, with guns, bayonets, and swords, in fact anything a man could fight with. One six- teen year old boy had his gun knocked out of his hands and picked up a cartridge box and fought with that. Major Grady, who commanded the regiment, was mortally wounded and Captain Jas. M. Cathey, of Company F, killed.

On 21 August, 1864, the regiment participated in the battle of the Weldon Railroad, between Petersburg and Reams' Station. The enemy had entrenched himself behind heavy earthworks and had felled the timber in front, crossing the laps of the trees and sharpening the limbs. In order to reach their works the timber had to be removed so as to make a passway for the men. During this time the enemy kept up a constant fire until our men reached the works. The color-bearer of the regiment was shot down and Sergeant J. B. Hawkins, of Company C, caught the colors, rushed for- ward and placed them on the works. The works were taken and the enemy driven back under cover of his heavy artillery. The loss of the regiment was heavy in killed and wounded. Lieutenant Garland S. Ferguson, of Company F, was wounded in the right shoulder, but did not quit the field.

On 25 March, 1865, a detail of ten men from each regiment of Ransom's brigade, under Lieu.tenant Burch, was placed in charge of Lieutenant J. B. Hawkins, of Company C, Twenty-fifth regiment, who received his orders from Gen- eral Robert Ransom in these words: "I order you to take Fort Steadman, not attack it." Lieutenant Hawkins quietly executed this order and had the fort in possession without the firing of a gun.

300 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

The Twenty-fifth was moved forward to the left of Fort Steadman and nearly in front of the position it had occupied in the ditches through the winter ; drove in the enemy's pick- ets, took their first works and held them. The fort of the enemy in the field on the left was not taken, and the enemy from that point poured a fearfnl enfilading fire into the regimBnt. Several unsuccessful efforts were made from the front to dislodge the regiment. After the enemy retook Fort Steadman and was advancing in front and while the regiment was suffering the effects of an enfilading fire from the left, the Colonel walked along the line of his regiment with his cap on sword, shouting to his men, "Don't let them take our front, Twenty-fifth, the Twenty-fifth has never had her front taken." At this time orders were received from General G-or- don to fall back to our line of works. The loss of the regi- ment was hfeavy. A number of commissioned ofiicers were severely wounded, including Lieutenant Garland S. Fergu- son, whose left thigh was broken ; many non-commissioned of- ficers and privates were killed and wounded.

After Steadman the regiment moved to the right, marching and fighting ; the principal battles in which it was engaged were at Amelia Court .House, and Five Forks. I can do no better in giving the description of the battle of Five Forks than to do so in the language of the gallant and beloved Colo- nel of the regiment. He says : "At Five Forks I was more proud of the regiment than I had ever been before, and that is saying a great deal. I have thought of them and com- pared them to the 'Stonewall' of Manassas. They were sur- rounded on three sides by -many times their own numbers, but there they stood, a solid mass of mountain men, broad sides from the enemy being poured into them, and there they stood like the rock of Gibraltar. When I remember that heroic scene, I cannot fail to compare that gallant com- pany, desperate band, to the line the Great Napoleon saw at Waterloo. Speaking afterwards of the English line of bat- tle, he says : 'I covered them with artillery, I fiooded them with infantry, I deluged them with cavalry, but when the smoke of battle rose, there stood the red line yet.' Yes, there stood the gray line, the only line that stood that day, that I

Twenty-Fifth Regiment. 301

saw, and finally, after combating five different and separate times over the same field, pine thickets, broom grass, old fields, all sorts of a place, I was going to win. I was attempt- ing to whip the enemy with the Twenty-fifth North Caro- lina, and I knew I could do it. I thought I was getting along finely, until I happened to look to front, left and right, and saw we were surrounded with but a small loop hole to get through. We backed through that, emptying into their faces the last cartridge we had."

The regiment's loss from its enlistment to the surrender was: Killed in battle, 220; died from disease, 280, and 470 were wounded, of which last number 140 were wounded more than once.

When General Lee's order to surrender was received, the Twenty-fifth regiment still had its flag. It was furled, and taken down in obedience to the order, but the color-sergeant concealed it on his person, returned with it home and gave it to his captain, and it was destroyed by a fire when Captain Freeman's house was burned.

I omitted to state that Dr. F. N. Luckey was made surgeon of the regiment in 1862, in place of Dr. Satchwell, who was assigned to hospital duty, and Serge ant-Major J. C. L. Gudger was promoted Adjutant in 1864, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Adjutant Edmondston.

Captain H. A. Boone succeeded Captain T. D. Bryson in command of Company B. Captain Boone was murdered on the streets of Murphy by the celebrated outlaw. Morrow, af- ter the close of the war.

Garland S. FeegusoNj Waynesville, N. 0.,

9 April, 1901.


1. Zebulon B. Vance, Colonel.

8. Harry K. Burgwyn. Colonel.

3. John R. Lane, Colonel.

4. J. T. Jones, Lieut-Colonel.

5. N. P. Rankin, Major.

6. Thomas J. Boykin, Surgeon.

7. J. J. Young, Captain and Asst. Q. M.

8. James B. Jordan, 1st Lieut, and Adjt.



" Vi-xere fortes ante agamemnona multi; sed omnes illacrimabUes. urgentur ignotique longa node, carent quia vote sacro. Paulum sepultx distat inertise celata virtus."


The regiment was mobilized at the Camp of Instruction at "Crab Tree," about three miles from Ealeigh, IST. 0. At this Camp, during the months of July and August, 1861, were assembled ten companies from the counties of Alamance, Anson, Ashe, Caldwell, Chatham, Moore, Eandolph, Union, Wake, and Wilkes. These companies were organized before leaving home, and on arrival at Camp of Instruction, reported as follows :

1. Jeff Davis Mountaineers, Ashe County ; Captain, An- drew ]Sr. McMillan; Eirst Lieutenant, George K. Eeeves; Second Lieutenant, Jesse A. Eeeves ; Junior Second Lieuten- ant, James Porter.

2. Waxhaw Jackson Guards, Union County ; Captain, J. J. C. Steele; First Lieutenant, William Wilson; Second Lieutenant, Taylor G. Cureton; Junior Second Lieutenant, John W. Eichardson.

3. ^Wilkes Volunteers, Wilkes County ; Captain Abner E. Carmichael ; First Lieutenant, Augustus H. Horton ; Second Lieutenant, Phineas Horton ; Junior Second Lieutenant, Wil- liam W. Hampton.

4. ^Wake Guards, Wake County; Captain, Oscar E. Eand ; First Lieutenant, James B. Jordan ; Second Lieuten- ant James T. Adams ; Junior Second Lieutenant, James W. "Vinson.

5. Independent Guards, Chatham County; Captain, W.

304 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

S. Webster; First Lieutenant, William J. Headen; Second Lieutenant, Bryant 0. Dunlap; Junior Second Lieutenant, S. W. Brewer.

6. Hibriten Guards, Caldwell County; Captain, Nathan- iel P. Rankin ; First Lieutenant, Joseph E. Ballew ; Second Lieutenant, John B. HoUoway; Junior Second Lieutenant, Alfred T. Stewart.

Y. Chatham Boys, Chatham County; Captain, William S. McLean; First Lieutenant, John E. Matthews; Second Lieutenant, George C. Underwood; Junior Second Lieuten- ant, Henry C. Albright.

8. Moore Independents, Moore County; Captain, William P. Martin ; First Lieutenant, Clement Dowd ; Second Lieu- tenant, James D. Mclver ; Junior Second Lieutenant, Robert W. Goldston.

9. Caldwell Guards, Caldwell County; Captain, Wilson S. White; First Lieutenant, John Carson; Second Lieuten- ant, John T. Jones; Junior Second Lieutenant, Milton P. Blair.

10. Pee Dee Wild Cats, Anson County; Captain, James C. Carraway; First Lieutenant, James S. Kendall; Second Lieutenant, John C. McLauchlin; Junior Second Lieuten- ant, William C. Boggan.

The commandant of the Camp of Instruction at Crab Tree was Major Harry King Burgwyn, Jr., not twenty-one years of age, who had graduated at the Virginia Military Institute in May previous.

The Adjutant of the Camp was Oliver Cromwell Petway, also a cadet at the Virginia Military Academy in 1860-1861, subsequently Lieutenant-Colonel of the Thirty-fifth North Cal-olina Regiment, and killed at Malvern Hill 1 July, 1862.

Of this young commandant, Corporal John R. Lane, Com- pany G, subsequently rising by his military talents to the Colonelcy of the regiment, gives his first impressions as follows : "We took the train at Company Shops (now Bur- lington) for Raleigh; arriving at this place, the company marched out to Camp Crab Tree, a Camp of Instruction, and were assigned our position in camp a little after dark. On the next morning when we awoke, we saw the sentinels at

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 305

their posts and realized that we were indeed in the war. Im- mediately after roll call but there was no roll call in our company Major li. K. Burgwyn, commander of the Camp of Instruction, sent down to Captain W. S. McLean, demand- ing the reason for his failure to report his company.

Before the excitement occasioned by his message had sub- sided among the commissioned ofScers, an order came for a corporal and two men to report at once at headquarters. Cap- tain McLean selected Corporal Lane, his lowest subaltern of- ficer, and two of the most soldierly-looking men, S. S. Car- ter and W. G. Carter, to report to Major Burgwyn.

Accordingly, these three worthies appeared before the com- mandant, wondering whether they were going to be promoted, hanged or shot. This was our first sight of the commanding officer, who appeared though young, to be a youth of author- ity, beautiful and handsome; the flash of his eye and the quickness of his movements betokened his liravery. At first sight I both feared and admired him. He gave us the fol- lowing order: "Corporal, take these men and thoroughly police this Camp ; don't leave a watermelon rind or anything filthy in Camp."

This cheering order completely knocked the starch out of our shirts and helped greatly to settle us down to a soldier's life. The cleanliness of the camp was reported by the officer of the day as being perfect. You may be sure our officers re- ported the company promptly after that.


The companies composing the regiment were from the cen- tral and western coiinties of the State ; counties which had op- posed secession until the Proclamation of President Lincoln (April 15, 1861) calling upon Governor Ellis to furnish North Carolina's quota of seventy-five thousand volunteers to coerce the seceding Southern States.

After being drilled and otherwise disciplined, these ten companies were organized into a regiment designated as the


306 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Twenty-sixth North Carolina Troops (Infantry) and the companies took rank as follows :

Captain McMillan's Company, from Ashe County, as Company A.

Captain Steele's Company, from Union County, as Company B.

Captain Caemighael's Company, from Wilkes County, as Company C.

Captain Rand's Company, from Wake County, as Com- pany D.

Captain Webster's Company, from Chatham County, as Company E.

Captain Rankin's Company, from Caldwell County, as Company F.

Captain McLean's Company, from Chatham County, as Company G.

Captain Martin's Company, from Moore County, as Company H.

Captain White's Company, from Caldwell County, as Company I.

Captain Caeea way's Company, from Anson County, as Company K.

The company officers completed the regimental organiza- tion by electing as Colonel, Captain Zehulon B. Vance, then Captain of the "Rough and Ready Guards" from Buncombe County, in the Fourteenth North Carolina Troops ; as Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Major Harry K. Burgwyn, Jr., commandant of the camp; and as Major, Captain Abner B. Carmichael, of Company C.

Colonel Vance subsequently appointed First Lieutenant James B. Jordan, of Company D, Adjutant ; Sergeant Joseph J. Young, of Company D, Quartermaster ; Lieutenant Robert Goldaton, of Company H, Commissary, who died at Carolina City October, 1861 ; Dr. Thomas J. Boykin, of Sampson County, Surgeon; and Private Daniel M. Shaw, Company H, Assistant Surgeon.

Rev. Robert H. Marsh, of Chatham County, since so widely

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 307

known as an eloquent preacher of the Baptist persuasion, was appointed Chaplain. The commissions of the officers tore date 27 August, 1861. First Lieutenant A. H. ITorton, of Company C, was promoted Captain vice Carmichael, elected Major. The non-commissioned staff were:

L. L. Polk, Sergeant-Ma j or, of Company K. Benjamin ITind^ Hospital Steward, of Company ~K. E. H. HoBNADAYj Ordnance Sergeant, of Company E. Jesse Feeguson, Commissary Sergeant, of Company C. Abbam J. Lanb^ Quartermaster Sergeant, of Company G.


Promptly on its organization the regiment was ordered to the defence of Fort ii aeon, on Bogue Island. Leaving Ral- eigh on the 2d of September, 1861, under command of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Burgwyn, (Colonel Vance not having as yet reported for duty) , the regiment, halting a few days at More- head City, took up its permanent camp near Fort Macon at which place Colonel Vance assumed command. The months of September, October and ISTovember, 1861, were passed at this place. The time was occupied in guard duties, drilling and preparing for the arduous duties that lay before them.

Occasionally, upon rumor that the enemy were landing, the long roll would be sounded, and the regiment drawn up in line. There was great sickness among the soldiers. An en- demic of measles and fever prevailed. A hospital was estab- lished at Carolina City on the mainland, three miles west of Morehead City Commissary Goldston, Assistant Surgeon Shaw, Lieutenant John E. Matthews and many privates died in a short while. Nine men from one Company died in a week. Supplies had to be brought across the Sound, and the water being shallow, the men had to wade quite a distance to get to the vessels bringing the rations.

The regimental officers were incessant in their attentions to their men, showing them every kindness, providing every comfort possible, and became much endeared to those under their authority. When time came to go into winter quar-

308 North Carolina Troops, 186r-'65.

ters, the regiment was moved to the mainland and camped midway between Morehead and Carolina Cities. While in this camp, Captain McLean, of Company Gr, was appointed Acting Assistant Surgeon, and Corporal John K. Lane elected Captain of the Company.

The winter of 1861-1862 was passed in unremitting drill and under strict measures of discipline,, which got the regi- ment into fine condition' for the opening campaign; and here they acquired a reputation for efficiency in drill and obedi- ence to orders which they retained with increasing credit until the final surrender

In October, 1861, General D. H. Hill was appointed to the command of the District of Pamlico, to be succeeded in No- vember by Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch. After the fall of Eoanoke Island (10 February, 1862) and in view of the threatened attack on New Bern by General Burnside, the reg- iment was ordered up the railroad within three miles of New Bern, and there went into bivouac and assigned to Branch's command, which as then constituted, was composed of the Seventh, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh, Thirty-third, Thir- ty-fifth and Thirty-seventh North Carolina Regiments, In- fantry, and Latham's and Brem's Batteries of artillery. Colo- nel Spruill's Second Cavalry (Nineteenth North Carolina), a battalion of militia under Colonel H. J. B. Clark, and some detached companies. Brigadier-General R. C. Gatlin com- manding the Department of North Carolina and coast de- fenses, headquarters at Goldsboro, was in supreme command.


General Ambrose E. Burnside flushed with his captures of Fort Hatteras (29 August, 1861) and Eoanoke Island (If) February, 1862) was now about to attempt still greater move- ments on the military chess boajd, and on 11 March, 1862 he embarked the brigades of Foster, Bono and Parke aad accompanying artillery, at Eoanoke Island and reached Slo- cum's Creek where it empties into the Neuse river, some six- teen miles from New Bern, on the evening of the 12th. Early next morning, after shelling the country around, General Burnside disembarked his command, and ordered Foster's

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Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 309

Brigade to advance up the county road, and attack our front and left ; Reno's Brigade to march up the railroad with orders to turn our right; and Parke's Brigade to follow along the county road at convenient distance as a support either to Fos- ter or Reno as there might be need.

General Burnside's advance appears to have met no oppo- sition ; the Croatan breastworks above Otter Greek he found abandoned, and at night his entire command bivouacked in easy striking distance of the Confederate lines of defence, which we will now describe.

About five miles below New Bern on the right bank of the !N"euse River the Gonfederates had constructed a strong fort, called "Fort Thompson," manned by thirteen siege guns of good size, stipported by ten field pieces, with three navy 32- pounders on its rear face.

From the fort in a straight line to the railroad leading from New Bern to Morehead City, was the main line of de- fense, consisting of a strong breastwork about one and one- quarter miles in length.

Through the centre of these breastworks the Beaufort County road leading to New Bern passed, and intersected the railroad about two miles behind the works ; thence crossed the Trent river on a wooden bridge about a mile and a half above New Bern. Where the breastworks met the railroad there was a brick kiln, and this proved to be the cause of all our woes in this battle. Instead of continuing the breastworks straight across the railroad into the swamp beyond, to make the line as short as possible after reaching the railroad, the line was thrown back abou.t 15U yards to the banks of BuUen's Creek and thence, a series of small breastworks conforming to the features of the ground, ran off in the direction of a swamp. To guard this gap of 150 yards in which was this brick kiln plant, General Branch ordered the brick kiln to be loopholed; and the evening before the battle, had ordered down two 24-pounder guns which were being mounted when the party was fired into in the beginning of the action and the work was stopped never to be resumed. The timber in front of the breastworks had been felled for some 350 yards.

General Branch's disposition of his troops had to be made

310 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

with great rapidity, as the enemy left him no time for delay. At 4 p. m. on the 12th of March, General Branch was notified of the enemy's approach. He ordered Colonel Sinclair, of the Thirty-fifth JSTorth Carolina Regiment, to proceed to Fisher's landing, just above the mouth of Otter Creek, to re' sist any attempt of the enemy to land. Late in the night he ordered the Twenty-sixth Worth Carolina Regiment and Brem's Battery, Lieutenant-Colonel Burgwyn in command, to follow. Colonel Vance being temporarily in command of the Post of New Bern. These troops arrived to find the enemy had anticipated them by occupying this ground, so the two regiments fell back to take their places in the main line for the next day's battle.

General Branch divided his forces that were to defend the works on the left of the railroad, namely, between the rail- road and Fort Thompson, into two wings to be commanded respectively by Colonel C. C. Lee, of the Thirty-seventh North Carolina Regiment, and Colonel Reuben P. Camp- bell, of the Seventh North Carolina Regiment. Colonel Lee's command embraced the troops between the fort and the county road, and was composed of the Twenty-seventh North Caro- lina Regiment and his own, the Thirty-seventh North Caro- lina Regiment; on the right of the county road reaching to the railroad constituted Colonel Campbell's command and was defended by his own regiment (the Seventh) ; the Thirty- fifth g.nd Captain Whitehurst's independent company, and on the right next to the railroad was placed the battalion of militia under command of Colonel H. J. B. Clark. Two sec- tions of Brem.'s and Latham's batteries of artillery were posted along this line between the county road and railroad, under Colonel Campbell's command.

Colonel Vance, of the Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regi- ment, was in command of all the defences on the right of the railroad, comprising a distance of one and a quarter miles. His own regiment, one or two detached companies and a sec- tion of Brem's artillery, were the only troops at his disposal for this important defense. His line ran along the bank of BuUen's Creek for ahowt half a mile, until the creek emptied into a swamp ; beyond this swamp his line was extended to the

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 311

Weathersby road leading to ISTew Bern ; and beyond this (on the right) was Bryce's Creek, a deep and impassable stream of about 75 yards wide, which empties into the Trent Biver. Shortly after the battle opened, the part of Governor Vance's line next to the railroad and under the immediate command of Major Carmichael, of the Twenty-sixth Eegiment, was re- inforced, first by five companies of Colonel Avery's Eegi- ment, the Thirty-third North Carolina, held in reserve ; and as the battle progressed and more determined became the at- tempt of the enemy to carry this position, the other five com- panies of the Thirty-third Regiment, under the gallant Colo- nel Avery and Lieutenant-Colonel- Robert F. Hoke, came to Major Carmichael's assistance. As will hereafter be seen, the enemy never succeeded in carrying the works on the right of the railroad.

During the day of the 13th, the enemy kept up a brisk shelling from their gun boats, now in the l^euse, and keeping abreast of their land forces ; and by night had gocten his three brigades in position for the attack early the next morning. These were disposed as follows : General J. G. Foster formed his line across the county road parallel to the Confederate works, the Twenty-fifth and Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Regiments on the right, and the Twenty-seventh and Twenty- third Massachusetts on the left, supported by six navy howitz- ers and the howitzers of Captains Dayton and Bennett.

General Jesse L. Reno formed his brigade on the left of the railroad in the following order, viz., the Twenty-first Massa- chusetts, Ninth New Jersey and Fifty-first Pennsylvania Regiments. General Parke's Brigade was drawn up in line in the intermediate space between General's Foster and Reno, with orders to support whichever brigade needed it.

About 1 :30 a. m. the battle was opened by a shot from a Parrott gun from Latham's battery under Lieutenant Wood- btiry Wheeler. This shot dispersed a squad of horsemen who seemed to be reconnoitering under cover of the woods. Imme- diately after this, the firing became general. General Fos- ter's attacks on the main works in his front made but little, if any, impression; they were easily repulsed. Doubtless the enemy knew the weak points in the Confederate line of de-

312 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

fense. Immediately on getting his men into line, General Eeno ordered Lieutenant-Colonel W. S. Clark to charge with the right wing of his regiment, the Twenty-first Massachu- setts, and tate the brick kiln.

Colonel Clark says in his report : "At the moment of our arrival at the Cut, the enemy were busily engaged in re- moving ammunition from the cars which had just come down from New Bern with re-enforcements. At the first volley from Company C the enemy in great astonishment, fled from the road and trench to a ravine in the rear of the brick yard. General Reno ordered Color-bearer Bates to plant his flag upon the roof of a building within the enemy's intrench- ments. General Reno, with Companies C, A, B, and H, of the right wing, dashed across the railroad up the steep bank and over the rifle trench on top into the brick yard. Here we were subjected to a most destructive cross fire from the enemy on both sides of the railroad and lost a large number of men in a very few minutes. The General supposing he had completely flanked the enemy's works, returned across the road touring up the rest of his brigade; but just at this time a tremendous fire of nmsketry and artillery was opened from the redoubts hitherto unseen, which were nine in nu.m- ber, extending from the railroad more than a mile to the right into the forest.

"The General, now obliged to devote his attention to the enemy in front of his brigade, ordered the left wing of the Twenty-first Massachusetts not to cross the road, but to con- tinue to fire upon the enemy in the first two redovibts. These troops consisted of the Thirty-third North Carolina and the Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiments, and were the best an led and fought the most gallantly of any of the enemy's forces ; their position was almost impregnable so long as their left flank resting on the railroad was defended. They kept up an incessant fire for three hours until their ammunition was exhausted, and the remainder of the rebel forces had re- treated from that portion of their works lying between the river and the railroad."

Having quoted so freely from the Federal side, let us now see what was doing among the Confederates. It is seen. Gen-

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 313

eral 'Branch had but one brigade to oppose three but six reg- ments to oppose thirteen. These thirteen Federal regiments were in full ranks. The Twenty-iirst Massachusetts, of which we have been speaking, took into the battle 743 men. When Colonel Campbell was informed by Colonel Sinclair, "under much excitement," that the enemy had flanked him and were coming up the trenches which had been vacated by the militia, Colonel Campbell ordered Colonel Sinclair to leave the works and charge bayonets upon the advancing col- umns ; this Colonel Sinclair failed to do, and left the field in confusion. Colonel Campbell then ordered Lieutenant-Colo- nel Haywood to have his men, the Seventh IsTorth Carolina Regiment, leave the works and charge the enemy. This was done in handsome style, and the enemy were driven over the breastworks and the guns of Brem's Battery that had fallen into their hands, were retaken. This charge was so impetuous that the enemy largely magnified the number of men that made it. Says Colonel Clark, of the Twenty-first Massachu- setts Regiment, resuming our quotation from his report of the battle: "Having been ordered into the brick yard and left there with my colors and the four companies above mentioned, and finding it impossible to remain there without being cut to pieces, I was compelled either to charge upon Captain Brem's Battery of flying artillery or retreat. Accordingly, I formed my handful of men (about 200) in line, the right resting on the breastworks of the enemy, and commenced firing upon the men and horses of the first piece. Three men and two horses having fallen, I gave the order to charge bayonets and went to the first gun. Leaving this in the hands of Captain Wal- cott and Private John Dunn, of Company B, I proceeded to the second gun, about 300 paces from the brick yard. By this time the three regiments of the rebel infantry, who had re- treated from the breastworks to a ravine in the rear when we entered the brick yard, seeing that we were so few and re- ceived no support, rallied and advanced on us. The Thirty- fifth and Thirty-seventh ISTorth Carolina, supported by the Seventh North Carolina, came upon us from the ravine in splendid style, with their muskets at the right shoulder and halted. Most forttmately, or rather providentially, for us.

314 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

they remained undecided for a minute or two, and then re- solved on a movement v^hich saved us from destruction. In- stead of giving us a volley at once, they first hesitated, and then charged upon us vs^ithout firing. I instantly commanded my men to spring over the parapet and ditch in front, and to retreat to the railroad, keeping as close as possible to the ditch. On the railroad I found Colonel Rodman with the Fourth Rhode Island Regiment waiting for orders, and I urged him to advance at once and charge upon their flank, as I had done."

Up to this point in the battle, everything had gone on sat- isfactorily for the Confederates on the right of the railroad. General Reno's attacks had been met and repulsed hand- somely. The Confederate line of defense on the right of the railroad as heretofore stated, consisted of rifle pits and de- tached intrenchments in the form of lunettes and redans along the bank of BuUen's Creek, and across the swamp to the Weathersby road, about one and one-quarter miles. A rifle pit near the railroad was occupied by Captain Oscar R. Rand, Avith his Company D, about 77 men ; by Company A, 68 men, and by 25 men from Company G, all under command of Ma- jor A. B. Carmichael, of the Twenty-sixth Regiment. Quot- ing from Captain Rand's account of the battle, written shortly after his capture and addressed to Colonel Z. B. Vance :

"About 7 :30 a. m. the battle commenced on the left and for a time, extending from Fort Thompson along the whole line of the breastworks to the railroad, the roar of cannon and musketry was incessant. Within a few minutes after the battle had commenced, the enemy made his appearance on the right of the railroad directly in front of us. About one reg- iment (the left wing of the Twenty-first Massachusetts) took position between the railroad and BuUen's Creek, sheltering themselves in the woods and behind the logs, while the main body consisting of several regiments advanced under cover of the woods down the opposite side of the creek, occupying the heights and extending himself along ovlt right.

"When the advance of the enemy had reached nearly oppo- site Major Carmichael's position, he gave the order to fire,

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 315

and sent a volley full into the head of the advancing column. The enemy replied immediately and from this time to the close of the action, the j&ring never ceased. At first, the en- emy shooting very badly, their balls flying high above our heads and cutting the boughs from the tops of the trees in our rear, whereas our men, under direction of Major Oarmichael and other officers, took deliberate aim, sending death into their ranks. As soon as we were fairly engaged with this part of the enemy, the other part which held position between the railroad and the creek came up from under their cover and attempted to cross the railroad with a view to flank the main intrenchments and cut our lines in two.

"No sooner was this attempted than it was discovered, and every gun ordered to bear upon them. One well directed volley scattered this force. Many a poor fellow fell here to rise no more, for they were well exposed.

"Just at this time, about half an hour after the battle had commenced, Colonel Avery, who had been held in reserve, ar- rived with the Thirty-third regiment. He with four compa- nies entered the rifle pits occupied by us, while four other companies under Major Gaston Lewis, were ordered to occupy an advanced rifle pit nearest to the brick yard. This move- ment was attended with great danger, and was gallantly ex&- cuted. Major Lewis had to advance a space of 150 yards over fallen timber ; all the while exposed to the enemy's flre, and without being able to return it. He gained the position, however, and held it during the remainder of the action.

"The battle now raged furiously ; the enemy throwing them- selves along our right so as to gain the point from which he could fire directly into our trenches, and Colonel Avery, ably seconded by Major Oarmichael, using every effort to prevent it. In this they were somewhat aided by the artillery and infantry, part of the Twenty-sixth Eegiment and two com- panies of the Thirty-third Regiment, under Lieutenant-Colo- nel Hoke on the right of us, only two or three companies of which, however, were within range. The intention of the enemy was plain. They were to engage lis hotly on both wings, and then with a sufficient force can-y the railroad, which, when gained, would cut our lines in two and be equiv-

316 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

alent to flanking us right and left. No troops were at any time stationed along the line from the extreme left of the Twenty-sixth Eegimeht to the brick kilns, a distance of over 200 yards, until Colonel Avery ordered Major Lewis with four companies of the Thirty-third Regiment, to occupy it. There were also no troops defending the line from the brick kiln to where the main breastworks touched the railroad, a distance of 200 yards or more.

"The enemy now determined to carry this part of the line of our defence. What part the militia, who were stationed along the main breastworks nearest the railroad, and the Thirty-fifth Regiment, who were next to them, took in resist- ing this attempt, I cannot say. The brick kilns and other buildings excluded the view. These troops were certainly aear enough, and by a proper change of front could have thrown themselves upon the enemy and overwhelmed him.

"The force attempting this point of our works, I do not be^ lieve to have been more than one regiment. (It was only the right wing of the Twenty-first Massachusetts Regiment) , and the main resistance he encountered came from the rifle pits occupied by Major Carmichael's and Major Lewis' com- mands. The enemy was held in check for some considerable time, but at last he succeeded and carried the railroad be- tween the brick kilns and the main breastworks and a part of his force passed in. They had advanced but a short dis- tance, however, when they were met by a part of the Seventh North Carolina Regiment and driven out at the point of the bayonet, the Yankees leaping over the breastworks into the ditch beyond.

"It was during this time that we met with a severe loss in the death of Major Carmichael as true a patriot and as brave a gentleman as ever lived. His death occurred in this manner: Colonel Avery and Major Carmichael were stand- ing together at the corner of the traverse nearest the railroad. Tliey were watching the action on the left and beyond the brick yard, when a single ball, whether aimed at the party or not, entered the mouth of Major Carmichael as he was speak- ing, and passed out at the back of the neck. I was standing at his side when he fell. He died instantly. A feeling of

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 317

bitter grief ran through the trenches as he fell, for there was not a man in the Twenty-sixth regiment who was not devot- edly attached to him. During the battle, Major Carmichael wore a small Confederate flag, perhaps three by four inches in dimension, mounted on a staff and attached to his cap. This ma;j have attracted the fatal shot." The flag had been given the Major by a lady of New Bern, and he had promised her he would wear it in his cap in his first battle. It was doubt- less the cause of his being singled out by some sharpshooter.

We will now return to the left of the Confederate line be- tween the railroad and Fort Thompson. General Branch's paucity of troops prevented his taking advantage of Lieuten- ant-Colonel Haywood's brilliant bayonet charge with the Seventh Kegiment. The enemy were driven back, but there were no soldiers to occupy the vacant line of defense at the brick yard, or to take the place in the works vacated by the retreat of the militia and the Thirty-fifth Eegiment. Says General Branch, in his report : "The whole of the militia had abandoned their positions. Colonel Sinclair's Regiment very qiiickly followed their example. This laid open Haywood's right and a portion of the breastworks was left vacant. I had not a njan with whom to occupy it, and the enemy soon passed in a column along the railroad and through a portion of the cut down timber in front which marched up behind the breast- works to attack what remained of Colonel Campbell's com- mand." How this was done we will explain by quoting from Brigadier-General Parke, commanding the force su.pporting Reno's Brigade attacking the Confederate right wing.

"Lieutenant-Colonel Clark, commanding the Twenty-first Massachusetts, meeting Colonel Rodman, of the Fourth Rhode Island, informed him he had been in the works and assured him of the feasibility of again taking the intrench- ments.

"I approved of this course on the part of Colonel Rodman, and at once ordered the Eighth Connecticut and the Fifth Rhode Island to his support. Passing quickly by the rifie pits which opened on us with little injury, we entered in rear of the intrenchments and the regiments in a gallant manner carried gun after gun, until the whole nine brass pieces on

318 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

their front line wei-e in our possession, the enemy sullenly re- tiring, firing only three guns from the front and three others from the fort on their left (Thompson). The Eighth Con- necticut and Fifth Elhode Island followed immediately in the rear, and in support of the Fourth Khode Island. Al- though now in possession of the entire works of the enemy be- tween the railroad and the river, the heavy firing on our left and beyond the railroad proved that General Reno's Brigade was still hotly engaging the enemy.

"I ordered the Fifth Ehode Island Battalion and the Eighth Connecticut to advance cautiously. Captain J. N". King then reported that the enemy still occupied rifie pits along side the railroad back of the brick yard and a series of redoubts extending beyond the railroad and in General Eeno's front.

"I then had the Fourth Rhode Island brought up and or- dered the Colonel to drive the enemy from his position. This order was executed in a most gallant manner. The regiment charged the enemy in flank, while a simultaneous charge was made by General Reno in front, thus driving the enemy from his last stronghold."

General Burnside in his report of the battle, says : "Gen- eral Foster seeing our forces inside the enemiy's lines, im- mediately ordered his brigade to charge, when the whole line of breastworks between the railroad and the river were most gallantly carried. After the cheers of our men had subsided, it was discovered that General Reno was still engaged with the enemy on the left, upon w\iich General Parke moved back with a view of getting in rear of the enemy's forces in the in- trenchments to the left of the railroad. General Foster, also moved forward with one of his regiments, with a view of get- ting to the rear." It was to this last regiment that Colonel Avery and Captain Rand surrendered. This regiment Gen- eral Foster marched down the county road leading to ITew Bern, until opposite the camp of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, when turning to the left, he marched through the woods and took position on both sides of the railroad; he also brought up four pieces of artillery and placed them in positicm.

Let us now return to Captain Rand's account of the clos-

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 319

ing incidents of the battle on his part of the line : "The ac- tion at this place had now continued for more than three hours. Our men from first to last poured in their fire with deliberate aim. Colonel Avery was everywhere along the trenches animating the men by his presence. I may say that nearly every man did his duty nobly. Many were the narrow escapes. Colonel Avery received a ball through his cap, and many received balls through their hats or clothes. The respective forces were all the time within from two to three hundred yards of each other ; all had been silent along our lines, both right and left of us for some time. Just at this time, while we were so intently engaged on our front, we were fired into on our left by a considerable body of the enemy who had taken position in the edge of the woods beyond the railroad. This determined the conflict so far as we were concerned. Colonel Avery saw in an instant that nothing now remained but to draw off the troops. The order was given and we went out of the trenches amidst a perfect storm of bullets from both right and left.

The intention of Colonel Avery was to rally the men and form line on the railroad. He succeeded in a great measure, and marched diagonally through the woods, a distance of three or four hundred yards, for a point on the railroad just above the camp of the Twenty-sixth Regiment. My com- pany occupied the extreme left of the rifle pit, and became the right of the line in retreat. The woods were so filled with underbrush that we could see but a short distance before us. When we had advanced far enough to see through the opening made for the railroad track, and had nearly reached the place where we were to form line, we discovered just across the railroad, and about fifty or seventy-five yards in front of our right, four pieces of the enemy's artillery and a regiment of infantry deployed on each side and extending across the rail- road. An officer immediately rode out and demanded a sur- render. Seeing ourselves surrounded and no hope of escape. Colonel Avery, and those on the right, surrendered. Those on the left, being further off, and aided by the cover of the woods, nearly all escaped. The surrender took place at 11 :30 o'clock a. m. The number of prisoners taken at this place

320 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

were about one hundred and fifty. The number of prisoners taken in all were two himdred and six." This admirable and intelligent account of the battle was prepared by Captain Rand, shortly after his capture. It is accompanied with a diagram of the battle field made by Lieutenant Woodbury Wheeler, of Latham's Battery, who was also captiired.

These gentlemen were permitted to visit the battle field from one end to the other, and they carefully made notes for the purpose of giving an account of the battle. Space for- bids my quoting the report in its entirety. I will only make one further quotation: "We received no orders to retreat, neither did we receive orders of any kind during the whole course of the battle. The woods were very thick, which, coupled with the mist of the morning, made it impossible to see our troops on either side. We retreated because we were exposed to a cross fire, and because it would have been certain destruction to have held our places five minutes longer. No ofiicer or man dreamed of such a thing as being taken pris- oner. We cou.ld have made good our retreat if we had re- ceived the order as others did."

In justice to General Branch, on this point, I quote from, his ofiicial report: "Finding the day was lost, my next care was to secure the retreat. I dispatched two couriers to Colo- nel Avery and two to Colonel Vance, with orders' to fall back to the bridges, etc., etc." These couriers never delivered their orders. This account "will be incomplete without making quotation from Colonel Vance's and Lieutenant-Colonel Rob- ert F. Hoke's reports of this battle. Lieutenant-Colonel Hoke says : "The regiment moved up to the scene of action in fine style. Colonel Avery in command in the centre, I of the right wing. Major Lewis of the left. Colonel Avery gave the command to fire, which seemed to have great effect, as the enemy scampered. Major Lewis then moved to the right of the railroad with several (four) companies, and engaged the enemy from that time tmtil after 12 o'clock. He be- haved most gallajatly, was in the hottest of the whole battle field. He repulsed the enemy time and again, and twice charged them with detachments from his companies, and each time made them flee. Our loss was greater at that

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 321

point than any other, as he had to fight to his front, right, and left, biit still maintained his position. Finding the en- emy were getting in strong force on our right, and were going to turn our right flank, as there were no troops between our regiment and the left of Colonel Vance's companies, a dis- tance of a quarter of a mile, I moved quickly with Captain Park's company, and sent a messenger to Colonel Avery for another company. He immediately sent me Captain Kes- ler's company. I ordered the whole to fire, which did great execution, as the enemy fell and fled, but soon appeared in strong force and again we drove them back, but soon they again appeared in stronger force, and engaged us, which con- tinued until 12 :30 o'clock. At 12 :15 o'clock I saw a United States flag flying upon one of our works, but saw Colonel Avery still fighting. I did not know that Colonel Avery and Major Lewis had fallen back until I saw the enemy upon my left with several regiments, and about fifty yards to the rear of the position Colonel Avery had occupied. I ordered the men under my command to fall back, but to do so in order. We were hotly fired at as we fell back."

I next quote from Colonel Z. B. Vance's report of the bat- tle : "The regiment was posted by Lieutenant-Colonel Bur- gwyn in the series of redans, constructed by me on the right of the railroad, in the rear of Bullen's Branch, extending from the railroad to the swamp, about 500 yards from the road by Weathersby. At this road I had constructed the night before a breastwork, commanding the passage of the swamp, and there was placed a section of Brem's artillery. Lieutenant Williams commanding, and Captain McEae's company of infantry, with a portion of Captain Hays' and Lieutenant W. A. Graham's Second Cavalry (ISTineteenth JSTorth Carolina) dismounted. About 2 o'clock Friday morn- ing (14 March) I pushed Companies B, E, and K, of my right wing across the small swamp alluded to so as to make my extreme right rest on the battery at the Weathersby road. During the day, two companies of the Thirty-third Regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Hoke, about 9 a. m., were placed in the redans vacated by my right companies. 21

322 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

The battle began on my left wing about 7:30 a. m., ex- tending towards my right by degrees, until about 8 :30 a. m., all the troops in my command were engaged as far as the swamp referred to.

The fight was kept up until about 12 o'clock, when infor- mation was brought me by Captain J. J. Young, my Quar- termaster, who barely escaped with his life in getting to me, that the enemy in great force had turned my left by the rail- road track at the woods and the brick yard, had pillaged my camp, were firing in reverse on my left wing, and were sev- eral hundred yards up the railroad between me and New Bern. Also that all the troops were in full retreat except my own.

Without hesitation, I gave the order to retreat. My men jumped out of the trenches, rallied and formed in the woods without panic or confusion, and having first sent a messenger to Lieutenant-Colonel Burgwyn to follow with the forces on the right, we struck across the Weathersby's road to Bryce's Creek. On arriving at the creek, found only one small boat, capable of carrying only three men. The creek here is too deep to ford and seventy-five yards wide. Some plunged in and swam over, and swimming over myself, I rode down to Captain Whitf ord's house on the Trent river, and through the kindness of Mr. Kit. Foy, procured three more small boats. Carrying one on our shoulders, we hurried up to the crossing. In the meantime, Lieutenant-Colonel Burgwyn arrived with the forces of the right wing in excellent condition, and as- sisted me with the greatest coolness and efficiency in getting the troops across, which, after four hours of hard labor, and the greatest anxiety, we succeeded in doing. Lieutenant-Col- onel Burgwyn saw the last man over before he entered the boat. I regret to say that three men were drowned in crossing.

"A large Yankee force were drawn up in view of our scouts, about one mile away, and their skirmishers appeared just as the rear got over."

Of the deaths of Major Carmichael and Captain Martin Colonel Vance thus feelingly speaks:

"Major A. B. Carmichael fell about 11 a. m. by a shot through the head, while gallantly holding his post on the left

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 323

under a most galling fire. A braver, nobler soldier never fell on field of battle. Generous and open-hearted, as he was brave and chivalrous, he was endeared to the whole regiment. Honored be his memory. Soon thereafter, Captain W. P. Hartin, of Company 11, also fell, near the regimental colors. Highly respected as a man, brave and determined as a sol- dier, he was equally regretted by his command, and by all who Imew him. Lieutenant Porter, of Company A, was also left behind wounded. Captain A. IST. McMillan was badly wounded, but got away safely.

"Once across Bryce's Creek, we were joined by Lieutenant- Colonel Hoke, Thirty-third Regiment, with a portion of his command, and took the road for Trenton. We marched night and day, stopping at no time for rest or sleep more than four hours. We arrived at Kinston safely about noon on 16 March, having marched fifty miles in about thirty-six hours."

"I cannot conclude this report," says Colonel Vance, "without mentioning in terms of the highest praise the spirit of determination and power of endurance manifested by the troops during the hardships and sufferings of our march. Drenched with rain, with blistered feet, without sleep, many sick and wounded, and almost naked, they toiled on through day and all the weary watches of the night without murmur- ing, cheerfully, and with subordination, evincing most thor- oughly the high qualities in adversity which military men learn to value even more than courage on the battle field."

We close this account of the battle with one or two inci- dents. When Bryce's Creek was reached, there was some confusion, and a natural eagerness to get across, as the ene- my's guns were heard in the distance. Many attempted to swim across, and several were drowned before the officers could restrain them. Colonel Vance, to inspire confidence, spurred his horse in the creek, the animal refusing to swim, the Colonel became unseated and weighed down with his ac- coutrements, he sank from view in the dark water of the stream and was about to be drowned, when assistance was ren- dered him, and he reached the opposite side in safety. Lieu- tenantColonel Burgwyn and his college-mate, Lieutenant W.

324 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

A. Graham, Company K, ISTineteenth ISTorth Carolina (Sec- ond Cavalry), taking their stand on opposite sides of a. path leading to the stream, with swords crossed, counted the men off in boat load lots as they were called out, and in this way without confusion or crowding, all were successfully fer- ried over and these two officers were the last to step aboard.

Major Wm. A. Graham, so widely known in the State for his prominence in agricultural matters, at the battle of 'New Bern was Lieutenant in command of Company K, Second North Carolina Cavalry, and the writer has been so fortunate as to get him for an eye witness account of that part of the battlefield where his command was posted, as follows :

"My company (K) was dismounted and placed in the brick yard. About sun set was ordered to report to Colonel Vance, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Troops, who sent me to Lieu- tenant-Colonel Burgwyn, commanding right wing of the Twenty-sixth Regiment and the companies on the road (Weathersby). Colonel Burgwyn placed my company on picket some half mile or more beyond the bridge, and he, with writer, scouted on flank of the pickets. The axes of the en- emy could be heard cutting a road along the railroad.

"Next morning Captain Hayes, of Company A, Second Cavalry, reported. The pickets were called in and every- thing made ready for the battle. The forces at the road (Weathersby) consisted of Companies A and K, Second Cav- alry, a section of the Charlotte battery. Lieutenant A. B, Williams in command and Captain McRae's independent company of infantry. Company K connected the force in the road with the right of the Twenty-sixth Regiment. No enemy appeared in our front and when Colonel Burgwyn be- gan forming the companies of the TAventy-sixth in rear of the entrenchments, we had no idea we had been defeated, but thought it was probably for pursuit. Going to him for or- ders, he informed me that we had been defeated on the left and must try and beat the enemy to New Bern.

"Everything moved off in fair order until getting near the crossing of the railroad, a scout announced the enemy coming up the railroad only a short distance ojBf. Colonel Burgwyn ordered the artillery and Captain Hayes' company, who were

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 325

mounted, to save themselves, which they proceeded to do. Colonel Burgwyn, with the infantry, took to the left through the woods. He dismounted his ordetly and gave me one of his horses and ordered me to scout to the left and forward to see if the bridges were standing. Coming out at the camp of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, I saw both bridges on fire and so reported. We then struck the trail of Colonel Vance's retreat and overtook his command at Bryee's creek, endeavor- ing to cross in a boat, carrying three men. Colonel Vance had swam his horse across the creek and had gone to hunt other boats. It was reported that the enemy were close upon us and at least half of the men threw their arms in the creek, saying they did not intend that the Yankees should have them. There was great confusion. Colonel Burgwyn was as cool as if nothing unusual was transpiring. Calling such of the officers as he saw to him, he announced he would hold a "council of war," told the council we were responsible for the action of the men, and must form them and keep order. This was done. Men were sent up and down the creek to hunt boats.

"In the afternoon a negro man who belonged to Foy,

came to the opposite side of the creek and announced there was a boat a mile or so down the creek where Colonel Hoke (R. F.) had crossed. The men moved off through the swamp down the creek, sometimes up to the armpit in the mire. The negro went along on the other side, and when he reached the boat he halloed and we went to him. I got into the boat and had just taken a seat, when Colonel Burgwyn called me to him and said I must help him keep the men from overload- ing and sinking the boat; the boat would hold, eighteen. I stood facing Colonel Burgwyn, and each time as we counted eighteen we halted the column. When we all had crossed ex- cept Colonel Burgwyn and myself, I entered the boat and, leading the horse into the water, swam him over along its side. The boat returned and Colonel Burgwyn came over in like style. It was now near sun set. Colonel Burgwyn took command of such formation as there was and held it until we reached Trenton next day, where we found Colonel Vance and several hundred men of the different commands which


North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

had been at New Bern. Colonel Vance assumed command and brought the troops to Kinston."

When Captain J. J. Yoimg met the fleeing militia, he tried to rally them- exhorted them to go back and rejoin their comrades fighting in the works, saying, their conduct would forever disgrace them ; that the papers would be full of their cowardice, etc., etc. One of them replied : "I had rather fiU twenty newspapers than one grave." Some of the militia did not stop running until they reached New Bern. One was found dead on the rear platform of the last train as it crossed the river into New Bern, expiring as he reached the train just starting, having run all the way from the battle field, about five miles.

To make this account historically complete, I append list of the troops engaged on either side, and the casualties sustained.




. >,' .











. c3






















^^-^ «







Killed . .


0 j 5



















Missing and Prisoners..














Foster's Bri- gade, 23, 24. 25 and 27 Mass. and 10 Conn.

Reno's Bri- gade, 31 Mass., 51 N. Y.,9 N. J. and 51 Pa.

Parke's Bri- gade, 4 R L, 5 R. L,8and 11 Conn.


Killed. . . .





Wounded .





Artillery . .

3' killed, 8 Iwounded.



Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 327

So much space is given to the account of this, the first hat- tie in which the regiment was engaged, because it was its first battle, and the conduct of its officers and men was so alto- gether creditable. No troops could have borne themselves better under the ordeal to which they were exposed. The rapidity of General Burnside's advance took General Branch by surprise. The latter expected at least a day's delay at Fisher's landing, and at the Croatan breastworks above Otter Creek, but there was no fight at these advanced points of de- fense, and nothing delayed the enemy's rapid approach. An- other day and the brick yard would have been defended by artillery, and this point secure. General Burnside would have failed in his attempt to capture New Bern. The disparity of forces was great, but General Foster, with his five regiments, opposed by Colonels Campbell and Lee, with their three, could make no headway on the Confederate left; and General Keno, with his four regiments, assisted by General Parke, was regularly driven back by the Twenty-sixth and Thirty- third Regiments on the right. One regiment to have replaced the 350 militia, and the Thirty-fifth Regiment, would have stood as firm as the others, and there would have been no un- defended part of the line to let the enemy through ; and rein- forcements, which were hurrying to General Branch's assist- ance, would have reached him during the day.

General Burnside well won his promotion as Major-Gen- eral, which was the result of his victory, whereas on the Con- federate side, this battle introduced to the military world names to become distinguished in the annals of the war.

The press of the State heaped eulogies upon the officers and men of the Twenty-sixth Regiment and recruits flocked to its standard.

Governor Vance applied for and received permission to re- cruit his regiment to a legion, and was in a fair way to suc- ceed, several companies having arrived in camp, and others were at home drilling, when he gave up the attempt in dis- gust at what he thought was "the opposition to the scheme on the part of the State and Confederate authorities," and the companies were disbanded.

While resting at Kinston, after the battle of New Bern,

328 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Captain If. P. Eankin, of Company F, was elected Majorvice Carmichael, killed; and First Lieutenant Clement Dowd elected Captain of Company H, vic« Martin, killed; First Lieutenant Joseph E. Ballew was promoted to be Captain of Company F.

The troops around Kinston were now reorganized. Brig- adier-General French, on 16 March, reached Groldsboro and relieved General Branch of the command of the District of Pamlico; and 19 March General Gatlin was relieved of com- mand on account of ill health, and Major-General Theo. H. Holmes, assigned to the command of the Department of ISTorth Carolina. On 17 March Brigadier-General Robert Ransom was ordered to Goldsboro "for duty with troops in the field," and a brigade was formed for him consisting of the Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Thirty-fifth, Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth North Carolina Regiments. Under this gallant and accomplished soldier and disciplina- rian, numerous drills and strict camp regulations prevailed until on 20 June, 1862, the brigade was ordered to Virginia to join Lee's army, then confronting McClellan below Rich- mond.


The Twenty-sixth Regiment was a twelve-months regiment, and in the Spring of 1862 re-enlisted for the war. The men in the ranks were given the right to elect their company offi- cers, and the latter the right to elect field ofiicers.

Many changes took place in the regiment at its reoi'ganiza- tion. Colonel Vance was always most popular with his men. He sought and obtained to the fullest extent the love of his soldiei-s, was always solicitous of their welfare and comfort, leaving chiefly to his second in command matters of drill and discipline. At no time was there any doubt as to his re- election.

As to Lieutenant-Colonel Burgwyn, had the election taken place before the regiment had in actual battle experienced the benefit of drill and strict obdience to orders, he could not have been re-elected. Says an officer of the regiment (Captain Thomas J. Cureton) : "Colonel Burgwyn was emphatically

Twenty-Sixth Hegiment. 329

a worker in camp, careful of the comforts of his men, con- stantly drilling; he believed in discipline and endeavored to bring his regiment to the highest state of efficiency. I always found him strict in camp, so much so, that up to the battle of New Bern he was very unpopular, and I often heard the men say if they ever got into a fight with him what they would do, etc., etc."

The morning before the fight, Burnside's gunboats were coming up the river, shelling the banks. Colonel Vance was placed in command of the right of our line, or in other words, acting Brigadier-General. Lievitenant-Colonel Burgwyn was, therefore, in command of the Twenty-sixth Regiment. He suspected the feelings of the men towards him. He formed the regiment at the point where the breastworks crossed the railroad, and addressed them in substance as follows: "Sol- diers ! the enemy are before you, and you will soon be in combat. You have the reputation of being one of the best drilled regiments in the service. Now I wish you to prove yourselves one of the best fighting. Men, stand by me, and I will by you." The response was unanimous "We will," from the men. Next day the battle was fought. Only the left companies of the regiment under the command of Major Carmichael, and Captains Rand and Martin were most ac- tively engaged, and suffered heavily. The right companies, when they found the enemy on their flank and getting in their rear, had to fall back to find the bridge across the Trent, on fire, our troops all gone, and the only way of escape was to cross Bryce's Creek.

When we got there only a small boat that would parry two people at a time could be found. Colonel Vance rode his horse in the creek, which refused to swim, and the colonel was very nearly drowned before assistance reached him. Sev- eral of the men were drowned trying to swim the creek. When the boat reached the bank we were on, an officer called to Col- onel Burgwyn to get in first. He was met with the reply: "I will never cross until the last man of my regiment is over." Nor did he till the last man was over.

We retreated up to Trenton Court House and expected pursuit. Colonel Burgwyn was always in the rear. From

330 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

this time on he had the entire confidence of his men and was their pride and love. Colonel Vance and Lieutenant-Colo- nel Burgwyn received practically the unanimous vote of the regiment.


First Lieutenant James S. Kendall, Company K, was elec- ted Major. This gallant officer and accomplished soldier only survived his promotion a few weeks, dying before the regiment left for Virginia, from yellow fever, contracted at Wilmington while on furlough.

First Lieutenant William Wilson became Captain of Com- pany B ; Second Lieutenant James T. Adams, Captain of Company D ; Second Lieutenant John T. Jones, Captain of Company I; Second Lieutenant John C. McLauchlin, Cap- tain of Company K., and First Lieutenant S. W. Brewer, Captain of Company E.


While the Twenty-sixth Regiment was in camp in and around Kinston, after the battle of New Bern, many recruits joined the command. Among them were two young men, giving their names as L. M. and Samuel Blalock. They en- listed in Captain Ballew's company (F) and were brought to the regiment by private James D. Moore, of Company F. On the way from their home, in Caldwell County, to join the regiment, Moore was informed in strict confidence by L. M. (Keith) Blalock, that Samuel was his young wife, and that he would only enlist on condition that his Avife be allowed to enlist with him. This was agreed to by Moore, who was act- ing as recruiting officer, and Moore also promised not to divulge the secret. Sam Blalock is described as a good look- ing boy, aged 16, weight about 130 pounds, height 5 feet and 4 inches, dark hair; her husband (Keith) was over 6 feet in height. Sam Blalock's disguise was never penetrated. She drilled and did the duties of a soldier as any other member of the company, and was very adept at learning the manual and drill.

In about two months her husband, who was suffering from

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 331

hernia and from poison from sumac, was discharged, and Sam informed his Captain and Colonel Vance, that he was a woman, whereupon she was discharged and permitted to join her husband.

On returning home, Keith Blalock and his wife, now knoAvn by her real name, "Malinda," joined Kirk's com- mand, an organized body of Union troops, made up largely of deserters and bushwhackers, operating in the Western part of the State.

In the Spring of 1864, while the said James D. Moore was at home at his father's, at a place called the Globe, recovering from the wound he had received at Gettysburg, the house was attacked by Keith and Malinda Blalock, and their gang, and Carroll Moore, his father, severely wounded. Several of the marauders were wounded, and among them Malinda.

Again in the fall of 1864, Keith and his raiders attacked Mr. Carroll Moore's house, and were again driven off. This time Keith was shot in the head, and one eye put out.

After the war, Keith attempted merchandizing in Mitchell County and was a candidate for the Legislature on the Re- publican ticket, but was defeated, and about 1892 he and his wife went to Texas. They subsequently returned to North ' Carolina, and at this time (1901) are living in Mitchell county. Malinda Blalock's maiden name was Pritchard, and her brother, Riley Pritchard, was United States Commis- sioner in President Harrison's Administration.


Ordered to Virginia, 20 June, 1862. Ransom's Brigade was directed to report to General Huger on the Williamsburg road, and a little before dark on the night of 25 June, Colo- nel Vance's Regiment relieved the Twenty-fourth JSTorth Car- olina Regiment on picket duty in front of the enemy.

The night was very dark, and with no one to direct them, the regiment took position on one side of a rail fence and in front of a hedge row. As it happened, the enemy were lying down in line of battle on the opposite side, and abiding their time. After the Twenty-sixth had gotten quieted dovm for

332 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

the night, in entire ignorance of the presence of the enemy, the latter suddenly arose, thrust their guns through the fence rails and opened fire. So close were they to us, says a mem- ber of the regiment, that the beards of many of the men were singed. The surprise was so great that seven of the compa- nies on the right of the regiment went to the rear ;. however, Companies G, H and K, undaunted by the nearness and num- bers of the enemy, remained on the field. On the next morn- ing those companies were highly complimented by their field ofiicers for their exceedingly creditable conduct in holding their lines during the night under such trying circumstances. Again, on picket, on the 27 June, the Twenty-sixth Regi- ment was pushed to the front and took possession of some unfinished works of the enemy. Just as it was about to be re- lieved, it was attacked, but returned the fire so briskly and with such effect as to drive the enemy back.

Quoting from so much of Brigadier-General Robert Ran- som's report of the part his brigade took in the battle of Mal- vern Hill, as applies to the Twenty-sixth Regiment, he says : "At 7 p. m. (July 1, 1862) I received the third request from General Magruder, that he must have aid, if only one regi- ment. The message was so pressing that I at once directed Colonel Clarke to go with his regiment ( Twenty-fourth North Carolina). The brigade was at once put in motion, Colonel Clarke had already gone. Colonel Rutledge next, then Colonel Ransom, Colonels Ramseur and Vance, all moved to the scene of conflict at the double quick. As each of the three first named regiments reached the field, they were at once thrown into action by General Magruder's orders. As the last two arrived, they were halted by me to regain their breath, and then pushed forward under as fearful fire as the mind can conceive.

"Ordering the whole to the right so as to be able to form under cover, I brought the brigade in line within 200 yards of the enemy's batteries. It was now twilight ; the line was put in motion and moved steadily forward to within less than 100 yards of the batteries. The enemy seemed unaware of our movements. Masses of his troops appeared to be moving from his left towards his right. Just at this instant the bri-

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 333

gade raised a tremendous shout, and the enemy at once wheeled into line and opened upon us a perfect sheet of fire from muskets and the batteries. We steadily advanced to within twenty yards of the guns. The enemy had concen- trated his forces to meet us. Our onward movement was checked ; the line wavered and fell back before a fire, the in- tensity of which is beyond description. It was a bitter disap- pointment to be compelled to yield when their guns seemed almost in our hands."

The losses sustained by Ransom's Brigade from 26 June to 1 Jxily, 186'2, inclusive, embraced . three Colonels wounded, one Lieutenant-Colonel killed, several field officers and many company officers, and a total of 499 privates killed and wounded.

Casualties separately stated :

Regiments 24th.

Killed 9

Wounded 42


During the charge of the regiment at Malvern Hill, Cap- tain Lane, of Company G, had the pocket of his coat cut open by a ball, and the contents fell on the ground. Among these was a package wrapped in newspaper, containing the month's pay of his company. Next morning Captain Lane discovered his loss, obtained permission to go and hunt for it, and strange to say, found the package untouched, lying in the open ground where it had fallen among the dead and wounded.

After the regiment had taken its position for the night after the charge, and the officers and men were resting on their arms. Captain Lane lay down between two of his soldiers and fell asleep, l^ext morning when he awoke the man on his right and left had both been killed by the enemy's fire while asleep, and their deaths not discovered. They awoke to the sound of the "reveille" in another world.

While the men were lying down in line of battle, waiting the order to charge, they were subjected to a furious shelling, and there was more or less dodging of the head as the missiles













334 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

whizzed by. "Why are you so polite in the presence of the enemy," remarked Colonel Vance. A rabbit was flushed by the line as it advanced, which caused the men to raise a shout as it ran past them, whereupon Colonel Vance joined in the cry, saying: "Go it cotton tail. If I had no more reputation to lose than you have, I would run too."

On 7 July Kansom's Brigade was ordered back to General Holmes' command, and on 31 July, 1862, Major-General D. H. Hill relieved General Holmes in command of the Depart- ment of North Carolina, and 11 August Brigadier-General J. Johnston Pettigrew, who had been severely wounded and captured at the battle of Seven Pines, 1 June, 1862, was as- signed to the command of Petersburg, and given the brigade then under the command of Colonel Junius Daniel.


Colonel Vance's election as Governor in August, 1862, caused a vacancy in' the Colonelcy of the Twenty-sixth Regi- ment. The LieutenantColonel was not 21 years of age, and the opposition of General Ransom to his promotion on account of his age, the General saying: "He wanted no boy Colonel in his brigade," was well known to the regiment, and indig- nantly resented.

Application was made through the proper channels for a " transfer to some other brigade, and on 26 August, 1862, by special order No. 199, from the A. & I. G. office, at Rich- niond, the Twenty-sixth Regimont was detached and ordered to report to Brigadier-General S. G. French, at Petersburg, Va., for duty with the brigade formerly commanded by Brig- adier-General J. G. Martin.

Referring to the election of Colonel Vance as Governor, one of the regiment writes as follows: "Though rejoicing that he had been chosen Governor of the State by such a com- plimentary majority, with a pang of regret we saw Colonel, now Governor-elect Z. B. Vance, exchange the sword for the helm of State. He received almost the unanimous support of the regiment, there being only seven votes cast against him, which well attests his popularity among his troops.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 335

"His separation from us was quite sad, all feeling the heavy loss to the regiment. In his farewell address to the regiment, he, with his usual truthfulness and sincerity, scorn- ed to hold out any false promises to those who had been under his command, telling them plainly, that all they could expect was 'War ! War ! ! War ! ! ! Fight till the end.'

"But in the promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel Burgwyn to the Colonelcy of the regiment, we gained an officer, young, gallant and brave, and eminently fitted to fill the vacancy."

Speaking of the transfer of the regiment to Pettigrew's Bri- gade, this writer goes on to say: "Never was there a more fortunate change. It seemed as if Pettigrew and Burgwyn were made for each other. Alike in bravery, alike in action, alike in their militai-y bearing, alike in readiness for battle and in skillful horsemanship, they were beloved alike by the soldiers of the Twenty-sixth. Each served as a pattern for the other, and in imitating each other they reached the high- est excellence possible of attainment in every trait which dis- tinguishes the ideal soldier." It will be of pathetic interest to state in addition to the above eloquent panegyric, that both General Pettigrew and Colonel Burgwyn were akimni of the State University, and fell on the field of battle within a few days of each other, the one on Gettysburg's gory field, 1 July, 1863 ; the other, commanding the rear guard of the army on its retreat across the Potomac at Falling Waters, 14 July, 1863.

The promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel Burgwyn, and the death of Major Kendall, who had been sick since his election, required the filling of the positions of Lieutenant-Colonel and Major. A board of examination having been appointed to pass upon the qualifications of all officers before their pro- motion. Captain John K. Lane, of Company G, and Captain John T. Jones, of Company I, were summoned for examina- tion, and obtaining the favorable report of the board, which was composed of Colonel H. K. Burgwyn, of the Twenty- sixth; Colonel Thomas Singletary, of the Forty-fourth, and Lieutenant-Colonel T. L. Hargrave, of the Forty-seventh North Carolina Regiments, duly received their commissions as Lieutenant-Colonel and Major, respectively. About this

336 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

time, Captain Ballew, of Company F, resigned and First Lieutenant E. M. Tuttle was promoted to be Captain of this company, to become famous above all other companies in the army, from the fact that every member present, numbering ninety-one, was killed or wounded in the battle of Gettys- burg. Captain Steele, of Company B, also resigned, and First Lieutenant Thomas J. Cureton became Captain, and served most gallantly to the end. Lieutenants H. C. Albright and N. G. Bradford were promoted to be Captains of Com- panies H and I, respectively.


This brigade to become so famous in military annals, was composed of the Eleventh, Twenty-sixth, Forty-fourth, Forty- seventh and Fifty-second North Carolina Regiments.

Of the commander of this brigade, later on in this sketch a more extended notice will be given. He was, at the time of its organization, convalescent from the severe wound re- ceived on 1 June, 1862, at the battle of Seven Pines, and was placed in command of Petersburg in the fall of 1862. Dur- ing the months of September, October, November and De- cember, 1862, Pettigrew's Brigade was either on duty in Virginia or North Carolina.

The faithfulness with which Colonel Burgwyn disciplined the regiment, much improved its efficiency, and it became known as one of the best drilled regiments in the service. In his labors in this behalf, he was ably seconded by his Lieu- tenant-Colonel, John R. Lane, who manifested extraordinary abilities as a drill master, and disciplinarian. "This perfec- tion of drill, to which the excellent music of Captain Mickey's band greatly added, was a cause of just pride to every member of the regiment, officers and men alike. Never was any man prouder of his regiment and of his band, considered the finest in the army of Northern Virginia, than Colonel Bur- gwyn," writes a member of the regiment.


The first opportunity afforded the Twenty-sixth regiment to show of what stuff it was made, acting in an independent

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 337

command, occurred in the engagement at Eawls' Mills, in Martin County, N. C, in resisting General J. G. Foster's attempt to capture the regiment while on a reconnoissance in the neighborhood of Washington, Beaufort County.

In his report of the expedition, General John G. Foster, commanding the Federal troops in North Carolina, with headquarters at New Bern, says he set out on 31 October, 1862, from New Bern to capture the three regiments (Seven- teenth, Twenty-sixth and Fifty-ninth North Carolina) forag- ing through the Eastern counties of the State. He took three brigades, 21 pieces of artillery and cavalry, with ample wagon train, total 5,000 men.

On 2 November, 1862, Foster left Washington for Wil- liamston. On the same evening he encountered the Twenty- sixth Regiment at Little Creek. He says : "I ordered Colo- nel Stevens, commanding Second Brigade, to drive them away. The engagement lasted one hour, when the enemy being driven from their rifle pits by the effective fire of Bel- ger's Rhode Island Battery, retired to Rawls' Mill. One mile further on, where they made another stand in a recently constructed field work, Belger's battery and two batteries of the Third New York artillery, after half an hour, succeeded in driving the enemy from their works, and across the bridge, which they burned. We bivouacked on the field, and next day proceeded to Williamston."

The only Confederate troops to oppose these 5,000 of Fos- ter were six companies of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, under Colonel Burgwyn. Leaving four companies under Lieuten- ant-Colonel Lane, at Williamston, on the Roanoke river. Col- onel Burgwyn started out on a reconnoissance to go as far as Washington, N. C. He stationed two companies at Rawls' Mills, under Captain McLauchlin, of Company K, with or- ders to fortify the position and proceeding with the remaining four, reached the vicinity of Washington, N. C, just as Gen- eral Foster was starting out to capture him.

Colonel Burgwyn had no cavalry or artillery. There were two parallel roads leading out of Washington for William- ston. Again, it was necessary to delay the Federal advance 22

338 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

as much as possible, to give time to Colonel Ferebee, of the Fifty-ninth Regiment (Fourth Cavalry) and LieutenanlhCol- onel Lamb, in command of the Seventeenth Regiment, who were in the neighborhood of Plymouth, to retrace their steps. Dispatching a messenger to Colonels Lamb and Ferebee, warn- ing them of their danger, and one to Lieutenant-Colonel Lane, with an order to join him at Rawls' Mills, Colonel Burgwyn determined to resist Foster's advance at that point.

As soon as it was ascertained which of the two roads the enemy had selected. Colonel Burgwyn chose the other and started out in the race for Rawls' Mills. On reaching the Mills, he ordered Captain McLauchlin to go down the road on which Foster was advancing, and hold him in check at Little Creek. Captain McLauchlin, with Companies K and I, reached Little Creek just as the enemy's cavalry began to cross, and attacked them with his handful of men.

Colonel Burgwyn, placing his four companies in the hastily constructed breastworks at the Mills, awaited Foster's ad- vace. After Captain McLauchlin had been for some time engaged with the enemy at Little river, successfully defend- ing the passage of the stream against Colonel Stevenson's bri- gade with cavalry and artillery. Colonel Burgwyn sent Com- panies D and F, under command of Major Jones, to Cap- tain McLauchlin's support. Fearing that a longer resist- ance by so small a force would result in its capture. Colonel Burgwyn, after the fight had lasted over an hour, ordered Captain McLauchlin to join him at the Mills. Here Gen- eral Foster brought into action three batteries of artillery against the six companies at the Mills, and succeeded, "ac- cording to the General's report," after half an hour, in driv- ing the enemy from his works, and across the bridge, which they burned. The fact was. Colonel Burgwyn, having re- ceived advices that Colonels Ferebee and Lamb were safe, and Lieutenant-Colonel Lane having joined him from Wil- liamston, conckided to retire in the night, so as not to disclose the paucity of his force, and at his leisure fell back in the direction of Tarboro, first burning the bridge at the Mill. Captain McLauchlin lost one killed, and three wounded.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 339

General Foster's report admits a loss of six killed and eight wounded.

After proceeding to within ten miles of Tarboro, "owing to the exposed condition of his men and want of provisions," says General Foster, he abandoned any further advance, and countermarched to Washington, and thence to New Bern.

It was a singular coincidence that the Federal General (Foster) had been the tutor of his youthful antagonist (Bur- gwyn), when the latter was a student at West Point, in 1856, awaiting appointment in that institution, at which General Foster, then Captain Foster, was one of the professors. The art of war as taught by the professor was in this instance ap- plied to his discomfiture by the pupil.

Foster's expedition against goldsboeo.

In December, 1862, General Foster started out from New Bern to destroy the railroad bridge over the Neuse river, and capture Goldsboro, N. C. Major-General S. G. French, who was in command of the Department of North Carolina, under Major-General G. W. Smith, commanding at Richmond, as- sembled his forces to oppose him. On 17 December, 1862, a spirited engagement took place near Goldsboro, in which Gen- eral Foster was driven back, and he hastily retreated to New Bern. Pettigrew's brigade was not seriously engaged in this action, but pursued General Foster on the latter's retreat.


On 7 February, 1863, Major-General G. W. Smith re- signed and Major-General D. H. Hill was again placed in command of the troops in North Carolina. General Hill re- solved on the capture of New Bern. General Pettigrew was given command of the troops on the north side of the Neuse, and General Hill had charge of those to operate on the south side.

General Pettigrew with his brigade, started from Golds- boro on 9 March, 1863. By rapid marches he reached the enemy's works at Barrington's Ferry, near New Bern. The Twenty-sixth Regiment was ordered at daylight into position

340 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

to carry the place. Three 20-poun(l Parrott guns relied upon to destroy the gunboats guarding the water approaches to ISTew Bern, proved utterly worthless. One burst, the ammu- nition was defective and their fire proved more injurious to the Confederates than to the enemy. There was nothing to do but to withdraw. "The only question," says General Pet- tigrew in his report, "was whether I should carry the works before withdrawing. The Twenty-sixth Regiment had been in waiting ever since daylight, and would have done it in five minutes. The works we could not hold. There would be a probable loss of a certain number of men sixty miles from a hospital. I decided against it. It cost me a struggle after so much labor and endurance to give up the eclat, but I felt that my duty to my country required me to save my men for some operation in which sacrifice would be followed by conse- quences. I therefore withdrew the whole command except the Twenty-sixth Regiment, which remained within about 500 yards of the place, in order to cover the withdrawal of Captain Whitf ord's men. I cannot refrain from bearing tes- timony to the unsurpassed m.ilitary good conduct of those under me. In seven days they marched 12Y miles ; waded swamps, worked in them by night and day, bivouaced in the rain, some times without fire, never enjoyed a full night's rest after the first, besides undergoing a furious shelling, and discharging other duties. All this without murmuring or even getting sick."

It was not long before General Pettigrew had another chance at the enemy, in which he was more fortunate. Gen- eral Hill, with all his available forces, on 30 March, 1863, invested General Foster in Washington, IST. C. On 9 April, 1863, at Blount's Creek, Pettigrew's brigade met and defeated General Spinola in the latter's attempt to raise the siege. Finding it impossible to capture the place after the enemy's gun boats had succeeded in passing the batteries at Rodman's Point, and thus reinforcing General Foster, after fourteen days investment. General Hill withdrew, having failed in this attempt to capture the town.


1. James T. Adams, Lieut -Colonel. 4. Stephen "W. Brewer, Captain. Co. E.

2. Samuel P. Wagg, Captain, Co. A. 6. Jos. R. Ballew, Captain, Co. F.

3. 'William Wilson, Captain, Co. B. 6. R. M. Tuttle, Captain, Co. F.

7. H. C. Albright, Captain, Co. G.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 341


On 1 May, 1863, Pettigrew's Brigade was ordered to Rich- mond to be ever thereafter attached to the Army of ISTothem Virginia. Taking position first at Hanover Junction, to protect that important point in the enemy's attempts to cap- ture Richmond, the brigade, leaving the Forty-fourth Regi- ment behind at the junction, as a guard, proceeded to Fred- ericksburg, and now attached to Heth's Division, set out on 15 June on the memorable march to invade Pennsylvania.

Heth's Division, as then organized, was composed of Arch- er's Tennessee, Davis' Mississippi, Brockenborough's Vir- ginia, and Pettigrew's North Carolina Brigades.

The division commander was a native of Virginia, a gradu- ate of West Point, had served with distinction in the war with Mexico, and against the Indians on the frontier, and had re- signed from the United States Army to accept service under his native State. Promoted from Colonel of the Forty-fifth Virginia Regiment to the command of a Virginia Brigade, he won additional promotion by his services in the Chancellors- ville campaign (Spring of 1863), and was now at the head of a command ever to bear his name and to serve under him until he, with its shattered remnants, surrendered at Appomattox. "His earnest praise of the great qualities of his North Caro- lina soldiers was imstinted. Even to the last, there was a peculiar tension and quiver of the mouth when he would speak of their almost God-like heroism at Gettysburg, and the unheard of and never equalled slaughter that checked, but never terrified them."


Says a member of the regiment : "What a fine appearance the regiment made as it marched out from its' bivouac near Fredericksburg that beautiful June morning. The men beaming in their splendid uniforms ; the colors flying, and the drums beating ; everything seemed propitious of success. On this march it was a real pleasure to see with what joy the peo- ple who had hitherto been under the domination of the Fed- erals, received us. We marched by way of Harper's Ferry,

342 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

where the gallows on which the notorious John Brown waa hanged, was pointed out to us. Our Colonel was one of the cadets at the Virginia Military Institute at the time, and one of those who had guarded John Brown while awaiting his ex- ecution.

We crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown and continued our march and rested beyond the little town of Fayetteville, Pa., on Sunday, 28 June, 1863. At this place the Chaplains held services.

Alas, the last Sunday on earth to many a noble soul then beating with such high hopes and aspirations. At this place some of the men of our brigade robbed a farmer of a few of his bee hives. This was regretted, for strict orders had been given that on this great march into the enemy's country, noth- ing should be taken except such provisions as the commissa- ries might require to be issued as rations and for which they were willing to pay. It being suggested that some of the men of the Twenty-sixth got some of the honey, Colonel Bur- gwyn and Lieutenant-Colonel Lane sought out the owner and paid him for it. The farmers along our line of march were quietly reaping and housing their grain. They did not seem to be in the least frightened or dismayed by our presence, and were left by us in the quiet and undisturbed possession of their crops.

On 30 June, we halted at a little village named Cashtown, on the Chambersburg Turnpike, about nine miles from Get- tysburg, and were mustered preparatory to payment, and later in the afternoon proceeded to within about three and one-half miles of Gettysburg, just this side of a little creek, crossed by a stone bridge, where we filed to the right and bivouacked in a -beautiful grove. That night Lietitenant-Colonel Lane was entrusted with the charge of the picket lines. After the es- tablishment of the line, two ladies, much distressed and alarmed, because they were cut off from their houses, ap- proached Colonel Lane who, assuring them that the Confeder- ate soldier did not make war upon women and children, but ever esteemed it his duty and privilege to protect them, ad- vanced the picket line beyond their homes, which lay close by.

The same day General Pettigrew, with three regiments of

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 343

his brigade, kept on to Gettysburg to procure shoes and other army supplies for his men ; but meeting a strong force of the enemy's cavalry (two brigades of Buford's Division), and instriicted not to bring on an engagement, General Pettigrew retraced his steps and rejoined the rest of the division in bivouac on the Ohambersburg Turnpike, about three and a half miles distant from the village of Gettysburg. That night the men of Heth's Division quietly dreamed of home and loved ones in blissful ignorance of the momentous fact that Meade's great army was almost within their hearing.


A warning carbine shot from a vidette of Buford's Cavalry Division on the bridge over Marsh Creek, fired in the early misty mom at the head of a column of infantry marching rapidly down the Chambersburg Turnpike, was the opening of the battle of Gettysburg This infantry column was the head of Heth's Division, marching to "feel the enemy" of whose presence the skirmish of the afternoon before, had ap- prised them. At once the leading brigade (Archer's) was filed to the right, formed in line of battle, its left resting on the turnpike and advanced to the front. Davis' brigade, forming in a similar manner on the left of the pike, with its right resting on the pike, also advanced. Pettigrew's and Brockenborongh's Brigades, for the present, were held in re- serve. Says a member of the Twenty-sixth Regiment: "As the head of the Twenty-sixth Regiment reaches the summit of the hill beyond the bridge crossing Marsh Creek, the enemy opens fire, sweeping the road with their artillery. There is some little excitement, but it soon disappears as Colonel Burgwyn riding along the line in his grandest style, com- mands in his clear, firm voice, 'Steady boys, steady.' "

The regiment filed off to the right about a hundred yards, when General Pettigrew and staff appeared on the field. He was mounted on his beaiitiful dappled gray. ISTever before had he appeared to greater advantage. His command was "echelon by battalion, the Twenty-sixth Regiment by the left flank." Colonel Burgwyn gave his Regiment the command, March ! Then, as each regiment of the brigade marching to

344 North Carolina Tkoops, 1861 -'65.

the right, uncovered the regiment in its front, its commander gave the order "By the left flank, March," and thus in a few moments, and by the quickest tactical movement the brigade was in line of battle, marching to the front in the following order from left to right, Twenty-sixth Eegiment, Eleventh Eegiment, Forty-seventh Eegiment, and Fifty-second Eegi- ment, each under the command of its respective Colonel.

Advancing in line of battle, the brigade was halted to await orders. Let us turn now to see what the Federals were doing.

On the night of 30 June, 1863, General Buford, in com- mand of the advance division of cavalry of the Federal army, bivouacked his division on the western side of McPherson's ridge, which slopes down by a gentle descent to Willoughby's Eun at the bottom. This ridge ran north and south, and about 400 yards to the west of the ' Seminary, which is about one-quarter of a mile to the west of Gettysburg. About 11 a. m. on 30 June, General Buford had entered Gettysburg by the Emmetsburg road, just as the head of Pettigrew's brigade was coming up on the Chambersburg turnpike, and as here- tofore stated, there was a skirmish, and General Pettigrew withdrew, not wishing to bring on an engagement. At 10 :30 that night, General Buford telegraphed General Meade "he is satisfied that A. P. Hill's Corps is massed just back of Cashtown." As Archer's Brigade advanced, it met Bviford's pickets stretching along Willoughby run. Driving them in and rapidly advancing across the run, he struck Buford's main line Gamble's Brigade composed of the Eighth New York, Eighth Illinois, two squadrons Twelfth Illinois, three squad- rons Third Indiana Cavalry and Calif's Horse Artillery of six 3-inch rifle guns, now dismounted and acting as infantry, and posted along McPherson's ridge and in McPherson's woods. These troops Archer was steadily driving back up the slope, when he suddenly found himself enveloped between the extended lines of Meredith's (Iron) Brigade, of Wads- worth's Division of the First Army Corps just arrived on the scene at double quick. Major-General A. Doubleday in his report of the battle of Gettysburg, thus describes this ac- tion.

TWKNTY-SlXTH Regiment. 345

"The enemy (Archer's Brigade) were already in the woods and advancing at double quick to seize this central important position (McPherson's woods). The Iron Brigade led by the Second Wisconsin, in line followed by the other regi- ments, deployed en echelon, and without a moment's hesita- tion charged with the utmost steadiness and fury and hurled the enemy back into the run, and captured, after a sharp and desperate conflict, nearly one thousand prisoners, including General Archer. (General Heth places the number captured at 60 or 70.) General Archer was captured by Private Pat- rick Maloney, Company G, of the Second Wisconsin. Malo- ney was subsequently killed." "On the left," says General Heth, "Davis' Brigade advanced driving the enemy and cap- turing his batteries, but was unable to hold the position, the enemy concentrating on his front and flank an overwhelming force. The Brigade held its position until every field ofiicer save two was shot down." By reference to General Wads- worth's report, it is seen that it was Cutler's Brigade, assisted by Second Maine Battery that was attacked by Davis' Bri- gade. General Wadsworth says : "The right became sharply engaged before the line was formed. At this time, 10:15 a. m., our gallant leader (General John F. Reynolds, command- ing the First Corps, Army of the Potomac) fell mortally wounded. The regiments encountered heavy force, were out- numbered, outflanked and after a resolute contest, fell back in good order to Seminary Ridge near town. As they fell back, followed by the enemy, the Fourteenth ISTew York State Militia, Sixth Wisconsin and Ninety-fifth Wew York Volun- teers, gallantly charged on the advancing enemy and captured a large number of prisoners, including two entire regiments with their fiags." Lieutenant-Colonel Rufus R. Dawes, com- manding the Sixth Wisconsin, says in his report: "Major John A. Blair, commanding the Second Mississippi Volun- teers, upon my demand, surrendered his sword and regiment to me, 7 officers and 225 men."

From this severe round, to use a pugilist's expression, both sides took a breathing spell and reformed to renew the at- tack. Says General Heth : "The enemy had now been felt and the division now was formed in line of battle on the right

346 North Caroijna Troops, 1861-'65.

of the road as follows. Archer's, now commanded by Colonel B. D. Fry, of the Thirteenth Alabama, on the right; Petti- grew in the centre, and Brockenborough on the left. Davis Brigade was kept oh the left of the road to collect its strag- glers ; from its shattered condition it was not deemed advisable to bring it into action again on that day." It did, however, par- ticipate later in the action. After resting in line for an hour or more, orders came to attack the enemy in my front with the notification that Pender's Division would support me." Let us glance a moment at the character, numbers and posi- tion of the enemy which General Heth was now to assault with his two sound and one crippled brigade, and make, con- sidering the fierceness with which it was made, the obstinacy with which it was met and the fearful loss in killed and wounded sustained on both sides, the most notable charge in all the battles of the war between the States.

A recent writer, John M. Vanderslice, author of a work called "Gettysburg. Then and ISTow," a gallant Union sol- dier, places the relative positions of the opposing forces at 11 a. m., 1 July, 1863, as follows: Heth's division occupied the extreme right, with Archer's Brigade on the right ; next Pet- tigrew's, then Brockenborough's, then Davis'. Facing these Confederate troops, there was Meredith's Iron Brigade, occu- pying McPherson's woods. On the left of the woods was placed Biddle's Brigade and on the right of the woods was Stone's Brigade. The One Hundred and Fifty-first Penn- sylvania Regiment of Biddle's Brigade was in reserve, so there were three regiments of that Brigade with Cooper's Battery in the action at the beginning. These several bri- gades were organized as follows: Meredith's Iron Brigade, Nineteenth Indiana, Twenty-fourth Michigan, Second, Sixth and Seventh Wisconsin Regiments

Biddle's Brigade, Eightieth New York, One Hundred and Twenty-first, One Hundred and Forty-second and One Hun- dred and Fifty-first Pennsylvania Regiments.

Stone's Brigade, One Hundred and Forty-third, One Hun- dred and Forty-ninth and One Himdred and Fiftieth Penn- sylvania Regiments.

These regiments in these brigades were posted as follows :

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 347

Counting from left to right. Biddle's extreme left regi- ment One Hundred and Twentieth Pennsylvania. Next on right Eightieth New York, then Cooper's Battery, then One Hundred and Forty-second Pennsylvania. Meredith's Iron Brigade, extreme left regiment Nineteenth Indiana; next Twenty-fourth Michigan, next Seventh Wisconsin, and on the extreme right Second Wisconsin. The Sixth Wisconsin was in reserve. Stone's Brigade was not engaged with any of Pettigrew's men, but confronted the remnants of Davis' Bri- gade and the Forty-seventh and Fifty-fifth Virginia Regi- ments of Brockenborough's. Archer's Brigade on the Con- federate extreme right overlapped Biddle's Brigade on the Fedeiral extreme left, but Pettigrew's Brigade of four regi- ments, being in full ranks, and Biddle's three regiments not large, the two left regiments of Pettigrew's lapped over and confronted the left of the Iron Brigade, bringing the Twen- ty-sixth North Carolina Regiment with its 800 muskets in front of the Nineteenth Indiana and the Twenty-fourth Mich- igan, numbering together 784, rank and file.

The position of the Iron Brigade in McPherson's woods was not a straight line ; the Nineteenth Indiana and Twenty- foixrth Michigan formed nearly a straight line parallel with Willoughby Run, but its next regiment, the Seventh Wiscon- sin, on the right of the Twenty-fourth Michigan, was formed obliquely to the rear to confront an enemy attacking from its right flank, and also so as not to get outside of the protection of the woods, which General Doiibleday says in his report "possessed all the advantages of a redoubt." Then on the right of the Seventh Wisconsin, the Second Wisconsin was formed connecting with the left of Stone's Brigade. Thus it appears the Twenty-sixth North Carolina regiment faced the front of the Iron Brigade, which consisted of the two regi- ments, the Nineteenth Indiana and the Twenty-fourth Mich- igan, but the Confederate troops charging these two regi- ments in the woods were subjected to the fire from the men of Biddle's Brigade and of Cooper's battery on their right ; and it was from the fire of this battery, one of the best batteries of the Federal forces, that the Twenty-sixth regiment suffered

348 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

severely, especially while charging across Willoughby Eun, and reforming thereafter.

The situation then at 2 o'clock p. m., 1 July, 1863, is this: The Iron Brigade in line of battle in McPherson's woods is waiting the assault of Pettigrew's brigade, with the Twenty-sixth JSTorth Carolina Eegiment of said brigade directly in their front, separated by Willoughby Run and disant about 300 yards.

The regiments of Pettigrew's Brigade were in line by echelon, the Twenty-sixth being in the advance and the Elev- enth on its right some distance in the rear ; the Forty-seventh regiment in rear of the Eleventh, and the Fifty-second in rear of the Forty-seventh. This made the Confederate troops appear to the enemy's vision, as in several lines of battle, whereas there was only one line of battle, and as the fight progressed, these regiments came up successively and formed one single line in the attack. They had, however, as their support Pender's division, some distance in the rear.


The author of the History of the Twenty-fourth Michigan Regiment of this Brigade, thus accounts for its name and gives its record. Its cognomen, "Iron Brigade," was given them by General McClellan for intrepidity in the battle of South Mountain, 15 September, 1862. In proportion to its numbers it sustained the heaviest loss of any brigade in the Union army. Its loss at Gettysburg, first day's fight, was 1,153 out of 1,883 engaged, or 61 per cent. The Second Wis- consin sustained the greatest percentage of loss in killed and wounded of all the 2,000 regiments in the Union army. Its loss at Gettysburg was 77 per cent, of those engaged.

The Sixth Wisconsin had a total loss of 867 killed and wounded during the war, and the officer in command of the Second Mississippi Regiment of Davis' Brigade with 232 of his regiment and its colors, surrendered to this regiment in the early part of the first day's fight.

The Seventh Wisconsin met with the greatest loss of any regiment in the Union army at the battles of the Wilder- ness, and had 1,016 men killed and wounded during the war.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 349

The Nineteenth Indiana in its first battle at Manassas, sus- tained a loss of 61 per cent., 259 out of 423 engaged, and the Twenty-fourth Michigan sustained the greatest loss of any regiment in the Union army at Gettysburg, 80 per cent, viz. 397 out of 496.

m'pheeson's woods.

General Doubleday says : "On the most westerly of these ridges (McPherson's) General Reynolds had directed his line to be formed. A small piece of woods (in the shape of a rec- tangular parallelogram) cut the line of battle in about two equal parts. These woods possessed all the advantage of a redoubt strengthening the centre of the line and enfilading the enemy's columns should they advance in the open spaces on either side. I deemed the extremity of the woods which extended to the summit of the ridge, to be the key of the position, and urged that portion of Meredith's (Iron) Bri- gade— the western men assigned to its defense to hold it to the last extremity. Full of the memory of their past achieve- ments, they replied cheerfully and proudly : 'If we can't hold it, where will you find the men who can ?' "

Major John T. Jones, of the Twenty-sixth North Caro- lina Regiment, who commanded Pettigrew's Brigade after the third day's fight, and made the ofiicial report for the brigade, dated 9 Axigust, 1863, thus describes the field:

"In our front was a wheat field about a fourth of a mile wide, then came a branch (Willoughby Run) with thick un- derbrush and briers skirting the banks. Beyond this again was an open field with the exception of a wooded hill (Mc- Pherson's woods) directly in front of the Twenty-sixth Regi- ment, and about covering its front. Skirmishers being thrown out, we remained in line of battle until 2 p. m., when orders to advance were given."


The Twenty-sixth was the extreme left regiment of Petti- grew's Brigade. It directly faced McPherson's woods and its front about covered the width of the woods. The Iron Brigade occupied these woods ; the open space on the left of

350 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

the woods (Confederate right) was defended by Biddle's Pennsylvania Brigade of four regiments with Cooper's Bat- tery in the centre, the open space on the right of the woods (Confederate left) was defended by Stone's Pennsylvania Brigade with three regiments. Stewart's Battery B, Fourth United States Artillery attached to the Iron Brigade, was posted on the right and rear supporting Stone's Brigade, but in a position to sweep any part of the iield. A ITorthern writer says : "There is no doubt, more men fell at Stewart's guns than in any other battery in the Union armies." Com- pany F, of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, was on the left of the colors. Company E on the right and Companies A and G near the centre. The position of these companies nearest the flag accounts for their disproportionate losses in the battle.

A member of the Twenty-sixth regiment thus describes the situation : "While we were still lying down impatiently waiting to begin the engagement, the right of the regiment was greatly annoyed by some sharpshooters stationed on the top of a large old farm house to our right. Colonel Burgwyn ordered a man sent forward to take them down, when Lieuten- ant J. A. Lowe, of Company G, volunteered. Creeping for- ward along a fence until he got a position from whence he could see the men behind the chimney who were doing the shooting, he soon silenced them.

During all this time. Hill was bringing up his Corps and placing it in position. Colonel Burgwyn became quite impa- tient to engage the enemy, saying we were losing precious time ; but Hill did not come, and we had nothing to do but to wait for his arrival on the field. However, we were keeping our men as quiet and comfortable as possible, sending details to the rear for water, and watching the movements of the en- emy. The enemy's shai*pshooters occasionally reminded us that we had better cling close to the bosom of old mother earth.

Many words of encouragement were spoken and some jokes were indulged in. Religious services were not held, as they should have been, owing to the absence of our Chaplains. All this time the enemy were moving with great rapidity. Directly in our front across the wheat field was a wooded hill

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 351

(McPherson's woods). On this hill the enemy placed what we were afterwards informed was their famous "Iron Brigade." They wore tall, hell-crowned black hats, which made them conspicuous in the line. The sun was now high in the heav- ens. General Ewell's Corps had come up on our left and had engaged the enemy. Never was a grander sight beheld. The lines extended more than a mile, all distinctly visible to us. When the battle waxed hot, now one of the armies would be driven, now the other, while neither seemed to gain any ad- vantage. The roar of artillery, the crack of musketry and the shouts of the combatants, added grandeur and solemnity to the scene. Suddenly there came down the line the long awaited command "Attention." The time of this command could not have been more inopportune ; for our line had in- spected the enemy and we well knew the desperateness of the charge we were to make ; but with the greatest quickness the regiment obeyed. All to a man were at once up and ready, every officer at his post, Colonel Burgwyn in the center, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Lane on the right. Major Jones on the left. Our gallant standard-bearer, J. B. Mansfield, at once stepped to his position four paces to the front, and the eight color guards to their proper places. At the command "Forward, march !" all to a man stepped off, apparently as willingly and as proudly as if they were on review. The enemy at once opened fire, killing and wounding some, but their aim was too high to be very effective. All kept the step and made as pretty and perfect a line as regiment ever made, every man endeavoring to keep dressed on the colors. We opened fire on the enemy. On, on, we went, our men yet in perfect line, until we reached the branch (Willoughby's Run) in the ravine. Here the briers, reeds and underbrush made it difficult to pass, and there was some crowding in the centre, and the enemy's artillery (Cooper's Battery) on our right, getting an enfilade fire upon us, our loss was frightful ; but our men crossed in good order and immediately were in proper position again, and up the hill we went, firing now with better execution.

The engagement was becoming desperate. It seemed that the bullets were as thick as hail stones in a storm. At his post on the right of the regiment and ignorant as to what was

352 North Carolina Troops, ]861-'65.

taking place on the left, Lieutenant-Colonel Lane hurries to the center. He is met by Colonel Burgwyn, who informs him "it is all right in the centre and on the left; we have broken the first line of the enemy," and the reply comes, "we are in line on the right, Colonel."

At this time the colors have been cut down ten times, the color guard all killed or wounded. We have now struck the second line of the enemy where the fighting is the fiercest and the killing the deadliest. Suddenly Captain W. W. Mc- Creery, Assistant Inspector General of the Brigade, rushes forward and speaks to Colonel Burgwyn. He bears him a message. "Tell him," says General Pettigrew, "his regiment has covered itself with glory today." Delivering these en- couraging words of his commander, Captain McCreery, who had always contended that the Twenty-sixth would fight bet- ter than any regiment in the brigade, seizes the flag, waves it aloft and advancing to the front, is shot through the heart and falls, bathing the flag in his life's blood. Lieutenant George Wilcox, of Company H, now rushes forward, and pull- ing the flag from under the dead hero, advances with it. In a few steps he also falls with two wotinds in his body.

The lines hesitates ; the crisis is reached ; the colors must advance. Telling Lieutenant-Colonel Lane of the words of praise from their brigade commander just heard, with orders to impart it to the men for their encouragement. Colonel Bur- gwyn seizes the flag from the nerveless grasp of the gallant Wilcox, and advances, giving the order "Dress on the colors." Private Frank Honeycutt, of Company B, rushes fromi the ranks and asks the honor to advance the flag. Turning to hand the colors to this brave young soldier. Colonel Burgwyn is hit by a ball on the left side, which, passing through both lungs, the force of it ttirns him around and, falling, he is caught in the folds of the flag and carries it with him to the ground. The daring Honeycut survives his Colonel but a moment and shot through the head, now for the thirteenth time the regimental colors are in the dust.

Kneeling by his side, Lieutenant-Colonel Lane stops for a moment to ask : "My dear Colonel, are you severely hurt ?" A bowed head and motion to the left side and a pressure of

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 353

the hand is the only response; but "he looked as pleasantly as if victory was on his brow." Reluctantly leaving his dying commander to go where duty calls him, Lieutenant-Colonel Lane hastens to the right, meets Captain McLauchlin, of Company K, tells him of General Pettigrew's words of praise, but not of his Colonel's fall ; gives the order "Close your men quickly to the left. I am going to give them the bayonet" ; hurries to the left, he gives a similar order, and returning to the center finds the colors still down. Colonel Burgwyn and the brave boy private, Franklin Honeycut, lying by them. Colonel Lane raises the colors. Lieutenant Blair, Company I, rushes out, saying: "No man can take these colors and live." Lane replies : "It is my time to take them now" ; and advancing with the flag, shouts at the top of his voice: "Twenty-sixth, follow me." The men answer with a yell and press forward. Several lines of the enemy have given away, but a most formidable line yet remains, which seems deter- mined to hold its position. Volleys of musketry are fast thinning out those left and only a skeleton line now remains. To add to the horrors of the scene, the battle smoke has set- tled down over the combatants making it almost as dark as night. With a cheer the men obey the command to advance, and rush on and upward to the summit of the hill, when the last line of the enemy gives way and sullenly retires from the field through the village of Gettysburg to the heights be- yond the cemetery.

Just as the last shots are firing, a sergeant in the Twenty- fourth Michigan Regiment (now the President of the Iron Brigade Veteran Association, Mr. Charles H. McConnell, of Chicago), attracted by the commanding figure of Colonel Lane carrying the colors, lingers to take a farewell shot, and resting his musket on a tree, he waits his opportunity. When about thirty steps distant, as Colonel Lane turns to see if his regiment is following him, a ball fired by this brave and reso- lute adversary, strikes him in the back of the neck just below the brain, which crashes through his jaw and mouth, and for the fourteenth and last time the colors are down. The red


354 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

field was won, but at what a cost to the victor as well as to the vanquished.


Pettigrew's brigade was opposed on the first day at Get- tysburg to the best troops in the Federal army, viz : Biddle's Pennsylvania and Meredith's (Iron) Brigade of Western troops. The Twenty-sixth Eegiment fought at one or an- other period of the charge, the Nineteenth Indiana and Twenty-fourth Michigan, of the Iron Brigade, and the One Hundred and Fifty-first Pennsylvania, of Biddle's Brigade, which came to the support of the Federal second line. Says the author of "Gettysburg, Then and Now," published in 1899 : "While the fighting had been going on upon the Fed- eral right Pettigrew also made a desperate attack on Biddle's Brigade. The Fifty-second North Carolina overlapping the line had attacked the One Hundred and Twenty-first Penn- sylvania on the left fiank, compelling it to change front and the Forty-seventh and Eleventh North Carolina encountered the Twentieth New York and One Hundred and Forty-sec- ond Pennsylvania, while at the same time the Twenty-sixth North Carolina fighting its way up the woods, was penetrat- ing a gap between the One Hundred and Forty-second Penn- sylvania and the Nineteenth Indiana, of Meredith's (Iron) Brigade, the left of which had been forced back.

At this juncture the One Hundred and Fifty-first Penn- sylvania which was in reserve near the Seminary, rushed to the front and met the Twenty-sixth North Carolina in one of the bloodiest struggles that took place on the field, as will be noticed when the losses of these regiments are stated."

Quoting again from Major Jones' official report of the part taken by Pettigrew's Brigade in the battle of Gettysburg, he says:

"The Brigade moved forward in beautiful style, in quick time, on a line with the brigade on our left commanded by Colonel Brockenborough. When nearing the branch (Wil- loughby Kun) the enemy poured a galling fire into the left of the brigade from the opposite bank where they had massed in heavy force, while we were in line of battle awaiting the

Twenty-Sixth Kegiment. 355

order to advance. The Forty-seventh and Fifty-second North Carolina, although exposed to a hot fire from artillery and infantry, lost but few men in comparison with the Eleventh and Twenty-sixth. On went the command across the branch and up the opposite slope, driving the enemy at the point of the bayonet back upon- their second line.

"The second line was encountered by the Twenty-sixth reg- iment, while the other regiments vs^ere exposed to a heavy ar- tillery shelling. The enemy's single line in the field on our right, was engaged principally with the right of the Eleventh jSTorth Carolina and the Forty-seventh Worth Carolina. The enemy did not perceive the Fifty-second North Carolina, which flanked their left until the Fifty-second discovered themselves by a raking and destructive fire by which the en- emy's line was broken.

"On the second line the fighting was terrible, our men ad- vancing, the enemy stubbornly resisting, until the two lines were pouring volleys into each other at a distance not greater than twenty paces. At last the enemy were compelled to give way. They again made a stand in the woods, and the third time they were driven from their positions losing a stand of colors which was taken by the Twenty-sixth regiment, but owing to some carelessness, they were left behind and were picked up by some one else."

Let us quote now from the other side in obedience to the maxim "Fas est ah hoste docen." Colonel Henry A. Morrow, Twenty -fourth Michigan, a native of Warren ton, Va., who as a young man moved to Detroit, Mich., and was a City Judge there in 1862, and raised the regiment of which he was ap- pointed to the command, in his report of the battle, says : "I gave directions to the men to withhold their fire until the en- emy should come within short range of our guns. This was done. Their advance was not checked and they came on with rapid strides yelling like demons. The Nineteenth Indiana, on our left, fought most gallantly, but was forced back. The left of my regiment was now exposed to an enfilade fire and orders were given for this portion of the line to swing back so as to face the enemy now on our flank. Pending the execu-

356 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

tion of this movement, the enemy compelled me to fall back and take a new position a short distance in the rear.

"The second line was promptly formed and we made a des- perate resistance, but we were forced to fall back and take up a third position beyond a slight ravine. My third color- bearer was killed on this line. Augustus Ernst, Company K.

"By this time the ranks were so diminished that scarcely a fourth of the force taken into action could be rallied. Cap- tain Andrew Wagner, Company F, one of the color guard, took the colors and was ordered by me to plant them in a po- sition to which I designed to rally the men. He was wounded in the breast and left the field. I now took the flag from the ground where it had fallen and was rallying the remnant of my regiment, when Private William Kelly, of Company E, took the colors from my hands, remarking as he did so, 'The Colonel of the Twenty-fourth Michigan shall never carry the colors while I am alive.' He was killed instantly. Private Lilburn A. Spaulding, Company K, seized the colors and bore them for a time. Subsequently I took them from him to rally the men and kept them until I was wounded.

"We had inflicted severe loss on the enemy, but jve were un- able to maintain our position, and were forced back step by step, contesting every foot of the ground to the barricade west of the Seminary building. The field over which we fought from our first line of battle in McPherson's woods to the barricade near the Seminary, was strewn with the killed and wounded.

"Our losses were very large, exceeding perhaps the losses sustained by any regiment of equal size in a single engage- ment of this or any other war. The strength of the regi- ment on 1 July, 1863, was 28 officers and 468 rank and file, total 496. We lost, killed 8 officers and 59 men. Wounded, 13 officers and 197 men. Missing or captured, 3 officers and 83 men. ISTearly all our wounded, myself among them, fell into the hands of the enemy. The flag of the regi- ment was carried by no less than nine persons, four of the number were killed and three wounded. All the color guard were killed or wounded."

Returning to Confederate sources for accounts of the he-

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 357

roic conduct of the Twenty-sixtli North Carolina Regiment, I quote from his official report of the battle, made by Major- General Heth, commanding the division :

"PettigreVs Brigade under the leadership of that gallant officer and accomplished scholar, Brigadier-General J. John- ston Pettigrew (now lost to his country), fought as well and displayed as heroic courage, as it was ever my fortune to wit- ness on a battlefield. The number of its own gallant dead and wounded as well as the large number of the enemy's dead and wounded left on the field over which it fought, attests bet- ter than any communication of mine, the gallant part it played on 1 July. In one instance, when the Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment encountered the second line of the enemy, its (Twenty-sixth Regiment's) dead marked its line of battle with the accuracy of a line at dress parade."

Under date of 9 July, 1863, less than a week before his fatal wounding at Falling Waters (14 July, 1863), General Pettigrew writes Governor Vance as follows: "Knowing that you would be anxious to hear from your old regiment, the Twenty-sixth, I embrace an opportunity to write you a hasty note. It cavered itself with glory. It fell to the lot of the Twenty-sixth to charge one of the strongest positions possible. They drove three, and we have every reason to believe, five regiments out of the woods with a gallantry unsurpassed. Their loss has been heavy, very heavy, but the missing are on the battlefield and in the hospital. Both on the first and third days yoiir old command did honor to your associa- tion with them and to the State they represent."

Captain J. J. Yoimg, regimental Quartermaster of the Twenty-sixth regiment, under date of 4 July, 1863, writes Governor Vance as follows :

"The heaviest conflict of the war has taken place in this vicinity. It commenced July 1st, and raged furiously until late last night. Heth's Division, A. P. Hill's Corps, opened the ball and Pettigrew's Brigade was the advance. We went in with over 800 men in the regiment. There came out of the first day's fight 216 all told, unhurt. Yesterday they were again engaged, and now have only about 80 men for duty. To give you an idea of the frightful loss in officers,

358 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Heth being wounded, Pettigrew commanded the division (Pettigrew had the bones of his left hand crushed by a grape shot, but remained on the iield with his hand in splints), and Major Jones our brigade. (Jones was also slightly wounded, but refused to leave the field). Eleven men were shot down the first day with the colors (afterwards ascertained to te fourteen). Yesterday they were- lost. Poor Colonel Bur- gwyn was shot through both lungs and died shortly after- ward. His loss is great, for he had few equals of his age. Captain W. W. McCreery, Inspector on General Pettigrew's staff, was shot through the heart and instantly killed. As- sistant Adjutant-General IST. Collins Hughes mortally wounded. Lieutenant Walter M. Eobertson, Brigade Ord- nance Officer, severely wounded ; with them, Lieutenant-Col- onel Lane through the neck, jaw and mouth, I fear mortally; Adjutant James B. Jordan in the hip, severely; Captain J. T. Adams, shoxilder, seriously ; Stokes McRae, thigh broken ; Captain William Wilson, killed; Lieutenants W. W. Rich- ardson and J. B. HoUoway have died of their wounds. It is thought Lieutenant M. McLeod and Captain ]^f. G. Bradford will die; Captain J. A. Jarrett, wounded in face and hand. Yesterday Captain S. P. Wagg was shot through by grape, and instantly killed. Alex. Saunders was wounded and J. R. Emerson left on the field dead. Captain H. C. Albright is the only Captain left in the regiment. Lieutenants J. A. Lowe, M. B. Blair, T. J. Cureton (this ofiicer was wounded in shoulder), and C. M. Sudderth are the only officers not WQunded. Major Jones was struck by a fragment of a shell on the 1st and knocked down and stunned on the 3rd, but re- fused to leave the field.

"Our whole division numbers only 1,500 or 1,600 effective men as officially reported, but, of course, a good many will still come in. The division at the beginning niunbered about 8,000 effective men. Yesterday in falling back we had to leave the wounded, hence the uncertainty of a good many being killed yesterday evening."

Going into particulars of losses : Company F, from Cald- well County, commanded by Captain R. M. Tuttle (now a Presbyterian minister at Collierstown, Va.), went into the

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 359

battle with three officers and 88 muskets. Thirty-one were killed or died of wounds received in the battle. Sixty were wounded, fifty-nine of whom were disabled for duty. Ser- geant Robert Hudspeth was the only man able to report for duty after the fight, and he had been knocked down and stunned by the explosion of a shell. In this company were three sets of twin brothers, at the close of the battle, five of the six lay dead on the field.

Companies I and F of this regiment were from Caldwell County. The men composing these companies had been reared along the slopes of the Great Grandfather Mountain. They had been accustomed from boyhood to hunt deer, the bear, and the wolf in the lonely forests surrounding their homes. They were enured to hardship, self-reliant, indefat- igable and insensible to danger. Company F was on the left of the colors, and Company E on the right. This latter com- pany (Company E) suffered nearly as badly as Company F, It carried 82 officers and men into the fi^ht, and brought out only two untouched.

Going into the particxilars of the loss of Company E, 18 men were Icilled or mortally wotinded, and 52 wounded on the first day, and on the third day only two escaped. Every officer in the company was wounded.

Company G lost 12 men killed and 58 wounded and miss- ing, but the losses on each day are not given by Captain Al- bright.

Company H had 17 Idlled and 55 wounded in the two days battles. ^

The men composing these three companies were from the historic counties of Chatham and Moore. Their ancestors had fought at Alamance and Moore's Bridge and Guilford Court House, and from their youth up they had handled the rifle in hunting the deer and wild turkey, and as General Pettigrew said of them, "they shot as if they were shooting at squirrels."

Company A, from Ashe County, the same class of moim- taineers of whom we have spoken above in referring to Com- panies F and I, took into action 92, rank and file. Eleven were killed and 66 wounded in the first day's fight, and on the

360 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

third day, its Captain (Wagg) was killed, and ten wounded and missing out of fourteen taken into the fight. Lieutenant J. A. Polk, commanding Company K when the muster roll was signed 31 August, 1863, states every officer was wounded at Gettysburg, 16 men killed and 50 wounded and missing. He does not give the number taken into action.

As to the loss sustained by the regiment as a whole, we may rely upon the statements of Northern writers who have com- piled them from the official records in the War Department at Washington, D. C. Colonel William F. Fox, of Albany, H. Y., in his book, "Regimental Losses in the Civil War," a work of recognized authority places the loss of the Twenty- sixth Eegiment in the first day's fight at 86 killed and 502 wounded, out of 800 taken into action. He says: "On the third day's fight in Pickett's charge, they lost 120, recorded as missing." In a letter to the writer dated 30 September, 1889, Colonel Fox says: "My figures for the loss of the Twenty-sixth North Carolina at Grettysburg, are taken from the official report of Surgeon-General Lafayette Guild, C. S. A., who obtained his figures from the nominal lists of the killed and wounded made out in the field hospitals. In my opinion, the 120 missing should also be included in the killed and wounded; but as they were not so reported officially, I cannot substitute my opinion for official statistics. In a sec- ond edition, which is now going through the press, I added the losses for Bristoe Station, having obtained them from the War Department since the publication of the first edition. In these losses for Bristoe, I was surprised to see that the Twen- ty-sixth North Carolina again heads the list. I took great pains to verify the loss of the Twenty-sixth North Carolina at Get- tysburg, for I am inclined to believe that in time this regi- ment will become as well known in history as the Light Bri- gade at Balaklava."

Colonel Fox further states in his book that this loss of the Twenty-sixth Regiment was the greatest in numbers and greatest in per cent, of those taken into action of all the regi- ments on either side in the Civil War in any one battle. Mr. John M. Vanderslice, Director of the Gettysburg Memorial Association, who was a private in Company D, Eighth Penn- sylvania, was gazetted for distinguished services in action at

Twenty-Sixth Regiment.


Hatcher's Enin, 6 February, 1865, in his book, "Gettysburg, Then and Now" writes thus: "The loss of the Twenty- sixth North Carolina Regiment should be 584 on the first day and of the remaining 216, 130 were lost on the third, its total loss in the battle being 588 killed and wounded and 126 missing out of 800 engaged. This brigade (Pettigrews's) lost over 500 additional on the third day."

As a matter of historical interest, I append a list of the losses in the several brigades that fought in and around Mc- Pherson's woods on the first day at Gettysburg:


a .2 '3


r Meredith s Iron Brigade-

2 Wisconsin .

6 Wisonsin .

7 Wisconsin 19 Indiana, . 34 Michigan

Biddle's Brigade—

80 New York 131 Pennsylvania . 143 Pennsylvania. 151 Pennsylvania .

Stone's Brigade . .


L Gamble's Cavalry.

f Davis' Mississippi Brigade

Archer's Tennessee Brigade

Brockenborough's Virginia Brigade

Pettigrew's No-th Carolina Brigade

11 North Carolina Regitnent. 26 North Carolina Regiment. 47 North Carolina Regiment. 52 North Carolina Regiment.


182 146 126 160 272

146 118 141 362




695 160 148

r309 J 588 ] 161 [147 1105



51 22 52 50 91

24 61 70







402 838 496

287 263 291 467

362 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

THIRD day's battle AT GETTTSBUEG^ 3 JULT, 1863.

Quoting again from Major John T. Jones' report: "The night of the first day's fight (1 July, 1863) the brigade bivouacked in the woods they had occupied previously to making the charge. We remained in this position until the evening of the 2nd, when we moved about a mile to our right and took position in rear of our batteries facing the works of the enemy on Cemetery Hill. We remained here until about 12 o'clock on the 3rd, when our batteries opened upon the enemy's works. About 2 o'clock we were ordered to ad- vance."

A member of the regiment thus writes :

"On the second day, Pettigrew's entire brigade rested. Gen- eral Pettigrew showed great energy in recruiting his thinned ranks. He commanded that all those not too severely wounded shoiild return to active duty and armed all the cooks and extra duty men and every other man in any way connected with the regiment. The regimental band (Captain Mickey's band) was ordered to play inspiring music to cheer the soldiers, whose spirits were depressed at the loss of so many of their com- rades, and in every way the condition of things was enliv- ened. On the evening of the 2nd, General Pettigrew marched his command to the place in the line from which the grand charge was to be made next day. To the great surprise of every one, the brigade seemed as ready for the fray on the morning of the third day, as it had been on that of the first."


Quoting from the author of "Gettysburg, Then and ISTow" : "There were two hours of comparative silence until 1 o'clock p. m. when the signal gun was fired from Seminary Ridge, by the Washington Artillery of ISTew Orleans, and there was opened between the 138 Confederate and the 80 Federal guns the heaviest and most terrible artillery fire ever witnessed upon any battle field in this country, if upon any in the world. It opened so suddenly that the men were torn to pieces before they could rise from the ground upon which they had been

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 363

lolling. Some were stricken down with cigars in their mouths. One young soldier was killed with the portrait of his sister in his hand. The earth was thrown up in clouds. Splinters flew from fences and rocks, and mingled with the roar of the artillery were the groans of wounded men and the fierce neighing of mangled horses.

"In the meantime the fresh troops of Pickett's Confederate division had been massed under cover of the slight ridge run- ning between Seminary Ridge and the Emmettsburg road in rear of the artillery. While Pettigrew's Division (formerly Heth's) was massed to their rear and left behind Seminary Ridge. In the rear of the right of Pickett were the brigades of Wilcox and Perry, with that of Wright in reserve.

"In the rear of the right of Pettigrew were the brigades of Scales, and Lane, of Pender's Division, commanded by Trimble. When the artillery ceased firing, these troops moved from behind their cover and advanced majestically across the field towards Cemetery Hill. Pickett's Division on the right, Pettigrew's on its left and rear en echelon, sup- ported by Scales' and Lane's brigades. Pickett's division was in line as follows : Kemper's Brigade on the right, Gar- nett on his left, while Armistead was in the rear. On the left of Pickett were the four brigades of Pettigrew's division. Archer's Brigade, commanded by Frye, next to Pickett ; Pet- tigrew's, commanded by Marshall, of the Fifty-second ISTorth Carolina Regiment, next on the left ; Davis next, and Brock- enborough on the extreme left.

"In the rear of Frye and Marshall, there were Scales' Bri- gade, commanded by Lowrance, and Lane's Brigade, these under Major-General Trimble, from Maryland. Together the assaulting columns numbered 14,000. The point of direc- tion was the small copse of trees to the left of Ziegler's Grove, held by Gibbon's Division of the Second Corps. After ad- vancing some distance the three brigades of Pickett's division made a half wheel to the left in order to move toward the ob- jective point. McGilvery's forty guns (Federal artillery) on the left, with those of the two batteries on Round Top, opened a terrible fire upon them. As the division neared the wall, it was joined on its left by Frye's Brigade, and at the

364 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

same time Lowrance's North Carolina Brigade rushed from its rear and joined Frye's and Garnett at the angle of the wall. The two guns of Cushing's battery at the wall were silenced.

"The left of that charging column under Pettigrew and Trimble, suffered as severely as the right under Pickett. Great injustice has been done these troops by the prevailing erroneous impressions that they failed to advance with those of Pickett.

"Such is not the fact, as they were formed behind Seminary Kidge they had over 1,300 yards to march under the terri- ble fire to which they were exposed, while Pickett's Division being formed under cover of the intermediate ridge, had but 900 yards to march under fire. At first, the assaulting col- umns advanced en echelon, but when they reached the Em- mettsburg road, they were on a line, and together they crossed the road. The left of Pettigrew's command becoming first exposed to the fearful enfilading fire upon their left flank from the Eighth Ohio, and other regiments of Hay's Division and of Woodruff's Battery and other troops, the men on thp+ part of the line (Brockenborough's Brigade) either broke to the rear or threw themselves on the ground for protection.

"But Pettigrew's other brigades, Davis, Marshall andFrye, with the brigades of Lowrance and Lane, under Trimble, ad- vanced with Pickett to the stone wall and there fought desper- ately. As the assaulting column reached the wall, Wilcox's Alabama and Perry's Florida Brigade to the right, marching according to order, but becoming separated from Pickett, had resumed the march to the left, and were now advancing from the top of the crest, from behind which Pickett had emerged, directly towards McGilvery's batteries and the Third Corps, btit received by a severe fire from Stannard's Vermonters, who had changed front again, and exposed to a severe artillery fire and seeing the commands of Pickett, Pet- tigrew and Trimble repulsed, they withdrew under cover of the hill. Thus ended this reckless and ever renowned effort to carry Cemetery Hill by direct assault in the face of 100 cannon and the Federal Army."

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 365

Quoting from Major Jones' report, he says:

"About 2 o'clock we were ordered to advance. It was an open field about three-quarters of a mile in width. In moving off there was some confusion in the line, owing to the fact that it had been ordered to close in on the right on Pick- ett's division, while that command gave way to the left. This was soon corrected, and the advance was made in perfect or- der. When about half across the intermediate space the ene- my opened on us a most destructive fire of grape and canister. When within about 250 or 300 yards of the stone wall behind which the enemy was posted, we were met by a perfect hail storm of lead from their small ar'ms. The brigade dashed on and many had reached the wall when we received a deadly vol- ley from the left. The whole line on the left had given way, and we were being rapidly flanked, and with our thinned ranks and in such a position it would have been folly to stand against such odds.

"After this day's fight but one field officer was left in the brigade, and regiments that went in Avith Colonels came out commanded by Lieutenants."

A member of the Twenty-sixth Regiment thus describes the charge :

"As soon as the fire of the artillery ceased, General Pct- tigrew, his face lit up with the bright look it always wore when in battle, rode up to Colonel Marshall, in command of the brigade, and said: 'Now Colonel, for the honor of tne good Old JSTorth State. Forward.' Colonel Marshall promptly repeated the command, which taken up by the regimental commanders, the Twenty-sixth marched down the hill into the valley between the two lines. As the forward march con- tinued, our artillery would occasionally fire a shot over the heads of the troops to assure them that they had friends in the rear.

"The brigade had not advanced far when the noble Mar- shall fell, and the command of the brigade devolved on Major Jones, of the Twenty-sixth, while that of the regiment on Captain S. W. Brewer, of Company E, a man who proved on

366 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

that day as he has often since, that he was thoroughly quali- fied to lead.

"The Confederate line was yet unbroken and still perfect, when about half a mile from their works the enemy's artillery opened fire, sweeping the field with grape and canister ; but the line crossed the lane (Emmettsburg road) in good order. When about 300 yards from their works the musketry of the enemy opened on us, but nothing daunted the brave men of the Twenty-sixth pressed quickly forward and when the regi- ment reached within about forty yards of the enemy's works, it had been reduced to a skirmish line. But the brave rem- nant still pressed ahead and the colors were triumphantly planted on the works by J. ii . Brooks and Daniel Thomas, of Company E, when a cry came from the left, and it was seen that the entire left of the line had been swept away.

"The Twenty-sixth now exposed to a front and enfilade fire, there was no alternative but to retreat, and the order was ac- cordingly given. Captain Cureton, of Company B, and oth- ers, attempted to form the shattered remnants of the regiment in the lane (Emmettsburg road) but pressed by the enemy, the attempt was abandoned.

General Pettigrew had his horse shot under him during the charge, and though woiinded (bones of his left hand shattered by a grape shot) he was one of the last men of his division to leave, and was assisted off the field by Captain Cureton, whom he ordered to rally and form Heth's division behind the guns for their siipport. Pettigrew's brigade promptly re- sponded and formed when told where to go.

"By night a very good skirmish line had been collected and the gallant old Twenty-sixth had 67 privates and 3 officers present on the night of 8 July, 1863, out of 800 who went into battle on the morning of 1 July. In this enumeration the cooks and extra duty men and others who had been armed are not counted. These 70 officers and men remained to sup- port the artillery that night and all next day."

As of historical interest, I append the losses of Pickett's, Pettigrew's and Trimble's Division on this third day's fight at Gettysburg.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment.


Pickett's Division Garnett's Brigads, 8, 18, 19, 28 and 56 Virginia Regis . . . Armistead's Brigade, 9, 14, 38, 53 and 57 Virginia Regts. Kemper's Brigade, 1, 3, 7, 11 and 24 Virginia Reg^s

Pettigrew's Division- Archer's Brigade

Pettigrew's JBrigade . . . Davis' Brigade

Trimble's Division- Lane's Brigade

Scales' Brigade





574 462


330 300



264 125



539 648



112 228 160


176 85


Adding the killed and wounded of Pettigrew's Brigade on the third day's fight, viz., 300 ; to its killed and wounded on the first day's fight, viz., 1,105 ; and it makes a total loss of 1,405 killed and wounded sustained by these four ITorth Car- olina Regiments, which is within 33 of the loss in killed and wounded sustained by the fifteen Virginia Regiments of Pickett's Division.


Quoting again from the author of "Gettysburg, Then and Now" : "But why call this Pickett's charge ? In this as- sault there were engaged forty-two Confederate Regiments. In Pickett's Division there were 15 "Virginia Regiments. In Pettigrew's and Trimble's there were 15 ISTorth Carolina Reg- iments, 3 Mississippi, 3 Tennessee, 2 Alabama and 4 Vir- ginia Regiments. In addition to the artillery fire, they (Pettigrew and Trimble) encountered 9 Regiments of ITew York, 5 of Pennsylvania, 3 of Massachusetts, 3 of Vermont, 1 Michigan, 1 Maine, 1 Minnesota, 1 New Jersey, 1 Connect- icut, 1 Ohio, and 1 Delaware, in all 27 regiments.

368 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

"Some prominent writers, even historians like Swinton and Lossing, have said that the left of the line (Pettigrew's and Trimble's Divisions) did not advance as was expected, and that it was because these troops were not of the same 'fine quality' as those upon the right; that they were raw and undisciplined, etc., etc. Yet, but two days before, these same soldiers of Pettigrew and Trimble had fought around Eeynold's Grove (McPherson's woods) for six hours in a struggle with the First Corps that is unsurpassed for bravery and endurance, and where so many of their numbers had fallen. There were in fact no better troops in the Confed- eracy than they. Is history repeating herself ? If the event is correctly recorded, there were at Thermopylas 300 Spar- tans, YOG Thespians, and 300 Thebans. It is said the lat- ter went over to the enemy, but the Thespians died to a man at the pass with the Spartans. Yet for nearly twenty-four centuries. Epic song and story have well preserved the mem- ory of the Spartans, while the devoted Thespians are for- gotten."


On the first day while the Twenty-sixth Eegiment was in line awaiting the order to charge the enemy in McPherson's woods, Lieutenant-Colonel Lane, who had been up all the night previous in charge of the division skirmish line, and had eaten but little, but had drunken freely of muddy water, was seized with an intolerable naiisea and vomiting. Colonel Lane thus speaks of the incident: "I asked permission of Colonel Burgwyn to go to the rear. The latter replied : 'Oh, Colonel, I can't, I can't, I can't think of going into this battle without you ; here is a little of the best French brandy which my parents gave me to take with me in the battle ; it may do you good.' I took a little of it under the circumstances, though I had not drunk any during the war, and I may add, neither had Colonel Burgwyn. In a few minutes I was somewhat relieved and said: 'Colonel Burgwyn, I can go with you.' With his usual politeness, he replied : 'Thank you. Colonel, thank you.' Continuing the conversation, he said: 'Colonel, do you think that we will have to advance on the enemy as

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 369

they are? Oh, what a splendid place for artillery. Why don't they fire on them ?' He saw and realized the very de- cided advantage their position gave them over us."

James D. Moore, private in Company F, was the 85th man of his company shot on the first day's fight. A ball passed through his leg. When taken to the field hospital the sur- geon said he had been fighting cavalry, as the wound was, made by a carbine 44 calibre, and not by an Enfield rifle, 56- calibre. After the war Moore went to live in Indiana at a place called Winnaniac. He there met a man named Hayes who was a member of the Twenty-fourth Michigan Regiment and in the battle of Gettysburg. Hayes had lost his Enfield rifle on the forced march of the night before, and as his regi- inent was going into action on the morning of 1 July, he picked up a carbine dropped by one of Buford's cavalry, and used it during the fight. It was the only carbine in the Twenty-fourth Regiment and just before he retreated, when the colors of the regiment charging him was fifteen or twenty paces distant, he fired in their direction. Moore at the time was alongside the flag and received Hayes' shot. They be- came good friends and Hayes was of material assistance to Moore so long as the latter lived in his town.

When taken from the fleld, Colonel Lane was carried to the field hospital, a brick house. A wotinded Georgia oflicer, who was lying near the door of the room in which Colonel Lane was, had been delirious all the morning. He finally be- came quiet about 1 p. m. and after a silence of some minutes. Colonel Lane heard him say in a perfectly rational tone of voice : "There now, there now. Vicksburg has fallen, Gen- eral Lee is retreating and the South is whipped. The South is whipped." He ceased speaking and in a few moments an attendant passed by and said he was dead. General Lee did not retreat from Gettysburg until the evening of the 4th of July, and Vicksburg was not surrendered until the 4th of July.

It is stated in Volume 67, page 514, Official Records Union and Confederate Armies, that on 4 July, 1863, at 6 :35 a. m., General Lee proposed to General Meade "to promote the com- 24

370 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

fort and convenience of the officers and men captured by the opposing amiies, that an exchange be made at once." At 8 :25 a. m., General Meade replied : "It is not in my power to accede to the proposed arrangement."


When the army retreated from Gettysburg, the wounded were sent off in long trains chiefly of the wagons which Gen- eral Stuart had captured in his raid around Meade's army. These invited the attack of the enemy's cavalry, and many wounded Confederate officers and soldiers were in this way captured before the army got across the Potomac river.

The wagon train in which Colonel Lane was carried, was one of those attacked. He at once got out of the wagon, mounted his horse and made his escape, though he was at the time unable to speak or to receive nourishment in the nat- ural way. He was unable to take any nourishment for nine days, owing to the swollen and inflamed condition of his throat and mouth, and it was thought impossible for him ever to get well.


Posterity will wish to know as much as possible of the per- sonnel of this regiment, and we append a list of the officers of the regiment who participated in the battle of Gettysburg. This we are enabled to do from a very remarkable fact.

As stated above, the proximity of Meade's army was not known on 30 June, 1863, and on that day the regiment was mustered as it bivouacked after the day's march. These mus- ter and pay rolls were made out in triplicate, one to be sent to the Adjutant General of the army, one to be kept by the com- pany commander, and one by the Quartermaster of the regi- ment, who was also the paymaster. Captain J. J. Young, the regimental Quartermaster from the beginning to the end of the war, has preserved these muster and pay rolls. The writer has had access to the same, and now copies from them the names of the officers of the regiment who were present in camp on the afternoon of 30 June, 1863, and the number of


1. John Tuttle, Sergeant, Co. F.

3. Wm. N. SnellinK, 2d Lieut., Co. D.

3. L L. Polk, Sergeant Major

4. W. W. Edwards, Private, Co. E.

6. J. D. Moore. Private, Co. F. (The 85th man in his Company wounded at Gettysburg, July 1st, 1863.)

6. H C. Co£Eey, Private, Co. F. (The

86th man in his Company wounded at Gettysburg, July 1st, 1863.)

7. Laban Ellis, Private, Co. E.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 371

those present for duty in each company as shown hy its mus- ter and pay roll for that day.


Haeey King Buegwyn^ Jr., Colonel. John Randolph Lane, Lieutenant-Colonel. John Thomas Jones, Major. James B. Joedan, Adjutant. Llewellyn P. Waeeen, Surgeon. William W. Gaithee, Assistant Surgeon. Joseph J. Young, Quartermaster. Phineas Hoeton, Commissary. MoNTFOED S. McRea, Sergeant Major. Benjamin Hind, Hospital Steward. Abeam J. Lane, Quartermaster Sergeant. Jesse F. Peeguson, Commissary Sergeant. E. H. HoENADAY, Ordnance Sergeant.


Company A Captain, Samuel P. Wagg; First Lieuten- ant, A. B. Duvall ; Second Lieutenant, J. B. Houek ; Junior Second Lieutenant, L. C. Gentry; present for duty, 97.

Company B ^Captain, Wm. Wilson; First Lieutenant, Thos. J. Cureton; Second Lieutenant, W. W. Richardson; Junior Second Lieutenant, Edward A. Breitz; present for duty, 92.

Company C Captain J. A. Jarrett ; First Lieutenant, W. Porter ; Second Lieutenant, ; Junior Second Lieuten- ant, R. D. Horton ; present for duty, 80.

Company D- Captain, J. T. Adams; First Lieutenant, Gaston Broughton; Second Lieutenant, J. G. M. Jones; Junior Second Lieutenant, Orren A. Hanner; present for duty, 79.

Company E^ Captain, S. W. Brewer; First Lieutenant, John R. Emerson; Second Lieutenant, W. J. Lambert; Junior Second Lieutenant, Oran A. Hanner; present for duty, 104.

Company F Captain, R. M. Tuttle ; First Lieutenant, C.

372 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

M. Sudderth; Second Lieutenant, ; Jumoi'

Second Lieutenant, J. B. HoUoway; present for duty, 91.

Company G— Captain, H. C. Albright; First Lieutenant, J. A. Lowe; Second Lieutenant, ; Junior Sec- ond Lieutenant, Wm. G. Lane; present for duty, 91.

Company H— Captain, ; First Lieutenant,

M. McLeod; Second Lieutenant, George Willcox; Junior Second Lieutenant, J. H. McGilvery ; present for duty, 78.

Company I— Captain, N. G. Bradford ; First Lieutenant, M. B. Blair; Second Lieutenant, J. C. Grier; Junior Sec- ond Lieutenant, J. G. Sudderth ; present for duty, 74.

CoMPAifY K Captain, James G. McLauchlin ; First Lieu- tenant, Thomas Lilly; Second Lieutenant, \

Junior Second Lieutenant, J. L. Henry ; present for duty, 99.

The total number present for duty was 885.

Of those absent, Captain James D. Mclver of Company H, Second Lieutenant A. B. Hays of Company F, and Second Lieutenant A. K. Jordan of Company G, were absent on de- tached duty, Second Lieutenant Wm. L. Ingram of Company" K, was on sick furloiigh, and Second Lieutenant J. M. Har- ris of Company C, who was subsequently captured at Bristoe Station (14 October, 1863) is marked "absent with leave."

Of the above list those killed or mortally wounded in the two days' fighting, were as follows : Colonel, H. K. Burgwyn ; Captains S. P. Wagg, Wm. Wilson ; Lieutenants, John E. Emerson, W. W. Richardson, J. B. HoUoway.

All the other ofiicers except Captain Albright and Lieuten- ants J. A. Lowe, C. M. Sudderth and ii. B. Blair, were wounded. Adjutant J. B. Jordan and Sergeant-Major M. S. McRea, of the Regimental Staff, both severely wounded. Major Jones and Lieutenant T. J. Cureton. were wounded,, but refused to leave the field.


Captains, Bradford and Brewer. I^ieutenants, Brietz, Broughton, Hanner, McLeod, and Adjutant Jordan.

On 31 August, 1863, while the regiment was in camp near Orange Court House, it was again mustered. The writer has-

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 373

these rolls before him. In some companies the record of events since 30 June, 1863 (last muster) is specific; in some, no details are given other than vi^hat appears opposite the name of the individual.

Captain Duval, of Company A, reports that his company went into action at Gettysburg with 92 men and lost, killed 11, and wotinded 66, on the first day, and on the third day, 1 killed. Captain Wagg, and 10 wounded and missing; total, 88.

First Lieutenant W. J. Lambert, of Company E, says his company took into the battle 82 men and lost, killed and mor- tally wounded 18, and wounded 52, on the first day, and on the second day's fight only two men escaped.

Captain Albright, of Company G, reports the loss of his company at 12 killed and 58 wounded and missing.

Captain Mclver, of Company H, reports 17 killed and 55 wounded at Gettysburg.

Lieutenant Polk, of Company K, says he recrossed the Potomac at Falling Waters with 16 men, having crossed that river in June on the way to Gettysburg, with 103, rank and file.

Captain Tuttle, of Company F, declares that every man was killed or wounded in his company that he took into the battle.

The following is tlie number killed and wounded and miss- ing at Gettysburg, ascertained from the reports as given on the muster rolls of the companies, dated 31 August, 1863 : "Killed and mortally wounded, 139. Wounded and miss- ing, 535."

This enumeration omits some wounded who had returned to duty prior to 31 August, 1863, the date of the muster.

The muster rolls for 30 June, 1863, make the aggregate present for duty, enlisted men, 885 ; allowing 10 per cent, for extra duty and details, it would leave about 800 muskets taken into battle at Gettysburg on the first day. Of this number 708 were killed, wounded and missing as the losses in the first and third day's fighting at Gettysburg. Over 88 per cent and of the officers, 34 out of 39 were killed or wounded. Over 87 per cent.

374 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

coloe beaeees at gettysbueg.

It is possible at this late day that the name of some gallant soldier who carried the flag of the Twenty-sixth Eegiment during the battle of Gettysburg may be omitted from the list below, but every effort has been made to include in this hon- orable mention all entitled, for no one took the^flag in that battle without the certainty of being shot down, and not one escaped.

The color guard consisted of a Sergeant and eight pri- vates. After these nine had fallen, the others were volun- teers.

FIEST day's I-IGHT^ 1 JTJLY^ 1863.

Colonel, H. K. Burgwyn, Jr., killed.

Captain Wm. W. McCreery, killed.

Private Franklin Honeycutt, Company B, killed.

" John E.. Marley, Company Gr, killed.

" William Ingram, Company K, killed. Lieutenant-Colonel John E. Lane, wounded. Lieutenant Greorge Willcox, wounded. Color Sergeant J. Mansfield, wounded. Sergeant Hiram Johnson, Company Gr, wounded. Private John Stamper, Company A, wounded.

" G. W. Kelly, Company D, wounded.

" L. A. Thomas, Company F, wounded.

" John Vinson, Company G, wounded.

thied day's fight^ 3 JULY^ 1863.

Sergeant W. H. Smith, Company K, killed. Private Thomas J. Cozart, Company F, killed. Captain S. W. Brewer, Company E, wounded. Private Daniel Thomas, Company E, wounded.

As First Sergeant James M. Brooks, Company E, and Daniel Thomas, the latter carrying the flag, reached the en- emy's works, the Federals called out to them, "Come over on this side of the Lord," and took them prisoners rather than fire at them.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 375


These men kept right up with the regiment. I have only been able to locate the following name^ : Private Weill B. Staton, Company B.

" Jackson Baker, Company D.

" John A. Jackson, Company H.


On the night of 4 July, 1863, General Lee withdrew his army from confronting Meade at Gettysburg, and Heth's Division marched to Hagerstown, where it entrenched. "On the evening of 13 July," says General Heth in his ofScial re- port, "I received orders to withdraw at dark and move in the direction of Falling Waters. The night was dark, roads ankle deep in mud and raining. It took twelve hours to march seven miles. On reaching an elevated and command- ing ridge of hills, one mile from Falling Waters, I was or- dered by General A. P. Hill to put my division in line of bat- tle on either side of the road and to put Pender's Division in rear of mine in column of brigades. At this point we halted to let the wagons and artillery get over the river. About 11 a. m. 14 July, 1863, received orders to move Pender's divis- ion across the river following Anderson's Division. About 15 or 20 minutes after getting these orders, and while they were in execution, a small body of cavalry, numbering 40 or 45, made their appearance in our front. They were at once observed by myself and General Pettigrew, and several mem- bers of my staff as well as many others. On emerging from the woods the party faced about, apparently on the defensive. Suddenly facing about, they galloped up the road and halted some 175 yards from my line of battle. From their manoeu- vering and the smallness of their numbers, I concluded it was a party of our own cavalry pursued by the enemy. In this opinion I was sustained by all present. The troops had been restrained up to this time from firing by General Pettigrew and myself. Examining them critically with my glasses, I discovered they were Federal troops, and the command was given to fire. At the same time the Federal officer gave the

376 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

command to charge. The squad passed through the intervals separating the epaulments for the artillery and fired several shots. In less than three minutes all were killed or captured, save two or three who are said to have escaped. General Pet- tigrew, who had received a wound in one of his hands (left) at Gettysburg, was unable to manage his horse which reared and fell with him. It is probable when in the act of rising that he was struck by a pistol ball in the left side, which, un- fortunately for himself and his country, proved fatal. Thirty- three of the enemy's dead were counted, and six prisoners fell into our hands and a stand of colors."

The cavalry mentioned above was a portion of the Sixth Michigan, commanded by Major P. A. Weber.' "Seeing only that portion of the enemy behind the earthwork," says Gen- eral Kilpatrick in his report of the affair, "Major Weber gave the order to charge."

General Kilpatrick admits a loss of thirty killed, wounded and missing, including the "gallant Major P. A. Weber, killed." It would seem that General Heth and the rest were excusable for their hesitation as to which side this cavalry force belonged. 'Tis true, they were dressed in the Federal uniform, but many Confederate scouts wore the Federal uni- form. It was known that General Lee was crossing his army into \"irginia, at Williamsport ford and at Falling Waters on a pontoon bridge, and that the cavalry had orders to protect the crossing of the infantry at these places. But for an un- fortunate mistake on the cavalry's part in thinking all had crossed, whereby those who were to intervene between the enemy and Heth's rear guard had been withdrawn and had, themselves, crossed at Williamsport above, this sad disaster could not have occurred.

A member of the Twenty-sixth regiment, who witnessed the unfortunate affair says : "Some (referring to the Fed- eral cavalry) were knocked off their horses with fence rails. General Pettigrew after he fell, endeavored to shoot the Yan- kee who shot him, but his pistol missed fire, and IST. B. Staton, private of Company B, seized a big stone and crushed the Yankee in the breast, killing him."

As soon as the surgeons examined General Pettigrew's

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 377

wound they saw the only hope for his life was to keep him perfectly quiet, and proposed to take him into a barn near by. To allow this, General Pettigrew obstinately declined, saying "he would die before he would again be taken pris- oner." He was then put on a stretcher, and in hopes his life by this way might be saved, he was carried by four men who were regularly relieved by fresh details, all the way to Bun- ker Hill, a distance of 22 miles, occupying parts of two days. Frequently during the march he would say to the sol- diers as he would notice their sympathetic countenances: "Boys, don't be disheartened. May be I will fool the doc- tors yet." He lingered in the house of a Mr. Boyd, at Bun- ker Hill, Va., vmtil 17 July, 1863, and at about half past six in the morning, died quietly and without pain. General Lee, riding by his side as he was carried on the litter to Bun- ker Hill, expressed great sorrow at his being wounded. Gen- eral Pettigrew replied "tliat his fate was no other than one might reasonably anticipate upon entering the army, and that he was perfectly willing to die for his country."

To the Rev. Mr. Wilmer, afterwards Bishop Wilmer, of Louisiana, he avowed a firm persuasion of the truths of the Christian religion and said that in accordance with his belief he had, some years before, made preparation for death.

On the morning of Friday, 24 July, 1863, the coffin con- taining his remains, wrapped in the flag of his country, and hidden under wreaths of flowers and other tributes of femi- nine taste and tenderness, lay in the rotunda of the Capitol at Raleigh, where within the year had preceded him his compa- triots, Branch and Anderson. From Raleigh, he was taken to his old home, Bonarva, Tjake Scuppernong, Tyrrell County, and there he is buried near the beautiful lake whose sandy shores his youthful feet were wont to tread. We would pause here to remark how mysterious are the dispensations of Prov- idence, that it should be denied to James Johnston Pettigrew to die on the field of Gettysburg, and be decreed that he must meet his end in a petty skirmish with cavalry two weeks later.

Many prisoners were taken on the retreat from Hagers- town to Falling Waters, hecause of the exhausted condition of the men and the incessant pursuit of the Federal cavalry.

378 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

The troops at Falling Waters had to cross a pontoon bridge. The Confederate cavalry having retreated across at Williams- port, there were none to protect the infantry of Heth's divis- ion as it crossed at Falling Waters. The enemy's cavalry pressed them on front and flank, and there was more or less demoralization at the last.

Captain Oureton, of Company B, witnessed this incident. A Federal cavalryman took position near the Maryland end of the pontoon bridge and as the stragglers came along he would demand their surrender. In this way some fifty or sixty men had surrendered to this one cavalryman, when a member of the Twenty-sixth Regiment passing along, was halted and his surrender demanded. The Twenty-sixth Reg- iment man raised his gun and taking aim said : "Damn you, you surrender." The Federal said "all right," and threw dovrai his gun. He was taken prisoner and with the fifty or sixty who had surrendered to him, was marohel across the bridge by the Tar Heel. Captain Cureton was the last man to get on the pontoon bridge as it was cut loose from its Mary- land end and swung into the river. From a thousand to fif- teen hundred stragglers were left on the Maryland side by this premature cutting loose of the bridge, and fell into the ene- my's hands.


After the return to Virginia from the Gettysburg cam- paign. General Lee stationed his army in and around Orange Court House. While here on 7 September, 1863, General Wm. W. Kirkland was appointed to the command of Petti- grew's Brigade, and remained in command until the battle of Bristoe Station, where he was wounded.

In a letter from General Lee to President Davis, dated 17 October, 1863, he thus describes this unfortunate engage- ment : "With a view of bringing on an engagement with the army of General Meade, this army marched on the 9th instant by way of Madison Court House and arrived near Culpepper on the 11th. The enemy retired towards the Rappahannock. We only succeeded in coming up ^ with a portion of his rear guard at this place (Bristoe Station) on the 14th instant,

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 379

■when a severe engagement ensued, but without any decided or satisfactory results."

In his eagerness to attack the retiring enemy (Third Army Corps) General A. P. Hill overlooked the presence of the Second Corps posted behind the railroad embankment in a cut ; and when the brigades of Cooke and Kirkland made the attack, they were suddenly confronted by the Second Corps posted as above stated, and were driven back with severe loss. In his report of the engagement. General A. P. Hill says : "In conclusion I am convinced I made the attack too hastily; at the same time a delay of half an hour and there would have been no enemy to attack. In that event I believe I should equally have blamed myself for not attacking at once."

The losses sustained by Kirkland's brigade in this action :

Regiment. Killed. Wounded.

Eleventh 4 11

Twenty-sixth 16 83

Forty-fourth .23 63

Porty-seventh 5 37

Fifty-second 2 25

Total 50 219

WINTER OF 1863-'64. the snow ball battle.

The Army of ISTorthern Virginia winter-quartered in and around Orange Court house.

"At the first heavy fall of snow, it was suggested that there should be a sham battle between Cooke's and Kirkland's Bri- gades, and snow balls be the weapons used. The two brigades paraded facing each other on opposite sides of a ravine. Col- onel Wm. MacRae, of the Fifteenth North Carolina Regi- ment, commanded Cooke's Brigade; as to the name of the commander of Kirkland's, the writer is not advised. At a given signal the battle began. At first the men contented themselves with using snow, and all was fun and frolic ; but as the contest waxed more animated and each side struggled for mastery, the passions of the combatants became aroused and the excitement of actual battle seized them; hard sub-

380 North Carolina Troops. 1861-65.

stances, frequently stones, were grabbed up with the snow and made into a ball that had the stinging effect of the genuine ar- ticle on the one hit, and several received injuries of a serious nature. Colonel MacRae was pulled from his horse and roughly handled, and the combat only ended with the exhaus- tion of the participants, each side agreeing it should be con- sidered a drawn battle. This affair caused some bitterness between the brigades, which took time and comradeship, bat- tles, privation and sufferings to destroy."

About the middle of November, 1863, Colonel Lane having sixty days longer leave of absence, visited his regiment. He thus writes of his visit: "I found the regiment so low in spirits and few in number that the day I reached camp, was, I believe, the saddest day to me of all the war. I realized then, as not before, the deaths of my Colonel, Harry Bur- gAvyn, of our General, Pettigrew, and so many other officers and friends in the regiment.

"Regretting so much to see the gallant old regiment go down, notwithstanding the fact that I was entirely unable for active service, I reported myself for duty, when I was com- missioned as full Colonel of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, to date from 1 July, 1863. I went to work with all the will I could possibly bring to bear to recruit, drill and equip my regiment and restore it to something like its former numbers and efficiency."

Major John T. Jones had been promoted Lieutenant-Colo- nel, after the battle of Gettysburg, and at one time com- manding the brigade, had been in command of the regiment from Gettysburg until Colonel Lane's return. Captain Jas. T. Adams, of Company D, on his return to the regiment after his recovery from his woimd received at Gettysburg (first day) was promoted to Major. The commissions of all bear- ing date 1 July, 1863, in recognition of the heroic conduct of the regiment on that day. The captaincy of Company D was held open awaiting the return of First Jjieutenant Gas- ton H. Broughton, wounded and captured in the third day's fight at Gettysburg. Orderly Sergeant John A. Polk, of Company K, promoted Second Lieutenant after Gettysburg, where he was wounded, was appointed acting Adjutant, vice

Twenty-Sixth Rkgiment. 381

Adjutant Jordan, wounded and captured at Gettysburg.

Continuing our quotations from Colonel Lane's letter : "I was informed by General Kirkland that if consolidation of regiments were effected, that the Twenty-sixth Regiment was named as one to be consolidated. I tised every influence at my command to avert the threatened consolidation, and through the noble concert of action of the officers of the regi- ment, I had the proud satisfaction of seeing our efforts crowned with success.

"Such was the harmony, energy and regimental pride of the officers and men, and so well did they work together to promote its interests, enlivened by such soul-inspiring music as only Captain Mickey's band could furnish, that by the first of May, 1864, the regiment numbered 760 strong; and so well was it drilled that General Heth pronounced it to be one of the 'best drilled regiments in the Army of Northern Virginia.' The improvement in the moral and religious con- dition of the regiment that winter was very remarkable, more good being effected by the work of the Chaplains and their as- sistants than during all the previous years of the war."

Many deserters returned, gave themselves up and ever af- terwards made good soldiers, and by 5 May, 1864, this old Twenty-sixth Regiment that had been bereft of so many of its best officers and men at Gettysburg, and Bristoe Station, that it came near losing its separate existence by being merged into another, proudly marched down the plank road at the head of Heth's division to the

battles of the wildeeness and spottsylvania coukt


On 4 May, 1864, General U. S. Grant, now in command of the armies of the United States, with General Meade in im- mediate command of the Army of the Potomac, crossed the Rapidan at Ely and Germania fords.

General Lee marched two corps to oppose him. Ewell's (Second Corps) by the old turnpike, and Hill's (Third Corps) by the Orange plank road.

Says General Lee in his report of the battle : "Ewell and Hill arrived in the morning in close proximity to the enemy's

382 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

line of march. A strong attack was made upon Ewell, who repulsed it, capturing many prisoners and four pieces of ar- tillery. The enemy subsequently concentrated on Hill, who, with Heth's and Wilcox's Divisions, successfully resisted re- peated and desperate assaults. Early on the morning of 6 May, as these divisions were being relieved, the enemy ad- vanced and created some confusion. The ground lost was re- covered so soon as the fresh troops got into position and the enemy were driven back. Afterward we txirned the left of his front line and drove it from the field. Lieuten ant-Gen- eral Longstreet was severely wounded."

A member of the regiment thus writes of this battle :

"ISTever did a regiment march more proudly and deter- minedly than the Twenty-sixth, when it headed the column of Kirkland's Brigade for the battle of the Wilderness. Beach- ing the ground early 5 May, 1864, we passed General Lee and his Staff. Our regiment was engaged all the first day, and suc- ceeded in driving back the enemy and holding him in check ; but informed we would be relieved during the night by men of Longstreet's Corps, we did not take proper precaution and were surprised by the enemy, who at daybreak next morning (6 May) with great vigor, renewed the attack of the previous afternoon, and our brigade came very near being stampeded. And again the regiment met with serious loss in prisoners and killed and wounded."

Colonel Lane being wounded in the thigh on the evening before, Lieutenant-Colonel Jones was now in command of the regiment, and while gallantly rallying his men and lead- ing them in a charge, was mortally wounded. He asked As- sistant Surgeon W. W. Gaither, if the wound was mortal. When told it was, with a yearning expression he replied: "It must not be. I was bom to accomplish more good than I have done." Later on will be found a sketch of this noble, gallant young soldier who died ere his prime, but left a projid record behind him. Continuing our quotation : "The regi- ment succeeded in holding the lines and at the critical mo- ment, Longstreet came up with his magnificent corps in the most perfect order I ever saw, marching his forces against

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 383

Grant like boys going to a frolic. He hurled back the enemy and getting in their rear and left flank, was driving them in great confusion from the field, when, like Stonewall Jack- son, General Longstreet fell, shot down by some of his own men (part of Mahone's Brigade) and the pursuit was stopped. After Lieutenant-Colonel Jones was wounded, Colonel Lane returned to duty, his wound not proving very severe.

"Lee and Grant noM' moved along on parallel lines fronting each other like two great monsters, and the night of 7 May, found Lee's army well in line, fronting Grant, with Longstreet's Corps, commanded by Anderson on the right, Ewell on the left, and Hill in the center, the Twenty-sixth Regiment being near the centre bf Hill's Corps, placed it about the centre of the army.


"About 8 p. m., on the night of 7 May, it became rumored that Grant's army was moving to his left, and had lost hope of reaching Richmond by the overland route. The rebel yell was raised at some point on the right of the line; at first, heard like the rumbling of a distant railroad train, it came rushing down the lines like the surging of the waves upon the ocean, increasing in loudness and grandeur; and passing, it would be heard dying away on the left in the distance. Again it was heard coming from the right to die away again on the distant left. It was renewed three times, each time with increased vigor. It was a yell like the defiant tones of the thunder storm, echoing and re-echoing. It caused such dis- may among the Federals that it is said their pickets fired and ran in."

During the night General Lee put his army in motion for Spottsylvania Court House, and arrived just in time, as the enemy came in sight about 9 a. m. next morning (8 May).

The 10th was a day of vigorous battle, the enemy made in- cessant attacks on the First Corps (Andersons), but were continually repulsed Avith great slaughter. During the night of the 11th, the artillery protecting Johnstons Division at the salient was withdrawn to be ready to move to the right, when at dawn of the 12th, Hancock's Corps attacked and captured

384 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

it, and most of Johnston's Division and twenty guns. It has been stated that Johnston was surprised by the enemy on this occasion. This he denies. In his report of the affair he says : "On the night of 11 May, in riding around my lines, I found the artillery leaving the trenches and moving to the rear. About 12 p. m. I communicated to Lieutenant- General Ewell my belief that I would be attacked and re- quested the return of the artillery. There was no surprise ; my men were up and ready for the assault before the enemy made their appearance."

A member of the Twenty-sixth Eegiment writes :

"At the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, the Twenty- sixth was detached from its regular place in the line and sta- tioned about fifty yards from the Cotirt House to be in readi- ness to support any point which might be strongly assaulted. While we were yet lying there, General Lee came riding by on his war horse, Traveler. Grant's artillery opened fire and it seemed impossible that General Lee cotild escape in the storm of shot and shell which was centered iipon him. As quick as a flash the members of his staff placed themselves around him to protect him with their own bodies. Such was the sentiment in the entire army. Each one was willing to give up his life to save that of the Commander-in-Chief. The troops were visibly affected, as General Lee with his staff, still svirrounding him, rode off. This incident manifested the love, reverence and respect in which General Lee was held by his soldiers."

At a critical time in the carapaign it was extremely diificult to get com for the artillery horses. Three farmers living a few miles up the river tendered General Lee two thousand bushels of corn, but the trouble was, how to get it, as it was necessary to send a wagon train for it and the road lay for a greater part of the distance in close proximity to the lines of the enemy. As an escort for this wagon train, General Lee ordered that some regiment should be selected to whose ofiicers the men yielded unquestioned obedience, and upon whom they had entire reliance. The Twenty- sixth Regiment was selected for this hazardous service; the corn was safely

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 385

brought into camp and the hungry artillery horses fed, making it possible to move the guns, and thus relieving the army from a threatened disaster.


On his recovery from the wound received at Bristoe Sta- tion, General Kirkland was in command of the brigade until he was again wounded on 2 June, 1864, when Colonel Wm. MacRae, of the Fifteenth North Carolina Regiment, of Cooke's Brigade, was made Brigadier-General, and assigned to the command of Kirkland's Brigade 27 June, 1864. Gen- eral MacRae is thus spoken of by officers of the regiment :

"General MacRae soon won the confidence and admiration of the brigade, both officers and men. His voice was like that of a Woman ; he was small in person, and quick in action. To him history has never done justice. He could place his com- mand in position quicker and infiise more of his fighting qualities into his men, than any officer I ever saw. His presence with his troops seemed to dispel all fear, and to in- spire every one with a desire for the fray. The brigade re- mained under his command until the surrender."

Another officer thus writes :

"General MacRae assigned to the brigade changed the physical expression of the whole command in less than two weeks, and gave the men infinite faith in him and themselves, which was never lost, not even when they grounded arms at Appomattox."


On all the line from the Wilderness to Richmond and Pe- tersburg, General Lee acted on the defensive. He suffered the enemy to attack him, and in every instance the result proved the wisdom of his doing so. General Lee had not a man to lose unnecessarily. There were no reserves for him to call upon to fill his depleted ranks. ISTot so his adversary. As a matter of historical interest, I will quote briefly from


386 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

some of General Grant's dispatches to General Halleck at Washington, D. 0., giving the losses in his army on this march to Richmond :

"4 May, 1864: The crossing of the Rapidan effected. Forty-eight hours will now demonstrate whether the enemy intend giving battle this side of Richmond." It has been shown that in less than twelve hours from the date of this dis- patch Lee had inflicted a severe repulse upon Grant's army.

"6 May, 11:30 a. m. : We have been engaged with the enemy in full force since early yesterday. I think all things are progressing favorably. Our loss to this time I do not think exceeds eight thousand.

"7 May, 10 a. m. : Our losses to this time in killed, wounded and prisoners will not exceed twelve thousand.

"11 May, 1864 : We have lost up to this time, eleven gen- eral officers, killed, wounded and missing, and probably twenty thousand men.

"26 May, 1864: Lee's army is really whipped. The pris- oners we now take show it, and the action of his army shows it unmistakably. A battle with them outside of their intrench- ments cannot be had. Our men feel that they have gained the morale over the enemy and attack with confidence." A few days later. General Grant's tone is different.

"5 June, 1864: Without a greater sacrifice of human life than I am willing to make, all cannot be accomplished that I had designed. I have, therefore, resolved upon the follow- ing plan : Move to the south side of James river."

It is now well known that so disheartened was the army of the Potomac by its fearful losses in killed, wounded and missing from the crossing of the Rapidan to and including the battle of Cold Harbor, June 1-3, 1864 (the official reports make this loss over forty thousand), that at the latter battle the soldiers refused to obey the orders to attack the Confed- erate lines. (In this last battle the Federals lost over ten thousand), and General Grant in his testimony before the Congressional Committee investigating the cause of the fail- tire at the Mine explosion (at Petersburg 30 July, 1864) gave it as one of the explanations for the failure, the detail of

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 387

white troops rather than Ferrero's Division of negroes, to make the assault, the white troops being demoralized from their life in the trenches and losses in battle.

From Spottsylvania Court House to the North Anna, at Hanover Junction, Cold Harbor, on the lines between Rich- mond and Petersburg, the Twenty-sixth was always prompt to respond to all orders. General Grant, like Wm. Taylor's snake, would "wire in and wire out, and frequently left us still in doubt, whether he was coming in or going out."


On two occasions while on the picket line between Spott- sylvania Court House and Richmond, Colonel Lane's life was probably saved by the vigilance of his men.

On one occasion Private Laban Ellis, of Company E, see- ing a Federal soldier taking aim at the Colonel, fired so quick that his ball struck the Federal's gun as it went off and knocked it from his shoulder, whereupon the latter surren- dered and said to Colonel Lane : "Your man saved you." On another occasion, as Colonel Lane, with Ira !N'all, also of Company E, were making a reconnoissance of the ground in their front, ISTall spied a man a few feet away with his gun leveled upon the Colonel. Without taking time to raise his gun to his shoulder, ISTall fired and brought the Federal down, killing him.

It would be impossible to state in detail all the engage- ments in which the regiment participated along this line. General Grant attempted to go around us, over us, and under us (explosion of the mine, 30 June, 1864), but was foiled in every attempt. Two of the most brilliant victories in which MacRae's Brigade played a conspicuous part were the en- gagements at Davis House, 19 August, and Reams Station, 25 August, 186J^. In General Lee's reports of these actions, he thus writes 20 August, 1864: "General Hill attacked the enemy (Fifth Corps) yesterday afternoon at Davis House, three miles from Petersburg, on Weldon Railroad, defeated him and captured about 2,700 prisoners, including one Brigadier-General, and several field officers."

388 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

26 August, 1864: "General A. P. Hill attacked the enemy in his entrenchments at Eeams Station yesterday evening and at the second assault, carried his entire line. Cooke's, Mac- Rae's and Lane's Brigades (under General Connor), and Pegram's artillery, composed the assaulting column. Hill captured nine pieces of artillery, twelve colors, 2,150 prison- ers, 3,100 stand of small arms and 32 horses."

So altogether creditable was the conduct of these three North Carolina Brigades as to call forth from General Lee a letter to Governor Vance, dated 29 August, 1864, in which he says: "I have frequently been called upon to mention the services of the North Carolina soldiers in this army, but their gallantry and conduct were never more deserving of admiration than in the engagement at Eeams Station, on the 25th instant. The brigades of Generals Cooke, MacRae and Lane, the last under the command of General Connor, ad- vanced through a thick abatis of felled trees under a heavy fire of musketry and artillery and carried the enemy's works ' with a steady courage that elicited the warm commendation of their corps and division commanders, and the admiration of the army. If the men who remain in North Carolina share the spirit of those they have sent to the field, as I doubt not they do, her defense may be securely entrusted in their hands."



The troops selected to carry the enemy's works in the early part of the fight having been repeatedly driven back, Heth's Division was ordered to their assistance. The division was drawn up in line of battle with the skirmishers in front.

Lieutenant D. C. Waddell, of Company G, Eleventh North Carolina Regiment, relates this incident to the writer. Lieu- tenant Waddell was in command of the skirmishers on that part of the line. Major-General Heth walked out to his line and ordered him to send a man back to the main line and bring a regimental flag. The messenger returned with the color-bearer of the Twenty-sixth Regiment. General Heth demanded the flag. The color-bearer refused to give it up,

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 389

saying: "General, tell me where you want the flag to go and I will take it. I won't surrender up my colors." The Gen- eral again made the demand, and was met by the same refusal, when taking the eolor-bearer by the arm, he said : "Come on then, we will carry the colors together." Then giving the signal to charge by waving the flag to the right and the left, the whole line with a yell, started for the enemy's works. The abatis protecting the enemy's lines was interlaced with wire in places, but charging through and over and around it all, the Confederate line rushed up to the works, and Gen- eral Heth, and his co-color-bearer, planted the flag on the en- trenchments behind which lay the enemy, most of whom thereupon surrendered. Thomas Minton, of Company C, from Wilkes County, was the name of this gallant color- bearer. He was subsequently killed with his colors in the action near Burgess Mill, 27 October, 1864. This gallant soldier was also wounded at Gettysburg.

This courageous assault was necessarily attended with con- siderable loss in killed and wounded. Coloned Lane was again so unfortunate as to be wounded. He was struck by a piece of shell in the left breast just over the heart, fracturing two ribs and breaking one and tearing open the flesh to the bones, making a fearful wound six inches long and three wide, from which it was thought he would surely die. But about the first of JSTovember he Avas again back with his com- mand ready for duty.

Among the other officers of the Twenty-sixth Regiment killed in these almost daily engagements with the enemy, was Captain Henry C. Albright, of Company G. He fell mor- tally wounded at the head of his company in repulsing an attack on the Vaughn Roads, 29 September, 1864. It would seem he had a presentment of his death. Captain Albright had been in every engagement and battle in which his regi- ment participated from New Bern, up to that day, and es- caped from even a slight wound. On the day he was wounded he remarked to a friend : "Oh, how I dread this day." He was carried to the Winder hospital, insisting that he be placed in the ward where his soldier boys were, rather than in the Officer's hospital. He lingered until 21 October, 1864. He

390 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

was carried home and buried in his family grave yard at Pleasant Hill, Chatham County. A handsome monument marks the spot.

He was succeeded by First Lieutenant A. K. Johnson, who was such a martinet that the boys called him "Bob Ransom." lew companies in the Confederate army had better officers than Company G. Lieutenant-Colonel James T. Adams was now in command of the Twenty-sixth, and remained so until Colonel Lane returned to duty as stated above.

Heth's Division being on the extreme right of the Confed- erate line defending Petersburg, were among the troops first to be called upon to resist any flank movement on the part of General Grant; and there was fighting almost daily along their front and flank.

At Burgess Mills, 27 October, 1864, where Hancock lost 1,482 in killed and wounded ; on Warren's expedition with the Fifth Corps to destroy Weldon bridge when he was met and driven back at Belfield 7-1 2 December, 1864 ; in the severe engagements at Hatcher's Run, 5-6 February, 1865, with Warren's Corps (Fifth) and Gregg's Division of cavalry, in which Warren admits a loss of 1,376 killed and wounded and missing ; in all these actions MacRae's Brigade was actively engaged and maintained its high prestige to the end. Of the suffering borne without murmuring, and fortitude displayed by these heroic soldiers, when every one realized the cause was lost and the end must soon come, I quote from General Lee's report of this Hatcher Run fight, dated 8 February, 1865 : "Yesterday, the most inclement day of the winter, the troops had to be retained in line of battle, having been in the same condition the two previous days and nights. I re- gret to be obliged to state that under these circumstances, heightened by the assault and the fire of the enemy, some of the men were suffering from rediiced rations and scant cloth- ing, exposed to battle, cold, hail and sleet. I have directed Colonel Cole, chief commissary, who reports that he has not a pound of meal at his disposal, to visit Richmond and see if something cannot be done. If some change is not made, and the Commissary Department not reorganized, I apprehend dire results. The physical strength of the men, their cour-

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 391

age, services, must fail under this treatment. Our cavalry has to be dispersed for the want of forage. I had to bring Wm. H. F. Lee's Division forty miles Sunday night to get him in position." President Davis endorses this report as follows: "This is too sad to be patiently considered, and cannot have occurred without criminal neglect or gross in- capacity. Let supplies be had by purchase or borrowing, or other possible mode."


On 28 March, 1863, General Fitzhugh Lee was ordered to move his division of cavalry, then on the extreme left of the Confederate lines in front of Richmond on the north side of the James river, to Sutherland's Station on the south side of the railroad, 19 miles from Petersburg, which he reached on the 29th, and next day marched towards Dinwiddle Court House, via Five Forks.

On 29 March, 1865, General Lee advises Secretary of War, General John C. Breckenridge, that "the enemy have crossed Hatcher's Run with a large force of cavalry and infantry and artillery."

On 1 April "that General Pickett, with three of his own and two of General Johnson's (Bushrod) Brigades, supported the cavalry under General Fitz. Lee, at Five Forks ; that Gen- eral Pickett forced his way to within less than a mile of Din- widdle Court House, but later a large force, believed to be the Fifth Corps (Warren's), with other troops, turned Pickett's left and drove him back on the White Oak Road and separa- ted him from General Fitz. Lee, who was compelled to fall back across Hatcher's Run ; General Pickett's present position not known."

On 1 April, Longstreet was ordered with two of his divis- ions to the south side, and General W. ~S. Pendleton, chief of Artillery, was ordered at 8 p. m. to withdraw all his guns, which he in his report says, "was accomplished with great suc- cess, only sixty-one gTms and thirteen caisons of the 250 field pieces belonging to the army on the lines near Richmond and Petersburg remained behind."

On 2 April (received at 10:40 a. m.) General Lee dis-

392 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

patches President Davis : "I see no prospect of doing more than hjlding our position here till night." Later on same day (rjceived at 7 p. m.) : "It is absolutely necessary that we should abandon our position tonight, or run the risk of being cut off in the morning."

General E. S. Ewell in his report, says : "At 10 a. m. Sun- day (2 April, 1865), received message to return to the city of Eichmond, and on doing so received the order for the evac- uation and to destroy the stores that could not be moved. A mob of both sexes and all colors soon collected, and about 3 a. m. (3 April) they set fire to some buildings on Gary street, and began to plunder the city. I then ordered all my staff and couriers to scour the streets and sent v?ord to General Kershaw, whose command was garrisoning Fort Gibner, on the lines north of Eichmond, to hurry his leading regiment into town. By daylight the riot was subdued, but many buildings which I had carefully directed should be spared, had been fired by the mob. By 7 a. m. the last troops had reached the south side, and Mayo's and the railroad bridges were on fire. I am convinced the burning of Eichmond was the work of incendiaries."

On the afternoon of 6 April, Lieu1i*nant-General Ewell and Major-General G. W. C. Lee, and their commands, were captured.

On the night of Y April General Grant sent a note to Gen- eral Lee, asking his surrender, to which General Lee replied, the time for surrender had not come. General Lee was still in hopes he could reach Appomattox Court House and there obtain supplies, and thence push on behind the Staunton river, and eventually unite with General Joseph E. John- ston somewhere in JSTorth Carolina. General Lee, with the remnant of his army, reached the neighborhood of Appomat- tox Court House on the evening of 8 April, but Sheridan's cavalry had gotten there first, captured the trains with the supplies, and obstructed Lee's further advance.

On the morning of the 9th, General Lee sent a flag of truce to General Grant, asking for an interview, and the same morning the two Generals met in the house of Mr. Wilmer McLean, in the village of Appomattox Court House, and the

Twenty-Sixth" Regiment. 393

terms of tlie surrender were agreed upon. Tliese were that the men and officers were to be paroled on a pledge not to take up arms again until properly exchanged. The officers were to retain their side arms, private horses and baggage. Those enlisted men who owned the artillery and cavalry horses or mules they were using, were also allowed to retain them. General Grant saying he supposed "most of the men in the ranks were small farmers who would need their horses to put in a crop to carry themselves and families through the next winter." It required several days to parole those surren- dered, (some escaped to join Johnston's army and refused to surrender) and then, in groups and squads, or one by one, the paroled men dispersed to reach their homes as best they could. Thousands of them were penniless Many had hun- dreds of miles to travel, without money or means of transpor- tation, but there was no rioting or outrage as they moved through the land, everywhere desolated and despoiled, to find their homes, in many cases, laid waste and destroyed. The same constancy and devotion to their country which had sus- tained them amid battle and strife imparalled, nerved them to face courageously tljis dark time of defeat and disappoint- ment and to do their -best to retrieve the widespread ruin of their beloved South."

In these last days of the war, the Twenty-sixth Regiment sustained severe losses in killed and wounded. Lieutenant J. W. Richardson was killed at Reams Station, and at Five Forks (1 April, 1865) Captain Thomas Lilly, who had suc- ceeded Captain J. C. McLauchlin as Captain of Company K, and been put in command of the brigade sharpshooters, was killed. He was one of the best officers in the regiment. Col- onel Lane, during the winter of 1864-5, suffered much from his wounds, especially the one in the neck and face, and about the middle of March went to the hospital at Salisbury for treatment. He was there when General Lee surrendered, and on 2 May, 1865, was paroled at Greensboro, IST. C, with Johnston's army.

Lieutenant-Colonel Adams took command of the regi- ment after Colonel Lane went to the hospital, and except a few days on the retreat when he was temporarily in command

394 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

of the brigade, was with his regiment. In his absence Cap- tain T. J. Cureton, of Company B, commanded the Twerrty- sixth, and surrtmdered the regiment at Appomattox. Lien- tenant-Colonel Adams, however, signing the paroles.


On 1 March, 1865, the Brigade Inspector reported the strength of MacRae's Brigade, present and effective for the field:

Ofiicers ^^

Enlisted men 1,119

Total .- 1,1T4

The capitulation rolls at Appomattox showed :


Heth's Division. Ofiicers. Men.

Major-General Harry Heth and Staff 15 ...

John E. Cooke's Brigade TO 490

Joseph R. Davis' Brigade 21 54

Wm. MacRae's Brigade 42 400

Wm. McCounel's (formerly Archer's and

Thomas') " 54 426

The rolls for the entire army surrendered by General Lee :

Enlisted Officers. Men.

General Headquarters 69 212

Infantry 2,235 20,114

Cavalry 134 1,425

Artillery 184 2,392

Miscellaneous 159 1,307

Total 2,781 25,450-28,231

The number surrendered by the several regiments of Mac- Rae's Brigade:

Eleventh Regiment, commanded by Colonel Wm. J. Mar- tin, 74 muskets.


1 J D Mclver, Captain, Co. H. 4. W. W. Gaither, Assistant Surgeon.

2 Thomas Lilly, Captain, Co. K, 5. George Wilcox, 1st Lieut., Co. M.

3' Jas C McLauchlin, Captain, Co. K 6. Orran A. Hanner, 1st Lieut., Co. E, 7. J. G. Jones, 1st Lieut., Co. D.

Twenty-Sixth Eegiment. 395

Twenty-sixth Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Adams, 120 muskets.

Forty-fourth Regiment, commanded by Major C. M. Sted- man, 74 muskets.

Forty-seventh Regiment, commanded by Captain J. H. Thorpe, 72 muskets.

Fifty-second Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel E. Erson, 60 muskets.

There was but one regiment in Heth's division that sur- rendered more muskets than did the Twenty-sixth, and that was the Fifteenth North Carolina Regiment, in Cooke's Bri- gade, which surrendered 122 muskets. In Major Moore's "Roster of JSTorth Carolina Troops" the aggregate of num- bers enrolled in the Twenty-sixth Regiment is put down as 1,898, which is more than was enrolled in any regiment fur- nished the Confederate armies from North Carolina, accord- ing to said Roster.



(The field officers and captains are mentioned in the order of the date of their commissions ; but the Lieutenants alpha- betically, and their relative rank is not set out, as it is impos- sible in all cases to give. )

Colonels Z. B. Vance, H. K. Burgwyn, Jr., John R. Lane.

Lieutenant Colonels LI. K. Burgwyn, Jr., John R. Lane, John T. Jones, James T. Adams.

Majors Abner B. Carmichael, IST. P. Rankin, James S. Kendall, John T. Jones, James T. Adams.

Adjutants James B. Jordan. Acting at different times as Adjutant, Lieutenants John A. Polk, A. R. Johnson, Wm. N. Snelling.

SuEGEONS Thomas J. Boykin, Llewellyn P. Warren.

Assistant StEGEONS Daniel M. Shaw, Wm. W. Gaither. Acting at different times as Assistant Surgeon, Captain W. S. McLean, Lieutenant George C. Underwood.

Regimental Quaeteemastee Captain Joseph J. Young.

396 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Eegimental Gommissaey Captain Kobert W. Goldston, Fhineas Horton.

Seegeant Majoes— L. L. Polk, Montford S. McEae,

John E. Moore.

QuAETEEMASTEE Seegeant Abram J. Lane.

Gommissaey Seegeant Jesse F. Ferguson.

Oednance Seegeant E. H. Horhaday.

Hospital Stewaed Benjamin Hind.

Chaplains— Kev. Robert H. Marsh, Eichard Nye Price, Styring S. Moore, John Huske Tillinghast.

Company A Captains, A. N. McMillan, Samuel P. Wagg, A. B. Duvall. Lieutenants, A. B. Duvall, J. M. Du- vall, L. C. Gentry, J. B. Houck, James Porter, George E. Eeeves, Jesse A. Eeeves.

Company B Captains, J. J. C. Steele, William Wilson, Thomas J. Cureton. Lieutenants, A. Brietz, Taylor G. Cureton, Thos. J. Cureton, Calvin Dickinson, Wm. M. Es- tridge, John W. Eichardson, Wm. W. Eichardson, Wm. Wil- son.

Company C Captains, A. B. Carmichael, A. H. Horton, Thos. L. Ferguson, J. A. Jarrett. Lieutenants, Wm. W. Hampton, John M. Harris, A. H. Horton, Eufus D. Horton, Phineas Horton, J. A. Jarratt, Wm. Porter.

Company D Captains, Oscar E. Eand, James T. Adams, Gaston H. Broughton. Lieutenants, James T. Adams, Gas- ton H. Broughton, James G. M. Jones, James B. Jordan, Wm. Snelling, James W. Vinson, M. J. Woodall.

Company E Captains, W. S. Webster, Stephen W. Brew- er. Lieutenants, Stephen W. Brewer, Bryant C. Dunlap, John E. Emerson, Orran A. Hanner, Wm. J. Headen, W. J. Lambert, E. H. McManus.

Company F Captains, N. P. Eankin, Joseph E. Ballew, Eomulus M. Tuttle. Lieutenants, Joseph E. Ballew, Abner

B. Hayes, John B. HoUoway, E. N. Hudspeth, Alfred T. Stuart, Charles M. Sudderth, E. M. Tuttle.

Company G Captains, W. S. McLean, John E. Lane, H.

C. Albright, A. E. Johnson; Lieutenants, H. C. Albright,

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 397

A. R. Johnson, Wm. G. Lane, J. A. Lowe, John E. Matthews, Samuel E. Teague, George C. Underwood.

Company H Captains, Wm. P. Martin, Clement Dowd, J. D. Mclver, M. McLeod. Lieutenants, Clement Dowd, Robert W. Qoldston, J. H. McGilvery, James D. Mclver, M. McLeod, George Willcox.

Company I Captains, Wilson A. White, John T. Jones, N. G. Bradford. Lieutenants, M. B. Blair, N. G. Bradford, John Carson, Rufus Deal, S. P. Dula, J. C. Greer, John T. Jones, J. G. Sudderth.

Company K Captains, James C. Carraway, John C. Mc- Lauchlin, Thomas Lilly. Lieutenants, Wm. C. Boggan, J. L. Henry, Wm. L. Ingram, James S. Kendall, Thomas Lilly, John C. McLauchlin, J. A. Polk.

The casualties in the regiment among the above officers from first to last were as follows :


Colonel H. K. Burgwyn, Jr., Lieutenant-Colonel John T. Jones, Major Abner C. Carmichael, Captains Albright, Lilly, Martin, Wilson and Wagg; Lieutenants J. M. Duvall, Deal, Emerson, Hayes, Henry, HoUoway, John W. Richardson, William W. Richardson, C. M. Sudderth, Teague, Wood- all— 19.


Colonel John R. Lane, Lieutenant-Colonel James T. Adams, Adjutant James B. Jordan; Captains Bradford, Brewer, Broughton, Oureton, A. B. Duvall, Jarrett, Mc- Lauchlin, McLeod, McMillan, Tuttle; Lieutenants Brietz, Estridge, Gentry, Green, Hanner, R. D. Horton, Houck, Hudspeth, Ingram, J. G. M. Jones, Lambert, W. G. Lane, Lowe, McGilvery, McManus, Polk, Porter, Snelling, Will- cox— 32.

Many of the above were wounded more than once.


A history of the Twenty-sixth Regiment would not be complete without an account of its band, regarded as one of

398 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

the best in the Army of JSTorthern Virginia. It was recruited chiefly from Salem, JST. 0., and most of its members belonged to a band in that town prior to the war. Samuel Timothy Mickey, of Salem, was the leader, and the names of the other members are as follows: A. P. Gibson, J. A. Lineback, H. A. Siddell, W. H. Hall, Julius A. Transon, Charles Traji- son, A. L. Hauser, A. Meinung, W. A. Lemly, D. T. Grouse, J. 0. Hall, W. A. Eeich, D. J. Hackney, Edward Peterson. Only one of them died during the war, viz., A. L. Hauser.

Captain Mickey still leads a band in Salem, and is a pros- perous mechanic. W. A. Lemley is the president of the Wachovia National Bank, of Winston, N. C, and J. D. Hackney is a Baptist Preacher.

The band was recruited for Wheeler's Battalion, but at the capture of that command at Roanoke Island, Captain Mickey went to New Bern to seek employment. He thus de- scribes his first meeting with Colonel Vance : "I was sitting in the lobby of the Gaston House, New Bern, when a man wearing a Colonel's uniform came in with a loaf of bread under each arm. This was Zeb Vance. I spoke to him and told him my errand. Colonel Vance replied: 'You are the very man I am looking for. You represent the Salem band. Come to my regiment at Wood's brick yard, four miles below New Bern.' Next morning (March, 1862~), I went down to the camp, was met by Captain Horton, of Company C, and as the result of my visit, the band was engaged and at first it was paid by the officers." The members being musicians of unusual cultivation and intelligence, under Captain Mickey's indefatigable labors, the band soon acquired great celebrity and was in constant demand for serenades and military parades. On the Sunday before Gettysburg, at Fayetteville, Pa., Chaplain Wells preached before the Brigade. His text was "The Harvest is past, and the Summer is ended and we are not saved." It was an eloquent discourse and made a great impression. After the services were over, and the band returned to its quarters, the drummer (W. A. Eeich) re- marked : "Boys, I believe we are going to lose our Colonel in the next fight. Did you notice his looks during the ser- mon?" Captain Mickey replied: "Yes, I did; he looked

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 399

right serious." As appears above in this history their Colo- nel was lost to them in the next fight.

Captain Mickey thus writes of Gettysburg : "The Yankees were in three lines on the hill pouring volley after volley on our men as they came through the fields. The color guard were all shot down, the colors fell fourteen times. Colonel Burgwyn was shot down with the colors, and Captain Mc- Creery of General Pettigrew's staff, was also killed with the colors. General Pettigrew said the men of the Twenty-sixth shot as if they were shooting at squirrels; that their shots counted. After the first day's battle, Colonel Marshall, com- manding the brigade, sent an order for the bands of the Twenty-sixth and Eleventh Regiments to report to his head- quarters, that the men were anxious to hear some music. The two bands played numerous pieces which seemed to enliven and cheer the soldiers. While the bands were playing, they were shelled by the enemy, and as they left a shell burst just where they had been standing.

"On the retreat from Gettysburg to Bunker Hill, the band serenaded General Lee and other officers. After the serenade to General Lee, Colonel Taylor, his Adjutant General, came out of his tent and made a little talk. Thanked the band for the serenade, and said he didn't know how they would get along without bands ; that they cheered up the men so much ; that he noticed the style of our music was different from that of the other bands in the army." Mr. W. H. Hall was cap- tured near Green Castle on this retreat.

Just before the campaign of the Wilderness opened. Colo- nel Lane took his band in a four-horse wagon to serenade Gen- eral Lee at night. The Colonel was invited into General Lee's tent while the music was playing. General Lee re- marked that we would not be idle many days ;• that Grant was making preparations to cross ; and General Lee then said if he could only strike him with his center, he though he would be able to make him recross in a way not so pleasant as was his coming over. "I can re-enforce from each wing," said Gen- eral Lee.

Later on in the conversation, General Lee remarked: "I don't believe we can have an army without music."

400 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

During the Spring of 1862-'63, and the winter of 1863-'64, the band was granted a furloiagh and gave several concerts in different parts of the State, and everywhere met with the most enthusiastic reception. They played at Governor Vance's first inauguration.

The band remained with the regiment to the end and was captured on the retreat from Petersburg and taken to City Point, and thence to Point Lookout. They were finally re- leased, and Captain Mickey reached home (Salem) on 3 July, 1865.


A few words on this subject is of historical interest. Ex- cept in the closing days of the struggle, there were few, if any, desertions to the enemy. There were numerous cases of ab- sence without leave, btit the parties did not mean to desert their colors. Impelled by an irresistible yearning to see those they had left behind in their humble homes, they would go home without leave, but when this longing was gratified, they would voluntarily rejoin their commands and do as loyal ser- vice as any.

It became finally necessary to visit the death penalty in instances, as an example to deter others. Sergeant Andrew Wyatt, Company B, and some ten others of the regiment on 10 December, 1862, deserted while the regiment was sta- tioned at Garysburg, IST. C. They started for their homes in the Western part of the State, biit were arrested at a crossing on the Koanoke river. The Sergeant was court-martialed, convicted and condemned to be shot. While in camp near Magnolia, IST. C, January 1863, he was taken out in a wagon to the place of his execution, where the brigade was dravim up in a three-quarter square to witness the shooting. The pris- oner was blindfolded, ordered to Imeel down by the freshly dug grave, the firing squad stood with their guns at a "ready" and the ofiicer was reading the sentence, when an orderly rode up with an order from General French, commanding the de- partment, granting a pardon. Subsequent to his conviction the ofiicers of the regiment became satisfied that the Sergeant only intended to go home and see his family, and then return

Twenty-Sixth Eegiment. 401

to his command, and on their request, his life was spared. Sergeant Wyatt was killed at Gettysburg, bravely doing his duty in that famous first day's battle.

While at Hanover Junction in June, 1863, Colonel Lane was president of a general court-martial. Several of his reg- iment had been tried for desertion and sentenced to be shot, and were awaiting their execution. Among them was John Vinson, a member of Colonel Lane's old company (Company G). When the regiment started for Pennsylvania these pris- oners were marched at the rear of the regiment under guard. Riding by their side one day, Colonel Lane remarked to them : "Are you in sympathy with the South, and if permitted to do so, will you help us fight in this next battle ?" They said: "We will. We only wished to go home to see our folks." General Lee informed of this, ordered them restored to duty, and no soldiers fought better at Gettysburg. John Vinson was wounded with the colors of the regiment, having volunteered to carry them. S. T. Dula, of Company I, was recommended by Major Jones for promotion for gallant con- duct at Gettysburg, where he was wounded.

After the return to Virginia, he deserted, but voluntarily returned to the regiment after an absence of two or three weeks. Major Jones sent for him and said to him: "What in the world did jou mean by doing this. Yoti have put me in a devil of a fix." Dula replied that "he heard his wife had had a little one, and he could not resist going home to see it." He was allowed to go on duty, and was killed at Bristoe Sta- tion, leading the charge.

Governor Vance was most energetic in getting these "absent without leave" men to return to their commands. He issued several proclamations on the subject. In the proclamation dated 27 January, 1863, he promised to use his influence with the authorities to pardon all those who would return to duty voluntarily. Many returned to their commands in response to this proclamation, and General Lee writes Governor Vance under date of 26 March, 1863 : "I at once remitted the pen- alties inflicted by the courts, and restored the men to duty. I also directed that no charges should be preferred against sol- 26

402 NoETH Caeolina Troops, 1861-'65.

diers who returned to duty under the promises contained in your proclamation."

Governor Vance ordered the militia officials to assist the Confederate authorities in arresting those who continued to remain away without leave. On one occasion there was a fight between his militia officers and some deserters resisting arrest, in which one of the militia was killed. The deserter who did the killing was arrested and a habeas corpus was sued out before Chief Justice Pearson, of the State Supreme Court, who discharged the prisoner on the ground that the militia had no authority to arrest a deserter from the Confed- erate army. This first proclamation was followed by two others dated 11 May and 24 August, 1864. In this last one, Governor Vance gives this notice : "Warning is hereby given that in all cases where either Civil Magistrate or Militia, or home guard officers refuse or neglect faithfully to per- form their duties in the arrest of deserters, upon proper evi- dence submitted to me, the Executive protection extended to them under Acts of Congress (Confederate) shall be with- drawn, as I cannot certify that officers. Civil or Military, who refuse to perform their duties are necessary to the administra- tion of laws which they will not execute."


In his Personal Memoirs, General Grant, writing of the conduct of the Confederate troops as late as 6 April, 1865, three days before the surrender at Appomattox, uses these words: "There was as much gallantry displayed by some of the Confederates in these little engagements as was displayed at any time during the war, notwithstanding the sad defeats of the past week." On that day (6 April, 1865), Colonel Washburn with two regiments of infantry and eight of cav- alry, under Colonel Eead, of General Ord's Staff, with or- ders to destroy the liigh Bridge over the Appomattox river near Farmville, returning from the expedition, met the ad- vance of a detachment of the Confederate army on its retreat marching in the same direction. Colonel Washburn gave the order to charge. It was unsuccessful. Colonels Washburn and Eead were mortally wounded, nearly every officer and

Twenty-Sixth Eegiment. 403

most of the rank and file were killed or wounded, and the balance were captured.

Finally as his reasons for surrender, General Lee says:

"On the morning of 9 April, 1865, there were. 7,892 organ- ized infantry Avitb arms, 6.3 pieces of artillery, and 2,100 cavalry. We had no subsistence for man or horse, and it could not be gathered in the country, and the men deprived of food and sleep for many days were worn out and exhausted."

A member of the regiment thus writes under date of 3 Au- gust, 1900: "The morale, the elan, the physique of the TAventy-sixth, has not been equalled. My greatest glory is that I was so intimately associated with its history."

We will bring this history to a close by a short biographi- cal sketch of some of those through whose labors and- military skill the regiment was brought to that state of high efficiency which enabled it to accomplish stich feats of arms as will for all time set it apart as one of the most famous military com- mands in the annals of war.

The youthfulness of the officers of the regiment was re- markable. Colonel Burgwyn's class at the Virginia Military Institute was not to have graduated until June, 1861, but was graduated in April previous, to enable its members to of- fer their services in the war then inevitable between the United States and the ]Srew Confederacy of Southern States, organized at Montgomery, Ala., February, 1861.

Lieutenant-Colonel John T. Jones was to have graduated at Chapel Hill (University of the State) in June, 1861, but volunteered in a company organized at Chapel Hill in the Spring of 1861, that became Company D, of the Bethel Reg- iment.

Captains Wilson, Albright, Tuttle, and McLaughlin, also left college prior to their graduation, to join the army.

Colonel Vance Avas thirty-one years old and Colonel Lane twenty-six when they volunteered. Lieutenant-Colonel Adams had barely attained his majority when he was elected Third Lieutenant in the Wake Guards, and Captains Wilson, Lilly, Broughton, Cureton, Duvall, and the company officers.

404 ISToETH Carolina Troops^ 1861-'65.

almost withoTit exception, were under twenty-five years of age when they volunteered.


The civic career of this distinguished citizen of JSTorth Carolina appears in so many publications we will confine our remarks entirely to his military record. A member of the regiment thus speaks of him as a soldier : "I remember well the first time I ever saw him. He had no appearance in the world of a soldier; his hair was long and flowing over his- shoulders, and he was wearing a little seal skin coat, from which I jiidged him to be a Chaplain. He had not long been absent from the hustings of Western JSTorth Carolina, and had- but little experience in war as Captain in the Fourteenth Regiment. When he came to the camp he soon began to dis- play the same qualities which made him so popular all over our State.

"In the first place he had the keenest sympathy with hia men. They soon came to feel that Colonel Vance loved them^ and made their troubles his own. In the next place, Colonel Vance was able to inspire his men with the belief that he had confidence in them. These two essentials to a good com- manding officer were, perhaps never possessed by any man to- a greater degree than by Colonel Vance.

"In drill and discipline. Colonel Vance was at first defi- cient. I mention this not in any way to discredit him, for' his life as a politician had given him no opportunity to de-" velop these essentials in the character of an officer.

"I mention the fact to show the wisdom he displayed in the matter, for wlien he saw his regiment deteriorating, he recognized his deficiency and set about to correct it. He turned to his Lieutenant-Colonel, Harry King Burgwyn, who had been trained at the Virginia Military Institute, and was a very master of drill and discipline. He put himself and his subordinates under the tutorship of this brilliant young officer. The result was most" satisfactory. Colonel Vance and many of his officers soon became well schooled in the methods of drill and discipline, and his regiment became al- most a perfect instrument of war, devoted to their com- mander. In battle I always marked him as cool and coura--

J.E.Lane. H. K. Burgwyn. Z.B.Vance.

Three Clolonela of the 26th N. C. Regiment.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 405

geous. When duty called Vance from the army to be Gov- ernor of North Carolina, in the most trying period of the war, he had gained much from his career as Colonel of the Twen- tv-sixth that I believe he found valuable in his future duties. He had a sympahtetic knowledge of the needs of the Con- federate soldier, the war wrought into his sinews; he knew how with all his kindness to deal firmly with men and affairs. He was a better Governor for having been Colonel."


A short time after the death of this young officer, born 3 October, 1841, probably the youngest of his rank in the Con- federate army obituary notices appeared in the Raleigh pa- pers. From one of them we copy : "It would be unjust to the liAang no less than to the memory of the young hero and martyr who now sleeps beneath the sod of a distant and for- eign State, were the death of Colonel Harry King Burgwyn, Jr., permitted to pass with the brief notice of his fall pub- lished in a late number of this paper.

"The life, career and death of young Burgwyn, convey a lesson to the youth of this Confederacy which cannot be too well studied and thoroughly profited by. He was the eld- est son of Henry King Burgwyn, Esq., of ISTorthampton County, in this State, his mother was Miss Anna Greenough, of Boston, Mass., and had barely attained the age of twenty- one years when he attested his love for his country by the sac- rifice of his life on the altar of its liberties. Born to the en- joyment of affluence, he might, as too many of our youth do, have been content to grow up in idleness and luxurious ease. But such a life had no charms for him. Blessed with a fine capacity and docile disposition, he well availed himself of the abundant means of education afforded him by his parents.

"His education preparatory to his entrance into the Univer- sity of the State, was partly from private tutors in the family and at Burlington, JSTew Jersey, and at West Point, where he was a private pupil of Foster, now the Yankee General at T^ew Bern. Leaving West Point, he entered the University of his State, and graduated with the highest honors (1S59). At this period he might, as the phrase goes, have been consid-

406 ISToRTii Caeoi.ina Troops, 1861-'65.

ered 'educated.' ISTot so, however, thought his father. Fore- seeing the difficulties which have culminated in a war between the South and the "JSTorth, and desirous that his son should be prepared for usefulness in every emergency, he placed him in the Virginia Military Institute, where he was when hos- tilities commenced. Of the course of young Burgwyn in that institution an idea may be formed from the following letter from the now lamented Stonewall Jackson:

"Lexington, Va., April 16, 1S61. SiE : The object of this letter is to recommend Cadet H. K. Burgwyn, of North Carolina, for a commission in the ar- tillery of the Southern Confederacy. Mr. B. is not only a high-toned Southern gentleman, but in consequence of the highly practical as well as scientific character of his mind, he possesses qualities well calculated to make him an orna- ment not only to the artillery, biit to any branch the mili- tary service. T. J. Jackson,

Prof. Nat. Phil, and Instr. Va. M. I. To L. P. Walker, Secretary of War.'

"The discriminating and sagacious judgment of the pro- fessor has been fully attested by the career of the pupil from the moment he entered the service to the day on which he met a soldier's fate on the bloodiest field of the war, as with colors in hand, he was leading his men on to victory. When New Bern fell, he was the last man of his regiment to cross the creek on the retreat having refused to enter the boat until all were safely passed over. On this occasion young Bur- gwyn was Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, the Colonel being the present Governor, Vance.

"From this State we follow the subject of our narrative to the bloody fields around "Richmond, winding up with the ter- rific fight at Malvern' Hill, in which his regiment was unsur- passed for heroism by any troops on the field.

"On the resignation of Colonel Vance, when he became Gov- ernor-elect of the State, young BurgAvyn was promoted Colo- nel, and soon thereafter we find him again in service in his native State. In the critical campaign in Martin County, when the enemy were threatening disastrous consequences to

Twenty-Sixth Kegiment. 407

the region of the Roanoke river, we find Colonel Burgwyn performing signal services, especially in the engagement of Eawls' Mills, where he displayed a cool judgment and indom- itable courage of which a veteran of many years standing might have been protid. In all the course of this career, so well calculated "to turn the head" of one so young. Colonel Burgwyn displayed a modesty so commendable that he silenced the tongue of envy and won the confidence of his brothers in arms. When on Governor Vance's resignation, it was suggested that he was too young, for the Colonelcy, Gen- eral D. H. Hill wrote of him: 'Lieutenant-Colonel Bur- gwyn has shown the highest qualities of a soldier and officer, in camp and on the battle field, and ought by all means to be promoted.'

"As we have seen, Colonel Burgwyn did receive the promo- tion and subsequently was strongly recommended for the higher command of Brigadier-General.

"We have thus given a brief sketch of the career of one whose death in the very outset of manhood prompts the ques- tion, 'If he was such in the gristle, what would he not have been in the bone ?' "

His last words after sending a farewell to his parents and family were : "Tell the General my men never failed me at a single point." "Felix non solum claritate vitae, sed etiam opportunitate mortis."

In a letter from Major George P. Collins, Brigade Quarter- master, written from the battle field and dated 3 July, 1863, and addressed to Colonel Burgwyn's father at Raleigh, !N". C, he thus describes the end : "Captain J. J. Young (Regimen- tal Qiiarterm aster) has undertaken to give you the sad news of your son's death, but I cannot let the opportunity pass without expressing my deep sympathy with his bereaved par- ents and family, as well as testifying to the gallant and sol- dierly manner in which he met his death. He was one of eleven (afterwards ascertained to be fourteen) shot bearing the colors of his regiment, and fell with his sword in his hand, cheering his men on to victory. The ball passed through the lower part of both lungs and he lived about two hours. Among his last words he asked how his men fought, and said they

408 NoETH Caeolina Troops, 1861-'65.

would never disgrace him. He died in the arms of Lieuten- ant Louis G. Young (Aide de Camp to General Pettigrew) bidding all farewell and sending love to his mother, father, sister and brothers." He was buried under a walnut tree (a gun case answering for a cofRn) by Major Collins and Cap- tain J. J. Young, assisted by M. F. Boyle, of Company B, the regimental mail carrier, and by Jesse T. Ferguson, of Company C, the regimental Commissary Sergeant. In the Spring of 1867 his remains were brought from Gettysburg, and re-interred in the Soldier's Cemetery at Raleigh, where he rests in the midst of his comrades who wore the gray, and who, like him, gave up their lives in the defense of a cause they believed holy and just. A handsome monument erected by his parents marks the grave.

On 20 October, 1897, a portrait of the "Three Colonels of the TM'enty-sixth Eegiment," on one canvass, was presented to the State with appropriate ceremonies. The presentation took place during Fair Week, and was held in the Central Hall of the main building at the Fair grounds.


This battle scarred veteran still lives (April, 1901) in vig- orous manhood. He was born in Chatham County, 4 July, 1835, and is a direct descendant from Colonel Joel Lane, of Wake County, from whom the land on which the City of Ealeigh is located was bought. General Joe Lane, the Vice- Presidential candidate in 3860 on the Breckinridge and Lane ticket, was his near relative.

Pie enlisted as a private in Company G and soon became Corporal. On the resignation of his Captain in the Fall of

1861, he was elected over the heads of all his commissioned officers, to conmiand the company. He was re-elected Cap- tain at the reorganization of the regiment in the Spring of

1862. At the battle of New Bern, Captain Lane was com- plimented for bravery and coolness under fire, and in the night attack on 25 June, 1862, iipon his regiment while on picket, referred to in the body of this history, his company was one of the three which stood firm under such a trying ordeal.

On the promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel Burgwyn, to the

Twenty-Sixth Eegiment. 409

Colonelcy, the position of M^ajor also being vacant, owing to the death of Major Kendall, Captain Lane was promoted over several senior captains to be Lieutenant-Colonel. After Gettysburg, he was made full Colonel, his commission bore date of 1 July, 1863, in recognition of his heroic conduct on that battle field. Seeing his Colonel fall, he immediately as- sumed command, and realizing that if the death of their Col- onel was known it would have a depressing effect upon the men, he did not impart it to the regiment, but inspired his men with the cheering words that fell from the lips of his stricken commander, and seizing his flag, calls upon his men to follow him. All depended now on Colonel Lane. There is a line of the enemy yet to be broken, and there is only a handful of his men left to do the work. We have seen how the crisis was met and the glorious victory and its cost. Gen- eral Pettigrew anxiously watching the contest, when he saw the enemy giving way on their last line before this des- perate charge of the regiment, with Colonel Lane at the head, exclaims: "It is the bravest act I ever saw." As described in the body of this article. Colonel Lane was thought to be mortally wounded, but escaping capture, he returned to duty in the Fall of 1863. Wounded at the battle of the Wilder- ness, 5 May, 1864, he refused a furlough. Again wounded in right leg at Yellow Tavern, south of Petersburg, in sum- mer of 1864, but refused to leave the field. At Reams' Sta- tion -25 August, IS 64, he was wounded in left breast, just over the heart by a piece of shell, fracturing two ribs and breaking one, and tearing open the flesh to the bone. Sup- posed to be mortally wounded, he wonderfully recovered and returned to duty ISTovember, 1864; remained in command until broken down by exposure and suffering from his wounds, he went to the hospital for treatment, and was at Danville, Va., when the remnant of his heroic regiment sur- rendered at Appomattox. He was paroled at Greensboro, ]^. C, on 2 May, 1865, and returned to liis home to take up the struggle for a living he had laid aside four years before.

Since the war Colonel Lane has become a prosperous mer- chant and large land oWner in his native county, all accumu- lated by his untiring energy, business ability and thrift. He

410 XoETii Caeot.tna Troops, 18C1-'65.

is conspicuous for his liberality and devotion to the old com- rades of his immortal regiment.


Was born in Caldwell Coimty, N. C, on 21 January, 1841. In 1857 he entered the University of ISTorth Carolina and there remained until the breaking out of the V7ar between the States. During his senior year, and just prior to his gradua- tion, he volunteered as a private in the Orange Light In- fantry commanded by Captain R. J. Ashe, which company became Company D in the "Bethel" Regiment. He was with his regiment at the battle of Big Bethel, and after its term of service expired, came home to Caldwell County and engaged actively in enlisting that body of men which became known to fame as Company I, of the Twenty-sixth l^orth Carolina Regiment of Infantry. Was elected Second Lieutenant, and upon the reorganization of the regiment for the war, was elected Captain; was promoted to be Major of the regiment when the noble Harry Burgwyn became Colonel, and after Col- onel Bnrgwyn's glorious death, became Lieutenant-Colonel in place of Colonel Lane, who succeeded the gallant Burgwyn.

He passed through all the battles and combats in which his regiment was engaged, distinguishing himself especially at Rawls' Mills and Gettysburg. In the latter battle he re- ceived a wound, but he declined to leave the field, and com- manded the regiment after the fall of Colonels Burgwyn and Lane, and was in command of the brigade at the close of the charge on the third day. At the great battle of the Wil- derness, 6 May, 1864, after the wounding of Colonel Lane, he assumed command and was mortally wounded leading his reg- iment in a charge against overwhelming numbers. When told by Assistant Surgeon W. W. Gaither that his wound was mortal, says the Surgeon : "With a most yearning expression he replied, 'It must not be. I was born to accomplish more good than I have done.' "

After the battle of Gettysbiirg, where his younger brother, Walter, a private in Company I, was killed, Lieutenant-Colo- nel Jones, then Major, was for some time in command of the brigade, all the other field officers present at the battle having

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 411

been killed or wounded. His remains, with those of his brother, rest in one grave in the family cemetery in the beau- tiful "Happy Valley" in Caldwell County. The John T. Jones Camp, U. C. V., of Lenoir, N. C, is named in honor of this brave soldier and meritorious officer. The friendship between Colonel Jones and Colonel Burgwyn was so marked that subsequent to their deaths one of the officers of the regi- ment composed some beautiful lines on "Colonels Harry, and John," likening them to Jonathan and David.


Lieutenant-Colonel James T. Adams. This meritorious officer rose from Second Lieutenant in Company D, from Wake County, to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, and during the last days of the war was in command of the regi- ment and on the retreat from Petersburg, was at times in command of the brigade.

lie was wounded through the hip at Malyern Hill and seri- ously through tlie shoulder at Gettysburg, and except while on furlougli from wounds was never excused from duty. At Spottsylvania Court House, the brigade was ordered to drive the enemy from their position which menaced General Lee's rear and communications with Richmond. "The enemy had made a breastwork out of a fence in a piney old field and chinked the cracks between the rails with dry pine straw. As the brigade neared them, the enemy set fire to the fence and old field which burnt rapidly. Nothing daunted^ the Con- federates charged through the flames and over the burning fence, and drove their opponents in discomfiture from the field."

At Hancock's defeat at Burgess' Mill, on the Boydton plank road south of Petersburg, 27 October, 1864, Lieuten- ant-Colonel Adams in cornmand of the regiment, acted with such conspicuous gallantry as to call forth the warm com- mendation of his brigade commander. General William Mac- Rae. The brigade Avith other troops were ordered to dis- lodge Hancock, who had cut through the Confederate lines. The brigade charged the enemy in its front, drove him from his position, capturing a battery. The troops on our left

412 ]Si'oKTH Caeolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

failed to carry the lines in their front and the Federals closed in behind MacEae's Brigade and completely cut them off from their friends. The brigade reformed, about faced and charged, forcing their way through and in a hand to hand ■fight captared a battery and carried it out with them. In this action, the color-bearer of the Twenty-sixth Kegiment was either shot down in the charge or got beyond eyesight in the dense swamp and undergrowth through which the men charged, and after it was oyer, the order was given to fall in on the colors of the Forty-fourth Regiment. Colonel Adams, who had lingered behind to see what had become of his color- bearer, ran oiit between the lines, and thinking his men a little downcast at losing their colors, he jumped up on a stump and called out, "Twenty-sixth, rally on your com- mander. He is here if his colors are lost." The men re- sponded with a cheer.

At the brilliant victory of Reams' Station, after Colonel Lane was wounded, Lieutenant-Colonel Adams took com- mand and was ever thereafter present with his regiment until its surrender at Appomattox, where he signed the paroles of his command.

Since the war Colonel Adams has resided in Wake County, a prosperous man in his business, respected and esteemed by all.

Dr. Thomas J. Boykin was Surgeon of the regiment, and remained with it until Colonel Vance's election as Governor, when he became Brigade Surgeon of Ransom's Brigade, and later was 'appointed State agent and sent to the Bermuda Islands, to handle blockade supplies for the State.

Dr. Boykin was born in Sampson Cotmty, N. C, in 1828, ed^icated at AVake Forest College, and graduated at the Med- ical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Prac- ticed his profession in Kinston and Clinton, but removed to ISTebraska Territory about the year 1856. Was elected a memlier of the upper branch of the Territorial Legislature. Immediately after the fall of Fort Sumter, (14 April, 1861) he returned to his native State and was appointed Surgeon of the Twenty-sixth Regiment.

Assistant Surgeon William W. Gaither. This officer who


most faithfully and acceptably served with the regiment until Uecemter, 1864, when he was promoted to be Surgeon of the Twenty-eighth North Carolina Eegiment, graduated from the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, in the class of 1860. Enlisted as a private in the "Hibriten Mountain- eers," which became the afterwards famous Company F, in the Twenty-si-xth Regiment. At first, serving as Hospital Steward, he was soon commissioned Assistant Surgeon, as- signed to the regiment and put in charge of the hospital at Carolina City, below New Bern.

At Gettysburg,, Dr. Gaither was ail night getting the wounded from the field of the first day's fight and worked with them all the next day and night. On the afternoon of the third day, went to the regiment in line of battle. Under date of 5 September, 1900, Dr. Gaither writes: "I was on the field, saw the futile charge on the Cemetery wall, and the recoil. I got only three of the slightly wounded. When we got to Hagerstown, I went to sleep and slept for two entire days, so utterly exhausted I was."

Not one of the wounded who crossed the Potomac, but re- turned to duty sooner than any who before or after stopped in hospital. Fourteen patients marched all night in a big rain twelve miles, sick from three to twelve days with malarial fever, and none reported sick next morning. The doctor nar- rates this incident: "D. L. and R. C, members of Company I, from Caldwell County, had been fighting off and on during the day. About evening R. C. says to D. L., 'Demps, I'll hurt you directly,' and proceeded to knock him down and pulled out his right eye ball. D. L. did not even report sick. Two days after T found him lagging a little in the rear and asked him what was the matter. He said: 'R. C. had pulled his eye out, but it was all right now." While in camp at Garysburg, N. C, Fall of 1862, two patients with smallpox in third day of eruption, came to Surgeon's call wanting to know what caused the breaking out. They were not isolated and there were no new cases in the regiment, but more intense inflammation in all vaccinated arms.

In the winter of 18 63-' 64, while the army was in winter quarters around Orange Court House, Va., the number of men absent without leave at home became a matter of serious

414 North Cabolina Troops, 1861-'65.

consideration, and the best way to put a stop to it was can- vassed among the officers. There were several publications in the newspapers on the subject, and Assistant Surgeon Gaither wrote a set of resolutions which were passed by the officers in meeting, which attracted general notice and were universally approved as the best presentation of the situation that appeared.

Captain Joseph J. Young, A. Q. M. This gentleman had an unique experience as a soldier. He was the regimen- tal quartermaster from the beginning to the close, and no command was ever blessed with a better one. He was wrap- ped up in his regiment and he could not do too much for them. He has kept copies of the regimental muster and pay rolls of the regiment which he treasures as among his most valuable possessions to be bequeathed to his children. In the latter months of the war when the number of the regimen- tal quartermasters was reduced to two to a brigade, he and Captain John Gatlin, Fifty-second Regiment, were retained for MaoKae's Brigade, and thus in addition to the care of his regiment, the brigade also received the benefit of Cap- tain Young's valuable services and experience, and he always acted brigade quartermaster in the absence of Major Collins.

It was Captain Young's timely information, carried to Colonel Vance at the Captain's great personal risk, during the battle of IsTew Bern, which advised Colonel Vance of the re- treat of the other troops in time to enable the Colonel to with- draw the Twenty-sixth Eegiment from the works and escape capt\ire. We have seen how prompt Captain Young is to write his old Colonel the day after the battle of Gettysburg, of the glorious record this regiment made on that gory stained field ; and, as he began his military career with them, so at the end he was one of his immortal regiment to surrender at Ap- pomattox,.

Captain Young was born in Wake County, 1 January, 1832, and in May, 1861, he enlisted in Captain O. R. Band's Company 1), in the Twenty-sixth Eegiment; was appointed by Colonel A''ance Quartermaster of his regiment.

Tn December, 1864, Captain Young was sent to Eastern North Carolina to collect and forward supplies to Lee's army.

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 415

Adjutant James B. Jordan was born in Raleigh, N. C, 8 June, ISyO). He was in business in Tennessee when on the secession of South Carolina, he returned to his native State and was elected First Lieutenant in Company I), of the Twenty -sixth Regiment and at the organization he was ap- pointed Adjutant.

This position he held with honor and distinction until in the third day's fight at Gettysburg, he was seriously wounded, taken prisoner and carried to Johnson's Island, where he was detained as a prisoner until the close of the war.

In 1888, he was made Clerk of the Circuit Court of Volu- sia County, Florida, which position he held at his death, 27 April, 1899.

Captain Samuel P. Wagg, Company A. This gallant young officer was killed in the charge of Pettigrew on the third day at Gettysburg, within a few feet of the enemy's works. When the call for troops was issued at the breaking out of hostilities, he promptly enlisted in the first company that was organized in his county (Ashe) and was elected its First Sergeant. At the reorganization of the regiment in the Spring of 1802, he was elected Captain and was ever at his post of duty. Captain Wagg was buried on the field.

Captain Thom,as J. Cureton, Company B. This officer succeeded to the command of Company B on the death of the gallant Captain William Wilson, killed on the first day's fight at Gettysburg.

Lieutenant Cureton was himself wounded on the third day in the shoulder, but declined to leave the field, and assisted in reforming the brigade as its shattered remnants recoiled from the assault on Cemetery Heights.

Captain Cureton was again wounded at Hanover Junction on 23 May, 1864, while in command of the skirmish line, but returned to dutj in December, 1864, and remained with his regiment until the close, and much of the time was in com- mand of it on the retreat to Appomattox, when Colonel Adams was in command of the brigade.

Before the war. Captain Cureton was a farmer, living in Union County, 'N. C. His grandfather owned the property in the Waxhaw settlement, North Carolina, where Andrew

416 NoKTH Cal-oi-ina Teoops, 1861-'65.

Jackson was born, and where Captain Cureton's father was born. Since the war, Captain Cureton has resided in Char- lotte, X. C, and Fort Mills, S. C, engaged in business as a cotton merchant, and now lives at Windsor, S. C.

Captain Stephen W. Brewer, Company E, was born in Chatham County 26 September, 1835; enlisted in Company E, Twenty-sixth i^orth Carolina Regiment; was elected Third Lieutenant when the company was organized, and at its reorganization in the Spring of 1862, was elected Cap- tain.

After the first day's fight at Gettysburg, in which his com- pany lost 18 killed and mortally wounded, and 52 wounded, he led the twelve remaining into the third day's fight, that historic, but disastrous charge of Pickett and Pettigrew, and lost all but two killed and wounded. Captain Brewer was shot down, badly wounded, carrying his regiment's flag and fell near the enemy's line.

He was captured at Greencastle, Md., on the retreat from Gettysburg, and was confined as a prisoner of war in differ- ent Federal prisons, chiefly at Johnson's Island, Ohio, until March, 1865, when he was paroled.

In 1880 Captain Brewer was elected Sheriff of Chatham County, and re-elected four successive terms. He died 1 March, 1S97.

Brave in battle, gentle in peace, charitable and honorable in all his dealings, beloved and respected by all who knew him, he was a model citizen, and has left a good name that his children can justly claim as their proudest heritage.

Captain Joseph R. Balleio, Company F, who became Cap- tain of Company F on the promotion of Captain Kanldn, as Major ; was born 20 April, 1832, in Burke County. In 1852 he went to California via Charleston and Panama.

It required 130 days to make the trip. In 1859 he re- turned to I^Torth Carolina, making the return trip in 22 days. On the breaking out of the war, he was elected First Lieuten- ant of Company F, Twenty-sixth Regiment.

Captain Romulus Morrison Tuttle, Company F, famous as having commanded a company which at the battle of Get- tysburg, out of 91 rank and file taken into action, had every

Twenty-Sixth Eegiment. 417

man killed or wounded, himself among the number (wounded) ; was born in Lenoir, Caldwell County, N. C, 1 December, 1842, and left school in July, 1861, to join the army ; was successively Orderly Sergeant, First Lieutenant, and Captain of Company F, Twenty-sixth JSTorth Carolina Regiment.

Was wounded four times in the four years service, viz : At Gettysburg, 1 July, 1863, right limb seriously fractured be- low the knee, which has never gotten entirely well; at the Wilderness, 5 May, 1864, centrally in the breast by minie ball, a flesh wound only here his company lost 19 out of 26 men' taken into action; Avest of Petersburg by a four-ounce canister ball in left breast, causing an ugly contusion and great suffering; and on 30 September, 1864, on the Squirrel Level road, south of Petersburg, in left forearm by minie ball, shattering the larger bone and necessitating a resection of three or four inches.

At the reorganization of the regiment for the war, April, 1862, Orderly Sergeant Tuttle was elected First Lieutenant, and on the resignation of his Captain, Jos. R. Ballew, in the Fall of the same year, he was promoted to the Captaincy.

After the war this battle scarred veteran, but mere youth in years, returned to college to complete his education, and in June, 1869, graduated at Davidson College, IST. C.

He now (April, 1901) has charge of the Collierstown Pres- byterian Church, near Lexington, Ya.

Captain Henry Clay Albright, Company G. This gal- lant young officer, born 12 July, 1842, left college to enter the army as Second Lieutenant of Company G, Twenty-sixth Sorth Carolina Regiment, and on Captain John R. Lane's promotion to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, Lieuten- ant Albright was made Captain of the company.

He was a "wonderfully good officer" is the testimony of his regimental commaiider. He passed unscathed through all engagements and battles, though present with his regiment all the time, until the spirited engagement of 29 September, 1864, on the Vaughan road, south of Petersburg, he was mor-

418 XoRTii Caeoijna Troops, 1861-'65.

tally woimded, and on 27 October he died in the Winder hos- pital.

Oapiain William Wilson, Company B, was killed at Get- tvsbnrg on the first day's fight gallantly leading his men up the hill and through McPherson's woods. Left school to join the army, and in June, 1861, was elected First Lieuten- ant of Company B, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment. At the reorganization of the regiment in April, 1862, he was elected Captain. lie would have achieved higher command had he survived the fateful battle of Grettysburg. He was buried on the field by the side of his Colonel. They were stricken about the. same tiiue and fell within a few feet of each other.

Captain William Pinckney Martin, Com,pany li, was born 4 October, 1817. He was elected a delegate to the proposed Constitutional Convention 28 February, 1861; but as the calling of the Convention was defeated, he did not take his seat. His was the first company that vokmteered from his county. It became Company H, Twenty-sixth Regiment. He was shot in the head at the battle of New Bern just be- fore the regiment had orders to retreat, and was buried on the field.

Captain James D. Mclver, Company II, was born in Moore County, N. C, 14 December, 1833; graduated from Davidson College in J\me, 1859 ; volunteered in the first company raised in his county, and was elected Second Lieu- tenant in July, 1861. This company became Company H, in the Twenty-sixth ISTorth Carolina Regiment.

On the resignation of Captain Clement Dowd in the Spring of 1862, Lieutenant llclver succeeded him as Captain of the company and remained in the regiment until the Fall of 1863; was in all the battles in which his regiment was en- gaged up to that time, except the battle of Gettysburg, at which time he was absent on furlough. Captain McTver was a most gallant and competent officer, and his leaving the regi- ment was much regretted. After the war he was Coimty So- licitor, member of the Legislature in 1876, Solicitor of his District in 1878-1886, Judge Superior Court 1890-1898.

Captain James C. McLauchlin, Company K. This ac-

Twenty-Sixth Regiment. 419

couiplished officer became Captain of his company in the re- organization for the war, April, 1862. He was wounded at Malvern Hill and again at Gettysburg, this last time so severely that it disabled him for service in the field, and he resigned from the regiment to accept lighter duty. Since the war for more than twenty years and at the present (April, 1901) Captain McLauchlin has been Clerk of the Superior Court for Anson, his native county.

Captain Thomas Lilly, Company K, who succeeded to the command of his Company, K, on the resignation of Cap- tain McLauchlin, was also wounded at Gettysburg. He rose from Corporal and became recognized as one of the best of- ficers in the brigade. He had command of the sharpshooters of the brigade, and fell mortally wounded 25 March, on the lines at Petersburg.

Lieutenant Orren Alston Manner, Company E, enlisted 38 May, 1861, at the age of 18 as a private, in Company E, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment; was wounded at Malvern Hill 1 July, 1862 ; promoted to Second Lieutenant of the company in October, 1862 ; severely wounded at Get- tysburg 1 July, 1863, and captured on the retreat of the Confederate army ; carried first to hospital at David's Island, New York, then to prison at Johnson's Island, Ohio, where he remained until paroled in March, 1865. Has been a member of the General Assembly in 18Y2, 1874, and 1880.

Lieutenant Hanner was one of the bravest and best subal- tern officers of the regiment. He and his Captain (S. W. Brewer) were both wounded and captured at Gettysburg, and the First Lieutenant, John B. Emerson, was mortally wounded at the same time. Captain Brewer's and Lieuten- ant Hanner's imprisonment prevented their being promoted to the positions of Major and First Lieutenant respectively.

First Lieutenant Gaston H. Broughton, Company D, was born in Wake County, 1838, enlisted in Company D, 1861, was promoted First Lieutenant 28 April, 1862, was wounded at the foot of the stone wall in the third day's charge at Get- tysburg and remained a prisoner till the end of the war. He has been a farmer and a goad citizen since the war and is now custodian of the Supreme Coujrt building in Raleigh.

420 jSToeth Cakolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

Lieutenant James 0. M. Jones, Company D, was born near Holly Springs, Wake County, on 19 July, 1839. He enlisted in Company D, Twenty-sixth Kegiment. At first a Sergeant, at the reorganization in April, 1862, he was elected Second Lieutenant of the company.

At Gettysburg, Lieutenant Jones was severely wounded in the hip. Through the kindness of Captain Young, Lieuten- ant Jones and his Captain (Adams) managed to get on a four-horse wagon loaded with wheat, and got safely to the Potomac river, and thence to the hospital at Eichmond. He returned to duty 19 December, 1863, at Orange Court House, and took command of the company, his senior (Brough- ton) being prisoner of war, wounded and captured at Get- tysburg. On 10 May, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House, Lieutenant Jones was again wounded in the left breast, and would have been killed but for a daguerrotype of his sweet- heart in his left breast pocket which deflected the ball. This lady he subsequently married. He returned to duty in Sep- tember, 1864, and remained in command of his company until in the action at Biirgess Mill, south of Petersburg, on 2Y October, 1864, he was taken prisoner and confined at Fort Delaware until Jime, 1865, when he was liberated.

Lieutenant George Willcox, Company H, was born 17 June, 1835. He enlisted in Company H, Twenty-sixth ]^orth Carolina Regiment. At the reorganization of the reg- iment for the war in the Spring of 1862, he was elected Sec- ond Lieutenant of the company and remained as such until the Fall of 1864, Avhen he was appointed Captain of Com- pany H, in the Forty-sixth Worth Carolina Regiment, of Cooke's Brigade, in the same (Heth's) Division.

Captain Willcox was in all the battles and actions in which his command was engaged during the war, except at Malvern Hill, and when he was absent on wounded furlough. In the first day's fight at Gettysburg, he was badly wounded while carrying the flag of his regiment (see account of the battle in this sketch) ; was captured, but resciied on the retreat and returned to his command in time to take part in the battle of the Wilderness, in which battle he was again severely wounded, this time through the shoulder.


Returning to duty, he joined his regiment in the trenches around Petersburg, and was captured in the action at Bur- gess Mill 27 October, 1864, but escaped from the enemy dur- ing the night and rejoined his command. He represented Moore County in the Legislature of 1885-'86 ; also Moore and Randolph coimties in the Senate in 1891-'92. Captain Will- cox had three brothers in the war, he being the eldest. The next in age to him, W. M. Willcox, was a Lieutenant in Lid- dell's Brigade, Pat Cleburne's Division, General Bragg's army, and was killed at the battle of Ohicamauga (September 19-20, 1863) ; Robert P. Willcox, another brother, was a member of Company H, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regi- ment, arid though several times wounded, survived the war several years. The youngest brother Herman Husband Will- cox, as stated above, was killed at Gettysburg.

Lieutenant Wm. N. Snelling, Company D, enlisted on 10 June, 1861, in Company D, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment. At the reorganization of the regiment, in the Spring of 1862, he was made Orderly Sergeant, and after Gettysburg, he was promoted to be Third Lieutenant. At this battle, every one of his company officers were killed or wounded, and Third Lieutenant Marion J. Woodall being killed, Sergeant Snelling was promoted Second Lieutenant, to date from 5 July, 1863, and placed in command of the company.

Lieutenant Snelling was twice wounded, once in the left breast and once in the leg. Except when recovering from these wounds, and once on a thirty days' furlough. Lieutenant Snelling was with his regiment, frequently detailed to act as Adjutant, and always ready for duty. He was with his regi- ment when it surrendered at Appomattox, and during the last few months of the war he was in command of Companies A. C and D, consolidated. Lieutenant Snelling made out the mus- ter and pay rolls of his company from the beginning to the end, and would have received higher promotion, but from the fact that his Captain remained a prisoner of war after his capture at Gettysburg, and there was no vacancy.

Leonidas L. Polk, Sergeant-Major, was born in Anson County in 1887, and was of the same family as Colonel

422 NoETH Caboi-tna Troops, 1861-'65.

Thomas Polk, President James K. Polk and Lieutenant-Gen- eral (Bishop) Leonidas Polk. In 1860 he was a member of the Lower House of the General Assembly. In 1862 he en- listed in Company K, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Troops, and was soon appointed Sergeant-Major. In 1863 he was promoted to a Lieutenancy in the Forty-third North Carolina, and was severely wounded at Gettysburg. In 1864 he re- signed upon being elected to the Legislature. In 1889-1892 he was president of The National Farmers' Alliance and died 11 June of the latter year and is buried in Oakwood Ceme- tery, Raleigh, ISF. C.

Private W. W. Edivards, Company E, was born 22 Octo- ber, 1841, was in most of the battles in which the regiment was engaged; was wounded at Gettysburg, but returned to duty in time to take part in the battle of the Wilderness, May 1864, and the almost daily engagements with the enemy on the retreat to Richmond.

On one of these occasions, in front of the regiment was A school house occupied by the enemy's sharpshooters. It be- came necessary to drive them away and Colonel Lane called for volunteers for the dangerous work. Among those who responded was Private Edwards. Taking a few of his comrades with him, he crept up to the ho\ise and by a well directed fire, drove the enemy out of this house and the men were no more annoyed from that part of the line. After the war Mr. Edwards became associated in the publication of the Messenger at Siler City, and under the nom de plume of "Buck," became one of the most popular writers in the State,


There is not a statement contained in this history that has not been obtained from official records, or from those who were actors in the events narrated. The mere recital of the story without embellishment is glory enough. Probably it will be vouchsafed to no soldiers in the future to suffer such a loss in open battle as the Twenty-sixth sustained at Gettys- burg. There is no record in the past of such sustained hero- ism on a field of battle. Such being the case, it was meet and proper that the facts should be set out in detail, that

TwENTT-SixTH Eegiment. 423

honor should be given where honor was due. Such heroism as the Confederate soldier displayed cannot be in vain. Some good to the world must come from such sacrifice.

Nothing less than sublime confidence in the Justice of the Cause could inspire humanity to such deeds of glory, such endurance, such patriotism, and I close this history, paying this tribute to the private Confederate soldier, quoting the words of another :

"Let it be remembered there are other reasons than money or patriotism which induce men to risk life and limb in war. There is the love of glory and the expectation of honorable recognition ; but the private in the ranks expects neither ; his identity is merged in that of his regiment; to him, the regi-. ment and its name is everything ; he does not expect to see his own name appear upon the page of history, and is content with the proper recognition of the old command in which he fought. But he is jealous of the record of his regiment and demands credit for every shot it faced and every grave it filled.

"The bloody laurels for which a regiment contends will al- ways be awarded to the one with the longest roll of honor. Scars are the true evidence of wounds, and regimental scars can be seen only in the record of the casualties."

"The men of the Twenty-sixth Regiment would dress on their colors in spite of the world."

In the preparation of this sketch, great assistance has been furnished by many of my surviving comrades and especially acknowledgment is due to Captain W. H. S. Burgwyn, Thir- ty-fifth North Carolina Troops, the brother of our lamented Colonel Harry Burgwyn. Captain Btirgwyn is the historian of the Thirty-fifth Regiment, in which he served with great honor, and also of Clingman's Brigade, in which he later served with distinction as a staff ofiicer. In the late Spanish War (1898) he showed he retained the military instincts of his family by again entering the service as Colonel of the Sec- ond North Carolina Regiment.

Geoege C. Undeewood.

MaKLBy'B MiLLB, N. 0.,

9 April, 1901.


1. John R. Cooke, Colonel. 4. Jas. A. Graham, Captain, Co. G.

2. Geo. F. Whitfield, Colonel. 5. Robert D. Patterson, 2d Lieut., Co. G.

3. Jos. C. Webb, Lieut. -Colonel. 6. John B. Baker, Sergeant, Co. X.

7. Jas. L. Cooley, Corporal. Co. G.


By JAMES A. GRAHAM, Captain Company G.

The regiment afterwards known as the Twenty-seventh ITorth Carolina Infantry, was first organized as the Ninth North Carolina Volunteers with the following companies, viz. :

Company A Orange OuardSj Orange County Captain, Pride Jones.

Company ^-—Guilford Grays, Guilford County Captain^ John Sloan.

Company C Goldsboro Rifles, Wayne County Captain, M. D. Craton.

Company D Goldsboro Volunteers, Wayne County Captain, J. B. Whitaker.

Company E Wilson Light In,fantry, Wilson County Captain, Jesse S. Barnes.

Company F Pitt Volunteers, Pitt County Captain, G. B. . Singletary.

Company G Marlboro Guards, Pitt County Captain, W. H. Morrill.

Company H Dixie Rifles, Wayne County Captain, Strong.

Comi'any I North Carolina Guards, Lenoir County Captain, G. F. Whitfield.

Company- K Tuckahoe Braves, Lenoir County Captain, W. F. Wooten.

The officers of this regiment were ordered to meet in ISTew Bern on 22 June, 1861 I think it was to elect field officers. On 9 June Companies A, B and C were taken from the regi- ment and other companies substituted in their places, viz. : Captain K. H. Drysdale's Company, from Greene County;

426 JSTojjTH Caeolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

Captain R. T. Barden's Company, from Wayne County, and Captain W. P. Ward's Company, from Jones County. On 22 June the regiment organized by electing Captain G. B. Singletary, Company F, Colonel ; Captain Pride Jones, Lieu- tenant-Colonel; Captain Strong, Company H, Major. Im- mediately after this organization. Companies D, E and H, and Captain Drysdale's company, volunteered for the war the regiment being only twelve months volunteers^ and were assigned to some of the regiments of State Troops, the Third and Fourth, I think.

This left a battalion of only six companies, of which Col- onel G. B. Singletary was elected Lieutenant-Colonel. Soon afterwards, the "Perquimans Beauregards," Captain Wm. JSTixon, was added to it, and some time in September, 1861, the Orange Guards, Guilford Greys and Goldsboro Rifles were again assigned to this regiment, which was then called the Seventeenth ISTorth Carolina Volunteers, and was consti- tuted as foUoAvs:

Company A Goldshoro Rifles Captain, M. D. Craton.

Company B Guilford Greys Captain, John Sloan.

Company C North Carolina Guards Captain, G. F. Whitfield.

Company D Tuckahoe Braves Captain, W. F. Wooten.

Company E Marlboro Guards Captain, Wm. H. Mor- rill.

Company F Perquimans Beauregards Captain, Wm. JSTixon.

Company G Orange Guards Captain, Joseph C. Webb.

Company H Pitt Volunteers Captain, R. W. Single- tary.

Company I Captain, W. P. Ward, from Jones County.

Company K Captain, B. T. Barden, from Wayne County.

At the organization of this regiment in September, 1861, Lieutenant-Colonel G. B. Singletary was elected Colonel; Captain John Sloan, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Lieutenant Thomas C. Singletary, of Company E, Major. Seven com- panies of the regiment were then camped at ISTew Bern, and

Twenty-Seventh Kegiment. 427

the other three Companies A, B and G ^were on detached service at Fort Macon, where they remained until 28 Feb- niary, 1862. Colonel G. B. Singletary having resigned, an election was ordered in December, 1861, when Lieutenant- Colonel John Sloan was elected Colonel; Major T. C. Sin- gletary, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Adjutant John A. Gilmer, Jr., Major. February 28, 1862, the three companies from Fort Macon joined the remainder of the regiment, then camped at lort Lane on the ISTeuse river, beloAV New Bern. The regiment remained in camp at this place till 14 March, 1862, when it took part in the battle of E"ew Bern, occupying the extreme left of the line, with its left resting on Weuse river. As the fighting was principally upon the right and right-centre we were not much engaged, having only some skirmishing and sharpshooting. I deem it due to the regi- ment, however, to state that twenty-seven of the men who worked Latham's battery, which was in the middle of the fight and gained great credit, were from this regiment, having 'been detailed for that service by order of Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch, then commanding at ISTew Bern. These men were detailed by me, as Adjutant of the regiment, by order of General Branch, and were from Companies D, C, E, F and H. A certain number of men in each company had been ordered to be drilled in light artillery, and Lieutenant Brown, of the artillery, was attached to the regiment for that pur- pose. How well these detailed artillerists did their duty is evidenced by the fact that about two-thirds of them were either killed or woimded. Upon the retreat, we were or- dered to fall back to the railroad depot in New Bern. There we reformed, and, .after the last train had left, and when the enemy Avere landing in the Fair Grounds from their gun- boats, we continued our retreat up the railroad, being the last regiment to leave New Bern, so far as I saw, and reached Kinston late at night. Here we remained in camp until 31 May, 1862. Lieiitenant-Colonel Thos. C. Singletary having resigned, Captain B. W. Singletary, of Company H, was elected Lieutenant-Colonel.

At the reorganization of the regiment, 16 April, 1862, Major John Ti. Cooke, Chief of Artillery on General Holmes'

428 N"oRTH Cakolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

stafi, was elected Colonel ; E. W. Singletary, re-elected Lieu- tenant-Colonel, and John A. Gilmer, Jr., re-elected Major. About the same time, or a little before, Brigadier-General Eobert Kansom was assigned to duty at Kinston, and we were placed in his brigade. 31 May, 1862, we took the train for Virginia, and about noon of 1 June, reached Richmond. As we neared the city the guns of the battle at Seven Pines could be distinctly heard. Immediately on reaching the depot we were ordered double-quick to the battlefield, and passing rapidly through Richmond we pressed on towards the firing, anxious to take part in the fray, as the old saying is, "spiling for a fight." Before we reached the battlefield, how- ever, the battle of Seven Pines was over.

We were assigned to J. G. Wallcer's Brigade and moved to Drewry's Bluff, where we remained throwing up breast- works, drilling, etc., until 26 June, when we took up the line of march for the seven days fight around Richmond. We- formed a part of the reserve under General Holmes and were not actively engaged in any of those memorable battles, though often near enough to the combatants to hear every word of command, and to feel the force of the enemy's fire.

On Monday, during the battle at Frazier's Farm, we were moved to near Malvern Hill, and it was generally understood among us that we were to attack that stronghold. For some reason this was not done, and ^ve lay nearly the whole after- noon in a piece of woods, subjected to a very severe shell- ing from seven gunboats and l^hirty-four pieces of light artillery. As the enemy did not know our exact position, and had to send their shot and shell at random, our loss was not very heavy. About sundown a large force was landed from the ,gunbo?its, and as soon as it , was dark we were withdrawn and placed in position a few miles up the road. The next evening we were moved to Malvern Hill and placed in position in a skirt of woods just on the edge of the battlefield. Here we reniained until the battle was over. Though not actively engaged, yet we were in>a posi- tion equally trying, as we got the benefit of the shells of the enemy which passed over the heads of the troops en-

Twenty-Seventh Kegiment. 429

gaged, and burst among the trees under which we were lying, and we were expecting every mimite to be ordered forward to take our part in the dreadful carnage. The next night it being reported that the enemy were crossing the James, we were ordered back to our camp near Drewry's Bluff. It had now been raining for nearly forty-eight hours and the roads, cut up by the wagons and ambulances, were nearly impassable. Broken down as we were by continuous march- ing and loss of sleep, the march was a hard one. When we were within a mile or two of camp our Colonel the gal- lant Cooke ever mindfuUof the welfare of his men, direct- ing us to make our way to camp, dashed ahead and aroused the men who had been left there, and when we came up had a roaring log fire in front of almost every tent, which was very consoling to us, muddy, wet and tired as we were. By siich little acts of kindness as this, as well as by his gallantry and daring, it was that he endeared himself to his men and made them ready and willing to go wherever he would say Avithout a murmur or complaint.

Kemaiuing at Drewry's Bluff till G <Tuly, 1862, we were then moved, with the Second Georgia Battalion of our bri- gade, to Petersburg, and then on the 8th to Fort Powhatan, on the James river below City Point. At daylight on the morning of 11 July, five companies of the Twenty-seventh, with two companies of the Georgia Battalion, and Brem's and French's Tjight Batteries, were placed in ambush on the high bltifi" on the James river, with orders to fire upon any boat that might pass. About 8 o'clock a. m., the "Daniel Webster," a river steamer, was seen approaching. As she passed a Federal gunboat stationed ioxir or five hundred yards below us, her captain inquired, "Any danger ahead?" The reply came from the gunboat, "No danger, go ahead." Hardly was this answer given when the boom of our artil- lery gave a different aspect to affairs. The first gun, fired by Colonel Cooke, disabled the bow gun of the gunboat and kept her from doing miich damage, as she had to turn around every time she fired. Four pieces of out artillery played upon the gunboat, and the other six, with the infantry, upon the steamer, riddling her cabin and hull. She, however,

430 North Carolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

putting on all steam made her escape, and we never knew, certainly, the amount of damage done or the number killed or wounded on the boat. Very soon the gunboats from Har- rison's Landing came down, and the woods were really alive with shot and shell for a mile along the bank of the river. Before they reached that point, however, we had drawn off our artillery, which we had put in position by hand, and were safe on our way to camp. The next day the other five companies of the Twenty-seventh and the rest of the Greorgia Battalion tried the same game. A day or two afterwards the enemy threw a force across the»river to prevent any more raids of this sort.

We spent the remainder of the summer around Petersburg and picketing up and down the James river, and formed part of the support of the artillery which shelled McClellan out of his camp at Harrison's Landing on the night of 15 August, 1862. Reaching this point on the evening of the 14-th we were unable to get the artillery into position that night, and were compelled to keep concealed during the next day, as the enemy had' their balloons and other appliances for observing our position, in full play. On the night of the 15 th forty-nine pieces of artillery, out of one hundred and fifty that we bad with us, were placed in position along the banks of the James river, and at 1 o'clock a. m., opened fire on McClellan's camp on the opposite bank of the river. Erom what I learned from an artillery officer engaged in this shelling the infantry being held in reserve about a mile from the river it looked like a grand city ; the lights of the shipping and the camps forming one brilliant panorama. Be- fore twenty shots were fired these lights had disappeared and "darkness reigned supreme." After firing for about an hour the artillery was withdrawn, and was soon rumbling past us on its way back to Petersburg. About daylight the last gun passed us, and we took up the line of march. When we had gone about five miles it being then about 8 o'clock a. m. the enemy fired their first gun, and in a few minutes it sounded as if the whole thunders of the heavens had broken loose at that point, but we were far out of range. We re- mained at Petersburg with the exception of a few days pick-

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 431

eting at "Merchant's Hope" church, where we had a slight skirmish with the enemy until 26 August, 1862, when we moved, via Richmond to Rapidan Station, Va.

Here we remained till 1 September, 1862, when we started on the first Maryland campaign General Robert Ransom's Brigade having been previously assigned to our division, and our Brigadier, J. G. Walker, having command of the division, while Colonel Manning, of the Third Arkansas Regiment, commanded our brigade and formed the rear guard of the Array of [Northern Virginia. Our provost guard, with Lieii- tenant Coleman, of the Thirtieth Virginia, as Provost Mar- shal, and Lieutenants J. A. Graham, Twenty-seventh !North Carolina; Lowe, Third Arkansas, and Temple, Thirteenth Virginia, as assistants, were charged with keeping up strag- glers of the whole army. Acting thus as rear guard we were not engaged in any of the battles of ISTorthern Virginia in that campaign. We crossed the Potomac at Nolan's Ferry, near Leesburg, Va., 8 September, 1862,, and joined the main army near Frederick City, Md., the next day, and were at- tached to liongstreet's Corps. We camped near Bucket Town, Md., and remained there all day of the 9th. On the night of 9 September, 1862, our division was sent to the mouth of Mouocacy river to destroy the aqueduct where the canal crosses. This we were unable to do for want of proper tools, and, from after events, it appeared that the movement was but a feint to draw off the attention of the enemy while the corps of "Stonewall" Jackson and the division of Mc- Laws started on their march to surroimd Harper's Ferry. About daylight on the morning of 10 September we were drawn off and placed in line of battle some four or five miles distant, in front and in full view of another portion of the Federal army posted in a strong position upon a range of hills, or little mountains, to the east of Bucket Town.

Here we remained in line of battle all day. As soon as night came we started in the direction of Frederick City, but after going about two miles we countermarched and took the road for "Point of Rocks." Just as we were countermarching a squad of Federal cavalry dashed up to us and immediately

432 jSToeth Caeolina Tboops, 1861-'65.

wheeled and retired before we could fire. They were evi- dently scouting, and came upon us before they knew it.

As the portion of our column which they struck was moving in the direction of Frederick City, they were no doubt deceived as to our movements which, I think, accounts for our not being pursued during the night.

After a rapid march and very few halts we reached and crossed the Potomac at "Point of Rocks" just as day was breaking on the morning of 11 September.

ISIo one, except our division commander, knew whither we were bound, and many an inquiry was made as to where our course would- lead. After a short halt to cook rations, we again started, and by inquiry of a citizen learned that we were on the road to Harper's Ferry, and some twenty miles distant from it. In reply to another inquiry, made an hour after, we learned that we were on the road to Lees- burg and a mile further from Harper's Ferry than when we last asked. Several times during the day our course was repeatedly changed and we would first approach and then move oft' from Harper's Ferry.

That night we camped near Hillsboro, in Loudon County, Va., and next morning, the 12th, passed throtigh the village noted for the number of its pretty girls, if for nothing else ; and about 12 o'clock the division, with the exception of three regiments, went into camp at the foot of Loudon Heights, on the eastern side of the mountain. Of these three regi- ments the Forty-sixth North Carolina was sent to guard a pass around the base of the moimtain on the bank of the Po- tomac, and the Twenty-seventh North Carolina and Thirtieth Virginia began the ascent of the mountain.

Tired as we were this ascent was very difficult, as we had several times to leave the road to avoid being seen by the Fed- eral troops in and around Harper's Ferry, and make our way through the thick mountain undergrowth, oftentimes having to clear a way with hatchets or knives. About 5 p. m., we took possession of Loudon Heights. McLaws' Division had by this time taken possession of Maryland Heights, on the opposite bank of the river, and "Stonewall" Jackson's Corps already occupied Bolivar Heights, a range of low hills run-

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 433

aing from the Shenandoah to the Potomac, to the west and southwest of the town ; so it was completely encircled. We immediately endeavored to open communication with Jack- son and McLaws by means of our Signal Corps. Very soon we were answered by McLaws, but being unable to get any answer from Jackson a courier on horseback was dispatched to him, who, on returning, about 9 p. m., informed us that he was in position. Soon after we had gained possession of the heights the enemy opened fire upon us from their batteries on the hills beyond the town. One shell burst immediately over our heads, but did no damage; and another passing clear over the mountain fell in our division camp, some three miles dis- tant. About 10 o'clock p. m. we were relieved by the Forty- sixth and Forty-eighth North Carolina Regiments and re- turned to camp, taking a short cut down the side of the moun- tain instead of the circuitous but more even, route by which we ascended.

Next day the batteries attached to our division were carried up by hand and placed in position upon the top of the moun- tain and did good work in the battle of the 15th, when the garrison was compelled to surrender. As soon as the surren- der was known we crossed the mountain and started for Sharpsburg, camped near Hall Town that night, and starting before day crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown on the morning of the 16th and went into camp near where the bat- tle of the next day was fought. Before day on the morning of 17 September, 1862, we were moved and placed in line of battle on the extreme right of the Confederate lines, our left resting upon the yard of a man whose name I did not learn, who, to prevent our getting water, broke off his pump-handle and destroyed his pump, so that we were compelled to fill our canteens from a mud hole in his stable lot or do without water. Most of us filled from this mud-hole, and I can testify that, while not as fresh and sweet as some I have seen, yet in the heat and strife of that day its filth was almost for- gotten and it served very well to quench thirst. We re- mained in this position till about 8 :30 o'clock a. m., when we were ordered to the left centre. After double-quick-


434 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ing one and a half or two miles we were placed in line about one mile to the left of the town of Sharpsburg.

The Twenty-seventh JSTorth Carolina infantry, Colonel John K. Cooke, and the Third Arkansas, Captain Eeady com- manding, were detached from the rest of the division and fought as a little brigade by themselves under the command of Colonel Cooke of the Twenty-seventh North Carolina; Colquitt's Georgia Brigade being some 500 yards to our right, and the rest of our division about the saoue distance to our left. Forming in a corn field we advanced under a heavy fire of grape and canister at a quick step, up a little rise, and halted at a rail fence, our right considerably advanced. Cap- tain Greenough's battery, attached to General Kershaw's Bri- gade was placed on our left, but was soon withdrawn. After holding this position for half an hour or more our front was changed ; the left retiring about ten steps and the right thrown back considerably, so as to be upon a line with the other troops. In the meantime we had suffered heavily and, I think inflicted equally as much damage upon the enemy. The Yankees getting possession of a piece of woods upon our left, Companies F, K, and G, the three left companies of the Twenty-seventh, were directed to center their fire upon that point ; and right well did they do their work, as it appeared upon an examination of the field next day that the enemy were piled two or three deep in some places. About 1 o'clock p. m., the enemy having retired behind the hill upon which they were posted, and none appearing within range in our front. Colonel Cooke ordered us to fall back some twenty steps in the corn field and lie down, so as to draw them on ; he in the meantime, regardless of personal danger from sharp- shooters, remained at the fence beside a small hickory tree. After remaining there some twenty minutes the enemy at- tempted to sneak up a section of artillery to the little woods on our left. Colonel Cooke, watching the movement, or- dered the four left companies of the Twenty-seventh North Carolina up to the fence and directed them to fire upon this artillery. At the first fire, before they had gotten into position, nearly every horse and more than half the men fell, and the infantry line which had moved up to support them

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 435

showed evident signs of wavering. Colonel Cooke seeing this, and having received orders to charge if opportunity of- fered, ordered a charge. Without waiting a second word of command both regiments leaped the fence and "went at them" and soon we had captured these guns and had the troops in front of us in full retreat. A battery posted near a little brick church upon a hill (the Dunkard church, so often re- ferred to in accounts of this battle, which was situated on the "Hagerstown Pike" and just to our left and front), was play- ing sad havoc with us, but thinking that would be taken by the troops upon our left, who we supposed were charging with us, we still pursued the flying foe'. !N"umbers of them sur- rendered to us and they were ordered to the rear. Two or three hundred took shelter behind a lot of haystacks, and fast- ening white handkerchiefs to their muskets and bayonets, held them out offering to su.rrender. We pushed on, and soon wheeling to the right drove down their line, giving them an enfilade fire, and succeeded in breaking six regiments, which fled in confusion. Only one Federal regiment, that I saw, left the field in anything like good order. After pushing on in this way, we found ourselves opposed by a body of the en- emy behind a stone wall in a com field. Stopping to con- tend with these we found that we were almost out of ammu- nition ; the cartridges which we had captured on the field, and of these there was a large quantity, not fitting our guns.

Colonel Cooke, learning this fact, and seeing that we were not supported in our charge, ordered us to fall back to our original position. This, of course, was done at double-quick. As we returned we experienced the perfidy of those who had previously surrendered to us and whom we had not taken time to disarm. They, seeing that we were not supported, at- tempted to form a line in our rear and in a few minutes would have done so. As it was, we had to pass between two fires, a part of the troops having been thrown back to oppose our movement on their flank and these supposed prisoners having formed on the other side. A bloody lane indeed it proved to us. Many a brave man lost his life in that retreat. At some points the lines were not sixty yards distant on either

436 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

side of us. Arriving at our original position both regiments halted and were soon reformed.

In this retreat we were very materially aided and protected by Cobb's Brigade, then commanded by Colonel William MacRae, of the Fifteenth North Carolina Eegiment.

I deem it proper to state here that the colors of the Twenty- seventh Eegiment in this action were carried by William H, Campbell, a private of Company G, from Orange County, N. C, who afterwards fell at Bristoe Station, and that he was for the greater part of that time the foremost man in the line, and when ordered by Colonel Cooke to go slower, as the regiment could not keep up with him, replied, "Colonel, I can't let that Arkansas fellow get ahead of me."

I will also state that soon after we started the charge, some drunken officer on horseback, (who or of what command I 'never learned), rode in front of the Twenty-seventh North Carolina, then commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel E,. W. Sin- gletary, and pulling off and waving his hat, yelled out, "Come on, boys; I'm leading this charge." Lieutenant-Colonel Sin- gletary immediately ran up to him (the regiment being then at double-quick) and replied, "You are a liar, sir; we lead our own charges."

As soon as the regiments could reform behind their rail fence, they opened fire with the few cartridges they had left and soon checked the advance of the enemy who did not come beyond the line which they had occupied in the morn-- ing. In a short while all our ammunition was exhausted. Colonel Cooke sent courier after courier for ammunition, but still none was sent. Four or five times during the afternoon General Longstreet sent couriers telling Colonel Cooke to hold the position at all hazards, that "it was the key to the whole line." Colonel Cooke's reply was always, "Tell Gen- eral Longstreet to send me some ammunition. I have not a cartridge in my command, but vrill hold my position at the point of the bayonet."

The rail fence, which was our only protection, was rid- dled with bullets and torn with shot and shell and our men were falling fast, but still the Twenty-seventh North Carolina

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 437

and the Third Arkansas flinched not. Imbued with the cour- age of their commander, they stood firm to their post.

For about two hours and a half they held the position lit- erally without a cartridge. This fact is mentioned in Gen- eral E,. E. Lee's report of the first Maryland campaign, and also in Dabney's Life of "Stonewall" Jackson. In all the trying times of that day the Third Arkansas Regiment was side by side with the Twenty-seventh North Carolina, and yet, I never see them mentioned in accounts of the battle. Even Longstreet fails to mention them in a late article, in which he pays a great compliment to the Twenty-seventh North Carolina. It was a gallant regiment, commanded in that fight by Captain J. W. Eeady, and was with the Twenty- seventh in every move. Between 4 and 5 o'clock in the af- ternoon we were relieved (I think by the Third North Car- olina and a Louisiana regiment), and were moved about a mile to the rear to get ammunition and fresh water. After resting about half an hour we were marched again to the front and placed in position just behind and in support of the troops who had relieved us. Here we were subjected to a severe shelling, but had no chance to return the fire. The day had been a long one, but the evening seemed longer ; the sun seemed almost to go backwards, and it appeared as if -night would never come. As soon as it became dark we were moved to the left, rejoined our division, and with them biv- ouacked upon the battlefield.

The regiment entered the battle with 325 officers and men and lost in killed and wounded 203, about 63 per cent. One company (G) went in 30 strong and had but five left at the end of the day. Another (Company E), with an average company and a full complement of officers, lost its Captain, First Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant killed, and two- thirds of its men killed or wounded. This regiment re- mained with its division on the battlefield all day of the 18th and retreated with the Army of Northern Virginia on the night of the 18th, crossing the Potomac at Shepherdstown about daylight on the morning of the 19th, marched from there to Martinsburg, Va., where it remained till the last of September, and then moved via Bunker Hill to Winchester.

438 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Eemaining there till the latter part of October we then moved via Millwood to Paris and Upperville on the Bine Eidge mountains. After spending several days at these places, and making a raid to near Aldie and capturing a lot of beef cattle and flour we moved via Salem, Va., to Culpep' per Court House, thence to Cedar Eun and then to Madison Court House, Va. After leaving Madison Court House, we moved via Orange Court House to Fredericksburg, Va., reaching the latter place about the end of ISTovember, 1862.

The march to Fredericksburg was a hard one, as in conse- quence of the change of position from the extreme left to the centre at Sharpsburg we lost our knapsacks and blankets, having piled them up by companies as we entered the fight and being unable, on acount of the change of position, to get them, as we intended, on 18 September, and many of our men, besides being short of clothing, were also barefooted.

During the month of ISTovember, and before we reached Fredericksburg, our Colonel, John E. Cooke, though the junior Colonel of the brigade, was, for gallantry, promoted to Brigadier-General, and assigned to the command of our brigade in place of General J. G. Walker, who had been trans- ferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department. The brigade was also changed ; the regiments from other States being as- signed to brigades from their respective States, viz. : the Thirtieth Virginia to Corse's Brigade, the Third Arkansas to Eobertson's Texas Brigade, and the Second Georgia Battal- ion to Wright's Brigade. The Fift-eenth North Carolina, formerly belonging to Cobb's Brigade, was assigned to our brigade, which then comprised the Fifteenth, Twenty-sev- enth, Forty-sixth and Forty-eighth North Carolina Eegi- ments.

Upon the promotion of Colonel Cooke, Lieutenant-Colonel Singletary having resigned on account of wounds. Major John A. Gilmer, Jr., was promoted to Colonel; Captain G, F. Whitfield, Company C, to Lieutenant-Colonel, and Cap- tain Joseph C. Webb, Company G, to Major,

We were engaged in the first battle of Fredericksburg, Va., 13 December, 1862, and fought behind the rock wall at Marye's Heights, on the telegraph road, just opposite the

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 439

town. On account of the protection afforded by this wall our loss was slight, while the damage done the enemy in our front was terrible.

There seems to be an attempt on the part of all writers to put Cooke's North Carolina Brigade in reserve, and not at the rock wall, in the battle of Fredericksburg, and even Long- street, who commanded that part of the line, says, in a late magazine article, that Cooke was in reserve.

Yet, I know the fact to be that Cooke was wounded while talking to General Cobb, of Georgia, who was killed at the rock wall; that Colonel Saunders, Forty-sixth !N"orth Caro- lina, was shot in the mouth while charging down the hill to the ivall, and that Lieutenant S. P. Wier, Forty-sixth North Carolina, was killed and Colonel John A. Gilmer, Twenty- seventh North Carolina, was wounded at the roch wall.

These oflGlcers were with their commands and at the rock wall.

January 3, 1863, we were ordered South, and after stop- ping for some time at Petersburg, Ya., Goldsboro, Burgaw and Wilmington, N. C, reached Charleston, S. C, 22 Feb- ruary, 1863. The next day we proceeded to Pocataligo, S. C, and in a few days afterwards to Coosahatchie. Here we remained till 26 April, 1863, when we were ordered to re- turn to North Carolina. After halting a few days at Wil- mington and Magnolia we proceeded via Goldsboro to Kin- ston, and formed a part of the troops that drove the Fed- erals back into New Bern after their attack on Ransom's Brigade at Gum Swamp in May, 1863. We pursued them within eight miles of New Bern; then, after demolishing some of their block houses with our artillery, returned to camp. About the first of June, 1863, we returned to Vir- ginia and expected to go on the Gettysburg campaign as a part of Heth's Division, but when we reached Richmond our brigade was, at the request of General Elzey, then command- ing there, stopped at that place, and Davis' Mississippi Brig- ade assigned to Heth's Division in our stead.

We spent the summer of 1863 at Richmond and Freder- icksburg and points between those places, being moved from

440 North Cakolina Troops, 1861-'65.

place to place to meet and repel threatened attacks of the en- emy.

During this summer we assisted in repelling an attack made by the Federal General Getty with quite a considerable force at the bridge over the South Anna river on the Eich- mond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad.

We were also engaged in a severe skirmish near the "White House," when we, with Ransom's ISTorth Carolina Brigade, met "Beast Butler" and his command and checked one of their many attempts to move "on to Richmond."

About the first of October, 1863, we moved to Gordonsville, Va., and on the morning of 8 October, took up the line of march having been reassigned to Heth's Division ^with the Army of Northern Virginia in the attempt to cut Meade's army off. Passing near Salem, Va., and other towns in that section, we reached Warren ton, Va., on the evening of 13 Oc- tober, 1863. Leaving this place next morning we reached a little place called Greenage about 10 o'clock a. m. Here we found the eampfires of the enemy Still burning and evident signs of their departure in haste. Throwing out our skir- mishers some 200 yards ahead we proceeded at a rapid pace, almost double quick, in pursuit of the foe. Guns, knap- sacks, blankets, etc., strewn along the road showed that the enemy was moving in rapid retreat, and prisoners sent in every few minutes confirmed our opinion that they were flee- ing in haste. It was almost like boys chasing a hare. Though the march was very rapid not a straggler left the ranks of our regiment, every man seeming in earnest and confident in the belief that we would soon overtake and capture a portion of the Federal army before us with their wagon train. After moving at this rapid rate for about three hours or more we were filed to the right and placed in line of battle on the right of the road, Kirkland's North Carolina Brigade taking posi- tion on the left of the road.

Soon the comiuand 'Forward" was given. Advancing some 400 or 500 yards through a dense forest we halted near a little branch in a hollow place in some cleared ground. The Forty-sixth North Carolina, Colonel Hall, was on the ex- treme right of our brigade, the Fifteenth North Carolina, Col-

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 441

onel William McRae next, the Twenty-seventh North Caroli- na, Colonel Gilmer, next and the Forty-eighth North Caroli- na, Colonel Walkup, on the left, with their left resting on the road.

We could then see about two brigades of the enemy upon a hill a little to our left and about 600 or 800 yards in front, while their wagon train was rapidly moving. off. About this time a heavy fire was opened by the enemy, in a pine thicket upon our right flank. Just then a courier came from Gen- eral Heth to General Cooke, with orders from General A. P. Hill, our corps commander, to advance. At the same time a courier from Colonel Hall, commanding the right regiment of our brigade, reported that the enemy had driven in his skir- mishers on his right flank.

General Cooke immediately sent to General Heth and told him there was a heavy force of the enemy on his right flank and he must have it protected before he could advance, and at the same time directed the courier from Colonel Hall to tell him to throw out two companies on the right and feel the force of the enemy. Very soon a courier returned from General Heth with orders for General Cooke to advance, and about the same time a courier from Colonel Hall reported that he had thrown out the two companies as ordered, who were immediately driven in, and that the enemy were in very heavy force on his right flank. About this time Captain John- son, of the Engineers, of General Lee's staff, rode up, and upon seeing the situation, remarked to General Cooke that he would go to General Hill for him. Very soon after he left, and be- fore he had time to reach General Hill, a courier came direct from General Hill to General Cooke with the order: "Gen- eral Cooke, General Hill says advance at once." General Cooke replied, "Well, I will advance, and if they flank me, I will face my men about and cut my way out," and immedi- ately gave the command "Forward !"

Just then, our artillery, posted upon a high hill on our ex- treme left, opened upon the enemy in view and they fled in confusion. At the same time the Federals, driven up the railroad by Early's Corps, had arrived in our front, and they immediately formed line behind the railroad embankment.

442 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

We advanced at quick-step up a little hill, and, passing through a skirt of pines on its summit, came in full view of the enemy. They seemed to have formed a trap for us, their ar- tillery being posted on the opposite hill some twelve hundred yards distant, with some few troops appearing as a support for them, and their skirmishers being on the opposite side of the railroad and beyond the line of battle, which lay concealed behind the embankment of the railroad. When we had ad- vanced some fifty yards, the Twenty-seventh JSTorth Carolina, which had always been drilled in the quick-step, was some twenty yards in advance and was ordered to halt till the other regiments came up. Just then we perceived that the line of battle of the enemy was behind the railroad. As they fired up the hill nearly every one of their shots told. Just at that moment General Cooke, commanding brigade, and Colonel Gilmer, Twenty-seventh ISTorth Carolina, were both shot down, severely wounded. The command of the brigade then developed upon Colonel Hall, Forty-sixth JSTorth Car- olina, and Lieutenant-Colonel Whitfield took command of our regiment. We were suffering terribly, and Lieutenant-Colonel Whitfield seeing this, hurried down the line to meet Colonel Hall, who was coming up from the right, and told him that he would lose all his men if they remained where they were, and he must either move them back or make a charge. Colo- nel Hall replied, "I expect we had better charge." Lieuten- ant-Colonel Whitfield understood this as an Order, and gave the command for the Twenty-seventh to charge, and we were soon double-quicking down the hill, our men falling at al- most every step. The point from which we started the charge was distinctly marked ; at least four, and in some cases ten, men from each company lying dead or wounded in that line. The other regiments of the brigade, seeing us charging, ad- vanced at quick-step to our support. When we came within about forty yards of the railroad, the enemy arose and gave us a volley which cut down more than half the remainder of our regiment. Color-bearer Sumner, Sergeant of Company F, fell at this fire, but before the colors touched the ground they were caught by Corporal Barrett, Company E, one of the color-guard. Before he had gone ten steps he was shot down.

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As he fell, Corporal Story, Company B, and Eichards, Com- pany G, both also of the color-guard, caught the flag. Cor- poral Story carried it during the balance of the fight and, for his gallantry upon this occasion was afterwards appointed Ensign of the regiment, under act of Congress authorizing color-bearers of regiments to be appointed Ensigns with the rank of Lieutenant. After going within twenty steps of the enemy's line, Major Webb, who had been thrown in command of the regiment after the wounding of Lieutenant-Colonel Whitfield, seeing that we were the only regiment charging in our brigade, ordered us to fall back. A murderous trip in- deed it was up that hill, and but for the action of the Fif- teenth North Carolina, who, by orders of their Colonel the gallant William MoRae, afterwards Brigadier-General fell back by companies, pouring a continuous fire upon the enemy, so as to keep them down to some extent, but few of ua would have escaped. As it was, our loss was severe. Out of 416 officers and men carried into the action, 290 were killed or wounded, leaving only 126. Of 36 officers in the fight, but three remained unhurt. It may be well enough to state here, though not exactly connected with the history of this regi- ment, that Cooke's Brigade lost in that battle 700 men, and Kirkland's Brigade 560, making 1,260 as the loss upon our side, while it was reported that the enemy's loss was only 35. The battle only lasted about forty minutes of actual fight- ing, and I doubt if such carnage was ever known in the same length of time.

We fell back beyond the brow of the hill and immediately reformed. A battery of artillery, from Alabama, was or- dered into position at the brow of the hill in our rear after we began the charge ; but neither our Brigadier nor any other officer in command knew anything of it, and as we closed in to the right in falling back we saw nothing of it, and were very much surprised the next day to learn that one of our batteries had been captured. Although our whole corps was right at hand, not a single regiment or brigade was sent to our assistance, but these two North Carolina brigades were left to contend alone, with the whole Second Corps and one divis- ion of the Fifth Corps of the Federal Army. As I passed

444 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

back, wounded, from the battlefield I met our troops along the road resting, while we were fighting such fearful odds. One incident of this fight I will mention, which shows the cool- ness of some men under all circumstances. We had just drawn new clothing ^gray jackets and blue pants and our men, anxious to keep their clothing bright and new, had most of them put on their old clothes during the march and had them on at this fight. As we were falling back up the hill, Private Laughinghouse, of Company E, from Pitt county, finding his knapsack too heavy, determined to throw it away, but as he did not wish to lose his new clothes ^having his old ones on he stopped, changed clothes imder this heavy fire, and then picking up his blanket and gun, made his way up the hill unhurt. Another incident worth mentioning is this : Sergeant Fleming, Company H, came to Major Webb the morning after the fight and told him that his gun had kicked so much the evening before that his shoulder was almost use- less. Major Webb, looking at him, remarked, "Why, ain't you shot ? There's a hole in your coat." Upon examination it proved that he was indeed shot through the shoulder and in the excitement of the fight had not noticed it at .all.

The enemy retreated during that night and the next day we buried our dead upon the field. The day following, after sending off all oiir wounded in ambulances and wagons, we started back towards Pichmond and assisted in tearing up the railroad as far down as Rappahannock Station. Crossing the Rappahannock river, we went into camp and remained until 4 November, the enemy, having relaid the railroad track, advanced and we fell back to Culpepper Court House.

A few days afterwards we retired across the Rapidan and picketed along that river above Rapidan Station until 28 No- vember, when Meade with his army, having crossed below the junction of the Rapidan and Rappahannock, we were, with the remainder of our army, moved to meet him at Mine run. We had quite a skirmish that evening, losing several men. The next day we were held in reserve and afterwards were moved from point to point along the line wherever troops seemed to be needed, until the morning of 3 December, when the skirmishers of our brigade were ordered to feel the

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enemy's position. As we advanced we found that the enemy had fled during the night, leaving their bivouac fires burning and their camping places filled with plunder which they had taken from houses of citizens living in the vicinity. A few prisoners whom we captured, told us that the retreat began about 2 o'clock a. m., and that then the army was far out of our reach and perhaps across the river.

Returning to camp we' continued our picket duty along the Rapidan until 4 February, 1864, when being relieved by Kirkland's Brigade, we moved back to our winter quarters a few miles below Orange Court House. We had hardly got settled in them when it was reported that the enemy were ad- vancing, and we were on Y February ordered to return to the river to. resist their crossing. After spending two days and nights of bitter cold weather on the banks of the Rapidan, we returned to camp and remained unmolested, enjoying the first winter quarters we had seen in two years, until 1 March, when our rest was again broken into. The enemy having started some of their cavalry on a raid through Madison, Green and the adjoining counties, threw a large force of in- fantry across the river to Madison Court House as a support for them.

Our corps was ordered to drive them off. Leaving camp about an hour or two before day on the morning of 1 March, we reached Madison Court House in the afternoon after a toilsome march over muddy roads, and found that the enemy had fled some two or three hours before.

Next morning we returned to camp, and as some of our men were barefooted, their feet cut by the sharp edges of the frozen ground, left their bloody tracks along the route. I had read of our soldiers in the Revolutionary war leaving their tracks marked with blood, but had always regarded it as rather too highly painted a picture until I saw the same thing in this instance, and then I could realize it. After reaching camp we remained in perfect quiet until 4 May, 1864, when we started for the Wilderness, where the memorable cam- paign of 1864, commenced. As we left our bivouac on the morning of 5 May, near where the battle of Mine Run had been fought the winter before, Kirkland's Brigade was

446 NoKTH Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

thrown in front and we acted as his support. About 11 o'clock our brigade relieved Kirkland, he becoming our sup- port. We were then driving the enemy down the plank road leading from Orange Court House to Fredericksburg only cavalry as yet appearing in our front and continued to drive them back till about 3 o'clock p. m. when, on reaching Brock road, where it crosses the plank road, we found the main body of the enemy. Immediately our whole brigade was thrown into line, the Fifteenth and Forty-sixth ilSTorth Carolina being on the right of the road, and the Twenty-sev- enth and Forty-eighth North Carolina on the left. Very soon the battle opened in earnest, and we had to contend against large odds till near sundown, when we were relieved by Kirkland's Brigade. The troops engaged on our side up to near sunset numbered, by actual calculation, 3,000, while the enemy were said to have brought forward 40,000. Our loss was severe; I am unable to give the loss of the Twenty- seventh, but out of 1,753 in the brigade for duty, as appeared by the report of the Inspector General made the day before, about 1,080 were killed or wounded. After being relieved by Kirkland, we were moved to the rear, and after dark that night were moved about one and a half or two miles back to a hill, where the line of battle of our army was es- tablished.

The next morning (6 May, 1864), soon after sunrise, the enemy advanced, and were soon in full charge upon our lines. The troops both to the right and left of us, having no protec- tion, broke and fled. Our brigade, thanks to the breastworks which they had thrown up contrary to orders the night be- fore, held their ground, as did Williams' Battery from ISTorth Carolina, commanded by Capt. Arthur B. Williams, a gallant young officer from Fayetteville, for whom we were the sup- port. Just as we were flanked on each side and almost ready to retreat, from force of circumstances, Anderson's Corps came up and the gallant charge of the Texas Brigade was made. As they neared the position held by our brigade. Gen- eral Lee, our revered commander, rode to the front and called out that he would lead the charge. This, of course, was op- posed by every true soldier, and when he insisted upon going

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to the front his horse was seized by the soldiers and officers, who told him he must go back or they would not go forward. This fact was given me by the Major of our regiment a gal- lant officer who was wounded within fifteen steps of Gen- eral Lee just as his horse was seized to prevent his going for- ward.

As I was severely wounded at the battle of the Wilderness 5 May, and did not return to duty until 12 September, I am unable to give any detailed account of the movements of the regiment during the summer campaign of 1864.

I have tried to supply this blank, but have been unable to get any account of our movements from officers and men to whom I have written and I can find no publications from which I can get the desired information.

Even the "Records of the Rebellion" gives a very meagre account of this memorable campaign.

During this campaign this regiment took part in many battles, skirmishes, etc., and I very much regret that a history of them cannot be given.

We were engaged in the battles of Wilderness, Spottsylva- nia Court House, Gary's Farm, Pole Green Ch^irch, Cold Harbor second, Weldon Railroad, Reams Station, and others.

About the middle of July, 1864, we found ourselves in the trenches before Petersburg.

August 24 we were moved from the trenches and took up the line of march from Reams Station on the railroad be- low Petersburg having been told before we started, that as we had been in front in nearly all the fights during the summer, we should simply be "lookers-on in Venice" on this occasion. Soon after reaching Reams Station a charge was made upon the enemy's works by certain of our troops. They failing to capture them, General A. P. Hill ordered for- ward Cooke's, McRae's and Lane's North Carolina Brigades. A part of our brigade (Cooke's) having to pass through the open field and the other through undergrowth and fallen trees. General Cooke ordered his two left regiments, the Twenty-seventh and Forty-eighth JSTorth Carolina, forward first, and when they had gotten sufficiently advanced directed the other two, the Forty-sixth and Fifteenth, to advance.

448 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Upon striking the enemy's works we found they would not give way, and a hand-to-hand fight across the breastworks en- sued for a minute or two. Three times Captain Shade Wooten, Company C, finding one of the enemy poking his gun up to shoot him, grabbed a handful of dirt -from the em- bankment and dashed it in the eyes of his opponent and thus saved his life. This state of affairs was ended when the Forty-sixth and Fifteenth North Carolina, which charged through an open field at double-quick, reached the works when the brigade went over in line. I have it from the mouth of General Cooke, our Brigadier, that the first colors seen at the works were those of the Twenty-seventh North Carolina, car- ried by Sergeant Eoscoe Richards, Company G. The enemy immediately fled in confusion, and turning their own artil- lery, which we had captured, we endeavored to use it upon them, but owing to the want of friction primers, etc., it was useless to us. The troops engaged on our side numbered 1,750, and after taking the enemy's works we found ourselves in possession of over 2,100 prisoners, besides thirteen pieces of artillery, which we forwarded that night to the headquar- ters of our Corps Commander, General A. P. Hill.

In General Lee's dispatch to the War Department he states that the charge was made by Coohe's, McRae's and Lane's North Carolina Brigades. Our loss was severe in proportion to our numbers. The Twenty-seventh North Carolina only numbered seventy, or about that, certainly not over, ^.fter this engagement. One company I know had only one cor- poral and two men at the end of that fight. This was, un- doubtedly, the most brilliant dash for indeed it was a dash of the war ; and be it remembered that North Caroli- nians, alone, were engaged in it. After this fight we re- turned to our position in the trenches, where we remained until the latter part of September, 1864, when we were moved further to the right. 20 September, 1864, leaving the trenches we were moved to the right, and on the next day took part in a skirmish about half a fight just below Bat- tery 45.

After this our brigade (Cooke's) occupied the extreme right of our lines, being moved still farther to the right as

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the lines were extended to meet the movements of the enemy, and other troops put in to fill the vacancy until we reached Hatcher's Eun near Burgess' Mill about 1 December, 1864. On 15 October, 1864, "I saw a letter from General R. H. Chil- ton, Inspector General on General Lee's staff, to General Cooke, in which although the letter was written principally on other matters he stated that General Lee looked upon Cooke's ISTorth Carolina Brigade as the brigade and Cooke as the Brigadier of his army.

27 October, 1864, the enemy attempting to turn our. right flank again, we moved still to the right, having to march two miles behind our breastworks half bent, in order to keep out of view of the enemy's sharpshooters who were within seventy-five yards of our works, and made it almost certain death for any man to show his head above the works.

That night we were relieved and moved up the creek (Hatcher's Run) to Burgess' Mill, and were told that next morning at daylight we would have to charge the enemy across the creek. The only means of crossing was a narrow country bridge, about twelve feet wide, and it was not at all a pleasant prospect to think of having to cross that place in front of the enemy's artillery, posted on a hill about 100 yards off, and their sharpshooters and skirmishers within twenty steps of the bridge. Just at daylight on the morn- ing of 28 October, our sharpshooters were ordered forward, and it was most welcome intelligence to us to hear their shout as they marched up the hill and entered the enemy's works which had been abandoned during the night. Again Grant had failed in his flank movement and had returned to his camp.

This was considered the end of the campaign of 1864.

Our brigade entered the campaign with 1,Y53 muskets for duty, as was shown by the report of our Inspector General, made 4 May, 1864, and lost up to this time 1,Y86 killed, wounded and missing. Of course, in order to make up this number some men must have been wounded more than once, each time of wounding counting as a separate loss, and others who were absent, sick or on furlough at the beginning of the 29

450 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

campaign, had returned. During that time we had only lost thirty-five prisoners, everyone of whom were captured from our skirmish line; not a single prisoner having been taken from our line of battle; nor had we in 'that whole campaign yielded an inch of ground to the enemy, always coming out victorious or, at least, holding our own.

Returning soon after to our position on the left of Hatch- er's Eun, a mile and a half helow Burgess' Mill, we put up winter quarters and remained quiet, performing picket duty and drilling, till 8 December, 1864, when the Second Corps of the Federal army having started on a raid to Belfield, on the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad, our corps was ordered to oppose them. Leaving camp on the evening of 8 Decem- ber we marched until about 2 o'clock a. m., when we bivou- acked. The weather was bitter cold and that night it snowed and sleeted, making the marching very rough. When we came within a few miles of Belfield we found that the enemy had retreated and we were ordered back to Jarrett's Station to try and intercept them. Just as we reached this point we found the enemy's cavalry passing. Immediately throwing forward our artillery, under the gallant Pegram, and putting Cooke's Brigade in line for support, we prepared for action. As we were in the woods the enemy did not see us and charged upon the artillery just as it got into position; but our skir- mishers, posted about a himdred yards in front of the artil- lery, soon showed them that they were supported. The en- emy were driven back without a gun being fired from the line . of battle, and as they retreated we pursued. Crossing the railroad we pushed on for some three miles, hoping to inter- cept their infantry who were going up the Jerusalem Plank Road. When we reached this road we learned that they had passed about three hours before. As it was about dark we bivouacked for the night and next morning started on our re- turn to camp, which we reached on the afternoon of 13 De- cember. Our rest was not again broken into until Sunday, 5 February, 1865, when Grant, making another of his for- ward movements, was within 600 or 800 yards of our works before his movements were seen. Immediately the "long

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roll" was beaten and we were in line in a few minutes behind our works.

About the middle of the day Gordon's Corps having been brought to our side of the creek, Davis' Mississippi Brigade, which held a position about a mile to our left, was marched down to our position and relieved us. We then started up the line, Cooke's Brigade being in the lead, and after going a mile and a half or two miles, crossed our works and moved to the front.

Several times, as we passed up the lines, the question was asked, "What brigade is that?" and when we answered "Cooke's North Carolina," the reply always came back, "Oh, yes ! you are the fellows that have got up such a reputation for fighting. You'll get enough of it yet before you are done. They'll keep you in front until the enemy cuts you to pieces."

Passing a mile or more to the front, we turned to the right and formed line of battle. Our skirmishers being immedi- ately thrown out were soon moved to the right to protect the flank, which left the skirmishers of some other brigade in our front. Soon the order to advance was given, and after going a short distance we struck the enemy's skirmish line. The skirmishers in our front gave back through our line, and we had to drive the enemy's skirmishers with our line of battle for more than half a miie. When we struck the enemy's line, posted behind a little earthwork upon a hill in a field beyond the wood through which we had advanced, the order was given to charge. As we started up the hill and were within sixty yards of their works, the command, "Dress to the left," which had been given all the time, was repeated, and finding that the brigade on our left did not come to time we fell back to the edge of the woods and took position behind a fence. Again the order to advance was given, and again starting up the hill and getting near enough to the enemy to see their knapsacks over the small embankment, behind which they were lying flat, flnding that our left was unsupported we were ordered back. After a short while, the enemy making a strong demonstration on our right flank, we were ordered to fall back. When we reached our reserve line, about half a jnile to our rear, we halted, and soon after fresh troops were

452 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ordered forward, Cooke's Georgia Brigade taking the place of ours. As they advanced, the three left companies of the Twenty-seventh Worth Carolina (Companies H, G and B) thinking the command was given by our Brigadier, went for- ward with them and fought through the remainder of the af- ternoon, losing several men. After dark we returned to our breastworks, and upon reaching them found that we had been fighting not more than six hundred yards from and directly in front of our camp. Why we were moved two miles up our line and then to the front to take the lead in the charge immediately in front of our position, which was then held by other troops, I never could understand. The next morn- ing (6 February, 1865), we again moved to the front and passing quietly, about daylight, along a path on the bank of the creek, formed a line some five hundred yards in front of our works. We lay here in line of battle all day to prevent the enemy from crossing the creek and turning the flank of Gordon's Corps, who were driving them from their side of the creek. Although the enemy were very near we had no engagement except a little skirmishing and picket firing. Returning to camp that night we enjoyed about six weeks of quiet and rest.

On the night of 24 March, 1865, orders were given for ua to march. Leaving our sick and disabled to hold our picket line we took the road for Petersburg— eight miles distant ■• not knowing whither we were bound beyond that point. Reaching Petersburg about midnight we bivouacked near the Water-works. Next morning about daylight the artillery opened fire and soon it was reported that our troops had carried the enemy's line and had possession of their works. We were hurried into the trenches to take the place of the troops who had advanced.

Soon after reaching the works we saw large bodies of the enemy moving up their line from their left our right both on foot and on the railroad, and soon our troops who had charged were driven back, and we learned that the attempt to carry "Hare's Hill" had failed. Our position being just to the right of the troops engaged we had, for the first time during the war, an opportunity of seeing a fight in which we

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did not take part. The view, at a distance, looks worse ttan the reality seems while you are actually in it. - About 2 o'clock p. m. we were ordered back to camp. Before reach- ing it, however, we perceived by the firing that there was a fight going on at that point, and on arriving at our camp found the enemy in possession of our picket line. They had charged it in the morning and captured it from our sick and disabled. McOomb's Alabama Brigade was then thrown into our lines and, charging, retook the picket line and placed a heavy force there. In the afternoon the enemy, charging with a heavier force, retook it from them just before we ar- rived. General Cooke calling out our sharpshooters -100 men ordered them to move quietly down the bank of the creek, until they reached the picket line and then to flank it and charge down it. As they raised the yell for the charge, the reserve, or Second Corps of sharpshooters, started from a gap in our works and soon the whole of the picket line of our brigade was again in our possession. Next morning, (26 March)' our sharpshooters were relieved by a regular picket line. The enemy had in the meantime established their picket line, during the night, within fifty yards in front of the left of our line, while on our left they were on a line with us, the troops on our left having failed to recapture their picket line. The next night our line was thrown back a little on the left so as to prevent any flank or enfilade fire, and thus we remained until Thursday, 30 March, 1865, when several attacks were made upon our picket line, then commanded by Captain John A. Sloan, of Company B, Twenty-seventh North Carolina, but we still held our own. Next day, how- ever, after frequent attacks by a large force, our pickets were compelled to yield and fall back to the main line.

The next morning, Saturday, 1 April, about two hours be- fore day, Companies G and H, Twenty-seventh North Caro- lina, with a detachment from each of the other regiments of our brigade, and the Twenty-sixth Mississippi Battalion, were ordered forward to drive the enemy out of our picket line and to take possession of it and hold it. A double line of skirmishetrs, from another brigade, was in our front when we advanced. When near where our picket line had been we

454 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

found nothmg in our front but the enemy. It was pitch dark and seeing the men quietly around the fires, we supposed oui* skirmishers had captured them, when, all at once, when we were within twenty yards some one near one of the fires called our in regular Irish brogue, "Where do you belong ?" "To the Forty-eighth !" was the reply. "Forty-eighth what?" "Forty-eighth North Carolina !" was the answer. Immedi- ately the poor fellow was shot down. The rest of us at that place dropped behind some earthworks or pits which we found there, thinking it was our own men, who had captured the pits and were firing upon us by mistake. The other troops with us had turned to the right at a little branch, about 200 yards back, and only four companies were here present. Soon the fire from six or eight pits to the right and left of us was poured in upon us ; and we saw that it was enemies instead of friends who were firing upon us ; but in the dark they did but little damage. What became of the skirmishers in our front who were to take the line which we were to occupy we never knew. We found Yankees alone at any point where we struck the line. Finding we had no support, and know- ing that four companies could not capture a picket line more than half a mile long, we withdrew quietly as soon as the firing slackened. Soon after we returned to our line Captain McKinney of the Forty-sixth North Carolina, commanding our sharpshooters, who were only ordered to protect the right fiank, reported, by courier, to Greneral Cooke that he had cap- tured four pits and wanted reinforcements. Immediately our detachments were ordered forward again, but before we had proceeded far, another courier announced that Captain McKinney had been compelled to give up the captured pits and we were not needed. All that day (1 April), we had a continuous picket and sharpshooter contest with the enemy, losing several men who seemed to think they could not be hit and exposed themselves unnecessarily. Just before day we were relieved by Davis' Mississippi Brigade, and crossing the creek took position in Fort Euliss. Here the enemy were on three sides of us our only protected side being that from which we had just moved and as soon as day opened they began to fire upon us with both infantry and artillery. Our

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breastworks were prepared in such a way as, to some extent, to meet these flank fires; but they did not always suit, as some of our men were killed during that morning by shots which, striking a limb above them, glanced directly down- ward inflicting death wounds.

We could distinctly hear the shouts of the troops fighting between us and Petersburg, and our feelings would rise or fall in proportion as we would hear the Confederate "yell" or the Yankee "huzza" in the ascendency. After a while the "huzza" seemed to prevail, and soon a courier. Private W. A. Hayes, Company G, Twenty-seventh North Carolina, came rushing into our fort. Very shortly afterwards we were or- dered out of our works and in a few minutes were on the re- treat from Petersburg.

After moving some four or five miles we threw out first one regiment and then another as skirmishers to retard the en- emy, who were pressing us hard, and on arriving at Suther- land's Tavern, a station on the Southside road, about ten miles from Petersburg, we formed line of battle and threw up breastworks of the rails and other stuff we could find near at hand, adding such dirt as we could dig up with our bayo- nets, tin cups, plates, etc. Soon the enemy charged us, but were repulsed with heavy loss, and, as they started back, our sharpshooters, rushing forward, captured many prisoners. These prisoners told us that the next charge would be made by the negro corps, supported by the Second, and that they would show no quarter. We told them that, having whipped the whites, we could whip the negroes.

The fighting was heavy till about 4 o'clock p. m., when the enemy, largely outnumbering us, turned our left fiank and we were compelled to retreat. Falling back about four or, five miles the Thirteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh and Forty-ninth North Carolina Regiments were thrown out to keep the enemy in check, while the balance of our troops Cooke's, Scales' and McRae's ISTorth Carolina Brigades, and McGowan's South Carolina Brigade, the troops on the right of the break in our lines, forming the corps endeavored to cross the river so as to join the main army, from which we had been cut off by the break. Finding that we could not

456 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

cross, these regiments were recalled and we pursued our way up the river until 2 o'clock that night, when we halted for rest.

ISText morning, 3 April, we started at sunrise and, march- ing to Deep Creek, which point we reached about 9 a. m., we stopped to let our wagon train get far enough ahead for its safety, and also attempted to throw a temporary bridge, upon which we might pass over the creek, which certainly deserved its name "Deep" at this point, for though not very wide, yet twenty-nine feet would not reach its bottom. About 2 o'clock the cavalry, who had been our rear guard, came rushing in and reported that the enemy were advancing rapidly and were near at hand. McGowan's Brigade was ordered to cross this temporary bridge, then but half prepared, and the balance of our troops took the route which the wagons had gone, and crossed at a ford some three miles above. Before we crossed the creek the enemy were in full view, but did not approach near enough to attack us. Passing on, we desired to cross the Appomattox river at Goode's Bridge, but finding that the waters were very high, and some 200 or 260 yards beyond either end of the bridge, we turned up the river, and, as night came on, camped near Ordinary, at the cross- roads near Goode's Bridge. As soon as we went into camp orders were given us to be prepared to march at a moment's notice, and couriers were sent out to find a place where we could cross the river so as to join General Lee's army.

About 1 o'clock that night we got orders to march, and, after passing through by-roads and open fields, about 3 o'clock a. m., 4 April, 1865, came upon Anderson's Georgia Brigade, the leading brigade of General Lee's army, which had crossed the Appomattox upon a pontoon bridge, where the whole army was then crossing. Passing down the line we halted about daylight in a grove in front of the residence of Dr. Southall. Soon after sunrise our beloved General-in-Chief, P. E. Lee, was seen approaching. Upon the suggestion of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph C. Webb, commanding our regi- ment, we rose as he neared us, and every man raised his hat and gave him three cheers. To rejoin our main army, after having been cut off for three days, was indeed like getting

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home from a distant voyage, and I don't think I ever saw men more rejoiced at anything than we were at being again with our comrades. Directly after we had cooked a little rations and eaten our breakfast, it was proposed, as we had been so badly cut up during the fights before the breaking of our lines, and on the retreat, and numbered only about seventy men for duty, that we should reorganize and form a battalion of two companies. This was discussed and determined upon in a full meeting of the officers and non-commissioned officers of the regiment. The officers were to give up, temporarily, their rank, and become non-commissioned officers, if neces- sary, and the non-commissioned officers to go into the ranks. In accordance with this understanding the regiment was con- solidated into two companies, known as the First and Second companies. Lieutenant-Colonel Jos. 0. Webb commanded the battalion. Major Calvin Herring took command of the First Company, and Captain John A. Sloan, Company B, the senior Captain, took command of the Second company.

I give a list of the officers and non-commissioned officers of the two companies, and regret that I am unable to give a list of the privates also :


Captain ; Calvin Herring, Major.

Lieutenant ; Shade Wooten, Captain Company C.

First Sergeant; H. F. Price, Captain Company H.

Second Sergeant; G. W. Jones, First Lieutenant Com- pany D.

Third Sergeant; N". L. Whitley, Second Lieutenant Com- pany A.

Fourth Sergeant; Jno. G. Parker, Second Lieutenant Company A.


Captain ; John A. Sloan, Captain Company C. Lieutenant ; Robert W. Joyner, Captain Company E. First Sergeant; Jas. A. Graham, Captain Company G. Second Sergeant; McG. Ernul, First Lieutenant Com- pany E.

458 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Third Sergeant; E, B. Gibson, Second Lieutenant Com- pany B.

Fourth Sergeant; S. A. Whitley, Second Lieutenant Com- pany H.

This organization was maintained until the surrender. A requisition was immediately made upon the Ordnance Ser- geant for guns to supply the officers who had just gone tem- porarily into ranks. This is the only instance that I heard of during the war of a reorganization of this sort. It shows a determination to stick by anything they undertake that is characteristic of North Carolinians.

That night we encamped at Amelia Court House, Va., and the next morning, just as we were leaving camp, the enemy attacked and began burning our wagon train, some two miles distant. Our brigade was ordered, with other troops, to drive them off, and going up the road at a quick pace we soon passed burning ammunition wagons with shells bursting, and cartridges popping continually. Then we came to the provision train where roasted hams and nicely browned crackers could be seen among the ruins, but we had no time to stop to taste these tempting morsels.

Before we had caught up with the enemy they had given up this work of destruction and fled, our only spoils being about a dozen prisoners who were too drunk to stick to their horses and had fallen off. One of them showed to what good purpose a rock can sometimes be put, as he was knocked off his horse by a rock thrown by one of the teamsters, and from his appearance that day I expect he yet bears the scar, and can testify that that teamster made a "centre-shot."

We were then moved back to our position in the main army and continued with it, fighting by day and flanking and retreating by night.

On Thursday, 6 April, 1865, the enemy again attacked our wagon train, some two or three miles in the rear of the main line of our army, which was then actively engaged, and our brigade having been acting as reserve that day, the Forty-eight and Twenty-seventh North Carolina were or- dered to drive the enemy off. The two regiments numbered

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 459

just ninety-four muskets. When we reached the position to which we had been ordered we found the wagon train on fire, and that we were opposed by a brigade of cavalry with a battery of artillery. Forming line we attempted to advance, but were met by a deadly fire and soon found ourselves flanked on both sides by a portion of this cavalry who were dismounted and fought as infantry. Retreating to prevent this, we were charged by the mounted men before we had gone two hundred yards. Knowing that it was foolish to run from men on horseback we immediately fell to the ground and taking advantage of any little shelter that we could get, gave them a fire. They soon retired and the dismounted men advanced flanking us; the same thing was repeated two or three times until we reached a skirt of woods some five hun- dred yards from where we first met them. Just at this time a full regiment of cavalry came to our support, and General Pendleton, who had come up, dismounted about half of them and ordered us forward again. The enemy having burned a good portion of our train, readily gave way before us. Just as we reached the wagon train, orders were sent us to rejoin our brigade at once and to take care that the enemy did not cut us off. Throwing out some ten or twelve of our men as skirmishers upon our flanks, we started on our return, leaving the cavalry in our rear. Before we had gone a mile our own cavalry, closely followed by the Yankees came charging through us, and before we could form the line the Yankees were upon us. Taking to the woods, which were quite dense at that point and full of ravines, so that the cavalry must keep the road, we opened fire upon them and had quite a lit- tle guerrilla fight for a few minutes. Wlien they retired we rejoined our brigade, and that nigbt when rations were issued we got a quart of corn per man, instead of meal, as the wagons burned were the provision train of our division. We soon learned to fry corn with a little fat meat so as to make it pal- atable. This fight was near Rice's Station, Va.

The next day we passed through Tarmville, Va., and our brigade, having been for more than a day the rear guard of the infantry of the whole army, was here relieved by Scales' North Carolina Brigade. It was not much of a relief, how-

460 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ever, as the enemy, having crossed the river both above and below the town, pressed us closely and their shots fired at Scales' line passed through our ranks. At one time during the evening it seemed as though we were almost completely surrounded. Our brigade, and I suppose it was the same with the other troops, was ordered from place to place in quick succession to meet threatened attacks. I saw one sight that afternoon which showed what a trusted and beloved com- mander could do with troops. Our wagon train was in a long lane in full view of the hill on which we were then posted. With it was a large number of sick, wounded and stragglers from all the brigades in the army, not one in ten of them being armed. The Federal cavalry charged it, when General Lee giving the command for them to forward, a full line of battle as it were started forward from the wagons, teamsters, sick, wounded and all, joining in it, and the en- emy iled. Those who happened to be armed remained out as skirmishers until they were relieved by other troops. After the enemy were driven off we moved on and our regiment had no more fighting before the siirrender. Saturday night (6 April, 1865) we camped within about three miles of Appo- mattox Court House, Virginia.

Leaving camp an hour or two before day next morning we were moved farther to the front, and about daylight, a little meal having been issued to us for the first time in four days, we halted to cook rations. Before our bread was half done we were ordered forward again. Passing rapidly up the road, which was filled with wagons and ambulances, we soon came upon a Federal battery, fully equipped and driven by their own men, in the midst of our wagon train. We did not understand this at first, but soon learned that it had been captured that morning by our troops at the front and sent in. As we approached Appomattox Court House we could plainly see the Federal line of battle on the hill at the Court House and beyond. Turning to the right we were placed in line of battle on a hill opposite them and some eight hundred yards distant, and expected to have to advance in a few minutes.

About 9 o'clock a. m., it was whispered among our men that a surrender was to be made. All talk of this kind was

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 461

soon hiished up by the officers. We still could not under- stand why we did not charge until about 12 o'clock, when we found out that we had indeed surrendered.

During the afternoon we learned the terms of surrender that we would be paroled and allowed to go home.

Next morning General Lee's farewell address to his troops was read to our regiment.

We remained in this position till Wednesday, 12 April, 1865, when we marched over near the Court House and stacked our arms in front of the enemy. Having received our paroles we started that evening for home, the men of the different companies forming into squads took the nearest route to their OAvn sections, and the Twenty-seventh Regi- ment of North Carolina Troops passed out of existence.

We had served during the four years of our existence under Brigadier-Generals Robert Ransom, R. C. Gatlin, L. O'B. Branch, J. G. Walker, W. S. Walker and John R. Cooke; Major-Generals D. H. Hill, T. H. Holmes, Elzy, and H. Heth, and were at different times attached to the corps of "Stonewall" Jackson, Longstreet, Anderson and A. P. Hill, most of our services being in the corps of A. P. Hill.

Appended is a list of officers and men of the regiment who were present and surrendered with General Lee at Appomat- tox Court House on 9 April, 1865 :

Lieutenant-Colonel, Joseph C. Webb ; Major, Calvin Her- ring; Adjutant, Thaddeus E. Pittman; Surgeon, E. Lloyd Howard; Sergeant-Ma j or, William E. Ward; Ordnance-Ser- geant, Andrew D. Lindsay.

Company A First Lieutenant, John G. Parker ; Second Lieutenant, M. Lafayette Whitley; First Sergeant, Richard B. Parker ; Corporal, Simon B. Kilpatrick ; Privates, Larry Aycock, Joseph Peacock, George W. Steagall, Richard Ward, John T. Roberts (courier).

Company B Captain, John A. Sloan ; First Sergeant, Thomas J. Rhodes ; Sergeant, Joel J. Thom ; Privates, Peter M. Brown, Lewis N. Isley, James H. Hardin, Walter Green (courier), E. Tonkie Sharp, W. A. McBride, George Lemons, Silas C. Dobson; Musician, Samuel M. Lipscomb.

462 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Company C Musician, John H. Suggs ; Privates, L. H. Fields, Jesse Grant, Henry Grant, Thomas Perdue and Rich- ard Sutton.

Company D— First Lieutenant, George W. Jones ; Second Lieutenant, Cornelius Harper; First Sergeant, Henry S. ISTunn ; Sergeant, J. E. Howard ; Corporal, J. E. Gray ; Color Corporal, S. H. Kornegay; Privates, A. B. Blizzard, James Quinn, Samuel Strowd, James H. Thomas, Curtis Worley, James Davis, Jesse Hardy.

Company E— Captain, Eobert W. Joyner; First Lieu- tenant, McG. Ernul; First Sergeant, John E. Mxon; Ser- geants, John E. Tyer, Albert S. Carr; Corporals, Eobert J. Lang, Frank M. Kilpatrick ; Color Corporal, John Wallston ; Privates, Samuel E. Cason, William Corbett, Wm. Bryant Edvs^ards, Eufus E. Grimmer, William Gearner, Eichard Harris, E. Isley, Matthew Jones (orderly), Peter H. Sum- mers.

Company F Private Eobert Lanning. This company was on detached service in North Carolina and surrendered with General Joseph E. Johnston's army.

Company G Captain, James A. Graham; Third Ser- geant, R. Eichards; Third Corporal, M. Adams; Musicians, W. H. H. Burroughs, S. A. Dickson; Privates, J. Boggs, W. Brown, J. IST. Faucett, W. A. Faucett, A. W. Hedgepeth, S. L. Nelson, W. H. Nunn, D. C. Parks (Commissary Ser- geant), C. M. Parks (hospital steward), E. Sharp, J. A. Smith, S. G. Strayhorn, J. F. Thompson, William Thomp- son, G. W. Waddell, T. F. Ward, S. K. Woods, W. D. Woods, W. A. Hayes.

Company H Captain, Henry F. Price; Sergeants, John E. EoUins, J. H. Little ; Corporals, William C. Burney, Eob- ert Flemming; Privates, A. Forbes, William H. Humber, Matthew James, E. James, Peter Lawrence, T. Ed. Ean- dolph, Erastus Eountree, A. Bevil, William H. Stancil, Gus- tavus H. Evans (courier)'.

Company I Privates, George Eoberson, William Lovitt, J. E. Miller, John Dees, Julius Mills, V. Oivils.

Company K- Captain Benjamin Parks; Corporal, Ben-

Twenty-Seventh Regiment. 463

jamin S. Best; Privates William Bardin, E. M. Sauls, Stephen W. Pate, Willie Thompson.

SuTLEB Joseph J. Burgess. Total, 117.

James A. Graham.

Washington, D. C,

9 April, 1901.


1. James H. Lane, Colonel. 4. Robert Gibbon, Surgeon

2. Samuel D. Lowe, Colonel. 5. F. Milton Kennedy, Chaplain

3. W. H. A. Speer, Lieut.-Colonel. 6. Geo. S. Thompson, Captain, 6 M

7. Nicholas Gibbon, Captain Commissary.



At the request of Judge Walter Clark, I have prepared this sketch of my old regiment, the Twenty-eighth North Car- olina.

It has a splendid record and I do not feel equal to such a theme. I have done my best in the way of a chronological summary of its brilliant achievements. My object in inter- spersing it freely with unpublished reminiscences personal incidents of my own knowledge is to make it more interest- ing to the general reader. It required both time and labor to get up the sketch, and yet it has been a great pleasure to me to do it.

The Twenty-eighth North Carolina Regiment had the fol- lowing field and staff officers during the war :

Colonels— James H. Lane, Samuel D. Lowe.

Lieutenant-Colonels Thomas L. Lowe, Samuel J). Lowe, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer.

Majobs Richard E. Reeves, Samuel D. Lowe, William J. Montgomery, William D. Barringer, William H. A. Speer, Samuel N. Stowe.

Adjutants Duncan A. McRae, Romulus S. Folger.

Ensign First Lieutenant, J. Pinkney Little.

Seegeants-Majok Milton A. Lowe, J. T. Lowe, W. R. Rankin.

Captains A. Q. M. : George S. Thompson, Durant A. Parker.

Quaeteemastee Seegeants Edward Moore, J. O. Kelly, T. C. Lowe. /

Captain A. C. S. : Nicholas Gibbon.

CoMMissAEY Sergeant ^W. A. Mauney. 30

466 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

SuEGEONS Eobert Gibbon, W. W. Q-aither.

Assistant Suegeons F.- IST. Luckey, E. G. Barkam, Thomas B. Lane, M. L. Mayo.

Hospital Stewaeds John Abernathy, L. J. Barker.

Oednance Sergeant Gabriel Johnston.

Chaplains Oscar J. Brent, F. Milton Kennedy, D. S. Henkel.

This regiment, numbering about 900, was organized at High Point, IST. C, 21 September, 1861, as appears from the following communication :

Camp FishbEj High PoinTj September 21, 1861. Lieutenant-Colonel James'H. Lane:

Deae Sie : You were unanimously elected Colonel of the Twenty-eighth North Carolina Volunteers this evening. This regiment is composed of the following companies, en- listed for twelve months :

Company A- -Surry County Captain Reeves, (Major- elect).

Company B Gaston County Captain Edwards.

Company C Catawba County Captain Lowe, (Lieuten- ant-Colonel-elect) .

Company D Stanly County Captain Montgomery.

Company E Montgomery County Captain Barringer.

Company F- YadJcin County Captain Kenyon.

Company G Orange County Captain Martin.

Company H Cleveland County Captain Wright.

Company I Yadhin County Captain Speer.

Company K Stanly County Captain Moody.

You will see that most of us are "mountain boys" and we trust that we do not disgrace the home from which we come. It would afford us great pleasure and satisfaction to have for our leader an officer so well and so favorably known for brav- ery, courtesy and professional attainments as Lieutenant-Col- onel Lane, of the gallant "Bethel" Regiment. Permit us to


express our personal hope tliat we may receive a favorable re- ply as soon as possible and to subscribe ourselves Your obedient servants, S. ¥. Stowe,

Major Commanding Post; William J. Montgombet^

Captain Company D ; G. B. Johnston^ First Lieutenant Company G; Committee in Behalf of the Twenty-eighth Eegiment.

Immediately after organizing, the regiment was ordered to Wilmington, JST. C, where it remained under General Joseph R. Anderson, commanding the "Cape Fear District," until the fall of New Bern. During its stay in that kind and hospitable town it performed post duty and guarded various bridges on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. It was kept under rigid discipline ; and that it was well drilled and prop- erly cared for will appear from the following extracts from the Wilmington Journal :

"On a recent visit to the camp of the Twenty-eighth Regi- ment we were pleased to see, that a complete town of neat wooden tenements has taken the place of the canvas village of the latter part of the summer and fall, affording conven- ient and comfortable quarters with chimneys, for the men, houses for the stores and other purposes. We found nearly all finished, with the exception of some of the officers' quar- ters, Colonel Lane's among the number, these being left to the last, as, being less crowded, the necessity was not so press- ing. * * *

"Almost as we go to press the Twenty-eighth moves down Second street, with steady tramp, the long line of their bayo- nets gleaming in the sun, and the firm bearing of the men indicative of determination and giving promise of gallant service when called upon. The drill and marching of the regiment are, to our feeble notions, as good as could be de- sired by regulars. If there is less of the pomp and circum- stance of war with our plainly arrayed troops than with the fancy corps raised in Northern cities, experience has shown

468 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

that there is more of the pride that will stand and will not run unless it be forward. Colonel Lane may well be proud of his regiment."

On 28 of October, 1861, the regiment numbered 970 all told.

It reached 'New Bern 14 March, 1862, just as the troops were withdrawing and it helped to cover their retreat. It fell back with them through mud and rain to Kinston, where it remained until it was ordered to Virginia. Soon after reach- ing Kinston it was assigned to the brigade commanded by General L. O'B. Branch. It at once renewed its work of re^ organizing for the war which it had so gloriously begun in Wilmington and completed the same 12 April, 1862. The following from a correspondent was published at the time in the Ealeigh Journal:

"It is with no ordinary emotions of joy and pride that I in-- form you, and through your paper the public, that the Twen- ty-eighth North Carolina Regiment has 'reorganized for the war.' Six companies reorganized before we left Wilming-" ton. Last week the four remaining companies reorganized, and on Saturday we had an election for field oificers, when Colonel Lane and Lieutenant-Colonel Lowe were elected to their former positions by acclamation. For Major we had some warm balloting. Several were nominated. After sev- eral ballotings. Captain Samuel D. Lowe was elected. I noticed that the Captains were very popular with the First Lieutenants. Perhaps the recent laws of succession in office had some influence.

"It makes us very proud to know that we are the first North Carolina regiment to reorganize. The regiment is very large, now numbering 1,250 men.

"Considering that our original term of service would not have expired till 21 September, and being the first North Carolina regiment to re-enlist and reorganize, we think very modestly, that we are entitled to some favors. We have no rifle companies. We would be glad to have two, though we are not disposed to grumble, and will cheerfully do the best we can.

Twenty-Eighth Regiment. 469

"We are now realizing the privations and hardships of camp life. We often think of our comfortable quarters and the kind-hearted people of Wilmington. Some of the fair ones of Wilmington, I suspect, are remembered with more than ordinary feelings of friendship.

"We see nothing, hear nothing and know nothing, here, but to obey orders. A man has to be very patriotic, on good terms with his fellow soldiers, and on prodigiously good terms with himself, to see much enjoyment here ; but so long as our country needs our services, we will be contented in her service wherever it may be."

This regiment, numbering 1,199 for duty, was ordered to Virginia 2 May, 1862. It was armed with old smooth-bore muskets from the Fayetteville arsenal, badly altered from flint to percussion. It soon threw them away and supplied itself with more serviceable and more modern weapons gath- ered on the bloody battlefields in that grand old State.

On reaching Virginia it was ordered at once to Gordons- ville. It remained there and at Rapidan Station doing picket duty only for a short time. With the rest of the bri- gade it was next ordered to join Jackson in the Valley; but on reaching the foot of the Blue Eidge, it was ordered back to Hanover Court House. On 26 May it was marched through mud and rain to "Slash Church." At that time the regiment had in it "many recruits just recovering from the diseases incident to the commencement of camp life." La- tham's Battery reported to General Branch from North Caro- lina the evening before the brigade left Hanover Court House "with only half enough men for the efiicient service of the guns and with horses entirely untrained."

On Tuesday morning, 2Y May, General Branch ordered the Twenty-eighth Regiment and a section of Latham's Bat- tery, under Lieutenant J. R. Potts, to Taliaferro's Mill to capture, if possible a reported marauding party. ISTo one was found at the mill, and as the enemy were reported ad- vancing on the "Old Church" road it promptly retraced its steps, marching left in front, with flankers, and an advance guard was thrown out. On reaching the pine thicket in

470 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

front of Dr. Kinney's on the direct road to Kichmond, a squad of Federals stepped into the Taliaferro's Mill road in front of the command. The Colonel suspecting an ambush, halted his regiment, faced it by the rear rank and wheeled it to the right into the thicket. It handsomely cleaned the thicket of the enemy. On reaching the road in front of Dr, Kinney's it charged, with rebel yells, the Twenty-fifth New York Eegiment, concealed in Kinney's field of standing wheat, and almost annihilated it in front of Martindale's Bri- gade, drawn up in line of battle and strongly supported by artillery. It was not known then that the regiment had been cut off by an overwhelming force of infantry, artillery and cavalry under General Fitz John Porter. It was with' drawn and reformed, in the open field, on the Hanover Court House side of Kinney's dwelling. Potts' artillery was also ordered into position, and never were two guns served more handsomely. The unequal contest was kept up for over fouf hours, inflicting greater damage than was sustained; and when it was found that the enemy was flanking the regiment in both directions, it was withdrawn in good order to Hanc ver Court House. On reaching St. Paul's church beyond the Court House where the road forks, and finding the enemy's batteries in position and the road to Ashland in their posses- sion, it was ordered to take the fork to Taylorsville under a shelling. Knowing the cavalry was pursuing in force, it was thrown from the road to the field to take advantage of the cross-fences. On reaching a thin strip of woods beyond the railroad, it was ordered back into the road, and directed to move as rapidly as possible to Taylorsville, while Potts un- limbered his Parrott gun in the middle of the road. The other gun had been abandoned at Kinney's, most of the horses having been killed or badly wounded. This bold piece of strategy on the part of the Colonel and the Lieutenant of artillery intimidated the enemy's cavalry, caused them to form line of battle on the other side of the railroad, and ena- bled the Twenty-eighth Eegiment to make its escape. Al- ready exhausted from exposure to inclement weather, from hunger, from fighting and marching, it was three days before the regiment, by a circuitous route, rejoined the brigade on

Twenty-Eighth Regiment. 471

the right bank of the Ohickahominy where it was wildly and joyfully received. It was highly complimented hy Generals Lee and Branch for its splendid behavior in this masterly re- treat. The former was heard to remark that it was a wonder to him the whole command had not been killed or captured.

Company G, which was cut off from the regiment at Kin- ney's, can never forget how their brave, but frail and delicate young Captain, George B. Johnston, afterwards the accom- plished Adjutant General of the brigade, swam the river to escape the enemy and then swam back rather than appear to have deserted his men ; how he marched as a prisoner of war from Kinney's Farm to West Point in his wet clothes ; how he was confined on Johnson's Island ; how he read the Epis- copal service regularly to his fellow prisoners there ; how he endeared himself to all in his captivity ; how he was joyfully welcomed back to camp ; and how, a physical wreck, he was soon forced to return home to die. A nobler, braver, purer Christian hero never lived.

From this battle at Kinney's Farm, or Hanover Court House as it is generally called, to the surrender at Appo- mattox Court House, the history of the brigade is the history of the regiment. It bore on its battle-flag the name of every battle in which the brigade participated.

Before the fights around Richmond, Branch's Brigade was assigned to General A. P. Hill, and became a part of the famous "Light Division." The Twenty-eighth Regiment was with its brigade when it was the first, in those seven days' fights, to cross the Chickahominy at "Half Link," and cleared the wayfor the crossing of the rest of the "LightDivis- ion" at "Meadow Bridge." When it reached Mechanicsville, on 26 June, it was ordered to support a battery on the left of the road. Next morning it was subjected to a short but severe artillery fire. On reaching Cold Harbor, on the 27th, it and the Seventh North Carolina were ordered to the left of the road where it behaved very handsomely, its own Colonel being wounded on the head and Colonel Campbell, of the Seventh, killed with the colors of his regiment in his hands. At Frazier's Farm, on the 30th, it was on the right of the Thirty-seventh North Carolina Regiment. After driving

472 North Caeolina Troops, 1S61-'65.

the enemy's infantry, it and the Thirty-seventh gallantly charged the artillery in their front, when its Colonel was shot in the face and Colonel Lee, of the Thirty-seventh, was killed. It was not actively engaged at Malvern Hill on 1 July. It was, however, ordered forward in the afternoon to support the forces engaged, and was under a very heavy artil- lery fire until some time after dark. It carried 480 into those bloody fights and sustained a loss of twelve killed and 146 wounded.

It encamped below the city of Richmond for a short time and was then ordered, 29 July, to Gordonsville, near which place it remained until just before the battle of Cedar Run, 9 August, in which it bore a very conspicuous part. Many of the men wiped their guns out as they advanced under the hottest fire; and when infantry and cavalry had been re- pulsed and General Jackson appeared on the field in its front, the men wildly cheered him and called to him to let them know what he wished done and they would do it. The loss in this fight was 3 killed and 26 wounded.

In this battle, after the enemy had been repulsed and the regiment had crossed the road to connect with General Talia- ferro's conmiand, the Colonel chided a member of Company F for falling out of ranks. When the soldier replied that he was no coward, but was exhausted and could go no further, the Colonel took off his canteen, handed it to him, and told him to take a "stiff drink" and rejoin his company. Not long after, as the Colonel was passing down the line, compli- menting his men for their gallantry, that brave fellow stepped out of ranks, saluted and said : "Colonel, here I am. I tell you what, that drink you gave me just now has set me up again, and I feel as though I could whip a whole regiment of Yankees." Everybody was in a good humor, and of course everybody laughed.

At the shelling across the Rappahannock on 24 August, the Twenty-eighth was sent to the support of Braxton's and Da- vidson's batteries ; and a part of the regiment was thrown for- ward with instructions to prevent, if possible, the destruction of the bridge across the river, near Warrenton White Sulphur Springs.


1. E. P. Lovell, Captain, Co. A. 4. Moses I, Eudy, Captain, Co.D.

2. E. D. Ehyne, Captain, Co. B. 5. Thos. V. Apperson, Captain, Co. F.

3. T. Jas. Linebarger, Captain, Co. C. 6 E. Graham Morrow, Captain, Co. G.

7. Gold Q. Holland, Captain, Co. H.

Twenty-Eighth Regiment. 473

The most laughable fight was at Manassas Junction, 27 August, when Jackson got in Pope's rear, and the brigade chased Taylor's New Jersey command into the swamps of Bull Run. One of the Twenty-eighth was very much aston- ished, after jumping over a bush from the railroad embank- ment, to find that he had also jumped over a Yankee crouched beneath. Another was still more astonished when he got on all-fours to take a drink of water, to find that a fellow had sought safety in the culvert. He was an Irishman, and after he had crawled from his hiding place, he created an uproar by slapping the Tar Heel on the shoulder and remarking: "You got us badly this time. Come, let's take a drink." Both of them "smiled" out of the same canteen.

At Manassas Plains on 28 August, this regiment was under a heavy artillery fire while supporting a battery.

On the 29th it fought with great coolness, steadiness and desperation on the extreme left of Jackson's line. It was subjected to a heavy artillery fire the next day, the 30th, and there was heavy skirmishing in its front until late in the af- ternoon. Its loss was 5 killed and 45 wounded.

The battle of Ox Hill, near Fairfax Court House, was fought 1 September, 1862, in a pouring rain. The Twenty- eighth was on the left of the brigade and fought splendidly, though many of its guns fired badly on account of the mois- ture. It was here that General Branch, when he made known the fact that he was nearly out of ammunition, was ordered "to hold his position at the point of the bayonet." The Twenty-eighth, cold, wet and hungry, was ordered to do picket duty on the battlefield that night, without fires.

This regiment was with the Army of ISTorthern Virginia in its march into Maryland ; and the first day after crossing the Potomac, 5 September, it feasted on nothing but green corn browned on the ear before fires made of the fences in the neighborhood. This was not the first time the regiment had indulged in such a repast.

On 14 September it was with the brigade when it climbed the cliffs of the Shenandoah at midnight, and lay concealed next morning on the left and rear of the enemy in their works on "Bolivar Heights" in front of Harper's Ferry,

474 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

ready and eager for the order to assault, which order was never given, as the enemy surrendered under the concentra- ted fire of the Confederate batteries.

It was in that memorable rapid march from Harper's Ferry to Sharpsburg. On reaching the right of the battlefield, the afternoon of 17 September, General A. P. Hill dashed up, and in person ordered it at a double-quick up the road to the left, leading to the town, to defend an unsupported battery and drive back the enemy's skirmishers who were advancing through a field of com.

Two days afterward, 19 September, it constituted a part of the rear guard of General Lee's army when he re-crossed the Potomac.

At Shepherdstown, on 20 September, when the Confeder- ates could not use their artillery, it gallantly advanced "in the face of a storm of round shot, shell and grape," and glori- ously helped to drive the enemy precipitately over the bank of the Potomac, where so many were killed attempting to cross the river at the dam above the ford.

Here the regiment was compelled to lay all day on the Vir- ginia shore; and the enemy, from the opposite side of the river, fired artillery at every individual soldier who dared expose himself. When Colonel Lane, then in command of the brigade, General Branch having been killed at Sharps- burg, called to a litter to know who had been wounded and received the reply, "Lieutenant Long, of your regiment," he approached and expressed the hope that the Lieutenant was not seriously hurt. The latter replied : "I have been shot in the back; the ball has gone through me and I am mortally wounded." Taking his Colonel's hand, he put it inside of his shirt on the slug which was under the skin of his breast, and added: "I am a young man. I entered the army be- cause I thought it right, and I have tried to discharge all my duties." Then that young hero, with his Colonel's hand still on that fatal slug, asked in a most touching tone : "Though I have been shot in the back, will you not bear record, when I am dead, that I was always a brave soldier under you ?"

After this fight the regiment went into camp near Castle- man's Ferry, or Snicker's Gap, in Clarke County, Va., where

Twenty-Eighth Regiment. 475

it remained for some time doing picket duty in snow storms and freezing weather. It subsequently camped near Win- chester, where it remained until Jackson's Corps moved to Fredericksburg, 22 November. There it remained but a short time, and then took part in the great battle near that town, 13 December, 1862. It held an advanced, open, unfor- tified position on the railroad, and fought with great coolness and gallantry, using all of its ammunition, including that from the boxes of its dead and badly wounded. All this, when the right flank of the brigade had been turned by a large force of the enemy going through that unfortunate open- ing and catching the intended support for the brigade with its arms stacked. After handsomely repulsing two lines of battle in its front it was forced to retire before the third. Its loss was 16 killed and 49 wounded.

In this fight Private Martin, of Company C, coolly sat on the track and called to his comrades to watch the Yankee colors, then fired and down they went. This was done re- peatedly. Captain Lovell, of Company A, the right com- pany of the regiment, stood on the track all the time, waving his hat and cheering his men ; and strange to say, neither he nor Martin was struck.

After the battle when Captain Holland, of Company H, congratulated General Lane on his escape, he added : "And I am indebted to a biscuit for my OAvn life." Running his hand into his haversack, he drew forth a camp biscuit about the size of a saucer, cooked without salt or "shortening" of any kind, and looking like horn when sliced something that an ostrich could not digest and there was a Yankee bullet only half imbedded in that wonderful biscuit.

It was here that First Lieutenant W. W. Cloninger, of Company B, as he lay at the field hospital, called Abernathy to him and asked him why he had been neglected so long. When told that he was mortally wounded, and the Surgeons considered it their first duty to attend to those whose lives might be saved, he replied : "If I must die, I will let you all see that I can die like a man." Folding his arms across his breast, that hero, far away from his loved ones, lay under

476 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

that tree in Yerby's yard, and, without a murmur, quietly awaited death.

At 6 :30 o'clock on the morning of the 12th, when the bri- gade was ordered to its position on the railroad, it passed the refugees streaming to its rear from that old historic town. As delicate women with infants in their arms and helpless little children clinging to their mothers' dresses, all thinly clad, went by, some of those brave and chivalrous North Car- olinians called out: "Look at that, fellows. If that will not make a Southern man fight, what will ?"

The regiment spent that winter at "Moss Neck," below Fredericksburg. There it did picket duty on the Kappa- hannock, and helped to corduroy the roads when they became impassable, sometimes having to clear away the snow to lay the logs.

In the Spring of 1863, when the enemy renewed his dem- onstrations at Fredericksburg, it occupied the second line of works near Hamilton's Crossing.

In the battle of Chancellorsville it accompanied Jackson in his flank movement; and on the night of 2 May it was on the left of Lane's Brigade when formed for the night attack. After Jackson was wounded and the night attack abandoned, it was withdrawn from the left of the plank road and placed on the extreme right of the brigade, with its own right rest- ing on a country road leading from the plank road to a place called "Hazel Grove." About midnight General Sickles, with two strong lines of battle, made his much lauded attack, and was repulsed by the Twenty-eighth and Eighteenth, and a part of the Thirty-third North Carolina Regiments, chiefly by the Twenty-eighth. A number of prisoners, including field and company officers, were captured. Company E, of the Twenty-eighth, also captured the colors of the Third Maine Regiment.

Early next morning the Twenty-eighth, with the rest of the brigade, made a direct assault on the enemy's works and carried them, but could not hold them, as the brigade's siip- port had broken in its rear, and it was attacked by fresh troops before General Ramseur could come to its assistance. It subsequently joined in the charge which drove the enemy


1. Milton A. Lowe, 1st Lieut., Co. H. 4. J. M. Grice, Sergeant Co 0

f 5;^;Apperaon,Ist Sergeant, Co. F. B. L. C. Turner, Sharpshooter." 3. W. A. Mauney, Commissary Sergeant. 6. W. A. Martin, Private, Co. C I . John A. Abernethy, Hospital Steward.

Twenty-Eighth Regiment. 477

from "Fairview" and the "Chancellorsville House," where it was much amused at that great cavalier, General Stuart, singing "Old Joe Hooker, Get Out of the Wilderness," while the battle was raging. Its loss was 12 officers and 77 men.

Later, having replenished itself with ammunition, it went to the support of General Colquitt, on the extreme left. There it witnessed the most harrowing scene of the war. The woods, already filled with sulphurous smoke, had been set on fire by the enemy's shells. The dropped rifles of the dead and wounded and the enemy's shells with imperfect fuses, exploded in every direction as the flames swept over them; the dead of both armies were being burnt to a crisp and the helpless Federal wounded begged to be taken out of the line of the rapidly approaching and devouring fire. The brigade itself was forced to halt to let the flames sweep over the ground where it was ordered to form, and when it did form the ground was uncomfortably hot. That night it literally slept in ashes under those charred scrub oaks; and when it was ordered back next day, it afforded great amusement to its more fortunate comrades, for never was there seen in any army a dirtier and blacker set of brave men from the General down. As General Lane lay in the ashes that night a pretty little Yankee dog, branded "Co. K," persisted in making friends with him. In all the subsequent movements of the troops in Jackson's Corps that little dog kept his eye on the "Little General" and followed him back to camp where he became a great pet at brigade headquarters. He proved to be a splendid little fighter.

After this battle the regiment returned to "Camp Gregg" at "Moss IsTeck," below Fredericksburg, where it remained until 5 June, 1863.

Crossing the Potomac at Shepherdstown on 25 June, it reached Gettysburg 1 July. It behaved as it had always done in the first day's fight at that place, when Lane's Bri- gade was ordered from the centre of A. P. Hill's line to "the post of honor" on the right to protect that fiank of the army from the enemy's cavalry while we fought his infantry in


On 2 July it was under a heavy artillery fire several times

478 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

during the day, and its skirmishers displayed great gallantry.

It took a very conspicuous part in the so-called Pickett's charge on 3 July. The brigade occupied the left of the im- perfect second linej and when Davis' Brigade was repulsed andBrockenborough's did not get beyond the position occupied by General Thomas, it moved handsomely forward with the rest of "Lane's brave fellows" who took the position of those two brigades on the extreme left of the first line. Though a column of infantry was thrown against its left flank and the whole line was exposed to a raking grtillery fire from the right, it advanced in magnificent order, reserving its fire in obedience to orders, was the last command to leave the field and it did so under orders. Its loss was IS killed and 92 wounded.

On the 12 th it formed line of battle near Hagerstown, Maryland, threw up breast-works and skirmished with the enemy until the night of the 13th. The retreat from Hagers- town, through mud and rain, was worse than that from Get- tysburg which was "awful." Some fell by the wayside from exhaustion, and the whole command was fast asleep as soon as halted for a rest about a mile from the pontoon bridge at "Falling Waters." On the morning of the 14th Lane's Bri- gade alone covered the crossing at "Falling Waters" and Cap- tain Crowell, of the Twenty-eighth, commanded its skirmish- ers. After all the other troops were safely over the Potomac the whole brigade retired in splendid order and the enemy opened with his artillery just as the bridge swung loose from the Virginia shore.

On returning from Pennsylvania the regiment camped for a short time at Culpepper Court House, and was then or- dered to Orange Court House, where it did picket duty on the Eapidan at Morton's ford. It was next ordered to Lib- erty Mills as a support to the cavalry which was engaged at Jack's Shops. There it spent most of the winter doing picket duty on the Eapidan river and the Standardsville road. Once during that winter it had a terrible march, through sleet and snow, to Madison Court House, trying to intercept some of the Federal cavalry raiders.

At Bristoe Station, 14 October, this regiment was under

Twenty-Eighth Regiment. 479

fire but not actively engaged. There it helped to tear up the railroad, something at which it had beconae expert. As early as the middle of October, 1862, General Jackson compli- mented the brigade for the thorough manner in which it de- stroyed the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad at ISTorth Mountain Depot, where, beyond the cavalry pickets, it tore up about ten miles of the track ; and the men amused themselves when the rails on the burning ties were red hot by tieing "iron cravats" around the adjacent trees. The depot was not burned at that time because the wind would have endangered private prop- erty.

It remained in camp at Brandy Station until the enemy captured a large portion of the two brigades under General Early beyond the Rappahannock, on 7 November. When the corps formed line of battle near Culpepper Court House on 8 November, the regiment was with the brigade when it was ordered back on the Warrenton road, where it repulsed a cavalry charge with slight loss. After that it returned to its old and comfortable quarters at Liberty Mills.

When General Lee confronted Meade at Mine Run, 27 November, 1863, the weather was intensely cold and the suf- ferings of the men were great. Not being allowed to have fires on the skirmish line, the men were relieved every half hour. The Twenty-eighth was a part of the troops with- drawn from the trenches at 3 a. m. on 2 December and moved to the right to make an attack, but at daylight it was found that Meade had withdrawn.

Late in the afternoon of 5 May, 1864, the Twenty-eighth went gallantly to the support of the hard-pressed troops in the Wilderness when Colonel Venable, of General Lee's staff, said to Colonel Palmer, of General A. P. Hill's: "Thank God ! I will go back and tell General Lee that Lane has just gone in and will hold his ground until other troops arrive tonight." The brigade did more than hold its own ; it drove the enemy some distance. The troops did not arrive that night as was expected, and next morning those brave men were compelled to retire before the overwhelming force of the enemy. The regiment lost 4 officers and 84 men.

The Twenty-eighth also did its part nobly on the morning

480 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

of 12 May at Spottsylvania Court House when Johnson's front was broken, and "Lane's North Carolina veterans turned the tide of Federal victory as it came surging to the right." It was also with the brigade the afternoon of the same day, when, under General Lee's orders and in his pres- ence, it crossed the works in front of Spottsylvania Court House, and in that brilliant flank movement handled Bum- side's corps so roughly and relieved Johnson's front. Its losses in these two engagements was 5 officers and 121 men.

On the afternoon of the 21st it moved to the right of the Court House and made a reconnoisance, in which Lieutenant E. S. Edwards was killed and two men wounded.

At Jericho ford on 23 May, the Twenty-eighth advanced as far as any of the troops engaged, held its ground until re- lieved that night and removed all its dead and wounded. Its loss was 2 officers and 28 men.

On 31 May, at Storr's farm on Totopotamoi Creek, near Pole Green Ch\irch, it was engaged all day in heavy skir- mishing and was under a terrible artillery fire.

At the Second Cold Harbor it behaved as gallantly as it did at the first. It also behaved with its accustomed brav- ery at Riddle's Shop, 13 June; action three miles southeast of Petersburg, 22 June; action in front of Petersburg, 23 June ; Gravel Hill, 28 Jnlj ; Fussell's Mills, 16 and 18 Au- gust, and Reams Station 25 August. In the last named bat- tle it had to crawl through an almost impenetrable ahutis un- der a heavy fire of musketry and artillery. Captain Hol- land, of Company H, was among the first to mount the works, and seeing that they were still manned and but a few of his own men were up, he yelled oiit, "Yanks, if you know what is best for you, you had better make a blue streak toward sun- set." They made the streak and the men often laughed and said Grant would have to send Hancock back North to re- cruit his command. General Lee, in speaking of this fight to General Lane, said that the three North Carolina brigades, Cooke's, MacRae's and Lane's, which made the second as- sault, after the failure of the first by other troops, had by their gallantry not only placed North Carolina, but the whole Confederacy under a debt of gratitude which could never


1. S. S. Bohannon, Captain, Co. I.

2. Thos. B. Lane, Assistant Surgeon.

3. James M. Crowell, Captain, Co. K.

4. Romulus S. Folger, Adjutant.

5. J. P. Little, 1st Lieut, and Ensign.

Co. C.

6. M. A. Throneburg, 1st Lieut,, Co. O,

7. M. M. Throneburg, 2d Lieut., Co. C.

Twenty-Eighth Regiment. 481

be repaid. In writing to Governor Vance about the same battle, he said: "They advanced through a thick abatis of felled trees under a heavy fire of musketry and artillery and carried the enemy's works with a steady courage that elicited the warm commendation of the corps and division command- ers and the admiration of the army."

At Jones' Farm, on the right of Petersburg, on 30 Sep- tember, this regiment was second to none in bravery. In this fight both lines were advancing when they met. To the delight of all this battlefield was rich in oil cloths, blankets, knapsacks and the like. Some of the knapsacks, judging from the appearance of the straps, were cut from the shoul- ders of their owners in their hasty retreat under a murder- ous fire, accompanied with that well known "rebel yell."

I^ext morning the regiment advanced with the other troops and helped to drive the enemy from the works at the Pegram House, which were held in the rain, until dark, when it re- turned to the works near the Jones House. It soon after went into winter quarters in rear of these works.

During that winter the Twenty-eighth constituted a part of the force sent against the Federal cavalry raiding on the Petersburg & Weldon Railroad. On that march it not only rained but it snowed and there was a high, bitter cold wind, and the men suffered intensely. The troops reached Jar- ratt's Station to find that the enemy had retired.

This regiment lay all night in the streets of Petersburg as a part of the intended support for General Gordon in his attack on Fort Steadman. After Gordon had retired the en- emy swept the whole Confederate picket line from Hatcher's Run to Lieutenant Run, and the Twenty-eighth performed its part in helping to keep him out of the main line of works in front of its winter quarters. He got possession, however, of a commanding hill to the left of the Jones House from which he could fire into the huts. ISText day General Lee ordered Gen- eral Lane to dislodge him. Gen-eral Lane, who was in com- mand of the division at the time, did so at daylight the fol- lowing morning, with all of the sharpshooters of the division under Major Wooten, of the Eighteenth I^orth Carolina Regi- 31

482 North Cakolina Thoops, 1861-'65.

ment, supported by his own brigade, and the Twenty-eighth again had its part to perform.

On the night of 1 April when Grant made his final attack at Petersburg, Lane's Brigade was cut in two by an over- whelming force. The Twenty-eighth was forced to fall back, fighting, to the plank road and then to the Cox road ; and it finally succeeded in rejoining the rest of the brigade in the inner line of works where it fought until night, when Peters- burg was evacuated. On the afternoon of the 3d it crossed the Appomattox at Goode's bridge, bivouacked at Amelia Court House on the ith and formed line of battle between the Court House and Jetersville on the 5th and skirmished with the enemy. Next day while resting in Farmville, it, with the rest of the brigade, was ordered back to a hill to support the hard-pressed cavalry ; but before reaching the hill the or- der was countermanded. It moved back through Farmville and sustained some loss from the enemy's artillery while crossing the river near that place. That afternoon it formed line of battle, faced to the rear, between one and two miles from Farmville, where there was more fighting, and the rem- nant of General Lee's army seemed to be surrendered. During the night it resumed its march, and on the morning of 9 April, while moving to its position on the left of the road near Appomattox Court House, it was ordered back into a woods and directed to stack arms, as the Army of Northern Virginia had surrendered.

The tattered and starving remnant of this glorious North Carolina Regiment surrendered at Appomattox, consisted of 17 officers and 213 men, some of the latter being detailed, non-arms-bearing, sent back to be surrendered with their command.

The aggregate in this regiment during the entire war was 1,826. After Colonel Lowe resigned and Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. A. Speer was killed at Reams Station, the regiment was frequently commanded by Captains E. F. Lovell, T. V. Apperson and T. J. Linebarger, the latter being in command at the surrender.

Twenty-Eighth Regiment. 483

addendum to the sketch of the twenty-eighth north caeolina teoops.

After the death of Colonel Speer, all of the officers present addressed the following communication to the Secretary of War:

Camp Twenty-eighth IST. C. Eegm't, Lane's Brigade,

Near Petersburg, Va., Sept. 26, 1864. Oeneral Samuel Cooper, A. & I. G., Richmond Va. :

General: Our regiment, the Twenty-eight 'N. C. T., is without a Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel, and its Major, S. JI". Stowe, is physically disqualified for active field duty. The Major has been but little with his command, and when with it, has done but little duty. He admits himself that he has been unable to walk half a mile at any one time for the last six months.

It is the wish of the undersigned that we should be com- manded by an officer of undoubted bravery, intelligence, edu- cation and general efficiency, and we therefore very respect- fully ask that Captain E. J. Hale, Jr., the A. A. G. of this Brigade, be appointed Colonel ard assigned to the command of our regiment. We have -witjiessed Captain Hale's gal- lantry in action and know that he is an accomplished officer in every respect.

S. N". Stowe^ Major Commanding Regiment. R. S. FoLGEE^ Adjutant.

E. F. LovELL, Senior Captain. Thos. V. Appeeson, Captain Co. F. G. G. Holland^ Captain Co. H. A. W. Stone^ Captain Co. K.

G. W. McCauley, Captain Co. G.

F. M. E'lxoN, Lieutenant Co. A. H. A. EtTKEE^ Lieutenant Co. D.

J. G. Teuelove, First Lieutenant Co. F. J. M. Staeling, Second Lieutenant Co. F. D. F. MoEEOW^ Lieutenant Co. G. -M. A. Thoenbtjeg^ Lieutenant Co. C. S. A. Yodel, Lieutenant Co. I. R. D. GemonDj Lieutenant Co. B.

484 NoETH Caholina Tkoops, 1861-'65.

J". W. Williams, Lieutenant Co. O. T>. B. SwiiTK, Lieutenant Co. H. S. T. Thompson, Lieutenant Co. I.

This petition was approved and recommended by Briga- dier-General Lane, Major-General Wilcox and Lieutenant- General A. P. Hill.

The "legal impediment" that Captain Hale was "not of the regiment" prevented his being commissioned at the time Colonel under the law for promotion for "valor and skill." The impending campaign ending at Appomattox prevented further action in the matter.

Captain Hale was subsequently appointed Major, A. A. & L General under the staff law that finally passed Congress, and received the President's signature.

James H. Lane. Auburn, Ala.,

9 April, 1901.

TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1. E. B. Vance, Colonel. 8. J. H. Stradley, Captain, Co. H.


By brigadier-general ROBERT B. VANCE.

This regiment was organized at Oamp Patton, Asheville, N. 0., in the summer of 1861. The companies came into camp in the following order :

Company A Captain, Wm. C. Walker, Cherokee County ; rirst Lieutenant, J. S. Anderson, Clay County ; Second Lieu- tenant, W. B. Nelson, Cherokee County.

Company B Captain, Wm. B. Creasman, Yancey Coun- ty ; First Lieutenant, Wm. A. Eay, Yancey County ; Second Lieutenant, David M. Ray, Yancey County.

Company C Captain, Jas. M. Lowry, Buncombe County ; First Lieutenant, Malachi W. Reeves, Madison County ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, John W. Gudger, Buncombe County.

Company D Captain John A. Jarvis, Madison County; First Lieutenant, Arthur A. Dewese, Madison County ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Wm. H. Brown, Madison County.

Company E Captain, Hiram Rogers, Haywood County ; First Lieutenant, Wm. B. Ferguson, Haywood County; Sec- ond Lieutenant, John A. Teague, Haywood County.

Company F Captain, Wm. A. Enloe, Jackson County; First Lieutenant, Jas. A. Thompson, Jackson County; Sec- ond Lievitenant, Jas. Oonley, Jackson County.

Company G Captain, M. Chandler, Yancey County; First Lieutenant, Wm. D. Williams, Yancey County; Sec- ond Lieutenant, E. H. Hampton, Yancey County.

Company H Captain, Robert B. Vance, Buncombe County; First Lieutenant, John H. Robeson, Buncombe County; Second Lieutenant, Wiley F. Parker, Buncombe County.

Company I Captain John C. Blaylock, Mitchell County ;

486 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

First Lieutenant, James S. Garland, Mitchell County ; Sec ond Lieutenant, David M. Young, Mitchell County.

Company K Captain, B. S. Proffitt, Yancey County; First Lieutenant, B. G. Whittington, Yancey County ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Jas. C. ProfStt, Yancey County ; J. E, Neill, Assistant Quartermaster.

The election of officers occurred in Camp Patton in Sep- tember, 1861, which resulted as follows:

P. B. Vance, Colonel, of Buncombe County.

Wm. C. Walker, Lieutenant-Colonel, of Cherokee County,

Thos. F. Gaednee^ Major, of Yancey County.

John E. Hoey^ Adjutant, of Cleveland County.

The vacancies in the companies were filled by the election of John H. Robinson, Captain Company H ; J. Stanhope An- derson, Captain Company A.

The regiment was then put into camp in Camp Vance, near Sulphur Springs, IST. C, where it was drilled until 28 Octo- ber, 1861. From thence it was ordered to Raleigh and camped near the old depot in that city. The companies were armed then with the old flint muskets changed to percussion cap muskets, except Captain Anderson's (Company A), which was supplied with the Mississippi rifle without bayo- nets. The command was then ordered to East Tennessee to guard the bridges from Bristol to Chattanooga, leaving Ral- eigh 25 November. In February, 1862, it was ordered to Cumberland Gap and went into garrison iTnder Colonel James E. Raines, of the Eleventh Tennessee. At this point the command was under fire frequently, the right resting on the top of the mountain above the Harlan road, and the left reaching to Fort Pitt. The camp of the Twenty-ninth being the highest point for observations, Ma- jor-General Ste^^^enson ordered Colonel Vance daily to sweep the view with his field glass from the mountain on the side next to Yellow creek, and along the Harlan road. Early on 24 March the Colonel carefully scrutinizing the country in front, observed the flash of a bayonet. Then closer view disclosed a column of men advancing up

Twenty-Ninth Regiment. 487

the ridge in the direction of Fort Pitt. The guards were at once doubled, but while we were looking to the front Gen- eral DeOourcy, of Ohio, with 1,600 men, was moving on our extreme right. The guards came in and the firing was lively. On the top of the mountain, above Fort Pitt, we had a big gun called "Long Tom." With that we opened on them. Presently Colonel Vance sent Lieutenant Dewese and Lieu- tenant Rollins with company D, around the side of the moun- tain. They opened a hot and unexpected fire on DeCourcy, and he was driven from the mountain. Next morning we ex- pected fighting, but when we felt the woods the enemy was gone.

In September, 1862, the command was sent to hold Baptist Gap in the direction of Knoxville. While there the regi- ment was ordered, in company with the Thirty-ninth North Carolina, to cut off a detachment of Federals which had marched in the direction of a gap still nearer Knoxville, but before the regiments reached the cross roads the Federal command had retiirned to the gap. When the command got back to Baptist Gap 15 September, the Federals had driven in the picket line on the mountain and killed Lieutenant Astoogatogch, of Thomas' Legion. The Twenty-ninth and Thirty-ninth, Colonel David Coleman, were thrown forward into the thick undergrowth in columns of companies, marching by the flank, so as to deploy when the enemy was found, but he had retired on, our approach. On 19 Septem- ber, in the early morning, the Twenty-ninth crossed through Baptist Gap and moved down the valley, capturing a hospital camp. This movement was made to get in the rear of Cumberland Gap, but General George W. Morgan, commanding at, the Gap, had moved out in the night and had escaped by the Goose creek salt works. Our Major-General Stevenson pursued to within the vicinity of the salt works, where he halted, rested and retraced his steps, passing into Kentucky via Danville, Lancaster, Har- rodsburg, etc., to Frankfort.

From there we moved, on Saturday night, to Versailles, from which point on Sunday we could hear the guns at Per- ryville. Without multiplying words, let it be said that the

488 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

regiment was marched back through Cumberland Gap, and Knoxville to Lenoir Station, Tenn., and from there it was sent on a mission to McMinnville. While there, on Christ- mas day, orders were received to march at once to Murfrees-' boro, which order was obeyed promptly. We arrived on the battleiield and camped on Stone's river on the night of 30 December, 1862. Next morning, before day, we forded Stone's river and took possession on the extreme left of the army. Only Wharton's cavalry was on the left of us. Gen- eral Raines, on his large, black horse, at once rode down the lines and complimented the regiment. He was splendidly dressed and was full or ardor.

The command had just fairly got dressed when the word was given forward, and at that early hour of the morning the division in which we moved began a right half wheel un- der Haines, McCown and Hardee. Not a gun was yet fired. A little while before the crack of day, no doubt there was a quiver in the two great armies extending four miles on the bank of the river. The Twenty-ninth brought on the battle. About a hundred yards from where we had stood in line, we encountered a fence about 15 feet in height. While the fence was being laid down for the Colonel to ride through and the men were climbing it, the sharp report of a rifle broke the stillness. Waldrop, of Captain Dewese's company, was on top of the fence. The minies from the hostile ranks killed him, and he was the first that day to fall in the South- ern army, so far as we could ascertain. The fire was then opened by the Twenty-ninth and by the next until the firing extended four miles to our right, and the hiss of minies was incessant, while presently boom, boom rang the big guns on our right. Ere long we sighted a section of artillery, and the regiment charged. The guns were shotted, but the gunners did not have time to fire, and the ofiicer in charge broke to run. Captain Jno. A. Teague, however, soon overhauled him, put his hand on his shoulder and stopped him. The Federal Cap- tain said, "You've got me," "Yes," replied Teague, " but you gave us a mannerly race." The section of artillery was sent to the rear, and about 10 a. m. we were drawn up in line to inspect the cartridge boxes. We then had about ten

Twenty-Ninth Regiment. 489

rounds per man. Then, without any skirmish line General Raines started us down through the open woods. He had just said, "I will bet my black horse on the Twenty-ninth," when a line of blue coats arose almost in our faces and fired, when alas, the gallant and impetuous soldier, General Raines, was killed, the ball cutting the gauntlet of his right hand and passing into his heroic breast. The black horse galloped for- ward into the ranks of fire and I saw him no more.

Color-Sergeant John R. Rich, of Asheville, says this noted black horse from which "General Rains" was killed, was seen again, probably not by "General Vance," but by him- self and others. That in less than an hour after charging intO' the Yankee lines, in a counter-charge made by the en- emy, a Federal ofiicer, seemingly of some rank, was mounted upon him and he, too, was shot (by our men) and falling, the horse continued forward into the ranks of the Eleventh Tennessee and was captured by the men of this regiment; possibly the only instance during the war in which an officer of rank, on either side, was killed from the same horse in the same battle. Color-Sergeant Rich was so small and so young that he was not allowed to enlist regularly, but like many oth- er boys of our dear Southland, would not be deterred by little obstacles of that kind, but followed along with the battle, without gun, and when the first man in ranks fell he grabbed his gun and went to shooting. A little later the color-bearer being killed, he voluntarily caught up the flag and carried it almost continuously to the end.

The regiment charged, and the Federals fell back through a dense cedar thicket. When the Twenty-ninth North Caro- lina and the Eleventh Tennessee got through what General Withers calls "the cedar pedregal," they were confronted by three lines of battle with Napoleon guns between the regi- ments. The fire was terrific, the tree tops falling all around. Colonel Vance's horse was killed in this fire, the shell going into his body near the left stirrup leather. Sixty of the Twenty-ninth North Carolina were killed and wounded in a few minutes. Adjutant Joljn E. Hoey was struck with a spent ball. At this moment Major Bradshaw, of the Elev- enth Tennessee, reported to Colonel Vance that Colonel Gor-

490 NoKTH Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

don, of the Eleventh, was perhaps mortally wounded, and that their ammunition was expended.

The last statement proving true with the Twenty-ninth, Colonel Vance ordered the two regiments to fall hack ; about a half mile back they found General Hardee with the artil- lery. The cartridge boxes were filled, and (general Hardee ordered us to return to the line of battle at the same point we left it. The undergrowth was so thick that the Twenty-ninth got separated from the Eleventh Tennessee and reached the line alone, further to the left than where it had fought. An- other Oonfedeirate regiment was lying under a fence and the shells were crashing through the woods. General Bushrod Johnson rode up to the regiment and ordered Colonel Vance to charge the battery. The Colonel said, "Well sir, if you will get that regiment from behind the fence, and put it under my command, I will make the charge."

The regiment refused to come out, and while the effort was being made to induce them to do so, a shell was exploded in the fence, killing and wounding 18 of the men. Vance then drew his own men into line at the edge of the field, and started across it towards the battery, the fiying shells seeming un- comfortably close. Just at that moment General McNabb, of Arkansas, came out of the woods with five regiments. He rode up to the Colonel of the Twenty-ninth and said : "Where are you going V The Colonel said "to charge that battery." He answered and said "you can't do that, it is' protected by three lines of battle. Hook on to my brigade." This was done. The line of battle was then reformed, Raines' Bri- gade resting on General Manny's left. Here we remained in line of battle until after General Breckenridge's fearful battle on our right. Then, while Rosecrans was falling back towards Nashville, we fell back, first to Murfreesboro and then to Shelbyville, Tenn.


In the heat of the fire, Private David Patton, of the "Bun- combe Life Guards," was killed by a shell which took his head off, and it lodged in the f qrk of a small tree.

While the regiment was in camp at Versailles, Ky., the

Twenty-Ninth Regiment. 491

Colonel of the Twenty-ninth got his meals at the house of Col- onel Cotton, of the Sixth Kentucky (U. S.)- Mrs. Cotton was very bright and said she would make her Colonel shoot ours if they met. Our Colonel said : "We will shoot high on your account," but sadly enough, he was killed in front of our lines on the field of Murfreesboro or Stone's river.

After the fire had slackened on 31 December, 1862, our men saw a Federal Lieutenant-Colonel between the lines, seemingly fearfully wounded. At the risk of their lives our people formed a squad and went after him. The balls fell around them, but not one was struck.

When the wounded man was brought to headquarters, he warmly expressed his admiration of the brave men who had brought him oS the field. "If I live," said he, "you shall hear from me," but as we never heard, it is supposed that for him had beaten "the soldier's last tattoo."

After drilling for a time near Shelby ville, Tenn., General Bate, since United States Senator from Tennessee, took com- mand of the brigade and it was ordered 12 May to the siege of Vicksburg, not under the command of Colonel Vance, but un- der the command of Colonel W. B. Creasman who succeeded Vance, the latter while sick with typhoid at Shelbyville, being appointed Brigadier. Colonel Creasman, with the Twenty- ninth, was ordered to Yazoo City 1 June, which place we held until after the fall of Vicksburg, being driven out by the gun boats and a division of troops 13 July.

The regiment then marched across the country 150 miles, joining General Johnston's army at Martin, Miss., 23 July, 1863, and thence was sent to Meridian, Miss., by rail 27 July. On 24 August, 1863, the regiment was sent to Chatta- nooga, arriving 30 August, and was attached to Ector's Brig- ade, Walker's Division, D. H. Hill's Corps, in Bragg's Army. In the great battle of Chickamauga, fought 19 and 20 Sep- tember, 1863, the regiment distinguished itself. It was heavily engaged both days. Its losses were 80 killed and wounded and 30 missing. On 23 September Ector's Brigade was ordered back to Meridian, arriving there 2 October, 1863. On 5 December the regiment was sent to Brandon, Miss.

In Spring of 1864 the Twenty-ninth North Carolina was

492 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

in Ector's Brigade in irencli's Division of Polk's corps. June, 1864, the Thirty-ninth North Carolina was added and henceforward those two regiments with four Texas Kegi- ments constituted that brigade. The brigade took part in all the battles of that army down to Atlanta. At Latimer House the Twenty-ninth lost 54 and at Smyrna 37, though the losses were not generally reported owing to the steady fighting. General Ector was wounded and lost his leg 27 July, 1864, but the brigade continued to bear his name to the end. General W. H. Young took command. The Twenty-ninth dis- tinguished itself at AUatoona 5 October, 1864. It carried into battle 138 and lost 54, 12 being killed, but it took the enemy's breastworks. A graphic report by Major E. H. Hampton ia to be found in Vol. 77, Official Records Union and Con- federate Armies, page 821. The brigade was in Hood's army on the march to Nashville but was on detached service at the battle of Franklin, 30 November, 1864. On 10 December, 1864, Colonel David Coleman of the Thirty-ninth North Carolina was in command of the brigade and held it till the surrender. In the spring of 1865 it was in the army com- manded by General Dabney H. Maury in the defence of Mo- bile. Its conduct is highly spoken of in General Gibson's report 16 April, 1865, to be found 103, Official Records Union and Confederate Armies at p. 318. After sharing in the defence and fate of Mobile the brigade, containing the two North Carolina and four Texas regiments and still commanded by Colonel David Coleman was withdrawn to Meridian, Miss., where it was when General Dick Taylor surrendered that Department 4 May, 1865. The men were paroled a few days later.

The Confederate soldier was famous for his wit. The Twenty-ninth had her share. The Colonel took Private Joe Sams to a point beyond "Long Tom," on the top of the Cum- berland mountain, and placed him on picket. "Now," said the Colonel, "if anyone approaches you from the direction of the camp, Joe, halt them; but if from the woods towards Cumberland Ford, shoot and run." Joe said : "Colonel, you shall hear from Joe if they come the wrong way of the leather." While we were besieging Cumberland Gap in the

Twenty-Ninth Regiment. 493

fall of 1863, and had a line of circumvallation around the gap, a noted man from Madison approached the guard line. The sentinel cried "halt, who comes there?" The old man said "a man with seven sons in the Confederate army, and you can't keep me out." Thereupon he boldly walked into the lines.

Lieutenant-Colonel W. C. Walker was killed by the bush- whackers. Lieutenant-Colonel Gardner died of consumption during the war. Colonel Creasman has departed this life since the war, and two of his sons, stalwart, powerful men, have recently been connected with the police at Asheville.

Captain M. Chandler and Lieutenant-Colonel B. S. Prof- fitt both sleep the sleep of the just. Lieutenant-Colonel James Marion Lowry resides on Sandy Mush in Buncombe, and it is his annual custom to gather his men, "The Bold Mountain Tigers," in happy reunion at the "old camp ground" on Turkey Creek. Captain John C. Blayloek dwells in Mitchell, near the foot of the famous Blue Ridge. Cap- tain J. Stanhope Anderson has often represented his county. Clay, in the General Assembly. Captain John A. Jarvis moved to Georgia and Captain John A. Teague to Texas, where he died a faithful soldier and a good man.

Captain Hiram Rogers lives on Fine's creek, Haywood County. Captain Wallace Rollins,* it is well known, resides in Asheville. Captain Wiley F. Parker died in the member- ship of the M. E. Church, being a minister of that Church. Captain John H. Robeson died also in the harness, being a minister of the M. E. Church, South. Captain W. A. Enloe lives in Jackson County, respected and honored by his neighbors. Captain Jos. Stradley, of Beaverdam, was the last Captain of Company H, succeeding Captain J. A. Bre- vard, and he succeeded Captain Wiley T. Parker.

Time fails the present writer to bring forward, in loving remembrance, the Lieutenants, subalterns and privates of this honored regiment. Many of these faithful men are yet spared to us, and our hearts are stirred when we meet them,

*Capt. Eollins "passed over " to the enemy and served as Major in Kirk's Regiment. Ed.

494 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

as we did last summer, in happy reunion. Many, according to the comon lot, sleep the sleep that knows no waking. "No sound can awake them to glory again." Annually we gather around their last resting places, when they are in reasonable reach, and drop a flower and a tear ; and when we turn from these, to us, hallowed mounds, we muse and feel there is "port after stormy seas, and after toil is sleep after war is ease after life is death. These are the things that please."

EoBEBT B. Vance. Alexandek, N. C,

26 April, 1897.


1. F. M. Parker, Colonel. 3. W. M. B. Moore, Captain Co F

2. A. D. Betts, Chaplain. 4. T. M. Fitts, Captain, Co. B ' '

5. W. C. Drake, Captain, Co. B


By colonel F. M. PARKER.

This regiment was organized at Camp Mangum on 7 Octo- ber, 1861, by the election of:

F. M. Pakker, Colonel, of Halifax.

Walter F. Draughak, Lieutenant-Colonel, of Cumber- land.

James T. Kbll, Major, of Mecklenburg.

The Staff was as follows :

BucKNER D. Williams, Acting Quartermaster, of War- ren.

John Collins^ Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, of Warren.

Henry Joyner^ Surgeon, of Halifax.

Charles G. GebgorY;, Assistant Surgeon, of Halifax.

Kev. a. D. Betts, Chaplain, of Harnett.

E. M. Carter, Adjutant, of Davie.

The Captains during the war were:

Company A From Sampson; James C. Holmes, Gary F. Williams. Enlisted men, 140.

Company B From Warren; W. C. Drake, Weldon E. Davis. Enlisted men, 120.

Company C From Brunswick; Joseph Green, David C. Allen. Enlisted men, 143.

Company D From Wake and Granville; Eugene Gris- som, Charles W. Allen. Enlisted men, 139.

Company E From Duplin; John C. McMillan. En- listed men, 75.

Company F From Edgecombe; F. G. Pitt, W. M. B. Moore, S. K. Moore. Enlisted men, 140.

Company G From Granville; Kichard P. Taylor, J. A. Barnett. Enlisted men, 128.

496 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

CoMPAKT H From Moore; W. M. Swann, Jesse J. Wicker. Enlisted men, 146.

CoMPAisrT I From JSTash; William T. Arrington, J. J. Harriss. Enlisted men, 167.

Co.MPAiTY K From Mecklenbjtirg ; James T. Kell, B. F. Morrow, J. G. Witherspoon, W. E. Ardrey. Enlisted men, 144.

The above numbers are tbe total enlisted during the war as appears by Moore's Roster, though that cannot be deemed entirely accurate.

The First Lieutenants were :

Company A— W. W. Sellers, L. M; White.

Company B B. D. Williams, J. M. Brame, W. E. Davis, J. H. Nicholson.

Company C— D. C. Allen, E. J. Greer, S. W. Bennett.

Company D— S. J. Allen, C. N. Allen, S. S. Abemathy.

Company E Cornelius Johnson, I. J. Johnson.

Company F— W. M. B. Moore, G. K. Harrell, S . R. Moore.

Company G Rush J. Mitchell, J. W. Padgett.

Company H Archibald A. Mcintosh, Henry J. McNeil.

Company I Elias Dunn, J. J. Harriss, B. B. Williford, K. W. Arrington.

Company K— B. F. Morrow, C. E. Bell, N. D. Orr, W. E. Ardrey.

The Second Lieutenants were :

Company A Cornelius Patrick, C. T. Stevens, A. F. Lawhom.

Company B J. M. Moore, J. J. Laughlin, J. S. Foote.

Company C S. C. Thorpe, L. D. Cain, J. H. Dosher, J. R. Swain, E. R. Ruark.

Company D G. S. Abernathy, Allen Bently, C. M. Rogers, W. J. Gill, J. E. Ferrell, M. L. Rogers.

Company E W. J. Boney, Daniel Teachy, D. T. McMil- lan, J. C. Carr, J. W. Ellis, S. B. Newton.

Company F— J. W. Pitt, Charles Vines, L. D. Eagles, S. R. Moore.

Company G J. A. Barnett, W. A. Brooks, R. F. Clair-

Thirtieth Regiment. 497

borne, Alex. Crews, Ira J. Connell, J. T. Fulford.

Company H D. W. Mcintosh, F. M. Moore, J. J. Wicker, L. H. McLeod, A. J. Jackson, A. H. Brown.

Company I— C. W. W. Woodward, Tom Tisdale, S. R. Perry.

Company K^ J. T. Downs.

After the organizatign the regiment was ordered to Fort Johnson, District of the Cape Fear, commanded by Brigadier-General Joseph K. Anderson. The time at this camp was occupied in drilling and instructing the men in the duties of the soldier. After a few weeks the Thirtieth was ordered to occupy Camp Wyatt, near Fort Fisher.

Remaining in this camp the entire winter, the Thirtieth was ordered to Wilmington to be forwarded to reinforce the troops at New Bern, but that place having fallen, the Thir- tieth was held at Wilmington, and occupied different camps in the vicinity.

General S. G. French having succeeded General Anderson, ordered the Thirtieth to Onslow and Jones, with instructions to check the raids and depredations of Burnside's cavalry, then occupying ISTew Bern. The force detailed for this work was the Thirtieth North Carolina Infantry; Captain A. D. Moore's battery of light artillery, the Scotland ISTeck Mounted Rifles, Captain A. B. Hill and Captain Newkirk's company of cavalry, the whole under command of the Colonel of tlie Thirtieth. The two companies of cavalry had preceded the other troops, and were picketing within a few miles of New Bern, Burnside's headquarters. This movement was of ben- efit to our people in that section by keeping the enemy con- fined to a narrow limit.

While in Onslow, on 1 May, 1862, by act of Congress, the Thirtieth, with all other troops, was reorganized. This brought many changes to the regiment. MajorKell was elected Lieutenant-Colonel in place of Draughan. Lieutenant W. W. Sellers was elected Major. The Thirtieth lost a worthy officer in the person of Lieutenant-Colonel Draughan.

Soon after the reorganization the Thirtieth was ordered back to Wilmington, and from thence to Richmond, Va. 32

498 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

The Thirtieth was actively engaged in the battle of Seven Pines on 31 May, 1862. While the loss in numbers was not great, yet the disabling, for the balance of the war of Eugene Crrissom, Captain of Company D, was a serious loss to the regiment. Captain Grissom was an officer of superior abil- ity.

Soon after this, the troops were brigaded by States. The Second, Fourth, Fourteenth and Thirtieth North Carolina troops constituted a brigade, commanded by General George B. Anderson, of North Carolina, and was placed in the divis- ion of General Daniel H. Hill, of North Carolina ^truly a North Carolina command and they never forgot it.

Anderson's brigade was actively engaged in the seven days' battle around Richmond, from Mechanicsville to Malvern Hill. This battle was badly managed ; the troops were sent in by detail of brigades.

When Anderson's brigade had driven the Yankee infantry from their front, on which a battery of twenty-one guns was playing, Sergeant-Major Lawhorn, of the Thirtieth, in- formed his Colonel that his own and a part of the Fourteenth North Carolina Regiment, were the only troops engaged in that charge. The Sergeant-Major was directed to proceed down the line and ascertain this fact fully and report. Soon he returned and verified his first statement.

Thereupon the Thirtieth was withdrawn in good order to avoid the murderous fire of the battery alluded to, and not more than 300 yards from our position. We remained on the same ground where we had formed for the charge. On this field the lamented Arrington, Captain of Company I, was killed. The loss of the regiment was severe.

It is seldom that a cooler piece of impudence is witnessed than was on this charge. Corporal Pipkin, of Company A, the color company, a most excellent soldier, while advancing at charge bayonets, with his right hand, scooped up a pair of new cavalry boots, which were tied together, threw them across his left arm, without taking his eye from the point of his bayonet, or without breaking his alignment. Gallant fel- low, he neither brought out his boots or his life. He fell be- fore advancing ten paces farther.

Thirtieth Regiment. 499

At the battle of Gaines' Mill Lieutenant-Colonel Kell was disabled by wounds from a fragment of shell to such an extent as to render him unfit for active duty for the rest of the war, thus losing the services of a gallant, meritorious officer.

Adjutant Carter having resigned, Frederick Philips, of Edgecombe, was appointed Adjutant, and commissioned 5 July, 1862.

Dr. F. M. Garret, of Edgecombe, was commissioned Sur- geon of the Thirtieth North Carolina Troops, on 23 August, 1862, in place of Surgeon Henry Joyner, resigned.

After remaining in camp near Richmond, D. H. Hill's division marched to join the army in Northern Virginia, and reached the field of Second Manassas the day after that battle had been won.

With the Army of Northern Virginia, we crossed into Maryland. At the battle of South Mountain, 14 September, 1862, the division did the hardest service of any one day of the war. Hill's small division kept at bay tl^e entire army of McClellan until nightfall, when we moved in the direction of Sharpsburg.

Anderson's Brigade occupied different positions on the field of Sharpsburg, on 15 and 16 September, 1862. On the night of the 16th, we occupied the historic "bloody lane," and held it during the battle of the iTth, until driven by a direct and cross fire from either flank. The terrible slaughter of the enemy in our immediate front, as witnessed by our own men, who were taken prisoners when we changed front, tells of the good work done by our brigade. The Thirtieth held the right of the brigade, and was much exposed by reason of our position on the crest of the hill.

While the firing was very hot, Courier Baggarly, from brigade headquarters, reported to me that General Anderson was wounded and had left the field; that he was unable to find Colonel Tew, of the Second North Carolina, the Senior Colonel of the brigade, and that he made this report to me, being next in command. I then instructed my Adjutant, Lieutenant Phillips, to proceed cautiously down the line, ob- serve what was going on, and if possible, to find Colonel Tew, and carry to him Baggarly's report.

500 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Lieutenant Philips undertook this perilous duty, receiv- ing several shots through his clothing, came in hailing diS" tance of Colonel Tew and reported to that officer. And to be sure that his message was understood, asked Colonel Tew to give him some intimation that he was heard. Colonel Tew, who was standing erect, lifted his hat and made Philips a polite bow, and fell immediately from a wound in the head.

While Lieutenant Philips was returning, he received a severe wound on the head, which caused him to leave the field, much to the loss of the command. I at once attempted to go to the left of the brigade, and had not proceeded ton paces, when I was struck by a minie ball on the head ond was taken from the field. In a recent correspondence Vi'ith an officer of the Sixty-fourth ISTew York Regiment, he si'.ja "I remember very well what a warm reception you gave us, when you left the Bloody Lane, and we moved in."

I have never witnessed more deliberate nor more destruc- tive firing. I cautioned my men to hold their fire until I should give the command, and then to take deliberate, cool aim ; that I would not give the command to fire until I could see the belt of the cartridge boxes of the enemy, and to aim at these. They obeyed my orders, gave a fine volley, which brought down the enemy as grain falls before a reaper.

It was from a wound received on this field, that ISTorth Car- olina suffered a great loss in the death of General George B, Anderson. The State gave no finer soldier to our cause.

Before the campaign of 1863 opened Stephen D. Ramseur, Colonel of the Forty-ninth JSTorth Carolina Infantry, was promoted to Brigadier-General, and assigned to the brigade of the lamented Anderson.

Though the skirmishers of the Thirtieth were actively en- gaged at Fredericksbiirg and the regiment itself was under a heavy shelling, Chancellorsville was the next field upon which the prowess of the regiment was shown. The two days preceding the battle of 3 May, 1863, Eamseur's Brigade was- very actively engaged in heavy skirmishing. The move- ments, where the ground would allow it, were made by reo-u- lar brigade drill.

The brigade was in the famous flank movement of Jackson


1 W. T. Arrington, feaptain, Co. I. 3. Lawson Knott, 1st Corporal, Co G

a Joseph "W. Badgett, 1st Lieut.. Co. G. 4. William C. Peed, Private, Co. D 5. James M. Hobgood, Private, Co, G.

Thirtieth Regiment. 501

striking Howard's Corps of Dutchmen in reverse, and en- joyed the sight of their tumbling over their works running for dear life and repeating that ominous word "Shackson! Shackson!"

While in line of battle on the early morning of 3 May, 1863, Eamseur rode up to the Colonel of the Thirtieth and instructed him to take his regiment to the support of Major Pegram's battery, which was then threatened, and with or- ders to remain with the battery as long as there seemed to be any danger ; then to rejoin the brigade, or act upon his own responsibility, at the same time furnishing him with a courier.

After remaining in support of Pegram until that officer thought the danger had passed, the Thirtieth was moved in the direction of heavy firing, suppposed to be Ramseur's. Proceeding about half a mile the regiment received the fire of the enemy from behind breastworks constructed of heavy timber, which we charged and captured.

Moving in the same direction, we struck another force of the enemy, which were attacking Ramseur's flank. These we drove from the field, capturing many prisoners, thus relieving our comrades who had distinguished themselves so gallantly on that part of the field.

In this advance the Thirtieth reached a point very near General Hooker's headquarters.

Being so far in advance of our troops. General Stuart, who then commanded the Second Corps, opened two pieces on us, which made it very uncomfortable until Captain Randolph, of Stuart's staff, rode near enough to our position to distin- guish us and so reported to his chief. We were glad to re- join our brigade. They, as well as the Thirtieth, had suf- fered terribly in killed and wounded.

Among the many promotions which Chancellorsville gave, ^ot one was more worthily bestowed than that which fell upon R. E. Rodes. By request of General Jackson, Rodes' com- mission as Major-General, was dated from the field upon which he had won it. He was assigned to D. H. Hill's divis- ion.

We cannot part with our old division commander, General

502 North Carolina- Tkoops, 1861-65.

Hill, without indorsing his high standing as a soldier and a Christian gentleman. He had endeared himself to his com- mand very warmly.

The advance of the Army of ISTorthern Virginia into Penn- sylvania was made not long after the battle of Chancellors- ville. Eamseur's Brigade occupied Carlisle barracks. In moving to the field of Gettysburg we constituted the rear guard of Rodes' division train, which threw us on that field in the afternoon of the first day. Our position was on the left of Eodes' line. We found the enemy behind stone walls, from which we drove them into and beyond the town of Get- tysburg. The fighting was of a desperate character, and our losses were heavy. On the second and third days Eamseur's Brigade was not seriously engaged and recrossed the Potomac with the army.

During the winter of 1863-64 the following changes in the staff of the Thirtieth were made: Adjutant Philips, who had received a disabling wound at Kelly's Ford in November, 1863, was appointed Captain and assigned to duty in the spring of 1864 as Assistant Quartermaster in place of Wil- liams, promoted. The regiment thus lost an excellent Adju- tant, but duplicated a No. 1 Assistant Quartermaster. P. W. Arrington, of Northampton, was appointed Adjutant in place of Phillips, promoted.

No regiment was more fortunate in the efficiency of its staff than was the Thirtieth.

The Winter was spent on the Rapidan, the line of the two armies.

On 4 May, 1864, movements began which brought on the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania and others. In all of these, the Thirtieth shared the fate of Eamseur's Brigade', which was hard marching and hard fighting. The charge of the brigade on 12 May, driving the Yankees from three lines of works, is historic. The loss of the Thirtieth in this charge was heavy, both in officers and men. The losses on 19 May, as also at Second Cold Harbor were serious. On 19 May, the Colonel of the regiment received a wound which disqualified him for active field service. The regiment was subsequently commanded by the Senior Captain present, gen-

Thirtieth Regiment. 503

erally by that fine soldier, Captain D. 0. Allen, of Com- pany C.

In the pursuit of the Federal General Hunter down the Valley of the Shenandoah, Captain Allen being absent from indisposition, the Thirtieth was ably commanded by Captain F. M. Fitts, who had been recently promoted on account of gallant conduct on the field. No braver nor more dashing an officer ever led men than was Captain Fitts.

An irreparable loss to the regiment should have been no- ticed sooner. In an engagement at Kelly's Ford in l^ovem- ber, 1863, the regiment was commanded by Lieutenant-Col- onel Sellers, who acted with his wonted coolness and courage, but being outnumbered and exposed to a plunging fire of artillery from the high banks of the Rappahannock, the regi- ment was badly cut to pieces. On this field Colonel Sellers offered his young life on the altar of his country. As gentle as a, lovely woman, as brave as the bravest, his loss was a sad one to his State, to the army, and particularly to his own regiment. He commanded the respect and love of the entire command.

During the campaign of 1864, General Ramseur was pro- moted to Major-General. His old brigade was, after that, commanded by that accomplished, chivalrous soldier, Gen- eral W. R. Cox, formerly Colonel of the Second North Car- olina Troops. Cox's Brigade constituted a part of General Early's command in the Shenandoah Valley, and in the movement on Washington. In this campaign the loss of the Thirtieth was very heavy. Among the officers who were killed in battle was Captain Moore, of Company F. When Moore fell, there was not a more gallant soldier left in the Army of Northern Virginia.

The history of a brigade is generally the history of the regiments composing it. The reports of the general officers of the army bear evidence of the efficiency of Ramseur's Brig- ade. A prominent writer of our State, himself an accom- plished gentleman and soldier, in writing of this brigade, speaks of it as the "Ironsides of the army." The lamented Ramseur in parting with his old Brigade to assume a higher

504 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

command, appealed to his immediate superiors "to tell our countrym^en how we did our duty."

Our Great Captain, the spotless Lee, emphasized this ap- preciation of our services on the last day at Appomattox. As Cox's Brigade swept by him to the charge, with steady step and unbroken line, he voluntarily exclaimed: "God bless old ITorth Carolina." This is glory enough for any body of troops.


The Thirtieth ITorth Carolina was not actively engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg 13 December, 1862. D. H. Hill's Division was guarding the Kappahannock near Port Eoyal, some twenty-five miles below Fredericksburg. It was moved by a forced march on the night of the 12th, so as be in position when the battle was joined. After occupying respectively, the third, second and first lines, without an op- portunity of drawing trigger, the brigade petitioned General Jackson to be allowed to remain one day longer on the first line. The request was granted, but Burnside had been so terribly beaten on the 13th that he recrossed the river at night. Our brigade furnished 100 sharpshooters which did fine work in the battle of the 13th. The brigade was ably commanded by that gallant soldier, Colonel Bryan Grimes, of the Fourth North Carolina, later one of the distinguished, and justly so. Major Generals of the Army of N"orthern Vir- ginia.

The Thirtieth was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Kell, an ofiicer of gallantry and force, whose previous wounds caused this to be his last service during the war.


Much has been written about what command fired the last gun at Appomattox.

In a recent letter Captain D. C. Allen, who was Senior Captain commanding the Thirtieth North Carolina Troops for the last few months of the war, and who is as gallant a man as ever drew a blade, and who is entitled to the fullest

Thirtieth Regiment. 505

credit for any statement lie may make, writes : "I have seen several pieces in the papers about the last guns fired at the surrender.

"I remember that at Raleigh during the session of the Leg- islature right after the vi^ar, Governor Vance delivered his lec- ture 'AH About It/ and stated that Grimes' Division fired the last gun. General Grimes was present, also General Oox. I was seated between them. General Oox contended that it was his Brigade that had the honor, and asked me to decide the matter, and go with him and tell Vance to correct it. I told Cox that it was our old Regiment and Company D from Wake that fired the last guns, and also explained the same to Vance. His reply was that it made no difference, as we all belonged to Grimes' Division. General Cox wrote a long article in a ISTorthem paper claiming the honor for his brigade, sent me a copy and said it looked too small to give the credit to a regiment or a company, though the fact re- mains that under Cox's order to take my regiment and sup- port a battery then firing. General Cox took the rest of the brigade from the field of action while I remained and fired on the enemy advancing in my front ; they halted and lay down, and immediately another line advanced on my flank, when I changed front and fired another round, the enemy halting and laying down flat.

"Neither line returned my fire. Then I received orders to join my command. I think the Federals were informed of the surrender, or they would have wiped us from the earth.

"I heard the late D. K. IMacRae in his lecture during the time he was gathering facts for President Davis' book, give our command the credit of the last fire."

D was from Wake and Granville. Always ready, always willing to do any duty, and they always did it well.

Fbancis M. Paekee.

Enfibld, N. C.,

9 April, 1901.


1. J. V. Jordan,' Colonel. 3. E. K. Bryan, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant

^. Daniel G. Fowle, Lieut-Colonel. 4. Geo. F. Darden, 2d Lieut., Co. K.

5. Isaac H. Stegall, 1st Sergeant, Co. A.




The Thirty-first Eegiment was organized 19 September, 1861, with the following Meld, Staff and Company officers:

J. V. JoEDAN, Colonel, Craven County.

Daniel G. Fowle, Lieutenant-Colonel, Wake County.

Jesse Johnston Yates^ Major, Hertford County.

Petee Ctjstis^ Surgeon, Craven County.

W. J. BusBEE, Assistant Surgeon, Wake County.

And the following Company officers :

Company A Oondery Godwin, Captain; W. H. Hart- man, First Lieutenant; Tiabon Stegal, Second Lieutenant; Moore J. Seably, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company B Edward E. Liles, Captain; J. G. Bradly, First Lieutenant; C. B. Lindsey, Second Lieutenant; Stephen Crump, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company C Andrew W. Betts, Captain ; Leinster Utley, First Lieutenant; Thomas H. Wray, Second Lieutenant; Andrew IST. Betts, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company D Langdon Cheves Manly, Captain; Henry B. Jordan, First Lieutenant ; Kuffin L. Bryant, Second Lieu- tenant ; Joseph W. Holden, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company E Jesse Miller, Captain; John W. Hughes, First Lieutenant; John H. Berry, Second Lieutenant; Jos. W. Allison, Junior Second Lieutenant

Company F Chas. W. Knight, Captain, S. J. Latham, First Lieutenant ; S. W. Morrisett, Second Lieutenant ; S. A. Hyman, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company G Julian Picot, Captain; Isaac Pipkin, First Lieutenant; John A. Slaughter, Second Lieutenant; S. B. Pool, Junior Second Lieutenant.

508 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Company H Willie D. Jones, Captain ; Fabius H. Perry, First Lieutenant ; Walter Debnam, Second Lieutenant ; Wil- liam Pulley, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company I John A. D. McKay, Captain ; Cornelius H. Coffield, First Lieutenant ; William A. Pierce, Second Lieu- tenant; William Pearspn, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company K Joseph Whitty, Captain; E. J. Bowen, First Lieutenant ; Thos. H. Gaskins, Second Lieutenant ; Jos. D. Ballinger, Junior Second Lieutenant.

As thus organized, the command proceeded to Roanoke Island, N. C, arriving there on 12 December, 1861. On 21 December that part of North Carolina east of Chowan river, together with the counties of Washington and Tyrrell, was, at the request of the proper authorities of North Caro- lina, constituted into a Military District under Brigadier- General H. A. Wise, and attached to the command of Major- General Huger, commanding the Department of Norfolk. The military defence of Eoanoke Island, and its adjacent waters, consisted of Fort Bartow, the most southern of the de- fences on the west side of the island, a sand fort well covered with turf, having nine 21-pound guns mounted and Fort Blanchard, on the same side of the island, two and a half miles distant from Fort Bartow, a semi-circular sand fort, turfed and mounting four 32-pound guns ; on same side and about 1,200 yards from Fort Blanchard was Fort Huger, a turfed sand fort, running along the line of the beach and closed in the rear by low breastworks, it mounted eight 32- pound guns and two rifle 32-pound en barbette, and two small 32-pound en barbette on the right. About three miles from fort Bartow on the east side of the island was a battery of two 32-poimd guns, at Midyett's Hammocks, in the centre of the island. About three miles from Fort Bartow and one mile from Midyett's Hammocks was a redoubt, or breastwork, thrown across the road 70 or 80 feet long with embrasures for three guns, on the right of which there was a swamp and on the left a marsh, the redoubt reaching nearly between them and facing to the north. On the Tyrrell side, on the main land, nearly opposite Fort Huger, was Fort Forrest, mounting seven 32-pound guns.

Thirty-First Regiment. 509

In addition to these defences on the shore, and on the island, there was a barrier of piles, extending from the east side of Fulker Shoals, towards the island, the object of which was to compel vessels passing on the west side of the island to approach within reach of the batteries, but up to 8 February, there was a span of 1,700 yards open opposite Fort Bartow. Some vessels had been sunk, and piles driven on the west side of Fulker Shoals, to obstruct the channel between that shoal and the main land. The above composed all the de- fences, either upon the land or water adjacent. See Map, Vol. I, page 390, of this work.

The entire military force stationed on the island prior to, and at the time of the engagement, consisted of the Eighth Regiment, North Carolina State Troops, under command of Colonel H. M. Shaw, a most gifted and gallant officer. The Thirty-first Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers, com- manded by Colonel J. V. Jordan, known as a faithful officer and fine disciplinarian. Also three companies of the Sev- enteenth Regiment North Carolina Troops, under the com- mand of Major G. H. Hill. After manning the forts we had only about 800 effective men for duty. The entire command under Brigadier-General Wise, who upon 7 and 8 February, was at Nag's Head, four miles distant from the island, con- fined to a sick bed and entirely disabled from participating in the battle which was imminent. The immediate command, therefore, devolved on Colonel Shaw. On the night of 6 February, a detachment of artillery was sent to Ashby Land- ing and the remainder of the forces were stationed in the vicinity of Ashby. On the morning of the 7th, the enemy's fleet passed by both of the landings, and proceeded toward Fort Baxtow, and a detachment of infantry stationed at Pughs, immediately fell back to the vicinity of Ashby land- ing and joined the detachment then all under the command of Colonel J. V. Jordan.

In the Sound between Roanoke Island and the main land, upon the Tyrrell side. Commodore Lynch, with a squadron of seven vessels, had taken position, and at 11 o'clock the enemy's fleet, consisting of about thirty gun-boats and schoon- ers, advanced in ten divisions. The advance and attacking

510 North Caeolina Teoops, 1861-65.

divisions, again sub-divided, one assailing Lynch's squadron and the other firing upon the fort, with 9, 10 and 11-inch shell, spherical case, a few round shot and every variety of rifled projectiles. The fort replied with but four guns, which were all that coxild be brought to bear. After the fore- most vessel was struck several times, the fleet fell back so as to mask one of the guns of the fort, leaving only three to reply to the fire of the whole fleet. The bombardment was con- tinued throughout the day and the enemy retired at dark. Lynch's squadron sustained the position most gallantly, and only retired after exhausting all their ammunition and having lost the steamer Curlew, and the Forrest disabled. Fort Bartow sustained serious damage from the fleet, but the injuries were partially repaired by the next morning. About 3 :30 o'clock on the evening of the 7th, the enemy sent from transports about twenty-five men in a launch, apparently to take soundings, who being fired upon retreated, whereupon two large steamers having in tow each thirty boats filled with troops, approached the island under protection of their gun- boats, at a point north of Ashby's Landing, known as Hay- mond's, and effected a landing ; the point selected was out of reach of our field pieces at Ashby, and also defended by a swamp from the advance of our infantry and under cover of shot and shell from the vessels. Our whole force then with- drew to the redoubt or breastworks, and placed in battery three field pieces, under command of Captain Schimmer- horn, and Lieutenants Kinney and Seldon. Two companies each from the Eighth and Thirty-first North Carolina Reg- iments supported this battery.

Three companies of Wise's Legion were deployed as skir- mishers, the remainder of the infantry about three hundred yards in rear of the redoubts as a reserve. The enemy landed some 15,000 men with artillery, and at T o'clock a. m. on the 8th, opened fire upon the redoubt, which we replied to im- mediately with great spirit, and the action soon became gen- eral, continuing without interruption for five hours, when the enemy succeeded in flanking each wing of our forces.

The order was given by Colonel Shaw to spike the guns of the battery and retire to the northern end of the island;

Thirty-First Regiment. 511

this movement necessitating the abandonment of Forts Bar- tow, Blanchard and Huger, after destroying ammunition, and disabling the guns. The enemy now taking possession of the redoubts and forts and pursuing our troops to the northern end of the island, deployed so as to surround our small force.

Colonel Shaw finding himself surrounded by this greatly superior force, had either to make an idle display of courage in fighting at such an immense disadvantage, or to capitulate and surrender as prisoners of war. He wisely determined upon the latter course. Our loss, killed, wounded and miss- ing, was 285. We were paroled by the enemy. The term of enlistment expired about September, 1862, and about this time we were exchanged.

The regiment was reorganized at Camp Mangum, near Ealeigh, N. C, 18 September, 1862, with the following Field and Staff officers:

J. V. JoEDAN, Colonel.

E. E. LiLES, Lieutenant-Colonel.

J. A. D. McKay, Major.

W. H. Battle, Surgeon.

W. J. Btjsbee, Assistant Surgeon.

W. E. Pool, Assistant Surgeon.

W. E. Hughes, Assistant Surgeon.

E. K. Bbyan, Adjutant.

John Giriojsr, Sergeant-Major.

C. B. Beale, Sergeant-Major.

John J. Cox, Quartermaster.

J. B. LiNDSEY, Quartermaster Sergeant.

C. H. EoBiNsoN, Quartermaster Sergeant.

C. C. Claek, a. C. S.

H. B. Lane, A. C. S.

E. H. Meadows was Commissary Sergeant after the resign nation of C. C. Clark, and afterwards was an assistant to Major Gage, Brigade Commissary of Subsistence.

It will be understood that these officers served at different periods of the regiment's history, which is also the case with the company officers, whose names will follow, frequent pro-

512 North CARquNA Troops, 1861-65.

motions and resignations rendering it very difficult to note the particular dates of each commission :

CoMPAKTY A ^W. H. Hartman, Captain ; Samuel P. Col- lins, Captain ; Samuel P. Collins, First Lieutenant ; John A. Forte, First Lieutenant; W. H. Freeman, Second Lieuten- ant; John L. Forte, Second Lieutenant; George W. Thomp- son, Second Lieutenant ; John C. Barnes, Second Lieaitenant.

Company B Chas. B. Lindsey, Captain ; Jas. Y. Bradley, Captain; E. H. Streeter, First Lieutenant; M. T. Ballard, Second Lieutenant ; Junius A. Liles, Second Lieutenant ; J. B. Sidney, Second Lieutenant.

Company C W. J. Long, Captain ; Thos. H. Wray, First Lieutenant; J. C. Williams, Second Lieutenant; Thos. H. Goodwin, Second Lieutenant.

Company D Puffin L. Bryant, Captain; Benj. Walton, First Lieutenant; S. H. Bryan, Second Lieutenant; W. G. Williams, Second Lieutenant.

Company E J. F. Allison, Captain; John BL. Hughes, First Lieutenant; John H. Berry, Second Lieutenant; Joseph W. Allison, Second Lieutenant.

Company F Stephen W. Morrisett, Captain ; Samuel A. Hyman, First Lieutenant ; Jos. T. Waldo, First Lieutenant ; Arthur B. Knight, Second Lieutenant; Julius Perkins, Sec- ond Lieutenant.

Company G Julian Picot, Captain; Isaac Pipkin, Cap- tain ; Simeon B. Pool, First Lieutenant ; John D. Gatlin, Sec- ond Lieutenant ; John L. Everett, Second Lieutenant.

Company H James E. Todd, Captain; John W. Smith, Captain; John W. Smith, First Lieutenant; Robert W. Deb- nam. Second Lieutenant ; A. V. Horton, Second Lieutenant.

Company I Allen B. Parker, Captain ; William A. Du- van. Captain ; W. A. Prince, First Lieutenant ; Wm. Pearson, First Lieutenant; E. H. Williams, First Lieutenant; Wil- liam 0. Tutor, Second Lieutenant; Allen B. Parker, Sec- ond Lieutenant ; Daniel McL. Jones ; Second Lieutenant ; W. J. Bother, Second Lieutenant.

Company K Jos. Whitty, Captain; E. J. Bowen, First Lieutenant; George F. Darden, Second Lieutenant; Wm. E. Gardner, Second Lieutenant.

Thirty-First Regiment. 513

After remaining several weeks in camp of instruction at Camp Mangiim, the regiment was ordered to Kinston, JST. C, about 14 December, 1862, and with the Eighth NortJi Caro- lina and Colonel Pool's Regiment and Colonel Nethercut's Regiment, Starr's and Badham's ArtiUery, proceeded towards New Bern to make a feint in order to attract the enemy, who were in the vicinity of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, near Tarboro, N. C. We proceeded as far as Deep Gully and drove in the enemy's pickets, they making a feeble resistance. Colonel H. M. Shaw commanded the expedition. The en- emy covered their retreat by destroying the bridge at Deep Gully (seven miles from New Bern) which prevented our further pursuit; we had accomplished the purpose intended. The regiment then marched to Greenville, where it remained about twenty-four hours, finding no enemy in our front, marched back to Kinston, N. C, where we went into camp. The regiment was then ordered to Wilmington, N. C, after remaining there some days, we were ordered to White Hall, on ISTeuse river, IST. C, and participated in the battle which took place there on 16 December, 1862. In that engagement a portion of the regiment was withdrawn under fire by Lieu- tenant-Colonel Liles without orders. But at that tim.e we were not yet well under discipline, and ofiicers sometimes acted independently. After the engagement we were or- dered to Wilmington; about this time (date not exactly re- membered) this regiment, together with the Eighth, Fifty- first and Sixty-first, was formed into a brigade, commanded by General Thomas L. Clingman, Statesman and Soldier, than whom a more fearless and gallant soldier never drew sword. We were then sent to Charleston, S. C, partic- ipating in the various attacks on James Island and doing heavy picket duty and skirmishing with the enemy. We were then ordered to Savannah, remaining there a few days, during which time the attack on Fort McAllister was made ; this regiment acting as a reserve, in rear of the fort ; after an unsuccessful attempt by the enemy they withdrew, having accomplished nothing.

The regiment was now moved to James Island again, the 33

614 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

health of the conmiand was such, many being stricken down with a virulent type of fever, that it was considered necessary to change the encampment and we moved to Mount Pleasant, opposite Charleston, from which place we patrolled and picketed the Sullivan Island Beach, and were frequently de- tailed as a part of the garrison at Battery Wagner, on Mor- ris Island, against which the most determined efforts of the enemy were now directed. This regiment was about this time ordered to report to General Hood at ISTashville, Ten- nessee, but the order was countermanded, and we were then ordered to Virginia, but proceeding as far as Wilmington that order was countermanded.

After being in the vicinity of Wilmington a few days, we were returned to Charleston, and on 18 July, were a portion of the gallant garrison which defended Battery Wagner from the assault of the entire Yankee force on the Island, said to be 9,000 men, our force; amounted to about 1,600 men. This was one of the most sanguinary battles of the war, taking into consideration the disparity of numbers, and the advant age of the enemy with their fleet, consisting of iron-clad vessels, monitors- and mortar fleet, as well as land batteries of heavy rifled guns, which opened bombardment on the fort at early morning and kept it up continuously until after dark, at which time, by a signal of a rocket thrown up from the shipping, the cannonading ceased, and the infantry front line consisting of 3,000 men, made the assault. The reserve of 6,000 did not sustain it, seeing their comrades thickly strewn over the plains dead and dying, they faltered and could not be gotten to the front. The number killed and wounded on our side was small, as we were protected by breastworks, the enemy's loss was very heavy, figures not re- membered, more than 300 prisoners were taken. The next morning the enemy sent in flags of truce from their army and navy, and asked to bury their dead and care for their wounded, which was accorded by General Beauregard, the truce to last until 4 o'clock p. m.

The picket line, as originally held by us, was occupied at cessation of the truce. We were relieved from garrison duty at Battery Wagner on the night of the 19th and returned to

Thirty- First Regiment. 515

Sullivan's Island, remaining on picket duty there until the winter of 1863, when we were ordered to Virginia, forming a portion of General R. F. Hoke's division, encamped at Jor- dan Farm, near Petersburg. From Petersburg we were ordered to Ivor Station near the Blackwater river, where we remained until tlie campaign of 1864. During our stay there the enemy ascended with the steamer Smith Briggs up to Smithfield, Isle-of-Wight County, Virginia, and landed a marauding expedition, composed of 150 infantry, 25 cavalry and two mountain howitzers. Four companies of the Thirty- first Regiment, commanded by Captain Pipkin, one section of Sturtevant's Battery, and one squadron of cavalry went in pursuit of the enemy, arriving just in time to head them off from the steamer, which was waiting for them. We had a sharp fight through the woods and through the streets of the town. The enemy were in a full run for their boat, but too late. Captain Sturtevant, by a well directed shot (the second shot from one of his pieces) sent a round shot through the steamer's steam chest, which disabled her, and at once the white flag was run up by the steamer and the entire expedi- tion captured and the steamer (General Butler's flagship) was burned. It was told us by the prisoners we took that only one man escaped, and that was Captain Lee, the com- mander of the expedition. He swam to the marsh and jsecreted himself, thus making his escape (it was said with a bullet wound in his arm). This was the most complete vic- tory of its size and importance that ever crowned the efforts of any troops. After which we rejoined the brigade at Peters- burg, doing picket duty at City Point, when we were ordered to Drewry's Bluff and participated in that battle, occupying the right centre of the line, with balance of Hoke's Divis- ion. This battle was not unlike the battle of Inkemaan with respect to the severity of the action, the great slaughter, and the murkiness and cloudiness of the day, these conditions rendering it difficult at times to distinguish friend from foe. It is a matter of history that President Davis, alluding to the charge of the Thirty-first and Fifty-first Regiments on that occasion, remarked that it was the most gallant charge he ever vyitnessed. A distinguished writer to the editor of a

516 North Carolina Troops, 186l-'65.

Eichmond paper of that date, says "the charge made by the Thirty-first and Fifty-first Regiments on the enemy's lines, was most gallantly made, eliciting high compliments from both Generals Hoke and Clingman." From Drewry's Bluff the pursuit of the enemy, who were still commanded by Gen- eral Butler, was continued t6 Bermuda Hundred, where we threw up an entrenched line of works, occupying them until 30 May, 1864; picket fighting and the frequent repulse of assaults on our lines were the order of the days and nights. On the morning of the 31st we took the cars for the battlefield of Cold Harbor, where we arrived in the afternoon of that day, and were thrown out as a reserve for some cavalry skir- mishers (Stuart's dismounted), who were engaged with the enemy's infantry, our cavalry line being greatly outnum- bered, retired, forced by the enemy, who pursued them until coming within rifle range of our men who, by well directed shots, retarded their advance in our front; but we having so short a line (only 600 or YOO men), were soon flanked on our right, the enemy's skirmishers lapping entirely across our front and rear. Under this enfilade fire we retired to a point about one mile to our rear, and threw up such hasty breast- works during the night as could be done with the poor facili- ties at hand. They were made mostly with the aid of bayo- nets, tin plates, etc. This was to be the attacking point of the memorable and bloody battle of the second Cold Harbor, known in history as one of the most sanguinary conflicts of the war.

The attack was made on Clingman's Brigade, of Hoke's Division, about 3 o'clock p. m., 1 June, 1864. The enemy advanced not only in line of battle, but on our left wing in heavy column, masked by the line of battle in front.. This attack was signally and repeatedly repulsed with great loss to the enemy, in the entire front of our (Clingman's) Brig- ade. On the left flank of the brigade was the Eighth, then Fifty-first Eegiment, then Thirty-first Regiment and Sixty- first from left to right, as designated; the heaviest attack was on our left, where the enemy attacked in cohimn. There was an interval between our brigade and a brigade on our left, in consequence of a swamp intervening between the two,

Thirty-First Regiment. 517

which was considered impassable, therefore not protected by breastworks or troops; in this interval the enemy's heavy columns pressed forward and effected a lodgment, which then enfilading our line, compelled the Eighth and. Fifty-first Reg- iments to fall back.

They were, however, quickly formed in line of battle par- allel to the original one, with the Thirty-first and Sixty- first Raiments, which had repelled all the enemy in their front. The brigade was under a constant fire from the enemy while being thus formed in a new line of battle across the open field, parallel to the original line. While it was so doing the Twenty-seventh Georgia Regiment, of General Colquitt's Brigade, came up from our right and handsomely advanced with us ; the enemy were then, after a hard struggle, driven back and the whole of our original line was re-occupied, but the position on our left (the interval) remained in possession of the enemy without any attempt to retake it. General Clingman, in a report dated 5 June, 1864, says that his brigade lost in battle, within a period of three weeks next preceding that date, 1,172 men.

The following is taken from (Cold Harbor, 1 June, 1864) Jefferson Davis' History of Confederate States, p. 400 :

"The carnage on the Federal side," writes General Taylor, "was fearful. I well recall having received a report from General Hoke after the assault. His Division (our Division) reached the army just previous to the battle. The ground in his entire front, over which the enemy had charged, was lit- erally covered with their dead and wounded, and up to that time Hoke had not had a single man killed. ITo wonder that when the command was given to renew the assault, the Fed- eral soldiers sullenly and silently declined. The order was issued through the officers to their subordinate commanders, and from them through the wonted channels ; but no man stirred, the immobile lines thiis pronouncing a verdict, silent, yet emphatic, against further slaughter.

"The loss on the Union side in this sanguinary action was over 13,000, while on the part of the Confederates it is doubt- ful whether it reached that many hundred. General Grant asked for a truce to bury his dead, after which he abandoned

518 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

his chosen line of operation, and moved his army so as to secure a crossing to the south side of James river."

General Clingman's entire staff were either killed or wounded during the afternoon of that day, and the writers were both wounded; Adjutant Bryan, while acting on the staff of General Clingman, conveying orders on the field, which rendered him unfit for duty several months, and Ser- geant E. H. Meadows, commanding his company, very seri- ously, incapacitating him for further active military duty, (Lieutenant G. F. Darden, who had been in command of his company, having been wounded the day previous. )

The regiment was now ordered into the trenches at Peters- burg, and participated in all the hard fought battles in that vicinity. In the battle of Fort Harrison, one of the severest actions occurring on that front, Clingman's Brigade, and par- ticularly the Thirty-first Regiment, suffered terribly, so that when one of the writers, Adjutaxit Bryan, returned to the Regiment only a few days after this battle (date not remem- bered) he found the entire Regiment consisted' of only about sixty men, commanded by First Lieutenant Williams, the ranking officer present. The command was ordered to Wil- mington to participate in the defense of Fort Fisher 13 Jan- uary, 1865. They took no part in the action, however, as General Bragg and General Hoke concluded that the situa- tion was extremely hazardous, as the enemy had already landed and thrown up works entirely across the peninsula, which were manned by heavy lines of infantry, which, to- gether with their navy, which covild sweep the beach with can- ister and grape at short range, would in all probability have virtually annihilated the division. We fell back to Sugar Loaf and engaged the enemy as they advanced, checking them, and afterwards falling back to Wilmington and through the city to the Northeast branch of the Cape Fear, which we crossed on pontoons, the advance of the enemy arriving at the south bank just as our last troops had gotten across the river, and our pontoons cut loose.

We now marched to Goldsboro and Smithfield, where we waited the advance of Sherman from Fayetteville. The clash of arms came now again at Bentonville, N. C, 19

Thiety-Fibst Regiment. 519

March, 1865. For two days General Johnston held in check Sherman's 70,000 men, with not more than 20,000 of all arms. After two days' successful resistance Johnston, find- ing the Federals in overwhelming force concentrated on three sides of him, withdrew that night towards Ealeigh. The re- treat was continued to High Point, N. C, and at the quiet lit- tle village of Bush Hill, ahout two miles from High Point, the command was surrendered to General Sherman, our paroles being dated 1 May, 1865.

E. K. Beyan, E. H. Meadows. New Been, N C,

9 April, 1901.

Since completing the sketch of the Thirty-first Regiment, my attention- has been called to the following item taken from Vol. 125, "Rebellion Records." At page 815 to 818, is a list of medals given for capturing flags belonging to Confeder- ate regiments. Among other North Carolina regiments is the following: "Sergeant Joseph B. Kemp, Company D, Fifth Michigan, captured the flag of the Thirty-first North Carolina Regiment tearing it from its staff, which was retained by the color-bearer, at the Wilderness 6 May, 1864."

Now this statement is utterly untrue from beginning to end it being a physical impossibility to capture the flag of a regiment which was not in the battle, and which was at the time of said battle, for some weeks, both before and after said battle, several hundred miles distant. At the time of this battle the Thirty-first regiment was in front of Petersburg, Va., where it remained until Butler advanced from Bermuda Hundred in his "on to Richmond." The Thirty-flrst Regi- ment, together with our entire brigade, met Butler's forces in the general fight at Drewry's Bluff, and utterly routed him and drove him back to Bermuda Hundred, all of which is well known as a matter of history. Butler telegraphed on 7 May that he had destroyed many miles of railroad (President Davis' History, page 389). So this is conclusive, as our'regi- ment was left by Gen. Clingman to guard Petersburg while the balance of the brigade were with General Hoke near New

520 JSToETH Caeoliita Teoops, 1861-'65.

Bern, and our regiment (the Thirty-first) only left that neighbourhood when General Hoke was recalled to meet But- ler's forces in their effort to reach Richmond. It would be well for Sergeant Joseph B. Kemp, Company D, Fifth Mich- igan, to be more careful as to his claims.

Our flag was surrendered with the Regiment at Bush Hill, N. C, 1 May, 1865.

E. K. Betaw.


1. E. C. Brabble, Colonel. 3. W. L. London, Captain, Co. I.

3. Wm. H. Battle, Surgeon. 4. Calvin A. Little, Corporal, Co. E.

5. H. A. London, Courier, Co. I.


By henry a. LONDON, Private Company I.

The Companies composing the Thirty-second Eegiment of North Carolina troops were organized in the following counties :

Company A, in Tyrrell. Company B, in Camden. Company C, in Northampton. Company D, in Northampton. Company E, in Catawba. Company F, in Catawba. Company G, in Bertie. Company H, in Nash. Company I, in Chatham. Company K, in Franklin.

Although this regiment was not organized until the year 1862, yet every company in it had volunteered in 1861 and had been in active service for nearly a year. For instance, Companies I and K had been organized in the Spring of 1861, as soon as the first call for vohmteers had been made by Governor Ellis, and were attached to the Fifteenth Eegi- ment from which they were transferred in July, 1862, to the Thirty-second Eegiment. While attached to the Fifteenth Eegiment these two companies participated in Magruder's Peninsula campaign, and in the battles around Eichmond, in which they suffered heavy losses. The other companies had at first been attached to other commands, but in the Fall of 1861, six of these companies were organized into the "First Battalion of North Carolina Volunteers," with Captain Wil- liam T. Williams, of Nash, as Lieutenant-Colonel, and Cap- tain E. C. Brabble, of Tyrrell, as Major. This battalion was stationed near Portsmouth for several months, and in

622 ]Sr,OETH Caeolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

February, 1862, was ordered to Murfreesboro and i^ther places in the eastern part of North Carolina, where it re-- mained until May, when it returned to "Virginia. After its return to Virginia the battalion was stationed at Suffolk, Petersburg and Drewry's Bluff, at the latter place remaining several weeks in the summer of 1862. While there the com- panies composing this battalion, with the others above named, were organized into the Thirty-second Regiment with E. 0. Brabble as Colonel, William T. Williams, Lieutenant-Colonel, and D. G. Cowand, of Company A, as Major. Lieutenant- Colonel Williams, a few months thereafter, resigned and, Major Cowand succeeding him, Henry Gr. Lewis, also of Company A, became Major. And at one time the singular coincidence occurred (probably not in any other regiment in either the Confederate or Union army) of every field officer and every staff officer of this regiment from Colonel Brab- ble to Sergeant-Major Hardison all being selected from the same company. And again it was another singular coinci-^ dence that all these officers were members of the same (Epis- copal) Church, and to their credit be it recorded that with one exception, not one of them ever tasted spirituous liquors. Probably no regiment in the Confederate service was more fortunate in its field and staff officers, and the influence and example of such sober, moral and religious officers had a most salutary and beneficial effect upon the whole regiment, both in camp and in battle. Colonel Brabble was a strict disci- plinarian, yet humane and very considerate of the comfort of his men, so that they all implicitly obeyed his orders and had Qntire confidence in him, and in the midst of battle were un- der perfect control. After his untimely death (he was killed at Spottsylvania in May, 1864) he was succeeded by Lieu- tenant-Colonel Cowand, who was as modest and gentle as a m.aiden and yet as brave as the bravest the model of a Chris- tian soldier. For the last six months of the war Colonel Cow- and commanded the brigade, to which the Thirty-second Reg- iment belonged, and the regiment was without a field officer, for Major Lewis had been wounded and captured at Gettys- burg and was not released until after the close of the war. The first Adjutant of the regiment was Dr. R. H. Parker,

Thirty-Second Regiment. 523

who was made Assistant Surgeon in 1863, and Sergeant Francis A. Boyle, of Company A, was promoted to fill tlie vacancy.

The brigade to which the Thirty-second Regiment was at- tached was commanded by General Junius Daniel, who un- doubtedly was one of the very best of Lee's Brigadiers. The other regiments of this brigade were the Forty-third, the Forty-fifth, the Fifty-third and the Second ISTorth Carolina Battalion, and this brigade remained unchanged throughout the war, and was as fine a body of troops as ever marched to battle. It was fortunate in its commanders, for after the lamented death of General Daniel (who was killed at Spott- sylvania) it was commanded by General Bryan Grimes until he was promoted to the command of Bodes' Division, and then (as before stated) by Colonel Cowand until the sad sur- render at Appomattox.

The Thirty-second Regiment, with the other regiments of Daniel's Brigade, was stationed near Petersburg and Drew- ry's Bluff during the fall of 1862 and did not take part in the Maryland campaign. During this period the brigade was thoroughly drilled and attained as high a state of efiiciency and discipline as any brigade in the Confederate array, as was so conspicuously displayed in next year's bloody cam- paign, culminating at Gettysburg. In December the brigade went into winter quarters near Drewry's Bluff, but in a short time (on 3 January, 1863), was removed tO' the eastern part of this State, where it remained until 17 May. Although the regiment while in this State was not engaged in any battle, yet it rendered very arduous and effective service and partici- pated in a few skirmishes. It was stationed near Kinstmi for several weeks, but took an active part in the unsuccessful expeditions against JSTew Bern and Washington. The failure of the expedition against New Bern (early in March) was through no fault of Daniel's Brigade, as was testified to by General D. H. Hill (who commanded the expedition) in his official report, in which he says that the part taken by Dan- iel's brigade "was highly satisfactory." This brigade did its full duty in the expedition against Washington, ~N. C, in April, and the Thirty-second Regiment is said to have been

524 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

stationed on duty nearer to that town than any other Confed- erate troops. The failure of both of these expeditions was due chiefly to the inferior artillery and defective ammunition used by the Confederates, as is clearly shown in General Hill's official report, published in Volume XVIII of the "Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies." The troops endured many hardships on these expeditions, frequently marching for miles in swamps knee-deep in water and sleep- ing (?) in their wet clothes when halted at night. On the march to Washington, and when only a few miles distant, the Thirty-second Regiment passed a country (Episcopal) church in which the congregation was then assembled, holding their joyous Easter services (for that day was Easter Sunday) and the devout and faithful chaplain of the regiment (Rev. Joseph W. Murphy) obtained permission to stop long enough to join in singing one hymn, and then sturdily marched on. How strange a contrast ^here was a congregation quietly wor- shipping in their parish church, and passing by was a body of armed soldiers marching to battle !

On 17 May, 1863, the Thirty-second Regiment, with the other regiments of Daniel's Brigade, left Kinston and went to Virginia, and remained until the close of the war a part of the Army of "Northern Virginia, sharing in all its glory and victories as well as its hardships and disasters. Daniel's Brigade was attached to Rodes' Division, which had no supe- rior in either the Confederate or Union army, and was then composed of Ramseur's (North Carolina) Brigade, Iverson's (North Carolina) Brigade, Battle's (Alabama) Brigade, and Doles' (Georgia) Brigade. Its commander, Major-General Robert E. Rodes, of Alabama, was one of Lee's most trusted officers and was one of the most competent, considerate and courageous officers in the Confederate army. His untimely death (killed at Winchester, 19 September, 1864) was a grievous loss.

Shortly after Daniel's Brigade reached Virginia General Lee began his preparations for the campaign that culminated in the battle of Gettysburg, and in this ever memorable cam- paign the Thirty-second Regiment was most conspicuously complimented and covered itself with imperishable glory. It

Thirty-Second Regiment. 525

was among the first troops to cross the Potomac in the inva- sion of Pennsylvania, and was among the last to recross on the retreat. On 21 June, Eodes' Division reached Carlisle, the town farthest North ever occupied by any Confederate troops, and occupied the United States barracks at that place. Large supplies of cattle, horses, grain and flour were ob- tained at Carlisle and on the march to that place, but no pri- vate property of the citizens was forcibly taken. In his of- ficial report General Rodes stated with proper pride that the good behavior of his troops "astonished the people along the line of march. These latter very generally expected to be treated by us with the wanton cruelty generally exhibited by their troops when they are upon our soil. As a general rule they apparently expected to see their houses burned down and all their property carried off or destroyed." This of- ficial testimony as to the conduct of Confederate troops when on the enemy's soil should be a source of pride to every Southerner.

It was while the Confederates were enjoying their much needed rest at Carlisle, that the Thirty-second Regiment was honored and complimented in a most notable and conspicuous manner. Yes, it was there at Carlisle that this regiment was complimented, out of all the regiments in the Confeder- ate army, with the distinguished honor of being presented and entrusted with the first flag or standard made according to the design adopted by the Confederate Congress a few weeks previous. Congress had adopted, conditionally, a new design for the Confederate flag, and an elegant new flag, made according to that design by the ladies of Richmond, had been sent to General Lee for his approval and for him to present to the regiment most worthy of receiving and carrying it. Accordingly General Lee sent it to Lieutenant-General Ewell (who then commanded Stonewall Jackson's old corps), and General Ewell sent it to Major-General Rodes (his favorite division commander) and General Rodes passed it on to his most favored Brigadier, General Daniel, and he ordered it to be presented to the Thirty-second Regiment. The presen- tation ceremonies were of a most enthusiastic character and were appropriate to the high honor so worthily conferred.

626 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

The troops, who were encamped at Carlisle, were assembled in the lovely grounds belonging to the United States barracks to witness the presentation, which was attended with much speech-making and enthusiastic rejoicings. Oh ! it was a grand occasion in such striking contrast to the sad scenes witnessed by the same soldiers, two days thereafter, on the blood-stained heights of Gettysburg. Yes, the bright eyes of our brave boys, which then sparkled with joy and hope, were soon glazed with the stony stare of death ; and their joy- ous shouts and cheers, so eagerly and so proudly greeting the new flag of the young Confederacy, were so soon changed to dying groans and expiring gasps.

This flag was then hoisted above the roof of the barracks and unfurled to the breeze. And thus it was that North Carolinians can boast that it was the flag of one of their regi- ments that waved defiantly on the enemy's soil at a point farther North than any other Confederate flag during the whole war.

That the Thirty-second Regiment was well worthy of so distinguished an honor was quickly and fully proved by the superb manner with which it bore that flag in the three days' battles around Gettysburg. Before entering into the details of the regiment's conduct at Gettysburg it may be proper to mention here the very great compliment paid it by one who was so competent to compliment. About two weeks after the battle of Gettysburg, and while encamped at Darkesville, in Virginia, several Confederate generals by chance met in General Daniel's tent, and after a general discussion of the campaign. General Stephen D. Eamseur remarked that the finest thing he saw during the whole battle "was the conduct of that regiment that carried into the fight that flag with the long white tail to it."

"And," continued General Eamseur, "they marched as steadily as if on dress parade, and when commanded to re- treat, marched back as steadily as ever under a most galling fire." Thereupon General Daniel said: "Yes, that was one of my regiments," referring to the Thirty-second, for the new flag carried by it, at a distance, appeared to have a "long white tail," as described by General Eamseur.

TniRTY-yEcoND Regiment. 527

As stated above, Rodes' Division reached Carlisle on 27 June, and, after resting two days, intended on the 30th to ad- vance on Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania "a step (as General Eodes stated in his report) which every man in the division contemplated with eagerness." But all their eager hopes were doomed to disappointment, for on the 30th they were ordered to re-join the balance of Lee's army, then supposed to be at Cashtown, and they marched that day 22 miles, bivouacking at Heidlesburg. jSText day, 1 July, they were ordered to hasten to Gettysburg, in the vicinity of which they arrived shortly after midday and were surprised to find that a bloody battle had . begun. The part taken by the Thirty-second Regiment in this battle or rather three days' battles was officially reported by its Colonel, and his report is published in Vol. XXVII of the "Ofiicial Records of the Union and Confederate Armies," as follows :

Daekesville, W. Va., 19 July, 1863.

Captain : I would respectfully report the part taken by the Thirty-second Regiment ISTorth Carolina Troops in the action of 1, 2 and 3 July, at Gettysburg, Pa.

On the first day, about 2 :30 p. m., the regiment was drawn up on the right of the brigade, and, advancing, met the enemy about 4 o'clock. At the time the regiment became actively engaged, it was near a railroad cut, the right supported by a regiment of Davis' Brigade. Beyond the cut was a large stone barn, where the enemy was strongly posted. He had also planted on a wooded hill between us and town a battery, which thoroughly commanded the ground, in otir front and about the barn.

The brigade made an advance to dislodge him from the barn, but the cut in front of the other regiments was too dif- ficult for them to cross, and the Thirty-second fell back for want of support.

After a short, time this regimeoit charged up to the bam and dislodged the enemy ; but being iinstipported on the right and left, and the battery on the hill opening a terrific fire vipon it, it again fell back near the cut. The rest of the brig-

528 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

ade having now changed direction, so as to advance without hindrance, the Thirty-second moved up beyond the bam, and, waiting a few minutes for the troops on the right, advanced near the edge of the town, where it joined the other regiments and rested for the night. In its advance it took a consider- able number of prisoners ; how many I did not stop to ascer- tain. Its loss during the day was 78 ^none of them as pris- oners.

The second day, the Thirty-second was posted behind the Theological Seminary, as a part of the support to our bat- teries. It sustained a very heavy fire from the enemy's artil- lery, and lost many men.

The third day the regiment, with the rest of the brigade, moved to the left and front, to the northeast of Gettysburg, and being drawn up in line, advanced to the foot of Gulp's hill, upon which the enemy was posted. It had sustained a very galling fire from artillery and sharpshooters, losing many men and doing little injury to the enemy. Then, in pursuance of orders, it moved farther to the left, and formed on the right of the Forty-third Regiment North Carolina Troops, to hold an intrenchment that had been captured. It here lost several men, but, having the enemy at advantage, it did good execution upon him. From this position it fell back, by orders, about 5 p. m., and a little before midnight it withdrew with the rest of the troops to the range of hills west of Gettysburg.

During the engagement the conduct of the regiment was all I could desire, there being very little time during the three days when it was not perfectly tmder my control. Both of- ficers and men, with scarcely an exception, did their duty faithfully and unflinchingly. Where all behaved so well it is difiicult to discriminate, yet justice requires that I should mention Captain William L. London. To his skill and gal- lantry is greatly due whatever of service the regiment may have rendered in the battle.

During the three days' fighting the regiment lost in killed and wounded 147 officers and men. Of the 14 reported miss-

Thirty-Second Regiment. 529

ing two have since joined the regiment and two others have been heard from, and are not in the enemy's hands. I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

E. C. BeabblEj Colonel Commanding Regiment. Captain W. M. Hammond, Assistant Adjutant General, Dan- iel's Brigade.

The above official report of Colonel Brabble is a short and simple narrative plainly but truly told modest like him- self and yet it records the courage and conduct of troops un- surpassed in the annals of war. All of Daniel's Brigade was especially complimented by General Rodes in his official report, and General Daniel in his report was very compli- mentary of the Thirty-second Regiment, highly praising its "great courage and steadiness." As more than three-fourths of Rodes' Division were North Carolinians, it will be grati- fying to the State pride of Carolinians to read now the fol- lowing extract from General Rodes' official report :

"I cannot, however, close this portion of my report without expressing my pride and admiration of the conduct of the men and officers of this division from the time it left Grace church until our return to Virginia. Better marching, less straggling, hardships more cheerfully borne, conduct in an enemy's country more commendable, and more generally marked by gentlemanly and soldierly characteristics, and, finally, better behavior in battle, than was exhibited by this division during that period has not been, and I believe will never be, exhibited by any other troops in the service. By their conduct at Gettysburg I claim it won the expression from the general commanding the army, who saw their at- tack on 1 July, 'I am proud of your division.' "

Daniel's Brigade entered the battle of Gettysburg with 2,100 men, and lost in killed and wounded 7T8 as heavy a loss as any two of Pickett's famoiis brigades-7-and it did not fail to carry every position of the enemy which it as- saulted.

After the retreat of Lee's army to Virginia the Thirty- second was not engaged in any battle until the Spottsylva- 34

630 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

nia battles in May, 1864, but participated in a few skir- mishes and was stationed much of the time near the Rapidan river, where nothing of especial interest occurred. But this period of comparative rest was followed by a campaign that was probably the most arduous, the most bloody and the mopt exciting recorded in the annals of war. Yes, on 4 May,

1864, the Thirty-second Regiment with all the troops of Kodes' Division moved from their camps on the Rapidan, and were either marching or fighting (and frequently both) nearly every day from then until the surrender on 9 April,

1865. They began their long series of battles on 5 May, being quite heavily engaged on that day. They were more or less engaged on the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, and on the 10th the Thirty-second Regiment suffered heavily, among its killed being its Colonel, the brave and noble Brabble, and a large number of its oiEcers and men. This loss was occasioned by the enemy breaking through Doles' (Georgia) Brigade, which was stationed on the right of the Thirty-second, thereby ex- posing that regiment to a deadly fire, but reinforcements soon came to the rescue and the exultant enemy was driven back. This was a most critical and trying occasion to the Thirty- second, but it was fully equal to it and its steadiness and cour- age prevented a serious disaster.

The next day (the 11th) it rained hard all day and there was no fighting, but on the 12th was probably the most des- perate fighting during the war, when the enemy at early dawn captured the salient in our works occupied by General Ed- ward Johnson's Division, and in checking their advance (which came so near being a crushing disaster) Daniel's and Ramseur's Brigades (all North Carolinians) fought with such unsurpassed courage and pertinacity as to deserve and receive the personal thanks of General Lee himself.

An accurate and full description of that day's fighting by those two brigades should be written and published in pam- phlet form, and a copy be placed in the hands of every North Carolinian, because that fighting has never been surpassed in any battle of ancient or modern times. There it was that the lamented Daniel was killed and Ramseur severely wounded early in the day, and yet, notwithstanding the loss

Thirty-Second Regiment. 531

of their commanders, those brigades bravely and unflinch- ingly fought on, hour after hour, against greatly superior numbers.

After its desperate fighting on 12 May, the Thirty-second Begiment was comparatively quiet imtil the 19 th, when it joined in a flank movement around the enemy's right and was quite heavily engaged on that afternoon. In these bat- tles at Spottsylvania, during those bright May days, the Thirty-second Regiment lost over one-half of its men in killed, wounded and captured, as indeed did all of Ewell's Corps to which it belonged, and this but the beginning, the first month, of almost an entire year's continuous fighting.

And now begins the famous "Valley" campaign, beginning so brilliantly and ending so disastrously. On 13 June, 1864, the Thirty-second Regiment, with the other regiments of the brigade, moved from their camp near Cold Harbor and pro- ceeded to Lynchburg. The bTigade was now known as Grimes' Brigade, as Colonel Bryan Grimes, of the Fourth Regiment, had been promoted and assigned to the command of Daniel's old brigade, a most worthy successor, and also one of the best and bravest officers in the Confederate army. On arriving at Lynchburg (then threatened by the enemy under General Hunter) the brigade prepared for an immediate at- tack, but the enemy retreated precipitately, and then com- menced the "New Market Races," the Confederates chasing the fleeing Federals to the very gates of Washington. At Lexington our troops passed by the grave of their old com- mander, Stonewall Jackson, with reversed arms and uncov- ered heads a sad and touching tribute of their love and ad- miration. Our troops reached Harper's Ferry on 4 July, and the Thirty-second Regiment there assisted in doing garri- son duty and in loading wagons with the quartermaster's and commissary supplies captured at that place. After leaving Harper's Ferry Grimes' Brigade moved in the direction of Frederick City, and at the battle of Monocacy was not ac- tively engaged, being held in reserve. On 11 July, after a very rapid and most fatiguing march (thirty miles in one day) over a dusty road that was almost suffocating and under a blistering July sun, the brigade arrived in front of the for-

532 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

tifications around Washington and in sight of the dome of the Federal capitol. This brigade was the front infantry brig- ade of Early's army, and its sharpshooters approached nearer Washington than any other Confederate troops, an incident of the war that North Carolinians have cause to boast of- After some skirmishing, the fortifications were found to be too formidable and strongly defended to be captured, and no assault was made. The men were utterly exhausted by their continuous and fatiguing march, and were physically unfit for fighting. Fortunately for the Federals, and proba- bly the salvation of Washington, they had just been rein- forced by the Sixth and Nineteenth Corps, which arrived at Washington just in the "nick of time." The Confederate in- fantry did not exceed 10,000, and it would have been worse than folly for that force to attack four times their number strongly entrenched, and, therefore. General Early (who com- manded the Confederate troops on this expedition), after a consultation with his division commanders, decided to return- to Virginia. General Lee had not intended or expected Early to capture Washington, but merely to threaten that city, and this was done most effectively, and, if he could have arrived there only one day earlier, he might have entered that city and planted the Confederate flag on the dome of the Cap- itol!

Early's army retired in perfect order and safely returned to Virginia, and then began a series of skirmishes and fights which continued almost daily for several weeks. On 19 July Gritaes' Brigade fought quite a severe battle with a largely superior force of the enemy, near the Shenandoah river, and drove them back but at a considerable loss.

Again on the 24th, near Kernstown, the Thirty-second Reg- iment met the enemy and the latter retreated in great confu- sion, throwing away everything that could impede their flight. For the next few weeks this regiment was kept moving back and forth up and down the valley one day pursuing the enemy and the next day falling back, almost a daily round of skirmishes. In the battle near Winchester, on 19 Sep- tember, Grimes' Brigade acted most gallantly, capturing the enemy's position which it was ordered to attack and holding:

Thirty-Second Regiment. 533

it until late in the afternoon, when it was ordered to fall back, because the troops on the left had given way. Its courage and steadiness were again conspicuously displayed on 22 September at Fisher's Hill, when the cavalry on our left gave way in confusion and for some time the Forty-fifth and Thirty -second Regiments and the Second Battalion (all of North Carolina) successfully fought the whole force of the enemy Avithout other aid, and did not retire until nearly sur- rounded and fired at in front, flank and rear. Only old sol- diers can appreciate what a trying position was this.

Again in the disastrous battle of Cedar Creek on 19 Octo- ber, the Thirty-second Regiment sustained its well merited reputation for that "great courage and steadiness," which General Daniel had so highly complimented in his report of the battle of Gettysburg. In this battle the Thirty-second Regiment was deployed as sharpshooters and moved forward most gallantly, and followed the enemy through Middletown. A brilliant victory seemed won, and the enemy appeared to be utterly routed, but, in the afternoon after our troops had re- mained inactive for several hours, the enemy returned with heavy reinforcements and completely turned the tide of vic- tory. When the enemy returned and attempted to charge the position held by Grimes' Brigade, General Grimes promptly ordered a counter-charge which his men, with a yell, quickly made and drove the enemy back in great confusion. In a short time, however, our troops on the left had given way in much disorder, and then Grimes' Brigade was ordered to fall back. This was the last battle of much importance fought by the Thirty-second Regiment in this wonderful "Valley Cam- paign."

The week before Christmas Grimes' old brigade, and the other brigades of the division now called Grimes' Division, moved from the Valley and went into winter quarters at Swift Creek, about three miles from Petersburg. There the wearied, battle-scarred survivors of the terrible campaign of 1864 enjoyed a brief rest. On 5 February they marched in a cold sleet to Burgess' Mill, on Hatcher's Run, but arrived too late to participate in the fight that took place near there on that day, in which General Pegram (who had married only

534 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

a few days before) was killed. After remaining there a day they returned to their winter quarters, but were not allowed to remain long, for on the 15th they broke up camp and were moved to Southerland's Station, about twelve miles from Petersburg, on the extreme right of Lee's extended lines. There they relmained four weeks and then were stationed in the trenches in front of Petersburg, Grimes' Division occupy- ing the line of fortifications from near the famous "Crater" on the left to Battery No. 45 on the right. No one, who him- self has not experienced a soldier's life in the trenches around Petersburg, can understand or appreciate the hardships then endured by Lee's half-starved soldiers. The trenches were usually knee-deep in mud, the men always on the alert and ready for an attack, one-third always on picket duty, in the rifle pits, one-third kept awake at the breastworks every night, and only one-third off duty at a time and they sleeping on their arms and with accoutrements on, as best they could, amid the continuous firing along the picket line. All night long the pickets kept up an incessant firing, the sound resem- bling at a distance the popping of firecrackers, and the flash of the rifles illuminating the darkness like fire flies on a surh- mer's night, while now and then a mortar shell would grace- fully glide through the air and explode with a deafening roar. And yet those brave men endured all this, day after day and night after night, without a murmxir, and on 25 March made one of the most desperate attacks of the war.

On that day General Lee made his last and final effort to break through the coils of Grant's encircling army. It was a desperate undertaking, and came well-nigh being successful. At one point in front of Petersburg, near Hare's Hill, the breastworks of the two armies were only about one hundred yards apart, and General Lee determined to make a sudden sortie at this place and capture the enemy's line. Just be- fore day-dawn the sharpshooters of Grimes' Division about three hundred men with unloaded muskets and a profound silence, leaped over our breastworks, dashed across the open space in front, surprising and capturing the enemy's pickets before they could give the alarm, and had mounted their breastworks and were upon the enemy before they could real-

Thirty-Second Regiment. 535

ize their situation. A Brigadier General and 500 men were sent back as prisoners, and the remainder of the division fol- lowed the sharpshooters and occupied the enemy's works. Other troops, among whom were Ransom's and Lewis' North Carolina Brigades, had at the same time captured other por- tions of the enemy's works, and a brilliant victory seemed within our grasp, but it was only the meteor's flash that illu- mines for a moment and leaves the night darker than be- fore. The expected reinforcements, Pickett's Division, did not come to their support, and the enemy soon collected a force, greatly outnumbering ours, and poured so destructive a fire upon our men that they were withdrawn after a most stubborn fight of two hours.

In this short but sanguinary fight the Confederate loss was quite heavy, Grimes' Division alone losing 478 officers and men. .The Thirty-second Regiment suffered severely, among its killed being its temporary commander, Major J. W. Rier- son, of the Fifty-third Regiment.

The end was now rapidly drawing near. Just before day on Sunday morning, 2 April, the enemy captured an exposed point in our line, called Rune's Salient, occupied by Battle's Alabama Brigade, and attempted to extend their line up our breastworks, but were promptly met and checked by the Thir- ty-second and the other regiments of Daniel's old brigade. The fighting here was most stubborn and desperate, being at close range, almost hand to hand. A single incident will for- cibly illustrate this. T. S. Riggsbee, of Company I, (as brave a boy as Chatham county every sent to the Confederate arimy) jumped up on top of the breastworks so as to get a bet- ter chance to shoot at the advancing enemy, and, after firing his own gun, fired the guns of several of his comrades as they were rapidly handed up to him, until he himself was shot down and killed by the enemy only a few feet distant. At one time so desperate was the fighting here that, within a few minutes' time, the flag staff of this regiment was. shot in two three different times while being held by the color-bearer, James E. Burke, of Company L, who each time would grasp the broken staff and defiantly flaunt the flag at the enemy.

The Thirty-second Regiment not only held its ground all

536 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

that day, but drove the enemy back some distance," and only withdrew after nightfall when all our troops were ordered to retire, and then commenced that terrible retreat to Appomat- tox Court House. The incidents of that memorable retreat need not be recorded here, but the Thirty-second Kegiment, with all of Grimes' Division, did its full duty. Always at the post of danger, protecting the rear of Lee's retreating army, they well sustained to the last their "great courage and steadiness," which General Daniel had noted at Gettysburg. Now stubbornly resisting the advance of superior numbers ilushed with victory, now turning like a. wounded lion upon its pursuers and charging desperately and putting to flight a too confident foe, and now toiling along over muddy roads, famished with hunger, exhausted with constant marching day and night, almost stupefied with the want of sleep, those men proved themselves to be heroes indeed ^the equals of any the world has ever seen.

And now we come to the last sad scenes at Appomattox, and how vivid they seem even now after the lapse of thirty-six years ! The Thirty-second Regiment, now reduced to a mere handful, a skeleton of its former self, arrived at the village of Appomattox Court House shortly before daylight on that fateful Sunday, 9 April, and after a brief halt, joined in that last memorable charge, driving the enemy nearly a mile. But all in vain, for they were soon ordered back and in a short time it was sadly whispered that General Lee had sur- rendered. This could scarcely be believed at first, and when it was ascertained to be true, strong men wept, and hattle- scarred veterans trembled with emotion too deep for utter- ance.

That afternoon General John B. Gordon made a speech to the troops assembled in a hollow square. On Wednesday morning our little band started home, and the Thirty-second Regiment ceased to exist, but the memory of its gallantry, its glorious record, and its heroic deeds should live forever !

Heney a. London.


9 April, 1901.


1. Lawrence O'B. Branch, Colonel. 4. Jas. A. Weston, Major.

2. Clark Moulton Avery, Colonel. B. Richard B. Baker, Surgeon.

3. Joseph H. Saunders. Lieut-Colonel. 6. Thomas W. Mayhew, Major

7. Jas. A. Summers, Captain. Co. A.


By major J. A. WESTON.

The Thirty-third Kegiment was organized at the old fair grounds at Ealeigh, in September, 1861. It was a war regi- ment from the beginning, and not a twelve months' volunteer. The Field and Staff Officers during its service were as fol- lows:

Colonels Lawrence O'Brien Branch, Clark M. Avery, Robert V. Cowan.

Lieutenant-Colonels Clark M. Avery, Robert F. Hoke, Robert V. Cowan, Joseph H. Saunders.

Majors Robert F. Hoke, William Gaston Lewis, Robert V. Cowan, Thomas W. Mayhew, Joseph H. Saunders, James A. Weston.

Adjutants Spier Whitaker, John Poteat.

Ensigns Daniel W. Moore, James W. Atkinson.

Seegeants-Majoe ^W. H. Angeilnan, William H. Gib- son.

Captains^ A. Q. M. Joseph A. Engelhard, John R. Sud- derth, John Poteat.

Captains, A. C. S. Adolphus Gibson, Dr. R. A. Hauser.

Quaetermastee-Seegeant Francis A. Butner.

Commissary Sergeants John P. Nicholson, Edward W. Burgess.

Surgeons Dr. Richard B. Baker, Dr. J. F. Shaffner, Dr. E. G. Higginbotham.

Assistant Surgeon Dr. John A. Vigal.

Chaplain T. J. Eatman.

Ordnance Sergeant John S. Midyett.

Hospital Stewards Dr. Sylvester D. Davis, Dr. John P. ISTicholson.

Musicians Edwin 0. Dull, Chief Musician; Lewis A. Hartman, Will N. Butner, Reuben J. Crater, Oliver J. Legh-

538 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

man, Eobert M. Jones, Yirgil P. Miller, Wiley 0. Parker, Levin J. Stripe, John A. Williard, William Williford, Gib- son L. Miller, Eobert F. Watson, John A. Kimbrough. A most useful body of men. They were accomplished musi- cians, and in addition to their regular duties, which they per- formed faithfully, they rendered from time to time, as cir- cumstances required, very efficient aid in the Hospital De- partment.

The regiment ^^^as composed of the following companies :

CoMPAiTT A Iredell County Captains: Eobert V. Cowan, Joseph H. Saunders, Henry H. Baker, James A. Summers ; First Lieutenants : George Gibson, Hugo A. Hill, Joseph H. Saunders, Henry H. Baker, James A. Summers, Wilson H. Lucas, transferred from Company F; Second Lieutenants : Hugh A. Hill, Joseph H. Saunders, Henry H. Baker, Philemon H. Sasser, Hugo A. Hill, James A. Sum- mers, Columbus L. Turner, Thomas A. Cowan, M. Whaler.

non-commissioned ofpicbes.

Sergeants Hugo A. Hill, James A. Summers, Isaac A. Barrett.

Coepoeals David P. Kelly, David Troutman, Columbus L. Turner.

Company B Edgecombe Covnty Captains: Frederick H. Jenkins, Theophilus C. Hyman, Eichard H. Gatlin, Thomas H. Gatlin, Ebenezer Price ; First Lieutenants : The- ophilus C. Hyman, Eichard H. Gatlin, Thomas H. Gatlin, Harrison P. Lyon ; Second Lieutenants : Eichard H. Gatlin, Francis D. Foxhall, Thomas H. Gatlin, Peyton T. Anthony, Harrison P. Lyon, Lewis H. Lawrence.

non-commissioned offioees.

Seegeants Levi H. Purvis, Bervin Stevenson, James H. Jenkins, Weldon S. Hunt, W. Benely.

Coepoeals Thomas L. May, William C. Davenport, Wil- liaim F. Horde, John Andrews.

Company C Cabarrus County Captains: Jeremiah M. Kestler, David M. Cozine, John D. Fain; First Lieuten-

Thirty-Thied Regiment. 539

ants : John A. Gibson, Thomas J. Moore, Francis B. Craige ; Second Lieutenants: William A. Patterson, David M. Co- zine, William J. Kriminger, Willoughby F. Avery, L. R. Koss, Solomon Stoup, William H. Gibson, Alvis B. Howard.


Seegeants^L. R. Ross, Daniel M. Moore, Solomon Stoup, Joseph A. Patterson.

CoEPOBALS William J. Kriminger, Alexander L. Myers, Jefferson Pile, Joseph P. Misenheimer.

Company D Wilkes County Captains : Oliver T. Parks, James M. Hunt; First Lieutenants: James M. Hunt, John W. Happoldt ; Second Lieutenants : Major F. Joines, Thomas J. Pender, G. W. Weaver, W. T. Mclntyre.


Seegeants G. W. Weaver, James Lane, Rufus Love, Wesley Duncan, F. C. Pardew.

CoEPOEALS John Childers, B. F. Gamble, Jonathan Darnell, Thomas Brook.

Company E Gates County Captains: William T. Par- ker, George W. Sanderlin; First Lieutenants: Riddick Gat- ling, Joseph D. Boushall, Lewis H. Babb; Second Lieuten- ants: Joseph D. Boushall, Williattn K. Babb, John C. E. Cooper, John Caldwell, Exum Lewis.


Seegeants Joseph D. Boushall, William K. Babb, George W. Sanderlin, Lewis H. Babb, John C. E. Cooper.

CoEPOEALS Haunce Hays, William Brinkley.

Company F Hyde County Captains : Thomas W. May- hew, James A. Weston ; First Lieutenants : James A. Weston, James W. Gibbs; Second Lieutenants: James W. Gibbs, Samuel C. Watson, Joseph Swindell, Joseph W. Tate, trans- ferred from Nineteenth Regiment.


Seegeants Wilson H. Lucas, Joseph Swindell, William T. Farrow, Robert F. Watson, Robert Jennett.

540 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

CoEPOBALS Benjamin W. Eastwood, Joseph B. Gibbs, Timothy A. Murray, Samuel S. Gibbs.

Company G Cumberland County Captains: Robert Wooten, John D. Callais, William J. Callais ; First Lieuten- ants: John D. Callais, William J. Callais, Joseph C. Mills, John F. McDonald ; Second Lieutenants : Eichard F. Eppes, William H. Massey, John W. Wooten, William J. Callais, Joseph C. Mills, John F. McDonald.


Sehgeants John F. McDonald, Lewis A. Nixon, David Bone, John C. Davis, J. J. Phillips.

CoBPOEALs John Bradshaw, Evans A. Cannady, Lewis H. Moore, John McNate.

Company H Hyde County Captains: William M. B. Swindell, Eiddick Gatling ; First Lieutenants : Wilson T. Farrow, George W. Sanderlin, Isaac L. Farrow; Second Lieutenants: John W. Williams, James W. Hayes, Isaac L. Farrow, George W. Sanderlin, F. T. Lehman, George H. Snow, William E. Carawan.


Sergeants Isaac L. Farrow, William E. Carawan, Caleb S. Boomer, William Emory, William Gaskill.

CoBPOEALs G. W. Jackson, T. W. Guthrie, Edward Gas- kins, T. W. Williams.

Company I Forsyth County Captains: George C. Stowe, Willoughby F. Avery, transferred from Company C ; George W. Sanderlin ; First Lieutenants : Eobert H. Hauser, John N. Anderson ; Second Lieutenants : John N. Anderson, B. Y. Eayle, W. Lee White, L. H. Goslin.


Sebgeants W. Lee White, Peyton T. Lehman, Lafay- ette H. Goslin, James H. Conrad, Edwin C. Dull.

CoEPOEALs W. W. Anderson, John P. JSTicholson, J. J. Marshall, William E. Stone.

Company K Greene County Captains: Andrew J. Me-

Thirty-Third Regiment. 541

Intyre, Henry F. Granger, James T. Walton ; First Lieuten- ants: Henry F. Granger, William S. Taylor, Henry J. Mc- Koy, Jahies T. Walton, John G. Eencher; Second Lieuten- ants : Allen Croome, William S. Taylor, James T. Walton.


Seegeants Henry J. McKoy, William M. Kennedy, Thomas Q. Dale, Benjamin C. Beaman, Henry S. Taylor.

CoEPOEALS James Bartlett, Absalom Taylor, Mark P. Taylor, James S. Hughes.


' After staying several weeks at the fair grounds in Raleigh, the regiment removed to Camp Mangum, where it remained until it was ordered to New Bern, in the winter of 1861-'62. Two companies (B and F) had previously been detached for special duty in Hyde county, and were, with two companies of the Seventh Regiment (D. and E), placed under the com- mand of Major E. D. Hall, of the Seventh. They left Hyde county in February, 1862, and joined the regiment a few days later at the fair grounds in ISTew Bern. In the battle of ISTew Bern 14 March, 1862, the regiment bore a conspicu- ous part. It did more hard fighting and remained longer on the field of battle than any other command. The first inti- mation we had of Burnside's approach was on Wednesday, the 12th, about 4 p. m. At dark it was reported to General Branch that "twelve vessels had anchored below the mouth of Otter creek, and about forty-five were ascending the river in their rear." The Thirty-third and Seventh Etegiments, which, with the Nineteenth Regiment (Second Cavalry), constituted the reserve, crossed the Trent river about daybreak on Thursday, the 13th, and were placed in position about two miles from the main line, at a point where the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad cuts the public road from Beaufort. Thursday was spent in making preparations for the coming fray. The men were "spoiling fox a fight." They were anxious to feel the fire of the enemy. During the greater part of the day the Federals kept up a continuous shelling, but did very little execution.

542 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Colonel Campbell, of the Seventh, was placed in command of the right wing. Greneral Burnside, who knew Colonel Campbell, as they were both graduates of West Point, sent Colonel Campbell the following message:

"Reub, quit your foolishness, and come back to the Union army." Colonel Campbell replied:

"Tell General Burnside to go to the devil, where he be- longs."

Colonel Lee, of the Thirty-seventh, was put in command of the left wing. General Branch exercised a general superin- tendence of the whole line, but was in immediate command of the centre and the reserve. At daybreak on the 14th, the regiment was up, alert, and eager for the fight. We had spent a rather uncomfortable night, as it began to rain about dark, and continued to rain slowly all night. Still, there were no complaints, no murmurings. Every one seemed to be anxious to do his duty to his country and to his God. Col- onel Avery made a short talk to his regiment, full of fire and patriotism, to which the men responded with the utmost heart- iness and enthusiasm. A little after 7 o'clock the battle be- gan. The firing was brisk and continuous between the river and the railroad, and gradually extended to our right. The troops between Fort Thompson, on the river, and the railroad a distance of one mile ^were, beginning at Fort Thompson, the Twenty-seventh ISTorth Carolina, Colonel Gilmer; the Thirty-seventh North Carolina, Colonel Lee; the Seventh ISTorth Carolina (which had been ordered to the front line) temporarily in command of Lieutenant-Colonel Haywood; the Thirty-fifth North Carolina, Colonel Sinclair, and a battalion of militia under Colonel H; J. B. Clark. Latham's Battery was stationed near the Thirty-seventh, and four pieces of Brem's Battery (Company C, Tenth North Car- olina) were on the railroad. Between the railroad and the Weathersby road, on our extreme right, was Colonel Vance, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment, a com- pany of unattached infantry, and two dismounted cav- alry companies, A and E, of the Nineteenth North Caro- lina (Second Cavalry). Two pieces of Brem's Battery were stationed on the Weathersby road to guard our

Thirty-Third Regiment. 543

extreme right. The entire force from the railroad to the Weathersby road a distance of a mile and a half numbered less than 1,000 men. Some portions of the line were wholly unguarded. General Foster, of the Union army, opened the battle by a fierce assault upon 'the Confederate left. General Keno almost at the same time attacked Vance on the right of the railroad. General Parke was held in reserve near the railroad. For soone time Foster made little impression upon our left wing, but Keno, finding a break in the Confederate line at a brickyard near the railroad, between the militia and Vance's left, immediately occupied it, and turning to his right, attacked the militia under Colonel Clark. The militia fled inglorioxisly from the field. The Thirty-fifth assailed in flank, "very quickly followed their example." General Branch and his staff tried hard to rally them, but their utmost efforts proved unavailing. Meanwhile, the reserve under Colonel Avery, of the Thirty-third, was ordered to the front, and, with the left wing of the Twenty-sixth, made a bold and resolute stand. They kept the enemy in their immediate front in check for more than three hours. The troops on our left between the railroad and Fort Thompson had retreated before an overpowering force and the Federals, pouring into the gap thus made, had advanced a considerable distance in our rear before the Thirty-third ceased firing. Indeed, they ceased firing only when their ammunition was exhausted. Two couriers dispatched by General Branch to Colonel Avery ordering him to retreat, had failed to reach him, and the Thirty-third in maintaining the contest for so long a time was simply obeying orders.

Colonel Clark, of the Twenty-first Massachusetts Regi- ment, pays a high compliment to the Thirty-third and Twen- ty-sixth. In his official report he says: "These two regi- ments (the Thirty-third and Twenty-sixth) were the best armed, and fought the most gallantly of any of the enemy's forces. They kept up an incessant fire for three hours, until their ammunition was exhausted, and the remainder of the rebel forces had retreated."

General Branch says: "The conduct of the Thirty-third was all that I could desire. It moved into action with as

544 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

much promptness and steadiness as I ever saw in its ranks on dress parade, and its fire, with Eiifield rifles, was terrific. Colonel Avery, Lieutenant-Colonel Hoke and Major Lewis did their duty fully against an overwhelming force. Its gal- lant Colonel was captured at his post."

There were many instances of private bravery and devo- tion. Lieutenant-Colonel Hoke says : "Private David Phi- f er, of Cdmpany A, was killed while carrying a message from Major Lewis to Colonel Avery, and Private Dolchite, of the same company, threw away his clothing in order to swim the creek and save his gun. He is a boy 16 years of age."

In this battle the Federals had at least 12,000 men (Gen- eral Branch says 13,000, with a reserve of 7,000) and the Confederates had not more than 4,000. It was a severe en- gagement. The casualties in the Thirty-third were as fol- lows : Killed, 32 ; wounded, 28 ; prisoners, 144. The losses were unusually heavy. Oiir regiment lost about three times as many in killed and wounded as any other regiment that was engaged in the battle. Some of our bravest and best men found bloody graves in their first and only battle.

Among the killed were William Palmer, John M. Shuler, Samuel Whitaker, Company A; John H. P. Bryan, Riley Bullock, Wiley Whitley, Company B ; Charles R. Carter, Cotapany E ; Samuel E. Weston, Oliver S. Neal, William H. Sadler, Company F; J. W. Faircloth, William McDonald, D. Reynolds, Company G ; George W. Griffin, Peter T. Lein- bach, Company I; Robert Turnage, Sergeant Benjamin C. Beaman, Company K. Noble men. They died facing the en- emy.

After the battle of New Bern the Thirty-third Regiment, with the other troops, fell back to Kinston. All of the troops at Kinston were subsequently thrown into two brigades. The First Brigade was commanded by General Robert Ransom, and the Second by General Branch. The Seventh, Eigh- teenth, Twenty-eighth, Thirty-third, and Thirty-seventh Regiments were assigned to the Second Brigade, 31 March, 1862. The brigade retained this name until it went to Vir- ginia. It was then called the Fourth Brigade until the War Department ordered the brigades to be designated by the

Thirty-Third Regiment. 545

names of their cominanders. It was thereafter called Branch's Brigade until the death of General Branch at Sharpsburg, 17 September, 1862, and thenceforth was Lane's Brigade.

The Twenty-eighth Eegiment left for Virginia 2 May, 1862. The Thirty-third, with the other regiments of the brigade, followed two days later, reaching Gordonsvillc 5 May, at night. The regiment remained there about ten days. It was then ordered to join Jackson in the valley, but it went no farther than the foot of the Blue Ridge. "The brigade," says General Lane, "was marched backwards and forwards between the foot of the mountains and a little town called Criglersville to deceive the enemy whose signal station was in full view, and whose flag was kept constantly waving during the day." The brigade was suddenly ordered back to Gor- donsville, and from that point it was moved quickly to Hano- ver Court House, where it stayed a short time, doing picket duty in the neighborhood.


May 26th, the regiment was marched to Slash Church, or Hanover Court House. The mud, in places, was almost knee deep, and the weather extremely disagreeable, but the men were cheerful and confident. The battle of Hanover Court House was fought 27 May. The Confederate" forces engaged were Branch's Brigade, the Twelfth North Carolina, Colonel Wade; Forty-fifth Georgia, Colonel Hardeman two regi- ments temporarily attached to Branch's Brigade and La- tham's North Carolina Battery, which had arrived the day before the battle. This battery was far from being in prime condition. The horses were altogether untrained, and there were not half enough men to serve the guns efficiently. Still it did magnificent work. The Thirty-third, under Lieu- tenant-Colonel Hoke, rendered admirable service, and added no little to the fighting reputation it had already acquired. The Twenty-eighth Regiment also won imperishable laurels in this engagement by hard fighting and by a skillful retreat, though cut off from the remainder of the brigade. General McDowell was expected to reinforce McClellan in his opera- 35

546 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

tions around Eichmond, but General Branch "stood in tlie -way for an adversary against him," and the Federal com- mander resolved to crush him at a single blovi^. On the 27th General Fitz John Porter moved against the Confederate force with his right wing, numbering about 12,000 men, while Branch had about 4,000. But never did troops behave better. Branch's resistance was so obstinate and his move- ments so masterly that we are not surprised at the statement of General Porter, made the day after the battle, that "Branch's force comprised about 8,000 men" nor at the be- wilderment of General Webb, who, writing as late as 1881, says: "Branch's command must have been about 10,000 strong." In his congTatulatory address to his brigade. Gen- eral Branch says : "At Slash Church you encountered the division of General Porter and a part of the division of Gen- eral Sedgwick. You repulsed the enemy's attack, and boldly advancing attacked him with such vigor that after six hours' combat you withdrew in perfect order to prevent being sur- rounded in the night the enemy not daring to follow you be- yond the field of battle."

General Lee wrote to General Branch: "The report of your recent engagement with the enemy at Slash Church has been forwarded by Major-General Hill. I take great pleas- ure in expressing my approval of the manner in which you have discharged the duties of the position in which you were placed, and of the gallant manner your troops opposed a very superior force of the enemy. I beg you will signify to the troops of your command which were engaged on that occa- sion my hearty approval of their conduct."

The brigade lost in killed and wounded 243, officers and men. After the battle of Slash Church, the regiment went into camp on the right bank of the Chickahominy, some dis- tance above Seven Pines, on the Brook turnpike, about three miles from Eichmond, and did picket duty until the begin- ning of the seven days' fights around Eichmond. About this time Branch's Brigade was assigned to General A. P. Hill's Division, and thus became a part of the justly famed "Light Division" of Stonewall Jackson's Corps. 25 June the regiment was ordered to be ready to move, with three days'

Thirty-Third Regiment. 547

rations, at 5 p. m. Five companies ■which were doing picket duty at Crenshaw Bridge, were under the command of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Hoke; the remaining five were in charge of Major Cowan, and marched with the brigade, which was ordered to cross the river at the Telegraph bridge. On Thurs- day, 26 June, General Branch, having deceived the enemy as to his purpose, by masking his troops in the woods, crossed the Chickahominy at 11 a. m. the first brigade to cross and moved down the river to drive the enemy from his works, so as to allow the remainder of the division to cross. We had some brisk skirmishing with the enemy, but not much hard fighting. We found overcoats, blankets, cooking uten- sils, etc., scattered promiscuously along the route. Lieuten- ant-Colonel Hoke, with his five companies, joined us about 1 p. m. We marched to Mechanicsville, reaching that point about an hour before dark, under a most galling fire of shot and shell. About 10 p. m. the firing ceased, and the regi- ment rested upon its arms. Early the next morning (the 27th) the fight was resumed. General D: H. Hill flanked the Federals and they fled, leaving everything behind them shoes, hats, canteens, haversacks, etc. About 12 m. we were ordered to march in the direction of Gaines' Mill, on the Chickahominy. We reached Gaines' Mill about 4 p. m., during the progress of a severe engagement, and were imme- diately ordered to the front, where we remained four hours, driving the enemy a distance of two miles. This fight was hotly contested, and the Thirty-third deserves high praise for the vigor and firmness with which it attacked the enemy and dislodged him from his intrenchments.

Here Colonel Campbell, of the Seventh, was killed, while proudly leading his men into action with the regismental colors in his hands. General Branch says of him: "He might justly be classed among the ^bravest of the brave.' * * * Honorable as a man and skillful as an officer, his loss to the brigade is irreparable."

During the hottest part of the fight at Cold Harbor an amusing incident occurred. Colonel Lane, of the Twenty- eighth (afterwards General Lane) was struck on the head by a minie ball. Coolly stopping, he turned to Sergeant Mil-

548 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ton A. Lowe, his color-bearer, and, bending down his head, said with the utmost sang froid, "Sergeant, is my scalp cut ?" Sergeant Lowe, as brave and as cool as General Lane himself, examined his head carefully, and said: "No, Colonel, it is only scorched a little."

feasee's faem.

On the 28th we were not engaged. The enemy had been driven across the Chickahominy, and we were ordered to be ready, with two days' rations to march at daylight the next morning. On the 29th we recrossed the river and marched down James river a distance of twelve or fifteen miles. On the 30th the regiment again moved down the river and about 3 p. m., the presence of the enemy was made known to us by a heavy firing of shot and shell. We were instantly ordered to the fighting line. The men moved into action at a double quick with deafening yells, across an open field a distance of 500 yards with no protection whatever. The enemy's batteries were strongly supported by infantry, and they kept up a deadly and incessant fii-e. It was one continuous roar. Besides, we were enfiladed by a merciless fire of artillery- But nothing could stop the Confederates. On they pressed with determined treatd, with unfaltering purpose, regardless of the fire in front or on the flank, resolved to win the victory, or fill a gory grave. The enemy soon yielded the field, and we pursued them nearly a mile. This was the battle of Era- ser's Farm.

1 July we remained quiet until 6 p. m., at which time we were ordered to march to the support of General D. H. Hill at Malvern Hill. In this fight we were not engaged, but were under a continuous and heavy fire of shot and shell. 2 and 3 July we pursued the enemy, but his speed was so great we found it was impossible to overtake him. We then bivouacked for several days, but the enemy did not disturb us. Lieutenant-Colonel Hoke said: "I am proud of the Thirty-third."

At Fraser's Farm, Colonel Lee, of the Thirty-Seventh, was killed. He was an excellent man, and an accomplished officer. In a congratulatory order, General Branch says:

Thirty-Third Regiment. 549

"In the late brilliant operations below Eichmond, you were the first brigade to cross the Chiokahominy, you were the first to meet the enemy, and the first to start him on that retreat in which the able combinations of our General-in-Chief allowed him to take no rest until he found shelter under the guns of his shipping."

General Porter, of the Federal army, bears this testimony to the valor and staying qualities of Branch's Brigade, and the other brigades of the peerless "Light Division :" "Dash- ing across the intervening plains, floundering in the swamps, struggling against the tangled brushwood, brigade after brig- ade seemed to melt away before the concentrated fire of our artillery and infantry ; yet others pressed on, followed by sup- ports as dashing and as brave as their predecessors."

In obedience to orders, the names of the following engage- ments were inscribed on the battle flag of the Thirty-third, to- wit : New Bern, Slash Church, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Fraser's Farm and Malvern Hill. The casualties in the last four battles were: Killed, 8; wounded, 52. Malvern Hill was a death trap. McClellan's entire army was concentrated there. The position was one of great natural strength and it was rendered almost impregnable by military genius of the highest order. The hand of a master in the art of war was everywhere visible. Still, it could have been taken if the Confederate troops had moved simultaneouly against it. But they did not, though they fought with dauntless spirit and bravery. They failed, and McClellan escaped. The war might have ended at Malvern Hill.


After the battles around Richmond the brigade encamped near that city for a short time, and was then sent to Gordons- ville (29 July) at which place it remained until a few days be- fore the battle of Cedar Run, which was fought 9 August. The march to the battlefield was rapid and exhausting. We reached there on the afternoon of the 9th, and were immedi- ately ordered into action on the left of the road leading to the run. The order of formation from right to left was as follows: Thirty-seventh its right resting on the road

550 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Twenty-eighth, Thirty-third, Eighteenth and Seventh. Four of the regiments, Thirty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, Thirty-third and Eighteenth, moved briskly forward through a tangled un- dergrowth, in perfect order, as on dress parade, and com- pletely routed the enemy. The Seventh by some means be- came detachd from the brigade, and did not advance with the other regiments. While moving to the front we met the celebrated Stonewall Brigade, retreating in some confusion General Branch says, "fleeing as fast as they could" closely followed by the enemy. Our brigade coolly opened ranks to allow the fugitives to pass, then closing up in compact line pressed gallantly on, in nowise disturbed by the terror- stricken cries of the runaways, or by the fire of the enemy in front. The enettny had already flanked General Taliaferro's Brigade which was on our right, and which had fallen back in considerable disorder.

General Branch says: "My brigade poured volley after volley into the enemy who broke and fled precipi- tately through the woods and across the field." The Federal cavalry now made a gallant charge upon Tal- iaferro's Brigade, which had partially rallied after Branch had driven the enemy from their flank, but the com- bined fire of Taliaferro in front and Branch on the flank, broke up the column, and sent it flying bads to the rear. Gen- eneral Branch wrote: "My officers and men behaved flnely. Such was their steadiness that I was able to preserve my line unbroken throughout the day." There can be no doubt what- ever that this victory was mainly due tO' the courage, firm- ness and endurance of Branch's Brigade. The Stonewall Brigade and Taliferro's were simply broken in pieces, and the enemy, with loud and confident cheers, was driving them pell-mell before him. "At this critical moment," says Gen- eral Jackson, "Branch's Brigade met the Federal forces, flushed with temporary triumph, and drove them back with terrible slaughter through the woods." General A. P. Hill says: "Winder's (Stonewall's) Brigade, immediately in front of Branch, being hard pressed, broke, and many fugi- tives came back. Branch was immediately ordered forward, and passing through the broken brigade, checked the pur-


1. John D. Fain, Captain, Co. C. 4. Willou(rhby F. Avery, Captain, Co I

2. Oliver T. Parks, Captain, Co. D. 6. Spier Whitalier, 1st Lieut, and Adit'

3. Josepti C. Mills, Captain. Co. G. 6. Francis B. Craige, 1st Lieut., Co C

7. Wilson T. Farrow, 1st Lieut., Co. H.

Thirty-Third Regiment. 551

suit, and in turn drove them back and relieved Taliaferro's flank." General Jackson appeared in our front after the battle was over and was most enthusiastically cheered. Sut- ton, historian of the Eighteenth, says : "General Jackson rode out in front of our brigade, and 'dropped' his hat in silent ac- knowledgment of our deed in holding so important a point, which the old Stonewall Brigade had failed to do." It was a grand sight Stonewall Jackson the Great, baring his sun- crowned head in our presence, l^o one that saw it can ever forget it. What a theme for a painter.

One is reminded of an incident given in Taylor's "De- struction and Keconstruction." General Jackson, at the beginning of a battle placed his servant, Jack, at a point which the General thought would be safe from the enemy's fire, and told him to stay there. The enemy, however, unex- pectedly attacked the place where Jack was, but Jack never stirred, although bullets were raining thick and fast around him. At night, while, sitting around the camp fire. General Jackson rose, went to Jack, and, taking him by the hand, shook it for a long time, without saying a word, in "silent ac- knowledgment" of his heroic deed. At Cedar Run we had six killed and thirty wounded. Here was killed Captain Swindell, of Company H. He possessed high soldierly qual- ities, and was greatly beloved by his company and regiment. 12 to 20 August we were encamped near Orange Court House. Sunday, 24 August, the Thirty-third and Twenty- eighth were ordered to support Braxton's and Davidson's Bat- teries, in order to prevent, if possible, the destruction of the bridge across the Rappahannock, near the Warrenton White Sulphur Springs. The two regiments were exposed to a severe and protracted cannonade during the whole day. 27 August we marched to Manassas Junction. Soon after we reached that place the enemy was seen approaching in line of battle. It proved to be Taylor's ISTew Jersey Brigade. We laid a trap for them, but our artillery fired too soon, and we failed to capture them. As soon as the artillery opened upon them the entire command broke and fled precipitately. We pursued them some distance beyond Bull Run. We captured a large number of prisoners. On our march to Manassas

552 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Junction we had nothing to eat but roasting ears, and we inarched so fast that we were told by an artillerist that if we went much farther, the battery would be left behind, as Jack- son's "foot cavalry" had broken down the horses. On the 28th at Manassas Plains, the Thirty-third helped to support a battery in an open field with no cover and it rendered very efficient service. On the 29th the brigade moved to the sup- port of General Gregg, who was in the woods on our right. The Thirty-third was next to the Twenty-eighth, which was on the extreme left, and it fought splendidly. General Lane says : "The Thirty-third under Colonel Hoke fought well in the woods, and once gallantly advanced into the open field in front, and drove the enemy back in disorder." This was a terrific fight. General Lane says: "Never have I wit- nessed greater bravery and desperation than were that day displayed by this brigade." There were many hand-to-hand fights.

30 August, the Thirty-third was ^mder a furious artil- lery fire, and was engaged in heavy skirmishing. Regimen- tal loss, 1 killed, 7 wounded. The Thirty-third was in the engagement at Ox Hill, near Fairfax Court House 1 Sep- tember, and fought with its usual intrepidity. This was one of the severest engagements of the war. It rained heavily during the entire battle. We used every round of ammuni- tion, but General Branch ordered us to hold our positions at the point of the bayonet. We did so until dark, when the brigade fell back to the field in rear of the woods. The Fed- eral infantry used a great many explosive balls. Regimental loss, 1 killed, 16 wounded. General Branch writes: "I would not have believed without actual experience that flesh, blood and muscle could stand what we have stood ^marching, fighting and starving, almost incessantly night and day. l^o brigade in the service has been in as many battles, and done so much hard service as mine." 3 September we marched through Leesburg, crossed the Potomac on the 5 th and reached Frederick City on the 6th, where we remained sev- eral days.

Thirty-Third Regiment. 553

haepee's feeet.

The first day after we crossed the Potomac General Jack- son ordered General Branch to send his men into a corn field near by to fill their haversacks with roasting ears. JTo second order was given. We recrossed the Potomac at Williamsport, and on the evening of the 14:th marched down the Winchester and Harper's Ferry road, and that night routed the enemy from the cliffs of the Shenandoah. The next morning found us on the flank, and in rear of Bolivar Heights, where the en- emy were plainly visible in their works. Loudon Heights were occupied by Walker's Division, and Maryland Heights by McLaw's, thus completely investing the place. Our ar- tillery opened a terrific fire upon the enemy. In the morn- ing of the 15th several white flags were displayed, and we marched in and took possession without further resistance. We remained at Harper's Ferry and witnessed the surrender of 11,000 men, who marched out and stacked arms in rear of the works on Bolivar Heights. On 17 September we made a rapid and exhausting march to Sharpsburg, reaching that point in the afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock, in time to take an ac- tive part in the fight. Without a moment's rest, though we had marched seventeen miles almost at a double quick. Gen- eral Branch moved into line of battle, and fought with a cour- age and tenacity rarely equalled, and never surpassed. Branch, Gregg ap.d Archer saved General Lee on that day from an overwhelming defeat. General Longstreet says that General Burnside was outflanked, staggered and driven back by the gallant and crushing attack of A. P. Hill's Brigades. General A. P. Hill writes : "With a yell of defiance. Archer charged them, retook Mcintosh's guns, and drove them back, pell-mell. Branch and Gregg, with their old veterans, sternly held their ground, and pouring in destructive volleys, the tide of tlie enemy surged back." Here the South sus- tained an irreparable loss in the death of General Branch. "He had with his command," says Major John Hughes, "just swept the enemy before him, and driven them in such confu- sion and dismay, that all firing had ceased in his immediate front, when Generals Gregg and Archer directed his attention

554 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

to a V-shaped column of the enemy that was advancing against the troops on his left. He stepped forward and formed with these Generals a little group, which evidently attracted the attention of some sharpshooter on the other side. For, just as he was raising his glasses to his eyes, a single shot was fired, and a bullet was sent to do its deadly work, which, striking him in the right cheek, passed out back of his left ear, and he fell dying into the arms of the faithful and gal- lant Major Englehard, of his staff, than whom ISTorth Caro- lina sent no truer man to the front. His death was regarded as a public calamity."

He was the truest of patriots. He loved his country with deathless affection, and there was no sacrifice, however great, that he would not have made for the good of his people. His moral power was very great. Like Sir Galahad, his "strength was as the strength of ten because his heart was pure."

At the time of his death General Branch was one of the ablest and most accomplished soldiers of his rank in either army Union or Confederate. He would have honored and advanced any position within the gift of the Confederate Government. General A. P. Hill, his immediate superior, says of him :

"The Confederacy has to mourn the loss of a gallant soldier and an accomplished gentleman, who fell at the head of his brigade, Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch, of North Caro- lina. He was my senior brigadier, and one to whom I could have entrusted the command of the division with all confi- dence." His men loved him and almost idolized him. He died as a soldier would wish to die, facing the enemy, in the discharge of his duty. Had he not been killed, he would un- doubtedly have been appointed a Major-General.


Sharpsburg was a battle of almost unprecedented severity. No action, perhaps, was ever more keenly debated. The fierce vigor and determination evinced by both sides was due to the finding by the enemy of General Lee's celebrated order No. 191, known as the "Lost Dispatch," which revealed to

Thirty-Third Regiment. 555

McClellan General Lee's plans in detail, conveyed other im- portant information, and caused blood to flow like water. McOlellan promptly availed himself of the knowledge thus gained, and put his army in motion "to cut the enemy in two and beat him in detail." Was the order lost at Lee's head- quarters ? Or did the courier lose it ? Was there careless- ness ? Or was there treason ? God only knows. It is cer- tain General D. H. Hill himself did not lose the order. Lee's loss at Sharpsburg almost exceeds belief. It amounted to nearly one-third of his army. Regimental loss, 3 killed, 16 wounded.

After the death of General Branch, Colonel Lane, of the Twenty-eighth, assumed command of the brigade. On the 18th the brigade was not engaged. The Federals had been so roughly handled that they were glad enough to let us alone. That night (the 18th) and the following morning we crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown. Branch's Bri- gade (Lane), Archer's and Gregg's constituting the rear guard, were the last to cross, and were shelled as they reached the Virginia shore. These brigades maintained their ground until every wagon and every ambulance had crossed, and Lane's rescued some wounded Georgia soldiers whom the men of their own command had basely deserted.

The battle of Shepherdstown was fought 20 September. We were ordered to support Pender, who, with Gregg and Thomas, was in the front line. Lane, learning that Pender's Brigade was flanked, on its left, moved rapidly to the left, unmasked Pender and routed the enemy from the field. We pursued them, drove them precipitately into the river where many of them were drowned, and held our position until dark, although we were furiously shelled during the entire day. It was altogether an infantry fight on our side, as owing to the nature of the ground General Hill could not use his artillery. The weather was extremely hot, and the sufferings of the men were great. Regimental loss, 10 wounded. After the battle of Shepherdstown we went into camp near Snicker's Gap, and subsequently, near Win- chester. By command of General Jackson in person we marched to Hedgesville, and tore up a large portion of the

556 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

track of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Colonel Lane was appointed Brigadier-General 1 JSTovember, 1862, and was as- signed to Branch's Brigade, which he had commanded since the death of General Branch.


22 JSTovember we left Winchester, crossed the Bine Ridge with the remainder of Jackson's Corps, and took part in the battle of Fredericksburg on 13 December. The Thirty-third Regiment occupied a position on the railroad, in the centre of the brigade, the Twenty-eighth and Thirty-scYenth being on its right and the Eighteenth and Seventh on its left. That morning while getting ready to march to our unfortified posi- tion on the railroad. General Jackson suddenly appeared in our front with his cap pulled down over his forehead, almost hiding his eyes. The troops cheered him wildly. He gave us a sharp, searching, but not unkindly look, raised his cap, and rode rapidly on. His eyes seemed to be on fire, sO' eager was he for the fray. On the right of Lane was Archer, whose right rested on Hamilton's Heights. Lane's Brigade was thrown forward a little, and was therefore the first to feel the shock of the enemy. Pender was on our left, but somewhat in the rear. About 1 p. m. the fog lifted, and the enemy in overwhelming numbers could be plainly seen, making vigor- ous preparations for the attack. In a short time they began to advance under a terrific shelling of the Confederate bat- teries. They were staggered by the murderous fire of our ar- tillery, but soon recovering, pressed bravely on. Our picket line retired slowly and in perfect order before the enemy. Captain Riddick Gatling, who was in charge of the picket line, was complimented for the bravery and coolness which he displayed. A high hill was in our immediate front, about 75 yards distant, which hid the advancing enemy from our view. Colonel Avery asked General Lane, who was in the edge of the wood, about 50 yards in our rear, if he might advance his regiment to the brow of the hill, so as to anticipate the en- emy's attack. General Lane replied: "ISTo, Colonel, hold your position at all hazards." The enemy came surging on, firing rapidly, the balls falling thick and fast around us, but

Thirty-Thikd Regiment. 557

we were unable, on account of the hill, to return the fire. In a few moments the enemy reached the top of the hill, and the Thirty-third poured into them a well-directed and destructive volley. Considerable confusion was observed in their ranks, and we thought they were about to retreat ; but they reformed and started again, the Confederates meanwhile keeping up a continuous and deadly fire. The enenny's line was broken in several places, and Colonel Avery ordered a charge, but not being supported, and seeing that our brigade was fianked on the right, he was compelled, in obedience to instructions, slowly to fall back; to the wood in our rear. We re-formed, and again attacking the enemy, drove them back over the railroad and re-established our line. On our right, between Lane and Archer, was a miry swamp about 200 yards wide, which was left without any protection whatever, General Hill doubtless thinking the place was impenetrable. But de- termined men can go anywhere, and the Federals went straight through this swamp, shouting and yelling like mad- men. At the other end of the swamp they came upon Gregg's Brigade, which was intended as a support to Lane. They surprised it completely, and killed General Gregg in the melee. About dark we were ordered to move quietly to the railroad. We formed a line of battle on the railroad near the spot we had occupied in the morning. The orders were whis- pered down the line, and we were directed to make as little noise as possible. We remained in that position about half an hour, expecting every moment to be ordered forward. We then moved back to the woods, a little in our rear, and biv- ouacked for the night. The next morning Major Englehard rode over to the Thirty-third to inquire about his friends, of whom he had many in that regiment. I saw him coming on his white horse, and I walked out about thirty yards from the regiment to meet him. "Major," said I, "what was the meaning of that movement yesterday about dark?" "Well," said he, "I will tell you. It was General Lee's intention to make a night attack. A council of war was held in the af- ternoon, at which General Jackson strongly advocated a night attack, but most of the Generals violently opposed it. Gen- eral Lee finally decided to make it, and orders were issued to

558 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

that effect. But the Generals opposed to the night attack persuaded General Lee to call a second council of war, and in that council General Jackson was overruled, and the or- ders were countermanded. General Hoke than whom, (if we except Lee and Jackson) there was no more gallant nor skillful officer in either army assures me that Jackson did wish to make a night attack; that he (Hoke) received orders to that effect, and had begun to execute them, when he was re^ called from the field. JSTotwithstanding all denials, emanating from high sources, the proof is unquestionable and decisive. The testimony of Dr. Hunter McGuire puts the matter be- yond all dispute. Dr. McGuire says : "At Fi'edericksburg, after Burnside's repulse, Jackson asked me how many hand- ages I had. I told him, and asked why he wanted to know. He said that he wanted to have a piece of white cloth to tie on each man's arm so that his soldiers might recognize each other in a night attack, and he asked to be allowed to make such an attack, and drive his foe into the river or capture him. Subsequent events demonstrated that he knew the state of things within the hostile lines, and would have accom- plished his purpose." It is now well known that the Fed- eral army was utterly demoralized, and that Jackson would- have captured or destroyed it. As Napoleon was fond of say- ing— "not a man of them would have escaped." The casu- alties in the regiment were 9 killed, 32 wounded. After this great battle we went into winter quarters at Moss Neck, below Fredericksburg and did picket duty on the Rappahannock. The Federals were on the opposite side of the river, and we could easily hear their brass bands playing their national airs. The winter was severe, and the roads almost impassable. We helped to "pole" them, and put them in good condition. Gen- eral Jackson's headquarters were near the Thirty-third Eeg- iment.

One fine morning. Lieutenant Morrison, one of Jackson's aides, came over to the Thirty-third and said to Captain Wil- loughby Avery, "General Jackson is walking about his tent this morning like a caged lion. The Yankee music across the Rappahannock greatly annoys him." "Napoleon," he

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says, "would not have permitted this. The enemy ought to be driven into the Potomac."


While at Moss l^eek General Lane was presented with a sword and General's sash, and a fine saddle and bridle, the gift of the officers of the Brigade, as a slight testimonial of their esteem. Colonel Barber, of the Thirty-seventh, pre- sented them in a neat and graceful speech.

In April, 1863, the enemy began to make demonstrations in our front, and we were ordered to occupy the second line of works near Hamilton's Crossing. 1 May the brigade was in the famous flank march to Chancellor sville. At night we formed line of battle not far from that place throwing forward a heavy line of skirmishers. The next day (2d) about dark we were ordered to advance to the front for a night attack. Jackson had swept the Federals before him like a whirlwind and he was anxious to complete the victory. The Thirty-third was deployed as skirmishers across the plank road, and the line of battle in rear was as follows : Seventh and Thirty-seventh on the right and Eigh- teenth and Twenty-eighth on the left the left of the Thirty- seventh and the right of the Eighteenth resting on the road. The Thirty-third thus occupied the post of danger, but it was also the post of honor. A small force of the enemy succeeded in getting in between the skirmish line (Thirty- third) and the Seventh Regiment on our right. Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, (One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania) came up to the Seventh vsdth a "white handkerchief tied to a stick, to learn, as he said, whether we were friends or foes." He said he did not wish to surrender. The simpleton imag- ined General Lane would allow him to return; and when, subsequently, his whole command was captured, he had the presumption to contend that the Confederates had acted in bad faith.

About 8 o'clock in the evening Generals Jackson and Hill with their staff officers and couriers, rode past the Eighteenth on the plank road, and turned into the woods on the left, in front of the Eighteenth. It was dark, and the Eighteenth

560 North Cakolina Troops, 1861-65.

did not know who they were. The cry of Yankee cavalry was raised, and the Eighteenth fired, in obedience to orders, and General Jackson fell mortally wounded. It was a crush- ing blow. Our sun had set the glory of the centuries.^ Jack- son wlas a giant of giants a soldier of Napoleonic genius for war.

Dr. McGuire tells us that at Malvern Hill when a portion of our army was beaten, and to some extent demoralized. Hill, Ewell and Early came to tell him they could make no resist- ance if McClellan attacked them in the morning. "It was difficult to wake General Jackson, as he was exhausted and very sound asleep. I tried it myself, and after many efforts partly succeeded. When he was made to understand what was wanted, he said, 'McClellan and his army will be gone by daylight,' and went to sleep again. The generals thought him mad, but the prediction was true." Jackson's mind leaped like lightning to an infallible conclusion. That was the perfection of genius.

When Jackson and Hill were wounded, the night attack of course was given up, and another disposition was made of the troops in front. The Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth were withdrawn from the left of the road, and the left wing of the Thirty-third was withdrawn as skirmishers. _ The right of the brigade was thrown back about midnight, and the order from right to left was, Twenty-eighth, Eighteenth Thirty-third, Seventh, Thirty-seventh. A little after mid- night, Sickles, with two strong lines, attacked our right with spirit and vigor. The Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth and left wing of the Thirty-third repulsed him handsomely. In- a short time Sickles renewed the attack, but was again driven back with great slaughter. On Sunday, 3 May, the brigade charged the enemy in their intrenohments, and completely routed them, though they were vastly superior in numbers. Some of the troops passed over the breastworks, and took sev- eral prisoners. Biit the works could not be held, for the en- emy had twenty-nine pieces of artillery near the Chancellor House which at once opened a terrific fire of shell, grape and canister, and it was not possible for flesh and blood to stand the withering, concentrated fire of these Federal batteries.

Thirty-Third Regiment. 561

Besides, our support failed us, our right was turned, and fresh troops were advancing against us. Under these cir- cumstances. Colonel Avery, in obedience to instructions, or- dered a retreat. We reformed a little in our rear, refilled our cartridge boxes and moved into the woods to the left of the plank road in order to support General Colquitt, whose ammunition had almost given out. We remained in line all night, with heavy skirmishing in front. General Lane says : "Never have I seen men fight more gallantly, and bear fatigue and hardships more cheerfully. I shall always feel proud of the noble bearing of my brigade in the battle of Chancellorsville, the bloodiest in which it has ever taken part, when the Thirty-third discharged its duties so well as skir- mishers and with the Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth gal- lantly repulsed two night attacks made by vastly superior numbers, and when the Seventh and Thirty-seventh vied with each other as to who shoiild first drive the Federals from their works."

General Heth, who commanded the Light Division after A. P. Hill was wounded, says : "Lane's Brigade, supported by McGowan's Brigade, and, ("ostensibly") by the Fortieth and Forty-seventh Virginia Regiments, advanced and charged the enemy, who was supported by twenty-nine pieces of ar- tillery. I cannot conceive of any body of men ever being subjected to a more galling fire than this force. The brig- ades of Lane, McGowan and a portion of Heth's (Colonel Brockenborough commanding) notwithstanding, drove the en- emy from their works, and held them for some time; btit were finally compelled to fall back." Captain Saunders in his official report as commander of the regiment Colonel Avery being wounded makes honorable mention of Lieu- tenant Price, of Company B, and Lieutenant Farrow, of Company H. He also states that the conscripts fought very heroically, side by side with the old veterans. Major Mayhew, of the Thirty-third, was mortally wounded in the third day's charge. His death, which occurred a few days afterward, was a heavy blow to our regiment. He was a brave and skill- ful officer, and was greatly beloved by the regiment. He was originally Captain of Company F, Hyde County, which was 36

562 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

composed of as brave and true men as ever lived. I knew Major Mayhew well. A gentler, nobler, more loyal heart never beat in the breast of man. God rest his soul. In the battle of Chancellorsville Lane lost nearly one-third of his command. Our regimental loss was, killed 28, wounded 105. Among the killed were Captain John D. Callais, Com- pany G; Lieutenants Joseph D. Boushall and William K. Babb, Company E ; and Sergeant Weaver, Company D good men, and sturdy, faithful soldiers.


After the battle we returned to our old camp at Moss Neck, and remained there until 5 June. After the death of Jack- son A. P. Hill was made Lieutenant-General, and was as- signed to Jackson's old corps. Pender was put in command of the Light Division, in the place of A. P. Hill. 25 June we crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown. 1 July we left Cashtown, advancing towards Gettysburg on the left of the road in the following order from right to left Seventh, Thirty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, Eighteenth, Thirty-third right of the Seventh, resting on the road. We encountered the enemy and drove them back some distance. After we had marched about a mile we were ordered to the right of the road, and formed on the extreme right of our division, which was also the right of the army. About 4 p. m. we came up with the enemy in force, and after severe fighting the brigade consisting of the Thirty-third, Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth and Thirty-seventh, (the Seventh having been detached to fight the cavalry) drove them back in gallant style. 2 July the regiment was not engaged though we were exposed to a severe and continuous shelling. In the famous charge on 3 July the brigade formed the left of the second or supporting line, and the Thirty-third was on the left of the brigade. Scales' Brigade was on our right, and both brigades (Lane's and Scales') were temporarily under the command of Major- General Trimble. The attacking column consisted of Pick- ett's Division on the right and Heth's Division (Pettigrew) on the left. Wilcox's Brigade was to march in rear of Pick- ett's right to guard the flank, and Heth was supported by

Thirty-Third Regiment. 563

Lane's and Scales' Brigades. Longstreet's and Hill's Artil- lery and part of Swell's were to open fire simultaneously, and tlie attacking column was to advance under the combined fire of these Confederate batteries. General Lee says "the batteries were directed to be pushed forward as the infantry progressed, to protect their flanks and to support their at- tack closely." If this had been done the battle would have been ours. But the ammunition was exhausted before we started. This fact General Lee says, was unknown to him. One hundred and fifteen Confederate guns opened fire about 1 o'clock. Eighty Federal guns replied to them. This artil- lery duel continued for two hours when the fire on the Fed- eral side slackened and almost ceased. The attack began about 3 p. m. The assaulting column moves steadily on un- der a hot and heavy fire both of musketry and artillery. Owing to the nature of the ground, the formation of the lines and the character of the enemy's works, (the stone fence, etc.) Pickett's men come first upon the enemy. They hold their ground for a time, but it is almost impossible to live under such a tempest of fire. Pickett staggers and falls back. Davis of Pettigrew's command, falters and flees. Lane and Scales leap to the front. They overtake Pettigrew and the two lines (Pettigrew and Trimble) then become one (Major Saunders) and the advance is continued. They reach the stone wall. Pettigrew is broken in pieces and leaves the field. Lane and Scales fight on. Their right and left are wholly unprotected. Pickett and Pettigrew are gone. The Federal fire (artillery and musketry) is concentrated upon these two matchless bri- gades. They mount their breastworks. A furious volley is poured into them by the second Federal line. They retreat, not in disorder, but as General Trimble says, "sullenly and slowly, in almost as good order as they had advanced." Peerless soldiers. In the procession of the cen- turies doubtless we might find equal courage and devotion in the annals of war, but the instances have been at long in- tervals. Von Moltke, the German, says our army was a "mob." Triton of minnows ! Oh that Stonewall Jack- son could have had him in his front about six hours. He would have gone down in history by the side

564 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

of Burnside, Pope and Nathaniel P. Banks. We can- not wonder at Trimble's language to Lane : "If tlie troops I had the honor to command today (Lane's aaid Scales^ Brigades) couldn't take that position, all hell can't take it." General Trimhle denies that he used the profane language at- tribiited to him by General Lane, but says he "used some em- phatic expression of commendation," etc. There are men who, as Wellington says, never even "stumble on the truth." A certain writer, whose name I am glad I do not know, says : "The right (Pickett) behaved gloriously; the left (Petti- grew) faltered and fled. Each body acted according to its nature, for they were made of different stuff ; the one of com- mon earth, the other of finest clay. Pettigrew's men were North Carolinians, Pickett's were superb Virginians." This man ought to be sent to the insane asylum. I cannot reply to such childish twaddle. Has this man ever read Lee's gen- eral order as to the conduct of certain troops ? I forbear.

General Trimble, who commanded Lane's and Scales' Brig- ades on the third day, says : "We passed over the remnant of their line (Pettigrew's) and immediately after some one close by my left sung out, 'three cheers for the Old North State,' when both brigades (Scales' and Lanes') sent up a hearty shout, on which I said to my aid, "Charley, I believe those fine fellows are going into the enemy's line." My men (Lane's and Scales' Brigades) were the last to leave the field. This I know as I rode in the line between the two Brigades (Lane's and Scales') from the start down to the Emmetts- burg road, passing over the wreck of Lleth's Division (Pet- tigrew's). Before my line recoiled under a concentrated fire from my front and left, I looked to the right where Pickett's men had been seen to advance and beheld nothing but isolated and scattered remnants of that splendid line. * * * Thus I am sure that my command continued the contest some time after Pickett's force had been dispersed. General Trim- ble in these statements is substantially supported by Gen- eral Lane and Colonel Avery, of the Thirty-third. These of- ficers say the "whole right had given way" before Lane's Brigade left the field. General Trimble says further : "No one acquainted with the fact can, for a moment, doubt the


1. James M. Hunt, 1st Lieut.. Co. D. B.

S. John G, Justice, 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 6.

3. James W. Gibbs, 2d Lieut., Co. F. 7.

4. Isaac L. Farrow, 2d Lieut.^ Co. H. 8.

Major F. Joines, 2d Lieut., Co. D. George H. Snow, 1st Lieut., Co. H. Wilson H. Lucas, 1st Lieut, Co. A. James W. Atkinson, Color Sergeant Co. G.

Thirty-Third Eegiment. 565

intrepid bravery and splendid bearing of Pickett's men ; they did all that any men could do under the circumstances, but others did as well, went as far or farther, fought longer, and lost as heavily."

General Lane says : "General Thomas, who could see from his position in the road every thing that was going on, in- formed me that Brockenborough's Brigade, which was on the left of Heth's (Pettigrew's) Division, did not advance further than the road, and that Davis' Brigade, which was next to it, pushed forward, in advance of the general line, and was driven back. The remaining brigades of Heth's (Petti- grew's) Division were Pettigrew's and Archer's. As soon as Pettigrew's command gave back Davis', Lowrance's (Scales) Brigade and my own, without even having halted, took position on the left of the troops that were fighting (Pettigrew's Brigade and Archer's.) That is, we occu- pied that part of the fighting line formerly held by Davis, of Pettigrew's (Heth's) Division. My brigade was now the extreme left of the attacking force, and the Thirty- third Begiment was on the left of the brigade. I never saw, even in drill, a more beautiful line than my brigade kept as it advanced under that murderous fire. The field was open no troops in front of us, and it was our yell, as we joined the front line that caused General Trimble to make that remark, "I believe those fine fellows are going into the enemy's line." The men reserved their fire in accord- ance with orders, until within good range of the enemy, and then opened with telling effect, repeatedly driving the can- noneers from their pieces, completely silencing the guns in our front and breaking the line of infantry which was formed on the crest of the hill. We advanced to within a few yards of the stone wall. Some of my right had gone over the fence, yelling furiously. My left, under Colonel Avery, was here very much exposed, and a column of infantry was thrown forward by the enemy in that direction which enfiladed my whole line. When I ordered Colonel Avery, in obedience to in- structions from General Longstreet, to face to the left for the purpose of meeting the fianking column of the enemy, he re-

566 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

plied : "My God, General, do you intend rushing your troops into such a place unsupported, when the whole right has given way?" I looked to the right and saw that it was as he stated ; no line of battle was any where visible on the right. Colonel Avery had already reached the fence and his men were firing and cheering. My brigade, I know, was the last to leave the field, and it did so by my order." Major Joseph H. Saunders, of the Thirty-third, says : "Just before I was ,shot, I distinctly remember seeing a Yankee color-bearer just in front of the left of the regiment get up and run away, trailing his flag and followed by his regiment, so that there was nothing to keep our regiment from going into the ene- my's ranks. I see from the "Virginian" that Captain Young states Lane's and Scales' Brigades did not reach the point at- tained by Pettigrew's. As to this point I can be perfectly positive as we overtook the first line, and the two lines (Petti- grew and Trimble) then became one, and the advance was continued. There can be no mistake about this."

Colonel Lowrance, commanding Scales' Brigade, says: "We silenced the pickets in our front. * * * ISTow all had apparently forsaken us. The two brigades (Lane's and Scales') now reduced to mere squads, not numbering in all 800 men, were the only lines to be seen upon that vast field, and with no support in view, the brigade retreated." There can be no doubt that Pettigrew's old brigade and Archer's maintained the contest a short time after Davia had fled, but Lane and Scales continued to fight some time after Pettigrew and Archer had been swept from the field. Thus it is undisputable that Lane and Scales went to the front and stayed there some minutes firing and cheering, after Pettigrew and Pickett had entirely disap- peared. In thus remaining on the field of battle and con- tinuing the fight after all the other troops had retreated, they were exposed to a raking artillery fire on both flanks, and to a blinding, overwhelming artillery and musketry fire in front. In the language of General Trimble a gallant old hero - we "maintained our ground after they (the other troops) had been driven back." Our brigade, too, retreated in obedience to orders (unlike the troops of Pettigrew and

Thirty-Third Regiment. 567

Pickett) not in disorder, but "sullenly and slowly, in almost as good order as they had advanced." There is nothing supe- rior to it in all history. It is the crowning glory of these two incomparable brigades. Match such heroism if you can surpass it you cannot.

But, on the other hand. Captain Young, aide-de-camp to General Pettigrew, says : "Our brigade (Pettigrew's) gave way, and simultaneously with it the whole line. The sup- ports, under Major-General Trimble, did not reach as far as we had." This account differs wholly from the statements made by General Trimble, General Lane, Colonel Avery, Major Saunders and Colonel Lowrance. Thus by the testi- mony of unimpeachable witnesses we prove that Trimble's men (Lane and Scales) went as far as or farther than any other troops engaged that they were the last to leave the field that Trimble continued the contest, unaided, for some time after Pickett's and Pettigrew's men had been driven from the field, exposed, all the while, to a crushing musketry and artillery fire on both flanks and in his front. Pickett and Pettigrew's men broke and fled without orders. Lane's and Scales' North Carolinians stayed on the field until they were ordered to retreat, and they "marched back slowly and sullenly in almost as good order as they had advanced." If on this bloody day Pickett and Pettigrew had remained on the field and supported Lane's and Scales' Brigades, the re- sult might have been different. The casualties in the regi- ment were 10 killed, 53 wounded. The brigade loss was 660 out of an effective total of 1,355. Major Joseph H. Saun- ders, of the Thirty-third, a capital soldier and a true man, was seriously wounded in the third day's charge. He was near the stone wall, and, with a cheer, was leading his men against the enemy, when he fell, shot through the face, and remained unconscious for several hours.

Among others who here laid down their lives in defence of all that was dear were Lieutenants H. H. Baker and Thomas A. Cowan, of Company A. They were manly men, and fear- less soldiers. July 4 it rained hard all day and that night, unmolested, we began our retreat through mud and water.

568 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.


July 11 we formed line of battle at Hagerstown, where we remained until the 13th. We had frequent skirmishes with the enemy, but no actual engagement. On the night of the 13th we left Hagerstown. It was very dark and rainy, and we fared worse, if possible, than we did on the retreat from Gettysburg on the night of the 4th. By command of Major- G-eneral Heth, who was temporarily in command of the Light Division, Lane's Brigade formed the rear guard at Falling Waters on the 14th, and it alone held the bridge, though re- peatedly attacked, until every man had crossed. It then slowly retired, in perfect order, vigorously shelled by the en- emy. General Heth was charmed with the gallant bearing of the brigade. He said to General Lane : "In covering the retreat you have done nobly. I expected your whole brigade would be killed, wounded or captured." General Pettigrew the Sir Philip Sidney of the South wns killed at Falling Waters.

After , crossing the Potomac the brigade encamped near Culpepiser Court House for some days, and then moved to Orange Court House, and did picket duty at Morton's Ford until Stuart's fight at Jack's Shop on 22 September. We were then ordered to Liberty Mills as a support to Stuart's Cavalry, but when we reached that place the fight was over. General Stuart had defeated the enemy. We went into win- ter quarters at Liberty Mills and did picket duty beyond the mills, and on the Stanardsville road.

General Pender died of the wound which he received at Gettysburg. General Lee pays him the highest compliment in his power when he says : "We would have succeeded" (at Gettysburg) "had Pender lived." Shortly after Pender's death Wilcox was assigned to the command of the "Light Division." While in camp at Liberty Mills a great many furloughs were granted, and every effort was made to lighten the burdens of the men who, at so great a sacrifice, had so gallantly upheld the honor of our arms.

During the winter we made a very trying march through snow and mud to Madison Court House. Our object was

Thirty-Third Regiment. 569

to catch some Federal cavalry raiders, but we had poor suc- cess.

In October the Federal commander, General Meade, moved towards Washington along the Orange & Alexandria Railroad apparently unwilling to fight General Lee on the Rappahannock. At the unfortunate battle of Bristoe Sta- tion, 14 October, Lane's Brigade formed line of battle, with bullets whistling all about them, but did not engage the en- emy, though expecting every moment to be ordered to the fighting line. Darkness seems to have put an end to the un- equal conflict. Our brigade helped to tear up the railroad, and we did the work thoroughly. October 25th we encamped at Brandy Station, and remained there several days. No- vember 7th Hoke's (Colonel Godwin) and Hay's Brigades suft'ered heavily while doing picket duty near Rappahannock Station. They were completely surrounded and most of them were captured. The next morning, 8 November, the brigade fell back, formed line of battle near Culpepper Court House, and repulsed the enemy's cavalry charge, sustaining but little loss. On the 9th we went back to our old camp at Liberty Mills.


At Mine Run, 2 Decernber, we were drawn tip in line of battle, preparatory to a night attack, but at daybreak we dis- covered there was no enemy to fight. During the night he had quietly decamped. The weather was intensely cold, no fires were allowed, and the men suffered no little in the trenches and on the skirmish line. At the battle of the Wil- derness, 5 and 6 May, 1864, the brigade greatly distinguished itself. It was ordered to the fighting line about 5 p. m. (5 May) when our troops in front, fighting Hancock, a skillful and determined officer, could hardly hold their ground. Col- onel Venable, of General Lee's staff, said to Colonel Palmer, of A. P. Hill's Corps, "Thank God, I will go back and tell General Lee that Lane has just gone in and will hold his ground until other troops arrive tonight." Lane did hold his groxmd, and actually drove back the enemy, greatly supe- rior in numbers, a short distance at the point of the bayonet.

570 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

We remained in the woods in mire and mud until about 9 p. m. the two lines, Federal and Confederate, being but a few yards apart. We could almost hear the Federals breath- ing. Colonel Davidson, of the Seventh, in the darkness (and it was very dark), lost his bearings, and stumbled on the Fed- erals. They quietly put out their hands and drew him in. j^ot a word was spoken.

Lieutenant Isaac L. Farrow, Company H, lost his life in this battle. He was a good soldier, always at the post of duty.

About 9 p. m., in obedience to orders we withdrew from this position, and bivouacked on a hill in our rear, expecting to be relieved by Longstreet at daybreak the next morning, but for some reason Longstreet failed to appear at the ap- pointed time. A little before sunrise, we settled down to a good breakfast cooked from Yankee rations captured the even- ing before, when, suddenly, sharp and rapid firing was heard in our front, followed by the hasty retreat of our skirmish line. We formed line of battle as quickly as possible behind some improvised breastworks of logs and dirt. In a minute, as it seemed to me, the enemy in large force was upon us. Colonel Avery walked up and down the line en- couraging our men, both by actions and words. He was but a few feet from the writer of this sketch. I said to him: "Colonel, get down behind the breastworks. You will be killed if you walk about in that way."

"ISTo, no," said he, "it will make the men fight better."

We stayed the onset for a few minutes, but no fire could be hotter, and we were compelled to retreat. The trees were literally shot to pieces.

I never saw Colonel Avery again. He received five wounds that morning, and died a glorious death a few weeks afterward. He was a brave and faithful ofiicer, a true friend, and the knightliest of men. General Lane says of this fight: "We opposed this force for a short time (the Thirty-third fighting like heroes) but could not long stand the terrible fire in our front and flank." The casualties in the Thirty-third, 5 and 6 May, were : Killed, 3 officers and 40 men ; wounded, 5 officers and 50 men ; missing, 38 men.

Thirty-Third Regiment. 571


At Spottsylvania Court House, 12 May, there can be little doubt that Lane's Brigade saved Lee's army from a terrible defeat. Johnson's line at the Salient had been broken and the Federals were pouring into the huge gap thus made in our ranks, when Lane's Brigade arrested their progress on the right. I never saw such heroism as was then displayed, both by officers and men. It was impossible to surpass it. The Fed- erals were advancing in overwhelming numbers and with deafening yells, but Lane's Brigade, so placed that it could attack them in front and on the flank, not only held its ground, but it advanced beyond the entrenchments, over the fallen timber, and drove the enemy a considerable distance to the rear. General Lane himself rode up to the brigade when the fire was hottest, his lips quivering with the glow and ardor of battle, and said to us: "You must hold your ground ; the honor and safety of the army demand it." Lieu- tenant-Colonel Cowan, of the Thirty-third, seized the colors of his regiment, and with a loud shout rushed upon the foe. The Thirty-third followed him, and swept everything before them. The other regiments of the brigade behaved with equal intrepidity, and the army was saved. That fight alone would make Lane's Brigade immortal. General Lane, in his official report, says : "It is impossible for me to speak in too high terms of my command in repulsing this terrible attack of the enemy men could not fight better, nor officers behave more gallantly; the latter, regardless of danger, would fre- quently pass along the line and cheer the men in their glorious work. We justly claim for this brigade alone the honor of not only stemming, but rolling back this tide of Federal victory which came surging furiously to our right." Colonel Venable, of Lee's staff says: "They (the Federals) were checked by General Lane, who, throwing his left flank back from the trenches, confronted their advance." An English war correspondent thus writes to his paper in London: "Lane's North Carolina veterans stopped the tide of Federal victory as it came surging to the right." General Early's testimony is to the same effect.

572 North Carolina Troops, 186]-'65.

oapt0eed thkee flags.

In the fight in the afternoon of the same day (12 May) in front of the works to the left of the brick kiln, the brigade fought well, and won high praise from Greneral Lee himself. The object was to relieve Ewell by attacking Burnside's flank and rear. The brigade moved forward cheerfully and quickly and soon drove the enemy out of the oak woods, and captured a battery of six guns, b^it were unable to bring them off. We struck Burnside's flank and rear and took him com- pletely by surprise. Our sudden and sharp attack demoral- ized him. Lane captured nearly 400 prisoners and three bat- tle flags. General Early says: "Lane's attack on the en- emy's flank and rear contributed materially to the repulse of the assaulting column, as it was thereby thrown into much confusion. Mahone's Brigade (Colonel Weisiger) had been ordered to support Lane, but it got lost in the woods and never fired a gun, except at Lane's Brigade." General Lane says: "The infantry firing in our rear was, for a short time, more severe than that in front, as Mahone's Brigade poured such a fire into us that Lieutenant-Colonel Cowan and Lieutenant- Colonel McGill had to rush back and ask them not to fire into friends." General Mahone rode up to the Thirty-third and said to Colonel Cowan in a sharp, piping voice: "Go right straight back. I will take great pleasiire in reporting you to General Lee ; you have left my brigade in the woods to do all the fighting." And yet Colonel Weisiger (Mahone) got lost in the woods, never fired a gun at the enemy, biit fired several guns at his friends, and was actiially led out of the woods by that gallant soldier, Captain E. J. Hale, of Lane's Brigade. I do not think this important battle, as General Early says it was, is mentioned in the Confederate Military History. Colonel Venable writes : "General Lee directs me to acknowledge the receipt of the flags captured by Lane's Brigade in its gallant charge of yesterday, and to say that they will be forwarded to the Honorable Secretary of War, with the accompanying note and the names of the brave cap- tors." The casualties in the regiment were : Killed, 4 men ; wounded, 2 officers and IT men. Erom the 13th to the 20th

Thirty-Third Regiment. 573

oJ^'May, we were not seriously engaged, though the regiment sustained a slight loss from sharpshooting and shelling. Our sharpshooters were commanded by Captain J. C. Mills, of Burke, and they were of very great service to the regiment. Captain Mills was a model officer brave, cool, resolute and of excellent judgment.

On 21 May, the regiment made a reconnoissance to the right of the court house, but sustained little loss. The battle of Jericho Ford was fought 23 May. Professor Hill (Con- federate Military History) says : "Lane's North Carolinians

* * * became entangled in a river-side fight with the Federal line posted on a crest." This account is (uninten- tionally) misleading. The facts are these: Lane's men moved into the battle with steadiness and resolution. They drove back the enemy to his original position, at the point of the bayonet, maintained their ground, removed their dead and woimded and were not relieved until 11 o'clock at night, long after the firing had ceased. True, the regiment on the right of the Thirty-third gave way, but every man of the Thirty-third remained firm. The enemy on our right ad- vanced towards the gap made by the fleeing regiment, and the Thirty-third was thus exposed to a front and flank fire, but it did not waver, nor hesitate, but boldly charged the en- emy, drove him back to his works and. steadfastly held their ground until relieved at 11 o'clock that night, long after the battle was over. General Lane says: "These three regi- ments of my brigade, the Thirty-third, Eighteenth, Twenty- eighth (the Seventh was on detached duty) fought very gal- lantly. They drove the enemy back to a commanding posi- tion near the river, held the groimd over which they fought, removed all their dead and wounded, and were not relieved by Davis' Brigade until 11 o'clock that night, at which time the firing had ceased." The casualties in the regiment were : Killed, 5 men; wounded, 2 officers and 27 men; missing, 4 men

In the battle of Jericho Ford the writer of this sketch, then Captain of Company F, and Lieutenant James W. Gibbs, of Company F a most worthy soldier- were badly wounded. The doctors said : "Captain Weston must die, it is impossi-

574 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ble for him to live." I heard them say it, and it made me mad. I said to them : "If you think I am going to die you are very much mistaken. I have no idea of dying."


On 31 May, our sharpshooters had a brisk encounter vs^ith the enemy near Starr's .Farm, on the Totopotomy creek, and the entire brigade vs^as exposed to a severe fire both of in- fantry and artillery, though not engaged in actual fighting. We lost several men, killed and wounded. 2 June we marched to Cold Harbor, and were placed in the second line. In the afternoon we supported Wharton's Brigade in its suc- cessful assault on Turkey Eidge. Subsequently, we occupied a position on the right, between Wharton and Thomas. The regiment fought with its wonted gallantry. Here Greneial Lane was severely wounded and Colonel Barry, of the Eigh- teenth, took charge of the brigade. The casualties in the reg- iment from 24 May to 3 June were : Killed, 1 man ; wound- ed, 1 man.

June 13th at Riddle's shop, we remained in line of battle for a considerable time, but were not seriously engaged. 22 June, at Well's farm, three miles southeast of Petersburg, the regiment helped to drive back the enemy, who was en- deavoring to get possession of the Weldon Railroad. 23 June, while relieving Mahone, the brigade was exposed to a merciless fire of musketry and artillery. It was at close range, and very severe, but our men were so seasoned and dis- ciplined-that they never flinched.

Between the 1st and middle of July the regiment moved to the north side of the James, and on 28 July took part in the action at Gravelly Hill. In this engagement (Gravelly Hill) Adjutant Spier Whitaker particularly distinguished himself. He was complimented in general orders for his gal- lant and officer-like conduct on the field of battle. Lieutenant Whitaker was a valuable ofiicer clear-headed, cool and cour- ageous. At the battle of Fussell's Mill, on the Darbytown road, 16 to 18 August, the brigade was conspicuous for its steadiness and its courage. Commanded by Colonel Barber, of the Thirty-seventh, the brigade captured from a determined

Thirty-Third Regiment. 575

enemy the intrenchments on the Darbytown road, from which other troops had been routed, in the presence of General Lee.

At Eeams Station, 25 August, Lane's Brigade achieved a signal success. About 2 p. m. a Georgia Brigade and Scales' attacked Hancock fiercely, but they were driven back in dis- order. About 5 o'clock, Cooke, Lane (General Conner), and MacRae went to the front to make a second attack. The brig- ade moved forward promptly over fallen trees, brushwood and other obstructions, with a ringing rebel yell, and the Fed- eral line was ours. The enemy fled in the greatest confu- sion. An attempt to recapture the works resulted in utter failure. The railroad was saved. General Lane, in his his- tory of the Twenty-eighth Regiment, says "General Lee, in speaking of this fight to General Lane, said that the three ISTorth Carolina brigades. Lane's, Cooke's and MacRae's, which made the second assault, after the failure of the first by other troops, had by their gallantry not only placed l^orth Carolina, but the whole Confederacy, under a debt of grati- tude, which cotild never be repaid." What praise could be higher ? General Lee wrote to Governor Vance : "They (Lane, McRae and Cooke) advanced through a thick abatis of felled trees imder a heavy fire of musketry and artillery, and carried the enemy's works with a steady courage that elicited the warm commendation of the corps and division command- ers, and the admiration of the army."

At Jones' farm, 30 September, the brigade (General Lane in command), was on the right of the road, and the Thirty- third was on the right of the brigade. The enemy tried to flank us on our right. Colonel Cowan ordered the men to lie down at the bottom of a hill, and when the enemy got opposite our colors, the Thirty-third rushed to the top of the hill and poured so heavy a fire into the enemy that he quickly fled, leaving his dead and wounded behind him.

Colonel William M. Barber, of the Thirty-seventh, was killed 30 September. He was an ofiicer of unusual merit and promise.

Next day, 1 October, the Thirty-third was in the fight at the Pegram House, and helped to drive the enemy from his incomplete works, and held them until dark. It then re-

576 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

turned to the works near the Jones House, where in a short time it went into winter quarters.

December 8th the brigade was sent to drive off the cavalry force which was endeavoring to destroy the Petersburg & Weldon Railroad, but on reaching Jarratt's Station, we found the enemy had retreated. The weather was exceedingly cold, and the sufferings of the men were intense. The bri- gade was ordered to support the attack on Fort Steadman, and it performed its part nobly in helping to repel the deter- mined assault made on the main line of the Confederate works near our winter quarters. General Lee ordered General Lane to attack the enemy, who had taken position on a hill near the Jones House. General Lane dislodged him by the efficient aid of his sharpshooters, commanded by Major Wooten, joi the Eighteenth. Major Wooten was one of the best officers in the service. The sharpshooters were sup- ported by the brigade. The winter in the trenches at Peters- burg— 1864-'65 was a most trying one in many respects. The chaff was winnowed from the wheat.

On the night of 1 April the brigade was shelled continu- ously until daybreak the next morning. The regiments in the works from right to left were in the following order: Twenty-eighth, Thirty-seventh, Eighteenth, Thirty-third. The Seventh was on detached dtity. The men were placed from six to ten paces apart a mere skirmish line. Against this weak force Grant hurled his crushing masses, at day- break the next morning. We foiight desperately, but our thin line was pushed back by sheer force of numbers until it was broken in pieces. We then retreated behind our winter quarters and continued the contest, each man for himself. A part of the regiment fell back to the plank road under Colonel Cowan and a part to Battery Gregg, under General Lane. Battery Gregg was fiercely attacked and fell after a most heroic resistance. Color Sergeant Atkinson, of the Thirty- third, after the Federals had mounted the parapet, and were yelling f urioiisly, left the fort, and made for the rear, waving his flag defiantly at the astonished enemy. The Federals fired at him repeatedly, but he escaped unhurt. It was a daring deed that will live in history. Our men cheered him

Thirty-Third Regiment. 577

long and loudly, even after he had reached the Confederate works. In this fight General A. P. Hill was killed. He was a cool, gallant, sagacious officer. Under his leadership the Light Division won an undying fame. Here, too, fell Captain John D. Fain, of Company C. Colonel Cowan, Captain Fain and myself were standing in a group, watch- ing the movements of the enemy. Presently we heard that unmistakable thud, and Captain Fain fell heavily forward, mortally wounded. He begged iis to take him off the field, but it was impossible to do so at that time. In five- minutes he was dead. I never knew a purer man. He was the soul of honor so gentle, so manly, so heroic that no one could help laving him. We held the inner line of works until night, when Petersburg was evacuated, and we began our last retreat.

April 3 we crossed the Appomattox at Goode's bridge, and on the 5th had some brisk skirmishing with the enemy near Amelia Court House. ISTear Farmville, while crossing the river, the enemy opened fire upon us with his artillery, and we lost a few men. We had nothing to eat. It was impossi- ble to procure any food, and the enemy was keeping closely upon us. We marched grimly, resolutely on, not dreaming the end was so near.


April 9 we were ordeired to occupy a position on the left of the road, near Appomattox Court House, and on the fight- ing line. While we were moving to this position at a double quick we were suddenly halted and a Federal officer came from the front and rode down our line. Pie smiled, as he rode quickly on, but it was the wickedest smile I ever saw on any man's countenance. The report quickly spread that General Lee had surrendered. We could not believe it and the officers vehemently denied it. General Lane, however, assured us the report was true, and we bowed to the inevita- ble. Lieutenant Mclntyre, of the Thirty-third, said to me: "Major, let's not surrender. Let's cut our way through." Presently he whispered : "Won't you have a drink of qui- 37

578 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

nine whiskey ?" Lieutenant Mclntyre was a brave and use- ful officer. That night we lay down on the ground and shed bitter tears, feeling that we had no home and no country.

The next morning an order came from General Lane, directing Colonel Cowan to make a formal surrender of the Thirty-third Regiment. Colonel Cowan and I were sitting under a large oak tree. Colonel Cowan read the order, jumped up, his eyes flashing fire, and said: "I won't sur- render." Then, turning to me, he said : "Major Weston, take charge of the regiment." He mounted his horse and rode off to the rear. I never saw him again. Colonel Cowan was a brave and most efficient officer. Like General Hoke, he was a bom soldier. After Colonel Cowan left I took charge of the regiment. We marched across the creek, stacked arms in rear of the regiment which preceded us, and returned to our bivouac. The following officers surrendered at Appomat- tox:

James A. Weston, Major; Spier Whitaker, Jr., Adjutant; Hiddick Gatling, Captain Company H; George W. Sander- lin, Captain Company E ; William J. Callais Captain Com- pany G; W. T. Mclntyre, First Lieutenant Company D; Joseph C. Mills, First Lieutenant Company G; John W. Wooten, Second Lieutenant Company G ; John A. Vigal, As- sistant Surgeon; T. J. Eatman, Chaplain. Ten officers and 108 men surrendered to the enemy, but they surrendered with honor. According to Moore's Eoster of North Carolina Troops, the whole number^ the aggregate in the Thirty- third Eegiment during the entire war was 1,600. A regi- ment of "mighty men" men of heroic mould and loftiest patriotism. Avery, Walton, Mills, Happoldt, Tate of Burke; Cowan, Summers, Hill, Turner, Hallman, Sherrill, of Iredell ; Jenkins, Gatlin, Hyman, Price, Lyon, Lawrence, of Edgecombe; Cozine, Fain, Gibson, Moore, Craige, Ross, Misenheimer, Stoup, of Cabarrus ; Parks, Hunt, Joines, Mc- lntyre, Weaver, Childers, Pardew, of Wilkes; Sanderlin, Gatling, Boushall, Babb, Cooper, Lewis, Caldwell, of Gates Mayhew, Gibbs, Watson, Lucas, Swindell, Oarawan, Farrow Weston, Midyett, Jennett, Eastwood, Murray, Williams Boomer, Gaskill, of Hyde ; Massey, Callais, McDonald, Woot-

Thirty-Third Regiment. 579

en, Bradshaw, MclSTate, Atkinson, Brock, of Cumberland; An- derson, White, ISTicholson, Goslin, Conrad, Marshall, of For- syth; McKoy, Kennedy, Beaman, Bartlett, Dale, of Green; Snow, Sasser, of Wake; Hoke, of Lincoln; Whitaker and Baker, of Halifax; Tlencher, of Chatham; Saunders, of Orange I cannot enumerate them men of whom any peo- ple in any age or country might well be proud.

A word as to the morals of our command. The Thirty- third Regiment was not especially noted for its piety, though its soldiers were among the best men on earth. They had no religion "to speak of," as Bishop Griswold used to say, but they were very regular in their attendance upon divine ser- vices, and no men could be more respectful, more attentive or more reverent. Our chaplain. Rev. Thomas J. Eatman, was a godly man, and his influence for good was largely felt, and most gratefully acknowledged.

The writer begs leave to make his best acknowledgments to General James H. Lane for invaluable aid in the preparation of this sketch. General Lane was a most capable officer hard working, painstaking, accurate and thorough. He neg- lected no duty. He was always in the right place at the right time, ready "to do or to die." His men loved him and trusted him. They had the utmost confidence in his judg- ment and skill. He had in a remarkable degree the genius of common sense, and his superiority as a brigade commander was shown on many a hard-fought field. May Heaven's best blessings rest upon him.

I am also indebted for much useful information to Adju- jant Spier Whitaker, of Raleigh; Captain Joseph C. Mills, of Burke; Colonel J. T. Johnson, of Catawba; General Robert F. Hoke, of Raleigh; Dr. Richard B. Baker, of Catawba; Mrs. . L. O'B. Branch, of Raleigh; Major James H. Foote, of Wilkes ; Miss Ann Saunders, of Raleigh ; Dr. J. F. Shaffner, of Forsyth ; Sergeant J. P. Little, of Ca- tawba; Major William M. Robbins, of Iredell; Captain Jas. A. Summers, of Tennessee, formerly of Iredell; Lieutenant John W. Happoldt an excellent soldier of Burke; Lieu- tenant Columbus L. Turner, of Iredell; Captain J. T. Wal- ton, of Gaston, and Mrs. Robert H. Jones, of Raleigh.

580 NoKTH Carolina Tboops, 1861-'65.

Our Surgeons, Doctors J. F. Shaffner and John A. Vigal, were the kindest and best of men. They were ideal Surgeons capable, honest, firm, sympathetic, self-sacrificing, coura- geous and unremitting in their attentions to the sick and wounded, oftentimes exposing themselves to imminent peril in the discharge of their official duties. By such unflinching heroism and devotion to duty they won the undying gratitude of the entire command. Dr. Richard B. Baker was an able, conscientious surgeon, the equal in every respect of Drs, Shaiiner and Vigal, but after the battle of JSTew Bern he waS transferred to another command.

Amid the gloom of our defeat we found that among the Federal soldiers there were some big-hearted men. An officer of the Thirty-third said to a Federal Commissary: "Give me some bread for my men, for they have had nothing to eat for three days." "I can't do it," said the commissary, "but walk about the tent carelessly and fill your haversack with crackers and loaf sugar, and your canteen with whiskey, and I won't see you." The officer did it.

I shall always have a soft place in my heart for the mem- ory of General Grant. He treated us with great kindness and consideration, and did much, very much, to blunt the' sting of defeat. It is his best, his greatest, monument.

The Southern soldiers were the equals, in every possible respect, of any soldiers that ever fought for God or man. The world must bow before such men. We failed only becauser it was impossible to succeed.

"It is not in mortals tO' command success. We did more, we deserved it."

James A. Weston.- Hickory, N. C,

9 April, 1901.


1. Eli H. Miller, Lieut. -Colonel. 8. A. Q. Walters, Captain, Co. E.

3. W. B. Lowranoe, Captain and Adit.

4. T. D. I.attimore, 2d Lieut , Co. F.


By T. n. LATTIMORE, Second Libutrnant, Company F.

The Thirty-fourth Eegiment of ISTorth Carolina Troops was composed of the following companies :

Company A Ashe County Captain, S. IST. Wilson.

Company B Rutherford and Cleveland Counties Cap- tain, John Edwards.

Company C Rutherford County Captain, M. 0. Dick- erson.

Company D Rowan County Captain, William A. Houk.

Company E Lincoln County Captain, John F. Hill.

Company F Cleveland County Captain, Abram G. Walters.

Company G Mecklenburg County Captain, William R. Myers.

Company H Cleveland County Captain, Samuel A. Hoey.

Company I Rutherford County Captain, James 0. Simmons.

Company K Montgomery County Captain, David R. Cochran.

The regiment was organized at High Point, on 26 October, 1861, and during its existence was successively officered as follows :

Colonels CoUett Leventhorpe, Richard H. Riddick, William L. J. Lowrance.

Lieutenant-Colonels William A. Houk, Charles J. Hamarskold, John L. McDowell, George T. Gordon, George M. Norment, Eli. H. Millei', H. W. Abernethy.

Majoes Martin Shoffner, William A. Owens, Eli H. Miller, Joseph B. McGee, Francis L. Twitty, Geo. M. Clark.

Chaplain A. R. Bennick.

582 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Adjutants— James Kiddick, William B. Lowrance.

Assistant Quaeteemasters— Joseph B. Carrier, John W. Clark.

SuEGEON John F. Miller.

Assistant Suegeon B. B. Williams.

Seegeant-Majoes— Charles B. Todd, George AtweU, H. H. Rickerts, O. Sergeant, W. W. Hargrove.

QuAETEEMASTEE— T. B. Twitty, Hospital Steward.

Deum Majoe F. Bonrgin.

We spent the winter of 1861 at High Point and Raleigh under rigid discipline, drilling hard, and having diseases which our mothers, in their kindness and watchfulness, had kept us from in our boyhood, to-wit, measles, mumps, whoop- ing-cough, etc.

The Spring of 1862 found us at Hamilton, IST. C, on the Roanoke river, "playing war." Colonel Leventhorpe had us to believe that we could sink all the gun-boats that could come up that river. Later we went to Goldsboro, where we re-en- listed for three years or "during war," at the request of the Confederate Congress, under an act, called by some, "The Conscript Act." Up to this time we thought we had seen something of war, crossing swamps and streams where there were no bridges, but we found out later how little we knew of the actual hardships of long and continuous war.

From Goldsboro we went to Fredericksburg, Va., and for the first time were attached to a brigade and had a "sure enough" General to command us, and could really see the en- emy from our picket posts.

Well, we couldn't persuade the Yankees to fight us, and having no order to disturb them, we struck camp and marched back to Richmond, where we were attached to Pender's Brig- ade, composed of the Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Twenty-second, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth North Carolina Regiments.

The history of this brigade tells the history of each regi- ment up to the end of the war. As an individual member I am not ashamed of any part of its history, and would be willing to apply the test of comparison with any brigade in the Army of Northern Virginia.

Thirty-Fourth Regiment. 583

On 26 June, 1862, being a part of A. P. Hill's Light Divis- ion, we were ordered across the Chickahominy, and at Me- chanicsville, where we had our first experience in real war, we were very anxious to fight ; but some of us had serious mis- givings as to how we would act when the test came. After being formed into line of battle we marched in the direction of the enemy and came in sight of him just before dark. We had been taught that the proper thing to do was to raise the "rebel yell" and charge, which we proceeded to do, and found ourselves in a creek not far from the eneray's works. In this fight our regiment lost 8 or 10 killed and 15 or 30 wounded. Late at night the brigade was withdrawn and re- newed the attack at daylight on the morning of 27 June, when the enemy retired toward Gaines' Mill.

In the engagement at this last place Pender's Brigade was among the first troops to open the fight. Here many of us saw General Lee for the first time, who rode up while the brigade was being formed into line of battle, whereupon Gen- eral Pender called the attention of his men by saying to them "the eyes of your chieftain are upon you." The writer of this sketch witnessed every principal engagement of the Army of Northern Virginia from this time to the end of the war, but in no other battle in the long succession was the mus- ketry to be compared to that of 27 June, 1862, at Gaines' Mill. The fighting continued till after dark when the Con- federates were victorious, but at a fearfiil cost. The Thirty- fourth Regiment lost heavily in killed and wounded. Among the killed were some of the bravest men that ever shouldered a musket or drew a sword. Here fell Captain Walters, one of nature's noblemen. At the same time 14 of his men were killed and 25 wounded. Other companies of his regiment lost equally as heavily. Colonel R. H. Riddiek was severely wounded. "Moore's Roster" says he was killed here, but this is a mistake ; he was killed at Ox Hill.

On 28 June, with sad hearts over the loss of- so many com- rades, we set out in pursuit of the enemy. On the 30th, at Frazier's Farm, Pender's Brigade was in the thickest of the fight, charging and capturing a battery of artillery, which was pouring a fearful fire into us, and driving them entirely

584 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

from the field. In this fight the Thirty-fourth Eegiment sustained a terrible loss. Among the killed I recall from memory were Lieutenants Parks and Cowan, of Company D, and Shotwell, of Company C, all brave young men. Lieuten- ant Parks on reaching the battery, laying his hand upon a gun, remarked, "This is my cannon," and was killed in- stantly.

The Thirty-fourth was not actively engaged in the battle of Malvern Hill on 1 July, but was under heavy artillery fire for several hours.

After these battles we camped below Eichmond for several weeks, after which time we were ordered to Gordons- ville where we were placed under the command of Gen- eral Stonewall Jackson, who on 9 August, J 8 62 a very hot day marched out to Cedar Run, where General Pope was in waiting. Pender's Brigade was on the extreme left and drove the enemy from his position with compara- tively small loss to the Confederates. After dark, the brig- ades still being in line of battle in an open field, a mounted Federal rode up within a few steps of our line and inquired what troops we were. An ofiicer stepped forward to receive him, and approaching nearer, the Federal fired at him with his pistol. He wheeled and putting spurs to his horse dashed away. From three to five hundred shots were fired at the fleeing Yankee, but to no effect, so far as we could see. I mention this incident to show that the Northern army had some brave men and the Confederates some poor marksmen, especially when shooting by starlight.

The next movement of the regiment was with Jackson on his famous "flank" movement. Subsisting almost entirely on green corn, we reached Manassas Junction 27 August, and were engaged in driving the enemy across Bull Bun, after which we had a grand feast from the abundant supply cap- tured at Manassas Junction. After a few hours' needed rest we marched back to Manassas Plains, and were engaged al- most continiiously on 29 and 30 August in resisting the as- savilts of the enemy, and we were in the last charge that swept the enemy from the fleld late Saturday afternoon. The last

Thirty-Fourth Regiment. 585

fighting done at Second Manassas was by Pender's Brigade, after dark near the field hospital of the Federals.

At the battle of Ox Hill, 1 September, 1862, this regiment suffered severe loss. The battle was fought during a pouring rain. Among the lost. Colonel R. H. Riddick and Lieuten- ant-Colonel Eli H. Miller fell mortally wounded. Both were brave and efficient officers. Their loss to the regiment was irreparable. Colonel Riddick had been in the Mexican war and was a fine disciplinarian.

The next day we took up our march to Maryland, and crossing the Potomac at Leesburg, Va., rested a few days at Frederick City, proceeded from there to Williamsport, re- crossed the Potomac on the night of 14 September and drove the enemy into their works on Bolivar Heights, in front of Harper's Ferry, thereby enabling the Confederate artillery, undercover of darkness, to be placed in a position which caused the enemy to surrender early on the morning of 15 September. We took 11,500 prisoners and 76 pieces of artillery. The Thirty-fourth was placed in charge of the pontoon bridge and was entrusted with t|ie counting and discharging of the pris- oners, after conducting them to the Maryland side of the river. We then moved by rapid march to Sharpsburg and reached that point in time to take part in the last fighting done by the right of Lee's army. The regiment at this time, owing to hard marching and exhausting fighting, was a mere skeleton. In the battle of Sharpsburg there were but four commissioned officers in the whole regiment. One of these. Lieutenant Bassinger, was killed.

On 20 September our regiment assisted in driving back the Federal force which followed Greneral Lee into Virginia, killing many of them at Shepherdstown, who were attempting to recross the river on a dam.

After this the regiment was allowed rest and for the first cime in six weeks to change their clothing, not having seen our wagon train with baggage since leaving Orange Court House. ISTothing worthy of note occurred until November, ^hen the regiment marched with Jackson's corps to Freder- icksburg. It was actively engaged in the great battle of Fredericksburg 13 December, 1862, where it is said 12,000

586 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

of the enemy were killed or wounded in thirty minutes. The Thirty-fourth occupied an unfortified position on the railroad, fighting under a galling fire from the enemy. Besides the un- usual number of killed and wounded, there was great suffer- ing from intense cold, being exposed tO' -^e bitter December weather without fire. The remainder of the winter was spent at Moss ISTeck, below Fredericksburg, doing picket duty on the Rappahannock.

During this winter, which was so rigorous, even to those in comfort, many of the soldiers, for want of shoes for their frost-bitten feet, covered their feet with green beef hides. Owing to scarcity of provisions they were more sorely tried during this winter, but were not discouraged, and when the spring of '63 opened they were ready to meet the enemy with their accustomed zeal and courage. The Thirty-fourth was with General Jackson on his great flank movement at Chancellorsville, and was at the head of the brigade on the plank road, and near the spot where the murderous bullets took from us our beloved hero. After a long exposure to a frightful cannonading on the plank road the brigade was formed on the left, the right resting on the same road. Early on the morning of the 3d the brigade assaulted the enemy behind his works, built during the night, and after hard fighting, he was completely routed and driven out. During the fight the woods caiight on fire from the explosion of hos- tile shells. The scene was sickening the dead and wounded on both sides were burnt to a crisp. ]!^umbers were so charred that their comrades could not recognize and identify them. After seeing the survivors of the Federal army safely over the Rappahannock, the regiment returned to camp at Moss Neck, where it remained until 5 June, 1863, when it set out on the march to fatal Gettysburg; was engaged and suffered heavy loss on the second day of July. Among the killed being the gallant and highly esteemed Major George M. Clark, of Montgomery county.

The brigade was now known as Scales', General Pender having been promoted, and fought on the right of the Cham- bersbtirg road and was exposed to a deadly enfilading fire from artillery on the left and infantry in front, from be-

Thirty-Fourth Regiment. 587

hind breastworks. For the first time in its history, the brig- ade was repulsed by this thunderous fire, but nothing daunted the men leaped to the fray on the third day and were in the famous charge about which so much has been written. Our brigade was in the second line under General Trimble, march- ing into the struggle with magnificent appearance, but was repulsed and driven back in disorder, as was every other com- mand engaged in that destructive charge. Some of the Thirty-fourth Regiment were captured at the enemy's works. The retreat from Gettysburg to Hagerstown, Md., cannot be described. The soldiers were so completely covered with mud that the color of their clothing could not be distinguish- ed. We remained at Hagerstown two or three days, subsist- ing on very short rations, but all the time skirmishing with the Yankees. On the night of 13 July the retreat was re- sumed toward Falling Water, our whole march being through mud and rain.

The Thirty-fourth was formed in line of battle about one mile from the pontoon bridge, and was among the last troops to cross the river. Many were captured near the bridge, some crossing after the artillery duel began across the river. The writer and two men were all that escaped of his com- pany. What remained of the regiment camped for a short time at Culpepper Court House, and was engaged in a cavalry fight on August; had several men captured, and was then ordered to Orange Court House, where it did picket duty in the winter of '63 and '64.

The regiment received many recruits during this winter, mostly men between forty and forty-five years, who, with rare exceptions, made poor soldiers, and fell far short of filling the places of those who had been killed or disabled. Candor com- pels the admission that this grand old regiment toward the close of the war was not what it had been from the beginning, and without presuming to speak for others, the same may be said of all regiments which had seen like service. The regi- ment was at Bristoe Station in October, 1863, but was not ac- tively engaged. However, it assisted in tearing up the rail- road leading to the Rappahannock river, and was in line of battle at Mine Run for several days in the latter part of 'No-

588 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

vember, 1863, and suffered intensely from the freezing weather.

At the Wilderness on 5 May, 1864, the regiment, with the brigade, fought on the right of the plank road, holding their position till night against a strong opposing force. Early next morning we were surpised and driven back by an over- whelming number of the enemy and what seemed to be an im- minent defeat was averted by the timely arrival of Greneral Longstreet's corps.

The regiment was engaged and did good service at Spott- sylvania Court House. The loss in this battle was compara- tively light, as most of the fighting was from behind breast- works.

At the engagement near Hanover Jimction, on 23 May, 1864, the regiment was engaged and lost severely. Three color-bearers were shot down, but the brave band held their position, and buried their dead and carried off the wounded.

At the Second Cold Harbor the regiment occupied the posi- tion on the right at Turkey Kidge. However, it was not ac- tively engaged, but was exposed for a long time to the rapid fire of the enemy.

On 13 June we were in the engagement at Riddle's Shop, and for more than a mile drove the enemy in a running fight. The regiment took part in the battle near Petersburg on 22 June. At Reams' Station, 25 August, Scales' Worth Caro- lina and Anderson's Georgia Brigades made the first assault on the enemy's works and were repulsed with considerable loss, the right of the line being exposed to a frightful enfilad- ing fire of artillery and musketry; but, while feeling the sting of defeat in our attack, with swelling hearts we wit- nessed the gallant charge of Cook's, MacRae's and Lane's Brigades. Excepting some small skirmishing this last fight ended the campaign of 1864, and the regiment went into win- ter quarters at Battery No. 45, near Petersburg. During the winter the regiment made a forced march, through rain, sleet and snow, to Bellfield Station, on the Petersburg & Weldon Railroad. The object of the march was to look after a raid- ing party of Federal cavalry. On our arrival we found that they had retired. This also was a winter of intense suffer-

Thirty-Fourth Regiment. 589

ing among the soldiers. Almost destitute of provisions and clothing, many of them deserted and crossed the line to the enemy. On 25 March the Thirty-fourth was thrown for- ward to support the picket line, which was about one mile in front of the main line of works. Superior numbers forced us to fall back to the works, losing considerably in killed, wounded and captured.

On 1 April, 1865, the regiment with the brigade, occupied a position on the right, south of Hatcher's Run. We learned soon after daylight that the Confederate lines between us and Petersburg had been broken. After this saddening news the regiment repulsed a force of Federal cavalry and then re- treated to Southerland's Station, where a portion of Heth's and Wilcox's divisions hastily constructed breastworks from a rail fence behind which we repulsed two desperate assaults of the enemy, killing and wounding a large number, and cap- turing a stand of colors and many prisoners. Discovering that we were vastly outnumbered we fell back to the Appomat- tox river. There was no way of crossing the river except in a small boat which was scarcely sufficient to carry the higher officers.

The regiment marched all night and reached Amelia Court House the next day. At this time the ranking officer was Lieutenant-Colonel George ISTorment, of the Thirty-fourth Regiment, from Mecklenburg county. Here we joined the main army and General Lee provided for us the much-needed rations. The regiment, with the brigade, protected the rear of the army at Farmville, marching several miles in line of battle, beating back the enemy's cavalry, and was the last to cross the river. As we went out from the river a heavy artil- lery fire was poured down upon the regiment. On the morn- ing of 9 April the brigade was moving into line near Appo- mattox Court House, and was in range of the enemy's mus- ketry, when orders were passed along the line to cease firing. All understood what it meant the Army of Northern Vir- ginia was to surrender. We then fell back to an open field, near the famous apple tree.

The Confederate soldiery which had cast their fortunes with the destiny of the South, had suffered untold and inde-

590 North Carolina Troops, ]861-'65.

scribable hardships and privations, but when their grand chieftain rode in among them and announced the terms of sur- render, the agony of soul and the depth of suffering exceeded anything ever before endured in the cruel war. In the vast array of ragged braves, whose courage and zeal had carried them to the very mouths of the bronze war-dogs of the enemy, not a dry eye could be seen anywhere. It seemed that they preferred to make one last charge and become engulfed in death, the last long sleep, to the painful duty of giving up their tattered flag which had waved over them in so many victories ; but all was over, and the remnant of two hundred officers and men marched out and stacked their trusty mus- kets, laid down their bullet-pierced flag, never again to be unfurled in the rage of battle. Thus ended the great drama in which the Thirty-fourth played no mean part. The regi- ment deserves a more extensive history than this sketch, which has been written almost entirely from memory ; which must necessarily have dimmed with the recession of thirty odd years ; and the writer regrets that he has not had access to records from which to give the casualties of each battle in which the regiment was engaged.

T. D. Lattimoee, Shelby, N. C,

9 April, 1901.


1. M W. Ransom, Colonel. 6. Wm. H. S. BurRwyn, Captain, Co. H.

S. John G Jones, Colonel. 6. Robert B. Peebles, Adjutant.

3. J. T. Johnson, Colonel. 7. David G. Maxwell, Captain, Co. H.

4. Simon B. Taylor, Lieut.-Colonel. 8. P. J. Johnson, Captain, Co. K.

9. Walter Clark, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant.


By WILLIAM H. S. BURGWYN, Captain, Company H.

This regiment was organized at Camp Mangum, near Ral- eigh, N. C, 8 November, 1861. Its ten companies were re- cruited in the following counties mentioned in order of Cap- tain's commissions, viz. :

Company H, from Mecklenburg county, 3 September. Company A, from Onslow county, 6 September. Company B, from McDowell county, 11 September. Company C, from Moore county, 12 September. Company D, from Chatham county, 20 September. Company E, from Person county, 25 September. Company F, from Union county, 4 October. Company G, from Henderson county, 5 October. Company I, from Wayne county, 11 October. Company K, from Catawba county, 15 October.

The Captain (John M. Alexander) of the Mecklenburg company, resigned on 1 October, 1861, prior to the regimen- tal formation (8 November, 1861.) The date of Captain Hugh M. Dixon's commission, who succeeded him, was 10 October, ranking only the Captains of the companies from Wayne and Catawba, and therefore the Mecklenburg com- pany became Company H in the regimental organization, in- stead of Company A.

According to "Moore's Roster of North Carolina Troops" the total rank and file of these ten companies from first to last aggregated as follows :

Company A, 136 ; Company B, 133, Company C, 130, Company D, 147 ; Company E, 196 ; Company F, 128 ; Com- G, 123 ; Company H, 188 ; Company I, 133, and Company K, 156. Total, 1,4T0.

There were few officers or men in the regiment of distin-

592 North Carolina Troops, LSGl-'HS.

guished political position. The rank and file were chiefly farmers and small merchants, comparatively very few were owners of slaves ; but they were all descended from ancestors whose fortunes and blood had been freely spent in the war of the revolution ; they volunteered in obedience to the call of their State to resist invasion ; they came with a firm deter- mination to do their full duty. How heroically they per- formed this duty will more fully appear in the following sketch.


As the law was at the time for organizing the Confederate volunteers in North Carolina, the enlisted men elected their company officers, viz: Captain, one First and two Second Lieutenants. These company officers elected their field officers, viz. : Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel and Major. The Colonel appointed the regimental staff, viz. : Surgeon, Assistant Sur- geon, Quartermaster, Commissary and Adjutant.

The election for field officers was held on 8 November, 1861, at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, under supervision of that gallant officer and cultured gentleman. Major James Iredell, commandant of the camp, subsequently elected Major of the Fifty-third North Carolina regiment, and killed at Spottsylvania.

This election resulted as follows : Rev. James Sinclair, Colonel. Marshall D. Ceaton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Oliver Cromwell Petway^ Major.

Colonel Sinclair was the Chaplain of the Fifth North Carolina Regiment. It was reported that at the battle of the First Manassas, 21 July, 1861, Chaplain Sinclair had acted with conspicuous bravery ; assisted in rallying his regiment ; and been complimented by General Longstreet and presented with a sword by that officer. These rumors, believed at the time, though false in fact, doubtless had some influence in securing his election, but it was subsequently apparent, that even in those stirring times, when patriotism was ablaze, and men were eager to get to the front, and only

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 593

wanted good leaders, there was opportunity for trading votes.

Colonel Sinclair appointed as Regimental Surgeon, Cap- tain James R. Ellis, of Company K; as Assistant Surgeon, Second Lieutenant Cader G. Cox, of Company A; as Quartermaster, First Lieutenant Wm. M. Black, of Com- pany C, and as Commissary, First Lieutenant John T. Ken- nedy, of Company I. T. J. Gates was appointed Adjutant.

Lieutenant-Colonel Craton was at the time of his election Captain of Company A, in the Twenty-seventh ISTorth Caro- lina Regiment, from Wayne county, and Major Petway was the Adjutant of the camp of instruction where the regiment was organized. He had been appointed to that position by Major Iredell's predecessor in command of the camp. Major Harry K. Burgwyn.

Major Gliver Cromwell Petway was a cadet at the Vir- ginia Military Academy at the breaking out of the war. He was descended from the noted Crowell family of Halifax county, ISTorth Carolina, whose ancestor was a brother of Gli- ver Cromwell, after whose death and the restoration of Charles the II, the family migrated to North Carolina, and dropping the letter "m" went ever afterward by the name of "Crowell."

Major Petway was admirably qualified for the position, and labored most faithfully to bring his regiment to a high state of efiiciency. In his untimely death at Malvern Hill, 1 July, 1862, while gallantly leading his regiment, his Colonel, Matt. W. Ransom, having been painfully wounded, the Con- federacy lost one of its most meritorious young ofiicers.

The regiment remained at Camp Mangum, perfecting its drill and discipline, until 3 January, 1862, when, at the re- quest of General Gatling, commanding the Department, it was sent to ITew Bern to take part in the defense of that strat- egetically important city.


Having captured Roanoke Island (10 February, 1862) General Burnside, early in March following, made his attack on New Bern. That distinguisheid statesman, patriotic citi- 38

594 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

zen and subsequently accomplished soldier, Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch, whose death at Sharpsburg (17 September, 1862) cut short a career that gave promise of being one of the most brilliant in the military annals of the State, was in im- mediate command of the Confederate troops.

General Branch formed his line of defense at right angles to the river, beginning at Fort Thompson on the ISTeuse, and extending it across the country to near Brice's creek, his troops being placed as follows : from left to right, commenc- ing at the fort, viz. : Twenty-seventh, Thirty-seventh, Seventh, Thirty-fifth ISTorth Carolina Eegiments, Militia, Twenty- sixth jSTorth Carolina Kegiment with the Thirty-third North Carolina Regiment in reserve. The batteries of Latham and Brem, six pieces each, supported this line. About midway, the line was intersected by the railroad from ISTew Bern to Morehead City. At this point of intersection there was a brickyard.

The Confederate line on the right (west) of the railroad, instead of being a prolongation of that on the left (east), in order to avail of some supposed natural advantages of the ground and a small stream, was formed to the rear about one hundred yards up the railroad, in the direction of New Bern. This brickyard was in this interval, and had there been time, would have been defended by earthworks and artillery. The afternoon before the battle. Lieutenant James A. Bryan, ord- nance officer on General Branch's staff, since so favorably known in the State, brought down several pieces of artillery, with ammunition and cartridges, with orders to Colonel H. J. B. Clark, commanding the militia, to have the same mounted. Had this order been carried out the next day's bat- tle might have resulted differently.

The militia under Colonel Clark was posted at the brick- yard to defend this interval ; on its left was placed the Thirty- fifth Eegiment under command of Colonel Sinclair.

Burnside attacked early on the morning of 14 March, 1862. After the battle had progressed for some time in a manner encouraging to the Confederate commander, the enemy, per- ceiving the weakness of the Confederate line at the brick- yard, made a spirited attack at this point. The militia

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 595

•'broke and fled." This demoralized the troops on their left, and the enemy seizing the opportunity, advanced through this break in the Confederate line.

The Thirty-fifth Regiment, according to General Branch's official report, "quickly followed the example of the militia, retreating in the utmost disorder."

The enemy now rushed his troops through the abandoned works and enfilading the Confederates on either side, forced them to retire; but not without a stubborn resistance from five companies of the Thirty-seventh Regiment sent to replace the fled militia; from the Thirty-third regiment sent to the support of the Thirty-fifth and from the left wing of the Twenty-sixth Regiment under command of its gallant Major, Abner B. Carmichael, who here lost his life. With his center pierced and the enemy now firing into his lines from the rear. General Branch ordered a retreat upon New Bern; and, after destroying the bridges across the river and the mili- tary supplies in the city, continued his retreat upon Kinston, where reinforcements were received and the troops re-organ- ized during this and the subsequent month.

That it was attributable to want of leadership the Thirty- fifth Regiment did not behave better on this, its first field of battle, is established by the fact, that in every subsequent battle of the war in which it was directly or remotely con- nected, it never failed to act in such a manner as to deserve and win the encomiums of its commanding officers ; and that the conduct of their Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel at New Bern was such as to cause the officers to lose all confidence in their military capacity to lead them, is evidenced by the fact that at the reorganization of the regiment (10 April, 1862), neither of these officers were re-elected ; while the one who had shown both capacity and bravery, the youthful Petway, was advanced higher in command and elected Lieutenant-Colonel.

The rank and file of the regiment felt keenly the conduct of their commanding officers and the injustice done th^m by this want of leadership, and were impatient for any opportunity to redeem themselves.

On the retreat to Kinston, when troops were called for to act as a rear guard, Company D, of the regiment volunteered

596 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

its services. Says Colonel Sinclair in his official report of the battle: "Special praise is due to Company D, com- manded by Captain Lassiter, for the alacrity with which they volunteered to defend our retreating columns when the ene- my's cavalry was reported to be upon us." This gallant of- ficer, Captain Hardy J. Lassiter, from Chatham county, was soon to yield up his life on the battlefield, for he was killed while leading his company in that memorable charge on Mal- vern Hill (1 July, 1862).

On lY March, 1862, the Thirty-fifth regiment was made a part of French's brigade, and on 9 April it was assigned to a brigade to be commanded by Brigadier-General Robert Ran- som, Jr., who had shortly before been ordered to North Caro- lina to assist in reorganizing the troops assembled at Kin- ston. The Thirty-fifth regiment was ever afterwards at- tached to this famous brigade ; well might it say, in the words of the Trojan Hero: "Magna, pars fui."


After five months of service and battle experience, the of- ficers of the regiment were much better qualified to select a commanding officer than when at Camp Mangum.

They realized how important, not only for their good name but for their safety as well, it was to have a cool, brave, expe- rienced and resourceful man at their head ; and after the ma- turest deliberation, they unanimously chose as their Colonel, Matt. W. Ransom, at the time Lieutenant-Colonel of the First North Carolina State Troops, and then in command of his regiment at Kinston.

This accomplished man and gallant soldier now known to the country as an eminent statesman and brilliant orator, who for more than twenty-one years represented his State in the United States Senate and latterly minister plenipoten- tiary of his country at the sister republic of Mexico, was then known to his people as a young man who had graduated from his State University with distinguished honors; had been elected Attorney General when but a few years out of college, member of the Legislature and rapidly taking rank as an ora-

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 597

tor and advocate ; who had been selected as one of three com- missioners to proceed to Montgomery and represent his State before the Congress of the new Confederacy ; who had volun- teered among the first, and appointed to high conmiand in a regiment enlisted for the war, and in the short time of his military service had won the confidence of his superiors and admiration of his men. It was greatly feared by the officers of the Thirty-fifth Regiment that Colonel Ransom would decline. His friends urged him to do so. His own regiment was loath to part with him. Major-General Holmes, the Department Commander and his personal friend, advised him not to ac- cept, stating among other reasons, that the Colonel of the regiment would be sure to lose his life. That for the next battle or two the regiment would feel the demoralization of its conduct at New Bern and probably require to be rallied and its commander to greatly expose himself and he would njost likely be killed. This suggestion of his friend and com- mander decided the matter, but not as General Holmes wished. Thanking the General for his friendly interest, Col- onel Ransom remarked that he had been in doubt about ac- cepting the place, but "your statement of the situation makes plain my duty in 'the premises." Leaving General Holmes' presence Colonel Ransom notified the committee that he would accept the position.

When it became known that Colonel Ransom was to leave them, the officers of his old regiment presented him with a handsome sword as a testimonial of their respect and esteem.

As before stated. Major Petway had been unanimously elected Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain John G. Jones, of Company E, was elected Major, thus completing the reorgani- zation of the regiment as it re-enlisted for the war.

Colonel Ransom appointed his regimental staff, viz. : As Surgeon, Dr. Chas. J. O'Hagan, at that time Assistant Sur- geon of the First Cavalry, appointed by General Robert Ran- som, Jr., then Colonel of that famous command; as Quarter- master, Captain Nicholas M. Long, who subsequently re- signed and was succeeded in December, 1862, by Captain Joseph M. Rogers ; as Commissary, Dr. Chas. J. Gee, and as Adjutant, Mr. Nelson, of Wayne county, who had been a

598 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

cadet at West Point. This gentleman resigned in July 1862, and was succeeded by Lieutenant Walter Clark.

Adjutant Walter Clark, since so favorably and well known as a learned lawyer, accomplished jurist, publicist, editor and author, was a cadet at Colonel Tew's Military Academy at Hillsboro when the war broke out. Leaving the academy in June, 1861, at the age of 14 he joined the Twenty-second reg- iment, J. J. Pettigrew, Colonel, as drill master, accompanied the regiment to Virginia, and was stationed at Evansport, on the Acquia Creek.

In November of the same year he is again drill master at Camp Mangum and acting as Adjutant of the Thirty-fifth Regiment just then being organized. When the regiment was ordered to New Bern he returned to Colonel Tew's academy, and 1 August, 1862, was appointed by Colonel Ransom Adjutant of his regiment, and joined the command as it was entering upon the Maryland campaign of 1862. Was with the regiment in that campaign and at Fredericksburg acting with gallantry and efficiency in the battles of Sharps- burg and Fredericksburg. On the return of the brigade to North Carolina in February, 1863,, he resigned and went to Chapel Hill, where he graduated 2 June, 1864. Was elected Major of a battalion of iive companies of Junior Re- serves the day after his graduation and 3 July 1864, was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the Seventieth North Carolina Regiment, probably the youngest officer of that rank in either army, being then 17 years of age.

In May, 1862, Captain Hugh M. Dixon, of Company H, resigned and First Lieutenant David G. Maxwell was pro- moted to be Captain and Silas C. Hunter and J. R. Baker made First and Second Lieutenants respectively of the com- pany.


Until ordered to join General Jos. E. Johnston's army de- fending Richmond, Ransom's brigade remained in and around Kinston, N. C, perfecting its drill and discipline and defending our lines in eastern North Carolina. It -will not

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 599

be considered out of place here to refer to our brigade com- mander, General Eobert Eansom, Jr.

This distinguished soldier from the Old ISTorth Stat© was born at the home of his ancestors in Warren county. He chose the military as his profession, and was educated at West Point. Selecting the cavalry as his arm of the service, he had risen to be a Captain in the Second Dragoons when the war broke out.

At once resigning from the United States army on the se- cession of ISTorth Carolina, he determined to flash his sword in defense of his native State, and offered his services to Gov- ernor Ellis; was appointed Colonel of the First Cavalry, which became under his management one of the best drilled, most efficient and the finest looking cavalry regiment in the army of Northern Virginia. It never lost under its several successive commanders this proud distinction.

Appointed Brigadier General, he was sent at once to Kin- ston, after the fall of New Bern, to help reorganize the troops in camp there, and was put in command of a brigade, ever afterward to bear his name. Applying the same administra- tive ability and rigid discipline to his infantry brigade that he had exercised towards his cavalry regiment, the brigade rapidly became welded into a well drilled and disciplined command, ready and eager to see more active service in the great theatre of war then raging around the capital of the Confederacy. This wish of the commander and of his brig- ade was soon to be gratified, and in June, 1862, Brigadier- General Robert Eansom, Jr., with his brigade, was ordered to Virginia and assigned to Huger's Division. The brigade as now organized, was composed of the Twenty-fourth, Twenty- fifth, Twenty-sixth, Thirty-fifth and Forty-ninth North Car- olina Eegiments.

From 25 to 28 June the brigade was involved in some sharp minor engagements with General Philip Kearney's division on the Williamsburg road in the neighborhood of King's School House on the scene of the battle of Seven Pines. It was part of Magruder's command, though it belonged regu^ larly to Huger's division, which assaulted Malvern Hill at the close of the day, 1 July, 1862.

600 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

Speaking of this assault, General D. H. Hill says, and General Hill never was lavish of his praise :

"I never saw anything more grandly heroic than this ad- vance after snnset of the nine brigades under Magruder's or- ders. Unfortunately they did not move together, and were beaten in detail.

"As each brigade emerged from the woods from fifty to one hundred guns opened upon it, tearing great gaps in its ranks ; but the heroes reeled on and were shot down by the reserves at the guns which a few squads reached."

In this charge the Thirty-fifth Eegiment lost both its com- manders. Colonel Kansom was twice wounded, first through the right arm rendering it powerless, and then in the right side by a piece of shell.

Turning over the command to Lieutenant-Colonel Petway, Colonel Ransom lay upon the field only to hear in a few minutes that his gallant Lieutenant-Colonel was killed lead- ing the regiment up the hill.

Here also fell, with many others, Captain Hardy J. Las- siter, of Company D, heretofore mentioned.

Probably no regiment of Magruder's command suffered more in killed and wounded on this ever-memorable assault than the Thirty-fifth, and being its first battle after New Bern, then and there established its reputation for unsur- passed fortitude and intrepidity in battle ; a reputation main- tained from Malvern Hill to Appomattox.

Major John G. Jones now became Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain John M. Kelly of Company C, was promoted to be Major, and Pirst Lieutenant Evander McN. Blue to be Cap- tain of the company.


When General Lee's army left Richmond to meet the Fed- eral general. Pope, at the Second Manassas, Ransom's brig- ade remained with the troops left behind to defend Rich- mond and Petersburg, and to assist in the construction of the fortifications around those cities. Colonel Vance of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, having been elected Governor of North Carolina, at his request and others, his old regiment

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 601

on 26 August, 1862, was transferred to Martin's and subse- quently to Pettigrew's brigade, and in the spring of 1863 the Fifty-sixth North Carolina Eegiment, Paul F. Faison Colonel, was assigned to take its place, and thereafter, Ean- som's Brigade was composed of the Twenty-fourth, Twenty- fifth, Thirty-fifth, Forty-ninth and Fifty-sixth North Caro- lina Regiments.

On 27 August, 1862, the brigade left Richmond en route to join Lee's army, then invading Maryland, and with Walk- er's brigade, composed of the Twenty-seventh, Forty-sixth, Forty-eighth North Carolina, the Third Arkansas, and the Thirtieth Virginia Regiments, under command of Brigadier- General J. G. Walker, formed "Walker's Division" during this campaign.

We reached the Potomac River 7 September, 1862, and waded through at Cheek's Ford, where it was about a quarter of a mile wide and waist deep. There was great enthusiasm, and as the men would step on the Maryland shore they gave the "rebel yell."

After marching as far as the Monocacy River, we were or- dered back to blow up the aqueduct over the canal, and on the 11th recrossed the Potomac at Point of Rocks, and, march- ing in the direction of a little town called Hillsboro, on the Harper's Ferry road, we reached and occupied Loudon Heights on 14 September. The batteries of our division from those heights shelled the enemy in Harper's Ferry until that place surrendered on the 15th. That same day we marched twelve miles toward the Shenandoah, and that night at 1 a. m. started for Shepherdstown, and at 1 a. m. on the 16th crossed into Maryland, wading the Potomac for the third time within nine days.


At 3 a. m. on 17 September, 1862, we were aroused and marched to take our position in line for what was to be one of the great battles of the war. Our brigade was first moved to the extreme right of Lee's army, but about 9 a. m. it was or- dered to the left to support Jackson.

Quoting from "Confederate Military History," Vol. 4:

602 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

"The second stage of the battle was now reached. Hooker has retired, Mansfield has been brought to a stand; Jack- son, worn and exhausted, has rested; Hood's brigade has been so cut to pieces that when its dauntless commander was asked, 'where is your brigade ?' he answered : 'Dead on the field.' D. H. Hill's three brigades have been drawn in and only a small force guards the Confederate left not enough to stop a brigade, when Sedgwick and Sumner in the lead with his three brigades, moved towards the Dunkard Church.

"Just then, Walker at the head of his six North Carolina, one Arkansas and one Virginia Regiments, charged head-long upon the left flank of Sedgwick's lines. Taken at such dis- advantage and in spite of the heroic bravery of Sumner and Sedgwick the division was driven off to the north with terri- ble loss."

Says General Eobert Eansom in his ofiicial report of the battle : "About 9 a. m. we were ordered to the left to support Jackson. Passed along the rear of our entire line of battle and arrived about 10 a. m. near the woods which the com- mands of Hood and Early were struggling heroically to hold, but gradually and sullenly were yielding to the irresistible weight of overwhelming numbers."

In his ofiicial report General Walker says : "General Ran- som's brigade having driven the enemy through and from the woods with heavy loss, continued with his own brigade and Colonel Hall's Forty-sixth North Carolina Regiment to hold it for the greater portion of the day, notwithstanding three determined infantry attacks, which each time were re- pulsed with great loss to the enemy, and against a most per- sistent and terrific artillery fire, by which the enemy hoped, doubtless, to drive us from our strong position, the very key of the battlefield. His hopes, however, were not realized. True to their duty, for eight hours our brave men lay upon the ground taking advantage of such undulations and shallow ravines as gave promise of partial shelter, while this fearful storm raged a few feet above their heads, tearing the trees asunder, lopping off huge branches and filling the air with shrieks and explosions, realizing to the fullest the fearful sub- limity of battle.

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 603

"During this time, in the temporary absence of General Kansom to post the Twenty-fourth regiment, which had gone too much to the left, the enemy made a furious attack with heavy masses of infantry upon the position occupied by Gen- eral Ransom.

"Colonel Ransom, of the Thirty-fifth ISTorth Carolina, in temporary command of the brigade, not only repulsed the en- emy, but pursued him across the field as far as the post and rail fences, inflicting upon him so severe a punishment that no other attempt with infantry was made on the position during the day." In this charge, Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Palfrey, of the Nineteenth Massachusetts, and two other offi- cers, were captiired by Adjixtant Clark and Lieutenant (after- wards Captain) S. G. Howie, of Company F. Colonel Pal- frey, who was wounded, had a beautiful sword with an in- scription that it had been presented to him by the town of Concord, and he asked that it might be preserved. He was exchanged, became a General and wrote a work, "Antietam and Fredericksburg." After the war he wrote General Ran- som (then in the United States Senate) in regard to his sword, who had it traced up and returned to him.

The Thirty-fifth Regiment nobly bore its part in this try- ing ordeal. Early in the action while advancing on the en- emy, the regiment had to surmount a strong post and rail fence. Subjected to a heavy fire of artillery and small arms, while forming for the charge after getting over the fence, the regiment apparently was in some confusion. Fearing his men were wavering, Colonel Ransom, who was on horseback, with his right arm in a sling, spurred to the color-bearer and called for the flag. This was seized by one of the young of- ficers of the regiment and handed to the Colonel, who, calling upon the men to be firm and follow him, went forward. Without hesitation the regiment advanced and drove the en- emy from its front with great loss ; and at no time during the battle was there any wavering or hesitation.

During a lull in the battle General Jackson, with General J. E. B. Stuart, visited our lines, which were in the famous "West Woods." General Jackson had on an old worn uni-

604 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

form, his slouch hat was pulled down over his eyes, and he was riding a mighty sorry-looking claybank horse.

He rode up to where Colonel Kansom was standing and said he wanted him to advance and take a battery that was in sight. Colonel Eansom replied he would do so if he ordered it, but that he was afraid he would fail. Jackson replied he had just witnessed his charge upon that battery and he thought if he would try again he could take it. Colonel Kan- som replied he had tried it and when he got on top of the hill he saw what he thought was the greater part of McClellan's army behind it. Jackson asked : "Have you a good climber in your command ?" Colonel Kansom called for volunteers, and Private Wm. S. Hood, Company H, jumped up and said he could climb. Jackson picked out a tall hickory tree and told him to go up it. Hood pulled off his shoes in a jiffy and went up like a squirrel. When he got near the top Jack- son, sitting on his horse, under the tree, asked him: "How many troops are over there." Hood uttering an exclama- tion of amazement, replied : "Oceans of them." Jackson sternly said: "Count the ilags, sir!" Hood began: "One, two, three, four, etc., etc." General Jackson repeating after him the numbers until he had counted thirty-nine, when Jack- son said: "That will do, come dovsTi, sir." All this time the enemy's sharpshooters were firing at Hood.

General Jackson then turned to Colonel Kansom and asked him what made him charge that battery with all those troops defending it. Colonel Kansom answered that he saw a very large body of troops preparing to charge him, which he could not resist, and he determined to charge them first as the best means of preventing their attack; but he did not know the strength of the enemy until in the charge he reached the hill where the battery was and saw the force of the enemy be- hind it.

As he was leaving General Jackson gave orders to renew the attack when "the rattle of his small arms should be heard," as he expected to attack the enemy on his left flank. This attack was never made.

In recognition of his daring. Private Hood was made or- derly to General Kansom immediately after the battle, and

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 605

faithfully discharged his duties as orderly for the brigade, until at the assault on Fort Steadman, 25 March, 1865, he was killed charging the enemy's works.

Among our killed in this battle was the dashing Captain Walter M. Bryson, of Company G. Lieutenant John J. Case succeeded him as Captain. Lieutenant Case was at home, a poor tailor, barely making a living ; he had no social position and was quite ignorant of letters. He was popular with his men, but not esteemed among his fellow officers because of his record at home. At this battle, his conduct was so con- spicuously gallant as to attract Colonel Ransom's attention. He proved himself to be the gamest of the game, and was pro- moted Captain against the protest of a number of the officers, Colonel Ransom being his staunch advocate.

When this sketch appeared in the papers, it being the request of Judge Clark that these histories should be pub- lished in the newspapers so that errors might be detected and corrected prior to their final publication in the State's his- tory, it brought a communication from Captain D. G. Max- well, of Charlotte, which is so interesting and does such jus- tice to a gallant young Confederate soldier boy. Private Wm. S. Hood, that the writer has concluded to incorporate Captain Maxwell's communication as part of the record of the regi- ment, and as a personal tribute to the young soldier with whom he had the honor to serve in the same company. Says he :


"In Sunday's (13 August, 1899) issu.e of the Raleigh Post was published a sketch of the Thirty-fifth North Carolina Regiment in the war between the States, by Colonel W. H. S. Burgwyn, in which there are several incidents of the battle of Sharpsburg in regard to Colonel Matt. W. Ransom, Adjutant Walter Clark, First Lieutenant W. H. S. Burgwyn and Pri- vate William S. Hood, of Company H, that Colonel Burgwyn neglects to mention. Modesty prevents him from making a personal allusion, and as to the others doubtless he had for- gotten, but General Matt. Ransom has not forgotten them, for in a conversation with the writer a few years ago he said that

606 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

he distinctly remembered the incidents, and I am confident that Judge Walter Clark ("Little Clark," as he was en- dearingly called by the men of the regiment, a mere boy, bare- ly 16 years old, and Adjutant) has not forgotten them, for he has a memento engraved upon one of his hands which will never efface from his mind the scenes of that bloody day.

When going into the fight that morning the field officers had all dismounted except "Little Clark," who persistently sat in his saddle when a big mountain private, I think from Company B, ran forward and pulled the Adjutant from his horse, exclaiming: "Git off'n this horse, you darned little fool, you'll git killed," when a minie ball struck Clark on the hand, the mark of which I think can be seen today. Just prior to this, our regiment had filed throiigh a gap and in forming line of battle by changing front forward on the first company, in their eagerness to get into line several com- panies became entangled and seemingly confused, when Col- onel Matt. W. Eansom called for the colors. Being in com- mand of the two color companies (C. and H) I ordered Stew- art, the color-bearer (a veteran of the Mexican war) to give the colors to Colonel Eansom. His reply was, "I'll be d d if I do it." Then Burgwyn and I took the colors from him and Lieutenant Burgwyn carried them forward and gave them to Colonel Eansom, who was still mounted on his horse in front of the regiment, ajad called to Lieutenant-Colonel John Gr. Jones to tell his wife and children, if killed, that he carried the colors of his regiment in this charge. Fortu- nately, however, Colonel Eansom was not wotmded in this fight, although exposed and under fire nearly the whole day. Late in the afternoon, when we had charged and driven the gunners from the battery on the hill in our front and could not hold it on account of flank batteries that seemed to con- centrate their fire upon the abandoned battery, we retreated to our original position, about 300 yards, at foot of a hill in the woods. In a few minutes thereafter a Yankee officer, mounted on a bob-tail horse, rode up to the abandoned bat- tery, apparently to view our position, when I suppose 100 guns were fired at him. He sat unconcernedly upon his horse, when Colonel Eansom cried out : "Cease firing ; don't

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 607

shoot that brave man!" The Yankee officer, wheeling, re- treated as deliberately as he had come. A short time there- after, the firing having ceased in our immediate front and be- fore Private Hood, of my company, had volunteered to climb the tree for General Jackson, Colonel Matt. W. Ransom came to my company (we were all lying down) and ordered me to detail the best man in my company to go forward and ascer- tain the position and movements of the enemy. Immediately young Hood sprang to his feet and asked permission to go, and as he struck a "turkey trot" across the field with his gun at a trail, I could see a smile of admiration upon the face of the old Roman when he asked the name of the boy soldier, and commanded me to lie down, and to report to him upon Hood's return. Hood was gone for at least an hour (which was a long time imder such circumstances), so long that Colonel Ransom and T were both uneasy as to his fate. Finally Hood returned and gave such a satisfactory statement as to all that he had seen, that Colonel Ransom complimented him and or- dered him to return to his company. Hood told me that on the field among the dead and wounded he found a Federal field officer badly wounded and crying for water. He gave the officer his canteen of water. The officer offered to give Hood his gold watch and chain and all the money he had to carry him within our lines for treatment. Hood told him that it was an impossibility; but when he encountered the Yankee pickets he informed them of this officer's condition and proposed to conduct them to the place where the officer was lying, which proposition was readily accepted. The of- ficer was laid upon a stretcher and carried within the Federal lines. Hood could easily have been captured, but his magna- nimity and kindness towards this wounded officer gained for him the admiration of the Federal pickets, who treated him kindly, gave him coffee and allowed him to return to his com- mand. (Could any but American soldiers have done this ?) A short time after Hood's return General Jackson asked Colonel Ransom for a man to climb a tree. Hood again vol- unteered, as Colonel Burgwyn states, except that he did not "take his shoes off in a jiffy," from the fact that he had no shoes on his feet, they being so sore he could not wear any.

608 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

He was not only barefooted but ragged, dirty and lousy. His condition, however, was not an exception, as "there were others."

After our retreat across the Potomac, on the morning of 20 September, Lieutenant Burgwyn and I were calling upon some officers of the regiment and when returning to our com- pany Orderly Sergeant Campbell informed us that General Robert Eansom had called for me and left an order for Pri- vate Hood to report to him. Soon thereafter we resumed our march towards Martinsburg, Va. I saw nothing more of Hood until late in the afternoon, when General Robert Ean- som was passing our regiment at the gallop, Hood following him, mounted upon one of General Ransom's horses with spurs on his bare feet. He lifted his old greasy cap and saluted iis as he passed. He remained with General Eansom as a courier until Colonel Matt. W. Ransom was promoted to Brigadier-General, with whom he remained until killed at Fort Steadman, 25 March, 1865. He was buried on the field clothed in one of General Ransom's uniforms.

Both of the Generals Ransom were very much attached to Hood and every time General Matt, was wounded Hood ac- companied him to the hospital and to his home and remained with him until able to return to his command. He was a handsome boy, only 16 years old when enlisted; black eyes, long black hair, fair skin, indeed a noble type of a Southern lad. He wrote a beautiful hand and the writer often had him detailed to assist in making out reports, pay rolls, etc. He was a son of A. I. Hood, of Clear Creek Township, Meck- lenburg county, who moved to Tyler, Texas, soon after the war. D. G. Maxwell,

Late Captain Co. H, Thirty-fifth IST. C. Regiment.

Charlotte, E". C, 10 January, 1900."

On 18 September our brigade occupied the same woods we held on the day before, and late that night we silently re- treated, to the Potomac, crossing at Shepherdstown, and marched in the direction of Martinsburg ; and from there to the neighborhood of Winchester, where we remained in biv- oxiac until 23 October. While here, in recognition of his

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 609

gallantry and abilities as an officer, and as an expression of their respect and esteem, the officers of his brigade, on 20 Oc- tober, presented General Robert Ransom with a magnificent horse.

Colonel Ransom, who had not fully recovered from the ef- fects of his wounds received at Malvern Hill, was obliged to go home for treatment, and on 14 October, at dress parade, he made an eloquent speech to his men, complimenting them for their fortitude on their many weary marches since the campaign opened, and for their bravery in the late battle, and commended them to the favorable consideration of their brig- ade commander with the assurance that he would return at the earliest moment.


On 23 October, 1862, we broke camp and marching through Culpepper Court House and Madison Court House, we ar- rived near Fredericksburg on 23 JSTovember, where we went into camp to await the pending battle at that place. While on this march, orders were received to discharge all men un- der 18 and over 40 years of age, and some fifty men were sent home in this way.


At 4 a. m. 11 December, 1862, we heard the two signal guns which it had been agreed upon would announce that General Burnside had commenced his attack, and we hur- riedly took up our march for the line of battle.

In this battle Brigadier-General Robert Ransom, Jr., com- manded a division consisting of his own and Cooke's Brigade. This latter brigade was composed of the Fifteenth, Twenty- seventh, Forty-sixth and Forty-eighth ISTorth Carolina Reg- iments.

To General Ransom was assigned the defence of the posi- tion on Marye's and Willis' Heights, occupied by the Wash- ington artillery. At the foot of these heights ran a road with a stone wall on the side facing the city, from which direction liie enemy advanced to make their attacks. Behind this


610 North Cabolina Troops, 1861-65.

stone wall Cobb's brigade was placed, with Eansom's Divis- ion supporting him, posted in rear and in close supporting distance of the batteries on Marye's and Willis' heights. The Twenty-fourth North Carolina Regiment was placed on the right of Cobb's Brigade behind the wall and the Twenty-fifth North Carolina Regiment advanced to the crest of the hill.

From about 11 a. m. until dark the enemy made his as- saults to carry these heights.. In no one of them was he suc- cessful. His loss was fearful.

At one time it became necessary to supply Cobb's men with ammunition, and two regiments of Cooke's Brigade, Twenty-seventh and Forty-sixth North Carolina, were sent to his support, and near the close of the contest the Twenty-fifth North Carolina Regiment "took position, shoulder to shoul- der," with those brave men behind the stone wall, which Gen- eral Bumside had attempted so many times during the day, with desperate gallantry, to capture.

The Confederate army in this battle, owing to its defensive fight, did not suffer in proportion to the enemy, and the loss in the Thirty-fifth North Carolina Regiment was not large in numbers, but the deaths of the "modest, but brave and manly" Major John M. Kelly, of Lieutenant W. H. Holt of Company D, and of Lieutenant John H. Conley, of Company B, were greatly deplored.

Captain James T. Johnston, of Company K, now became Major by virtue of his seniority, and his First Lieutenant, Philip J. Johnston, was promoted to be Captain of the com- pany.

After returning to our camp. General Robert Ransom, on 18 December, called the officers of his brigade to his tent to solicit their charity for the people of Fredericksburg. The general headed the list with one hundred dollars, one-third of his month's pay. This generous example of their com- mander was generally followed by the officers of the brigade. I am not aware of an instance of like generosity on the p^rt of a Confederate brigade.

WINTER OF 1862-1863. On 3 January, 1863, the brigade at daybreak took up its

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 611

march, ostensibly, for a new camp. The men started out loaded down with camp impedimenta and winter quarters fix- ings, but marching past the site selected for the camp, we halted only after a fifteen mile march. As we marched, one by one, the planks, breadtrays, stools, water buckets, etc., etc., were grudgingly discarded until at the end of the day's march, while our impedimenta was gone, our hearts were light with the hope that we were on the way to JSTorth Caro- lina. This proved to be true, for after marching through Richmond we took the cars at Petersburg for Kenansville, N. C, our destination.

On the return of the brigade to Worth Carolina, Adjutant Walter Clark resigned, and on 13 May, 1863, Lieutenant Robert B. Peebles, of Company E, Fifty-sixth North Caro- lina Regiment, was appointed by Colonel Ransom to suc- ceed him.

When the war broke out Lieiitenant Peebles was a student at the State University ; was easily among the brightest men in one of the largest classes that had ever been in the insti- tution, taking the first distinction in all his studies. Having completed his junior year, he at once joined the company that was being raised in his county (Northampton) and was appointed Orderly Sergeant, and soon promoted to be Sec- ond Lieutenant; he remained with the company until ap- pointed adjutant of the Thirty-fifth Regiment. From this time on until the surrender at Appomattox, when he was Captain and Assistant Adjutant General on General Matt. W. Ransom's staff, he practically was never absent from duty, participating in every battle or skirmish in which his regi- ment or command was engaged, and always acting in such a manner as to inspire the confidence of his superiors and win the admiration of his men.

No duty was too arduous and no detail too perilous for him to undertake, and on the first opportunity he received de- served promotion, and succeeded as chief of the brigade staff, the lamented Captain Sterling Gee, killed at Five Forks, 1 April, 1865.

On that dreadful night of 17 June, 1864, when the enemy, after carrying our outer lines advanced to capture Petersburg,

612 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'66.

and the fall of the city seemed assured, Kansom's Brigade was ordered to the support of General Wise. About mid- night it became the duty of the Thirty-fifth Regiment to charge and drive the enemy from the captured works. Here the regiment sustained dreadful loss. Its Colonel, J. Gr- Jones, was killed, and the larger part of the regiment killed and wounded, and many captured.

Adjutant Peebles not knowing, in the darkness and con- fusion, who was in command, assumed to act himself, and after a hand to hand encounter at breastworks, several hun- dred of the enemy surrendered to less than one-half that num- ber of the survivors of the Thirty-fifth.

Again, at the assault on Fort Steadman (25 March, 1865) and in the retreat from Petersburg, Adjutant, now Captain Peebles, was conspicuous for his gallantry and soldierly bear- ing. Since the war Captain Peebles has achieved enviable distinction as a successful lawyer and is a recognized leadei* in the Democratic party of his State.

Ransom's Brigade in the spring of 1863 was in the De- partment of North Carolina, General D. H. Hill command- ing, and stationed at different times at Goldsboro, Kinston and Wilmington. While in bivouac at Kinston (14 April, 1863) and guarding the roads leading from New Bern at Core Creek, Gum Swamp and Wise's Fork, complaint was made by a lady that some of her chickens had been stolen by the soldiers. The men having been identified as belonging to a company of the Thirty-fifth Regiment the Captain of that company was ordered to have the chickens paid for. This in- cident is an ilkistration of how careful the Confederate au- thorities were to prevent depredations by the soldiers.

About the first of June, 1863, the brigade was ordered to Virginia and camped near Petersburg, and later was sent to work on the fortifications at City Point.

At this time General Robert Ransom was promoted to be Major-General, and on 15 June Colonel Matt. W. Ransom, who had been unanimously recommended by the officers of the Twenty-fifth, Thirty-fifth, Forty-ninth and Fifty-sixth Regiments of the brigade as his successor, was promoted Brig- adier-General over the three senior Colonels in the brigade.

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 613

On his return to camp that day, the officers of the regi- ment called on General Ransom in a hody to express their congratulations on his deserved promotion and their regrets at losing him as their commander. The Surgeoi., Dr. O'Hagan, was our spokesman. After the gentlemen had left his tent, General Ransom remarked to a friend that he was so much embarrassed by the complimentar}' things said of him by the eloquent doctor that in his reply he "made the meanest speech of his life."

Lieutenant-Colonel Jones now became Colonel, Major Johnston Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain S. B. Taylor, of Company A, Major by seniority of rank; First Lieutenant Henry W. Humphrey was promoted to be Captain of the company.

At this time Captain David G. Maxwell, of Company H, who had volunteered among the first and had held the posi- tions of Second and First Lieutenant and Captain of his company, and was greatly endeared to his men and respected by his brother officers, was forced to resign from ill health, the medical examining board unanimously approving the same. Captain Maxwell's departure was much regretted by officers and men, not only of his company, but of the entire regiment.

First Lieutenant Wm. H. S. Burgwyn was promoted to be Captain of the company, which position he held until trans- ferred in January, 1864, to the staff of Clingman's Brigade.


In July, 1863, Ransom's, Jenkins' and Cooke's Brigades were in Ransom's (Robert, Jr.) division. Department of Richmond.

While the battle of Gettysburg was being fought (1-3 July, 1863) this division was at Bottom Bridge under General D. H. Hill to meet the enemy advancing on Richmond from Williamsburg, Va.

While in camp near Petersburg, Va., on 27 July, 1863, the advance of Coionel Spear from Winton on Weldon, being known, Ransom's Brigade was ordered to Garysburg. The Thirty-fifth regiment left that same afternoon on the

614 North Qakolina Troops, 1861-65.

mail train, arriving that night. General Eansom left the same night on an engine. Reaching Garysburg at daybreak, he found there a section of artillery with two guns, which he ordered down to Boon's Mill, distant seven miles, where the main road from Jackson to Garysburg and Weldon crosses the swamp. Four companies of the Twenty-fourth regi- ment, in command of Lieutenant-Colonel Harris, had pre^ ceded him to the miU.

Detailing Captain Burgwyn, of Company H, Thirty-fifth Eegiment, whose home was in the county, to mount a squad of his company and go on a scouting expedition, there being no cavalry near at hand, early in the morning of 28 July, 1863, General Eansom, with his staff, proceeded to Jackson, distant ten miles, to obtain information of the enemy's movements. About 12 :30 p. m. he left Jackson to return to Boon's Mill to make disposition to meet Colonel Spear, who was reported rapidly advancing. When General Eansom had gotten about half a mile distant a great shout was heard in the direction of Jackson and, stopping to ascertain the cause, the enemy's cav- alry were seen charging over the hill about 150 yards dis- tant.

It was now a question as to whose horses were the fastest, as two miles or more lay between the Confederate commander and his men, who were taking their ease, ignorant of the per- ilous situation of their General. The horses of the General and his staff being fresh the enemy did not gain on them, though in reach of and subject to the enemy's fire all during the pursuit.

Dashing at full speed across the bridge, General Ransom called out to have the planks taken up and the men to fall in ranks. The enemy, seeing the situation and more or less disorganized from the pursuit, halted to reform their columns for attack. This gave time for the Confederate infantry, most of whom were bathing in the mill pond, to get their guns, and in a few minutes order was restored and our lines estab- lished. The enemy now brought up his artillery and for an hour or more shelled the Confederate position. Dismount- ing his cavalry. Colonel S. P. Spear attempted an advance down the road to the mill, which was met by a quick fire from

Thikty-Fifth Regiment. 615

our men and this advance checked. About this time Lieuten- ant Vassar, of the Macon Light Artillery, with two guns, ar- rived from Garysburg, which were put in position behind some earthworks erected by General French the year before. They at once opened fire. By this time the fight was hot. The enemy now attempted to carry our position by an at- tack on the right and left flanks, and succeeded under cover of the thick swamp undergrowth in getting their men directly in our rear across the pond, which curves here nearly at right angles. This movement was promptly met by advancing the artillery to the front and shelling the woods with grape and canister and by a brave fire from the infantry. The fight had now lasted some five hours. Foiled in his expectation to surprise the Confederates and reach the Weldon bridge with- out serious opposition. Colonel Spear late in the evening withdrew and during the night retreated through Jackson, whence he came. This repulse of Colonel Spear, whose force consisted of a "brigade of cavalry and nine pieces of artil- lery," with a supporting force of infantry at Winton, 'N. C, by not more than two hundred Confederate infantry with two pieces of artillery, was not only a brilliant military achievement of the greatest moment, as a defeat of the Con- federates would have resulted in the destruction of the rail- road bridge over the Roanoke at Weldon, which was one of the main lines of railroad connecting Richmond and the South, and in the occupation by the enemy of a large section of the richest portion of the State, from which the Confeder- ate government largely drew its supplies ; but also preserved this section of North Carolina ever afterwards from the en- emy's presence. The crops of 1863 and 1864 were saved to the people as if no war was raging near them, and the slave population remained quietly at work on the plantations during the balance of the war.

This victory, coming so soon after his promotion, was doubly gratifying to General Ransom's friends, and the fact that his home lay less than two miles distant, whence the sound of the guns and the noise of the battle were trem- blingly listened t6 by his delicate wife and small children, af- fords a striking illustration of the nature of this contest

616 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

waged by the Southern people, in which truly it may be said they were fighting "for their altars and their fires, God, and their native land."

While the fighting was going on at Boon's Mill the Thirty- fifth regiment had been sent to defend another road leading to Garysburg and Weldon, and next day this regiment joined in the pursuit of Colonel Spear in his retreat to Winton.

While Colonel Spear was on his cavalry raid, Major-Gen- eral Foster was at Winton with an infantry command sent from ISTew Bern in support of Colonel Spear; and had the latter succeeded, General Foster would have followed with his infantry to have made permanent the occupation of the country which his cavalry had overrun.

In the winter of 1863-'64 Eansom's Brigade was assigned to the Department of North Carolina xmder Major-General George E. Pickett. The Thirty-fifth Kegiment during this time was on outpost duty at Hamilton, on the Koanoke, some sixty miles down the river from Weldon.

On 9 March, 1864, "General Kansom with his brigade and a cavalrj"^ force, drove the Federals from Suffolk, Va., cap- turing a piece of artillery and quartermaster stores of much value."


Ransom's Brigade with the Eighth N'orth Carolina Begi- ment of Clingman's, and Hoke's and Terry's Virginia Brig- ades, and Forty-third ISTorth Carolina Eegiment, were the in- fantry assigned Brigadier-General B. F. Hoke in his expedi- tion to capture Plymouth ; he was ably assisted also by the ironclad ram Albemarle, built at Halifax, on the Boanoke, and commanded by Captain J. W. Cooke. The Albemarle was not finished when the time came tO' move, but this energetic and able naval ofiicer had his forges blazing and carpenters putting the last work upon the ship as it steamed down the river to take part in the fight.

On 20 April, 1864, General Hoke stormed and carried the Federal works, but not without heavy loss. Ransom's Brig- ade alone losing 87 killed and more than 500 wounded. The loss of the Thirty-fifth was the greatest sustained by any reg-

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 617

iment. It fell to the lot of this regiment to assault the for- midable fort on the eastern front of the town. It was taken from its regular place on the left of the brigade and placed in the center so as to strike this work.

During the night of 19 April, General Eansom forced the passage of Coneby Creek, a narrow, but deep stream, on the east of the town. Brigadier-General Henry W. Wessels, the Federal commander, in his report of the battle, says : "After dark the enemy in strong force succeeded in effecting the crossing of Coneby Creek below the town and massed his columns on my left. This disaster is unexplained, and placed me in a most critical position." Undoubtedly the pas- sage of this stream was a great tactical move on the part of the Confederate commander. Diiring the night General Eansom formed his lines for tlie assault and gave his men a few hours of much needed rest. When the order to charge was given, which was at daybreak on 20 April, 1864, officers and men seemed animated with but one determination, and that was to be the first troops to enter the fort. Reaching the deep ditch surrounding the fortifications the regiment rushed into it and climbing up its sides, bristling with guns, crowded through the embrasures, over the parapet and wherever they could find an entrance, and were in possession of the works before the enemy could recover from the audacity of the at- tack. During this time the Twenty-fourth and Eighth Regiments captured a fort on the right on the east front of the town, and nearer the river. The enemy now retreated into the houses, making barricades of them and firing from the upper stories. To dislodge them it became necessary to capture the works directly on the river bank and then its forti- fications on the western front.

Reforming his brigade General Ransom successively car- ried these works, then a fight from house to house took place. The enemy were at length driven from all their positions, losing in captured some two thousand prisoners ; the balance fled to Fort Williams, the main fortification of the town. Gen- eral Ransom, preparatory to assault, made a reconnoissance of the place. It was seen to be thoroughly defended by good guns ; was surrounded by a ditch thirty feet deep and thirty

618 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

feet wide, with a stockade in the center of pine poles ten and twelve inches in diameter, joined together by iron cables, and the entrance protected by a massive iron door.

General Kansom now signalled for the Albemarle to come up, which was below the town, having attacked and destroyed or driven off all the gunboats in the river, killing Lieutenant Commander Flusser of the gunboat Miami, and sinking the gunboat Southfield.

The Albemarle steamed up to the foot of the main street leading from the river to the entrance of the fort and opened fire.

The first shot falling short, killed and wounded several of the Thirty-fifth regiment, which lay across the street a short distance from the fort, awaiting the order to assault. This regiment was withdrawn nearer the river and the Albe- marle again opened on Fort Williams.

After exploding three or four shells inside the work, Gen- eral Ransom sent Colonel Bearing, acting on his staff, to de- mand its unconditional surrender.

General Wessels desired to see the officer in command. Gen- eral Hoke was sent for, and after a brief interview between them. General Wessels, satisfied that further resistance was in vain, hoisted the white flag. General Wessels says his loss in killed, wounded and missing was 2,834.

General Wessels in his official report of the battle, enumer- ating his forces, says : "There were also present portions of two companies Second North Carolina volunteers, native troops, under Captains Johnson and Haggard. * * * During its siege and in the night a considerable number of North Carolina soldiers (many of them deserters from the enemy, and all of them fearing bad treatment in the event of capture), left their companies without authority, escaping in canoes, being picked up, as I have understood, by our boats in the sound."

This was one of the most brilliant minor victories of the war. Brigadier-General Hoke was telegraphed by President Davis his promotion to be Major-General. The Legislature of North Carolina, by formal resolution, thanked. Generals Hoke and Ransom and Commander J. W. Cooke, of the

Thiett-Fifth Eegiment. 619

"Albemarle," and the ofiBoers and men of their commands for this great feat of arms, and the Confederate Congress passed similar resolutions.

General Hoke moving at once on Washington, E". C, the Federal commander, General Palmer, hastily evacuated the place, setting fire to the town.

General Hoke then pushed on to 'New Bern; at onfe in- vested the city, captured its outer works and was preparing for assault with every prospect of success when, under per- emptory orders from President Davis and Generals Lee and Beauregard to return to Virginia, he withdrew his command, and, making one of the most rapid marches on record, reached Petersburg on 10 May, 1864.


On 13 May, 1864, while occupying the outer line of works defending Drewry's Bluff, Ransom's Brigade was attacked by Butler's advance with overwhelming force.

After gallantly repulsing these attacks, though flanked on the right and in the rear, the brigade held its own and during the night withdrew to the main line of defenses. In this fight Captain Cicero Durham, commanding a battalion of sharpshooters and known as the "fighting quartermaster of the Forty-ninth," was killed, and Lieutenant Waverly John- ston, of General Ransom's staff, painfully wounded. On the next day while rallying his line of sharpshooters. General Ransom was badly wounded in the left arm.

The Surgeons at first advised that the limb be amputated, as the ball had shattered both the bones of the forearm. Gen- eral Ransom submitted himself to the Surgeons with the in- junction to save his arm even at the risk of his life. Sur- geon O'Hagan contended that the arm could be saved. Cut- ting off the injured ends of the bones he left to nature to unite the separated ends ; and in due time the Surgeon's prog- nosis was verified, and though shorter than before, the arm became serviceable and the use of the hand retained.

Colonel Ransom never displayed his good judgment of men in a greater degree than when he selected this gentleman as

620 NoETH Carolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

surgeon of his regiment. Dr. O'Hagan was one of the most skillful Surgeons in the army. In a controversy with Dr. Hunter McG-uire in October, 1862, Surgeon-General of Jack- son's Corps, Dr. O'Hagan demonstrated his mastery of his pro- fession, and his ability as well, to sustain himself in his the- ory and practice of surgery. After the war, at his home in Greenville, Pitt county. Dr. O'Hagan practiced with success and increased reputation, attaining the very highest standing among his brethren of the medical profession. He was also a speaker of exceptional grace and eloquence ; of high literary attainments, ranking with the best belles lettres scholars of his State.

In the main battle of Drewry's Blufl (16 May, 1864) the Thirty-fifth regiment formed part of the support to Major- General Eobert Ransom's command, and bravely did its part in gaining the victory over Butler.

After the battle of Drewry's Bluff, Ransom's brigade occu- pied the trenches in front of Butler at Bermuda Hundreds, and on 20 May, six companies of the Thirty-fifth regiment were ordered to advance the picket lines. This they did with wonderful gallantry, but at great loss. Captain Wm. A. Ellis, of Company I, was killed and Captain Robert E. Petty, of Company D, dangerously wounded.

When the Surgeon, Dr. O'Hagan, told Captain Ellis he was dying, he said : "Tell General Ransom I die like a sol- dier, and please send my body home." This request was faithfully attended to by his General, who at the time was lying wounded in Richmond.

At first it was thought that Captain Petty could not sur- vive. He was shot twice, one ball passing through the body. Dr. O'PIagan advised him to make his will, as there was little hope for him. "Why," said Captain Petty, "Doctor I have no more intention of dying than I have of flying this minute. I will be back in sixty days fighting these scoundrels." Sure enough, in sixty days Captain Petty was back with his com- mand, and as Major Petty had the honor to command the reg- iment at the final surrender at Appomattox.

A number of the ofiicers and men of the regiment were killed and wounded while occupying the lines at Bermuda

Thiety-Fifth: Regiment. 621

Hundreds. Among the killed was Orderly Sergeant Wm. H. Campbell, of Company H, than whom there was not a better or braver soldier in the regiment.


After his defeat at Cold Harbor General Grant deter- mined to capture Petersburg by rapidly transferring his army to the South of the James before General Lee could detect his intentions. On 13 June, 1864, he detached General W. F. Smith with the Eighteenth Corps, who reached Bermuda Hundreds on the 14th, and by next morning began his attack on Petersburg.

To oppose these troops, only Wise's Brigade and some tran- sient forces, the whole amounting to not more than 2,400 effective men, were available. These embraced a small cav- alry force under General Dearing and Archer's militia ; but these militia proved themselves rivals in valor of the veter- ans by whose side they fought. All day this handful of men resisted the attack of 16,000 of Grant's troops, but late in the evening they were driven from their position, and the enemy carried the line of redoubts from Nos. 5 to 9. Had this success of General Smith's corps been vigorously pushed Petersburg must have fallen.

At 9 :30 a. m. on 15 June, Beauregard telegraphed Bragg to send him Ransom's Brigade. The brigade was then at OhafSn's Bluff. It was ordered to report to General Beaure- gard at once, and marching all night reached Petersburg about sunrise on the 16th. Arriving in sight of the inner line of the works defending Petersburg the enemy were seen advancing upon the same. At a run, through a storm of shot and shell, the Confederates succeeded in getting to the works just in time to meet the enemy's charge and drive them back. The Thirty-fifth regiment were among the first of the brigade to arrive, and repulsed two assaults of the enemy.

Hancock now reinforces Smith, and Beauregard orders Johnson's division from the lines of Bermuda Hundreds. Burnside's corps is now added to the Federal attacking col- umns. Hancock, now in command, his forces augmented to 53,000, in the afternoon of the 16th attacked all along the

622 ISToETn Caeoli^a- Teoops, 1861-'65.

line held by 10,000 Confederates. Night closed the unequal contest with the lines still firmly held by Beauregard. During the night Warren's Corps, 17,000, reinforced the enemy. Early on lY June the fighting was renewed. Assault after assault was made only to be repulsed until just at dark a part of the Confederate line was pierced and Battery 14 was cap- tured by Leslie's Division of the ISTinth army corps. About 11 p. m., Eansom's Brigade was ordered to the support of Wise, who had been driven from the salient occupied by his brigade.

Ransom's Brigade was ordered to charge and re-establish the line, l.'he Thirty-fifth Regiment struck the heel of the salient, formed in the shape of a horse shoe and received the enemy's fire both from the front and flanks. Reaching the works a hand to hand combat took place, the men fighting with only the parapet of the rifle pits separating them.

Here the colors of the Thirty-fifth Regiment were captured by Corporal Young, of the First Michigan, but the Thirty- fifth captured three fiags from the enemy. The loss of the regiment was very heavy.

It carried into action 28 ofiicers and nearly 500 men, and brought out 8 ofiicers and less than 200 men. Its gallant commander, John G. Jones, was shot down early in the charge ; rising he advanced a few feet, when he fell a second time. Calling for help, he was again going forward ; when shot a third time he fell to rise no more.

The gallant and chivalrous Captain Thomas J. Blackwell, of Company B, was here killed, many others killed and wound- ed and a number captured. Captain Philip J. Johnson, of Company K, mounted the breastworks, and in a hand to hand encounter with a Federal Major, was shot in the hand, caus- ing his sword to fall from his grasp ; he was now at the mercy of his antagonist, when one of Captain Johnston's men shot the Federal officer through the head. Ordering some imag- inary reinforcements to advance, in stentorian tones, Captain Johnston called upon the enemy to surrender, or all be killed, and some 300 came over the works and gave themselves up.

During the night. General Beauregard withdrew to a new and shorter line of defenses nearer the city. In the death

Thiety-Fifth Regiment. 623

of Colonel Jones the regiment sustained a loss almost irrepar- able. He had been a student at Wake Forest College; was a Baptist preacher before he entered the army ; was without any military training, awkward and unsoldierly in his car- riage; but of unsullied character and indomitable courage. His military aptness was of slow growth, but developed as he gained experience until at his death he was recognized as one of the best soldiers of his rank in the army. Prior to the battle of Sharpsburg, his courage was questioned; as, unfor- tunately for his reputation, he was excused on account of sickness and was not present at the battles in which his regi- ment had been engaged prior to the Maryland campaign of 1862. At Sharpsburg his conduct was altogether creditable ; and thenceforth he won the confidence of his superiors and of his men. It was currently believed in the regiment, that while stationed at Kenansville, I^. C, in the winter of 1863 and 1864, he met a young lady of very high social position and great personal charms; he became much interested in her, but did not presume to declare his passion until he had won her by "the dajigers he had passed," and that he only waited until he could wear the wreath of a Brigadier-General on his collar, when he would solicit her hand.

Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Johnston and Major S. B. Tay- lor now became respectively Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain Robert E. Petty, of Company D, Major of the regiment. First Lieutenant G. W. Freeman was promoted to be Captain of Company B.

On 18 June, 1864, General Meade made the last of his series of assaults to carry the fortifications defending Peters- burg. He had now the larger part of his army confronting the Confederate lines, something like 70,000 men. These lat- ter had been reinforced, and there were now about 20,000 Confederate troops to resist the attacks of these seventy thou- sand.

The assault was made by the commands of Warren, Bum- side, Bimey and Martindale. "At noon came the grand attack, which was promptly repulsed. At 4 p. m. the Fed- erals tried it again, but met with signal defeat." General

624 North Oaeoliita Troops, 1861-'65.

Grant now issued an order for the cessation of further at- tacks, and the siege of Petersburg commenced.


Ransom's brigade constructed the breastworks at the Cra- ter and were in the trenches on the left of the salient occupied by Pegram's Battery and Elliott's South Carolina Brigade at the time of the explosion of the mine (30 July, 1864).

The Twenty-fifth and Forty-ninth Regiments of the Brig- ade were drawn out of the works to assist in repelling the advance of the enemy now pouring through this interval in the Confederate defenses ; and subsequently they united with Mahone's Division in driving the Federals out of the cap- tured works back to their lines.

During this time the Thirty-fifth Regiment extending its front to occupy the space vacated by the withdrawn troops, re- pelled the several assaults of the enemy as they attempted to carry our works adjacent to those destroyed by the explo- sion.

It will be interesting here to state that the colors of the First Michigan were captured at this battle by Sergeant J. W. Connell, of Company F, Twenty-second South Carolina Regiment. It will be remembered that the flag of the Thirty- fifth regiment had been captured by this Michigan command the night of 17 June, as previously stated.


The last act in the drama was now to be played. The Army of Northern Virginia, between 5 May and 31 Decem- ber, 1864, had inflicted a loss of more than 108,000 killed, wounded and missing, on the army of the Potomac, sustain- ing itself a loss of 40,000 ; but how it would end was now apparently only a question of time. In the siege of Peters- burg, the Thirty-fifth Regiment performed its full duty. For eight months and more "it lived in the ground, walked in wet ditches, ate its cold rations in ditches, slept in dirt-cov- ered pits." The breastworks of the two armies were in many places so near that one exposing any part of his person was sure to be shot at and usually killed or wounded. The picket

Thibty-Fifth Regiment. 625

posts could only be relieved at night by crawling along ditches to and from them. Mortar shells were incessantly coming down from above. There was no shelter from sun or rain. 'No food could be cooked there, but the scanty ration was brought in bags on the shoulders from the cook yards sometimes a mile distant.

Frequently it became necessary for General Lee to with- draw troops from some portion of his line to resist a move- ment of the enemy against the Petersburg & Weldon and Southside railroads.

In the latter part of August, 1864, Ransoms's brigade was ordered to attack and drive back the enemy at the Davis house. They had to charge some distance through an abatis of felled trees. The men had to pick their way through the interlaced timbers and advance without regard to company or regimental formations.

This advance was so gallantly done as to evoke from General Lee, who witnessed the charge, the remark: "That he had often heard of men straggling to the rear, but he had neyer before seen men straggle to the attack."


In the assault on Fort Steadman, 25 March, 1865, General Matt. W. Ransom commanded his own and Wallace's South Carolina brigade. In his report of this brilliant, but disas- trous attack. General Lee says: "The two brigades com- manded by General Ransom behaved most handsomely." The Thirty-fifth regiment lost largely in killed, wounded and pris- oners.

Here, Courier Wm. Hood, of Company H, referred to in the account of the battle of Sharpsburg, was killed. He was one of the best couriers, prompt to carry orders, under all cir- cumstances trustworthy and fearless.

"In this assault. Colonel Johnston, Captain S. G. Howie, Company F, and many others of the Thirty-fifth Regiment, and about half of Ransom's brigade, were taken prisoners.


626 North Cakolina Troops, 1861-'65.

five poeks.

At Five Forks (1 April, 1865) that dark day for the Con- federacy, the Thirty-fifth regiment, from the beginning of the fight for four hours, until it ended in what may be called a wreck, behaved with its accustomed courage amd fortitude. Here Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor was wounded and captured and about half of the regiment made prisoners. Colonel Taylor , who was in command of his regiment and had been twice previously wounded, received his third wound a minie ball fracturing the bones of his right arm, forever disabling him from its full use.

Captain Sterling Gee, Assistant Adjutant-General of the brigade, was killed, and Adjutant Peebles, of the Thirty- fifth Regiment, was promoted on the field to succeed him.

General Ransom had two horses killed under him. The last horse, a magnificent thoroughbred stallion, when shot, reared high up in the air and fell, pinioning- his rider beneath him. With his wounded left arm in a sling. General Ran- som was powerless and in danger of being crushed under the struggles of his dying horse, when Captain Johnston, of the Thirty-fifth, and Captain Sherrill, of the Forty-ninth Regi- ments, rushed forward and extricated him from his perilous situation and from capture.


At last the end came, and on 9 April, 1865, General Lee surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia ; that "incompar- able infantry, that array of tattered uniforms, but bright muskets ;" which will ever live in history and in the hearts of the Southern people. The list of paroled prisoners of Lee's army at Appomattox aggregated 28,231, of which Ransom's Brigade numbered 41 officers and 394 enlisted men ; of these the Thirty-fifth regiment, commanded by Major Robert E. Petty, numbered about 80.


Did not space forbid, it would be a pleasing duty to men- tion by name and circumstance the many instances of indi-

Thirty-Fifth Regiment. 627

vidual heroism and meritorious conduct of the oiEcers and men of this famous regiment in its three and a haK years of service in the Confederate army.

Though its discipline was excellent, its drill admirable and its efficiency always remarkable, of its several commanders not one was a martinet or a trained soldier. He, who was its commander from April, 1862, to April, 1865, first as its Colonel, and then as General, was never known to court-mar- tial or put an officer under arrest; never had a private pun- ished or put on extra duty ; never asked for a court-martial in any case ; never preferred a charge against an officer or pri- vate. You may ask how was discipline secured and obedi- ence enforced. The answer is moral force. The rank and file were of the best material from which to obtain a volunteer army. They were patriotic, moral, tractable, willing always to undertake any service, to undergo any hardship; and though the regiment never had a Chaplain, the command was conspicuous for the religious tone that prevailed.

The subsequent conduct of those composing the regiment after they ceased to be soldiers and again resumed civil occu- pations, has been in harmony with their honorable record as soldiers. In addition to the references to certain officers and men that have been made in the progress of this sketch, we may state that at this present writing (9 April, 1901) Colo- nel James T. Johnston is a successful and beloved physician at Hickory, K". C. Lieutenant-Colonel S. B. Taylor is a prosperous merchant and influential citizen of Onslow. Major Robert E. Petty, a merchant, at one time in Raleigh and later at Sanford, has recently died. Captain Henry W. Humphrey and Lieutenant Brinson Venters, of Company A, prosperous and respected citizens of Onslow county. Captain G. W. Freeman, of Company B, a physician of large practice at Marion. Captain E. McN". Blue, of Company C, for many years sheriff of Moore County, respected and esteemed by all. Captain J. W. Philpot, of Company E, a prosper- ous farmer of Person county ; Captain S. G. Howie, of Com- pany F, a successful merchant at Monroe. Captain H. M. Dixon, of Company H, who had the honor twice to command his company, is a man of great popularity in his county of

628 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Mecklenburg, recognized as one of its best farmers and i man of great influence in his churcb.

Captain D. G. Maxwell, of the same company, has foi' thirty-five years or more been a magistrate in Charlotte. In that flourishing city his decisions are regarded among his- large clientele as the law and gospel, and if a minister does' not perform the marriage ceremony, the people do not tbi-nV themselves properly joined together unless " 'Squire Dave Maxwell" ties the knot.

Orderly Sergeant James M. Davis, of the same company^ is a leading man in his county, one of its most prosperous farmers and successful business men.

Captain Philip J. Johnston, of Company K, a merchant at Lenoir, Caldwell county, a citizen of largest influence and most highly esteemed.

First Lieutenant Pinkney Warlick, of the same company, often a member of the State Legislature, a successful man of affairs near Connelly Springs.

Among the ofiicers and men in this regiment are many heroes whose name and their deeds are recorded in the Book of Life. Here as gems of purest ray are concealed in the ocean's cave they may not be known, but a celestial glory is theirs and at the last great day they will receive their re-- ward.

W. H. S. Btjegwyn. Weldon, N. C,

9 April, 1901.

THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. cJmm'is8a^.°''P"""' *■"* ^'''"'*''* ^- «• !>• Willfamsoi.,Z Jeut., Co. E.


(second AETILLEBY.)

By colonel WILLIAM LAMB.

The Northern invader had early visited the sea coast of North Carolina. Hatteras had fallen 29 August, 1861. Northern emissaries had kindled the flames of disloyalty in the East, and 18 November, 1861, a convention of delegates claiming to represent forty-five counties met at Hatteras, re- pudiated secession, announced their loyalty to the Federal Union and named one Marble Nash Taylor, Provisional Gov- ernor of North Carolina. The conduct of these Tories, or Buffaloes as they were called, was a source of annoyance to the patriots, but only served to strengthen their loyalty to their country.

Continued disasters to the Confederate cause came before the winter had ended. Eoanoke Island was captured 8 Feb- ruary, 1862, and a few days after the Confederate fleet in the sounds was dispersed or destroyed. 14 March, 1862, New Bern was captured, 22 March Morehead City was occu- pied by the Federals, and on 26 April Fort Macon fell. All these Federal victories had been won after a gallant resis1> ance by the Confederates and the loss of many brave officers and men, carrying sorrow and mourning into many a South- em home.

10 May, 1862, Norfolk, the inland gateway to the waters of North Carolina, with its fortifications and navy yard, was evacuated by the Confederates. Mason and Slidell had been released by the United States, thus preventing the anxiously expected recognition by Great Britain.

It was in this dark hour, in the midst of doubt and gloom in the Old North State, that on 14 May, 1862, the Thirty- sixth (Second Artillery) Regiment North Carolina Troops, was organized at Fort Caswell under supervision of Briga- dier-General Samuel G. French, commanding the district of Cape Fear.

630 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

The regiment consisted of the following ten companies:

Company A -King's Artillery Captain James M. Ste- venson, from Sampson County.

Company B Bladen Sktrs Captain Daniel Munn, from Bladen County.

Company C Blocker's Artillery Captain O. H. Blocker, from Cumberland County.

Company D Anderson's Artillery Captain Edward B. Dudley, from New Hanover County.

Company E Columbus Artillery Captain O. H. Powell, from Columbus County.

Comi'any F Pamlico Artillery Captain Sam. B. Hun- ter, from Craven and Halifax Counties.

Company G Lamh Artillery Captain Potter, from Brunswick County.

Company H Clarendon Artillery Captain Daniel Pat- terson, from Bladen County.

Company I Bladen Artillery Captain John A. Rich- ardson, from Bladen Coimty.

Company K Brunsiuich Artillery Captain John D. Taylor, from Brunswick County.

Major William Lamb, of C. S. A., was elected Colonel; Captain John A. Richardson, of Company I, was elected Lieutenant-Colonel, and John T. Melvin was elected Cap- tain Company I. Captain John Douglas Taylor, of Com- pany K, was elected second Major, and William T. Brooks was elected Captain. January 23, 1864, Major Taylor was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in place- of Richardson, dropped, and Captain James M. Stevenson, of Company A, was elected Major, and Robert J. Murphy was elected Cap- tain.

Captain G-eo'. D. Parker, of Missouri, was appointed Ad- jutant; Captain Robert W. Lamb, of Virginia, Assistant Quartermaster ; Captain Charles H. Blocker, of Bladen, As- sistant Commissary; Dr. Spiers Singleton, of North Carolina, Surgeon, and Dr. Powhatan Bledsoe, of Virginia, Assistant Surgeon ; Rev. Luther McKinnon, of North Carolina, Chap- lain.

These companies were serving at different posts in the de-

Thirty-Sixth Regiment. 631

fense of the Cape Fear. Colonel Lamb remained at Fort St. Philip, Old Brunswick, until 4 July, 1862, when he relieved Major John J. Hedrick, in command of Fort Fisher and de- fenses of Confederate Point, including Zeke's Island. The command was afterwards extended to Masonboro inlet on the north. Fort Fisher was a small work which, together with adjoining batteries, mounted seventeen guns, only three of heavy calibre. Zeke's Island had two 32-pounder8. As a defense against a Federal fleet they amounted to nothing.

Blockade running into Wilmington had just commenced. It was first carried on by any light draft, sea-going steamer that could be procured, and even by small sailing craft, but this was of short duration. The blockade became so effective that to run it successfully required courage, nautical skill and a thorough acquaintance with the coast. The fastest steam- ers were built in Gi'eat Britain for the purpose, side wheelers, or double screws, long, low and narrow, visually nine times as long as wide, and from 400 to YOO tons burden. They were painted a light gray, mailing them as nearly, invisible as pos- sible, light lower masts witho'Ut yards, with a small look-out on the foremast. Smokestacks could be lowered close to the deck in case of need and, when possible, smokeless coal was used. 'No light was visible. No precaution was omitted to prevent discovery. The most skillful sailors were secured as commanders. Confederate and British naval ofiicers were engaged when practicable, the latter being on leave under assumed names. During the war about 100 different vessels were engaged in running the blockade into Wilmington. Of these, sixty-five steamers were captured or destroyed. One thousand pounds sterling was paid the captain and £750 to the pilot for a successful round trip. Very few were killed or wounded, although there were many narrow escapes. Blockade running was of vital importance to the Southern cause. During the last year of the war Lee's army depended upon it for subsistence. Wilmington was the last gateway closed, and New Inlet, defended by Fort Fisher, was the fa- vorite entrance for blockade runners. Besides the armament of the fort, light Whitworth guns and field pieces were trans- ported along the beach as far as Masonboro to protect friendly

632 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'(35.

vessels. The Thirty-sixth Kegiment and their associates in the garrison saved many steamers and millions of dollars worth of valuable property, arms, clothing, provisions, etc., which composed the cargoes of these steamers and of those run ashore to prevent capture. Among the many vessels saved by timely assistance are now recalled the Oomubia, Don, Venus, Banshee, Ad-Vance, Sumter, Mghthawk, Kate, Annie ajid Little Hattie. The garrison participated in the capture and destruction of the United States steamer Co- lumbia, which got ashore off Masonboro Inlet, 14 January, 1863.

In the engagements incident to the defense of blockade running, a number of Federal officers and men were killed and captured and some valuable boats were secured by the garrison of Fort Fisher.

In the latter part of July, 1863, the British steamship Kate was run ashore on Smith's Island, some six miles south of Fort Fisher, and taken possession of by the United States steamer Penobscot, when a company of the Thirty-sixth, with a Whitworth cannon detachment proceeded to the island, drove the enemy off, and re-captured the vessel, just in time to prevent her being blown up by powder placed in the cabin with an ignited slow match. Eleven blockaders, the fleet of both inlets, were driven off by this gun, which on the open beach was so well served, that nearly every shot took effect and the blockaders could not afford to be seriously damaged in the contention over a craft they expected at any moment would be blown up. Her cargo was saved and all her ma- chinery removed and sent to Richmond, where it was used in the ram Texas. The empty hull was gotten off at night and an attempt made to sail into New Inlet, but becoming becalmed, three miles from the mound battery, she was cut out by two Federal blockaders on 1 August, but not until the enemy's vessels were injured with loss of life and the wound- ing of some of their men.

In defending the wreck of the Hebe from the attack of the United States frigate Minnesota and gunboat James Adger, Private Daniel Holland, of Company B, was killed and sev- eral wounded 23 August, 1863, five miles north of Fort

Thikty-Sixth Regiment. 633

Fisher. The detachment had a 12-pound Whitworth and a small field piece behind an improvised sand battery to con- tend with over fifty heavy guns afloat. An attempt was made to send boats in to get hawsers fastened to the Hebe to pull her off, but the Confederates drove them off with mus- ketry. Three hundred and eight rounds of shot, shell, grape and canister were discharged by the enemy, who tore up the beach and finally drove the heroic men from their guns, which were captured, but not until they had damaged the James Adger with shot and shell and forced the enemy to destroy the Hebe. A more gallant fight against overwhelming odds was not witnessed during the war.

The garrison of the fort were ceaseless in their vigilance to protect and rescue friendly vessels and property. During the dark nights and in the early mornings succeeding, suc- cessful engagements were constantly occurring, accustoming the men to fearlessly brave the shot and shell of the Federal vessels. Admiral Porter, in his naval history of the Civil war, pays a deseirving tribute to the garrison when he says :

"The display of a twinkling light on board one of the gun- boats, near the bar, was a signal for a general discharge of the guns at Fort Fisher, and although these shots were more noisy than damaging, yet a stray shell striking one of the Federal boats would have knocked it to pieces."

The United States tug "Aster" chased the blockade runner "Annie" ashore under the guns of Fort Fisher on the night of 7 October, 1864 and was blown up.

The perfect code of signals arranged by the fort with block- ade runners gave tO' Fort Fisher the enviable reputation en- joyed by no other sea coast fortification, that while an enemy could not approach without an assault, no friendly vessel was ever fired upon, and none ever displayed a signal without an immediate reply and the setting of the range lights for their entrance.

During 1864, the ten companies of the Thirty-sixth JSTorth Carolina had been collected at Fort Fisher, and the works-had assumed formidable proportions.

On Zeke's Island the two gun battery at the entrance to the river had been washed away by the action of the tides, but a

634 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

mound battery had been erected sixty feet high on the ex- treme right of the sea face of the works mounting two heavy guns.

24 October, 1864, information was received that Wilming- ton was to be attacked by a large fleet and a supporting army ; at the same time the garrison was distressed to hear that Gen- eral Braxton Bragg had assumed command of the district of the Cape Fear, superseding the brilliant, capable and fear- less Major General W. H. C. Whiting, who, however, was to remain second in command.

22 November 1864, Company A, Captain E. J. Mur- phy ; Company C, Captain K. J. Bradley ; Company D, Cap- tain Edward B. Dudley; Company G, Captain William Swain; and Company I, Captain John T. Melvin, under command of Major James M. Stevenson, left for Georgia, to join the Confederate forces opposing Sherman's advance to Savannah.

A contemporary publication December 1864, says:

"At the late battle of Harrison's Old Field, which was an advance position, fourteen miles from Savannah, Major Ste- venson was in command with a part of his own battalion, (Thirty-sixth North Carolina) and parts of the Fiftieth and Fortieth and Tenth battalions. General Hardee did not in- tend them to fight the enemy, but merely to hold them in check for a few hours, but the order to retreat failing to reach the Major, with his small force he fought the enemy until flanked by two brigades, by whom he and his whole command came near being captured, for a Yankee brigade Avas in the road by which he would have to retreat.

"Major Stevenson, however, seems to have known the country better than General Hardee's informant, and made his escape with all his men, except thirteen killed. He also broiight off all his wounded, his artillery and wagons, and that same night marched into Savannah and reported in per- son to General Hardee, by whom he was warmly received and highly complimented."

20 December, 1864, the Federal Armada commenced gath- ering off New Inlet. At this time Fort Fisher extended across the peninsula 682 yards, a continuous work, mounting

Thikty-Sixth Regiment. 635

twenty heavy guns and having two mortars and four pieces of light artillery, and a sea face 1,898 yards in length, con- sisting of batteries connected by a heavy curtain and ending in the mound battery sixty feet high, mounting in all twenty- four heavy guns, including one 170-pound Blateley rifle gun and one 130-pound Armstrong rifle gun. At the extreme end of the point at the entrance to the Cape Eear river was Battery Buchanan, a naval command with four heavy guns.

When the fleet appeared the garrison consisted of Gompa- ny B, Captain Daniel Munn; Company E, Captain 0. H. Powell ; Company F, Captain Sam B. Hunter ; Company H, Captain Dan. Patterson, and Company K, Captain William T. Brooks, numbering an effective total of less than 450 of- ficers and men. The total number in the fort did not ex- ceed 500 in all the departments. Before the repulse of the enemy Greneral Whiting and staff arrived with Major James Eeilly, of the Tenth JSTorth Carolina (First Artillery) and two of his companies.

The effective total 25 December, 1864, was 1,431 consist- ing of 921 regulars, about 450 Junior Peserves and 60 sailors and marines. On the night of Friday, 23 December, an at- tempt was made by the enemy to destroy the works by ex- ploding the steamship Louisiana, with 250 tons of powder, about half a mile from the northeast salient of Fort Fisher. The explosion did no injury to the garrison or works, al- though the concussion was felt distinctly at Wilmington, a distance of twenty miles. The vessel was evidently afloat or the damage to the fort might have been serious.

At 12 :40 o'clock a. m. 24 December, the fleet consisting of the ironsides, four monitors and forty-five wooden steam frigates, sloops and gun boats, commenced a terrific bom- bardment, surpassing anything ever before known in naval warfare. For five hours a tremendous hail of shot and shell was poured upon the works, but with little effect. At 5 :30 o'clock p. m. the fleet withdrew. Strange as it may appear, no effort to cross the bar and run by the guns was made, al- though one vessel inside the river would have taken the works in reverse and compelled a surrender. There were in the fleet a number of vessels which had been blockade runners.

636 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

that had often entered this inlet. Some 10,000 shot and shell were fired by the fleet. The fort being obliged to husband its ammunition fired only 672 projectiles. The last gun was fired by Fort Fisher on the retiring vessels. In the first day's fight, one-half of the quarters were hurned, three gun carriages disabled, a light artillery caisson exploded, large quantities of the earth work torn and plowed up, with some revetments splintered, but not a single bomb-proof, or maga- zine injured. Only twenty-three men were wounded, one mortally, three seriously, and nineteen slightly. Never since the invention of gun powder was there so much harmlessly ex- pended as in the first day's attack on Fort Fisher. Among the acts of individual heroism, one must be mentioned : When the garrison flag staff, standing in the parade, was shivered by shot and shell and the flag had fallen, orders were given to Captain Daniel Munn, Company B, to raise a flag on the stafl' on the Mound battery. The halyards had become un- reeved and it was necessary to climb the staff to fasten the flag. Private Christopher C. Bland, of Company K, Thirty- sixth North Carolina, volunteered, climbed the staff under a heavy fire of the fieet and fastened the fiag. At once a ter- rific fire was poured on the Mound, and the lower eaad of the flag being cut loose, that heroic soldier repeated the daring act, amid the cheers of the garrison, and fastened the flag securely to- the staff, where it floated triumphantly, although torn and rent by fragments of shell, until the victory was M^on.

On Christmas day, at 10 :30 a. m., the fleet having come in, reinforced by another monitor and some additional wooden steamers, commenced an incessant bombardment, if possible, more noisy and furious than that of the preceding day. At 5 :30 p. m., a most terrific enfilading fire against the land face and palisade commenced, unparalleled in severity. Admiral Porter reported it at 130 shot and shell per minute, more than two every second. The men were required to protect themselves behind the traverses ; the extra men were sent to the bomb-proofs with orders to rally to the ramparts as soon as the firing ceased. As soon as this fire commenced, a line of skirmishers advanced towards the works. When the fire









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Thirty-Sixth Regiment. 637

ceased, the guns were manned and opened with grape and canister, and the palisade was manned by 800 veterans and junior reserves, l^o assault was made. Some of the enemy were killed and wounded and two prisoners were captured. Our casualties for the day were : Killed, 3 ; mortally wound, 2 ; severely, 7 ; slightly, 26. In the afternoon both of the seven inch Brooke rifles, manned by sailors, exploded, wounding a number of men ; five other guns were disabled by the enemy and the remaining quarters destroyed. No at- tempt was made to pass the fort, and none, except the ar- mored vg^sels, came within a mile of the heaviest guns. The firing was slower than on the previous days, only 600 shot and shell being expended, exclusive of grape and canister charges.

The fort again fired the last gun as the fleet withdrew at dark. There were only 3,600 shot and shell, exclusive of grape and shrapnel in the works, and as no attempt was made to run by the fort the firing was limited to prevent the ex- penditure of all the ammunition. Except when special or- ders were given the guns were only fired every half hour. In the two days the frigates Minnesota and Colorado fired 3,551 shot and shell, almost as many as were in all the batteries of Fort Fisher. It was this deliberate firing that gave the fleet the erroneous impression that the guns of the fort were silenced.

General Butler was severely criticised and retired from ac- tive service because he failed to capture the works. For this, he had himself to blame to some extent. On the evening of 25 December, without waiting for ofiicial reports, he listened to camp gossip and wrote Admiral Porter as follows :

"Gen. Weitzel advanced his skirmish line within fifty yards of the fort while the garrison was kept in their bomb proofs by the fire of the navy, and so closely, that three or four of the picket line ventured upon the parapet and through the sally port of the work, capturing a horse which they brought off, killing the orderly, who was a bearea* of a dispatch from the chief of artillery of General Whiting, to bring a light battery within the fort, and also brought away from the parapet the flag of the fort" This absurd statement was sent

638 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'6o.

North and has gotten a lodgment in current history and is repeated in General Grant's memoirs, although General But- ler coiTected the error in his official report. No Federal sol- dier entered Fort Fisher during this attack except as a pris- oner. The courier was killed and the horse captured within the enemy's lines, and the flag captured was a company ftag which was carried away and thrown off the parapet by an en- filading shot from the navy.

General Butler could not have captured Fort Fisher Christ- mas day. The armament and palisades were substantially uninjured, and the sub-terra batteries were in order. Gen- eral Whiting was correct when he wrote that but for the su- pineness of General Bragg the 3,500 men landed would have been captured on Christmas night, and it is incomprehensible why he should have allowed the 700 demoralized soldiers who had to remain on the beach on 26 December to escape unmo- lested with the 200 junior reserves who had been cowardly surrendered to them without resistance.

At night on 12 January, 1865, the lights of the returning fleet were seen to the north of Fort Fisher, and the fact was telegraphed to headquarters, Wilmington. The five compa- nies of the Thirty-sixth North Carolina had returned from Georgia, and this regiment constituted the garrison, about 800 strong. Daylight disclosed an even more formidable fleet than in the previous attack, with transports carrying 8,500 soldiers; and soon there rained upon fort and beach a storm of shot and shell which caused both sea and land to tremble. General Bragg had withdrawn his forces to a camp -sixteen miles distant, and the enemy again made a frolic of their landing on the shores of North Carolina.

All day and night on the 13th and lith the fleet kept up a ceaseless and terrific bombardment. Reinforcements were sent from the adjacent forts. It was impossible to repair damages at night. No meals could be prepared for the ex- hausted garrison, the dead could not be buried vsdthout fresh casualties. Fully 200 had been killed during these two days, and only three or four of the land guns remained serviceable. The Federal army had slowly been approaching up the river- side protected from observation by thd conformation of the

Thirty-Sixth Regiment. 639

ground. Quite early ou the lith they had possession of Craig's landing, about a mile from the Fort. In the after- noon a steam transport, the Isaac Wells, loaded with stores for the Fort, approached this landing which was plainly in the enemy's possession. She was fired at to warn her off, but she came up to the landing and was captured. The Con- federate steamer "Chickamauga" seeing her stupid surren- der, fired into her and sunk her. This incident showed that General Bragg was shamefully ignorant of the condition of affairs.

From the conformation of the Cape Fear river. General Bragg could have passed safely from his headquarters at Su- gar Loaf to Smithville and with a field glass have seen every- thing transpiring on the beach and in the fort, and in person, or through an aide, with the steamers at his command, could have watched every, movement of the enemy, and yet, thirty- six hours after the battle had begun, and long after Craig's Landing had been in the possession of the enemy, he sends into the enemy's lines a steamer filled •with needed stores that could have gone at night to Battery Buchanan unseen, and in the day with comparative safety. General Bragg was requested to attack the enemy under cover of the night when the fleet could not protect them. He was promised the co-operation of the garrison, and as our combined force nearly equaled them in numbers, and the garrison was familiar with the beach at night, we could have captured a portion if not the whole force. Strange to say, no response of any kind came, and the garrison waited in vain for General Bragg to avail himself of this opportunity to demoralize, if not capture the besieging forces.

On the morning of the 15th, the fleet which had not ceased firing during the night, redoubled its fire on the land face. The sea was smooth and the navy having become accurate from practice, by noon had destroyed every gun on that face except one Columbiad, which was somewhat protected by the angle formed by the northeast salient. The palisade had been practically destroyed as a defensive line and was so torn up that it actually afforded cover for the assailants. The harvest of the wounded and dead was hourly increasing and

640 North Carolina Troops, 1801-65.

at that time there were not 1,200 effective men to defend the long line of works. The enemy were now preparing to as- sault ; their skirmish line were digging rifle pits close to our torpedo lines on the left, and their columns on the river shore were massing for the attack while their sharpshooters were firing at every head that showed itself upon our front. At the same time on the ocean side a column of sailors and marines, 2,000 strong, were approaching, throwing up slight trenches to protect their advance. On these we brought to bear our single heavy gun on the land face and the two guns on the mound.

Shortly after noon General Bragg sent Hagood's South Carolina brigade, consisting of four regiments and one bat- talion, about 1,000 strong, under Colonel Graham, from Sugar Loaf by the river to reinforce the fort, landing them near Battery Buchanan. The fleet seeing the steamer land- ing troops, directed a portion of their fire towards her, and although she was not struck and no casualties occurred, after landing a portion of the men (two of the regiments), inglori- ously steamed off with the remainder. iN'ever was there a more stupid blunder committed by a commanding general. If this fresh brigade had been sent to this point the night be- fore, they could have reached the fort unobserved, could have been protected until needed, and could have easily repulsed the assault by the army on our left ; but landed in view of the fleet they had to double-quick over an open beach to the mound under a heavy fire. When they reached the fort, 350 in number, they were out of breath, disorganized, and more or less demoralized. They reached our front about thirty minutes before the attacking columns came like avalanches on our right and left.

There were engaged in the defence of the fort from 13 to 15 January, the Thirty-sixth North Carolina (2d Art.), ten companies; Fortieth North Carolina (3d Art.), foiir com- panies, D, E, G and K; Tenth North Carolina (Ist Art.), two companies, F and K; First North Carolina Battalion, Company D ; Third North Carolina Battalion, Company C ; Fifth North Carolina Battalion, Company D ; Confederate States naval detachment, sailors and marines; Twenty-first

Thirty-Sixth Regiment. 641

Sovith Carolina Eegiment and Twenty-fifth South Carolina Regiment.

At 3 :30 o'clock p. m. the lookouts reported that the enemy were about to charge, and at my request General Whiting tel- egraphed General Bragg at Sugar Loaf as follows :

"The enemy are about to assault; they outnumber us heav- ily. We are just manning our parapets. Fleet have ex- tended down the sea front outside and are firing very heavy. Enemy on the beach in front of us in very heavy force, not more than '700 yards from us. Nearly all land guns disabled. Attack ! Attack ! It is all I can say and all you can do."

The naval bombardment ceased, and instantly the steam whistles of the vast fleet sounded a charge. "Clamorous har- bingers of blood and death."

I ordered my aide, Captain Charles H. Blocker, to double-quick the Twenty-first and Twenty-fifth South Caro- lina to reinforce Major Reilly, who was in command of the left, while I rallied to the right of the land face some 500 of the garrison, placing the larger portion of them on top of the parapet of and adjoining the northeast salient. There were at least 250 men defending the left, and with the 350 South Carolinians ordered there and the Napoleon and tor- pedoes, I had no' fears about the successful defense of that portion of the work.

The assaulting line on the right, consisting of 2,000 sailors and marines, was directed at the northeast salient at the in- tersection of the land and sea faces, and the greater portion had flanked the torpedoes by keeping close to the sea. Or- dering the two Napoleons at the sally port to join the Colum- biad in pouring grape and canister into their ranks, I held in reserve the infantry fire. Whiting stood upon the parapet inspiring those around him. The sailors and marines reached the berme and some sprang up the slope, but a mur- derous fire greeted them and swept them down. Volley after volley was poured into their faltering ranis by cool, deter- mined men, and in half an hour several hundred dead and wounded lay at the foot of the bastion. The heroic bravery of their officers, twenty-one of whom were killed or wounded, 41

642 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

could not restrain the men from panic and retreat and witli small loss to ourselves we witnessed what had never been seen before, a disorderly rout of American sailors and marines.

But it was a Pyrrhus victory. That magnificent charge of the American navy upon the centre of our works, enabled the army to effect a lodgment on our left with comparatively small loss.

As our shouts of triumph went up at the retreat of the naval forces, I turned to look at our left and saw to my amazement several Federal battle flags upon our ramparts. General Whiting saw them at the same moment, calling on those around him to pull down those flags and drive the en- emy from the works, rushed towards them followed by the men on the parapets. It was in this charge that the fear- less Lieutenant Williford was slain.

In order to make an immediate reconnoissaace of the posi- tion of the enemy, I went through the sally port and from outside the work witnessed a flerce hand to hand conflict for the possession of the fourth gun chamber from the left bas- tion. The men, led by the fearless Whiting, had driven the standard bearer from the. top of the traverse and the enemy from the parapet in front. They had recovered one gun chamber with great slaughter, and on the parapet and on the long traverse of the next gun chamber the contestants were savagely firing into each others faces, and in some cases club- bed their guns, being too close to load and fire. Whiting was quickly wounded by two shots and had to be carried to the hospital. I saw that my men were exposed, not only to the fire from the front, but to a galling infantry fire from the left salient, which had been captured. I saw the enemy pouring in by the river road apparently without resistance.

Ordering Captain Adams, who was at the entrance to the sally port, to turn his Napoleons on the column moving into the fort, the gallant Major Mayo having already turned his Columbiad upon them, I re-entered the work, and rallying the men, placed them behind every cover that could be found, and poured at close range a deadlier fire into the flank of the enemy occupying the gun chambers and traverses than they were able to deliver upon my men from the left salient.

Thikty-Sixth Regiment. 643

While thus engaged, I was informed by my aide, Captain Blocker, that the South Carolinians had failed to obey my order, although their oiEcers pleaded with them, and only a few had followed their flag and gone to the front ; that the as- saulting column had made two charges upon the extreme left and had been repulsed ; that the torpedo wires had been de- stroyed by the fire of the fleet and the electrician had tried in vain to execute my orders to explode the mines when the en- emy had reached the foot of the work ; that, driven from the extreme left, the enemy had found a weak defense between the left bastion and sally port in their third charge, and had gained the parapet, and, capturing two gun chambers, had attacked the force on the left on their flank, simultaneously with a direct charge of another brigade, and that our men, after great slaughter, had been compelled to surrender just as we had repulsed the naval column ; that to add to the discom- fiture of the Confederates, as soon as the Federal battle flags appeared on the ramparts. Battery Buchanan had opened with its two heavy guns on the left of the work, killing and wounding friend and foe alike. This was rather dishearten- ing, but I felt if we could hold tlie enemy in check until dark, I could drive them out, and I sent a telegram by him to Gen- eral Bragg imploring him to attack, and that I could still save the fort.

General Bragg in his official report does gross injustice to the garrison when he says : "The army column preceded by a single regiment approached along the river and entered the work on that flajik almost unopposed."

General Terry says in his report that 100 sharpshooters with Spencer repeating carbines, were sent forward to within seventy-five yards of tlie work and dug pits for their shelter, and "as soon as this movement commenced the parapet of the fort was manned and the enemy's fire both of musketry and artillery opened." The assaulting column consisted not of a regiment, but of Curtis' brigade, supported closely by two other brigades, a total of not less than 5,000 troops.

The enemy were unable to enter by the river road, and some of the most desperate fighting done in the work was in the space between the left bastion and the river shore.

644 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

Notwithstanding the capture of a portion of the work and several hundred of the garrison, the Confederates were still undaunted and seemed determined to recover the captured salient and gun chambers.

We had taken one of these in the charge led by Whiting, and since we had opened on their flank we had shot down their standard bearers and the Federal battle flags had dis- appeared from our ramparts ; we had become assailants and the enemy were on the defensive, and I felt confident we would soon drive them out of the fort. Just as the tide of battle seemed to have turned in our favor, the remorseless- fleet came to the rescue of the faltering Federals. Suddenly the bombardment which had been confined to the sea face during the assaults, turned again on our land front and with deadly precision. The iron clads and frigates drove in oui' two Napoleons, killing and wounding nearly all the men at these guns, which had been doing effective service at the en- trance to the sally port. They swept the recaptured gun chamber of its defenders, and their 11 and 15-inch shells- rolled down into the interior of the work, carrying death and destruction in their pathways. They drove from the para- pets in front of the enemy all of my men except those so near that to have fired on them would have been slaughter to their own troops.

Nor was this all. We had now to contend with a column advancing around the rear of the left bastion by the river into the interior plane of the fort. It moved slowly and cau- tiously, apparently in column of companies and in close order. I met it with an eii'ective infantry fire, my men using' the remains of an old work as a breast work and taking ad- vantage of every object that would offer cover, for we were- now greatly outnumbered. The fire was so unexpected and so destructive, combined with the shells from Battery Buch- anan, on the massed columns of the Federals, that they halted when a quick advance would have overwhelmed us. Giving. orders to dispute stubbornly any advance, I went rapidly down the sea face and turned the two mound guns and two Columbiads on this column in the fort. Unfortunately these' were the only ones available. I brought back with me to the"

Thirty-Sixth Regiment. 645

front every man, except a single detachment for each gun. On my return I found the fighting still continuing over the same traverse for the possession of the gun chamber, despite the fire of the fleet. As the men would fall others would take their places. It was a soldiers' fight at that point, for there could be no organization ; the officers on both sides were load- ing and firing with their men. If there was ever a longer or more desperate' hand to hand fight during the war, I have never heard of it. The Federal column inside had not ad- vanced a foot, and seemed demoralized by the fire of the ar- tillery and the determined resistance of the garrison. More than a hundred of my men had come with me, and I threw them in front with those already engaged. Going to the South Carolinians who were in a position to flank the enemy, I appealed to them to rally and help save the fort. I went to the sally port and had Adams' two JSTapoleons brought out and manned, and opened on the enemy. I went along the gal- leries and begged the sick and slightly wounded to come out and make one supreme effort to dislodge the enemy. As I passed through portions of the work, the scene was indescriba- bly horrible. Great cannon broken in two, their carriages wrecked, and among their ruins the mutilated bodies of my dead and dying comrades. Still no tidings from Bragg ! The enemy's advance had ceased entirely ; protected by the fleet, they still held the parapet and gun chambers on the left, but their massed columns refused to move, while those in their rear, near the river, commenced entrenching against any as- sault from us. I believed a determined assault with the bay- onet would drive them out. I had sent word to our gunners not to fire on our men if we became closely engaged with the enemy. The head of their column was not over 100 feet from the portion of our breastwork where I stood, and I could see their faces distinctly while my men were falling on either side of me.

I passed quickly down the rear of the line and asked of- ficers and men if they would follow me; they all responded fearlessly tliat they would. I returned to my position and giving the order, "charge bayonets !" sprang upon the breast- works, waved my sword, and, as I gave the command "for-

646 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ward, double-quick, inarch," fell on my knees, a rifle ball having entered my hip. The brave Lieutenant Daniel K. Perry fell mortally wounded at my side. We were met by a heavy volley, aimed too high to be very effective; but our column wavered and fell back behind the breastwork. A soldier raised me up and I turned the command over to Cap^ tain Munn, who was near me, and told him to keep the en^ emy in check and that as soon as my wound was bandaged, I would return. Before reaching the hospital I was so weak from the loss of blood that I realized that I could never lead my men again. In the hospital I met G-eneral Whiting suf' fering uncomplainingly from his wounds. He told me that Bragg had ignored his presence in the fort and had not noticed his messages.

Perceiving the fire of the garrison had slackened, I sent my Adjutant, John IST. Kelly, for Major James Reilly, next in command, (Major Stevenson, who died shortly after in prison, being too ill for duty). Reilly came and promised me that he would continue the fight as long as it was possible, and nobly did he keep his promise. I again sent a message to Bragg begging him to come to the rescue. Shortly after my fall the Pederals made an advance, and capturing several more of the gun chambers, reached the sally port. The column in the work advanced and was rapidly gaining ground when Major Reilly, rallying the men, including the South Carolinians, drove them back with heavy loss. About 8 o'clock my aide came to me and said the supply of ammuni- tion was exhausted and that Chaplain McKinnon and others had gathered all from the dead and wounded and distributed it ; that the enemy had possession of nearly all the land face, and it was impossible to hold O'Ut much longer and suggested that it would be Avise to surrender, as a further struggle would be a useless sacrifice of life. I replied that while I lived, 1 would not surrender as Bragg would surely come to our rescue in time to save us. General Whiting declared that if I died he would assume command and would not surrender. I have been blamed for unnecessarily prolonging the fight, but when it is remembered tliat I had promised the noble women of Wilmington who had visited the fort after our Christmas vie*

THIRTY-SIXTH EEGIMENT, 1. Robert J. Murphy, Captain, Co. A. 3 E L Pai<!nn ist T io.l^ n„ a

8. O. H. Powell, 6aptainfco,E._ _ t ^ t Huo?eA'fst Lfeui!. "co F

R 1,7 ri T^ , „v, . Hunter, 1st Lieut., Co. F.

6. W. C. Daniel, 2d Lieut., Co. F.

Thirty-Sixth Regiment. 647

tory, that their homes should be protected by my garrison, and that General Lee had sent word that if the fort fell he could not maintain his army, (and that meant the loss of our Cause), is it to be wondered that I felt it my sacred duty, even after I was shot down, to appeal to officers and men to fight in defense of the last gateway to the South, as long as there was a ray of hope ?

I had a right to believe that the troops which General Lee sent to our assistance would rescue us, and if Bragg had or- dered Hoke to assault with his division late that afternoon, we would have recovered the works. I have positive infor- mation that so determined was our resistance that General Terry sent word to General Ames, commanding the three brigades assaulting us, to make one more effort, and if un- successful, to retire. General Abbott, who commanded a brigade, and who lived in ISTorth Carolina after the war, told Captain Braddy that at one time during our fight, only one colored brigade held Bragg's army in check, and they were so demoralized that five hundred veteran troops could have captured them. But an. all wise Providence decreed that our gallant garrison should be overwhelmed.

In less than an hour after I refused to surrender, a fourth brigade, (three were already in the fort), entered the sally port and swept the defenders from the remainder of the land face. Major Eeilly had General Whiting and myself hur- riedly removed on stretchers to Battery Buchanan where he proposed to cover his retreat.

When we left the hospital the men were fighting over the adjoining traverse and the spent balls fell like hail stones around us. The remnant of the garrison then fell back in an orderly retreat along the sea face, the rear guard keeping the enemy engaged as they advanced slowly and caiitiously in the darkness as far as the mound battery, where they halted. Some of the men, cut off from the main body, had to retreat as best they could over the river marsh, while some few unarmed artillerists barely eluded the enemy by following the sea- shore.

When we reached Battery Buchanan there was a mile of level beach between us and our pursuers, swept by two 11-

648 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

inch gnns and a 24-pound6r, and in close proximity to the battery a commodious wharf where transports could have come in safety at night to carry us off.

We expected with this battery to cover the retreat of our troops, but we found the guns spiked and every means of transportation taken by Captain R. F. Chapman of our navy, who, following the example of General Bragg, had aban- doned us to our fate. The enemy threw out a heavy skirmish line and sent their fourth brigade to battery Buchanan, where it arrived about 10 o'clock p. m. and received the surrender of the garrison from Major James H. Hill and Lieutenant George D. Parker. Some fifteen minutes before the surren- der, while lying on a stretcher near General Whiting outside of the battery witnessing the grand pyrotechnic display of the fleet over the capture of Eort Eisher, I was accosted by Gen- eral A. H. Colquitt, who had been ordered to the fort to take command, I had a few minutes hurried conversation with him, informed him of the assault, of the early loss of a por- tion of the works and garrison, and that when I fell it had for a time demoralized the men, but that the enemy was equally demoralized by our unexpected resistance, and I as- sured him if Bragg would even then attack, a fresh brigade landed at Battery Buchanan could retake the work. It was suggested that the general should take me with him as I was probably fatally wounded, but I refused to leave, wishing to share the fate of my garrison, and, desiring that my precious wife, anxiously awaiting tidings across the river, should not be alarmed, spoke lightly of my wound. I asked him to carry General Whiting to a place of safety as he came a vol- unteer to the fort. Just then the near approach of the en- emy was reported and Colquitt made a precipitate retreat, leaving O'ur belg-ved Whiting a captive, to die in a Northern prison.

One more distressing scene remains to be chronicled. The next morning after sunrise a frightful explosion occurred. My large reserve magazine which my ordnance ofSoer, Cap- tain J. C. Little, informed me contained some 13,000 pounds of powder, blew up, killing and wounding more than a hun- dred of the enemy and some of my own wounded officers and

Thirty-Sixth Regiment. 649

men. It was an artificial mound, covered with luxuriant turf, a most inviting bivouac for wearied soldiers. Upon it were resting Colonel Alden's One Hundred and Sixty-ninth New York regiment, and in its galleries were some of my suf- fering soldiers. Two sailors from the fleet, stupefied with liquor, looking for plunder, were seen to enter the stmcture with lights and a few moments after an explosion occurred. The telegraph wires, between a bomb proof near this maga- zine across the river to Battery Lamb, gave rise to the impres- sion that the Confederates had caused the explosion, but an official investigation traced it tO' •these drunken soldiers.

So stoutly did our works resist the 50,000 shot and shell thrown against them in the two bombardments that not a mag- azine or a bomb proof was injured, and after the land arma- ment with palisades and torpedoes had been destroyed, no assault could have succeeded in the presence of Bragg's force, had it been under a competent officer. Had there been no fleet to assist the army at Fort Fisher the Federal infantry could not have assaulted it until its land defences had been destroyed by gradual approaches.

For the flrst time in the history of sieges, the land defences of the work were destroyed, not by an act of the besieging party, which looked on in safety, but by the concentrated fire, direct and enfilading, of an immense fleet, poured upon them for three days and two nights without intermission until the guns were dismounted, torpedo wires cut, palisades breached, so that they afforded cover for the assailants and the slopes of the work rendered practicable for assault.

I had half a mile of land face and one mile of sea face to defend with 1,900 men, for that is all I had from first to last in the last battle. I have in my possession papers to prove this statement ; I knew every company present and its strength. This number included the killed, wounded and sick. If the Federal reports claim that our killed, wounded and prisoners showed more, it is because they counted as a part of the garrison those captured outside of the works who were never in Fort Fisher or estimated them from inaccurate reports. I have challenged the correctness of the absurd claim of their having taken over 2,000 prisoners, and the

650 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

War Kecord office has aeknowleged it was guess work. The error doubtless occurred from the fact that Bragg reported the garrison as consisting of 110 commissioned officers and 2,400 men, or 2,510, he having charged us with 1,000 men sent 15 January under G-raham, only 350 of which landed; 650 taken from 2,510 leaves 1,860. Add detachment of sailors and marines, and it gives about 1,900.

To capture Fort Fisher, the enemy lost by their own state- ment, 1,445 killed, wounded and missing. ISTineteen hun- dred Confederates with forty-four heavy guns, contending against 10,000 men on shore and 600 heavy guns afloat, kill- ing and wounding almost as many of the enemy as there were soldiers in the fort, and not surrendering until the last shot was expended. Should not North Carolina gratefully re- member them?

With the fall of Fort Fisher and the capture of its garri- son, the services of the gallant Thirty-sixth North Carolina Regiment were not ended. It was reserved for Lieutenant- Colonel John D. Taylor, and a detachment of this regiment, who were absent on leave when the fort was taken, to cover themselves with glory as a part of the famous "Red Infantry" at the battle of Bentonville.

After the evacuation of Forts Caswell and Campbell, on reaching Fort Anderson, Colonel Simonton was ordered to join his brigade and all the troops were placed under Lieuten- ant-Colonel Taylor, who was attached to Greneral Hagood's brigade. They remained at Fort Anderson about thirty days, the fort being shelled the latter part of the time by the Federal fleet.

After several times checking the advance of Coxe's troops, the Confederates fell back to Wilmington, reaching there 21 February, 1865, and next day, 22 February, they evacuated Wilmington as a part of General Hoke's division.

They then marched to Kinston to check Schofield's advance from New Bern. After participating with General Hill in an engagement at Cobb's Mill, they marched through Golds- boro, to Bentonville, in Johnston county, where they joilied the army under General Joseph E. Johnston. Here, the last great battle of the war was fought, beginning Sunday, March

Thirty-Sixth Regiment. 651

1865. Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor fearlessly led a charge and captured the breastworks, although defended by a largely su- perior force. He led 267 rank and file, including a detach- ment of the Thirty-sixth North Carolina Regiment, and came out with only 115. Every officer was killed, wounded or cap- tured save two. Colonel Taylor lost his left arm; Captain Brooks, of Company K, his right arm; Colonel Hunter, of Company F, wounded, but not seriously. I have not learned if any other officers of our regiment were present. In that magnificent charge Captains Taylor, Rankin and McDougal, of MacRae's Battalion, were mortally wounded.

Officers who had served in the army of iN'orthem Virginia said it was the hottest infantry fight they had ever been in ex- cept Cold Harbor. Thus in the closing act of the fearful drama of our Civil War, the glorious Thirty-sixth North Carolina added with their copatriots to the undying fame of the Confederate soldier.

When in the coming years the historian shall write of the peerless valor and self-sacrificing patriotism of the soldiers of this grand old Commonwealth, none will stand higher and brighter on the pages of history, than the Thirty-sixth North Carolina Regiment.

William Lamb, Colonel. Norfolk, Va.,

9 April, 1901.

JSToTE.- Among the defences of Wilmington was Fort Fisher, protecting the northern channel of the Cape Fear river, at New Inlet. The fort was the strongest work of the Confederacy. It was built by Colonel Lamb after plans of his own, approved by Generals French, Beauregard and Whit- ing. Its model is now kept at West Point, as one of the tri- umphs of military engineering; the only other model of the kind at the Academy is the Malakoff redoubt from Sebastopol. It was inside of Fort Fisher the brave General Whiting fell. Editoe.

C^-C. ^O^-Sl/ cL-'fT?---" .'

JBH t^'X <^>^^i^S


o w •^^ S"M•''S^ "^^P'^'"'.*^"- ?; 5- R- M. Staley, 1st Lieut., Co. F

^- ^v,T; ^ H''^°i^°,"v?''-P'?">,^°;,^- ^- ■«'■ Lewis Battle, 2d Lieut., Co. D.

3. Chas. T. HaiRh, 1st Lieut Co. B. 7. Iowa M. Royster. 2d Lieut. Co G

4. Octavius A. Wiggms, 1st Lieut.. Co. E. 8. John T. Forrester, 2d Lieut Co F

9. Edward A. T. Nicholson, 2d Lieut., Co. E. •. v.u. i:.


By OCTAVIUS A. WIGGINS, 1st Lieutenant, Company E.

This regiment, which was destined to figure so conspicu- ously in the Army of Northern Virginia, was organized by Colonel Charles C. Lee at High Point, N. 0., the Field Of- ficers all receiving their commissions on 20 Noveanber, 1861. Its organization was as follows:

Chaeles C. Lee^ Colonel.

Wm. M. Baebee^ Lieutenant-Colonel.

John Gt. Beysoh-^ Major.

Wm. T. Nicholson, Adjutant.

RoBEET M. Staton, Ensign.

E.OBEET M. Gates, Assistant Quartermaster.

John O. Alexandee, Quartermaster Sergeant.

H. D. L. Stowe, Assistant Commissary.

A. L. Stough, Chaplain.

James Higeeson, Surgeon.

Company A Captain, John Hartsog.

Company B Captain, Jonathan Horton.

Company C Captain, Jam.es M. Potts.

Company D Captain, John B. Ashcraft.

Company I>— Captain, Wm. Y. Farthing.

Company F Captain, Charles IST. Hickerson.

Company G Captain, John G. Bryant

Company H Captain, Wm. P. Rankin.

Company I Captain, John K. Harrison.

Company K Captain, John Roes.

On the completion of its organization it was moved to 'New Bern, E". C, where it received its baptism of fire on 14 March, 1862, in battle at that place. Lieutenant-Colonel Barber commanded it. Colonel Lee being assigned to the com- mand of the left wing of General Branch's army. Although

654 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

fighting under great disadvantage, the regiment behaved vrith great credit to itself and showed plainly of what material it was composed, reinforcing most beautifully Colonel Camp- bell, of the Seventh, whose lines were first broken. It is well to state in the beginning that the greater part of the regiment was composed of haxdy mountaineers, as fine looking body of men as ever marched to the tap of a drum. Outnumbered at every point, the small army of General Branch was com- pelled to fall back to Kinston and after a short rest the Thir- ty-seventh was taken to Falling Creek.

On 31 March, 1862, General L. O'B. Branch's Brigade was organized, consisting of the following regiments : The Seventh, Colonel Eeuben P. Campbell; Eighteenth, Colonel James D. Kadcliffe ; Twenty-eighth, Colonel James H. Lane ; Thirty-third, Colonel Clark M. Avery; and the Thirty-sev- enth, Colonel Charles C. Lee. This noted brigade, composed entirely of JSTorth Carolina troops, was then sent to Virginia, where it remained until the final sad ending at Appomattox, unbroken in its organization. It proceeded directly to Gor- donsville, where it remained several days, was then ordered to join General Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley. After marching two days orders were received tO' counter-march to Gordonsville, and from there to the vicinity of Hanover Court Housa On Tuesday, 2Y May, General Branch fought the battle of Hanover Court House with his brigade against the entire corps of Fitz John Porter. The brunt of this bat- tle falling upon the Thirty-seventh and Eighteenth Eegi- ments. The Thirty-seventh fought only as brave men could fight, against overwhelming odds, driving the enemy from its front and forcing him to take shelter in the dense woods under the protection of his batteries. The regiment held its ground from 1 p. m. until night, when General Branch fell back to Ashland. One of the most remarkable incidents hap- pened in Company G, from Alexander County, that occurred in any company in the Confederate Army during the entire war. There were four brothers in the company named Eobi- nett; three of them, William P. Robinett, Joel B. Eobinett, and John C. Eobinett, were killed upon the field. Earely in history can we find where a single family made such a sac-

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 655

rifice upon the altar of its country. At Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Frazier's Farm and Malvern Hill the regiment responded protmptly to every call for dangerous service and its loss of 138 men in these various engagements tells of its fidelity to duty. At the battle of Frazier's Farm, on 30 June, the regiment lost its beloved Colonel, Charles C. Lee, while gallantly leading it on to victory. It is sufiicient to say General D. H. Hill, under whom Colonel Lee served as Lieu- tenant-Colonel in the old Bethel Regiment, regarded him as one of the finest officers of the South. Lieutenant-Colonel Barber was then promoted tO' the Colonelcy of the regiment. After forcing McClellan to Harrison's Landing, the regi- ment returned to the neighborhood of Richmond for a few days and then to Gordonsville. On 9 August it moved rap- idly to Cedar Run and arrived with the brigade just in time to check the advance of Pope's army. Early and Taliaferro were yielding ground when we rushed upon the field and quickly formed into line, and by well-directed volleys, sent the over-confident enemy back across the field in confusion to the shelter of the works. Just then the Federal cavalry made one of the most brilliant and gallant charges that was made by cavalry, upon infantry, during the entire war. The Thirty-seventh, with the whole brigade, reserved its fire until the column came in point-blank range, when it poured a withering volley into it, sending it back in "confu- sion worse confounded." This cavalry charge was never for- gotten by the regiment ; it always expressed the desire to re- ceive a similar one. The loss of the regiment in this action was 2 killed and 13 wounded.


Longstreet's Corps having joined Jackson, General Lee sent the latter upon his wonderful flank movement to Pope's rear. The Thirty-seventh was one of the regiments that kept pace with the "Foot Cavalry," covering more than fifty miles in two days, its fare being principally green com gathered by the wayside. At Manassas Junction it was one of the regiments that charged Taylor's New Jersey Brigade across Bull Run on 27 August, completely annihilating it. Moving

656 North Carolina Troops, l«6l-'65.

back to the Junction it feasted sumptuously for several houra upon the captured stores, then took its position with Jackson's forces behind the unfinished railroad cut to await the coming of Pope's army. On the 28th it made its appearance and formed in three lines of battle came on like the waves of the ocean; several well directed volleys hurled them back, but quickly reforming, they came again and again until night put an end to the terrible slaughter. This was kept up upon the 29th and 30th; the Thirty-seventh manfully held its posi- tion, although at times it would scarcely have a round of am- munition left to the man.

Generals A. P. Hill and Branch could often be seen dis- mounted urging their men to hold their ground at the point of the bayonet. The loss of the Thirty-seventh in the three days' fighting was 13 killed and 6Y wounded.

Pope falling back towards Washington, Jackson again cut him off at Ox Hill on 1 September, and a fierce battle en- sued. A chilling rain-storm drenched the men to the skin, causing the muskets to choke and fire badly. The regiment here again bore its part nobly, losing 5 killed and 18 wounded. The firing ceased at dark as if by mutual consent.

The Thirty-seventh endured the hardships of the first Maryland campaign and from Frederick City it recrossed the Potomac at Williamsport and was part of the force that in- vested Harper's Ferry from the Virginia side. It was one of the regiments that scaled the heights overlooking the Shenan- doah, river and took position on Bolivar Heights, where on the following morning, 15 September, it witnessed the sur- render of the garrison in Harper's Ferry. It remained with A. P. Hill's Division to receive the surrender and made that memorable forced march to the battlefield of Sharpsburg on 17 September, just in time to hurl back the victorious forces of Bumside across the Antietam. In this battle the Thirty- seventh fought behind a stone fence, and its loss was only 4 men woimded, but it was called upon to mourn the loss of its brigade commander. General L. O'B. Branch, who was then so rapidly rising in militao-y prominence and was so dearly beloved by his troops.

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 657

At Shepherdstown it was one of the regiments that crossed the large com field in the face of a withering artillery fire and helped drive the enemy back across the Potomac with slight loss, only 4 wounded ; this action took place on 20 Sep- tember. It was one of the regiments detailed to tear up the Baltimore & Ohio Eailroad from Hedgesville to ISTorth Moun- tain Depot, and did the work well. For several weeks the regiment did picket duty while encamped near Snicker's Gap.

About 1 ISTovember, General McClellan's army crossed the Potomac and proceeded via Warrenton in the direction of Fredericksburg. Longstreet's Corps soon left the valley and took position near Culpepper Court House. Jackson's forces remained in the Valley watching the Federal army under General Burnside, who had succeeded General McClellan, until it was clearly evident it was moving on Fredericksburg ; Jackson then, by a series of rapid marches, concentrated his troops in the vicinity of Guinea Station.


On 12 December, Lane's Brigade took its position in line of battle behind the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad cut, a short distance South of Deep Run. The following day, 13 December, 1862, the battle of Fredericksburg was fought. The Thirty-seventh Regiment was upon the right of Lane's Brigade, with its right resting upon a marshy swamp where no troops were placed. On the opposite side of this swamp Archer's Brigade held the railroad. The field was enveloped in fog which concealed the enemy's movements, but the air was very conducive to sound and we could plainly hear the commands of the ofiicers as they were forming their lines for the assault. At 9 o'clock a line of battle advanced from under cover of the river bank, but was driven back by our artillery and Lane's skirmish line. About noon the fog lifted and heavy columns of the enemy were throwu into the unfortunate gap between Lane and Archer ; while the Thirty- seventh had cleared its front almost with the first volley, we could plainly see the enemy rushing across the railroad on our right. Colonel Barber then deflected his three right com- 42

658 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

panies and formed them, to the rear at right angle to^ the track. The regiment made a bloody and gallant struggle to hold its position, but Archer's left and Lane's right were forced to give back upon our reserves, who drove the enemy back across the railroad with great slaughter and re-estab- lished our lines. The loss of the regiment is not known to the writer, except that it was very great.

After the battle the regiment went into winter quarters at Moss JSTeck, about eight miles farther down the river, where it remained and did picket duty, with the other four regi- ments of the brigade, the remainder of the winter.


On 29 April, 1863, the familiar boom of cannon comes wafted on the spring breezes from the direction of Fredericks- burg. Its increasing sound soon convinces us that the cam- paign of 1863 had opened and we must bid adieu to pleasant and comfortable quarters and face grim war in all its horrors. We could not foresee that our noble old regiment was to be called upon to bear its bloody part in two of the bloodiest and hardest contested battles ever fought upon the American Con- tinent, before the year would end. Large columns of sol- diery could be seen moving from their camps, all converging upon the direct road to Fredericksburg. A few hours march and we take our position in the second line of battle upon these historic hills. We could only see about 30,000 of the enemy in the plain below and knew our struggle would be in another direction. On 1 May, at daylight, we marched for Chancellorsville, but took no part in driving Hooker back to his fortifications at that place. Skirmishers were thrown out on arriving there, and we occupied the front line during the night. On 2 May the regiment started early in the morn- ing, with Jackson's Corps, on that wonderful and world re- nowned flank movement of General Stonewall Jackson around Hooker's army in broad daylight, the grandest movement ever made by any general upon the chess board of warfare. On reaching the turnpike in rear of Hooker's army, Rodes' and Colston's Divisions were formed into line of battle and put in motion, the Thirty-seventh Regiment led Hill's division

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 659

which was in column on the pike, consequently we were al- most in the second line. General Jackson rode at the head of the regiment and all eyes were upon him. Our lines soon struck Hooker's rear and a running fight was kept up until night, or about sun set, when A. P. Hill was ordered to the front. As the Thirty-seventh led Lane's Brigade, which was the leading one of the division, as a matter of course, we got the brunt of artillery fire, the most unmerciful ever known upon one single point of any battlefield, for the enemy had collected 43 pieces of cannon to stop Jackson's onslaught and were firing on Hill's men as they approached Fair View. Fortunately for us, it lasted but a short time, when we were moved down the road about one hundred yards and took pos- session of the enemy's inner or last breastworks, those immedi- ately around Chancellorsville House, without firing a gun. This shows clearly the panic-stricken state Hooker's right wing was in. The brigade was formed with the Thirty- seventh on the right of the road, the Seventh on its right, the Eighteenth on the opposite side, or left of the road, the Twen- ey-eighth on the left of the Eighteenth ; the Thirty-third de- ployed as skirmishers covering the entire front of the brigade. Rapid firing was continuous on the skirmish line until long after General Jackson was wounded, but no serious effort made to retake the works ; so the poor, weary men, crouched down behind the works to rest and "bitterly think on the mor- row."

General J. E. B. Stuart, who took command of the corps after Jackson and A. P. Hill were wounded, moved his line forward early the next morning, 3 May. During the night the Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth were moved to our right placing the whole of Lane's brigade upon the right of the turnpike ; we moved forward as if upon parade and the bloody work commenced ; we drove the enemy from the woods and took possession of the little works they had thrown up during the night and held them until relieved by other troops. Col- onel Barber in his official report says : "During the entire en- gagement my officers and men behaved gallantly. Lieuten- ant Charlton C. Ragin, Company K, was killed gallantly commanding his company. The annexed tabulated state-

660 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

ment will show that my total loss is as follows : One officer killed, 19 officers wounded; 35 men killed, 175 wounded; 8 missing. I do not hesitate to say that it was the bloodiest battle Siat I have ever witnessed." The regiment always, to the very end of the war, regarded this battle as the bloodiest and hardest contested of all its experience. Its position was more exposed to the enemy's artillery than any other regi- ment in the entire corps, and its loss far greater than that of any other.

After the enemy was defeated at every point and driven across the river the regiment returned to its old camp at Moss Neck, where it enjoyed one more month of rest and enjoy- ment. After the death of our beloved General, Stonewall Jackson, there was a reorganization of the army, dividing it into three corps, our brigade being placed in Pender's Divis^ ion of the Third Corps, commanded by General A. P. Hill. On tlie morning of 6 June the Thirty-seventh Kegiment, for the third time, occupied the old line of battle at Fredericks- burg, where the Third Corps remained watching a portion of the Federal army that had crossed the Rappahannock, until the 15th. The enemy having recrossed the river our corps commenced its march northerly in pursuit of the First and Second Corps.


By rapid forced marches the regiment crossed the Potomac on the 25th and reached Fayetteville on the 27th, where it rested until the 30th, when it resumed its march and arrived upon the battlefield of Gettysburg on the morning of 1 July, and formed line of battle in rear of Heth's Division, which was then heavily engaged. Our brigade was on the right of our division and the Thirty-seventh Regiment on the right of the brigade, consequently we were the extreme right of the ad- vancing column. Company G, under Captain Hudson, was deployed as skirmishers on our rightflank to guard against the enemy's cavalry. The whole line moved gallantly forward and secured possession of Seminary Ridge, the brigade extending from the McMillan House to near the Fairfield road on the left. It was not otherwise engaged during the day. We

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 661

held this position all day on the 2d under a severe artillery fire, but were not actively engaged. Our Major-General, W. D. Pender, received his mortal wound upon this day. On the morning of the 3d, Lane's and Scales' North Carolina brigades were sent, under command of Major-General Trim- ble, to the right to reinforce Longstreet ; after getting in our position our new commander rode down the line and halted .at different regiments and made us little speeches saying he was a stranger to us and had been sent to command us in the absence of our wounded general, and would lead us upon Cemetery Hill at 3 o'clock. About 1 o'clock p. m., the re- port of a cannon far to the right was heard and was quickly answered by one of Earl's far away to the left; these were signal guns which announced the opening of one of the sever- est artillery duels the world has ever known. The earth fairly shook for two hours, then the .firing ceased almost as suddenly as it had commenced and the infantry moved for- ward. It was a grand sight, as far as the eye could see to the right and to the left two lines of Confederate soldiers with waving banners pressing on into the very jaws of death. Trimble's command was the second line in support of Petti- grew. Lane upon the left and Scales upon the right. In a few minutes after the start we were obliqued rap- idly to the left to take the place of Brockenborough's Brigade, which had broken; over the Emmettsburg road we went and rushed for the stone wall, the line all the while seemed to be melting away. When the order came to retire, those who were spared did so in perfect order never anything like a panic, as some people think and halted at the position from which we had started. Our loss was severe, especially in ofiicers. We regret not having the official list of casualties at hand, but well remember the loss in killed of the following officers: Major Owen N. Brown, Lieutenants I. M. Royster, Lewis Battle, Dorothy, John P. Elms, W. IST. Nichols and Wm. Mickle.

We held our position all day on the 4th, no movement being made on either side, and commenced the retreat soon after dark and marched all night through a drenching rain. Lane's Brigade led the Third Corps on the march during the 5th,

662 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

the Thirty-seventh Regiment again leading the brigade, Gen* erals Lee and A. P. Hill riding just in front of us the entire day. On the 6th we reached Hagerstown, bivouacked three days, then formed line of battle and entrenched, but Meade did not dare attack, to the great disappointment of the Con- federates, for they wanted revenge and felt sure we would get it. On the night of 13 July the army crossed the Poto- mac ; on the morning of the 14th while Heth's and Pender's Divisions were waiting at Falling Waters to cross the river, the men being nearly all asleep, a squad of cavalry dashed up and mortally wounded General Pettigrew. The Thirty- seventh, with the brigade, was formed in line and did some very nice skirmishing, holding back a force that threatened our rear until the wagon train and all the troops had passed over the river, when it crossed on the pontoon bridge. The Thirty-seventh was one of the last, if not the very last, to cross. While at Hagerstown on 10 July, Lieutenant Thomas L. ISTorwood, of Company A, who had been shot through the breast and captured at Gettysburg, came marching into camp disguised in the most ridiculously looking and fitting coun- tryman's suit of clothes imaginable, having secured it at Get^ tysburg in one of the houses around the hospital, and al- though suffering greatly from his wound, he managed by his wit and cunning to- march through the Federal lines and into ours ; he was then sent to the headquarters of General Lee and took a cup of coffee with that distinguished person- age. He was considered one of the finest officers of the Thirty-seventh. The regiment fell back with the army and reoccupied the lines of the Rapidan, going into camp near Orange Court House and doing picket duty at Morton's Pord.

Colonel Barber in a report made about this time to the Ad- jutant-General of ISTorth Carolina, says :

"The regiment has lost one hundred and fifty men killed, seventy who have died of wounds, three hundred and two who have died of disease, and three hundred and thirty- two have been wounded and recovered. Total loss killed and wounded, five hundred and fifty-two; to which add three hundred and two who have died of disease, and we have a total Of casualties amounting to eight hundred and

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 663

fifty-four men. Fourteen commissioned officers of this reg- iment have been killed or mortally wounded, and ten others permanently disabled by wounds. This does not embrace the names of those officers who have been wounded but were not disabled by their wounds. There are but six officers in this regiment who have not been wounded, and a large num- ber (both officers and men) have been wounded several times.

IS'otwithstanding the heavy loss of my regiment in battle I now have present four hundred and forty-two officers and men, and am able to give the enemy a good fight whenever it is necessary."

In that splendid campaign of strategy, when Lee pushed Meade back from the Rappahannock to Centreville, this regi- ment moved with the brigade and formed line of battle at Bristoe Station on the 14th, but was not in the bloody battle that took place. On the return of the army to the Rappa- hannock, it was detailed to destroy the Orange and Alexan- dria Railroad. Perhaps it may be of interest to know how this was done. The rails were ripped up and pens made of the cross-ties, the rails then laid on the pens which were set on fire, the irons soon become red hot in centre, when half a dozen soldiers would seize each end and run to a telegraph post, or tree, and play circus by running rapidly around it bending the rail three or four times around the post. We then went into camp on the Rappahannock, near Brandy Sta- tion, where we remained several weeks, then took up the march to the old lines on the Rapidan. While on the march the Thirty-seventh was hurried rapidly back to assist our cav- alry which was being driven back by the Federal cavalry; the regiment was formed on the left of the Warrenton road and a battery placed on the right, as our cavalry came rush- ing back closely followed by the Yankee cavalry. The battery opened and the Thirty-seventh, from its concealed position, poured a murderous volley into them. It was a sudden and bloody check. The Thirty-seventh pursued them several hun- dred yards down the road until not one could be seen, it then rejoined the brigade and with it returned to our old camps at Liberty Mills, on the upper Rapidan, and went into winter quarters, but General Meade not content to allow the cam-

664 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

paign of 1863 to end without another struggle, crossed at the United States and Germania Fords and we marched to Mine Eun and fortified strongly across Meade's front. This was on 26 JSTovember, and the army remained here several days. The suffering of the poorly clad men from cold was intense ^be- yond anything ever experienced by the Army of Northern Virginia. A regular blizzard prevailed the whole time it re- mained there. The enemy failed to attack, but recrossed the river and the regiment, with the brigade, returned to its camp.

The only event of interest that occurred during the winter was an exciting snow ball battle; a short description may be of interest. The Thirty-third, under Lieutenant-Colonel R. V. Cowan, marched from its camp to that of the Seventh and captured it without a battle. The two then proceeded to the camp of the Eighteenth and demanded its surrender, which was immediately given. Colonel Cowan then sent a challenge to the Thirty-seventh and Twenty-eighth for battle. These two regiments accepted the challenge and' formed line of battle under command of Captain W. T. Nicholson, on the edge of a hill in front of our camps, threw out skirmishers and waited ; the enemy soon appeared across an open field witli a strong line of skirmishers in front, and the battle opened by their driving our skirmish line in, the three as- saulting regiments came to the attack beautifully, but one volley from the Twenty-eighth and Thirty-seventh drove them back down the hill ; again they returned and again were driven back. Eallying in the valley, they re-formed and made a vigorous assault, breaking our center driving us into our camps, where we retreated to our shanties and surren- dered to a pot of rice, bacon and com bread. Our winter quarters life at dear old Liberty Mills was by far the most pleasant we ever had, the young officers enjoying the society of the beautiful young ladies of whom there were many in Orange County. All pleasures have an ending and ours ended on 4 May, 1864, when we turned our faces towards the east to meet General Grant with his mighty host. We bivouacked that night near Vidiersville and resumed the march on the morning of the 5th. About 12 o'clock the heavy boom of

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 665

cannon in front told us that the enemy had been met. Contin- uing our march we soon came upon the enemy's dead in great numbers on either side of the road. As we entered the Wil- derness heavy firing was heard in front of us, on the right of the plank road. Our division, then commanded by Wilcox, formed in line of battle, swept through the Wilderness, obliquely to the left, for about two hundred yards, captur- ing about two hundred prisoners ; we were then withdrawn, with the division, to the Plank road to assist Heth's division which was then hard pressed by overwhelming numbers. The Thirty-seventh was the rear regiment of the division, and as it was leaving the Plank road it was reported that the enemy was approaching from the left of the road; it was detained there and did not take part in the engagement that evening, but lay still, watched and listened to the heaviest musketry it had ever heard ; as Wilcox went in the whole Wilderness roared like fire in a canebrake. At nightfall the Thirty- seventh joined the brigade a short distance tO' the right of the road. JSTone of the brigades seemed to be in line some reg- iments isolated entirely from their brigades- in fact, no line at all, but just as they had fought. In this disorganized fix we received the heavy attack of Hancock on the morning of 6 May the men were willing to fight, but had no chance, 'twas "confusion worse confounded." The Thirty-seventh was borne gradually back by other disorganized troops luithout firing a gun. One hundred yards or so in rear we struck a road down which Longstreet's men were coming at doiible- quiek, as we passed through their ranks they could not resist the temptation of giving us a little chaffing. Some wanted to know if we belonged to General Lee's army. We didn't look like the men they had left here "we were worse than Bragg's men." These old veterans of Longstreet wheeled into line and the tide of battle turned, the Yankees were driven far back into the Wilderness. The Thirty-seventh, which was never disorganized or confused, formed with the brigiide on the left of the Plank road and fortified, remaining there until the night of the 8th, when we took up the march for Spottsylvania Court House, arriving there about 12 o'clock on 9 May.

666 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

spottsylvania couet house.

The brigade formed with the Thirty-seventh on the right, then the Seventh, Thirty-third, Eighteenth and Twenty- eighth, and commenced immediately to fortify. On the evening of the 10th we were withdrawn (the whole brigade) and double-quicked to the left to re-establish our lines that had been broken, but this was done before we arrived, so we returned to our fortified position in front of the Court House.

The 11th passed without any fighting anywhere on the line, but at daylight on the 12th the enemy attacked heavily at the salient, which Johnson's Division held, breaking and captur- ing almost his entire division. They then swept up the lines towards our brigade, capturing part of the Twenty-eighth and Eighteenth. The four regiments on the left of the Thir- ty-seventh then swung back and formed at right angle to that regiment, the enemy advanced in heavy force up the line, receiving a severe oblique fire from the Thirty-seventh and the direct fire from the rest of the brigade, which drove them from the field. The entire brigade then alvanced several hundred yards over the works, but. were soon ordered back, and finding other troops occiipying the works, we were or- dered back to the Court House. General Lee, with several general ofiicers, sat on their horses just in front of us. Cap- tain W. T. JSTicholson, of Company E, Thirty-seventh Regi- ment, who then commanded the sharpshooters of the brigade, was sent for and reported to General Lee in person. General Lee directed him to take his corps of sharpshooters across the works and ascertain, if possible, how far the enemy's left extended. Nicholson exhibited extraordinary bravery and intelligence advanced beyond his men, procured the neces- sary information, hurried back and reported to General Lee ; the regiment, with the brigade, was ordered over the works and several hundred yards from them formed at right angles to our works. As we advanced to cross the works a battery was playing upon us. One shell exploded in Company D, Thirty-seventh regiment, killing the Captain and eight men. General Lee was riding very close to us at the time. General Mahone's brigade of Virginians formed just in rear of us;

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 667

we advanced as soon as formed; as the Thirty-seventh emerged from the oak woods through which we had advanced, a battery planted in an open field not more than one hundred yards o£E, opened upon us with grape and canister. This sud- den and bloody surprise was calculated to break the sturdiest veterans, but it had no effect upon the Thirty-seventh, except the loss of many of its brave men.

The writer now begs to chronicle an act of bravery which surpassed anything he witnessed during the entire war. As this fire was received by the Thirty-seventh, Lieutenant Charles T. Haigh, of Oorapany B, rushed twenty odd yards in front, with hat in one hand and sword in the other, shout- ing to his men to come on. Other officers, inspired by his noble example, rushed forward with him and led the regi- ment to the battery, not a gun being fired until we reached it, when halting, it poured in one volley, killing every man at the battery. It was the only instance which came under the observation of the writer where a charge was led by officers. We read often of such things, but they seldom happen ; they generally remain in rear of their men to keep from being shot by them. Wheeling to the left from the battery and fighting with desperation, poor Charley Haigh fell dead by the side of the writer, the bravest of the brave. Let us drop a tear to the memory of that noble boy who now sleeps upon that bloody battlefield.

Wheeling still farther to our left we strike Burnside's troops, who had charged our works and been defeated. Then and there in those oak woods a scene with clubbed musket and bayonet took place which was too horrible to describe. Every one was trying to fight his way back to our works. Our brig- ade captured three stands of colors, two of them by the Thirty- seventh. General Lane says in his official report: "First Lieutenant James M. Grimsley, Company K, Thirty-seventh Regiment, with a small squad of men, had the honor of cap- turing the colors of the Seventeenth Michigan and about thirty prisoners. Lieutenant Grimsley is a very brave man. Lieutenant O. A. Wiggins, Company E, Thirty-seventh Reg- iment, was captured by the enemy, but by his boldness, suc- ceeded in making his escape and brought off with him the

668 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

flag of the Fifty-first Pennsylvania Regiment and several prisoners. Private J. H. Wheeler, a brave soldier of Com- pany E, Eighteenth Regiment, is entitled to the credit of capturing the battery flag. The charge of the Thirty-seventh North Carolina Regiment upon a battery of six guns, was one of the grandest sights I ever saw."

The loss of the regiment in this engagement was 4 oflacers killed, 3 wounded ; 18 men killed, 30 men wounded ; 2 officers missing, 38 men missing. Officers killed: Captain H. C. Grady, Company D ; Lieutenant E. A. Carter, Company A ; Lieutenant C. T. Haigh, Company B ; Lieutenant B. A. Johnston, Company C. Officers wounded: Ensign R. M. Stanley, Captain D. L. Hudson, Company G ; E. H. Russell, Company I. Officers missing: Colonel Wm. M. Barber, Lieutenant J. D. Brown, Company C. From the 12th to the 20th the regiment lost 6 men wounded, one man killed ; Cap- tain W. T. Nicholson was badly wounded in the shoulder by a piece of shell on the 14th. On the afternoon of the 21st we moved to the right, beyond our works, and formed line of battle, charged the enemy's breastworks and captured them. The regiment had one officer wounded and two men, officer wounded Lieutenant O. A. Wiggins, Company E. The following order was read to the brigade on the 13th:

Headquaetees Aemy Noetheen Vieginia^

On Battlefield. Major-General C. M. Wilcox, Commanding Division:

Geneeal : General Lee directs me to acknowledge the re- ceipt of the flags captured by Lane's Brigade in its gallant charge of yesterday, and to say that they will be forwarded to the honorable Secretary of War, with the accompanying note and the names of the brave captors.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

0. S. Venable^ A. D. 0.

From Spottsylvania the regiment marched with the brig- ade to Jericho Ford, where it fought the battle of that name, losing one man killed, two officers and nineteen men wounded,

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 669

two men missing. Officers wounded : Lieutenant J. B. Som- erville, Ooinpany B; Lieutenant J. M. Grimsley, Com- pany K.

From 27 May to 1 June the regiment was continually marching and skirmishing, losing seven or eight men. Officer wounded: Lieutenant A. F. Yandle, of Company I, on 3 June. As all official records of losses sustained after 3 June were destroyed, no further attempt will be made to give minute descriptions of the movements of the regiment, but simply state it sustained its good name to the end. At Friz- zell's Mill, Deep Bottom and on the Weldon road, it fought bravely and was in the grand charge made by the three vet- eran North Carolina brigades 25 August on Hancock's en- trenched position at Reams' Station. The Thirty-seventh always contended that it was one of the first regiments that carried the entrenchments. The next real engagement was at Jones' Farm, where we lost our beloved Colonel, Wm. M. Barber, who fell while talking to the writer of this sketch, just before our lines advanced. We advanced and drove the enemy over a mile back when night put an end to the battle. It was a bloody affair, but little mention has ever been made of it as few troops were engaged ; it took place on 30 Septem- ber, 1864. The next day, 1 October, the brigade advanced with Major Wooten's Corps of sharpshooters in front. Major Wooten managed in some way to slip past and capture about 300 prisoners, we took possession of the enemy's breastworks and held them all day, but were subjected to an annoying skirmish fire; the Thirty-seventh had several men killed by them. During the action on 30 September the regiment behaved most beautifully, not once halting until ordered to do so at night. About the middle of JSTovember the regiment, with the brigade, built little shanties in rear of the works near the Jones House to make themselves as comfortable as possi- ble through the winter, a strong picket line being kept in front day and night. On 8 December the regiment marched with the brigade, to Jarrett's Station to meet a demonstration of the enemy in that direction, but returned without a battle. This march was one of the most trying the regiment ever ex- perienced. It snowed and rained and sleeted the whole time,

670 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

the ground being so slick after the sleet that it was impossible, almost, to stand. Men conld often be seen marching on the sleety ground with no shoes on. On the night of 24 March, 1865, Lane's Brigade moved through Petersburg and took po- sition to support Gordon in his attack on Hare's Hill. We were not engaged, but the position held by the Tbirty-seventh subjected it to a merciless artillery fire for several hours. We returned to our position and the next day our skirmish line having been taken General Lane was ordered to re-establish it. We did so about daylight the next morning, having one ofl&cer, Lieutenant Bro^vn, and several men of the Thirty-seventh wounded. On 1 April the troops on our right were with- drawn and sent to Five Forks. To fill the gap made vacant by their withdrawal the brigade was deployed in skirmish line ten paces apart behind the works; just as day was break- ing on 2 April our poor, little weak line, was assaulted by three lines of battle. After a stubborn resistance, we were overpowered and our lines taken, the regiment losing five officers, Captains W. T. Nicholson, Hudson and Petty, Lieu- tenants Tankersley and Ross. The line was forced back to Fort Gregg; a part of the Thirty-seventh, with other troops, undertook to defend the fort. It made a splendid defence, but after hours of hard fighting it yielded to overwhelming numbers and all were captured. That night the regiment fell back with General Lee's army and surrendered with it at Appomattox under the command of Major Jackson L. Bost.

Thus closed the career of one of the most gallant regiments that left the State of North Carolina, or any other State, for the scene of war. Organized by one of the finest officers of the State and brought up to that high standard of discipline necessary in all organized bodies, she maintained it to the last. Always ready, never murmuring, she covered herself with glory upon upwards of one hundred bloody battlefields.

When the lines were broken on the morning of 2 April, the brave senior Captain of the regiment, W. T. Nicholson, was killed. He had been with the regiment from the begin- ning and had participated in thirty odd battles. The writer, who as First Lieutenant, would have succeeded to the Cap- taincy, was captured. He received a scalp wound, the m-uzzle

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 671

of the gun being in such close proximity to his head as to blow powder into his face, nearly destroying his eyes and knocking him senseless upon the ground. Of course he was captured and reaching the enemy's lines, he found many of his friends there who had been captured at the same time. The wound proved to be of small consequence and his friends set them- selves to work picking the powder from his face, which they succeeded in doing very nicely. The prisoners were then sent to City Point and from there to Washington. The next day a train load of officers was started for Johnson's island, when near Harrisburg, Pa., in the dead hours of the night, the writer jumped from the window of the car while it was running at the rate of forty miles an hour. Why he did not break his neck, the Lord only knows, but he was not even hurt, except a few scratches on the forehead where it plowed in the sand. Fortunately for him, he had on a suit of clothes made of an old gray shawl, such as the students at Chapel Hill wore before the war, cutting off the brass buttons from the coat and vest and substituting wooden pegs, he was in perfect disguise and passed as a laborer, working a day or so at once place, then moving farther south, until he reached Baltimore, thence by steamer to/Richmond, but too late to do any more fighting for G-eneral Lee had surrendered. He pro- cured a parole and started for his home in Halifax County, N. O. ; when near Garysburg, in Northampton County, he met a regiment of negro soldiers who had gone from ]S"orf oik to Wel- don to put telegraph wires in fix, or rather tO' escort the tele- graph i men; about a dozen stragglers stopped him and robbed him of the money he had made in Pennsylvania and Mary- land; then one concluded to kill him, leveled his gun and pulled trigger, but one of his companions knocked his gun up just at that instant, the ball passing over the writer's head, again blowing his face full of powder. They then left him to his fate. This was the last gun the writer ever heard fired by a Yankee soldier.

I have attempted not to mention the name of any living person in the body of this sketch. While so many vied with one another and struggled so hard upon many a bloody field, it seems unjust to single out one from among so many brave

672 North Cakolina Teoops, 1861-'65.

men to give special praise, and yet I feel I would be derelict of my duty if I neglected to mention the meritorious conduct of one who, upon every battlefield without a solitary excep- tion, was the most cool, collected person it was my privilege to know during the war. This was Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. G. Morris, of Dallas, IST. C. I do not know even now whether he is living or not.

"Honor to whom honor is due" is a true maxim, and it be- hooves us now to let posterity know in what light, we, his old comrades, regarded him. By common consent we "dubbed" him the Marshal Ney of the gallant old Thirty-seventh. A little story is told of him at Chancellorsville. On the even- ing of 22 May, while the regiment was undergoing a most unmerciful artillery fire and had thrown itself flat on the edge of the turnpike, he remained standing on the road, his friends in the meantime urging him to lie down, which he re- fused to do. Soon a piece of shell struck him on the foot. "See that," he exclaimed. "If I had been lying down like you darn fools, it would have hit me on the head."

This recalls another little incident which happened at the same time and afforded me a great deal of amusement, but may not be such to those who may read it unless they knew the parties. I will therefore attempt a short description of the principal one. While this terrible artillery fire was going on, one of my company commenced praying. We all perhaps did the same, but not quite so conspicuously as he did. He went down low and loud, long and strong. He prayed for all he was worth. When the firing ceased and we took our posi- tion in the road ready to move, a squatty little fellow named George Patrick, almost as broad as he was long, with a face something like a dinner plate and red as a turkey's snout, and a mouth almost from ear to ear, made a little speech. It ran about thus : "Gentlemen, I want to tell you all something, and I want these ofiicers to remember it. I'm never gwine to stay in another such place as that. You may shoot me if you want to, but if you take me in another place like that, I'm a-goin' to leave, but gentlemen, didn't Mitchell pray ?" then opened that big mouth and laughed as if there was no such thing as cannon balls. "Pat" was a great pet with us, one of

Thirty-Seventh Regiment. 673

the best soldiers in the company ; but would under all circum- stances have his fun. He passed through the entire war, was in every battle the regiment was engaged in, without re- ceiving a scratch. *

Memory often takes me back to those trying days and I fight my battles over and shed my tears in silence over the many dear fallen friends, shattered hopes and cruel misfor- tunes. The world does not know of what material the Army of General Lee was composed, and I regret to say the genera- tion in the South that has grown up since the ending of that bloody struggle regard it with either indifference or as a fortunate ending. This of course is mortifying indeed to those who struggled so hard and so long for what they knew to be right. Yes, we fought in the conviction that we were de- fending those inalienable rights guaranteed by our forefath- ers. I often think those who now sleep upon far away battle fields are the most blessed, because they never realized the mortification of a subjugated people.

After leaving our position under the terrible bombard- ment at Hare's Hill, we were informed of the death of our old comrade, Captain Edward T. jSTicholson. Captain JSTichol- son had left us in the early part of 1863 by promotion on Genera] Lane's staff as I. G. and was aftenvards transferred to General Eobert D. Johnston's Brigade as A. A. G.

Closely connected with him for years at college and in the army, I can truthfully say now, thirty-six years after his death, that I have never yet known that man who in my hum- ble opinion, has reached that high standard of morality that Edward T. ISTicholson possessed. In seven short days fol- lowed the death of his noble brother. Captain William T. JSTicholson. The writer of this sketch knew him intimately. We had fought upon twenty odd battle fields together, and it was my privilege and duty in the heat of battle, while re- ceiving instructions from him, to watch him closely, and in all of these conflicts, no matter how trying the circum- stances, never saw him lose his balance. He was a man "bom to command men," and had he lived he would have proved a great factor in adjusting political affairs during re- construction days. 43

674 North Carolina Troops. 1861-'65.

JSTo'W I wish to say one word of praise of the noble men who fell at Gettysburg. Major Owen IST. Brown, the bravest of the brave, idolized it might be said by his regiment, gave up his life there and planted close to him in one grave are those three noble graduates of Chapel Hill 'Iowa M. Royster, Lewis Battle and William Mickle. Poor Koyster, how well do I remember his coming to me as we were about to advance and showing me a hole in his pants, and telling me he was shot through the thigh, but he intended to keep on with the command. There are few men who would not have gone to the rear, but not so with Royster. I can see him now in his new uniform with flashing sword, he cheered his men on apparently totally oblivious of the fact that a shrapnel bullet had already passed through his right leg, on he rushed until the last drop of his manly blood was spilt upon his country's altar. Children of the South, can jon hear of these noble feats of your coun- trymen without having your hearts swell with pride?

General James H. Lane, our Brigade commander, was all that a true soldier could be upon a battlefield. Noth- ing could excite him and when he put his troops in battle he always went with them. Always enjoying good health and miraculously escaping a mortal wound, he kept close with his brigade and passed through as many battles as any person in the Confederate army, dearly beloved by his entire brigade.

It is with much diffidence that I submit this sketch, for I feel as if I have not done justice to the grand old regiment. I now place my humble wreath of immortelles at the shrine of the noble men who composed the gallant old Thirty-seventh.

OcTAvius A. Wiggins. Wilmington, N. C,

9 April, 1901.


1. John Asbford, Colonel 2. Robert F. Armfleld, Lieut.-Colonel.

3. IVFiles H. Cowles, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant.


By lieutenant-colonel GEORGE W. FLOWERS.

The Thirty-eighth Eegiment of IS'orth Carolina Troops was formed of volunteers who enlisted for twelve months, and was organized" at Camp Mangum, near Ealeigh, N. C, lY January, 1862, under the command of Major J. J. Iredell, commander of the post. The regiment was composed of the following companies:

Company A Spartan Band, Duplin Counij A. G. Moseley, Captain ; First Lieutenant, D. Gr. Morrisey ; Second Lieutenant, Alsa J. Brown; Junior Second Lieutenant, D. ]£■ Pearsall.

Company B Men of Yadkin, Yadkin County C. L. Cooke, Captain; First Lieutenant, E. F. Armfield; Second Lieutenant, A. W. Blackburn; Junior Second Lieutenant, L. F. Haynes.

Company C Sampson Farmers, Sampson County Peter B. T'roublefield, Captain; First Lieutenant, E. F. Allen; Second Lieutenant, John F. Wilson ; Junior Second Lieuten- ant, Hinton J. Hudson.

Company D Sampson Plowhoys, Sampson County Jno. Ashford, Captaia; First Lieutenant, E. Bell; Second Lieu- tenant, A. D. King; Junior Second Lieutenant, H. C. Dar- den.

Company E Richmond Boys, Richmond County Oliver H. Dockery, Captain; First Lieutenant, S. M. Ingraham; Second Lieutenant, D. G. McEae ; Junior Second Lieutenant, M. W. Covington.

Company F Catawba Wildcats, Gatawha County Joshua B. Little, Captain; First Lieutenant, D. McD. Yount; Second Lieutenant, H. L. Eoberts; Junior Second Jjieutenant, F. D. Eoseman.

676 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Company G Rocky Face Bangers, Alexander County^ G. W. Sharpe, Captain; First Lieutenant, John E. Rhein; Second Lieutenant, George W. Flowers ; Junior Second Lieu-^ tenant, James W. Stephenson.

Company H Uwharrie Boys, Randolph County ISToah Eush, Captain; First Lieutenant, L. D. Andrews; Second Lieutenant, J. IST. Keames; Junior Second Lieutenant, N. H. Hopkins.

Company I Cleveland Marksmen, Cleveland County 0. P. Gardiner, Captain ; First Lieutenant, G. Blanton ; Sec ond Lieutenant, D. Magness; Junior Second Lieutenant, O- Beam.

Company K Carolina Boys, Cumberland County M* McR. McLaughlin, Captain ; First Lieutenant, Angus Shaw ; Second Lieutenant, A. M. Smith ; Junior Second Lieutenant, D. A. Moore.

The regiment was organized (Company K being absent), by electing William J. Hoke, Lincoln County (Captain of Company K, Bethel Regiment), Colonel; Captain Oliver H. Dockery, Richmond County, Lieutenant-Colonel; Captain George W. Sharpe, Alexander County, Major.

The following officers were then appointed :

HoEACE L. Robaeds^ Lincoln County, Quartermaster.

Benjamin H. Sumnee^ Lincoln County, Commissary.

Miles M. Cowles, Yadkin County, Adjutant.

Petee W. Young^ Granville County, Surgeon.

J. Stuaet Devane^ Duplin County, Assistant Surgeon.

D. M. McIntyee, Duplin County, Sergeant Major.

Maeion Roseman^ Catawba County, Quartermaster Ser- geant.

William C. Webb, Cleveland County, Commissary Ser- geant.

John 0. Watees, Cleveland County, Color Sergeant.

CoLOE GuAED, J. J. Johnson, Company H ; S. B. Herriiig, Company C ; F. A. Clifton, Company C ; J. H. Irving, Com- pany G; D. A. Black, Company K.

Rev. Julian P. Faison, Chaplain, Company A.

Lieutenant R. W. Capell was elected Captain of Company

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 677

3E, to succeed Captain Dockery; Lieutenant John E. Khein, Company G, was elected to succeed Captain Sharpe ; George M. Yoder, Company F, was elected Second Lieutenant to succeed H. L. Eobards; George W. Flowers, Company G, was elected First Lieutenant to succeed Lieutenant, Ehein ; Oliver H. Patterson, Second Lieutenant, to succeed G. W. Flowers; D. G. McEae, Company E, was elected Second Lieutenant, to succeed Lieutenant Capell.

On 10 February, 1862, the regiment was ordered to pro- ceed to Washington, N. C. ; but on reaching Goldsboro the or- der was changed and the regiment ordered to Halifax, thence to Hamilton. On 12 February, under orders from General Gatlin, the troops returned to Halifax, and then proceeded to Weldon to defend the bridge at that point, reaching Camp Leventhorpe on the east side of the river, near Garysburg, on the 14th. The regiment remained here until the 18th, when it was ordered to Camp Floyd, on the west side of the river, neao* Weldon. While in Camp at this place there was much sickness and many deaths. On the 21st the regiment was ordered to Camp Vance, two miles east of Goldsboro, on the Wilmington & Weldon Eailroad, and on the 22d was air tached to the Third .Brigade, Army of JSTorth Carolina, com- manded by General Joseph E. Anderson. This brigade was composed of the First South Carolina Eegiment, Colonel Hamilton; Thirty-fourth ISTorth Carolina, Colonel Leven- thorpe ; Thirty-eighth North Carolina, Colonel Hoke ; Second Georgia Battalion, Captain Doyle; Third Louisiana Battal- ion, Lietitenant-Colonel Bridford. On 8 April, the Forty- fifth Georgia, Colonel Hardiman, and on 10 April, Forty- ninth Georgia, Colonel Lane, were attached to the brigade.

While here the troops received news of the passage of the conscript law, which gave some dissatisfaction, because they thought it unfair to hold twelve-month troops for a longer time, but after careful consideration they cheerfully acqui- esced. On 18 April, 1862, General Holmes, in command at Goldsboro, ordered the regiment at Camp Mason to re-organ- ize for the war. The result was as follows :

Thos. S. Kenan, Colonel, (did not accept) ; Wm. J. Hoke elected on 24th.

678 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

R. F. Aemfield^ Lieutenant-Colonel.

L. D. AndeewSj Major.

Company A— A. G. Mosely, Captain; D. D. Morrisey, First Lieutenant; N. E. Armstrong; Second Lieutenant; A. J. Brown, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company B 0. L. Cook, Captain; A. W. Blackburn, First Lieutenant; L. F. Haynes, Second Lieutenant; J. B. Hare, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company C— J. T. Wilson, Captain; R. F. Allen, First Lieutenant; Hinton J. Hudson, Second Lieutenant; J. Darden, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company D John Ashford, Captain; E. R. Bell, First Lieutenant; H. C. Darden, Second Lieutenant; J. W. Dar- den, Jvinior Second Lieutenant.

Company E D. C. McRae, Captain; S. M. Ingram, First Lieutenant ; Alfred Dockery, Second Lieutenant ; M. T. Cov* ington. Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company F D. McD. Yount, Captain ; F. D. Roseman, First Lieutenant; J. A. Yount, Second Lieutenant; Alonzo Deal, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company G G. W. Flowers, Captain; 0. H. Patterson, First Lieutenant; W. A. Stephenson, Second Lieutenant; Abner Harrington, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company H W. L. Thornburg, Captain ; J. IST. Keames, First Lieutenant ; Marley Cranf ord. Second Lieutenant ; Al» exander Murdock, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company I O. P. Gardiner, Captain ; B. F. Hunt, First Lieutenant; O. P. Beam, Second Lieutenant; W. C. Webb, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Company K— M. M. McLaughlin, Captain ; Angus Shaw, First Lieutenant; A. M. Smith, Second Lieutenant; D. A. Monroe, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Miles M. Cowles, Adjutant.

W. R. Edwards^ Quartermaster (17 June, 1862).

B. H. Sumnee, Commissary.

J. L. AndbewSj Ordnance Sergeant.

During the war, in addition to those mentioned, the regi* ment had the following field officers:

Colonel, John Ashford; Lieutenant-Colonel, John Ash-

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 679

ford, George W. Flowers; Major, Jolm Ashford, M. McR. McLaughlin, George W. Flowers, J. T. Wilson; Adjutant, David M. Mclntyre; Ensign, Wesley F. Mathewson; Ser- geant-Major, Agrippa S. Hardister; Chaplain, Whitfield S. McDiarmid.

At the time of the election Colonel Kenan was in command of the Forty-third Regiment as Lieutenant-Colonel, and 24 April received his commission as Colonel of that regiment and therefore did not accept the command of the Thirty- eighth. As soon as the reorganization was completed, 24 April, the regiment was ordered to proceed by rail to Rich- mond, and on the 27th it was ordered to Guinea Station, where on the 29th it was transferred to the Second Brigade, General Maxcy Gregg commanding, and ordered to Milford Station. The regiment was engaged in guarding the bridges on the Mattaponi, Wild Cat, North and South Anna runs until 9 May, when it was relieved by Colonel Tansil, Third Virginia Artillery, and ordered to report to General Gregg at the Summit. The regiment was called, 12 May, to meet the enemy, who had crossed the Rappahannock at Hamilton's- crossing, below Fredericksburg, but the enemy withdrew and no engagement ensued. This was the first time the regiment was in line of battle preparatory to fighting. The following day the troops for the first time fired on the enemy, a number of whom were in a boat below the city ; all were killed except two or three, who swam ashore.

About this time the soldiers were deprived of their tents and much suffering was caused by the extreme cold rains. The command remained near Fredericksburg until 25 May, when it set out on a march at sunset in the direction of Han- over Junction, marching all night and all next day through mud so that many of the soldiers lost tlieir shoes and almost gave out from fatigue. The regiment camped ten miles north Cf Richmond 27 May, and afterwards did picket duty along the Chickahominy. On 14 June the Thirty-eighth was transferred to General Wm. D. Pender's Brigade, composed of the Thirty-eighth North Carolina, Colonel W. J. Hoke; Thirty-fourth North Carolina, Colonel R. H. Riddick; Twenty-second North Carolina, Colonel James Conner; Six-

680 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

teenth North Carolina, Colonel McElroy. The Thirteenth .North Carolina, Colonel A. M. Scales, was attached in the ■winter. Pender's Brigade formed the Sixth of the "Light Division" commanded by General A. P. Hill. The division crossed Meadow bridge 26 June, and it was seen from scat- tered portfolios and other luxuries to which the Southern soldier was a stranger, that the Yankee picket at that place had fled with great precipitation. As soon as the Thirty- eighth had gotten a little beyond Mechanicsville it was saluted with heavy shelling. A line of battle was formed and the march continued until the order was given to charge the bat- tery that was throwing the deadly missiles. The heat was intense and the double-quick march exhausting, but the charge was kept up over the open field until the regiment reached the summit of the last elevation when a farm house, yard and garden broke the line somewhat. The Yankee bat- teries were upon the summit of the opposite hill with their supporting infantry in their intrenchments, and the old field pines in front cut down and piled across the stumps which were left, about three feet high, forming an almost impassable barrier. The Thirty-eighth, alone and unsu.ppprted, charged down the hill, the long line of infantry playing upon it with a cross fire. On the soldiers charged, in the face of the fatal vol- leys, until the obstacles were reached, when the whole line stopped and began returningthe fire under every disadvantage. The men were falling rapidly and it was soon seen that to take the works was impossible. Captain Thornburg and Adju- tant Cowles were in front, urging the men forward. The re- treat was ordered but the noise was so deafening nothing could be heard. Major Andrews reached Captain Thorn- burg and Adjutant Cowles and gave them the orders to re- treat, after which the word was passed along the line and the retreat up the hill was begun. The enemy continuing their deadly firing. It was about sunset when the r^ment reached safely the rear. General Pender in his report says : "I at once changed the .direction of two of my regiments so as to bring them to the right of the artillery, and succeeded in getting in 150 or 200 yards of it before we were opened upon, but when they did open upon us it was destructive, and

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 681

the obstacles so great in front, the creek and the mill dam, that after the Thirty-eighth JSTorth Carolina had reached these obstacles, and in less than 100 yards of the enemy's rifle pits, they had to fall back. This regiment here advanced boldly and maintained its ground well." * * *

I should state, while relating the incidents of this day's battle, that Colonel Hoke, Thirty-eighth ISTorth Carolina, was wounded, and had to leave the field. The Adjutant of the Thirty-eighth was also wounded, but nobly maintained his post until after dark.

Lieutenant-Colonel Armfield took command as soon as Col- onel Hoke was wounded, which was soon after getting under fire. Adjutant Miles M. Cowles received a wovind from which he soon died, the regiment losing one of its bravest officers. Lieutenant Covington, Company E, and Lieutenant Darden, Company D, were killed, and Lieutenants Dan F. Eoseman, Company F, and Angus Shaw, Company H, were severely wounded.

In Company G, Captain Flowers and Lieutenant Harring- ton were severely wounded, and out of 32 men in the com- pany at the opening of the engagement, 2Y were either killed or wounded. About 420 men belonging to the regiment were engaged in the fight, the others being on picket. The loss was 152 in killed 'and wounded.

Colonel Hoke in his report speaks in highest terms of the conduct of Captain B. H. Sumner, A. C. S., Sergeant Major J). M. Mclntyre, John Young, an attache to the regiment, and Edward Goldsmith, a Drill Master. The Color Bearer, John O. Waters, was severely wounded, but remained bravely at the head of the regiment and bore his colors throiigh the fight, returning them safely. During the night the troops were collected as well as possible, and it was late before the Thirty-eighth was gotten together, when the worn-out soldiers slept on their arms. At early dawn the march was begun, the regiment passing over the spot where so many men were lost the evening before. The enemy fled and the Confeder- ates marched through the deserted camp. General Hill in his report says: "It was a costly and useless sacrifice, for early the next morning our troops crossed the mill pond and

882 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

the Federal forces, seeing their position turned, betook them- selves to hasty flight."

The Federals made a stand at Gaines' Mill, when the Thirty-eighth was engaged, and the soldiers, though weary and worn, behaved nobly. About sunset the shouting along the line announced the fact that the enemy was running and a victory was gained. After camping on the battlefield over night, the march was continued. Lieutenant-Colonel Arm- field being sick. Major L. D. Andrews was now in command. The regiment was engaged at Cold Harbor and Frazier's Farm. At the latter place the Confederate troops fought with unusual bravery, not seeming to realize the presence of danger, and victory was again gained by the Confederates. The Southern soldiers were now all jubilant. McClellan'a "On to Richmond" was now changed to "On to Harrison's Landing," where the gunboats lay. The pursuit of the en- emy was continued, and the next engagement was at Malvern Hill. The battle at this place was a very hard-fought one, but the Thirty-eighth was not in the thickest of it, and did not lose very heavily. The enemy continued to flee, and was pursued to his gunboats at Harrison's Landing. After remaining there for a few days, the division v(ras ordered to Richmond, and it remained below that city until 27 July, when General A. P. Hill's division was attached to Jack" son's Corps, and marched to Gordonsville, Va. On 7 Au- gust Jackson moved from Gordonsville to confront General Pope in the Valley, and on the 9th he fell upon General Banks' right flank at Cedar Mountain. At one time the day seemed doubtful. When the foe had well nigh crushed General Garnet, Branch went gallantly to his rescue, and with Pender's and other brigades of Hill's Division drove the enemy headlong from the field. Major Andrews having been taken sick at Gordonsville, Captain Jno. Ashford was in command of the Thirty-eighth and received commendation from General Pender for his coolness and skillfulness in handling his men. D. M. Melntyre was now Adjutant, having been promoted on 9 July, for gallantry and efficiency. On account of ill health Major Andrews resigned his com-

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 683

mission, and on 21 August Captain John Ashford was pro- moted to Major.

Jackson made a wide circuit behind the mountains to cut the Federal communioations at Manassas. On the 26th Pen- der's Brigade gained a splendid victory over a brigade of the enemy at Manassas Junction. Jackson's single corps, num- bering less than 16,000 men, was resisting General Pope's entire army. On the 28th the command formed line of bat- tle for the memorable second battle of Manassas, which was a series of battles for three days. Pender's Brigade took possession of the bridge' across Bull Bun and engaged the en- emy across the river. His brigade finally crossed over to the east side, but the enemy withdrew. The loss was very slight. On Friday, the 29th, the enemy changed position and was attempting to interpose his army between General Jackson and Alexandria. Jackson's troops were arranged along the Manassas Gap Kailroad, Jackson's Division under Brigadier General Stark being on the right, Ewell's, under Lawton, in the centre, and A. P. Hill's on the left. The brigades of. Thomas, Pender, Archer and Gregg, were on the extreme left. After Longstreet arrived the enemy changed position and be- gan to concentrate all its force opposite Hill's division. The attack was received with great steadiness, and the battle raged with great fury ; the enemy was frequently repulsed, but on account of having so many fresh troops the attack was re- newed. They succeeded in penetrating an interval between Gregg's and Thomas' Divisions. Pender's Brigade was placed in the rear of Thomas' with orders to support it. Gen- eral Pender in his report says : "Finally it seemed to me to be the time to go to his (Thomas') assistance. I ordered my brigade forward, moving just to the right of Colonel Thomas. My men moved forward very gallantly, driving the enemy back across the railroad cut, through the woods on the oppo- site side and beyond their batteries in the adjoining field. A battery of the enemy which was on the right of the woods as we advanced was flanked by my command and the cannon- eers deserted their pieces. My line was halted on the edge of the field in front of the enemy, where I remained some time, when, being promised support from one of the staff in

684 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

one of Jackson's brigades, I crossed the field to attack the batteries. My men advanced well, receiving grape from the batteries; but support being waited for in vain, and seeing columns on my left and right manoeuvering to flank me, I withdrew and marched back to the railroad cut; a little to the right of the position previously held by General Gregg. Gen- eral Archer very kindly came forward and relieved me until I could march to the rear and rest my men. I was ordered to the right to support some one of General Jackson's brig- ades. I marched across the railroad embankment, moving obliquely to the left until I had reached the large field again in which the enemy were found. Finding nothing to do un- less it was. to attack an overwhelming force of the enemy, sup- ported very strongly by artillery, I withdrew after receiving heavy fire of grape and shell. Getting back to the railroad cut about the point I had reached the evening before, I re- ceived orders to march, in conjunction with other troops, par- ticularly those of General Archer, Colonels Thomas and Tal- iaferro. We all advanced together, taking the enemy, as it were, in echelon. We advanced steadily, driving the enemy from the field through the woods. While advancing through the woods we were exposed to a very heavy enfilade fire from the right. We continued our advance until after dark, when we came in contact with a body of the enemy. Each fired a volley. They ran and we rested for the night. Thus ended the Manassas fight with me. The brigade, with the excep- tion of a few skulkers, behaved with great gallantry on both these days. They could not have behaved better. I cannot particularize at this distant day, but I well recollect that Cap- tain John Ashford, commanding the Thirty-eighth, behaved with great coolness and bravery. I had the misfortune to lose him on account of a wound in the leg."

Six separate and distinct attacks were made against Hill's Division and each time repulsed. General Jackson said: "The three brigades of Archer, Pender and Thomas held to- gether and drove everything before them, capturing the bat- teries and many prisoners, resting that night on Bull Run, and the ground thus won was occupied that night. These brigades had penetrated so far within the enemy's lines that

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 685

Captain Ashe, Assistant Adjutant General to General Pen- der, was taken prisoner that night returning from my head- quarters to his own brigade."

The regiment received considerable loss. Lieutenant Wes. A. Stephenson, Oonipany G, Thirty-eighth North Carolina, a brave soldier, was killed, and Lieutenant Duncan Black was wounded. For distinguished gallantry displayed in the cel- ebrated charge. Sergeant R. M. Sharpe, Company G, was pro- moted to Second Junior Lieutenant. After the wounding of Captain Ashford, Captain M. McR. McLaughlin was in command of the regiment. Early next morning, 1 Septem- ber, the army marched forward and came in contact with the enemy late in the evening at Ox Hill. The regiment was en- gaged in this fight, which raged with great fury, but the en- emy retired from the field. On 4 September the army biv- ouacked near the Big Spring, between Leesburg and the Poto- mac, and on the next day the division crossed into Mary- land, near Leesburg, but on the llth re-crossed into Virginia at Williamsport. On the next day General White, with 3,000 men, retreated from the town and fell back upon Har- per's Ferry. The enemy occupied a ridge of hills, known as Bolivar Heights, extending from the Potomac to the Shen- andoah. McLaw's Division occupied Maryland Heights across the Potomac, Walker's Division Loudon Heights on the right bank of the Shenandoah, and to complete the invest- ment. General Hill's division was ordered to move along the left bank of the Shenandoah to turn the left flank of the enemy and enter Harper's Ferry. The Thirty-eighth was in the left of the division. Pender, Archer and Brocken- borough were directed to gain the crest of the hill. General Pender being entrusted with the execution of this command. Colonel Brewster was in charge of the brigade, which ad- vanced to within about sixty yards of the breastworks on the west point of Bolivar Heights, but the troops were withdrawn. N'ext morning the brigades of Pender and Thomas marched to within 150 yards of the works, while the artillery played upon the enemy. When the artillery ceased, Pender began to advance, but the artillery opened again, and the enemy showed the white flag, and surrendered about 11,000 prison-

686 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

ers, 12,000 stand of arms, 70 pieces of artillery, and many- stores. Captain Mcholas E. Armstrong, Company A, and Lieutenant Smith, Company K, were severely wounded.

Hill's Division remained to parole the prisoners and send off the captured goods, and on 17 September, moved to Sharpsburg, leaving Thomas' Brigade at Harper's Ferry. At Sharpsburg occurred one of the greatest battles of the civil war. General Hill arrived in time tO' save the day, but Pender's Brigade on the right of the division was not actively engaged, being under fire at long range of musketry.

The division recrossed the Potomac into Virginia on the night of 18th with tl;e rest of the army, and on the 20th, at Shepherdstown, were ordered to drive some brigades of the enemy across the river. The enemy massed in front of Pender's Brigade and endeavored to turn his left. Gen- eral Pender became hotly engaged and informing Archer of his danger he (Archer)' marched by the left flank, and form- ing on Pender's left, a simultaneous, daring charge was made and the enemy driven pell mell into the river. Then com- menced the most terrible slaughter the war witnessed. The broad surface of the Potomac was blue with the floating bodies of the slain. But few escaped to tell the tale. By their own account they lost 3,000 men killed and drowned from one brigade alone.

General Pender in his report says: "Captain Ashford, commanding the Thirty-eighth North Carolina at Manassas Junction and at Manassas, when he was wounded, has entitled himself to notice as well as promotion by his uniform bravery and good conduct. Lieutenants A. J. Brown and J. M. Kob- inson, also of the same regiment, have attracted my attention more than once, as also Adjutant D. M. Mclntyre." Lieuten- ant-Colonel Armfield, having returned to the regiment the day before the battle, was in command and was severely wounded.

On 13 December, the army met Bumside's army organized in three Grand Divisions at Fredericksburg, Va. At this time General Hill occupied the front line of the right of our army formed of two regiments of Fields' Brigade and the brigades of Archer, Lane and Pender, the latter being on the

Thirty-Eighth Regimknt. 687

extreme lecft. "The enemy made several attempts to advance, but -were repulsed." (General A. P. Hill's report). From the nature of the ground and the entire absence of all protection against artillery, Pender's Brigade re- ceived the greatest part of the terrible fire. General. Pen- der was himself wounded. During the temporary absence of General Pender, the command of the brigade de- volved upon Colonel Scales, of the Thirteenth. General Pen- der, though wounded, resumed the command of his brigade as soon as his wound was dressed.

After the withdrawal of the enemy the regiment, with Pen- der's Brigade, went into winter quarters at Camp Gregg, be- low Fredericksburg, and did picket duty near Moss Creek church. On 27 December Colonel William J. Hoke rejoined the regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Armfield, while at home on furlough, on account of a wound received at Shepards- town, was elected solicitor, and resigned his position in the army. Captain John Ashf ord was elected to fill the vacancy. The following is a copy of General Hill's order :

Headqtjaetees Light Division^

Camp Beanch, Sept. 24, 1862. Soldiers of the Light Division :

You have done well and I am pleased with you. You have fought in every battle from Mechanicsville to Shepards- town and no man can say that the Light Division was ever broken. You held the left at Manassas against overwhelm- ing numbers, and saved the army. You saved the day at Sharpsburg, and at Shepherdstown you were selected to face a storm of round shot, shell and grape, such as I never before saw. I am proud to say to you that your services are appre- ciated by our general, and that you have a reputation in this army which it should be the object of every officer and pri- vate to sustain.

A. P. Hill,

Major General.

The regiment remained in camp until 28 April, 1863, when the command marched in the direction of Fredericks-

688 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

burg, and remained in camp below the city until the evening of 1 May.

On the morning of 2 May Jackson began his flank march to Chancellorsville, and after a long and fatiguing journey the division was placed at right angles to the old turnpike road, Hill's Division being third in line, Rodes' and Colston's being ahead of him. Hooker, having thrown up heavy works, west, south and east, with the Chancellor house behind the centre, and with the dense thicket in front, was in a position almost impregnable. The assault on his flank was ordered about 6 o'clock in the afternoon. The Confederates rushed forward, cheering wildly, and in a few moments the enemy were com- pletely demoralized and fled. On account of the thickets the lines had been mingled in confusion and it was necessary to reform the lines. The third line (Hill's Division) was or- dered to the front. Pender's Brigade entered the road and pushed on by the flank until they reached the most advanced position of the troops. Here in the road the whole brigade received a most destructive shelling from the batteries near Chancellorsville. Hill's Division was now in front, and was engaged in relieving those who had been in the front line during the evening. On all sides the scattered troops were gathered around their colors. Jackson, accompanied by his staff and escort, rode down the road towards Chancellorsville. In the obscurity of the night they were mistaken for the en- emy and fired upon and Jackson was mortally wounded. As soon as the musketry fired the enemy's batteries again swept the turnpike with shell and canister. Pender massed his brigade tO' the left of the wood, threw out skirmishers and re- mained in this position until Sunday morning, 3 May. When daylight came next morning a private soldier in Company I, of the Thirty-eighth ISTorth Carolina Regiment, found Jack- son's gloves in the road where he had dropped them when shot. They were buckskin gloves with the name of T. J. Jackson inside the cuffs.

Hill had intended an attack on the enemy as soon as he had formed his line in front, but soon after Jackson was wounded he himself was wounded, and the attack was not made. General J. B. B. Stuart was now in command of the

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 689

corps. About dawn Sunday morning, 3 May, General Stu- art renewed the attack, General Heth in command of Hill's Division taking the advance. The enemy were again charged in the face of their deadly fire, and twice were their works taken and twice relinquished. About 10 o'clock the Fed- eral army was driven by a mighty charge from all the forti- fied positions, back towards the Rappahannock, with heavy loss in killed and wounded and prisoners. On accotmt of the nature of the country, this region being known as the wilder- ness, rapid pursuit was almost impossible. In the charge the troops were scattered, and after being gotten together, the command maintained its position Sunday and Monday, and on Tuesday evening the enemy re-crossed the river.

General Pender in his report says : "I can truly say that my brigade fought 3 May with unsurpassed courage and de- termination. I never knew them tO' act universally so well. I noticed no skulking, and they never showed any hesitation in follomng their colors. My list of killed and wounded will show how manfully they fought on that glorious day. After having witnessed the fighting of nearly all the troops that fought on the left of the road I am satisfied with my own, but by no means claiming any superiority. All that I saw behaved as heroes. * * *

"Lieutenant-Colonel John Ashford, Lieutenants Alsa J. Brown and John Robinson, Thirty-eighth North Carolina, the former part of the time and the latter part of the time in charge of my sharpshooters, distinguished themselves very much. Colonel Ashford was remarked for his gallantry by all, and Lieoitenant Brown continued with or in charge of the sharp-shooters for several days. He is a young man who de- serves promotion. He kept his skirmishers so close tO' the enemy's breastworks on Monday and Tuesday as to pick off the artillery horses, men working on their trenches, and any one seen mounted. He drove in other skirmishers on all oc- casions. I should mention that Major M. McR. McLaugh- lin, Thirty-eighth North Carolina, was badly wounded while behaving most gallantly. Adjutant D. M. Mclntyre is also spoken of for his distinguished conduct." 44

690 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

The loss of the brigade was YOO, the Thirty-eighth North Carolina losing two officers, Captain McEae and Lieutenant Hare, killed; 81 officers and men wounded, 16 privates killed, 12 missing. The Confederate Congress passed an act by which badges might be given to enlisted men, whom the companies might select as being entitled to them. After the battle of Chancellorsville the following were given badges :

Company A, Private Jesse A. Nethercutt, Duplin County ; Company B, Private Thomas Dinkins, Yadkin County; Company C, Private Benjamin Sutton, Sampson County; Company D, First Sergeant David A. Thompson, Sampson County; Company E, Private Wm. J. Hutchesou (killed), Kichmond County ; Company F, Private Wm. S. Huffman, Catawba County ; Company G, Private W. F. Matheson, Al- exander County; Company H, Corporal D. P. Woodburn, Randolph County (killed at Gettysburg) ; Company I, Pri- vate Thomas J. Ramsey, Cleveland County; Company K, Private W. H. McPhail, Cumberland County.

Medals were also recommended to be given to Adjutant Mclntyre and Lieutenant A. J. Brown.

When A. P. Hill took commaud of Jackson's Corps after recovering from his wound, Pender, also wounded at Chan- cellorsville, was promoted to Major-General, and Colonel A. M. Scales, the Senior Colonel of the brigade, tO' Brigadier- General. Scales being absent on account of a wound received at Chancellorsville, Colonel W. J. Hoke was placed in com- mand of the brigade and continued in command until Scales rejoined the brigade near the Maryland line. The wound received by Major McLaughlin prevented him from return- ing to his command, and Captain G. W. Flowers was elected Major.

Headqtjaetees Pendee's Beigade,

May 13, 1863. General Order No. 38.

Upon resuming command of the brigade, it affords me great pleasure to express to you my high appreciation of your conduct and services in the late battle of Chancellorsville. Troops could not have fought better or more gallantly, op-

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 691

posing aneeessfuUy such fearful odds, strongly posted and oflFering stubborn resistance, as evidenced by your loss, greater than that of any brigade in the army in proportion to num- bers engaged. I may be exacting, but in this instance you piay rest assured that I am perfectly satisfied. I am proud to say that your services are known and appreciated by those higher in command than myself. * * *

W. D. Pendee^

Brigadier General.

0^ the morning of 6 June, 1863, the brigade went into line below Fredericksburg, in front of the Bernard house, the enemy being in the Port Royal road and in the valley behind the house. Colonel Wm. J. Hoke was ordered to advance his skirmishers and fire if the enemy occupied the Port Royal road. Lieutenant Alsa J. Brown, afterwards Captain of Company C, took command, assisted by Lieutenant Robinson, afterwards Captain of Company B, and the other officers of the skirmish corps, about 200 men. Instead of feeling, he charged the enemy and attacked and drove from the road the Sixth Vermont, killing and wounding about 35, and holding the road until the enemy re-crossed the Rappahannock.

xifter being encamped for about ten days. Hill's Corps moved towards Gettysburg, Pender's Division arriving within eight miles of Gettysburg on the morning of the 30th. At 3 a. m., 1 July, the command took up line of march, Pender's Division with Mcintosh's battalion of artillery following Heth and Pegram's battalion of artillery. The field arrange- ment put Scales' Brigade on the extreme left of the division, and the Thirty-eighth North Carolina on the left of the brig- ade, its left resting on the Chambersburg pike. ' The advance of the enemy was driven back to the hills where their forces were to oppose the advance of the Confederates. At the first charge Pender's Division was in the rear. Scales' and Thomas' Brigades being on the right. The enemy offering determined resistance, Pender's Division, except Thomas' Brigade, was ordered to the front. The ammunition of the advance line having given out, they halted and lay dovsra. Scales' Brigade soon passed over them with the other brig-

692 NoKTH Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

ades, rushed up the ascent, crossed the bridge and commenced the descent just opposite the Theological Seminary. The regiment being on the flank, encountered a most terrific fire of grape and musketry in front. Every discharge made sad loss in the line, but the troops pressed on double-quick until the bottom was reached, a distance of about 75 yards from the ridge just crossed and about the same distance from the college in front. By this time the line was badly broken. Every ofiicer in Scales' Brigade except one. Lieutenant Gard- man, upon whom the command devolved, was disabled, 400 men killed, wounded and missing. The loss of the Thirty- eighth was 100 in killed and wounded, or captured. General Scales and AdjutanlrGeneral Eiddick were wounded, and Major Clark killed. Colonel Hoke, Colonel Ashford, Colo- nel Lowrance, Captain Thornburg, acting Major, were among the wounded. Though wounded, Colonel Lowrance took command of the brigade and Captain Thornburg, of the regiment. Some of the companies were without a single of- ficer. The regiment now was moved to the right of the line, and throwing out skirmishers to the right and front it re- mained in this position until morning, it being then about 10 o'clock. Early next morning the brigade was placed on the right of the artillery. A line of skirmishers under command of Lieutenant A. J. Brown was thrown out, and was held against several strong attacks. The Scales Brigade joined the division on the left again and was joined on to Lane's Brigade. On the morning of 3 Jijly Scales' Brigade was or- dered to the right and placed in coromand of General Trim- ble, and while here suffered greatly from the artillery fire. The regiment was then ordered forward over a crimson plain. The Federal lines, as the regiment emerged from the woods were about a mile in front. The troops were compelled to cross a fence, and were by this time losing heavily from grape and canister. The line was somewhat deranged. Captain Thornburg was disabled. About 150 yards from the en- emy's line another fence retarded the advance, but the troops rushed on and reached a third fence on the side of the road. There was by this time only a skirmish line. The Thirty- eighth was then only a few feet in front of the enemy's in-

Thirty-Eighth Eegiment. 693

f antry. The enemy rushed out to meet the advancing line, and a flanking party, concealed in ditches, captured about thirty men besides killing a large number inside the Federal lines. Some tried to escape, but were shot down. Every man in Company A except Adjutant H. C. Moore and Lieu- tenant A. J. Brown were shot down and these were captured. Adjutant D. M. Mclntyre, acting Brigade Adjutant-General of Scales' Brigade, escaped. After the third day's fight the regiment had only about 40 men, commanded by a First Lieu- tenant.

The two brigades, Lane's and Scales', were reduced to mere squads, and after the retreat a line was formed again where the first line was formed, and the brigade remained here until the 4th, when the retreat to Hagerstown began, which place was reached on Y July. On 11 July line of bat- tle was formed and the regiment remained here until the night of the 13th, but no fight ensued except skirmishing. After this the retreat to Falling Water began, Pender's Divis- ion being rear guard. The Potomac was crossed and Cul- pepper Court House reached 1 August. The division went into winter quarters at Orange Court House and the regi- ment did picket duty on the Rapidan. On 7 February, dur- ing General Scales' absence, Colonel Hoke commanded the brigade against an advance of the enemy on the brigade picket line at Barnett's Ford on the Rapidan, and it maintained its position until the enemy retired. After the death of Pender, at Gettysburg, Wilcox became division commander. On the morning of 4 May the enemy, under General Grant, crossed the Rapidan at Ely's and Germania Fords. Two corps of Lee's army moved to oppose him, Ewell's by the tu.rnpike and Hill's by the plank road. As soon as the Confederate forces reached the enemy a strong attack was made on Ewell who re- pulsed them, but soon they returned, massing a heavy force against Hill. Heth's and Wilcox's Divisions met every as- sault and successfully resisted them, but the enemy continued to make attacks until nightfall. Next morning as Longstreet was relieving Hill, the enemy made an attack which at first created some confusion, but as soon as the troops recovered themselves, the enemy was driven back with spirit rarely

694 NoKTH Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

surpassed. At night an attack was made against the enemy, and they being panic-stricken by the cheering of iJi© Confed- erate army, a stampede was begun which led to a general rout. The Third army corps under General Early (Hill being unwell), left the position at the Wilderness 8 May,

1864, and engaged in the great battles of Spottsylvania Court House when the Thirty-eighth lost several brave men. The regiment was in the attack made by General Hill on General Warren at Noel's Station 23 May, and the skirmishing at Kiddie's Shop 13 June, and on down to Petersburg which was reached 18 June.

The following is a resolution of the Confederate Congress, 17 May, 1864:

"The Congress of the Confederate States of America do re' solve. That the thanks of Congress are eminently due, and are hereby tendered to the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth Kegiments of North Carolina Troops, for the promptness and unanimity with which they have re-enlisted for the war."

Colonel William J. Hoke, from wounds received in battle, was disabled for field service and was appointed to the post at Charlotte. Lieutenant-Colonel John Ashford was promoted to the command of the regiment; Major Geo. W. Flowers to be Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain J. T. Wilson to be Major.

The regiment was engaged in the hard-fought battle at Beam's Station 25 August, 1864, when the divisions under Wilcox, Mahone and Johnson attacked the enemy and cap- tured about 2,000 prisoners. Hill attacked General Warren at the Davis house, on the Weldon road, three miles from the city, 21 August, 1864, defeating him and capturing 2,700 prisoners. The regiment suffered severely in this engagement. The com'mand remained around Petersburg until 2 April,

1865, when the Confederate lines were pierced in three places. A few days before the lines were broken, the Thirty-eighth was sent out tO' reconnoiter, and ascertain the strength of the enemy in our front. We found their picket line much stronger than our line of battle, and after a severe engage- ment, we were compelled to retreat. In this engagement

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 695

Colonel Ashford was wounded, and turned over the command to this writer, who retained it until the surrender, signing the paroles. The Thirty-eighth was ordered out of the works and was soon thereafter on the retreat from Petersburg. The ene- my were pursuing the retreating troops very hard, and first one regiment and then another was thrown out as skirmishers to retard the enemy. A line of battle was formed and breast- works were thrown up at Southerland's Farm and when the enemy made an attack they were repulsed with heavy loss and several prisoners were captured. The enemy turned the flank about 4 p. m., and the Southern troops were again compelled to retreat. Cooke's, Scales' and MaeRae's iN'orth Carolina Brigades and McGowan's South Carolina Brigade, the troops on the right of the break in the line, formed the corps. The North Carolina Regiments, Thir- teenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, and Forty-seventh were thrown out to check the enemy while the other troops en- thrown out to cheek the enemy while the other troops en- deavored to cross, hoping to rejoin the main army from which the brigades had been separated. It was found impossible to cross and the regiments thrown out were recalled, when the troops pursued their way up the river until about 2 o'clock at night when they rested. The march was begun at sunrise the next morning, 3 April, and Deep Creek was reached about 9 a. m. A halt was made to let the wagon train get ahead for safety, and an attempt was made to throw a temporary bridge across the creek in order to cross. The cavalry had been in the rear guard, and about 2 o'clock they came rushing up and reported that the enemy were pursuing. McGowan's Brigade was enabled to cross the bridge, which was not yet completed, but the other troops followed the wagons and crossed at a ford about three miles above the bridge. By this time the enemy were in sight, but no attack was made. The intention was to cross the Appomattox at Goode's bridge, but the waters were very high and it was im- possible to get to the bridge on account of the overflow, there- fore the troops were marched up the river, and as night came on went into camp at the cross roads above the bridge.

696 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Couriers were sent out to find a place to cross, in order to join General Lee's army, and about 1 o'clock the command was ordered to march. After crossing the river and march- ing through open fields and by-roads, Anderson's Georgia Brigade was reached. This brigade was the leading brigade in Lee's army and had crossed on a pontoon bridge where the whole army was then crossing. There was great rejoicing on the part of the soldiers at again meeting their comrades, from whom they had been separated for three days. The regiment was halted about sunrise and breakfast was pre- pared, after which the march was continued to Amelia Court House, Va., where the night was spent. The enemy next morning attacked and began burning the wagon train, but were driven ofi. The retreat was continued, the rear guard having frequent fights with the enemy. On Friday, 7 April, 1865, Farmville, Va., was reached, and Scales' Brigade re- lieved Cooke's brigade as rear guard of the infantry. The enemy having crossed the river, pressed the lines very hard and consequently the rear guard was engaged in several at- tacks, and suffered severely. The enemy was driven off, and this was the last fighting in which the regiment was en- gaged before the surrender. Saturday, 8 April, the regi- ment camped about three miles from Appomattox Court House, Va. As Appomattox Court House was approached the next morning the Federal line was seen on the hill at the court house. Line of battle was drawn up and it was ex- pected that an advance would be made. It began to be ru- mored that a surrender was made, but nothing definite could be learned until 12 o'clock, when it was known that Lee had indeed surrendered. It was soon learned that the soldiers would be paroled and given permission to return home. Mon- day morning 10 April, 1865, the farewell address of General Lee was read to the regiment. All the soldiers of the regi- ment had the opportunity of shaking hands with General Lee and hearing him say, "God bless you boys ; I hope we shall meet again !" After remaining in this position until Wednesday, 12 April, the regiment was marched over near the court house, where the arms were stacked in front of the

Thirty-Eighth Regiment. 697

enemy. On the same evening tlie soldiers were furnished with the following :

Appomattox Court House, Va., ]

April 10, 1866. J

The bearer, , of Co 38th

Regiment of N. C. Troops, a paroleQ prisoner of the Army of Northern Virginia, has permission to go to his home, and there remain undisturbed.

Jos. H. Hyman, Colonel 38th N. C. Troops, Commanding Scales' Brigade.

The Thirty-eighth Kegiment of l^orth Carolina Troops was disbanded and passed out of existence.

George W. Flowees.

Taylorsvillk, N. C,

9 April, 1901.


1. David Coleman. Colonel. 3. Paschal C. Hughes Major

2. Harvey H. Davidson, Lieut.-Colonel. 4. J. D. Harden, Adjutant.


By lieutenant THEO. F. DAVIDSON.

It will perhaps be many years ^beyond the generations now living before the popular delusion that the war between the States had its origin in the existence of negro slavery, will be dispelled. Notwithstanding the long and most ex- haustive discussion by the ablest men of the country, for the quarter of century preceding actual war, of the real ques- tions— the relative rights and powers of the State and Fed- eral Oovemments under the National Constitution and despite the fact that, since the close of that war, the true is- sue has again and again been stated and demonstrated, yet, except by the intelligent, thoughtful and candid portion always a small minority of the people, the great majority of the people of the Northern portion of the Union believe, and will carry that belief to their graves, that the greatest civil and military conflict of the Nineteenth century was waged for the enslavement, or emancipation, of the negro. When sentiment invades history it produces as much havoc as when it influences the other affairs of practical life.

But however much the questions which led to the war may be misrepresented or misunderstood by the people of this generation, they were thoroughly understood by the people of the South when the appeal to arms came; they clearly rec- ognized that, the very fundamental principles of their gov- ernment were involved, and upon the decision the form and spirit of the Constitution, as framed by their fathers, would be preserved in its integrity, or that the whole system would be revolutionized.

One of the most significant proofs of the fact that the status of the negro was not, at the Soutih, regarded as the issue, was the ardor with which the non-slaveholding portions of the population flew to arms at the call of their respective

700 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

States, and the fidelity tiiey exhibited for the cause through four years of struggle, self-denial, suffering, death and social destruction.

Especially was this true of the Worth Carolina moun- taineer. In the greater portion of that section of the State extending from the eastern foot-hills of the Blue Kidge to the Western boundaries of Clay and Cherokee, the slave- owners, in 1861, were so rare that the institution of slavery may be! said, practically, to have had no existence, and yet that region sent more than fifteen thousand fighting men volunteers into the field. The Sixteenth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-ninth, Thirty-ninth, Fifty-eighth, Sixtieth, Sixty- second, Sixty-fourth, Sixty-fifth and Sixty-ninth Regiments were composed exclusively of mountain men ; and in addition they were numerously represented in the "Bethel" Ninth, Eleventh, Fourteenth and Nineteenth Regiments, and other organizations. This estimate does not include a large num- ber of men from the same territory, who during the progress of the war were embodied in independent commands, and did gallant service in the campaigns in Virginia, in the South- west and in the immediate locality of their homes. These mountaineers were the descendants of the sturdy, hard-fight- ing Scotch-Irish, who, to a man, were Whigs in the Revolu- tion, and by their stubborn resistance of British aggressions, contributed so much to the establishment of the Independence of their country.

The men of Western Carolina, whose sublime devotion and courage, with that of their comrades from other portions of the South, have made the heights of Gettysburg and Freder- icksburg and Sharpsburg, the plains of Manassas and Chick- ahominy, the wilderness of Chancellorsville and Chieka- mauga, the Valleys of Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee, im- mortal, had in their veins the blood of the patriots who fought at Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Yorktown, Savan- nah, Guilford, Eutaw Springs and Kings Mountain and, let it never be forgotten, they fought, and fighting died, for the same great divine right the right of a people to ordain and control their own government.

Of the regiments mentioned, the Twenty-ninth, Thirty-

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 701

ninth, Fifty-eighth, Sixtieth, Sixty-second, Sixty-foturth> Sixty-fifth and Sixty-ninth, served in the armies of the South- west— in Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Missis- sippi, Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida, and several of them, participated in the last charge at Bentonville.

The survivors of these regiments sometimes fear that the record and memory of their deeds and those of their dead comrades may be forgotten and lost in the lustre of the re- nown of their brethren who served in the Armies of Virginia. There is some ground for this apprehension.

The fact that the great bulk of the soldiers of North Caro- lina were sent to Virginia immediately after their enlist- ment, and remained in that service until the end of the war ; that the sphere of operations was territorially limited to a comparatively small area, and was so near the Federal and Confederate capitals ; that the ultimate decision was believed to be dependent upon the fate of Richmond ; the geniiis and fame of Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, Stewart, Hampton and a host of other captains ; the marvellous deeds of the world re- nowned soldiers who followed them, concentrated the atten- tion of the people of both sides upon that scene and its ac- tors.

Again, the military records of those troops have been bet- ter preserved in fact at the fall of Richmond and surrender at Appomattox the Federals acquired possession of almost complete records of the Civil Government of the Confeder- acy, and its military operations in the East.

On the other hand, the Confederate forces in the armies of the West were chiefly composed of men from that region ; the sphere of their operations was vastly more extended, em- bracing the entire Confederacy west of the AUeghanies and South of the Ohio and Missouri. With a longer line to de- fend, it was necessary to make longer marches ; to change the assignment of Regiments, Brigades and Divisions, and un- happily, too often, to change commanders.

Because of this the solidarity of organization was to a great extent lost ; the continuity of record of service was im- possible, and at the close, in the matter of documentary his-

702 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

tory scarcely anything except official reports of general oper- ations, was saved for tbe historian.

But NortJi Carolina had no braver sons in the struggle than those in the eight regiments in the armies of the West. As glorious as is her record on the fields of Virginia and Mary- land and Pennsylvania, it is equaled by that made by her soldiers at Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Shiloh, Dalton, Eesaca, Nevsr Hope Church, Atlanta and Benton- ville.

It is well known that the equipment of the Southern troops in the West, except in the matter of food, was greatly infe- rior to that in the East. This was not because of favoritism, but an unavoidable result of conditions which were well un- derstood at the time.

It is a fact, also, that for the first three years of the war the Federal armies in the West were far superior to^ those in the East not only in the ability of their Generals, but in the personnel of the soldiers. The men who composed them were drawn from the farms and smaller towns of what was then called the Northwest, but now known as the Middle-West Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois. They were of pure American stock, many of them with Southern blood, bold, hardy and as plucky as the fiery Southerner. When those spirits met in battle the God of War was rampant, and they who were victorious knew they deserved the victory. It was only after General Grant was transferred from the West and began to feed his army with recruits and reinforce- ments from the veterans of the Ohio, that Lee and his invinci- ble legions were called upon to- put forth all their skill and courage.

Lieutenant Cathey, who served in the East xintil about the end of 1862, when he was transferred with his company to the Thirty-ninth Regiment, and served in the West until the close of the war, in his admirable history of the Sixteeqith Eegiment, points out this fact.

The story is told that, on the eve of the battle of Chicka- mauga, when Longstreet's Corps arrived on the field, fiuslied with the glories of its well-earned laurels won in the Vir- ginia campaigns, one of its men hailed a member of Hardee's

Thikty-Ninth Regiment. 703

Corps with the welcome announcement that he "had come down to teach the Western man how to fight"- to which the latter replied that he was exceedingly glad to see him and have his help, as there was to be some bloody work to do soon. And it was bloody work Longstreet's veterans had, with their Western comrades, for the next two days; time and time again they were repulsed on the slopes of Dyer's field and Snodgrass Hill, and it was not until night had fallen on that Sunday they were able to drive the enemy from the field. When the battle was over it so happened these men met again^ when Longstreet's man said : "Look here ! Do you folks have to fight that sort of people all the time ? Why, I never saw such a fool lot of Yankees ; they don't know when to run."

The writer of this sketch has always regretted that his ser- vice with his loved comrades of the Thirty-ninth Regiment ceased in November, 1862, when he was assigned to another field of action, and never met his old regiment again. He, nevertheless, never lost his interest in the command and watched with pride its splendid career as one of the "fight- ing" regiments of the Confederate Army. And he especially laments that the task "a pleasing burden" of preparing this imperfect history of the regiment was not undertaken by some comrade who was with the command until the end ; who followed the flag in the assault, who stood "elbow to elbow" in the lines and repulsed the attack, who endured the march and participated in the glories of his regiment, who could, not with more pride, but more fullness of detail chron- icle the deeds and recall the incidents in the life of one of the staunchest and most intrepid bodies of men that ever faced a foe. He desires that it shall be kept in mind 'that the names of the regimental and company officers given herein are to be referred to the times of the original organizations. They have been given from memory, from the "Roster of Worth Carolina Troops" unfortunately not a very accurate compilation and from such information he could gather by correspondence with survivors of the regiment, now scattered from the Blue Ridge to the Rocky Mountains. He has con- sulted that voluminous and undigested publication by the United States Government, "Rebellion Records" ; but, not-

704 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

withstanding, he can only furnish a sketch a framework, upon which he hopes some competent hand may yet construct an historical edifice more worthy the achievements of our comrades, living and dead. He is greatly indebted, and is sure the old soldiers of the Thirty-ninth will join with him in feelings of gratitude, to Lieutenant John M. Davidson, of Company C, and now residing at Kingston, Ga., for his rem- iniscences of the regiment which are appended, as an addition- al sketch of the regiment. He was promoted from the ranks, at the reorganization in 1862, and continued in active service until the close of the Atlanta campaign when, because of i&- dining health, he was invalided and put on light duty. En- dowed with a bright mind, a cheerful disposition and unfail- ing humor, a courageous soul, a tender and warm heart, he was a general favorite with his comrades, and by his exalted sense of duty and devotion he attracted the attention and commanded the respect and confidence of his superiors.

The history of the Sixteenth Eegiment, by Benjamin H. Cathey, First Lieutenant, Company A, (Vol. I, N. 0. Eegi- ments, pp. Y51-Y69), contains much interesting and valuable matter relating to the Thirty-ninth Eegiment Lieutenant Cathey's company having been detached from the Sixteenth and assigned to the Thirty-ninth about the close of 1862.

The flag spoken of there is yet in the possession of J. Wes- ley Shelton; and at all reunions of the men of the Thirty- ninth it is carefully unfurled and its tattered folds flung again on high and saluted with shouts of the grizzled veter- ans, the old "Rebel Yell," that, in the stirring years gone by, accompanied it as it swept through smoke and fire in front of the line; then reverently, tenderly, tearfully often, it is folded away and committed to the care of its btave bearer.

The Thirty-ninth Regiment was originally a battalion known as "Coleman's Battalion" organized at Camp Pat- ton, Asheville, N. C, in the Summer and Fall of 1861, com- posed of five oonapanies, Lieutenant-Colonel David Coleman, of Buncombe county, commanding.

Company A Cherokee County Captain, Benton A. Strange, now residing at Georgetown, Texas ; First Lieuten- ant, John R. Dyohe; Second Lieutenant, Arthur M. Dyche,

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 705

subsequently promoted to Captain; Junior Second Lieuten- ant, Anselra Rogers, now residing in Cherokee county.

Company B Macan County Captain, A. W. Bell ; First Lieutenant, William T. Anderson; Second Lieutenant, Joshua C. Bird ; Junior Second Lieutenant, William A. Hol- broke.

Company C Captain, Harvey M. Davidson, subsequently promoted to LieutenantrColonel ; First Lieutenant, Samuel S. C. Mount, subsequently promoted to Captain and killed at Spanish Fort Mobile, Ala. ; Second Lieutenant, Paschal C. Hughes ; Junior Second Lieutenant, Sylvester B. M. Farmer, now residing at Quallatown, Jackson County, IST. C.

Company D Buncombe County Captain, Ambrose Gaines; First Lieutenant, Jackson Shipman; Second Lieu- tenant, William Allen, subsequently promoted tO' Captain; Junior Second Lieutenant, Wm. M. Bearden.

Company E Clay County Captain, James Began; First Lieutenant, George E. Bristol, subsequently promoted to Captain; Second Lieutenant, Albert W. Leatherwood; Junior Second Lieutenant, James W. Shearer.

Remaining in the Camp of Instruction, awaiting equip- ments and being drilled, until November, 1861, the battalion was moved to "Camp Hill," at the southern foot of Gooch Mountain, five miles north of Asheville, where it continued until about 1 January, 1862, when, because of the inclemency of the winter and the lack of tents, it was removed to the old Reems Creek Campground, now known as Weaverville, some two miles fiirther north, where in the substantial wooden "tents" erected by the devout Methodists of that re- gion, for their annual encampment for the worship of the "Prince of Peace," the soldiers of the "God of War" found comfortable quarters, until their arms and other supplies necessary for active service were received.

Here Companies F and G were organized from the over- crowded Companies A and C, and from volunteer recruits which were daily arriving from the Western counties. Na- thaniel M. E. Slaughter, now residing at Robbinsville, N". C, became Captain of Company F; John W. Rhea, killed at 45

706 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Murfreesboro, First Lieutenant; Andrew J. Cody, after- wards promoted to Captain, Second Lieutenant ; and Joel A. Sawyer, Junior Second Lieutenant.

Paschal C. Hughes, First Lieutenant of Company C, be- came Captain of Company H, and was subsequently pro- moted to Major; Felix P. Axley, now residing at Murphy, ]Sr. C, First Lieutenant; Hugh W. Eogers, Second Lieuten- ant; and Enoch Voyles, Junior Second Lieutenant.

And here also the battalion was further increased by the arrival of Company H, from Cherokee county. Captain, David L. Walker ; First Lieutenant, Abraham Booker, subse- quently promoted to Captain; Second Lieutenant, Miles D. Kilpatrick; Junior Second Lieutenant, John A. Cotter.

W. A. Pierce was appointed Major, and in addition to his duties in that position, acted as Adjutant of the battalion.

Early in February the battalion was moved to Knoxville, Tenn., and ordered to report to General Stevenson, who then commanded the right wing of Kirby Smith's Corps, Army of Tennessee, and was confronting the enemy, who with a strong force from Cumberland Gap and other strong positions along the Cumberland Mountains was threatening the East Tennessee Valley. Attached temporarily to General Led- better's Brigade, the battalion was thrown forward to the front and took position for a few days at Clinton, Tenn., on the north bank of the Clinch river, but was soon withdrawn to the south banlc, where it remained imtil spring. It was here the command passed that ordeal to which all new organi- zations are subjected, and which was often as fatal as battle. The diseases incident to the radical change in the lives of the men ; deficient hospital arrangements and camp equipments, prostrated so many of the men that it was sometimes difficult to secure details for ordinary camp duties. Measles, pneu- monia, camp fevers and rheumatism became rampant, to such an extent that before the health of the command had been restored between seventy-five and one hundred men died, and in addition a large number were sent home on furlough, or to hospitals at Knoxville, tO' recuperate.

At this point Company I, of Macon county, was incorpor- ated into the battalion. Captain, James G. Crawford ; First

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 707

Lieutenant, John Eeid; Second Lieutenant, Robert H. Smitli; Junior Second Lieutenant, Rufus S. Siler.

These nine companies, at the reorganization of the Con- federate forces under the act of Congress, were on 19 May, 1862, organized as the Thirty-ninth Regiment, North Caro- lina Troops, and as such began a career that made its name illustrious in the annals of the Western Army, and kept high the standard of the State of North Carolina from the Ohio to the Gulf. Subsequently, as already stated. Company A, of the Sixteenth Regiment, Captain Andrew W. Coleman, was transferred and became the Tenth company (K) of the Thir- ty-ninth.

David Coleman was elected Colonel, Harvey H. Davidson Lieutenant-Colonel, and shortly afterwards Francis A. Rey- nolds was appointed Major ; S. G. R. Mount, A. Q. M. ; James D. Harden, Adjutant; Theo. F. Davidson, Sergeant Major; Alfred A. Hatcher, Surgeon; Lewis Stephens, As- sistant Surgeon; Allen Ammons, Chaplain.

In the reorganization there were many changes in Com- pany organizations, which it is impossible now to note.

The campaign in Western Kentucky and Tennessee, in the spring and summer of 1862, culminating in the battle of Shiloh, absorbed the attention and concentrated the efforts of both Federal and Confederate authorities to that region, and operations in East Tennessee were directed to maintaining the statu quo. The Thirty-ninth was moved back to Knox- ville, where, encamped at the old Fair Grounds, it soon recov- ered its health and continued the work of drill and prepara- tion for the work before it. During July and August it was assigned the duty of guarding the bridges, stores and lines of communication from Bristol to Chattanooga. The Valley of East Tennessee is wonderfully fertile and was for the first two years of the war one of the chief sources of food supplies for the Confederate armies. Its possession was also regarded as of extreme importance by, both governments, in- asmuch as it commanded one of the main, and the most direct, lines of communication between Richmond and the South- west, and furnished a most advantageous base of operations, especially against the center of the Confederacy south of the

708 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

mountains. Thus, like the Valley of Virginia, it became during the entire war a constant battle ground, and almost every part of it became the scene of most desperate struggles. Unlike the Valley of Virginia, its population was almost evenly divided upon the great questions involved. It is probable more troops were furnished to the Federal army than tO' the Confederate from this section. The result was that a most bitter internecine conflict was waged between these people for four years, with many of the usual incidents of such unhappy conditions. "Bushwhacking" and all kinds of warfare, civilized and uncivilized, cruel and unrelenting, were prevalent; and a campaign in that country was accom- panied by constant and sanguinary personal encoimters and feuds. Althovigh more than a third of a century has elapsed, an unhappy state of things may yet, occasionally, be found to survive in some localities.


In September, 1862, the Kentucky campaign began, the Thirty-ninth, with their neighbors in the Twenty-ninth, being pushed forward and posted at Baptist Gap, on the Cumberland, and on the left of Stevenson's Division, which was closely pressing General Morgan, who with a strong force, occupied Cumberland Gap~the key to the whole country. Here the regiment received its "baptism of fire" ; and it was in con- sequence of its operations, in connection with the other two regiments with which it was acting, that General Morgan was compelled to evacuate Cumberland Gap theretofore believed to be practically impregnable and commenced his flight to- wards the Ohio. The pursuit was vigorous and doubtlesswould have been successful, but the pursuing column was withdrawn and joined in the general advance upon Frankfort and Loiiis^ ville. General Bragg, with the greater portion of the army, proceeded from his base at Chattanooga via Crab Orchard, while Smith's Corps (in which the Thirty-ninth was serving, having at Cumberland Gap been assigned to Raines' Brigade) advanced by way of Lancaster, Barboursville, Richmond, Danville, Harrodsburg; Lawrenceburg, and entered Frank- fort about 1 October.

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 709

General Bragg had, unfortunately, allowed the Federals, under General Buell, to escape him at Mumfordville, Ky., and though closely pursued, they succeeded in reaching Louis- ville, and there finding heavy reinforcements and abundance of supplies awaiting him, General Buell speedily resumed the oifensive. Then began the retrograde movement, result- ing in the hard-fought and drawn battle of Perryville and almost daily engagements between portions of each army, ex- tending until late in October and across the State of Ken- tticky, and closing with the opposing armies occupying almost the identical positions as when the campaign opened. Perhaps no better organized army ever existed than that with which Bragg entered Kentucky the troops had become veterans, were of the flower of the population of the Southwest; had great enthusiasm for the cause and confidence in their lead- ers and in each other; and whenever they were permitted to fight they showed that they were far more than a match for the enemy. The battle of Perryville was, and perhaps will always remain, a mystery to most of Kirby Smith's Corps. All that day with thirty thousand eager fighting men, it lay inactive on the right of the Confederate line, hearing the sound of that terrific conflict, witnessing some of the engage- ment, having the weak, unprotected left wing of the Federals in front, and yet it was not permitted to fire a gun ! Doubt- less there was at the time some tirgent reason ; but from that moment the men began to doubt the ability of their com- manding General to handle an army, and such feeling is dif- ficult to remove, and always has a demoralizing effect. On the next day the corps was moved through Harrodsburg and drawn up in line of battle a mile or two west of that town. All day there was lively skirmishing with artillery engage- ments, but notwithstanding Buell was offered battle, he had been too badly crippled at Perryville tO' accept the challenge. The retreat from Kentucky was deliberate. General Buell, who had by this time a very largely superior force, for some reason did not attempt to bring on a general engagement, but contented himself with a series of rear-guard actions', some of them quite spirited. The Thirty-ninth was in the rear brigade (Raines') of Smith's Corps, and frequently was

710 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

called upon to aid the cavalry, under General Wheeler, to check the enemy. A few volleys usually were sufficient, and the leisurely march would be resumed.

The Confederates brought out of Kentucky enormous quan' titles of supplies, great herds of cattle, long wagon trains of flour, meal and bacon ; besides, the teams and cavalry horses were renewed.

In fact, the army was in these respects in better condition when it returned to Tennessee than when the campaign be- gan. It has been urged that General Bragg's anxiety to avoid the risks of an engagement and the retreat from Frank- fort, were due to the information he and the authorities at Richmond had received, that the Federals had organized and just developed the plan of assailing the Confederate center from the lines of the Mississippi, the Tennessee and the Cumberland rivers. This information was correct, and the change of base, by both armies, transferred the scenes of war* to Vicksburg and middle Tennessee. Upon return to East Tennessee the Thirty-ninth encamped at Lenoir's Station, on the E. T. & G. Railroad, about forty miles west of Knoxville, where the men for several weeks enjoyed a much needed rest.


There being apparently no active service expected before spring, many furloughs were granted, as it was only a short distance to the homes of many of the men. In November tbe regiment was transferred to Reynolds' Brigade. But it soon developed that there was to be a winter campaign. General Rosecrans, who had superseded General Buell, was advanc- ing from Nashville, and Bragg confronted him at Murfrees- boro, where, on the last days of 1862 and the first of 1863, the battle of MurfreesborO' known to the Federals as the battle of Stone river was fought. While the Confederates repulsed the Federals and technically won the fight, as they kept the field for a few days, the practical substantial victory was with the Federals, as General Bragg in a few days, fell back slowly to TuUahoma, at the western base of the Cum- berland Mountains.

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 711

The Thirty-ninth Regiment arrived on the field about the time the engagement began. It seems to have been the only regiment of Reynolds' Brigade present, and was hastened for- ward in response to Bragg's urgent demands for reinforce- ments. Apparently it was thrown intO' the fight as an inde- pendent command; at any rate, it became hotly engaged at once. Very soon Colonel Coleman was disabled by a serious wound in the leg, and carried from the field, and the com- mand devolved upon Lieoitenant-Colonel Davidson. He too, was almost immediately wounded, the ball shattering his right arm, the use of which he never recovered. For some reason, the explanation of which cannot now be given, the command of the regiment devolved upon Captain Bell, Com- pany A. As no official report of the regiment in this en- gagement was ever made, or if made has been lost, it is dif- ficult to locate precisely its operations. General Patton An- derson (Walthall's Brigade) in his report says that "about noon on 31 December, the Thirty-ninth North Carolina Regi- ment, having become detached from its command, and all of its field officers having been killed or wounded, then under command of Captain Bell," reported to him and was assigned a place in his brigade, and participated "most creditably in the subsequent fighting." It is greatly to be regretted that a fuller account of the conduct of the regiment in this battle cannot now be furnished. Enough is known, however, to satisfy us that the r^ment sustained its high reputation. On that part of the field the Confederates were not only suc- cessful in repulsing all advances of the enemy, but, assuming the offensive, drove them for several miles. The heavy loss in staff ajid field shows the serious work done by the Thirty- ninth.

In January the regiment was transferred to Manigault's Brigade, but a few days thereafter was, at the request of Colo- nel R. B. Vance (who was promoted from the Colonelcy of the Twenty -ninth after the battle of Murfreesboro), it became a part of his brigade. General Vance, however, was soon prostrated by a most serious illness which incapacitated him for service until the next summer, and he was thus de- nied the pleasure of leading a brigade in which there were

712 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

the two veteran Worth Carolina regimeaits, the Twenty-ninth and the Thirty-ninth. General Bate, now Senator from Tennessee, assumed the command of the brigade.

In the spring of 1863 the Thirty-ninth was a part of the troops sent to General Jos. E. Johnston in Mississippi, who was organizing a force to oppose Grant on the Mississippi and relieve Vicksbtirg. It was in the new field assigned to Me- ISTair's Brigade, Walker's Division, and participated in all the operations of that CEtmpaign.


In September following it was ordered to rejoin General Bragg, who was concentrating in the vicinity of Lafayette, Ga., to oppose Rosecrans who was again advancing from his base on the Tennessee. The regiment arrived at Chicka- niauga on Friday, 18 September, and was at once thrown forward to the front and immediately became engaged with the enemy, and during that and the next two days it was in the front and the hottest part of one of the greatest and best fought battles, not only of the Civil War, but of modern times.

Chickamauga was like Gettysburg in the fact that the struggle continued for three days; that the Confederates as- sumed the offensive; in the steadiness and fierceness of the attack and the desperate character of the defence and the ap- palling losses on both sides ; but in the result conditions were reversed. JSTotwithstanding the ardor and splendid courage of the Southern men, they were unable to overcome the enemy at Gettysburg and were compelled tO' withdraw from the as- sault and yield the enemy the field. At Chickamauga the Southerners carried the positions of the enemy, drove him from the field and back to his base, occupied every inch of the ground he had held, captured thousands of prisoners and enormous quantities of arms and other military trophies and supplies. In short, they won the battle and the campaign.

It is a singular and interesting fact, illustrating the vary- ing fortunes of this famoxis battle, that in its closing scenes two North Carolina Regiments, Thirty-ninth and Sixtieth,

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 713

fighting in different parts of the field, were facing each other, and not much more than musket shot apart.

farthest at chickamauga.

It was at Chickamauga, on Sunday, the last day of the bat- tle, and at the supreme moment, that the Thirty-ninth per- formed an exploit which for dash and soldierly conduct has no superior in all the annals of war, and which if it had done no'thing more, before or afterwards, would have entitled it to the well-earned fame it bore in the armies of the West.

General McNair had been wounded earlier in the day, and the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel Coleman. The brigade was in General Bushrod Johnson's Division, Longstreet's Corps, and was steadily driving the enemy. A great portion of the field of Chickamauga, like that of Chan- cellorsville, was covered by a dense forest. In the advance the Brigade emerged from the woods into a large open space, now famous as "Dyer's Field." At the opposite end the Federals had massed several batteries of artillery, heavily supported by infantry. One of these batteries was especially effective in its fire upon the Confederates. Colonel Coleman discovered as soon as his troops advanced into the open that he was far in advance of the general line of battle, and that he must retire or silence this battery. With that quick soldierly instinct for which he was distinguished, he slightly changed front to- wards the right and putting himself at the head of the Thirty- ninth, and instructing the men to shoot down the artillery horses, he gave the order to charge. The men iiished up to the very muzzles of the battery and then ensiied, but for a few moments only, a desperate hand-to-hand encounter. The Federal infantry soon fell back, but the gunners fought to the last and most of them were killed or wounded. The en- tire battery, ten guns, with all its eqimipments, was cap- tured and sent tO' tlie rear. This is the point and time then known and ever since called the "Famous Break of the Fed- eral Center," and was decisive of the battle, though that fact was not known at the time. In his report, of the battle (which is inserted in this sketch) Colonel Coleman modestly

714 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

states the facts, leaving out many details whicli are often re- counted by the old veterans as they gather around their re- union campfires.

The credit for this remarkable achievement was claimed by other troops, who came up almost immediately after the cap- ture of the battery. General Johnson, in his report, refers to this claim, but says he is unable tO' determine it, as Colonel Coleman, at the time of writing the report, had been sent with his brigade back to the Department of the Mississippi and he had no opportunity to communicate with him ; but he makes a suggestion which doubtless furnishes the true solution. There were several Federal batteries in Dyer's Field. While the one captured by the Thirty-ninth, because of its position and that of the Confederates, was enabled to do more damage, the others were not idle and it was one of them which was captured by the troops of other portions of the Southern line a short while after the Thirty -ninth had made the "famous break," which led to the confusion. There was never any doubt with the men of the Thirty-ninth, or of MclSTair's Bri- gade, of the facts, and many survivors yet can give incontesta- ble evidence of them. The matter was, however, histori- cally settled by the investigation and conclusion of a com- mission of Confederate and Federal officers, who were actu- ally engaged in the battle, and who, in 1893, visited the scene, examined the ground, maps, reports, etc. The result is contained in a report made to Governor Carr, of North Carolina, by Colonel Clinton A. Cilley, who was a gallant Federal officer, and witnessed many of the operations at Chickamauga, dated 23 November, 1893. It is hoped that a place in this work will be found for that entire report. So much of it as refers to the incident just recounted is as fol- lows :

"Second: The famous break through the Federal center about noon on Sunday. Here it was, according to the report of Colonel David Coleman, Thirty-ninth North Carolina, who towards the close of the day took command of his brig- ade in consequence of General McNair having been disabled, that the brigade, under Coleman's command, started across the open field in the face of the heavy fire and captured nine

Thikty-Ninth Regiment. 715

cannons whicli had been playing on it from an eminence. Colonel Coleman, with the modesty of the soldier, contents himself with the simple statement, and says no more.

"The commander of another brigade also claims the honor of the capture, fortifying his statements by certificates from various subordinates. The division commander refers to both reports, but does not decide between them ; he intimates however, that out of the abundance of captured cannon both brigades might have taken the number claimed.

"This made it necessary for us to collect all available evi- dence and subject it to the United States Commissioners the night before our actual inspection of the ground; reports, maps and other printed matter, were thoroughly examined and discussed, and we were assured that should the morning survey confirm the conclusion arrived at, we would regard our contention as successful.

"The next day, after establishing the point where the guns were massed, we walked up the long slope of Dyer's Field, over which ten or twelve divisions had fought, and a second comparison of all the evidence available, made on the very spot of the conflict, so plainly showed the justness of Colonel Coleman's claim that we were directed to drive down a stake, marked with the regiment's name, the date and fact of the exploit, at the location contended for."

The enemy was now driven from every portion of the field except Snodgrass Hill, where, under the stubborn Thomas, he concentrated and fortified and for hours siiccessfully re- sisted the repeated assaults of the Southerners. The loss of life, especially among the Confederates, was awful. Ceme- tery Ridge at G-ettysburg, the "Bloody Angle" at Spottsylva- nia, and "Snodgrass Hill," at Chickamauga, will rank with the most sanguinary struggles in civilized warfare. When night came the Federals were yet behind a portion of their log breastworks ; the Confederates on the slope only a few yards in front; human effort, apparently, could do no more, and neither would yield. Under the cover of welcome dark- ness. General Thomas abandoned his intrenchments and es- caped to Chattanooga, with the only organized but badly shat- tered division of the magnificent army Rosecrans had led

716 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

across the spurs of the Lookout Mountain only a few days before. The Thirty-ninth was in the supporting line at Snodgrass Hill, and as the struggle approached culmina- tion, became engaged in the general and final assault, and with its thin and wearied lines was "in at the death."

Colonel Coleman's report, above refen-ed to, is as fol- lows:

(From Official Records Union and Confederate Armies, Vol. 51, pp. 499-502.)

Headquarters McIS[air''s Brigade, Camp Near Eingold, Gta., Sept. 24, 1863.

Sir : In obedience to Brigadier-General Johnson's order of yesterday, I have the honor to report the part taken by this brigade in the late battles:

Shortly before daylight on the 18th instant, this brigade (Brigadier-G-eneral E. MclSTair), in company with that of Brigadier-General B. R. Johnson, who commanded the whole force, left Catoosa Station, on the Chickamauga river, and marched by way of Ringold by the Lafayette road to the intersection of the Graysville and Reed's Bridge road. Here cannonading and sharp skirmishing being heard on the left, line of battle was formed, with Johnson's Brigade on the right, and the force swept steadily in this order, with skir- mishers in front, across the country to the left, the enemy giving way with scarcely any resistance, to the Reed's Bridge road, near the bridge. Thence marched, hearing heavy mus- ketry firing in front, to within one and a half miles of Lee & Gordon's Mills on the Chattanooga, and Lee & Gordon's Mills road, where it encamped in line for the night some time after dark.

On the 19tli, just about 8 a. m., the battle having begun on the right, the brigade was placed in position in rear of Gregg's Brigade, with the artillery. Captain Culpepper's three pieces. At 12 m. the Thirty-ninth North Carolina Regi- ment, Colonel Coleman, and Twenty-fifth Arkansas, Lieuten- ant-Colonel Hufstedler, (Colonel Coleman commanding both regiments), were ordered to support General Gregg. Moved

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 717

rapidly foi"ward, and getting near Gregg's Brigade (then un- der a terrific fire) chaxged impetuously with loud cheers, passing over the left of Gregg's Brigade, and drove the en- emy in rapid flight through the thick woods, across the Chat- tanooga road, past the small house 100 yards on, and into the corn fields beyond, making a distance of, altogether, about three-quarters of a mile. In the last advance Lieutenant-Col- onel Hufstedler fell wounded with five balls. Here, though the enemy to whom we had been opposed in front were in flight, broken, and in confusion, having sustained a heavy loss in killed, the two regiments were halted on finding their tired and weakened line exposed to a fatal flanking fire, especially on the left, which was unsupported on account of the rapidity of their advance. With an enemy's battery near by on the left, and a strong enemy re-enforcement approaching, and our ammunition neaxly exhausted, the impracticability of longer holding this advanced and exposed position was imme- diately manifest and the force was ordered back to the woods. Here they were reformed, and a fresh line having passed to relieve them, were marched back to nearly their original posi- tion tO' await ammunition, where they were joined by the rest of the brigade, which finally moved forward to the position in line, where it was encamped for the night between Johnson's Brigade (on the right) and Hindman's Division (on the



On the morning of the 20th, the brigade was placed in line between Stewart's Ejivision (on the right) and Hind- man's (on the left), with a slight barricade of branches and small dead wood in front. Here, at about 9 :30 a. m., the line repulsed an advance of the enemy. In a few mintites after, the brigade, advancing with the rest of the line, drove the enemy steadily and rapidly back, passing over two suc- cessive lines of temporary breastworks, a distance of about three-quarteirs of a mile, reaching the comer of the field, at the opposite end of which were two batteries of the enemy on a hill commanding the whole advance. General McNair and Colonel Harper, First Arkansas (dismounted) Rifies, having just been disabled by wounds (that of the latter ofiicer mor-

718 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

tal), the brigade, already in advance of the line, charged furi- ously upon the batteries diagonally on the right and captured them, taking ten pieces, eight of which were immediately sent with their remaining horses to our rear, and the remain- ing two, then in the woods, were carried to the rear after- wards, the ground never having been reoccupied by the en- emy.

The brigade was now considerably in advance of the line, though this was rapidly approaching. Our left was still more exposed by the break made by our diagonal charge. The enemy were firing from the woods in front, while within 200 yards farther in the woods a large body of tlie enemy was seen drawn up in good order. With our forces reduced by our rapid advance and ammunition nearly exhausted, it was necessary at once to abandon our position. The brigade retired to the woods, procured ammunition, and took position in line on the left of Robertson's Brigade.

Here receiving an order from Brigadier-General Johnson, the brigade (under Colonel Coleman, upon whom the com- mand had devolved) moved forward and to the left about a half mile to the support of Johnson's Brigade, which was sup- porting Robertson's battery, stationed on the brow of a hill to the right of the Lookout Valley road, at which point our forces were resisting with diiHculty the determined advance of the enemy in heavy force. In a few minutes General John- son ordered our advance, when, passing the line immediately supporting the battery (which line also advanced), we charged over the hill upon the enemy, and after a protracted and obstinate resistance (a brigade on our right and M.ani- gault's Brigade on the ridge to our left advancing on parallel lines to us), the enemy were completely driven from the posi- tion. In this conflict we suffered much from a flanking fire, arising from tardy support on our left.

The artillery (Captain Culpepper) having assisted in re- pulsing the enemy, at 9 :30 a. m. was placed in position by General Law with his battery, and remained there during the day.

I have great pleasure and pride in saying that the whole brigade behaved most nobly during the fighting of both days,

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 719

being uniformly in advance of all others in every onset. Its losses and its trophies bear ample testimony to its good con- duct. In another report I propose tO' particularize indi- vidual instances.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,

D. Coleman, Colonel Commanding Brigade. To Captain Blakemore, Acting A. A. General.


Statement of captures made by McNair's Brigade at Chickamauga on 18, 19 and 20 September, 1863:

Ten pieces of artillery; several caissons left on the field and brought off afterwards ; six first-class ordnance wagons ; six wagon loads of small-arms ammunition; brought off the field 800 fine rifles; piled up for ordnance wagons 2,000 rifles; brought off the field twenty-six artillery horses; two stand of colors, one Eighth Kansas, the other not remem- bered. One was taken from Private Harry Barger, Com- pany I, Twenty-fifth Arkansas, by force, after capturing it himself, by an officer, ranking First Lieutenant of Mani- gault's Brigade. D. Coleman, Colonel,

Commanding McNair's Brigade.

From another enclosure in this report it appears that the Thirty-ninth had an aggregate of 232 men and 15 officers present for duty, of whom it lost 100 killed and wounded and three missing. As the full aggregate present never goes into line of battle, there always being some sick and details for cooks, stretcher-bearers and other purposes, the loss of the Thirty-ninth was certainly over one-half.

Colonel Coleman's report though written with a soldier's modesty, shows his men were farthest to the front on both days, and were necessarily so at the crisis, the capture of the artillery, at the "Break" of the enemy's line. With this sketch will be inserted, from Official Records of the Union

720 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

and Confederate Armies, Vol. 51, p. 468, the map whicli ac- companied the report of General Bushrod Johnson and which shows that the two regiments of McKair's Brigade (com- manded by Colonel Coleman) were at the furthest point on the 19th also.

At the close of the Chickamauga campaign the Thirty- ninth was again sent to the Southwest (Department of the Gulf) and took an active part in the operations in that region. As the emergencies of the situations in the wide ten'itory embraced in that department demanded the regiment was as- signed to Eeynolds', and finally to Ector's Brigade, Colonel Coleman commanding most of the time.


In the spring of 1864, the regiment was again brought back to ISTorthern Georgia, and joined General Joseph E. Johnston, who had succeeded General Bragg in the command of the Army of Tennessee, at Eesaca, on 8 May. It imme- diately became engaged with the enemy, and from that hour until the fall of Atlanta, it may be truthfully said the men of the Thirty-ninth were under fire every day. That long drawn battle, or series of battles, between Johnston and Sherman from Dalton to Atlanta has no equal. The strug- gle between Lee and Grant from Spottsylvania to Petersburg was in' fierceness of fighting and skill in strategy, perhaps eqvially as brilliant, but the area of operations was much more circumscribed and the contending armies much nearer their base of supplies. The battles of Resaca, Altoona, New Hope Church, Peach Tree Creek, and many others of only less magnitude were of the most desperate character, and in all of them the Thirty-ninth bore an active and honorable part. Its ranks had become thin, recruiting had long since become exhausted, but every man in it was a veteran, with whom fighting had become a habit, and war the normal condi- tion of life.

Following the fall of Atlanta came General Hood's ill- starred campaign to ISTashville, in the hope of compelling Sher- man to recall his army to protect his lines of communication. But it was too late; the South had expended its strength,

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 721

while the North -was just beginning to utilize its vast and in- exhaustible resources.


At the battle of Nashville the Thirty-ninth was on the ex- treme left of the line, where Lieutenant-General Stewart in his report refers to its work as exhibiting the "usual intrepid- ity of this small, but firm and reliable body of men." The disastrous results of that campaign are known, but in all prob- ability the privations, the hunger, cold and apparently hope- less condition of that brave remnant of the gallant army on that retreat in mid-winter will never be fully known or appre- ciated except by those who participated in it. Until Nash- ville, the Thirty-ninth had never met defeat.


But the end was approaching ; the inevitable was near. Yet the hearts of these devoted Southern Mountaineers did not fail. Once more they were ordered to the Department of the Gulf and there participated in the closing operations of the war in that part of the Confederacy. It was near Mobile, at Spanish Fort, in resisting the assaults of the enemy, that the Thirty-ninth fought its last fight and where a large number of the few survivors were killed or captured the remainder cutting their way through the overwhelming ranks of the en- emy, only to hear that Lee and Johnston had surrendered, the Confederacy had fallen, and the Cause for which they had SO' long suffered and fought, was lost. On 4 May, 1865, at Meridian, Miss., under the command of that superb soldier and accomplished gentleman, General Dick Taylor, the men of the Thirty-ninth laid down their arms and that regiment ceased to exist. But its glory survives; the memory of its achievements will never die. When our comrades, who in such greater numbers swelled the armies of Virginia and there won eternal fame, recall and record their sufferings, vic- tories and glories', may they never forget their brethren who in the distant West and Southwest maintained full high the fame of the Old North State. 46

722 NoKTH Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

It is a singular fact that, while in the first pitched battle in which the regiment was engaged all of its field officers were shot down and carried from the field, they all survived the war, notwithstanding their constant active service, and the numerous bloody engagements in which they fought; and lived to serve their country well in those dark and dreadful days of Reconstruction which followed a period in many respects more trying to our people and requiring more steadi- ness and moral courage, perhaps, than that of actual hostili- ties.

David Coleman was born in the county of Buncombe 5 February, 1824, and died in Asheville 5 Marclj, 1883. He was the son of Wm. Coleman, and his wife, Cynthia Swain, a sister of Gov. Swain. He was prepared for college at Newton Academy, near Asheville, an institution celebrated in that day for its high standard of scholarship, and the character of the youths who received instruction in it. He then en- tered the University, where his vigorous mind, his taste for letters, and his fondness for the classics, soon attracted at- tention. Shortly before the time when he would have grad- uated he entered the United States navy and served therein with distinction until his resignation, about the year 1850, having attained the position of Lieutenant Commander. He saw much service abroad, having been attached to the Afri- can, Mediterranean and South American squadrons. He was at the siege of Vera Cruz, and the vessel to which Jie was attached took an active part in the bombardment. Upon his resignation he returned to Asheville and was admitted to the bar. His native ability, rare acoomplisbments, accom- panied by a fine presence and remarkably courtly bearing, soon secured for him a high place in his profession and in the public esteem. In 1854 he was a Democratic candidate for State Senator, and defeated the late Nicholas Woodfin, who had for many years represented the district and was sup- posed to be invincible ; but, the "boy from the navy," as his political opponents called bim, was victorious. In 1856 he was re-elected, defeating his contemporary, Zebulon B. Vance, the only defeat Vance ever received in a popular

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 723

election. In 1858 Coleman and Vance were rival candi- dates for Congress ; this time Vance being the victor.

Colonel Coleman ardently espoused the doctrine of Seces- sion, being one of the few leading men in the West who took that position. At the beginning of hostilities he at once of- fered his services to the Confederate and State Governments, and sought duty in the navy, which it was then hoped to or- ganize. He was appointed to the command of some ship, the name of which is not now recalled, but the delays in its equipment and the vigilance of the Federal blockade were too much for his impatient spirit, and he entered the army, being appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, and was assigned to the com- mand of a battalion which afterwards became the Thirty- ninth Regiment, North Carolina Troops.

After the war he resumed the practice of his profession and was at once recognized, and so continued to be until the day of his death, as one of the leaders of the bar in the State. He was for some time solicitor of the Western circuit, and with General Olingman, represented the county of Buncombe in the Constitutional Convention of 1875. He took an active part in public questions of the day (it is needless to say which side he espoused) and was, perhaps, the most influential man, except Governor Vance, in the western portion of the State. He was the ideal Southern soldier and gentleman, and the devotion of his men to him was phenomenal. He never married.

Lieutenant-Colonel Harvey H. Davidson was bom in the county of Haywood, on 27 March, 1814, and died at his resi- dence in Clay county on 1 July, 1889. He was the second son of Wm. M. Davidson, and his wife, Elizabeth Vance, a daughter of Colonel David Vance, a Revolutionary soldier. In fact, Colonel Davidson was descended from good figh1> ing stock on both sides, his grandfather Davidson having also been a soldier in the Revolution. He was a man of great strength of mind and firmness of character, and had the faculty of inspiring confidence and affection beyond that of most men. His cousin. Governor Vance, once told the writer that Colonel Davidson had a greater fund and finer sense of humor than any man he had ever met. These quali-

724 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

ties made him exceedingly popular in every relation of life. When a young man he emigrated tO' Texas, but soon returned to his native State and settled in Cherokee county. His peo- ple soon chose him for their sheriff and continued him in that position until he entered the Confederate army. After one 6t two contests opposition to him ceased, as itwas seen to be hope- less. A fever supervened his wound at Murfreesboro, and upon the retreat of the Confederates from that field he fell into the hands of the enemy and was sent to Camp Chase, where he spent many weary months in captivity. When exchanged his arm was found to be useless, and his health so impaired that he could no longer serve in the field, and he resigned. At the close of the war he resumed his residence on his farm in Cherokee county, taking an active and leading part in public matters representing the county in the General Assembly of 1865-'67. In 1880 he removed to Clay county and spent the remaining years of his life in his favorite pur- suit of agriculture. He died as he lived, an upright, useful citizen, universally beloved. He left surviving him a large number of descendants.

Of Lieutenant-Colonel Reynolds, unfortunately, there is no data of his subsequent career, except that with his father, General A. W. Reynolds, at the close of the war he went to Egypt and was for several years in the service of the Khedive.- He died shortly after his return to America. He was not a native of North Carolina, but was a graduate of West Point and an accomplished soldier.

Major Paschal C. Hughes was born in Macon county IS October, 1834, and died in Cherokee 10 December, 1878, leaving surviving him his widow (who was a daugh- ter of Lieutenant-Colonel Davidson), two sons and two daughters. At the close of the war he studied law, was ad- mitted to the bar and soon became known through^ out the Western counties as a safe and reliable counselloi' and faithful business lawyer. His character in every respect was of the highest; and while he never sought public honors he always commanded the respect and confi- dence of all classes of the community. The same stern sense" of duty and exalted courage which characterized him as *

Thikty-Ninth Regiment. 725

Boldier, marked hie civil life and made him that best of all citizens a good and useful man.

Jas. D. Harden, Adjutant of the regiment, was bom in Alamance county, but at the time of his enlistment in Com- pany C, of the Thirty-ninth Eegiment, was a resident of Cherokee county. In the famous charge at Chickamauga, on Sunday, he was shot through the neck and was left for dead on the field as his comrades swept forward in the charge; but after months he was sufficiently restored to return to serrice, when he was promoted to Quartermaster, and as such faith- fully served his country in the armies of the West until the end. He now resides at Cheraw, South Carolina. He mar- ried the daughter of Judge Mclver, of the Supreme Court of that State.

The vmter has ventured to give these short and imperfect notices of the leading spirits of his old regiment. They are entitled to have their namies and deeds inscribed upon the an- nals of their people ; and if this sketch shall have contributed anything to the perpetuation of the glory of the services they, and the men whom they led, rendered their country in the times of its greatest need, he will be, in some measure, reconciled to the imperfections of his efforts.

Theo. F. Davidson.


4 May, 1901.


By first lieutenant JOHN M. DAVIDSON, Company C.

I herewitli give my recollections of the organization and movements of the Thirty-ninth North Carolina Eegiment. I know that in many respects it is incomplete, but I trust I can give to the Veterans' Association of North Carolina some facts which, perhaps, with what others remember, may be the means of placing the grand old regiment in the front rank, where it belongs.

The Thirty-ninth North Carolina Regiment was organized, as a regiment, at Clinton, Tennessee, 19 May, 1862, accord- ing to Act of Congress of the Confederate States. Prior to that time it was known as "Coleman's Battalion," and as such had been organized and drilled at Asheville, N. C, and Camp Hill, near Asheville. David Coleman was elected Colonel, Hugh H. Davidson LieutenantColonel, and shortly thereafter Frank A. Reynolds was appointed Major. The regiment remained a while at Clinton, drilling and doing reg- ular camp dvity, with a Georgia regiment, commanded by Colonel Jackson, and a section of artillery, General Gauly Reynolds acting as Brigadier-General. Our first move was to the fair ground at Knoxville, a portion of the regiment being detailed to guard bridges on the East Tennessee, Vir- ginia & Georgia Railway, and from there we went to Lou- don, Tennessee, where we remained some time. Lieutenant Hymes, of Louisiana, was made drill-master, and gave us thorough exercise every day.


In September, 1862, we received marching orders to pro- ceed to Cumberland Gap, Tenn. After arriving there the Twenty-ninth and Thirty-ninth North Carolina, and an Ala-

728 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

bama regiment, were ordered to Baptist Gap. Captain Ter- rell was with us, commanding a company of a hundred Cher- okee Indians, who did good picket duty. The three regi- ments were ordered to proceed to another gap, below Baptist Gap, where the Federals were expected to pass, but as we did not find them, on the second or third day we moved back to Baptist Gap, and when nearing the Gap heard heavy firing by the Indians, and were ordered to double-quick. Upon arriving at the base of the mountain we were deployed as a skirmish line and after advancing a short distance, met a squad of Indians bearing off their Chief and Lieutenant, mortally wounded, who died that night. The Federals saw us approaching and retreated across the mountain, without the fire of another gun. The next day I was placed in com- mand of Company C to guard Lieutenant Anderson who, with a detail of a hundred men, was ordered to cut the timber off the road leading over the Gap, Captain Dyche, of Com- pany A, and Captain Bell, of Company B, being placed as guards on the sharp bluffs on either side of the Gap. I had Company C advanced as pickets, and some of the Indians as scouts.

We spent an exciting day, as the Federals were in the valley only a short distance away. Tbe Indian scouts cap- tured three of their pickets and reported to me with their prisoners, who were the worst frightened men I ever saw. Their captors, the Eed Men, wore feather plumes on their heads, giving them a savage appearance. I ordered the pris- oners taken to headquarters, after assuring them that the In- dians would not scalp them. We remained on the moun- tain several days, doing heavy picket duty, when a courier brought the news that General Morgan, commanding the Union army, had evacuated Cumberland Gap. Then came the bugle call, and we began the race. General E. Kirby Smith had us on the double-quick (in Raines' Brigade), but we could not overtake the fleeing army, which gave us the slip near the Salt works. General Smith then shaped his course towards Frankfort, stopping a few days at Danville, a beau- tiful little city in a wealthy and refined community. I was put in command of Company C, and detailed to guard a very

Ti-iiRTY-NiKTH Regiment. 729

large distillery, owned by a prominent Union man. My in- structions were to treat him and his family kindly and res- pectfully, and to protect his property at all hazards. I had with Lieutenants Moss and Hall, and eighty men. We gave the old man such satisfaction that one day he gave us all a magnificent dinner. The tables were loaded with turkeys, chickens, roast pig, etc., which was a great treat to a set of hungry old Confederate soldiers. We were waited on by his three daughters, forty of us seated at a time, the other forty to guard.


In a few days the army was on the march to Salvisa ( ?) and was several hours in advance before we received orders to move. When the company was formed in line to start the old distiller mad© a speech of thanks, and filled every man's canteen vdth fine ol'd rye whiskey, four years old. As we left we gave three cheers for our kind-hearted host.

Having to march all night, I gave orders for the men to be very careful with the "good spirit," and let moderation be their guide. Our tramp during that long night was light- ened by an occasional sip from the canteens, and as we occa- sionally overtook some poor old soldier fatigued and broken down, we would administer a small dose of the rye and in a little while he would rise and fall into line with a bright step. When we arrived at Salvisa, in the afternoon, the skirmish was over and the Confederates were holding the town. Our command had left ; we could not ascertain by what route, but proceeding upon the theory that the right hand pike was the safest we took it. After marching about a mile we were over- taken by a squad of cavalry, commanded by Major Wash. Morgan, who were leaving in a hurry as the Federals were after them. He recognized me and advised me to break for a thicket near by and hide like partridges until dark, and then slip across the fields and take the other pike for Har- rodsburg. Presently the Yankee cavalry came dashing by. We took a good look at the "blue-coats," but had no disposi- tion to disturb thean. As soon as darkness came on we crawled out of the brush, and finding the pike, marched

730 North Caeolina Troops, 1861-'65.

nearly all night, stopping only to take a nap at midnight, and for a sumptuous breakfast of fat bacon and hard-tack at day- light, arriving at Harrodsburg the following night. During the march that day a lady treated us to as much com cake and buttermilk as we could eat. I acted rather indiscreetly and ate so much it made me sick, but the soldiers secured a man- ger for me in the "Hotel de Horse," and soon had me on foot again. Early next morning the troops began coming in from the battle of Perryville, that had been fought the even- ing before. We found our regiment and were soon moving to Camp Eobinson, crossing the Kentucky river where we had protection from the high bluffs to resist the approach of the enemy. The next day being Sunday, our brigade assembled around some straw piles and were highly entertained by a ser- mon from Kev. Mr. Wexler, Chaplain of the Twenty-ninth Regiment. The Yanks, however, did not intend that we should protract our religious services, and by midnight we were on the move. As we passed Camp Dick Robinson our way was brilliantly lighted by the burning of the commissary stores. Large warehouses filled with bacon were producing a "meat-teoric" light. Many of the soldiers fixed bayonets and plunging into the fine blazing hams, shouldered arms and marched on.

Our next stopping place was Frankfort,* where we were kept scouting and skirmishing. One evening our brigade was moved out on the pike near a little place, Shelbyville, I think, but the Federals only made a feint. While we were absent the balance of the army was at the capital, making a Confederate Governor, viz: Governor Haws, of Paris, Ky. Unfortunately he did not have time to deliver his inaugural address, as it was unsafe for him to stay long. He was mounted on a fine Kentucky charger and was honored with a position in front of the army. As we marched out by the penitentiary, the band played "Dixie." I thought that if we were in "Dixie's Land" we should be allowed to "take our

* Note— The occupation and evacuation of Frankfort preceded the bat- tle of Perryville. Lieutenant Davidson is accurate as to events, but in tbis instance lias reversed the order of time in which they occurred. Ed.

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 731

stand." We passed through a beautiful little town about midnight, halting for a few moments, and heard a female call to her neighbor across the street, "Skeedaddle." A sweet voiced lady spoke to us from a second-story window, saying that she was for the Confederacy, but that her friend and neighbor was a Unioiiist and was rejoicing at the Con- federate retreat.

JSTothing of interest occurred on our march from Ken- tucky. We passed out as we entered, through Cumberland Gap, stopping at Lenoir on the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway.

A few days after our arrival at this point, Sergeant-Ma j or Theo. F. Davidson was relieved from duty, being under age, and was appointed on General R. B. Vance's staff. Our next move was to Loudon, Tennessee, only a few miles south of Lenoir, where we went into camp and remained for some time, guarding bridges, drilling, etc.


In the latter part of December moved to Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where the battle of Murfreesboro was fought (30 and 31 December). It was in this fight that our Brigadier- General (Raines), a brave and gallant soldier, was killed. During a charge he fell from his horse, and the riderless ani- mal galloped on into the Federal lines. The Twenty-ninth, Thirty-ninth and Sixtieth North Carolina Regiments lost many brave soldiers. Colonel Coleman was severely wounded in the leg. Colonel H. H. Davidson received a bullet in the arm, shattering the bone near the elbow. His wound was so painful that he was thrown into a fever and could not be moved, and w,as captured by the enemy.

After the retreat the army went into winter quarters near Shelbyville. Our Brigadier-General having been killed. Col- onel R. B. Vance, as senior Colonel, was put in command for a while. Colonel W. B. Bate, of Tennessee, was promoted to Brigadier-General, and put in command of our Brigade. General A. P. Stewart commanded our Division of Polk's Corps. The winter was spent in recruiting, drilling, review-

732 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

ing and camp duty. On one occasion General Polk, in re- viewing his corps, selected the beautiful flag presented to the Thirty-ninth North Carolina Regiment by the ladies of Ashe- ville to be placed at the reviewing stand, which produced a little envy in the minds of the troops from some other States. While the regiment, was marching out to take its place, and William Breedon, the Ensign, was proudly bearing his beautiful banner, some one called out "Hurrah for the Tar Heels." As we had not then learned our new name, the Ensign took it is an insult, and stepping out of the ranks, stuck his flagstaff up in the ground and dared those offering an insult to North Car- olina to step out two at a time and he would whip the entire regiment. This caused a yell of laughter, and Bree^ don, realizing the joke, raised his banner and marched on. The corps made a fine display. A large number of ladies from Shelbyville were present and were delighted with the movements of the troops.

General A. P. Stewart commanded the Division, issued orders for a thorough training of the company officers. We were placed under a West Point officer, who' organized us into a class, and we had to make "Hardee's Tactics" our constant companion for some time. We recited every day, and were then formed into a squad and put through the practical part of the lesson. We had a good class and as every one did his best, made good progress in co^mpany and battalion drill. Our instructor must have reported progress to the General, for one day as I was drilling the company, General Stewart and his staff approached. He alighted and walked by my side for some time, and, when we had completed the move- ment, ordered a halt and tendered us his thanks for our cor- rect movements and proficiency. On the day following the regiment was marched out to the parade ground, as we sup- posed for our usual drill. Colonel Coleman formed us in line of battle and gave the commands, "Order Arms, Parade Rest." We thought him very kind in not trotting us around that old field, but in a few moments discovered General Stewart advancing with his staff. They were saluted by the Field Officers, and after a short consultation. Adjutant Har-

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den took his position, called attention, and proceeded to read the following order: "Lieutenant J. M. Davidson, Com- pajiy O, will take charge of and drill the regiment." I did not feel the least bit elated over the order, but it had to be obeyed. I went to Colonels Coleman and Eeynolds for ad- vice, but they only said take the regiment through any evo- lution you can. I decided on one of the most beautiful move- ments in Hardee's Tactics that of breaking the regiment to the rear into columns of companies. There were seven or eight hundred men, divided into ten companies. I was not honored with a horse and had never attempted to drill more than a single company. I took my position in front of and near the centre of the regiment, and gave the command to move, but omitted to first give the precautionary command. Of co'urse the order was not obeyed, they could not move, being at order arms and parade rest. The General, specta- tors and regiment smiled audibly. Discovering my mis- take, I gave my voice a high piteh and commanded : "Atten- tion, battalion, shoulder arms, by the right of companies to the rear into column, march." All moved out nicely, and I wheeled them around the old field and attempted to throw them into line at a double-quick, but while stepping back- wards my heel struck a little grub or bush, which gave me a hard fall, my sword flew out of my hand and stuck up in the ground several feet away. As I went down I yelled, "Halt !" and General Stewart called out, "Rise, Captain, and try it again." I succeeded in getting the regiment into line again, and saluting the Colonel, begged to be relieved of the com- mand. General Stewart said that as I had done so well, ex- cepting the fall, he would let me off.

Captain Allen, of Company D, was called out next, and at- tempted to' go through the same movement, but, unfortu- nately, gave the command, "By the right of Companies to the rear, March!" and each Captain marched his company to the rear until we struck a dense cedar thicket, when some one yelled, "Down on your marrow bones and charge the cedar thicket." Captain Allen, who had a feminine voice, called out in his distress: "Colonel, what is the matter with the men ?" The Colonel assured him that the men were obey-

734 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

ing his commands. He replied : "Colonel, for God's sake, stop them and get them out of that thicket." Colonel Cole- man managed to extricate us, and we were reformed in the old field again. Captain Allen got along very well with the remainder of the evolution, and was relieved. General Stew- art made us a nice speech, thanking us for affording him so much amusement, and saying that it had been a very pleasant day, and that it was necessary for soldiers to have a little fun occasionally. So ended my first and last attempt at battal- ion drill.


The corps was soon after transferred to the Department of the Gulf, and went into camp at Meridian, Miss., where it remained during the winter of 1863. In June, 1863, we were ordered to YazoO', Miss., and near Canton, Miss., the. Thirty-ninth was transferred to MclSTair's Brigade, French's Division. This brigade, with the exception of the Thirty- ninth, was composed of Arkansas troops, who were good sol- diers, and they treated the "Tar Heels" so kindly that all the survivors of the old veterans have a warm place in their hearts for each other.

From the Big Pond, near Canton, we marched to Bird- song's farm, near Vicksburg. General Johnston was endeav- oring to get into Vicksburg to assist General Pemberton in getting out. On 4 July we were ordered to cook three days' rations and to move that nigtht at midnight via Edwards' Sta- tion. During the day we heard continuous and heavy can- nonading at Vicksburg, and that night as the troops were get- ting ready for their dangerous march, a courier arrived with the sad intelligence that General Pemberton had surren- dered to Grant, and that the Federals were moving on John- ston. The command was given to march, and slowly and sadly we started for Jackson, Miss., where we rested for a few days. Here Johnston made a stand, with Breckin- ridge's Division on the left, resting on Pearl river, and French's Division on the right. About 6 or 8 July, Grant came up with a heavy skirmish line and began shelling, feel- ing for our lines. Breckinridge's Division was hidden in

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 735

the chapparal, and a masked battery planted in line with the railway. Company C, with a portion of the regiment had been on duty in the trenches for forty-eight hours, and had been relieved to rest for a short time in a railroad cut, where we were in perfect safety and had a full view of the masked battery and our skirmish line. The Federals thought they had discovered a gap, through which they had but tO' march to the capital. They advanced in four lines, in perfect or- der, keeping step as if on dress parade. Just as they reached the railroad the cotton bales and brush were thrown from the six fine brass cannon and, the command ringing out, every piece fired at once. At the same time Breckin- ridge's men arose like ghosts in front and poured in a heavy shower of minie balls. The destruction of life was awful; they fell like grain before the reaper. We in the cut saw it all. It lasted scarcely fifteen minutes, and over seven hun- dred dead were left on the railroad track. The survivors hastily retreated to the timber in their rear. Grant was pressing us all along the line, shelling the city every night. It was a grand sight to see the shells passing like blazing me- teors overhead, with a whizzing sound, as they went on their deadly missions, crashing into the roofs of buildings and fre^ quently setting a house on fire. In a few days Johnston fell back across Pearl river, placing torpedoes under the pontoon bridge. These exploded as the Federals attempted to follow, and we heard afterwards that many had been killed. Grant followed us no further after the capture of Jackson, but re- turned to Vicksburg and we marched unmolested to Bran- don, Miss.


In September we moved tO' Tennessee to assist General Bragg, arriving at Ringold on the 17th, and starting at once for Ohickamauga. We passed over the hills, where heavy skirmishing was in progress, and crossed Ohickamauga at Reed's Bridge. General Rosecrans, with his powerful army, made an attack on the Friday after we arrived. Darkness put a stop to the fighting, and we slept on our arms that night, and on the morning of the 18th were in line again. I had

736 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

been acting as Quartermaster for several months, and my wagon train was at Alexander's Bridge, on the opposite side of Chickamauga.

While Bragg was holding a council with his Generals un- der some large pin© trees, about 8 o'clock a. m., the Federal artillery sent several shells through the tops of the trees, and the council immediately dispersed, Bragg sending the Gener- als to their respective commands. Colonels Coleman and Eeynolds dismounted and the former ordered me to take the horses to his servant, D. Love, and then proceed to the wagon yard and have all in readiness to move at a moment's notice. As I departed with the horses, Colonel Eudler, of the Thirty- seventh Georgia, marched in by my right flank, faced his regiment to the front, and gave the command tO' fire. A f eiw minutes later he was brought out wounded in the foot.

It seems that a gap had been left open to the right of our brigade, and the Twenty-seventh Georgia was sent in to close it. Greggs' South Carolina Brigade was in front of Mc- ISTair's and was being hard pressed. Colonel Coleman, of the Thirty-ninth ITorth Carolina, and Major Noles, of the Twenty-fifth Arkansas, saw an opportunity to aid Gregg and, raising the "Rebel Yell," charged in without orders and suc- ceeded in driving the enemy back. I witnessed all the first moves, and could see our brave boys as they charged. My squad was in a ravine, where we went tO' protect the horses, and as our lines pressed iorward it gave me an opportunity to slip across Chickamauga, where I found my teamsters mounted ajid ready to move.

A young man by the name of Bradley, from Haywood county, of Company C, had a strange presentiment on the night before the battle. Only a few moments before the fight opened he told me that he would be killed by the first volley, gave me a message for his mother, and bade me good- bye. I tried to reason him out of his strange illusion, but he said that he was sure of his fate, as it had all come to him last night while we were sleeping. That evening I walked over the ground where our regiment went into the fight, and not more than ten paces from where he bade me farewell I found his body, lying near eight or ten others. He had fallen

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 737

on his face on a large flat rock. I turned him over, unbut- toned his coat and found that his breast had been pierced by three minie balls.

The battle raged incessantly all day, ceasing only with darkness and beginning again next morning, which was Sun- day. The Confederates charged again and again, and in the evening carried Snodgrass Hill, scoring a great victory for the Southern arms. Eosecrans fell back in great confusion and disorder to Chattanooga.

After the battle our corps was sent back to the Department of the Gulf. I was detailed as Brigade Quartermaster and Commissary to keep supplies for the wounded at our field hos- pital, and remained fourteen days after our command left. On the day I was relieved I went over the field, and, in com- pany with several nurses, some of whom had been through it all, inspected the ground our brigade had occupied. We counted 237 bodies that had been missed by the burial party, and my recollection is that the dead were about equally divided between the Blue and the Gray.


When my work was over I turned in my horse at Ringold and boarded the train for my command, which I found at Brandon, Miss., where we remained until about 1 February, 1864, and were then moved to Dog River Factory, near Mo- bile, Ala., and from thence to^ Pollard, Ala. From there we were ordered to Yellow River, Fla., near Pensacola Bay, as it was feared the Federals contemplated a flank movement. We went into camp about forty miles southeast of Pollard, on a beautiful plateau overlooking the river. Owing to the number of rattlesnakes in the vicinity, it was called "Rattle- snake Camp." We had a battle with the snakes on the even- ing of our arrival, and killed a dozen or more, several very large ones. As the ground was covered with pine knots and logs. Colonel Coleman had bonfires around the guard line all night, so we could see the reptiles and prevent their getting too close for comfort. In spite of our care. Captain Mount and I slept with a little "rattler" that had crawled under our 47

738 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

blanket and was not discovered until necxt morning, when he was speedily killed.

The country being sparsely settled, we had a heavy picket line, and orders were issued to fire, without challenge, on anyone approaching after dark. While officer of the day, I learned that three of the men were out foraging, and going to the post where I thought they would try to pass, I notified the sentinel and Corporal of the Guard to be very careful, and if they saw or heard two or three advancing, not to fire, but challenge in a low tone. While giving these instructions I heard them coming and called out, "Who comes ? Give your names and company," which they did, and were ordered to advance. I then explained that by violating my positive orders I had saved their lives, and that they must keep secret the fact that they had been out, or I would be court-martialed for disobedience. That was over thirty-five years ago, and my conscience has always been clear that I did right in saving the lives of my comrades.

The glades were full of deer and bees and the river and lakes abounded in fish. One day Colonel Coleman detailed three squads of six men, one to hunt deer, one to hunt wild honey, and the other tO' fish. I was placed on the latter, and Dr. Hatcher, our Surgeon, was in command. Our inst-ruc- tions were to report at 6 p. m., at which time all came in from different directions; the first party with three fine bucks, the second party marching in single file, each man with a bucket of choice honey, and our party groaning under their loads of fish. It goes without saying that we were greeted with a shout. Dr. Hatcher caught a large turtle, which we had to make a second trip for. Our spoils were divided, the turtle going to the headquarters mess and all the commissioned officers were invited to take dinner with the Colonel next day, where we feasted on turtle soup. Our time was spent so pleasantly in Florida that we were loath to leave, but about 1 May orders were given to cook three days' rations, and by 5 o'clock p. m. we had bidden farewell to "Rattlesnake Camp" and were on the road to- Pollard, forty miles distant, where we embarked on the train and started north to assist in the Dalton campaign, arriving at

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 739

Eesaca, on the W. & A. Railroad, 8 May, 1864. (I failed to Btate that General McWair had been wounded at Chicka- jnauga, and General Reynolds now commanded our Brigade. ) T\\fo Arkansas regiments, under the command of Colonel Williamson, that had just come in on the oars, were disem- barked and started forward on the double-quick. They met

and checked the advance of Division of Hooker's

Corps, and later, being reinforced by Grisby's Kentxickians, with General Hardee in personal command, repulsed them completely. All of Reynold's Brigade had arrived by the 9th. Johnston had established his lines with Polk's Corps on the left, the Thirty-ninth being stationed on the extreme left, resting on a Bluff of the Oostanaula river. We were entrenched, protecting a nearby battery. The Federals got the range of our battery and opened fire, which our battery returned. Little damage was done to the guns or men, most of the shells passing overhead, but the artillery horses, sta- tioned in a hollow in the rear of the line, were nearly all killed. Heavy skirmishing and cannonading were kept up during 13 and 14 May. At about 4 o'clock p. m., on the 14th, we and the troops of Polk's and Hood's Corps, were or- dered to charge. A brush fence had been placed along the bank of our ditches, which we had tO' climb over. Ensign Bryson, of Company K, and Sergeant Corbin, of Company I, and myself, were the first over, Bryson calling for the Thirty- ninth to rally on the colors. Just as he spoke a cannon ball took off his arm and he dropped the flag. Sergeant Corbin was knocked down by the concussion, and I was left standing, but so shocked for a moment that I had no power to move. In 0, short space the regiment was in line and Sergeant Shelton (I think it was) picked up the colors. We went at a double- quick across a field and just before we entered the timber the command was given to lie down (in order to get our breath), and then forward we went, catching' up with Captain Craw- ford, commanding Company I, of the skirmish line. An Alabama regiment was in front of us. In a few moments we were in the thick of the fight, and in less than half an hour it was so dark we could not see, and the enemy's line could be

740 North Carolina Troops, 186] -'65.

traced by the flash of their guns. The roar of the artillery was deafening, the battle raging along the whole line, and continuing long after nightfall.

We were contending for a hill west of the town, trying to prevent the Federals from getting possession of it. Shortly after nightfall we were ordered back to our trenches. I re- mained behind to see if the blue^coats would try to take pos- session of the hill in the darkness. As the regiment moved away the enemy tried to see how many minie balls they could send toward us. I never heard such a singing of bullets. I was standing near a large white-oak stump, behind which I quickly dropped and made myself as small as possible until the firing ceased. A number of them then advanced with axes and commenced cutting down timber and making breastworks* I was near enough to hear them talk distinctly. As a large tree came crashing down, I though it a good time tO' move and made a bee-line for our trenches. Quite a niimber of men were huddled together recounting what each had done and seen, and as I came up I heard Colonel Coleman inquire foi* me. He was told that I was last seen just as we started back, and he remarked : "Poor fellow, I fear he was killed by that last heavy volley." Just then I sprang into the middle of the group exclaiming: "Here I am." "LieutenantDavidson, where have you been ?'■ asked the Colonel. I replied that I had re- mained to see if the Yankees would take our hill, which they had. "Oh, no," said he, "they have not." I told him to step out and listen and he could hear the sound of axes. "I know they have it, because I staid behind until they came up,- and during the fall of a tree made my escape." I said nothing about hiding behind the stump. He complimented me very highly for my bravery; and later some one (I never knew who) wrote to the Atlanta Intelligencer, giving an account of my "bravery."

Sunday morning, 15 May, we were ordered back and were engaged all day in heavy skirmishing. Although we had no works to protect us, we would not allow the Federals to raise their heads over their new breastworks. A head, hat or band exposed would be a target in an instant for a dozen rifles. I

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 741

had a very hard and dangerous' position, being placed in charge of a detail to keep the regiment supplied with car- tridges. We used a cave in a bluff near the river for our magazine, and to reach the line had to pass a point exposed to the enemy's fire. We vrould start with a haversack full of cartridges on each shoulder, and make a quick run to a large poplar tree, our first resting place, where we would stop to blow, and from thence to a pine log, and then along the line to the men, where we would distribute the ammunition and return to the cave on a run. We kept this up all day, and strange to say not one of the detail received a hurt. That night we returned to our works, and the army fell back, the Thirty-ninth being on the extreme left and was the last to leave. About daylight the Federals discovered that the army was leaving, and began to shell us. Colonel Coleman gave the command to break for the bridge and every man save himself. We had waited a little too long, and the bridge was on fire in six places. It was a fiery ordeal. The shells were crashing and bursting overhead, and striking the rail- way bridge, a short distance above the wagon bridge. We marched down the W. & A. Railway until we got out of range of the shells, and presently came to a little stream at the field hospital. The men were all dirty and thirsty, with tongues swollen and black from powder, and they marched into the branch and drank like horses, and then washed tlieir faces and began to comb their tangled hair as coolly and unconcerned as though the fighting was over. Most of the army was at Lay's Ferry. The Federals had flanked and were endeavoring to cut us off at Calhoun, but General Johnston kept them in check. We marched down to Cal- houn, six miles south of Resaca, where we found the Sixtieth North Carolina Regiment, and I had the pleasure of meeting several of my old friends from Buncombe county Colonel Tom Weaver, Jesse Gilliland, and others. We marched to Adairsville, ten miles South of Calhoun, and while there the Federal cavahy approached and engaged ours. I went with Colonel Coleman and others to an elevation where we could see the charge and counter-charge.

On 18 May Johnston's army started for Cassville, via

742 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

Kingston, Polk's Corps going by the old Cassville road. At the latter point the General held a council of war and decided to make a stand. We were engaged on the 19th, 20th and 21st, but the second or third day the Yankees succeeded in getting the rang© of our lines and shelled us out of the ditches, which caused another movement, and the Southern Army fell back to Cartersville. Major Eagle, of an Ar- kansas regiment, and I, were put in command of a sham working party. We had about a hundred men, and kept up a constant pounding all night. About daybreak, as the bands were playing "Yankee Doodle and "The Bonnie Blue Mag," we skeedaddled. I did not know how we could get tO' Car- tersville being exhausted with fighting all day and pound- ing on the breastworks all night, pretending to the "Yanks" that we were getting ready to give them a warm reception. After proceeding about a mile we found a regiment of cavalry and a battery of artillery to act as our rear guard. Several times the cavalry formed in line, and a piece of artillery would unlimber and fire a few shells which would check the Federals, and our poor, worn-out squad would stagger along. We finally reached Cartersville, crossing the Etowah river, on a pontoon bridge, and halted in a pine grove near Horse Shoe Bend, where we breakfasted on hard-tack and bacon and were told to rest for five minutes. A guard of soldiers formed around us, and the five minutes were extended to two hours. We were then marched up the river a few miles to Cooper's Iron Works, where we found our brigade.

From Cooper's Iron Works we were ordered to Acworth and were at Powder Springs, on 23 May, 1864. While on the march, we were transferred from Reynolds' Arkansas Brig- ade to Ector's Texas Brigade. We were going on the double- quick to assist G-eneral Pat Clebum in a fight near Dallas, but on the night of the 23d were halted at JSTew Hope Church, and next day began fortifying. On 25 May the celebrated battle of Wew Hope Church was fought, which continued day and night until the 28th or 30th. On a dark, rainy night we began leaving. JSTearly half of the men lost one or both shoes in the mud, which was ten inches deep. In passing over a slough on a pole bridge I stepped off in the darkness and fell

Thirty-Ninth Regiment. 743

into a pool of mud and water. I was not hurt by the fall, hut had to carry away a load of Georgia mud with me. How- ever, as we had been in the ditches several days in mud and water up to our knees, I considered that a small matter. Our next halt was at Lost Mountain, where every man was allowed a jigger of whiskey; but as it was made from sorghum seed it acted as a fine emetic, and oh ! how sick we were. It was a pathetic sight to see at least five hundred men vomiting at the same time, and none able to assist his comrades. After getting rid of the stuff we soon felt well again.

About 4 June the enemy appeared, and for several days there was heavy skirmishing. We moved out between Pine Mountain and Kennesaw, and it was there, on 14 and 15 June, while establishing the lines, that our beloved corps commander. General Polk, was struck in the breast with a cannon ball and killed. The entire corps was greatly dis- tressed, as he was universally loved by his men. On the same day he was killed, I was disabled and taken to Marietta. I never did any more field duty, but spent several months in the hospitals of Atlanta, Macon, Augusta and Columbia, and was finally placed on the "Light Duty Roll" and assigned to duty under Dr. Joel Hall as clerk in the ge.neral hospital at Salisbury, IST. C, where I remained until Johnston surren- dered, and I was paroled at Salisbury.

A few days after the surrender, I met my brother-in-law. Rev. David White, Chaplain of the One hundred and Seventh Illinois Regiment, and also two nephews, Captain D. Lowry and Sergeant Robert Vance, of the same regiment. I was invited to visit them in their camp. Chaplain White was to preach the farewell address to his brigade the next day. He requested his Colonel (Colonel Holland) to grant him the special favor of sitting in the pulpit with him during the services, and to allow his rebel brother to occupy the seat with him. The Colonel granted his request and at the tap of the drum we all three marched to the stand together and took our seats. It was the first mingling of the Blue and the Gray I witnessed after the surrender, and I seemed to be the ob- served of all observers.

744 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

I will now close my imperfect recollections of the history of the Thirty-ninth Worth Carolina Regiment, which I dedicate to the Old Veterans of North Carolina, my native State ; and I pray God's blessings upon every one of them.

God grant that we may all meet again at the last bugle call, and be crowned as valiant soldiers of the Cross.

John M. DAvrosow. Kingston, Ga.,

4 May, 1901.


1. John J. Hedrick, Colonel.

2. Geore:e Tait, Lieut. -Colonel.

3. William Blount Rodman, Capt., Co C.

4. T. C. Davis, Sergeant, Co. G.


(third AKTILTjERY. )

By sergeant T. C. DAVIS, Company G.

'"Go, warrior, go, thy country calls thee Now unto the embattled plain Where gorgeous plumes and glittering creHts Are waving o'er the noble slain."

This r^ment was organized at Bald Head (Smith's Island, ]Sr. 0.,) at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, 1 De- cember, 1863, from heavy artillery companies organized the first year of the war, which had been in active service, build- ing forts, batteries and other defences of ITorth Caroliija coast and rivers, at Hatteras, the Pamlico, Neuse and Cape Fear rivers, by the appointment of John J. Hedrick (Major of Engineers) Colonel; George Tait (Captain of Company K, formerly Major of the Eighteenth North Carolina) Lieu- tenant-Colonel; William A. Holland (Captain of Company G), Major.

The stafE and company officers and their successors by pro- motion from time to time in the order named as gathered from memoranda of participants in the operations of the reg- iment, were:

James B. Hancock^ Adjutant. Thomas Hill, Surgeon. Charles A. Mitchell, Assistant Surgeon. John G. Blouht, Quartermaster. William D. ISTbal, Sergeant Major.


Company A, from Lenoir County, William Sutton, A. W. Ezzell. Enlisted men, 124.

Company B, from Beaufort County, William H. Tripp. Enlisted men, 126.

746 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Company 0, from Beaufort County, W. B. Eodman, John E. Leggett. Enlisted men, 120.

Company D, from Pamlico County, James S. Lane. En- listed men, 121.

Company E, from Eichmond and Kobeson Counties, Mal- com MclSTair, Malcom H. McBryde. Enlisted men, 127.

Company F, from Wilson, Edgecombe and Greene Coun- ties, Joseph J. Lawrence, Richard H. Blount, John C. Kob- ertson. Enlisted men, 125.

Company Gr, from Carteret, Lenoir, Wayne, Duplin, An- son, Chatham, and other Counties, William A. Herring, Wil- liam A. Holland, George C. Buchan. Enlisted men, 135.

Company H, from New Hanover County, E. D. Hall, Cal- vin Barnes. Enlisted men, 105.

Company I, from Beaufort County, H. C. Whitehurst. Enlisted men, 128.

Company K, from Bladen County, George Tait, Daniel J. Clark. Enlisted men, 132.


Company A, A. W. Ezzell, John Williams.

Company B, Macon Bonner.

Company C, John E. Leggett, John G. Blount, Ashley Congleton.

Company D, Adam Barrington.

Company E, Malcom H. McBryde, John S. McArthur.

Company F, Eiehard C. Tillery, Byrd Lancaster.

Company G, Bridgers Arendell, George C. Buchan, Wil- liam Hassell.

Company H, Joseph Price, James R. Sterling.

Company I, Thomas H. Satterthwaite.

Company K, Daniel J. Clark, James W. Dixon, Charles L. Bryan.


Company A, James Kinsey, John Williams, John Z. Davis, Robert B. Vause.

Company B, Selby Hardenberg, ISToal B. Hodges, Wil- liam H. Harrison.

Fortieth Regiment. 747

Company 0, James B. Hancock, John W. Whitley, Ed- ward Long.

Company D, Henry H. Hooker, John J. Brabble, Peter M. Briggs.

Company E, John S. McArthur, Archibald J. McJSTair, John M. MoKinnon.

Company F, Walter Dunn, Eichard H. Blount, John 0. Robertson, Byrd Lancaster, John L. Pool, William E. Ed- wards.

Company G, George W. Davis, Stephen Lancaster, Elbert J. Albertson, William F. Stanley.

Company H, James R. Sterling, James Price, James Mc- Evoy, Joseph F. Hellen, John H. Hill.

Company I, Alex. McJones, T. A. E. Tuten, Robert Wind- ley, Seth Bridgman.

Company K, James E. Kelly, Edward W. Wocrten.


This company was organized in Lenoir County, 'N. C, in 1861, and ordered to Fort Hatteras, 'N. C, where it remained and participated in the engagement at that fort on 28 and 29 August, 1861, when it was captured, with the loss of several men killed and wounded. This company, with the other prisoners, was transported by steamer to New York and put on Governor's Island, where it remained about two months, then transported to Fort Warren, in Boston harbor, where it remained until exchanged. (It was here that Lieutenant Kinsey and several of the men died from sickness). One- half of the company was exchanged and arrived home on Christmas day, 1861 the remaining half was exchanged shortly afterwards ; and again entered the service, (John Z. Davis was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Lieutenant Kinsey) and was ordered to Fort Lane, below New Bern, on the ISTeuse river, where it remained until New Bern was captured, 14 March, 1862. Then it fell back to Kinston, where it received orders to go to Virginia as infant- ry, but through the efforts of Lieutenant A- W. Ezzell, the or- der was countermanded by order of General Whiting, and the company sent to Wilmington in April, 1862, and did provost

748 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

guard duty. During this time Captain Sutton resigned, and Lieutenant A. W. Ezzell was commissioned Captain of the company on 15 October, 1862, and Eobert B. Vause was commissioned Lieutenant to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Lieutenant Ezzell. The company was then or- dered to Fort Fisher, where it^occasionally skirmished with the enemy's gunboats, and did picket and garrison duty and aided in constructing Fort Fisher, until the Fortieth Eegiment North Carolina Troops was organized, at which time it was ordered to Bald Head (Smith's Island) N. C.

coMPAiry B.

This company was organized in September, 1861, in Beau- fort County, E". C, and went in camp at Chocowinity, where it remained a short time, from there it was sent to Fort Hill, on the Pamlico river, eight miles below Washing- ton, where it became a part of the command of the Thirty- first North Carolina Regiment (Infantry), Colonel Jor- dan commanding. But as it was infantry, this company was separated from it, and remained at Fort Hill until 14 March, 1862, when, at the attack on New Bern, it was or- dered to re-inforce that city; but having to remove the ar- tillery to Tarboro, was delayed, and arrived at Kinston, where it met the Confederates falling back from New Bern. From Kinston it went into camp at Falling Creek, near Goldsboro, and there remained until ordered to Fort Fisher, where it arrived in April, 1862, and found one casemated bat- tery of four or five Columbiad guns of short range, and a square Sand Fort, armed with 32-pounder, smooth bore guns, and, from this it became the strongest fortification in the whole So'Uth.

On Sunday morning, 12 July, 1863, Captains Tripp and Whitehurst, with their companies, were ordered from Fort Fisher to cross the inlet and land on the point of beach oppo- site Zeke's Island and march up the beach to the steamer "Kate," a blockade runner then ashore on the east side of Smith's Island and in the possession of the enemy, about six miles south of Fort Fisher. The order was promptly obeyed and they marched up the beach under a constant fire from the

Fortieth Regiment. 749

blockading fleet, and with a Whitworth cannon and rifles drove the enemy off, and recaptured the steamer, saved her cargo and machinery and sent it across the island to Wilming- ton, for which labor they received the munificent sum of $12, in Confederate money, each. This company remained at Fort Fisher, doing garrison and picket duty, and aiding in its construction until the Fortieth Regiment iN'orth Carolina Troops was organized, at which time it was ordered to Bald Head for duty.


This company was organized in September, 1861, at Wash- ington, ]Sr. C, and was stationed at Swan Point, on the Pam- lico river, where it remained until the attack of New Bern, 14 March, 1862, when it was ordered to re-inforce that town, but on arriving at Kinston, met the Confederates falling back from New Bern. From Kinston it went in camp at Falling Creek, where it remained until about the first of April, 1862, when it was ordered to Fort St. Philip, on the Cape Fear river, where it remained and did garrison and picket duty until the Fortieth Regiment was organized, at which time it was ordered to Bald Head.


This company was raised in Pamlico County in 1861, and went in camp on the north side of the Neuse river, where it did duty at different points until the fall of New Bern, 14 March, 1862, when it withdrew and fell back to Kinston, and thence to Goldsboro. From there it was ordered to Wil- mington, where it arrived about the last of March, and the next day (1 April) it was sent down the Cape Fear river, with other Artillery companies from the Pamlico and Neuse rivers. This company with Company G, was sent to Fort Johnson at Smithville, where it remained some time doing garrison duty and sharing in the duties of that command, until ordered to Fort Fisher where it remained and partici- pated in the building of Fort Fisher, and on the formation of the Fortieth Regiment, was assigned to it, and ordered to Bald Head.

750 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.


This company was raised in Richmond and Robeson Counties, 22 October, 1861, and ordered to Raleigh. On ar- rival at Wilmington the order was countermanded, and the company remained at Wilmington about three weeks, when it was ordered to Fort Caswell, at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, for heavy artillery service.

On 23 February, 1863, the warships Monticello and Daco- tah opened fire on Fort Caswell, which would return fire. This was continued for some time, when the ships withdrew, leaving the fort uninjured.

On 12 July, it was ordered to Bald Head to protect the blockade-running steamer Kate, then ashore back of Smith's Island, and in possession of the enemy. While marching up the beach with a Whitworth gun, the fleet opened fire on it, disabling the carriage of the gun so it had to take a posi- tion among the sand hills, until Company B, from Fort Fisher, with a Whitworth gun, came to its relief and drove the fleet off, and took possession of the steamer.

This company remained at Fort Caswell and did garrison and picket duty, and shared in all the duties of that com- mand until the formation of the Fortieth Regiment, when it was assigned to it and ordered to Bald Head for duty.

This was one of the best companies in the service, and had in it many descendants of Highlanders who fought under Lochiel at the fatal battle of Culloden, and who displayed on the sands of Carolina the war-like spirit of their ances- tors.

company f.

This company was organized in the fair grounds at New Bern, N. C, on 28 August, 1861. After remaining there a few days, was ordered to Fort Macon, N. C, where it re- mained until 1 November, when it was ordered to Shell Point on Harker's Island, where it remained doing picket duty until about 1 March, 1862, and was then ordered back to Fort Macon, where it remained and did garrison duty, and participated in the bombardment and was cap-

Fortieth Regiment. 751

tured at Fort Macon, 26 April, 1862, (witli two men killed) when it was paroled and sent to I^ew Inlet on the gunboat "Chippewa," and landed at Fort Fisher under a flag of truce ; from there to their respective homes, where they re- mained until 4 September, 1862, when they were exchanged and reorganized at Goldsboro, JST C. ; from there the company went to Kinston and guarded the different fortifications on the Neuse river, during General Foster's raid on Goldsboro. This company participated in the fight at Kinston on 14 De- cember, White Hall the 16th and Goldsboro the 17th, 1862. The enemy being defeated fell back to New Bern. It also participated in Generals Pickett's and Hoke's cam- paigns in the winter and spring of 1863 ; engaged in the fight at Washington, N. C, and Deep Gully and skirmished with the ememy at various points between Kinston and New Bern, until 16 March, 1864, when it was ordered to Fort Caswell at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, where it remained about a month and was then ordered to Fort Campbell, on Oak Island beach, where it remained until Fort Fisher was cap- tured. Then it evacuated Fort Campbell and fell back to Fort Anderson, where it joined the regiment for the first time.


Some one has said that in writing an account of battles or campaigns, each writer's narrative must necessarily be more or less personal in its nature ; but I will try to avoid it in this instance.

This company was organized at Morehead City, JST. C, 16 October, 1861, and went into camp at "Camp Canal," where it remained until January, 1862, when it was ordered to Fort Thompson, on the Neuse river, five miles below New Bern, where it remained and built batteries, did garrison and picket duty, and participated in the skirmishes on the 13th, and battle on 14 March, 1862. It was the heavy discharges of shot and shell from the guns on Fort Thompson that re- pulsed a heavy column of the enemy while charging on our line of works (defended by our infantry), and caused them to fall back under cover of the woods, with a heavy loss. The

752 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

fight on the 14th continued about five hours, when the enemy concentrated their land forces to the right, out of our sight, and flanked our infantry, and we fell back to JSTew Bern, thence to Kinston. There the company was in the general re^ view, and on the 18th was ordered to Goldsboro, where it did provost guard duty, which was necessary at that time, but nev- ertheless irksome. On the 28th, it was ordered to Wilmington, where it remained until 1 April, at which time it was trans- ported Avith six other heavy artillery companies from thePam- lico and IsTeuse rivers, and landed at thediffereoitfortifications on the Cape Fear river. This company was sent to Fort John- ston, at Smithville, where it built Fort Pender, and fortified the town in the rear by a line of breastworks and redoubts from Elizabeth creek to the Cape Fear river, below deep water point, at the same time drilled, did garrison and picket duty. While there the company suffered the scourge of yel- low fever and smallpox, from which quite a large number died. During the winter and spring of 1863, the company recruited to 130 men. In addition to other services, this company kept guard at the signal stations on the coast and river, to report signals displayed, in order that blockade run- ners might make a safe entrance in the Cape Fear river, which was a very important service to the State and Confederate governments. It was while the company was at Fort John- son that the steamer Kate, in running the blockade, struck one of the obstructions (or Yankee catchers, as we called them), in the inlet at Fort Caswell, and punched a hole in her bot- tom, from which she sank at Smithville. From her this company took about ten thousand blankets, besides arms and merchandise. A short time afterwards the steamer "Scotia," while trying to run in port, got aground, and was set on fire, and burned down to the water. The next day this company took out of her five thousand pounds of meat and other stores. This company being raised on the coast and accustomed to the sea, quite a number of them were detached to go on an expe- dition with five hundred men to take one of the fast blockade- running steamers and run the blockade at New Inlet, and run in at Cape Henry and pass Fortress Monroe to Point Look- oxit, release our prisoners there (which were said to be about

Fortieth Regiment. 753

22,000) arm those for duty and inarch out through Maryland and join General Lee's army somewhere in the vicinity of Washington, D. C. This movement was in agitation in the latter part of June, 1863, just before the battle of Gettys- burg, Pa. This matter becoming known to the enemy through deserters, it was abandoned.

On 12 July this company was ordered to Bald Head, and was subject to a severe shelling from the fleet, all day (on Sunday) trying to recapture a blockade runner ashore on the beach, back of the island- (this steamer was also named Kate). We did succeed after a detachment of Company E, from Fort Caswell, and a detachment of Company B, from Fort Fisher, with Whitworth cannon came tO' our assistance, in driving away the enemy and saving a portion of the cargo. There were several of the blockade fleets in action on both sides of the island, and the flring was severe, those on the west side being the greatest sufferers, having their gun car- riage and wheels shot away and several men wounded. We also rescued the blockade-running steamer Pungo from cap- ture after being run ashore on Bald Head beach, and saved a portion of her cargo, also several other steamers whose names I cannot now recall.


This company was organized at Wilmington, 'N. C, in the spring of 1861, where it remained for a few days, and was sent to Fort Caswell at the entrance of the Cape Fear river. There it remained for some time, and was ordered to Camp Advance, near Weldon, where it was attached to Colo- nel Tew^s Second Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, and ordered to Richmond, Va. ; from there to Fredericksburg, where it remained and did service on the Potomac river and other points in that State, until the spring of' 1862, when it returned to North Carolina, with General Holmes' Division, and was afterwards detached and sent to the Cape Fear river, and was stationed at several fortifications on that river. It was at Fort Pender, at the organization of the Fortieth Regi- ment, and assigned to it as Company H, and ordered to Bald Head for duty. This company was composed principally of 48

754 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Irishmen, and no better or more loyal men, or better soldiers could be found in any company. When work or fighting was to be done, they were always ready, and would go wherever ordered.


This company was organized about the first of February, 1862, at Washington, N. C, was stationed at I'ort Hill, on the Pamlico river, where it remained until New Bern was attacked 14 March, 1862, when it was ordered to reinforce that town. It did not reach there in time, so it went in camp at Kinston, where it remained until ordered to Fort Fisher, where it arrived about 1 April', 1862, and became a part of its garrison. It assisted in building Fort Fisher and shared in all the duties of that command until the Fortieth Kegi- ment was organized, when it was ordered to Bald Head.


This company was organized in Bladen County, 1 May, 1862, and mustered in service at Wilmington, N. C, and or- dered to duty at Fort St. Philip (afterwards known as Fort Anderson), where it remained a short time, and was ordered to Camp Wyatt, about two miles above Fort Fisher, where it remained four or five weeks ; afterwards ordered to, and be- came a part of the garrison of Fort Fisher, where it did gar- rison and picket duty, protected blockade running as much as possible, and also assisted in building Fort Fisher and out- lying batteries, in common with other companies of the Fortieth and Thirty-sixth Regiments. This company re- mained at Fort Fisher and shared in all the duties of that command until the Fortieth Regiment was organized, when it was ordered to Bald Head for duty.

President Jefferson Davis visited our command in the fall of 1863. At this instance, knowing all the surroundings, all the detached heavy artillery companies on the Cape Fear river and vicinity of Wilmington were sent to Bald Head (Smith's Island), and organized into the Fortieth Raiment of North Carolina troops, as above stated. The regiment num- bered about 1,200 men, which was increased to 1,400. Gren-

Fortieth Regiment. 755

eral Beauregard coinplimente<i it for its fine appearance and its proficiency in drilling, botli as artillery and infantry. Petitions were sent to our Major General commanding to be sent to Virginia to do field service. In reply, General Whiting stated that "it was a soldier's duty to stay or go where he was ordered, and that we were just where the gov- ernment wanted us to be." So we took the rebuke, and commenced fortifying under the directions of Colonel John J. Hedriek, who was a good civil engineer, under whom we built Fort Fisher with seventeen guns and curtains connect- ing with some outlying batteries, and also Fort Pen- der, all of which were approved by Generals Beauregard and Whiting. We built Fort Holmes, with twelve guns, on the point, opposite Fort Caswell, and a 6-gun battery on the creek, near the Light House ; these were intersected by strong breast- works and redoubts, and we also" cleared tWo roads through the Island in order that we might bring into position whenever necessary, the Whitworth and Parrot guns which were princi- pally used to protect blockade-runners while trying to run into port. (The artillery service at the entrance of the Cape Fear river, used every means possible to protect- blockade running. If such service had not existed, and kept the enemy out of his rear, General Lee's army would have ceased to exist at least two years before it did). The Whitworth guns mentioned were a terror to the enemy ; their range was immense, their accuracy as that of a telescope rifle. ^Nevertheless, the en- emy would shell us whenever they could. On 6 March, 1864, we fired upon the blockade steamer Peterhoff while laying back on the beach, east of the Cape. After firing six shots, most of them taking effect, she ran out to another blockade ship, and before they could transfer her supplies she sunk. In a few days a heavy northeast wind and sea broke her up and she washed ashore to the beach, which was strewn with debris of the sunken ship. We gathered up lots of valuables to us. This was the best shot I witnessed during the war. Soon after this, at night, a small-sized blockade steamer ran aground under the guns of Fort Holmes. The tide being falling, she could not get off before day. To prevent being captured, the crew set her on fire and made their escape to

756 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

another ship. The next day we got two cannons off of her. On 1 March while the regiment was at Fort Holmes, with only a small detail at Smithville, Lieutenant Gushing, with a boat's crew from the fleet, made a raid at Smithville. He landed at the salt works wharf about 1 o'clock a. m., taking with him a negro pilot. He went to Brigadier-General He- bert's quarters, he being at Wilmington. They captured Captain Kelly, of his staff, and made their escape, taking with them their prisoner and the negro pilot, on board the blockade. After this a river picket, in boats, was kept between Bald Head and Fort Caswell, with rocket signals to be displayed at the discovery of any movements of the enemy. We also kept a picket station on the beach at the head of "Buzzard Bay," (where "Corn Cake Inlet" now is), this being a low, narrow, flat beach, where negroes and de- serters from the antiy would escape to the enemy, by hauling boats over this beach, then la\mching them into the sea and go off to the blockade ships. This was done until there could not be a boat foimd unless it had been kept under guard at night, anywhere in that section. Governor Vance, who was a candidate for re-election against W. W. Holden, visited our command in July, 1864. The regiment went on review in honor of the great "War Governor." The elec- tion was held in August following, the result of which was that Z. B. Vance received almost the entire vote of the regi- ment; that was this writer's first vote. On 29 October, 1864, Company A, Captain A. W. Ezzell, was ordered to Fort Anderson, about ten miles above Smithville, on the Cape Fear river, where it remained until the fort was evacu-- ated 19 February, 1865. On 24 JSTovember, 1864, Oom-- panies B, Captain Tripp; C, Captain Legget; D, Captain Lane; G, Captain Buchan; I, Captain Whitehurst, of the Fortieth Regiment, under the command of Major Holland, with five companies of the Thirty-sixth Regiment under the command of Major» Stevenson, were ordered to Georgia to reinforce Lieutenant-General W. J. Hardee, who was then falling back from Atlanta, Georgia. On reaching Augusta, the 2Yth, we went forward in the direction of Waynesboro. That night, about 12 o'clock, a citizen of that town drove up

Fortieth Regiment. 757

to our picket, en route for Augusta, with information, that the enemy, under the command of General Sherman, had torn up the railroad between Augusta and Millen, which cut us off from General Hardee's command. The next day we returned to Augusta and took the train for Savannah. On reaching Charleston, S. C, the 29th, we found the city un- der bombardment from the batteries on Morris Island, which had been going on over five hundred days, with great damage to that city. The next day (the 30th) we arrived at Ooosa- hatchie, S. C, where we were ordered to leave knapsacks and make a forced march to reinforce General Gustavus W. Smith at Honey Hill, near Grahamville, S. C, where General Foster had concentrated a large force of negro troops from Hilton Head to destroy the railroad and cut off reinforce- ments from General Hardee, who was then falling back to- wards Savannah, Ga., but before we had proceeded far we were ordered back. The enemy having been defeated, fell back to the TuUaf uiney river, with a heavy loss in killed and wounded. Thinking that they would make a move against the railroad at Coosahatchie bridge, under cover of their gunboats, we sent out a picket down the river banks that night, and the next day we saw no movements of an advance of the enemy. We were ordered to proceed on to Savan- nah, Ga., where we arrived on 2 December, and took the train on the Georgia Central Railroad and arrived at Rocky Ford, about fifty miles from Savannah, about night, where we join- ed General Hardee's corps, which was composed largely of senior and jimior reserves. Colonel Washington M. Hardy, of the Sixtieth ISTorth Carolina, was assigned to the com- mand of the regiment, which was rear guard. Through the negligence of Wheeler's Cavalry, which were deployed as scouts, we were-entirely cut off, and would have been captured had not Major Young's Tenth ISTorth Carolina Battalion come to our assistance when we had a skirmish with the enemy, driving them back, with some loss on both sides. General Sherman's army numbered about 80,000 men of the great Northwest. Their ancestors, for the large part, were of the emigrants from North Carolina and Virginia. He had a fine command, which lay between the Savannah and Ogee-

758 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

chee rivers, which effectually protected his flanks from any movements that we could make to flank him. We skirmished with his advanced picket every day, but would have to fall back as soon as his main army would push forward its flanks in order to surround us. At the junction of the Charleston railroad about ten miles frora Savannah, the skirmish be- came a general engagement, which lasted for some time, with some loss on both sides. On the 8th, we fell back inside of a line of works, about five miles above Savannah, which ex- tended from the Savannah to the Ogeechee river, which we strengthened by filling up culverts, flooding the water in ouo" front, also running telegraph wire, fastening it to stumps and trees, besides palisades and cheveaux de- frise in front of the regiment to prevent an assault on our works. In this posi- tion we kept up a fire from our artillery and sharpshooters from the entrenchments every day, and picketing at night. This was continued until the 20th about 12 o'clock at night, at which time our supplies having been exhausted, we evacu- ated the works and falling back to the city crossed the river on a pontoon bridge, and made a halt at Hardeeville, S. C. Our picket that night formed the rear guard, who policed the city, burned the government warehouse, said to contain five hundred bales of cotton, and crossed the river about 4 o'clock a. m., then cut the pontoon bridge adrift and joined our com- mand at Hardeeville, where we remained until the 25th (Christmas) when the regiment was ordered to Pocotaligo, S. C. We moved off at early dawn, and marched all day in a cold, drenching rain, bivouacking that night at Graham- ville. The march was resumed the next morning about 5 o'clock and we marched all day through swamps and mud. The enemy was shelling the Coosahatchie bridge, so we crossed the Tullaf uiney bridge, and arrived . at Pocotaligo about dark. About midnight we took the cars for Charles- ton, where we arrived the next day, and were held as rein- forcements, in case the enemy who had withdrawn from the first attack on Fort Fisher, should attack that city. Among the various forts and batteries at Charleston, was the White Point battery at the junction of the Ashley and Cooper rivers on which were mounted two large Blakely guns which car-

Fortieth Regiment. 759

ried six hundred pound rifle shot. These guns were brought in at "Wilmington on a blockade runner, the "Sumpter," and shipped to Charleston by railroad. After remaining atCharlea- ton for a few days, we learned that the enemy had returned to Fortress Monroe. On the 30th we were ordered to Wilming- ton, ]Sr. C, where we arrived about lOo' clock p. m., 1 January, 1865, and crossed the ferry in a snow storm and bivouacked at Camp Lamb. The next day we were transported by steamer down the Cape Fear river, the five companies of the Thirty-sixth Regiment to Fort Fisher and the Fortieth to Fort Holmes.

Permit me to say, right here, that I realized during that Southern campaign what I always believed, that the great popular heart was not then, and never had been, in the war. It was a revolution, of the politicians, not the people; and was fought at first by the natural enthusiasm of young men, and kept going by the bitterness of feeling produced by the cruelties and brutalities of the enemy.

During the Southern campaign, the companies of the Fortieth Regiment that remained at their respective com- mands, performed their duties as usual.

At the first attack on Fort Fisher, and during the bom- bardment, 24 and 25 December, 1864, Companies E and K, of this regiment, reinforced that command, after which the enemy's land force re-embarked, and withdrew, leaving Fort Fisher slightly injured.

Lieutenant-Colonel George Tait resigned his commission on 11 January, 1865, to take a commission as Colonel of the S-ixty-ninth ISTorth Carolina Regiment. Colonel Tait was a good disciplinarian ; he remained detached from the Fortieth Regiment after it had formed, tO' train, drill and discipline the officers and men of the Thirty-sixth Regiment and afterwards drilled and disciplined the Fortieth Regi- ment. Colonel Tansell, the Inspector-General, pronounced the Fortieth the best drilled regiment of Confederate soldiers that he had ever seen. Colonel Tait was a good and brave of- ficer, and in his rank had no superior in the service.

On 13 January, we were ordered to* reinforce Fort Fisher, (the second attack). Companies D, E, G, K, of the Fortieth

760 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Regiment, embarked on the steamer Pettaway, and arrived at Confederate Point about dark, where we landed by wading waist deep in water to reach the beach, under fire from the fleet, and took our position at the guns and palisades on the land face of the fort, where firing was kept up at short inter- vals, until daylight, when the whole fleet drew up in line and opened fire on the fort which returned the fire. This was kept up all day; at night we formed a picket line on the beach, where we kept up a fire with the enemy until about 4 o'clock a. m. A most furious enfiladingfire of shot and shell from the fleet caused us to fall back inside the fort. The bombardment continued to increase, and about 8 o'clock Sunday morning, the 16th, the whole fleet opened a more terrific fire upon the fort. From about 11 a. m. until 3 p. m. the booming of cannon and bursting of shells was like the roar of heavy peals of thunder. All the guns on the land face of the fort were disabled, but two, and the palisades were deanolished, which left our garrison, of about 1,500 men, almost helpless when the assault was made upon the fort. This occurred about 3 o'clock Sunday evening on the right and left both, at the same time. We were on the right where the marines and sailors, 2,000 strong, charged, who were repulsed with heavy loss, after which we were ordered to the left to drive back the enemy, who had made lodgment on the fort. We rushed in that direction, led by General Whiting, who com- manded the troops in person, and drove the enemy from the traverse and parapet in front and recaptured one gun cham- ber with great loss, and on the parapet and traverse of the next gun chamber, the contestants were firing into each oth- er's faces, and in some cases clubbing their guns, being too near to load and fire. It was in this charge that General Whiting was wounded. The fight continued after the en- emy entered the fort until about 10 o'clock p. m., when the last traverse was taken and firing ceased. Thus ended the greatest bombardment ever known in modem warfare. It was the largest hand-to-hand fight during our civil war, and the struggle inside the fort was unsurpassed in stubbornness. Our casualties were not known as the roll was never again called. Captain Buchan, of Company G, was seriously

Fortieth Regiment. 761

wounded and captured at Battery Buchanan at the point of beach, and was carried to Point Lookout, thence to John- son's Island, Ohio, where he remained a prisoner until the close of the war. Major-General W. H. C. Whiting was mortally wounded, fell into the hands of the enemy and died soon afterwards in prison on Governor's Island, ~S. Y. Colonel Lamb, of the Thirty-sixth Regiment, was also wounded and captured. The enemy's killed and woundeid lay thick upon the battlefield, especially in the front of the Fortieth Regiment, which was in the hardest of the fight. Surely the valor displayed by North Carolinians in that effort to hold the last gateway of the South against such overwhelming numbers, both on land and sea, is glory enough to perpetuate their names in the annals of this State for all time. After the battle was over, seeing so many of our com- rades alive and able for duty, was a cause of deep gratitude to Almighty God. The next morning (the 16th) the maga- zine in the fort exploded and killed about two hundred of the enemy, which was a scene of inexpressible horror. That evening we were put on board the Steamships De Mollay and General Lyon, and carried to Northern prisons, the sick and wounded to Point Lookout, and those able for duty to New York City, thence transported by railroad to Elmira, N. Y., where they remained until after the war, when they were paroled and sent home. The ofiicers were carried to Gov- ernor's Island, N. Y., and releaeed on parole there. During our stay in prison many of our men died from starvation and exposure.

On 16 January, 1865, Companies B, C, H, and I, of the Fortieth Regiment, evacuated Fort Holmes and Fort Hed- rick, on Bald Head, and Company F evacuated Fort Camp- bell, on Oak Island beach, above Fort Caswell, and were transported by steamer to Smithville, which was reached about daylight, remained in the town that day and went out about two miles from town at night. The next day (the 17th) they joined Company A, of the regiment, at Fort Anderson, about ten miles above Smithville, on the Cape Fear river. The garrison was then composed of six companies of the For- tieth Regiment and the command from Fort Caswell, number-

762 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

ing in all about 900 men, under the immediate command of Colonel John J. Hedrick. This fort was a weak affair, mount- ing only small, short-range guns. We had several skirmishes with the fleet at this place. On 17 February the enemy, about 10,000 in number, appeared on our right flank, where hard picket skirmishing was had. The next day a general en- gagement ensued. The enemy attacked the fort in the rear with about 10,000 infantry, while Porter with a fleet of six- teen gunboats and ironclads, lying within a few hundred yards of the fort, quickly demolished our guns. In the land attack we held our own against great odds. In this fight Lieutenant Vause, of Company A, was killed, and Lieuten- ant Davis, of the same company, was mortally wounded and died the same day. Lieutenant Bonner, of Company B, was captured with his skirmish line. This fight was continued until the next morning, (the 19th). Finding the command in danger of being cut ofF by a heavy column of infantry in the rear, they evacuated the fort, carrying off all the light guns, including the Whitworth cannon, and fell back towards Wilmington. We took a stand at Town Creek, where we had quite a little fight, but our casualties were slight. Colonel Simonton's South Carolina Regiment was captured. From Town Creek we went through Wilmington towards Mason- boro sound, formed a skirmish line, and fell back through Wilmington (the 22d) to Northeast river, where we had a skirmish with the enemy; from there, fell back to Duplin Cross Roads ; went into camp at Rockfish creek, remaining there about a week, and took the train at Teachey's depot to Kinston to meet the enemy advancing from New Bern, where we arrived 5 March, and engaged the enemy the next day, .6th, at Jackson's Mills, between New Bern and Kinston. We charged the enemy in front and rear and drove them several miles, and killed, wounded and captured about 2,000 prison- ers. Our loss was heavy. Among the wounded was the gal- lant Colonel John J. Hedrick, who was wounded while gal- lantly leading his regiment in a charge upon the enemy, and retired from the field, and Major Holland assumed command of the regiment. On the 8 th we attacked the enemy again in a fortified position at Wise's Forks, where we charged them,

Fortieth Regiment. 763

but were repulsed with a heavy loss. At this time the Fortieth Regiment was attached to General Hagood's South Carolina Brigade. On the 12th we withdrew from Kinston and marched to Goldshoro, passing through that town just as the advance of the enemy from Wilmington was entering ; then to Smithfield, where we went in camp. Troops from every quarter began gathering, and very soon we had quite an army to what we before had. Went on to Benton- ville, where the regiment covered itself with glory as a part of the Red Infantry, where on a quiet Sunday morning, 19 March, the booming of cannon was heard, and very soon the sharp crack of the rifles and the vengeful singing of the deadly minie balls. The fight very soon became general, and we rap- idly threw up works and in a few hours were pretty well pre- pared to defend ourselves. As the day grew on, the fight became desperate, the Confederates generally successful. Late in the afternoon we attacked the enemy from right to left, swinging into line and charging over our works on the enemy's fortified line. Then it was that while struggling forward in that pine thicket we lost many of our officers and men, killed and wounded. But at length General Colquitt's Georgia Brigade on our right gave way, and the enemy mass- ing on our front, we fell back to our old line, where we checked their advance. JSTow as to this charge, before it was made. Lieutenant John H. Hill, of Company H, ad- vanced with the skirmish line to the front. The regiment with the brigade, was moved by the left flank before charging which threw it to the left of the skirmish line, and instead of being in front of our own command, they were in front of Colquitt's Georgia Brigade, leaving our front exposed to the enemy, and when the regiment had charged up to within a few paces of the enemy's breastworks, they were halted and dressed to the right, under a heavy fire from the enemy. The command was obeyed with as much coolness, apparently, as if on dress parade.

If they had not been halted they would have turned the enemy's right flank and captured many of their men, but they were so badly cut up that some of the companies lost all their officers and had so few men left that companies were

764 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

consolidated (B and I together, and C and H together). This was a blunder and sacriiice of the lives of brave mem, which either Generals Hoke, Hagood, or Major Holland is responsible for. The Fortieth Regiment was attached to General Hagood's South Carolina Brigade until after the fight at Bentonville when it was transferred to General ding- man's ISTorth Carolina Brigade, both of Hoke's Division.

General Hagood, in parting with the regiment, issued an address to it, which was read on dress parade, in which he enumerated its services and expressed regrets at parting with so efficient and gallant a command. The Fortieth Regi- ment lost heavily and did its full duty in this great fight, the history of which has never been fully written, it being at the close of the war. The enemy was reinforced and had a united command of 110,000 men, while our army of only 20,000 could not remain longer in position ; and on the 21st fell back to Smithfield, where it remained until 10 April, when it fell back to Raleigh, Durham and Greens- boro. The retreat across the State was the only hope to make a junction with General Lee's army. That hope was not realized.

Manifesting under defeat the same spirit of fidelity and endurance which had characterized them in success, the rem- nant of about 100 ofiicers and men composing this regiment accepted the fate of war, and awaited the final arrangements for capitulation; and on 26 April, 1865, surrendered with General Joseph E. Johnston near Greensboro, N. C. About 1 May they were paroled and dispersed on foot to their far distant and desolate homes, through a devastated country, made so by the ravages of the enemy, until it was so poor that a "jaybird would starve flying over it, unless he carried his rations."

But there went not back that long roll of

"Brave men who perished by their guns Though tliey conquered not."

Although there were 4*70,000 Southern 'men (Buffaloes) in the Northern army, it took 3,000,000 of men with the larg- est navy on the continent, and the world from which to draw

Fortieth Regiment. 765

their supplies, four years to conquer an army of only 600,000 Southern men, shut in from all communication from the out- side world. The recollections of such heroism should ever continue to live in the hearts and minds of our people.

The preparation of this sketch, giving the organization and outlining the movements of the Fortieth Regiment, (Third Artillery) l^orth Carolina Troops, is due to the assistance of John R. Ross, Wm. W. W. Hunter, A. W. Whitfield, A. J. Brown, Daniel J. Clark, John H. Hill, M. H. McBryde, members of the regiment.

The material employed was gathered from memoranda, and such official documents as were accessible.

T. C. Davis. MoREHEAD City, N. C,

9 April, 1901.


1. A. M. Waddell, Lieut.-Colonel.

2. Roger Moore, Lieut. -Colonel. 8. R. S. Tucker, Captain, Co. I.

4. J. Y. Savaee. 1st Lieut.. Co G.

5. Norfleet Smith, 1st Lieut,, Co G.

6. Julian S. Carr, Private, Co. K.


(third cavalhy. )

By orderly SERGEANT JOSHTA B. HILL, Company K.

The Forty-first North Carolina Troops was a regiment of cavalry; in the official enrollment it was thus denominated, but it was commonly styled and known as the Third Cavalry. For a great portion of its honorable history it was scattered over an extended field of operations and served as detached companies of cavalry.

It should be understood that the system adopted in number- ing the several regiments does not represent the order of the organization of the companies in behalf of the defense of the State and the rights of the Southern people.

For example, ten regiments raised under what was called the "Ten Eegiment Bill," and enlisted "for the war," as was stated, were allowed to ante-number all previous volunteer organizations, most of them having been enrolled for twelve months, although, as a matter of fact, all finally served throughout the struggle. The First Volunteers by special act of the Legislature, was styled the "Bethel" Eegiment. It was afterwards xmder a new organization known as the Elev- enth.

Regiments like the Eighteenth and Twentieth had been in service many months at the forts before being placed in regi- mental organization; the latter even containing companies fully equipped before the attack upon Sumter.

In like manner many of the companies which were organ- ized at Kinston, in the fall of 1862, had already seen large and faithful service, and it is to be hoped that surviving mem- bers of these gallant troops, that contributed so much to the protection of Eastern Carolina, will leave memorials of their valuable services and chivalrous deeds of daring.

768 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

There was something attractive to the younger Southerner in the life of a bold dragoon ; especially among those whose circumstances had made them fearless horsemen, and whose life in the open air and participation in field sports had ren- dered them the finest recruits in the world for this form of military duty.

Of this class, the flower of the young men of the State, were the various "Dragoons," "Mounted Rifies," and similar bodies composed who bivouacked from the lower James to the Cape Fear, content to serve where duty called, under their bold captains.

The fall of Hatteras and the fate of Roanoke Island early in the war were unavoidable events, under the circumstances. Without ordnance to contend against a powerful fleet that stood without range, and shelled at pleasure a garrison prac- tically defenseless, the fate of Hatteras was sealed.

But the capture of ISTew Bern ought not to have occurred ' at least it need not have taken place in 1862, long before the war was twelve months old, if the authorities at Richmond had given it help with half the troops uselessly sent down af- terwards.

But the importance of the position was hardly apprehended by either side. Certainly a Federal commander of the order of Jackson, or of Sheridan would have cut the great line of supply of Lee's army, the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and overwhelmed Wilmington from the rear.

That this was not done, must be attributed largely to the activity and energy of the Third Cavalry, before and after its formal organization as a regiment, and the other 'commands serving in like capacity, or as partizan rangers.

The companies were somewhat unequal in size. As the war progressed and the Confederate Congress insisted upon measures of conscription, those arriving at military age fre- quently volunteered in companies containing friends, or raised in special localities. Some of these were from towns or counties in the hands of the enemy, and recruits were not easily available. Other companies were stationed at posts favorable for accession to their ranks.

Moore's Roster gives 1,158 men in the ranks of the regi-

FoRTY-FiKST Regiment. 769

ment, tut as the deficiency of that enrollment are well known, it is probable that the number was not less than 1,200, if not indeed considerably more.

John A. Baker, of ISTew Hanover, serving on the staff of Major-General French, at that time in command of the De- partment of N"orth Carolina, with headquarters at Wilming- ton, was commissioned as Colonel, 3 September, 1862, of the Third North Carolina Cavalry, officially designated as the Forty-first North Carolina Troops.

The remaining Field Officers were not assigned until nearly a year afterwards, Alfred M. Waddell having been commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel on 18 August, 1863, and Roger Moore, Major, on the same date. Previous to that A. M. Waddell had served as Adjutant, and Captain Roger Moore as Quartermaster. Both of these gentlemen were from Wilmington. Upon the resignation of Colonel Wad- dell, 10 August, 1864, Major Roger Moore was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, and on 9 December, 1864, Captain C. W. McClammy, of Company A, was promoted to the vacant Majority. Colonel Moore became commanding officer, as Colonel Baker, who had been taken prisoner by the enemy, 21 June, 1864, did not rejoin the regiment.

Captain Thomas J. Tunstall, of Mississippi, another of- ficer who had been serving at headquarters of the Department of North Carolina, was made Assistant Quartermaster, 19 November, 1862. Benjamin W. Sparks was commissioned Assistant Surgeon 1 September, 1862, and was from Georgia, but on 1 February, 1863, Dr. Benjamin M. Walker, of Ply- mouth, was ordered to the regiment as full Surgeon. Lieu- tenant John N. Smith, of Texas, served as drill master and also as acting Assistant Commissary Sergeant. Rev. S. M. Byrd, of Virginia, was assigned as Chaplain 3 October, 1864.

The following were the non-commissioned staff: Thos. S. Armistead, Sergeant Major, Plymouth, Washington Coun- ty; Calvin J. Morris, Quartermaster Sergeant, Bertie Coun- ty; A. L. Fitzgerald, Ordnance Sergeant, Caswell County; Neil M. Buie, Hospital Steward, Harnett County; J. W. Sorey, Chief Bugler, Martin County ; Levi J. Fagan, of Ply- mouth, Color Sergeant. 49

770 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

The several companies composing the regiment may be briefly named as follows : (Most of the names of enlisted men can be found in the honorable roll compiled by order of the State, and known as "Moore's Roster," but that record, it is well known, is imperfect, many rolls having perished, which recorded the changes incident to time and disease and the cas- ualties of war).

Company A, known originally as the "Rebel Rangers," was from New Hanover, and had seven commissioned, nine non-commissioned oflicers, two musicians and 155 privates; total, 153. A. W. Newkirk was commissioned as Captain 19 October, 1861 ; C. W. McClammy was promoted to Cap- tain from First Lieutenant 12 September, 1863, and subse- quently to Major in 1864, when D. J. Nixon was made Cap- tain from First Lieutenant. The remaining oiEcers were, as successively promoted: First Lieutenant, A. C. Ward; Second Lieutenants, D. J. Nixon, John W. Howard, A. C. Ward, Louis W. Howard, and Robert C. Highsmith.

Company B, the "Gatlin Dragoons," of Onslow County, had seven commissioned and ten non-commissioned oiRcers, and 122 privates; total, 139. E. W. Ward was made Cap- tain 28 December, 1861, and Bryan Southerland succeeded him 30 November, 1863, having been promoted from Sec- ond Lieutenant. The other officers were First Lieutenants L. W. Humphrey, John W. Spicer, and M. F. Langly; Sec- ond Lieutenants, Bryan Southerland, (promoted as stated), J. W. Spicer, David W. Simmons, Stephen H. Merton, D. Williams, and M. E. Langly.

Company C, the "Caswell Rangers," of Caswell County, had four commissioned, nine non-commissioned officers, and 87 privates; total, 100. Hannon W. Reinhardt was Cap- tain, (28 February, 1862) ; First Lieutenant, Jno. W. Hatch- ett ; Second Lieutenants, Stephen A. Rice and James A. Wil- liamson.

Company D, the "Highland Rangers," of Harne'tt Coun- ty, had four commissioned, eight non-commissioned officers, and 90 privates; total, 102. Thomas J. Brooks, Captain was commissioned 5 March, 1862 ; First Lieutenant, Gr. W.

Forty-First Regiment. 771

Peaman ; Second Lieutenants, James M. McNeill and W. M. McNeill.

Company E, the "Macon Mounted Guards," from Lenoir find Craven Counties chiefly, with members from Pitt and Chatham, had five commissioned, nine non-commissioned of- ficers, and 64 privates ; total, 78. W. W. Carraway and L. H. Hartsfield were Captains, the latter commissioned 7 Oc- tober, 1861. First Lieutenant, Isaac Roberts; Second Lieu- tenants, Owen A. Palmer and S. H. Loftin.

Company F, the "Davis Dragoons," from Burke County, had nine commissioned, six non-commissioned officers (whose p.ames have been preserved), and 96 privates; total. 111. T. George Walton was made Captain 7 October, 1861, and suc- ceeded by Elisha A. Perkins 13 May, 1862. First Lieuten- ants, Hugh C. Bennett and J. C. Tate; Second Lieutenants, J. A. Stewart, W. F. Avery, J. Rufus Kincaid, J. A. Conley, and Henry P. Lindsay.

Company G, the "Scotland Neck Mounted Riflemen," from Halifax County, had six commissioned, seven non-com- missioned officers, and 108 privates; total, 121. Atherton B. Hill, who was made Captain 9 October, 1861, was suc- ceeded by Benj. G. Smith promoted from Second Sergeant First Lieutenant, Norfleet Smith; Second Lieutenants, George A. Higgs (afterwards promoted to Captain), Theo- dore B. Hyman, and John T. Savage.

Company H, the "Humphrey Troops," from Onslow County, had five commissioned, nine non-commissioned of- ficers, and 85 privates; total, 99. Julius W. Moore was commissioned Captain 10 December, 1862. First Lieuten- ants, Thos. B. Henderson and A. G. Hawkins ; Second Lieu- tenants, Jas. Bryan and B. W. Tl-ott.

Company I, the "Wake Rangers," from Wake County, had eight commissioned, eleven non-commissioned officers, and 88 privates; total, 107. Rufus S. Tucker, Qaptain, was commissioned 18 February, 1862, and on his promotion as Major and Governor's Aide-deCamp 24 January, 1863, David A. Roberson was made Captain. First Lieutenants, T. Jefferson Utley and Joseph M. Bowling ; Second Lieutenants,

772 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

W. W. Clements, J. H. Allison, W. G. Kiddiok, and Allen K. Rogers ; Bugler, Jesse Winborne.

Company K, the "Clark Skirmishers," of Martin and Washington Counties, with Beaufort and Pitt contributing, had six commissioned, ten non-commissioned officers, and 68 privates ; total, 84. Wm. Jordan Walker, Geo. W. Ward and Fred Harding, who was commissioned 16 May, 1862, were Captains. First Lieutenants, George W. Ward, Fred Harding and Wm. Slade; Second Lieutenants, Wm. Slade, Fred Harding, J. E. Moore and Burton Stilley. Of this company the writer had the honor of being First Ser-' geant, having joined its ranks 16 May, 1862.

This completes a review of the personnel of a regiment re- markable for the high spirit and mental and physical strength, no less than for the moral worth and patriotic devo- tion to duty which characterized it. How many of the names on its official roster and the muster-rolls of the privates in the ranks were honored for bravery in the service during the dark years of the war, or have risen to distinction among those of their fellow-citizens in various sections of the State ?

It has been already intimated that this regiment was a bul- wark of protection for the great railroad from Weldon to Wilmington, and all that portion of the thirty counties east of it, not completely in the hands of the enemy, with their combined naval and military power in the great sounds.

To many minds the idea of soldierly value is confined to the fleeting hours of the battlefield, and the efficiency of a regiment is measured by the number of men cut to pieces or left on the field, although both may occur through unskillful management of commanding officers, and may result, per- haps, in unnecessary, even valueless slaughter.

But there is an infinity of duties besides the actual shock of pitched battle, on a great scale. Cavalry has been well termed."the eyes and ears of an army," and well may this be said of the Forty-first JSTorth Carolina troops. In a great arc, sweeping from the Cape Fear to the Black- water, it was the omnipresent guardian of the people. A large proportion of its troopers were natives of the east and knew its roads and fords, its swamps and streams. Picket--

Forty-First Regiment. 773

ing an enormous line, protecting the villages and settlements from forays, gathering supplies, and especially forage for the needs of the army of Virginia and the garrisons of the forts, guarding the cross-roads and fords, communicating with friends in the lines of the enemy and checking his approach whenever he dared to advance beyond his gun-hoats, this reg- iment and its gallant brethren of similar commands, though for a long time denied the laurels that fell upon Stuart and his bold troopers in their own scene of action, yet daily and hourly performed service of the most vital importance to the maintenance of our communications through ISTorth Carolina and to the protection of one of the most important regions of the country, if not the capital of the State itself. Propositions to have the regiment assemble at Garysburg and move northward were repeatedly declined by the State authorities. But eventually the need of cavalry to reinforce the right wing of the army in the defence of Eichmond be- came most urgent. The impartial historian must say that the importance of maintaining cavalry in full efficiency was hardly fully realized in the Army of IS'orthern "Virginia. It was expected to take care of itself, and so it did. But as supplies grew scarce and horses and men grew gaunt with hunger, few animals could be found to replace the fiery steeds of the first squadrons, and such bloody massacres as Bristoe's and Brandy Station had wiped out whole squadrons, never to be replaced. It is no wonder, then, that when this regi- ment finally reached the lines of Petersburg it endured labors and hardships almost unparalleled even in that dread con- flict.

On the other hand, with the wealth of the world in money, men and horses, the Federal cavalry, well trained and sup- plied with everything possible, was pushed, under Sheridan and Stoneman, to its utmost effectiveness in the last cam- paigns.

After the fall of Eoanoke Island in February, 1862, Cap- tain R. S. Tucker's company, the "Wake Rangers," was sent to guard Weldon bridge, and afterwards to picket the Tar from Greenville nearly to Washington. There were at this time other North Carolina commands on similar duty sta-

774 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

tioned to the south; Evans' troops between New Bern and Goldsboro, and Captain Nethercutt's cavalry across the Trent in Jones County.

In November following, Captain W. W. Carraway's com- pany, the Macon Mounted Guards, were on duty at Kin- ston, and Captain Ward's company served for some time, af- ter the capture of New Bern, in picketing the streams of Ons- low and vicinity.

On 28 September, 1862, Governor Z. B. Vance protested earnestly against calling off the regiment to Garysburg, and said that without the protection of the cavalry the finest pro- vision region of the State would in a few days be desolated. So much in earnest was he that he was moved to exclaim : "If it is not the intention of the President to protect us, we must protect ourselves."

In late October or early November a squad of fourteen men of Company K, under command of Levi J. Pagan, Color Sergeant, was sent on picket about ten miles from Plymouth, which town was largely garrisoned by United States troops. The darkness of the night, together with a blinding rain, ren- dered it difficult to perceive the approach of an active battal-= ion of infantry from the enemy's lines, which suddenly sur- roimded and captured the squad. Taken on foot to Ply- mouth and thence by transport tO' New Bern, this small body of prisoners was held in captivity, though kindly treated, until paroled 4 December.

A brilliant exploit performed by the "Rebel Hangers," Company A, subsequently, is reported by General W. H. C. Whiting, commanding District of Wilmington. He says, 28 November, 1862, that Captain Newkirk's cavalry and Captain Adams', with a section of a field battery, captured a steam gunboat of the enemy on New River. Her crew es- caped, but her armament, ammunition and small arms were captured.

Shortly afterwards the "Caswell Rangers," Company C, rendered brave and efficient service in repelling the raid of General Foster upon Goldsboro, and was complimented for i's coclnPFS in pction in the report of Colonel Stevens, of the Engineers, to General Gustavus W. Smith, commanding.

Forty-First Rkgiment. 775

Another company, that of Captain. Tucker, was in the ex- pedition under General J. G. Martin, who, with the Seven- teenth North Carolina Infantry, Adams' Artillery and the respective cavalry of Walker, Booth and Tucker, made an attack upon the forces of the enemy at Washington. Tucker assaulted the town independently, the other companies being under the command of the gallant Booth, who received a wound on that occasion that subsequently caused his death.

Captain R. S. Tucker's command performed many difficult and hazardous feats. They had started at early morning, their gallant Captain at the head and again and again they routed and dispersed the enemy, only to meet additional par- ties stationed to repel Tucker's advance. "Charge !" was the repeated order, which was so successfully executed that the loss was slight. Bugler Winbome and a private near the head of the command having been dismounted, and captured by the enemy.

A portion of the enemy was completely driven out of the town in this brilliant engagement, but the heavy artillery of the gunboats completely commanded the whole of Washington, which is situated upon the river, and as the occupation by Confederate forces involved the entire destruction of the place, without adequate military result, the command deemed it proper to evacuate and return to original lines.

The Davis "Dragoons," under Captain Perkins, at Big JSTortheast Bridge, near Jacksonville, met a party of Federal cavalry, killing one captain and five privates and routing the biilmice without loss.

Seven companies of the regiment were concentrated for operations in Eastern North Carolina and on the Virginia bor- ('pr early in 18(i3, and so effectually did the command make i;s mnrk that Genera] M. Jenkins, Brigadier commanding on the Bbckwater. proposed a dash of Baker's Regiment of cav- alry upmi tbc onpiTiy's c-^ip of cavalry on the Windsor road, four or five milos from Suffolk, Va.

Service along the mrrow Blackwater, guarding its fords and tributaries, involve' 1 much exposure to malaria and inces- sant contact with the ene-^iy. Longstreet issued preparatory orders for his demonstration against Suffolk, 16 April, and

776 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

was particular to direct that wires be stretched across the roads leading to the strong cavalry camps of the United States troops.

On the 21st of the same month, by orders from Richmond, the regiment was attached to Robertson's Brigade, A. IST. V., but it was placed almost immediately on detached service on the Blackwater.

On 11 June, 1863, Captain Milligan, of the Confederate Signal Corps, announced that with a detachment of the Forty- First ISTorth Carolina he had burned Dillard's wharf, on the south side of the river from Jamestown Island. This was a favorite landing place for predatory incursions of the enemy. Under date of 18 June, General D. H. Hill reports: "The Yankees, with ten regiments of infantry, two of cav- alry and sixteen pieces, have been feebly attempting to cross the Blackwater for the last five days. They have been re- pulsed at all points with ease by the forces of General M. Jen- kins, Colonel John A. Baker and Colonel Alf. Coppens."

The regiment was now in demand in various directions, re- maining but a brief period at any point. 1 July it was or- dered to Old Church to intercept raiders coming up the Pe- ninsula and to watch the Pamunkey. Hard service had left about two hundred men of the command without horses.

18 July the regiment was made a part of the division of Major-General Robert Ransom. On the 20th of the month General Whiting asked for it from General Cooper, saying, "I need very much an additional force of cavalry, can I not have Baker's regiment from Petersburg ? On the 22d he ap- plied for it again to go to General Martin at Kinston to stop raids of the enemy, but the Union forces having appeared at Murfreesboro, the regiment was ordered on the 27th to the Blackwater to check an advance toward Weldon.

In August it was encamped at Ivor, a station on the road then called Norfolk and Petersburg, now a portion of the Norfolk & Western line.

It was about this time that newspaper reports, upon the Gettysburg campaign and others, had been full of extrava- gant praise for troops of certain other States, but North Car- olina had been treated with neglect and even gross injus-

Forty-First Eegiment. 777

tice. A proposition was made that official reporters should accompany the army, or at least that the authentic official re- ports of officers on the field should be published.

This was brought to the attention of General Lee by the Hon. J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War, to whom the great com- mander replied, on 9 September, 1863, in words which should bring the glow of pride to the heart of every Caroli- nian. "In the reports of the officers justice is done the brave soldiers of North Carolina whose heroism and devotion have illustrated the name of their State on every battlefield in which the Army of Northern Virginia has been engaged, but the publication of these reports during the progress of the war would give the enemy information which it is desirable to withhold."

In November the regiment was camped near Weldon, but by the end of the year it was on the ground where it was or- ganized, reporting, on 31 December, 34 officers and 554 men present for duty, although the rolls have 971 names.

Early in the new year, 9 January, 1864, it was engaged in a skirmish near Greenville, N. C. This incident was quite re- markable. In the darkness of the night. Companies I and K, which were scouting below Red Banks Church, suddenly engaged the enemy returning from the church, which they had set on fire. Amid sharp firing in close contact and the clash of contending sabres, both columns forced a way through to their respective lines. Our loss was an officer and one private killed and several slightly wounded. A trooper of the enemy, well equipped, imconsciously fell into our lines, and rode on well satisfied, until at daybreak a vigi- lant officer. Lieutenant Buck Slade, perceived the stranger's predicament and divested him of his steed and arms. Sur- prised and disgusted, the astonished prisoner broke down completely.

Toward the end of January General Lee sent General Pick- ett with five brigades to attack and attempt to recapture New Bern. The Firty-first was a portion of the cavalry ordered upon the expedition. This cavalry endured great hardships in breaking up the railroad between Morehead and New Bern, in passing around the town and in crossing the river. This

778 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

much was accomplished, though the general undertaking was defeated.

Oh 22 April, Colonel Baker was ordered to report to Gen- eral Lee for the assignment of the regiment to General J. B. Gordon's Brigade. But when in camp near Weldon it was ordered (3 May) by Brigadier-General Walker, toward New Bern, and it took part in the feint executed by General Hoke in that section. General Bearing, then commanding all the cavalry near New Bern, ordered it to Kinston, which was reached on the evening of 7 May. Thence by Hoke's orders, it proceeded by the highway to Weldon. The three compa" nies serving in the Department of North Carolina were or- dered 2 May to join their regiment, which on the 15th was ordered to move with Hoke's Division to protect the right flank in the movement near Petersburg, of Beauregard against Butler.

General Bragg, then in command at Richmond, complained to General S. Cooper that Baker's cavalry had been detained by Beauregard after its orders to protect Richmond, and that thus the safety of the capital had been jeopardized.

Beauregard answers the complaint as follows, and inciden- tally expresses his high appreciation of the Carolina troop' ers:

"General Bragg in his communication has declared that the Third North Carolina (Cavalry) was detained for three weeks without the shadow of authority ; and that by the de- lays occasioned by xinauthorized assiimptions in the move- ments of troops the safety of the capital has been jeopardized.

"I beg leave respectfully to reply that on 25 April, General Bragg authorized me to detain Baker's cavalry until the New Bern expedition should be completed, or until it shoiild be re- lieved by another. The New Bern expedition terminated 6 May and Colonel Baker with his command, started immedi- ately to Weldon, which he reached on the 10th and thence to Petersbiirg where he arrived with a portion of the command on the 14th. On the same day he proceeded, under my or- ders, with me to Drewry's Bluff.

"At this time General Butler was threatening the capital with a force largely superior to my own. There were with

Forty-First Regiment. 779

me including Baker's, but one regiment of cavalry and frac- tions of two others, viz: the Seventh South Carolina and a part of the Fifth South Carolina. These, with the Third North Carolina were essential to the protection of the right and left flanks of my command. They participated in the hat- tie of 16 May at Drewry's Bluff, and so far from jeopardizing the safety of the capital by delay in the execution of orders, they contributed essential service to its defense. All the troops which could be spared from the capital were being sent to me to defend it on the south side, and it did not occur to me to send forward the regiment to Richmond, merely to be returned, for the important purposes already indicated.

"Although the enemy was defeated on the 16th, and driven back to his works at Bermuda Hundred, he still greatly out- numbered me and held a menacing position dangerous to the safety of the capital. I did not deem it prudent and wise therefore, to send it on the 17th to Richmond, but directed it to watch and protect my flank on James river.

"22 May, Colonel Ferebee, with the Fourth North Carolina, having relieved Colonel Baker, was ordered immediately to report to General Bragg at Richmond, and he did so on the evening of the 23 d. The detention was authorized, I respect- fully submit, by the exigencies of the case and demonstrated by the signal service the command rendered on the 16th at Drewry's Bluff."

He asked for a court of inquiry, but General Lee expressed himself as satisfied, dismissed Bragg's complaint and refused a court.

On this occasion Colonel Bnker ren?its tl^nt Ids marches were thirty miles a day, and that as sonn as nicke's and cour- iers reached camp under orders at niidnioht. be started at 3 a. m. Little rest was there for the wearied soldier for the remainder of the bloody struggle.

A few weeks later, 21 June, 1864, the regiment l-^st Coh- nel Baker by capture. He was considerably in atlv.Tneo of the regiment, with but one or two men. It is thus told by the enemy :

780 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

" June 21, 1864, 5 :10 p. m.

"Theo. Lyman to Major-General Meade:

"I have just been to meet General Barlow. About a mile from the railroad (W. & W. and Petersburg) he engaged dis- mounted cavalry and two guns ; took the Colonel of the Third North Carolina Cavalry, who thinks Early is behind on the railroad."

During the month of August the reorganization of the field officers took place, as heretofore referred to, and Major Roger Moore (promoted later to Lieutenant-Colonel) was left in command. The regiment was now in the brigade of Gen- erf ul Rufus Barringer, where it remained for the rest of the war. It was in the division of General W. H. F. Lee, under command of General Wade Hampton, commanding the corps of cavalry.

It participated in the brilliant attack on the enemy at Reams' Station, 25 August, 1864. From General Hamp- ton's report the following is taken :

"General Barringer, whom I had sent with his brigade to the east of the railroad, reported that he had met a strong force of infantry with cavalry. I ordered him to picket the road strongly and join me with his command at Malone's Crossing. * * * Colonel Roberts, with his regiment, charged here one line of the rifle-pits, carrying it handsomely and capturing from sixty to seventy-five prisoners. * * * He struck the rear of the enemy, with Barringer's Brigade in the center of his force. Under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry the line advanced steadily, driving the enemy into his works. Here he made a stubborn stand, and for a few moments checked our advance, but the spirit of the men was so fine that they charged the breast-works with the utmost gal- lantry, carried them and captured the force holding them. This ended the fighting, my men having been engaged twelve hours. We captured 781 prisoners, 25 commissioned officers, buried 143 of the enemy and brought off 66 of their wounded. Our loss was: Total killed, 16; wounded, 75; missing, 3. Of these Barringer had 10 killed, 50 wounded, 1 missing.

Forty-First Regiment. 781

* * * General Barringer commanded Lee's Division to my satisfaction, while his brigade commanders, Colonel Davis and Colonel Cheek, performed their parts vyell."

The following letter from General Lee to Governor Vance, in reference to this gallant achievement, will live in history as one of the fairest laurels ever won by sons of the Old North State. Under date of 29 August, 1864, he writes:

"I have frequently been called upon to mention the ser- vices of North Carolina soldiers in this army, but their gal- lantry and conduct were never more deserving of admiration than in the engagement at Reams Station on the 25th in- stant.

"The brigades of Generals Cooke, McRae and Lane, the last under the command of General Connor, advanced through a thick abatis of felled trees, under a heavy fire of musketry and artillery and carried the enemy's works with a steady courage that elicited the warm commendation of their corps and division commanders, and the admiration of the army. On the same occasion the brigade of General Barringer bore a conspicuous part in the operations of the cavalry, which were not less distinguished for boldness and efficiency than those of the infantry.

"If the men who remain in North Carolina share the spirit of those they have sent to the field, as I doubt not they do, her defense may be securely intrusted to their hands.

"I am with great respect, your obedient servant,

"R. E. Lee, General. "His Excellency, Z. B. Vance, Governor of North Carolina."

The dark and gloomy winter, the last of the war, was approaching. The regiment was now to endure the most ex- treme hardships of a soldier's life in cold, fatigue, hunger, pain and anxiety. As the lines drew closer and forage be- came scarcer, the horses perished and the few must do the work of many. The middle of November found the Forty- first, in Barringer's Brigade, encamped near Gladcross' mill,

782 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

four miles southwest of Petersburg, on the Boydton road. Constant encounters took place on a small scale, and on 9 December in an action near Belfield, the enemy was hand- somely driven back. General Hampton says in his subse- quent report (21 January, 1865) :

"The cavalry of the enemy which we met was driven in rapidly with loss and in confusion, and the infantry of the rear guard was gallantly charged. * * *

"The pursuit on our part continued during the remainder of the day, the enemy blockading the road, destroying the bridges and only fighting at the obstacles he had placed in the road. At Moore's Mill we drove him from the bridge, and pushing on, we soon met some cavalry, charging and dispers- ing them.

"The leading squadron of the Third North Carolina (For- ty-first) dashed into the main body of the enemy, who were found preparing to go into camp. Finding their whole force there I withdrew to Moore's Mill, two miles back, to bivouac. From this point I notified General Hill of the position of the enemy. * * * My officers and men behaved admira- bly— losses small 250 to 350 prisoners taken. On 1 March, 1865, the official report showed 78 officers and 1,298 men present for duty in Barringer's Brigade, and the fact that this number is actually more than one-third of the total cavalry of Lee's army, which was reported at 3,761, is a proud evidence of the devotion to duty of these gallant men in the darkest hours. On 27 March the Brigade was at Stony Creek.

The position of Lee's army is thus described by Swinton, the fairest historian on the Union side : "The right of Lee's intrenched line running southwest from Petersburg covered Hatcher's Run at the Boydton plank road. Thence it ex- tended for a considerable distance westward, parallel with Hatcher's Run, and along what is known as the White Oak road. This line directly covered Lee's main communication by the Southside Railroad. Four miles west of the termina- tion of this intrenched front, a detached line running also along the White Oak road covered an important strategic

FoRTY-FiEST Regiment. 783

point, where several roads from the north and south, converg- ed on the White Oak rgad, from what is known as the 'Five Forks.

) »

Swinton further declares of Lee: "From his left, north- east of Richmond, to his right, southwest of Petersburg, there were thirty-five miles of breastwork, which it behooved Lee to guard, and all the force remaining to him was 37,000 mus- kets and a small body of broken down horses !"

As it became evident that the meagre numbers of Lee could not longer hold back the immense hosts under Grant, arrange- ments were quietly made looking to retreat in the only possi- ble direction, the west.

General Fitz Lee relates that on 28 March he was ordered from his position on the extreme left of the line north of the James to Petersburg, and to Southerland's Station, on the Southside road, nineteen miles distant, on the 29th. There the division of General W. H. F. Lee, containing Barrin- ger's Brigade, joined him.

On 31 March they attacked a very large force of the en- emy's cavalry at Five Forks, killed and wounded many, cap- tured one hundred and drove them to within half a mile of Dinwiddle Court House. While Mumf ord held the front W. H. F. Lee and Rosser went to turn their flank, found a stream in the way, with strong defences, carried the defences, but with loss to Lee and Rosser and Mumford also carried the works in his front. At Hatcher's Run, a whole corps of Fed- eral infantry attacked two small brigades of Confederate cav- alry.

General Fitzhugh Lee further says: "On 3 April I pro- tected Anderson's rear and skirmished with the enemy's ad- vance to Amelia Court House." In his language, "At an- other of the temporary halts upon this march, to check the enemy in the vicinity of Namozine church, that very excel- lent North Carolina brigade of W. H. F. Lee's Division, suf- fered severely. The troops had been placed in motion again to resume the march. This brigade was the rear of the column and I was obliged to retain it in position to prevent the enemy from attacking the remainder of the command.

"While getting in motion, their rapidly arriving forces

784 JSfoRTH- Carolina Troops, -ISGl-'eS.

soon augmented the troops it was so gallantly holding in check, and produced a concentration impossible for it to re- sist. Its commander, Brigadier-General Barringer, was cap- tured while in the steady discharge of his duties, and his loss was keenly felt by the command."

Of this event the Federal Major-General Merritt claims (3 April) : "The command moved forward at daylight and oc- cupied the forks which the enemy had abandoned during the night. The First and Third Division (United States) cavalry marched in pursuit toward Amelia Court House. Wells' Brigade had a spirited fight with Barringer's Brigade of rebel cavalry, routing, dispersing or capturin^g the entire command, including the rebel general himself."

This extraordinary report is more clearly, correctly defined by official returns from the commanders more closely engaged. Tavo entire divisions of cavalry were enveloping the retreat of the Confederates, worn out man and horse, by six day's marching and fighting. Another and doubtless more correct report from a Federal commander is the following: "April 3, at night, went on picket at Five Cross Koads (called by the Confederates Five Forks), distance about twenty miles from ISTamozine church, and by the aid of Major Young, Chief of Scouts, captured and brought into our lines General Barringer and part of his staff, the regiment being detached from the brigade at the time."

The few faithful horse that were left were invaluable in prolonging the retreat to Burkeville where Lee expected tO' meet the train of supplies and ammunition. That by some fatal blunder, this train had been fired and all hope of succor for the starving horses short of Lynchburg had to be aban- doned, is now familiar history.

In his last report General Lee says (Appomattox, 12 April, 1865) : "After successive attacks, Anderson's and Ewell's Corps were captured or driven from their position. The latter general, with both of his division commanders, Kershaw and Custis Lee, and his brigadiers were taken pris- oners.

"Gordon, who all the morning aided by General W. H. F. Lee's cavalry, had checked the advance of the enemy on the

Forty-First Regiment. 785

road from Amelia Springs, and protected the trains, because exposed to his combined assaults, which he bravely resisted and twice repulsed; but the cavalry having been withdrawn to another part of the line of march and the enemy massing heavily on his front and both flanks, renewed the attack about 6 p. m., and drove him from the field in much confusion."

Some of the cavalry escaped with Rosser before the end, but in the Providence of God the close of the great struggle had come. At the actual surrender, the whole division of General W. H. F. Lee numbered but 298 men and officers, of which Barringer's Brigade had 2 officers and 21 men, total 23, for parole. A few had escaped ; most of them had been taken, man by man, dismounted from horses which hunger, disease and wounds rendered incapable of supporting their starving but dauntless riders.

This narrative does not purport to be a complete history of the varied experiences of the Forty-first North Carolina Troops, but is simply offered as a contribution towards an ac- count of the various marches and battles that illustrate its eventful career.

I am indebted to the brave and courteous Thomas S. Arm- istead. Sergeant Major of the regiment from the time of its organization, for his valuable notes concerning the various movements and services of the companies detached, or of the regiment as a whole, from time to time. His recollections are vivid and lucid, and a more gallant officer never mounted horse. I am also indebted to the gallant Burton Stilley, Lieutenant in my own company, K, the "Clark Skirmishers," for his recollections of certain casualties in the regiment and other information. Writing 9 August, 1895, he says:

"While camping at Franklin, Va., on the Blackwater, in pursuing Schocknett's cavalry toward Suffolk, Lieutenant Al. Wiggins, of Company G, was killed. His horse becoming frightened, ran past the rear of the retreating Federal column.

"In an engagement with Graham's North Carolina Volun- teers (Union) below Greenville, IST. C, in the night, Lieuten- ant Camp and Private Ferrall, of Company G, were killed. In an engagement on Sunday evening, near Hanover Court 50

786 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

House, Sergeant Jeffreys, of Company I (Ealeigh) and Pri- vate Patrick, of Company H, were killed, and Private L. A. Jones, of Company K, severely wounded. In an engage- ment between Richmond and Charles City, near White's Tav- ern, 17 August, 1864, I was wounded severely and in Sep- tember, 1894, had my leg amputated and am still suffering. Also Privates H. M. Patrick and Kenneth Daniels, of Com- pany K, were killed by the same shell that wounded me." Dr. Stilley writes in the strain of devotion to the memory of glo- rious days and noble martyrs.

It has been deemed better to recite the history of the Third Cavalry from official sources, rather than to attempt to revive the fading scenes of memory after so many years, especially as the following circumstances will explain the separation from my beloved comrades, so keenly felt by the writer.

When the regiment was on duty near Yellow Tavern, Va., 27 June, 1864, I was sent as Orderly Sergeant in charge of a party to secure forage. The wagons were only partially loaded when the enemy suddenly firing upon us, in the mid- dle of a wheat field, brought on a regular engagement of both cavalry and infantry. I was shot in the right arm and sent to the hospital at Petersburg. The result was a long pe^ riod of suffering and inability for service. T. B. Slade was then promoted to Orderly Sergeant. In January, 1865, I was detailed as unfit for active service and ordered to report to Captain Crenshaw at Magnolia. Subsequently, being in the retreat of Johnson's army before the greatly superior forces of Sherman, my military service was closed near New Salem, N. C, when the surrender of General John- ston near Greensboro, put an end to operations in North Car- olina.

Many men of distinction in our beloved State are to-day proud of their membership in the old Third Cavalry, and others have passed away in the fullness of years. Among those still living is a gallant young private of Company K, known throughout the country now, Julian S. Carr, com- mander of the State Veterans' Association, and who has been one of the most generous and devoted friends of Confeder- ate veterans.

FoKTY-FiRST Regiment. 787

It has been said, "To have fought in the cavalry under Hampton is to be more than a Knight of the Garter." Let me add to have been praised by Lee, is to have been hon- ored by the greatest hero of the world.

J. B. Hill. Paleigh, N. C,

9 April, 1901.


1. John E. Brown, Colonel. 3. T. J. Brown, Major.

S. C. W, Bradshaw, Lieut. -Colonel. 4. W. C. Brown, Surgeon.

5. Jas. E. Crawford, Captain, Co. B.


By major T. J. BROWN.

The Forty-second Nortih Carolina Kegiment Infantry was organized at Salisbury, IST. 0., in April, 1862. The roster of officers was as follows:


Geo. C. GiBBs, Colonel, 22 April, 1862; Florida; resigned 7 January, 1864.

John E. Beown, Colonel, 7 January, 1864; Davie Coun- ty, promoted from Lieutenant-Colonel.

Chas. W. BeadshaWj Lieutenant-Colonel, 7 January, 1864; Davidson County; promoted from Major.

D. A. Undeewood, Major, 22 April, 1862 ; resigned 20 November, 1862.

Thos. J. Beown, Major, 7 January, 1864; Davie Coun- ty ; promoted from Captain of Company E.

W. H. H. Geegoey, Adjutant, 22 April, 1862.

J. J. Peathee^ Ensign, 16 August, 1864 ; Lincoln County.

W. C. Beown, M. D., Surgeon, Davie County.

J. W. Wiseman, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, Davie County.

De. Wm. McCoeklEj Assistant Surgeon.

Rev. Samuel J. Hill^ Chaplain, Iredell County.

R. P. Bessent, Quartermaster.

RoBBET McCoy, Quartermaster Sergeant.

J. V. L. RoGEES, Commissary.


Company A C. W. Bradshaw, Captain, promoted; J. BE. Koontz, Captain, 27 February, 1862, Davidson County; Jos. Conrad, First Lieutenant, 27 February, 1862, David- son County; A. E. Sieeloff, Second Lieutenant, 15 May,

790 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

1862, Davidson Ooxmty; J. F. Sink, Second Lieutenant, 26 March, 1862, Davidson County.

Company B W. H. Crawford, Captain, 30 January, 1862, Eowan County, resigned in 1864, having been elected to Legislature; J. E. Crawford, Captain, 1864, Eowan Coun^ ty, promoted from First Lieutenant; A. D. Wright, First Lieutenant, 27 February, 1862, Eowan County; E. W. Price, Second Lieutenant, 27 February, 1862, Eowan Coun- ty; J. F. Dodson, Second Lieutenant, 27 February, 1862, Eowan County.

Company C D. A. Underwood, Captain, 28 February,

1862, Stanly County, promoted Major 22 April, 1862; J. A. Howell, Captain, 22 April, 1862, Stanly County, pro- moted from First Lieutenant, killed at 'Cold Harbor in 1864 ; Eobt. A. Carter, First Lieutenant, 22 April, 1862, Stanly County, promoted from Second Lieutenant, promoted to Cap- tain in 1864; Martin S. Efird, First Lieutenant, 1 October,

1863, Stanly County, promoted from Sergeant; W. A. Mor- ton, Second Lieutenant, 11 March, 1862, Stanly County; S. D. Mann, Second Lieutenant, 22 April, 1862, Stanly County, promoted from Sergeant; D. M. Hartley, Second Lieutenant, 12 September, 1862, Stanly County, promoted from Ser- geant.

Company D J. M. Eoark, Captain, 28 February, 1862, Eowan County, resigned 25 November, 1862 ; E. E. Craw- ford, Captain, 25 November, 1862, Eowan County, promoted from First Lieutenant; L. W. Crawford, First Lieutenant, 25 November, 1862, Eowan County, promoted from Second Lieutenant; E. A. Eusher, Second Lieutenant, 28 February, 1862, Eowan County, promoted, killed at Petersburg; H. L. Gill, Second Lieutenant, 23 December, 1862, Iredell County, promoted from Orderly Sergeant.

Company E T. J. Brown, Captain, 21 March, 1862, pro- moted to Major; Spencer J. Hanes, Captain, 18 March, 1863, Davie County, promoted from First Lieutenant ; W. J. Ellis, First Lieutenant, Davie County ;. J. H. Peebles, First Lieu- tenant, 21 March, 1862, Davie County, wounded on Chowan, retired ; M. J. Davis, First Lieutenant, promoted from Sec- ond Lieutenant; Jas. V. Brock, Second Lieutenant, Davie

Foety-Seconx) Regiment. 791

County; B. T. Naylor, Second Lieutenant, promoted from Sergeant, Davie County.

Company F ^Wiley A. Clement, Captain, 21 March, 1862, Davie County; J. H. Clement, First Lieutenant, 1 September, 1862, Davie County; W. C. Willson, Second Lieutenant, resigned in 1863 on account of wound; C. C. Sanford, Second Lieutenant, 4 December, 1862, Davie Coun- ty; W. H. Bailey, Second Lieutenant, 26 June, 1863, Davie County.

Company G J. A. Blackwelder, Captain, 15 March, 1862, Eowan County; A. Leazer, First Lieutenant, 15 March, 1862, Eowan County; H. W. Miller, Second Lieuten- ant, 1 July, 1861, Eowan County, transferred from Sixth Eegiment and wounded twice; W. L. Atwell, Second Lieu- tenant, 1 July, 1861, Eowan County, died 1 August, 1864; C. A. Miller, Second Lieutenant, 5 May, 1862, Eowan Coun- ty, wounded at Petersburg.

Company H— J. M. Hartsell, Captain, 25 May, 1862, Stanly County; E. M. Hunnicutt, First Lieutenant, 25 May, 1862, Stanly County; J. Mann, Second Lieutenant, 25 May, 1862, Stanly County; J. B. Turner, Second Lieutenant, 25 May, 1862, Stanly County, wounded.

Company I J. A. Earnhardt, Captain, 7 March, 1862; H. M. Alford, First Lieutenant; C. L. Harris, Sec- ond Lieutenant; C D. Eedwine, Second Lieutenant.

Company K J. Y. Bryce, Captain, resigned ; S. B. Alex- ander, Captain, 12 July, 1862, Mecklenburg County, pro- moted from First Lieutenant; B. F. Wilson, First Lieuten- ant 12 July, 1862, Mecklenburg County promoted from Sec- ond Lieutenant; Wm. Hendrix, Third Lieutenant, died; J. H. Wilson, Jr., Third Lieutenant, resigned ; Adam M. Ehyne, Second Lieutenant, 12 July, 1862, JMecklenburg County, resigned; W. J. Williford, Second Lieutenant, 12 July, 1862, Mecklenburg Coimty.

Many of the officers of the Forty-second Eegiment had en- tered the Civil War at its beginning, so that they were well versed in military science at the time of the organization of the regiment. Among these were Major T. J. Brown and Lieutenant J. E. Crawford, of the Fourth Eegiment; Colo-

792 North Carolina Troops, l861-'65.

nel Jno. E. Brown and Captain W. H. Crawford, of the Seventh Eegiment; Captain W. A. Clement, Captain S. B. Alexander, Captain E. E. Crawford, Lieutenant A. M. Ehyne and Lieutenant B. F. Wilson, of the First (Bethel) Eegiment.

The Forty-second was a splendid aggregation of men, com- posed of many of the best men of Mecklenburg, Catawba, Ire- dell, Eowan, Davie, Davidson and Stanly counties. The per- sonnel was excellent and the troops were well equipped.

Immediately upon organization, the men entered upon military life and great stress was laid upon thorough drill- ing in company, regimental and brigade tactics. Eight readily did the men respond for they had enlisted to do yeo- man's service for their invaded land.

The camp was located on the Crawford Farm south of Sal- isbury, and here part of the regiment saw its first active duty in guarding the Federal prisoners.

About 1 June, 1862, the regiment was ordered to Peters- burg, Va. Thence it was sent to Lynchburg, Va., to guard several thousand Federal prisoners the fruits of Gen- eral T. J. Jackson's Valley campaign. These were enclosed in the fair grounds.

At Lynchburg the regiment continued its daily, systematic drilling under Lieutenant-Colonel Jno. E. Brown, and its efficiency was largely owing to his untiring efforts. It was a common saying among the troops that "Colonel Brown would rather drill than eat."

In the Sixteenth Century there was a word "predie" in the English navy much stronger than our "ready." It meant not only ready, but that the ship was cleared and thoroughly prepared for action. And this was just Colonel Brown's idea of what the regiment should be thoroughly prepared for the terrible struggle before them. By constantly drill- ing his men, they were indeed made "predie," for never did his gallant troops miscarry an order through ignorance and in every way they reflected credit upon their commander.

The Federal prisoners were exchanged and about 1 Au- gust the regiment was ordered to Eichmond. On the way

Forty-Second Regiment. 793

they met several train loads of Lee's veterans who were being hurried forward, preparatory to the Maryland campaign.

In Richmond it remained but two days, when it advanced to Drewry's Bluff. Here, being without rations for thirty- eix hours, tested the endurance of the men.

The next move was along the turnpike to Petersburg, where it encamped on the same field with the Forty-fourth If orth Carolina. General J. J. Pettigrew inspected the For- ty-Second and highly complimented its soldierly bearing. It remained here drilling and performed outpost diity at City Point and Blackwater until late in the fall of 1862.

The next move was to Tarboro, IST. C, to meet the advance of the enemy from Little Washington, which resulted in a slight skirmish by the advance guard. The enemy having retired, the regiment was ordered to Franklin, Va., with headquarters at Blackwater Church. There it did outpost duty along the Blackwater from Ivor Station on the Norfolk & Petersburg Railroad, to Franklin, engaging in skirmishes with the enemy frequently.

In January 1863, the regiment boarded the train at Frank- lin for Garysburg, where it was quartered until spring, with the exception of Companies B, E and F. These were de- tached and sent under Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Brown to the Chowan section of North Carolina to rid the country of the "Buffaloes." This organization was composed of thieves and cut-throats who claimed to be Union men and under the pro- tection of Federal gunboats, had established a fortified camp on the Dillard Farm. From this point they pillaged the country, and carried their booty to the entrenched block- house. Several attempts had been made to wipe out these Buffaloes, but each one had proven futile. General D. H. Hill had ordered that their fortifications be destroyed with- out fail, and this Colonel Brown determined to do at all haz- ards.

A force of pickets was stationed at Harrellsville, another near Coleraine, and he established headquarters at Merry Hill with pickets extending almost to Plymouth. A plan was soon formed for the capture of the Buffalo camp crossing the Chowan just above Edenton after dark.

794 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Colonel Brown started with 150 men in small row-boats to surprise the enemy at daybreak. The distance (about twenty miles), however, proved too great, and at dawn his weary soldiers were not in striking distance, but too near to re- treat. Calling a council of his officers, it was decided to con- ceal the men in the woods and watch the enemy's movements until night, when an attack would be made.

The Buffaloes spent the day Sunday in target-shooting and general carousal. Towards sunset they began going to their homes, and the pickets, with orders not to fire, picked up a number of them. However, one fellow spied the pickets, dashed back to the block-house, and gave the alarm.

Immediately the long-roll rang out, and the plan was frus- trated for the time being. In a few moments the gunboat began dropping shells around Colonel Brown's men, and they set out for camp, crossing the Chowan before day. Though foiled. Colonel Brown was by no means discour- aged, and planned another expedition. Within three weeks he had surprised and captured the camp at daylight. After driving off the stock and burning the buildings, the men were withdrawn.

Making for the row boats. Colonel Brown hoped to recross the river before the Federal gunboats suspected his presence. These were patrolling the river, and to be caught in the ene- my's country with one day's rations was a gloomy prospect to the Confederates. However, the first detachment under Lieutenant Ellis efi^ected a landing on the Bertie shore, within easy range of the gunboat. The second, composed of about fifty men of Company F, with Captain T. J. Brown, of Company E, and Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Brown, was forced to put back into the Rockahock creek. They were cut off by the gunboat anchoring in the mouth of the creek. ISText morning 200 Federal cavalry, sent from Gates^ ville, were in hot pursuit, and with the gunboat dropping shells all around him, Colonel Brown reluctantly aban- doned his boats and set out to meet 450 Federal marines. These had landed from the gunboats to assist in Colonel Brown's capture.

Upon learning that the marines had landed, and were

Forty-Second Regiment. 795

coining up to the row boats, Colonel Brown planned an am- buscade. But the surprise was for the Confederates, who were fired upon before they knew the whereabouts of the en- emy. Colonel ,Brown formed his men on one side of an old field not more than 150 yards from the Federal troops, who were concealed in the woods on the other side of the field. The Confederate advance was as cool as if on dress-parade. The Federals held their fire until the Confederates were within 60 or 70 yards and then fir^d a volley. Fortunately, their fire was too high and a storm of bullets sped over the heads of the Confederates. A charge was made, with the "Rebel Yell," which struck terror into the hearts of the Federals, and they fell back into the swamp. Here Lieutenant W. C. Will- son and Private E. CoUett were wounded, apparently mor- tally. Both, however, reovered from their woimds. Lieuten- ant Willson became a minister of the Gospel and still survives. It was learned afterwards that sixteen Federals were killed in this fight. Here for the first time the men charged with the "Rebel Yell," and one Federal marine swore that there must have been 500 Confederates charging, as no fifty men could make such an awful noise.

A relief expedition was formed by the men on the other shore of the river, and Colonel Brown and his men were brought out in safety by midnight.

This serious affair was not lacking in the ludicrous. Cap- tain Leggett (a plain boatman) had been carefully instructed as to the mode of passing the sentry. If chal- lenged he must answer "A friend," when he would be penuitted to give an account of himself. Being in cit- izen's garb and unarmed, undoubtedly he would have been permitted to pass. Having concealed his boats, he set out to find a Mr. Davis, who would notify Colonel Brown that the boats were ready to bring him over. Leggett had not gone 300 yards before the keen click of a rifle and the sharp challenge of a sentinel stopped him so suddenly, that he for- got his instructions. In his extremity he cried out, "Where's Colonel Brown ?" Fortunately for both sides, Leggett had fallen into the hands of Colonel Brown's sentinels, who at

796 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65.

once conducted him into the swamp to Colonel Brown, and he delivered his welcome message in person.

From Bertie County the Eegiment marched to Eichmond, Va. On the Darbytown road it threw up a heavy line of breast-^yorks under many disa'dvantages, being constantly ex- posed to the enemy's fire, whose repeated charges were re- pulsed without diflficulty.

During the early part of the fall of 1863, the Forty-second was stationed at Petersburg. It made many long marches on the Blackwater under General Koger A. Pryor, watching the enemy and preventing their committing any depredations along the eastern coast. It was engaged in many skirmishes and small battles.

In October the regiment was ordered to Wilmington, N. C, under General J. G. Martin. Here it was brigaded with the Seventeenth, Fiftieth and Sixty-sixth North Carolina Pegiments, all being under the command of General Martin. They were under the most rigid discipline, and were system- atically drilled in all the manoeuvres of military tactics. General Martin was a West Pointer and was noted for the great efficiency and rapid movement of his troops in brigade drill.

7 January, 1864, Colonel G. C. Gibbs resigned as Col- onel, and Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Brown was promoted to his position. About 1 February, 1864, General Martin's Brigade was ordered to Sheppardsvill^, N. C, which was reached after a long march. 2 February, with the Paris Battery and a few companies of cavalry, the brigade attacked the enemy, capturing and destroying his block-house. Driv- ing in the Federal pickets, a long and gallant charge was made through thickets and swamps across a plain under a galling fire. Reaching their last line of trenches, they were driven into their fort and a general engagement brought on. They resisted stubbornly, every inch of ground being fiercely contested, yet they were routed in great dismay and did not cease running until under the protection of their guns at Fort Macon. In this fight were captured ten pieces of artil- lery, seventy-eight prisoners and all the enemy's ammunition and provisions.

Fobty-Second Regiment. 797

As General Pickett's movement on New Bern was un- successful, Martin's Brigade was ordered to withdraw from Sheppardsville, and returned to Wilmington loaded with the fruits of victory.

In April orders came to proceed to Weldon, N. C, and then to Plymouth, N". C, to relieve General Hoke, who was threatening Little Washington. After two weeks the brig- ade was hurried off via Tarboro to Petersburg, Va., which was threatened by General Butler on the north side of the Appomattox.

General Grant crossed the Eapidan with a very large force. General Butler with a force of 40,000, crossed the James to Bermuda Hundreds, threatening both Richmond and Peters- burg. On 17 May the Forty-second was engaged in a battle near Swift Creek, General Whiting commanding, in which the enemy was forced back to his base of operations at Ber- muda Hundreds.

On 20 May under Gen. D. H. Hill, an attack was made on the Federal breastworks at Bermuda Hundreds. The Forty- second took part in a gallant charge of long distance, emerg- ing from a strip of woods in which a line of battle had been formed on the brow of a hill. Under a heavy fire of artillery the regiment advanced at double-quick. From breastworks the enemy's infantry poured a galling fire upon the Confederates, but on they marched down a valley into an open field in full view of the enemy, all the advantage of numbers, position, and fortifications was on the side of the enemy, but he was driven from his works, over which the flag of the Forty- second proudly waved. The loss in killed and wounded was heavy, being more than 15 per cent, of the men engaged. Among the wounded was Colonel Jno. E. Browa, who re- ceived a severe scalp wound while reconnoitering the enemy's position. This occurred just after the capture of the works. He was carried to the rear under a heavy fire, his faithful body servant, Dave Brown (colored), assisting in removing him from the field. He never entirely recovered from this serious injury, and it contributed largely to his death in later years. Lieutenant-Colonel C. W. Bradshaw assumed command of the regiment.

798 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

At Bermuda Hundreds a division was formed, consisting of the following brigades : Martin's and Olingman's North Carolina, liaygood's South Carolina, and Colquitt's, of Georgia. These were under the command of Major-General E. F. Hoke.

General Grant had ordered Sheridan's cavalry, supported by Warren's Corps, to seize the heights of New Cold Harbor, so on 1 June Hoke's Division was ordered to Richmond and then moved into the fighting line at Cold Harbor.

On the same day, General Anderson, with Kershaw's and Hoke's Divisions, attacked Sheridan and drove him back to Old Cold Harbor and secured the heights around New Cold Harbor and Gaines' Mill an all-important movement for the approaching battle. These positions he at once fortified, for they were the key to Richmond. The troops were halted under the fire of an unseen enemy, but a line of skirmishers was quickly thrown out and the enemy's picket line was driven out of reach.

General Martin formed his brigade en echelon, which en- abled his command to take the most dangerous position on the line and hold it under heavy fire. Had it not been for this well directed movement at the opportune moment, the brigade might have been repulsed or captured. The skir- mishers of the Forty-second had captured the crest of the hill, which position they fortified during the night, using their bayonets and pans, and were ready for the conflict.

It is stated that General Lee learned that the enemy's main effort would be directed against Martin's part of the line, and sent to General Martin to replace his brigade with a brigade of veterans. To this General Martin replied with his compli- ments, saying that while his brigade were not veterans, they were trained soldiers and would hold their part of the line. That day's conflict showed the stuff the Forty-second was made of, for they held their line without flinching or waver^ ing.. In this battle the Confederates gained a decisive vic- tory. In many places in front of the line of battle the dead and wounded were thick enough to walk on. It is reported that the enemy lost 10,000 men in twenty minutes.

At the close of the day (3 June) Company E, under Lieu-

Forty-Second Regiment. 799

tenant Ellis, and Company D, under Captain R. R. Craw- ford, were ordered on the picket line, and a general engage- ment was brought on at nightfall. The Federals had thrown up two lines of earth works along and in the woods about fifty feet apart. As the picket moved forward, Geo. Hanes, of Company E, of Davie County, was killed. He was only 18 years old and had been with the regiment but a few months. Company D, in the darkness, caused by the heavy foliage of the trees at that season of the year (June), mounted the enemy's breastworks and fell into their lines without knowing they were so close at hand, so that Lieutenant L. W. Crawford and eighteen men were captured. Sergeant Jos. Baker, of Iredell, and Private Moses Thomas, of Mecklen- burg, captured a Federal soldier and brought him out of his own line of battle. The Confederate picket was estab- lished on the field of battle with the dead and dying all around.

The Confederate line of battle was held until 12 June, when the enemy moved in the direction of the Chickahominy. A few hours later the Confederates abandoned their trenches, and, crossing the Chickahominy, marched by the shortest route to New Market Heights, near Malvern Hill.

After resting there a day and no enemy appearing, the James was crossed on a pontoon bridge below Drewry's Bluff. By a forced march the troops were hurried to Petersburg, ar- riving there at 2 a. m. lY June, and taking position east of the Hare House. A line of rifie pits was completed and this constituted the only defense of the city against the invaders. The Confederates now numbered about 12,000 men fit for duty. Next day General Burnside's Corps came up and in- creased the Federal force to 65,000.

General Hancock, as ranking officer, had assumed com- mand of the Federals. He threw his entire army in line of battle, charging the thin line of the Confederates, and after hard and stubborn fighting he succeeded in breaking through the lines of Wise's Legion, which was completely exhausted. They had fought for two days without sleep or rest, and, now overpowered, fell back.

At this moment Ransom's Brigade came up and drove the

800 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Federals back over the works, thus re-establishing the broken lines. Two charges were made by the Federals, but repulsed. Warren's Corps (Federal) about this time ar- rived, increasing the enemy's force very largely. As yet General Beauregard had sent no relief to the Confederates, and this was indeed a trying condition of affairs. But the thorough discipline and unwavering courage of Ihe men were almost unconquerable.

General Beauregard's engineers had selected a shorter and better line of defense of the city (Petersburg), as the Con- federate force was not sufficient to hold the old and longer line. The picket line was put under the command of Major T. J. Brown, who was instructed to hold the old line of defense until the army could take position in the new line in front of the city. This he did, the move beginning about midnight and being completed at daybreak, when the picket line was withdrawn. As they fell back, they were constantly skir- mishing with the enemy. During the morning the Federals attacked in solid columns, about 100 yards apart, advancing in the open field. The Confederates had only one line of bat- tle to withstand their repeated attacks. The Forty-second held a high position on the brow of a hill alongside of the ar- tillery and received the constant fire of the enemy's artillery and infantry. At this time their loss was quite heavy.

Very fortunately General Longstreet's Corps came up to the relief of the Confederates, reducing the great odds against them.

General Grant, defeated in his attempts to capture Peters- burg by fighting, began to starve out the Confederates by his overwhelming numbers of troops. The hardships through which the men had to pass were far greater and more dis- astrous than the battles they had fought. It was simply awful.

The Confederate line of battle was enfiladed on the flank by a direct fire of the enemy. Shells were falling all around constantly. The troops were on picket duty or defending the breastworks every night. There was no shelter from heat or cold, except an oilcloth stretched on four upright sticks. The graveyard was in the rear and the dead were

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1. S. B. Alexander, Captain, Co. K. 3. R. R Crawford, Captain, Co. D

S. Jacob H. KooDtz, Captain, Co. A. 4. Spencer Hanes, 1st Lieut., Co. E.

5. A. Leazer, 1st Lieut., Co. G.

Forty-Second Regiment. 801

buried daily. There were no arrangemeiits for cooking on tlie line and all food was cooked and brought from the rear, or eaten raw. On this line the regiment spent nearly four months, alternating weekly with Colquitt's Brigade, in order that the men might rest and wash their clothes.

The duty of the Forty-second was to defend the salient on Hare's Hill the most difficult and dangerous position on the entire line. It was exposed to the constant fire of the mortars, with no chance to retaliate. Their endurance was most severely tried, but they displayed the fortitude so char- acteristic of the North Carolina troops, for they never fal- tered nor wavered. At this point Captain Spencer Hanes received a severe wound, which afterwards caused his death. Lieutenant Rusher was mortally wounded. The loss in the regiment was very heavy.

About two days before the "Crater" explosion, the regi- ment was on the exact spot, defending that portion of the line. On the day it occurred (30 July) it had been ordered to this point again, but the order was countermanded before the position could be taken. At the time of the explosion, it was on the left (at Hare's Hill) repulsing the charges of the Federals, and, being in a position to enfilade their line, a deadly fire of rifle. balls was poured into them by us.

In October the regiment was sent north of the James to aid in the reduction of Fort Harrison, but was not ordered into action. It was then placed on the lines on the Darbytown road, where it constructed winter quarters and enjoyed a much needed rest. There were several skirmishes, but no serious fighting done.

While in camp on the Darbytown road, the regiment re- ceived a well-deserved compliment. General Gracie, of Al- abama, had been killed at Petersburg and it was decided to inter his remains in Hollywood Cemetery at Richmond. Gen- eral R. E. Lee sent a request to General Longstreet for the best drilled regiment in his corps to perform the last sad military honors at the funeral of the dead hero. The Forty- second North Carolina was detailed for this purpose. Under their brave leader, with the Eutaw band of Charleston, S. C, the regiment set out for Richmond. General Kirkland went


802 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

with Colonel Brown, as the regiment belonged to Kirkland's Brigade. The movements and evolutions of the Forty-second were pronounced faultless proving its superiority on parade as it had done in line of battle. The congratulations and praise of military men in the city were generously bestowed, some saying that it was the best drilled regiment ever seen in Eichniond.

23 December, 1864, the regiment was ordered to Wilming- ton, N. C, and the men were packed in box cars with the thermometer at zero. They kept from freezing by building fires in the centres of the cars and closing the doors, com- pelled to endure the smoke in order to keep warm.

Wilmington was reached on the 24th. After being fed by the good women of Wilmington, the regiment hastened its march towards Sugar Loaf, where a lively Christmas was spent, as it was under the incessant fire of about 3,600 shells an hour from the Federal gunboats.

The Federals having effected a landing at Fort Gatling on the ocean side, were driven back to their gunboats, after a brief engagement. Thinking that they would not return, General Bragg ordered the troops back to Wilmington. While General Hoke's Division was on dress parade, the Federals again appeared at Fort Fisher, and their troops were landed before the Confederates could get back to Sugar Loaf. Un- der the cover of night, the Federals pushed their forces across the peninsula* and cast up a line of works from the ocean to the Cape Fear river, thus cutting off all land communications between Hoke's army and Fort Fisher.

About 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 15 January, Kirkland's Brigade was ordered to drive back the enemy's pickets, so that Generals Hoke and Bragg could examine his position. This was only partially successful.

That evening after a desperate fight, Fort Fisher surren- dered and thus was closed the last port of the Confederates.

Sherman was rapidly approaching from the South and this necessitated the speedy evacuation of Wilmington. Kirk- land's Brigade formed the rear guard of the retreating army. The Forty-second occupied the place nearest the enemy, an3 was attacked on right, left, and rear by their cavalry.

Forty-Second Regiment. 803

In a short time tlie Confederates reached Goldsboro, which was apparently the objective point of the three Federal armies. Sherman was approaching from the South with an enormous army ; an army was coming from Wilmington, and also an army from New Bern. These commands, if uni- ted, would overwhelm and crush the little body of troops.

It was seen that these armies must be fought separately, for their forming a junction meant ruin to the small army of the Confederates. General Hoke's Division, supported by the Sixty-seventh and Sixty-eighth ISTorth Carolina, met the army from New Bern just below Kinston on the southeast shore of the Neuse near Wise's Fork. It was commanded by General J. D. Cox.

On 8 March the Seventeenth and Forty-second North Caro- lina Regiments left their line of battle during the night and at dawn were on the enemy's flank, driving him back to the rear. Between 1,500 and 1,800 Federal prisoners and four bat- teries of artillery were captured. 10 March an assault was made on their breastworks, but this proved unsuccessful.

As General Sherman had reached Averasboro, it became necessary to concentrate all the available Confederate troops in his front. Hoke's Division was withdrawn and sent to Bentonville via Smithfield.

Sherman's army was advancing in two divisions from Averasboro to Goldsboro on parallel roads about eight miles apart. The Confederate army was increased by Hoke'? Division, while Sherman had several times as many troops. General Jos. E. Johnston was now in command and on the morning of 19 March, the Confederates attacked Davis' and Slocum's Co'rps at Bentonville, and driving them back, cap- tured about 1,000 prisoners' and several guns. Next day Sher- man's other corps was thrown upon our left flank, which had been in the advance the day before. On account of this movement and increase of the enemy, it was necessary to change the position of the army. In order to accomplish this. General Kirkland deployed his brigade as a skirmish line in front of Sherman's entire army, holding it in check until the Confederate army changed front to meet the enemy. After this Kirkland's Brigade occupied the centre.

804 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65.

Many times the Federals charged the Confederates, but each time they were repulsed with heavy loss. The battle was stubbornly and fiercely fought, at one time being in open field with the odds greatly in favor of the enemy. But the brave Confederates held their own nobly, and the flag of the Forty-second waved proudly over the line of battle in this, the last great struggle for Southern independence.

Soon after this battle General Lee surrendered at Appo- mattox, and General Johnston withdrew his troops. Pass- ing through Kaleigh 13 April and Chapel Hill, he surren- dered to Sherman at Centre Church, Randolph County, three miles from High Point.

Such are some of the facts in regard to one of the best regi- ments ever sent forth by the South and never did the world see finer soldiers than the Confederate army. Without cloth- ing, food and ammunition— but with gallant leaders and brave hearts, they kept at bay an overwhelming foe until crushed.

We say and we say it advisedly that the superiors of the North Carolina troops have never lived. The watchword of the Forty-second North Carolina was "Duty," and wher- ever duty called, they always responded cheerfully.

Some of the characteristics of the regiment have been spoken of and before concluding this sketch, we must say something in regard to the ofiicers.

Colonel Jno. Edmunds Brown was born in Caswell County in 1830, and was educated at Hampden-Sidney College, Va., read law under Judge Pichmond Pearson and began practice at Charlotte, N. C. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted in the Seventh North Carolina Regiment, of which he was Adjutant. He next became Lieutenant-Colo- nel of the' Forty-second North Carolina, but was in reality Colonel of the regiment almost from its organization, though he was not commissioned as Colonel until January, 1864.

Colonel Brown possessed many of the qualities of a great soldier. His troops were drilled until they had attained the utmost proficiency in the m'anual of arms and when ordered to execute a difficult movement at a critical moment, they never faltered nor blundered. He demanded of his men

Forty-Second Regiment. 805

exact obedience, and tliougli he kept them under the strictest discipline, every man in the regiment loved him and would have followed him anywhere. But he could have accomplish- ed comparatively little had he not had such a splendid set of men under him. He was a meek and lowly Christian one who practiced just what he professed, and his influence in this respect was widely exerted throughout his command, for in the Forty-second Regiment swearing was strictly forbidden. Matters might be as desperate as possible as when the men were on the most strenuous duty before Petersburg. He be- lieved fully in what a recent commander said in battle, "Don't swear, boys, but fight!" and fight the Forty-second did! After the war he successfully resumed the practice of law at Charlotte.

Colonel Brown was the second of three brothers, the eld- est of whom was Dr. W. C. Brown, the Surgeon of the regi- ment. Capable and skilful, he performed his duties well, many times exposing his life for the men. When a large part of the regiment was sick with measles at Petersburg, he attended them day and night. So great was the strain and exposure that his health was wrecked, and he died in Davie County before the close of the war.

The third brother, T. J. Brown, was Major of the Forty- second and the writer of this sketch.

Lieutenant-Colonel C. W. Bradshaw made a capable and brave oflGicer. Charlotte, N. C, is his home.

Adjutant W. H. H. Gregory made an excellent officer.

Rev. S. J. Hill was an excellent Chaplain ; Quartermaster R. P. Bessent and Surgeon J. W. Wiseman were faithful and efficient officers.

Company A ^^Captain J. H. Koontz, a good officer, and after the war was a successful farmer ; Lieutenant Jos. Con- rad became a mechanic; Lieutenants Siceloff and Sink en- gaged in farming.

Company B Captain W. H. Crawford, an efficient of- ficer, was a farmer, and served as a member of the Legisla- ture for years; Captain J. R. Crawford, a courageous and capable officer, is a successful farmer; Lieutenant A. D. Wright, a printer and farmer; Lieutenant R. W. Price has

806 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65.

been a successful business man in Salisbury, N. C. ; Lieu- tenant J. F. Dodson a very successful farmer, has served in the Legislature twice.

Company C Captain J. A. Howell, a gallant officer, was killed at Cold Harbor; Captain K. A. Carter, a successful merchant at Concord ; Lieutenant S. D. Mann became a mer- chant.

Company D Captain E. E. Crawford, a most capable of- ficer, engaged in business in Salisbury and Winston ; he is a very enthusiastic veteran and an excellent citizen; Lieuten- ant L. W. Crawford, a fine officer, went to the University of Virginia after the war. He is a member of W. JST. C. Con- ference and editor of the Christian Advocate. He has re- ceived the degrees of Doctor of Divinity. Lieutenant H. L. Gill, a successful merchant in Iredell County.

Company E Captain Spencer J. Hanes was an efficient and brave officer, a successfud farmer and tanner. He was a splendid citizen and died a few years after the war from wounds received in battle. Lieutenant W. J. Ellis, a gallant soldier, has been a tobacco manufacturer and assistant post- master in Winston. Lieutenant J. H. Peebles became a fanner. Lieutenant J. V. Brock was a brave officer, a ster- ling man. He was a farmer, as was also Lieutenant B. T. Naylor.

Company F Captain Wiley A. Clement, a fine officer and did his duty well. He became a merchant and farmer. He lived in Mocksville. Lieutenant Jno. H. Clement, a coura- geous and capable officer, became a farmer. He has occupied a prominent position in Davie County, having served in the State Senate for a number of terms. Lieutenant C. C. San- ford is a successful merchant in Mocksville and a most excel- lent citizen. Lieutenant W. H. Bailey also became a mer- chant in Davie County.

Company G Captain Blackwelder, a brave officer, was a successful farmer. Lieutenant A. Leazer, an efficient officer, is one of the most prominent men of his section of the State. He has served in the Legislature, and as superintendent of the State Penitentiary.

Forty-Second Regiment. 807

Company H Captain Hatsell, Lieutenants Huneycutt, Mann, and Turner all became farmers.

Company I Captain T. W. Eedwine became a commer- cial salesman. Lieutenant H. M. Alford was a successful physician in Greensboro, N. C. Lieutenants Harris and Kedwine both farmers.

Company K Captain J. Y. Bryce, a prominent citizen of Charlotte. Captain S. B. Alexander, a gallant officer, is one of the most prominent men engaged in farming in the State. He has served in the State Senate and for two terms represented the Sixth Congressional District in the House of Representatives. He is the father of the famous Mecklen- burg "no fence" and "good roads" laws. Lieutenant B. F. Wilson, a splendid officer, was an excellent man. Lieutenant A. M. Rhyne became a tinner. Lieutenant W. J. Williford was a farmer. Lieutenant J. H. Wilson still resides at Char- lotte.

T. J. Beown. Winston, N. C, 36 April, 1901.